Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1372 "The Flower City: Center of Nurseries and Fruit Orchards."
198 "In Honor of the Scottish Pioneers."
2491 "Cows Break City Ordinance."
3701d Special Libraries In and Around Rochester.
871 "Two Interesting Letters."
866 "Scrantom Letters on the Beginnings of Rochester,"
3533 ABELL, AARON. “Elementary and Secondary Catholic Education in Rochester.”
2441 ADLER, ISAAC. "The City Manager Movement in Rochester."
4689 ANDREWS, JAMES S. (Description of old house on Andrews Street.)
2510 ANGLE, JAMES M. "Early Genesee River Bridges in Rochester."
2412 ANGLE, JAMES M. “Early Rochester Records.”
2219 ANGLE, JAMES M. Early Street Cars in Rochester.
779 ARNOT, RAYMOND H. Rochester; Backgrounds of Its History."
663 BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. "The City of Tryon and Vicinity."
664 BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. "The Landing Road."
665 BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. "Ellison Park Territory: Most Historic Ground in the Genesee Country."
2678 BACKUS, OSWALD P., JR. "History of the Monroe County Court."
842 BISSELL, JOSIAH W. "Reminiscences of Early Rochester."
843 BLANCHARD, HIRAM LAVIRA. "Reminiscences of McCrackenville as Related by Mrs. Hiram Lavira Blanchard."
810 BOOTHBY, WILLIAM B. "Nathaniel Rochester in the Revolution."
3520 BOWEN, M. LUCILE. “The Rochester Free Academy.”
4554 BRAGDON, CLAUDE F. “Colonial Architecture in the Genesee Valley.”
3952 BREWSTER, H. POMEROY. "The Magic of a Voice: Rochester Revivals of Rev. Charles G. Finney."
725 BROWN, SELDEN S. "Scottsville and Vicinity."
2253 BRYAN, HIRAM. King's or Hanford's Landing.
2979 BURNS, ROBERT D. “The Abduction of William Morgan.”
675 BUTTS, NELLIE DOTY. "Through Northern Waterways to Grecian Shