Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
1372 | "The Flower City: Center of Nurseries and Fruit Orchards." | |
198 | "In Honor of the Scottish Pioneers." | |
2491 | "Cows Break City Ordinance." | |
3701d | Special Libraries In and Around Rochester. | |
871 | "Two Interesting Letters." | |
866 | "Scrantom Letters on the Beginnings of Rochester," | |
3533 | ABELL, AARON. | “Elementary and Secondary Catholic Education in Rochester.” |
2441 | ADLER, ISAAC. | "The City Manager Movement in Rochester." |
4689 | ANDREWS, JAMES S. | (Description of old house on Andrews Street.) |
2510 | ANGLE, JAMES M. | "Early Genesee River Bridges in Rochester." |
2412 | ANGLE, JAMES M. | “Early Rochester Records.” |
2219 | ANGLE, JAMES M. | Early Street Cars in Rochester. |
779 | ARNOT, RAYMOND H. | Rochester; Backgrounds of Its History." |
663 | BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. | "The City of Tryon and Vicinity." |
664 | BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. | "The Landing Road." |
665 | BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. | "Ellison Park Territory: Most Historic Ground in the Genesee Country." |
2678 | BACKUS, OSWALD P., JR. | "History of the Monroe County Court." |
842 | BISSELL, JOSIAH W. | "Reminiscences of Early Rochester." |
843 | BLANCHARD, HIRAM LAVIRA. | "Reminiscences of McCrackenville as Related by Mrs. Hiram Lavira Blanchard." |
810 | BOOTHBY, WILLIAM B. | "Nathaniel Rochester in the Revolution." |
3520 | BOWEN, M. LUCILE. | “The Rochester Free Academy.” |
4554 | BRAGDON, CLAUDE F. | “Colonial Architecture in the Genesee Valley.” |
3952 | BREWSTER, H. POMEROY. | "The Magic of a Voice: Rochester Revivals of Rev. Charles G. Finney." |
725 | BROWN, SELDEN S. | "Scottsville and Vicinity." |
2253 | BRYAN, HIRAM. | King's or Hanford's Landing. |
2979 | BURNS, ROBERT D. | “The Abduction of William Morgan.” |
675 | BUTTS, NELLIE DOTY. | "Through Northern Waterways to Grecian Shores." |
2058 | CASE, WHEELER C. | "The Genesee Valley Canal." |
1517 | CASE, WHEELER C. | “The Old Powder Mills.” |
3166 | CASE, WHEELER C. | "Rochester's Citizen Soldiers." |
845 | CHAPIN, EDWARD D. | "Recollections of Fitzhugh Street South of the Canal." |
846 | CHAPPELL, JANE M. | "Livingston Park People and Traditions." |
969 | CHAPPELL, JOSEPHINE GREIG. | “Early History of the Genesee Country-- Events and Men.” |
4972 | COLBERT, EDOUARD CHARLES VICTURNIEN, COMTE DE MAULEVRIER. -50.) | Voyage dans l'Interier des Etats-Unis et au Canada, ed. Gilbert Chinard. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1935. Part trans. by R.W.G. Vail, "The Genesee Country in 1798." |
3680 | COLLINS, ANNE R. | "The Reynolds Library." |
3799 | CORNER, BETSY C. | “Rochester's Early Medical School.” |
1007 | COWAN, HELEN I. | Charles Williamson: Genesee Promoter--Friend of Anglo- American Rapprochement. |
1010 | COWAN, HELEN I., and A.J.H. RICHARDSON, eds. | William Berczy's Williamsburg Documents. |
4472 | COX, JOHN, JR., and PERCY CLAPP. | Quakers in Rochester and Monroe County.” |
2351 | , COX, STEPHEN W. | "Early Agricultural Papers." |
4441 | CRONISE, ADELBERT. | The Beginnings of Modern Spiritualism In and Near Rochester. |
884 | DANFORTH, Mrs. Henry G. | "Rochester's Gay Nineties." |
811 | DEWEY, CHARLES A. | "Nathaniel Rochester: Patriot-Pioneer-Founder." |
3725 | DOTY, LOCKWOOD R. | "The Western Door of the Long House." |
1101 | DOWLING, KATHERINE J. | "Dublin." |
4909 | ELWOOD, GEORGE M. | "Some Earlier Public Amusements of Rochester." |
848 | FARLEY, PORTER. | "Rochester in the Forties." |
2488 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | "History of Engineering in Rochester." |
1684 | FISHER, GEORGE W. | “Bull's Head.” |
2255 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Shipping on the Upper Genesee River. |
2149 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Beginnings of the Auburn and Rochester Railroad. |
2150 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "Early Mail Cars." |
2151 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "Auburn and Rochester Railroad." |
813 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. | "Discovery of an Audubon Portrait of Col Nathaniel Rochester." |
1685 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | The Old North American Hotel. |
1686 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | “The Old Union Tavern and Race Course.” |
4910 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Edwin Booth in Rochester. |
4838 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Casconchiagon: The Genesee River. |
4771 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Israel Scrantom's Hammer. |
3947 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Rochester Distribution of Bibles. |
915 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "Judge Lynn and Venus." |
1688 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | “The Rochester House.” |
1687 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | “The Blossom Hotel Fire.” |
3310 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Masons in the Burns Block. |
1520 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | “Rochester's First Board of Trade.” |
1518 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | The Rochester Ropewalk. |
1519 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | “Rochester Ropemakers.” |
2506 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Early Changes in Street Names. |
2477 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Fire Fighting in Early Rochester. |
5255 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Hawaiian Bible Printed in Rochester. |
3828 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Useless Hospitals. |
2418 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Historical Backgrounds of Rochester Charter Law. |
913 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | The First White Child Born in Rochester. |
914 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "The East Avenue Swamp." |
2516 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Smith Street and Its Bridge. |
916 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "One of the Famous Falls of Rochester." |
3712 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | The Origin and Mission of the Rochester Historical Society. |
3713 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "Pioneer Associations of Rochester." |
3714 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "The Community Value of Our Local History." |
4803 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Art and Artists in Rochester. |
2939 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Daniel Webster in Rochester. |
2940 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "Hard Cider Victorious." |
2652 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Monroe County Court Houses and Their Cornerstones. |
2567 | GALINSKY, SETH E. | "The Struggle for Monroe County." |
5256 | GILCHRIST, DONALD B. | The First Book Printed in Rochester. |
3691 | GILCHRIST, DONALD. | "The University of Rochester Libraries." |
2941 | GOLER, FRANK H. | "Marching Clubs of the Eighties." |
892 | GOLER, FRANK H | "Rochester Street Scenes in the Eighties." |
893 | GOLER, FRANK H | "Main Street: In Retrospect." |
3863 | GOLER, GEORGE W. | “Dr. Edward Mott Moore: The Beloved Physician.” |
4933 | HANDY, MYRTLE M., and BLAKE MCKELVEY. | British Travelers to the Genesee Country. |
1094 | HANEY, Mrs. Ellery A. | "The Dutch in Rochester." |
3238 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | "The Rochester Female Charitable Society." |
4697 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | “Court House Justice.'“ |
4698 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | “The Cogswell Fountain.” |
4696 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | “Historic Reynolds Arcade.” |
3011 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | “Anti-Slavery Days in Rochester.” |
2452 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | "High Finance of Village Days." |
3350 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, ANN. | "Bicycles and Sidepaths." |
921 | HARRIS, JULIA HUGHES. | "Early Births in Rochester." |
851 | HATCH, JESSE W. | "Memories of Village Days: Rochester, 1822 to 1830." |
1637 | HATCH, JESSE W. | “The Old-Time Shoemaker and Shoemaking.” |
852 | HAUSHALTER, Mrs. Michael. | "Some Side Squints on Old Rochester." |
1533 | HAWLEY, NATALIE F., ed. | "Additional Water Power Documents." |
4699 | HERSEY, CARL K. | “The Gothic Revival Chapel of the Sacred Heart (1890), Rochester, New York.” |
894 | HITCHCOCK, S. EDWARD. | 'My First Visit to Rochester." |
3644 | HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. | "History of the Rochester Athen aeum and Mechanics Institute." |
801 | HOOKER, SUSAN H. | "The Rise and Fall of Carthage." |
853 | HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. | "Old East Avenue Days." |
2685 | HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. | "Changes in Practice of Law in Rochester." |
994 | HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. | “Nathaniel Gorham.” |
2154 | HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. | "When the Railroad 'First Came to Western New York." |
3716 | JENNINGS, J. ARTHUR. | An Appreciation of Edward R. Foreman. |
5209 | JOHNSON, ROSSITER. | Rochester in Literature. |
896 | KENDRICK, RYLAND M. | "One Impression of Rochester in the Nineties." |
4762 | KIMBROUGH, LEE S. | "The Importance in Early Iron Skeleton Construction of the Wilder Building (1887-88) in Rochester, New York, and Related Structures." |
995 | KING, MOSES B. | “The Twenty-Thousand-Acre Tract.” |
4880 | KING, ROLF. | “The Rochester Music Conventions of the 1840's.” |
4881 | KING, ROLF. | “Theodore Thomas' First Visit to Rochester.” |
2169 | KINGSTON, H.H., JR. | "When Locomotives Were Christened." |
1105 | LANNI, CLEMENT G. | "The History of the Italians of Rochester from 1876 to 1926." |
4885 | LANSING, RICHARD H. | “Music in Rochester from 1817 to 1909.” |
3561 | LEVEY, STANLEY V. | “The Last Twenty-Five Years in the Public Schools.” |
2942 | LEWIS, MERTON E. | "When the City bought Whiskey and Cigars." |
3683 | LOWE, JOHN A. | "A Free Institution for Self-Education: Rochester Public Library, the First Twenty-Five Years." |
3148 | LYNN, JOHN D. | "The United States Marshal's Office in the World War." |
3098 | MARSH, RUTH. | “A History of Rochester's Part in the Civil War.” |
4763 | MARUOKA, SUSANNE KEAVENEY. | "The Architecture of Andrew Jackson Warner in Rochester, New York." |
3526 | McGREGOR, A. LAURA. | “The Early History of the Rochester Public Schools, 1513 1550.” |
3015 | McGUIRE, HORACE. | “Two Episodes of Anti-Slavery Days.” |
5243 | McKAY, ALICE A. | A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1851-1854, with a Historical Introduction. |
858 | McKELVEY, BLAKE, ed. | Letters postmarked Rochester, 1817-1879. |
3542 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Private Educational Enterprise since the Mid-Century. |
3701 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Early Library Developments In and Around Rochester. |
3701a | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "The Ambrose Swasey Library." |
5211 | McKELVEY, BLAKE, comp. | The Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, General Index. |
3527 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | On the Educational Frontier. |
4521 | MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. | “The Beginnings of Mormonism.” |
1057 | MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. | "Thomas Morris." |
3701c | MOEHLMAN, CONRAD H. | "The Historical Society Library." |
2353 | MOREY, JOHN E., JR. | "First Daily Newspaper of Rochester, Oldest between the Hudson and the Pacific." |
3762 | MOREY, WILLIAM C. | Reminiscences of 'The Pundit Club.' |
1538 | MORGAN, LEWIS H. | "Lewis H. Morgan on the Water Power and Flour Mills at Rochester," ed. Paul Kosok. |
2339 | MOSS, GEORGE. | "Transportation in the Early Days of Western. New York." |
3317 | MULLAN, JOHN B. | “Early Masonic History in Rochester.” |
929 | NAYLOR, HARIETT J. | "The Ancient Little City of Rochester in Kent." |
2354 | NAYLOR, HARRIETT J. | "Rochester's Agricultural Press: A Mirror of Genesee Country Life." |
2064 | NAYLOR, HARRIETT. | "The Great Canal Celebration of September 1, 1840." |
2640 | O'NEIL, MARTIN B. | "Dr. Edward Mott Moore: Father of the Rochester Park System." |
2356 | O'REILLY, HENRY, ed. | "American Journalism as an Index to National Pro-gress: Account of the Origin and Establishment of the Rochester Daily Advertiser." |
2945 | OTIS, IRA L. | "Henry Clay's First Visit to Rochester." |
202 | PARKER, ARTHUR C. | "The Scottish Pioneers of Caledonia." |
930 | PARKER, ARTHUR C. | "The Natural Forces that Molded the Genesee Country." |
1018 | PARKER, ARTHUR C. | Charles Williamson, Builder of the Genesee Country. |
2098 | PARKER, ARTHUR C. | "Influence of the Erie Canal in the Development of New York State." |
2393 | PARKER, JANE MARSH. | "How Men of Rochester Saved the Telegraph." |
2440 | PECK, WILLIAM F. | "Elisha Johnson: President of the Village and Mayor of the City of Rochester." |
2517 | PEET, ANN OLMSTEAD. | "The Ridge Road." |
2948 | PIERCE, SAMUEL C. | "Three Famous Visitors to Rochester: Daniel Webster-- General Winfield Scott--Abraham Lincoln." |
859 | POND, CHARLES F. | "History of the Third Ward." |
1541 | PORTER, DWIGHT. | "Power at Rochester." |
3969 | PRICE, ORLO J. | "The Significance of the Early Religious History of Rochester." |
4360 | PRICE, ORLO J. | "The Life and Times of Brick Church." |
3030 | QUARLES, BENJAMIN. | "Frederick Douglass and John Brown." |
1099 | RAMAKER, ALBERT J. | "Contributions of the German People to the Life and Progress of Rochester." |
4296 | REMINGTON, HARVEY F. | "The Religious Significance of the Old School House." |
900 | REMINTON, HARVEY F. | "Recollections of Rochester at the Close of the Nineteenth Century." |
901 | RHEES, HARRIET SEELYE. | "Rochester at the Turn of the Century." |
2645 | RHEES, RUSH. | "The Gift and the Donor: James Goold Cutler," |
4822 | ROCHESTER ART CLUB. | "Paintings of Grove S. Gilbert; Extract from the Catalogue of the Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Rochester Art Club, 1885." |
5224 | ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. | Chronological List of Papers Read before the Rochester Historical Society. |
5225 | ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. | Chronological List of Papers Read before the Rochester Historical Society, 1922-1925. |
864 | ROCHESTER, HENRY E. | "Early Conditions of the Genesee River in the One Hundred Acre Tract." |
1543 | ROCHESTER, HENRY E. | "Riparian Rights in the One-Hundred-Acre Tract." |
823 | ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL, JR. | "Early History of the Rochester Family in America ..." |
822 | ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL. | "A Brief Sketch of the Life of Nathaniel Rochester Written by Himself for the Information of His Children." |
825 | ROGERS, FANNIE ROCHESTER. | "Colonel. Nathaniel Rochester." |
2261 | ROGERS, HOSEA. | Early Shipping on the Lower Genesee River: Reminiscences of Captain Hosea Rogers, ed. George H. Harris. |
3702 | ROSBROOK, FREDE. | "The Law Library." |
4887 | SABIN, STEWART B. | “Music in Rochester from 1909 to 1924.” |
5097 | SAGRA, DON RAMON DE LA. | Cinco Meses en los Estados-Unidos de la America del Norte, desde el 20 de abril al 23 de septiembre de 1835. Diario de Viaje. Paris: P. Renouard, 1836. French trans., 1837. Part trans. By Watt Stewart, "A Spanish Traveler Visits Rochester." |
5292 | SAMSON, WILLIAM H. | (Note on maps in Rochester City directories.) |
826 | SCRANTOM, EDWIN. | "Reminiscences of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester." |
3082 | SCRANTOM, EDWIN. | "A Boyhood Adventure." |
934 | SCRANTOM, EDWIN. | "The First Wedding in Rochester." |
1591 | SELDEN, HENRY R., and GEORGE B. | “Some Rochester Inventions.” |
2287 | SHAFTER, HOWARD m. | “Aviation in Rochester.” |
904 | SLATER, JOHN R. | "Rochester Forty Years Ago." |
2359 | SLEIGHT, MARY B. | "Henry C. Sleight, Founder of the Rochester Daily Ad-vertiser." |
1574 | SNYDER, LEROY E. | “Rochester Since 1915.” |
4352 | TERRILL, ANNA E. | "History of the Presbyterian Church of Gates." |
713 | TRUE, CHARLES H. | "Pittsford Town Records." |
940 | TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. | "The Marriages and Bereavements of Captain Samuel Currier." |
3338 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "International Cricket at Jones Square." |
2952 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "'Speak No Ill of the Dead.'" - |
4891 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | “The Telephone Concert.” |
4918 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "'Mr. Dickens Will Read.'" |
2360 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "Leonard W. Jerome." |
4928 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "Mr. Lauriat and His Balloon." |
1527 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | “A Reform among Bootblacks,” |
4937 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | Travelers from the European Continent. |
3122 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "Congressman Ely's Captivity." |
3532 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | “The Three R's in Rochester, 1850-1900.” |
2056 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "The Canal Steamer 'Edward Backus.'" |
4813 | ULP, CLIFFORD M. | “Art and Artists in Rochester.” |
872 | VARNEY, ELIZABETH J. | "Panorama of Rochester in Its Early Days." |
3595 | WEET, HERBERT S. | “The Development of Public Education in Rochester, 1900-1910.” |
2432 | WELLER, W. EARL. | “The Expanding Boundaries of Rochester.” |
2430 | WELLER, W. EARL. | “The Changing Charter of Rochester.” |
1005 | WHITE, W. PIERREPONT. | Indian Possessions and Settled Areas in New York State from 1771 to 1820. |
828 | WHITEHOUSE, HENRY J. | "Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester (Held in St. Luke's Church, May 19, 1831)." |
875 | WILSON, JOHN S. | "Rochester's Centenarian of 1915: The Reminiscences of John S. Wilson." ed. Frederick M. Whitney. |
4711 | WILTSIE, CHARLES H. | “The First Church Sun-Dial.” |
4551 | WOLF, HORACE J. | “A History of the Jews of Rochester.” |
2660 | WRIGHT, ALBERT H. | “Old Northampton in Western New York.” |
2661 | WRIGHT, ALBERT H., ed. | “The Northampton Town Records.” |
4351 | YATES, ANAH B. | "First Church Chronicles" |
4184 | YATES, ANAH B. | Early Records of St. Luke's Church: Marriages, Baptisms, and Deaths, 1821-1847. |
4078 | ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. | “The Rise of Religious Liberty in the Institutions of Rochester.” |
4076 | ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. | “Catholics of Early Rochester.” |
3708 | ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK,J. | "St. Bernard's Seminary Library." |
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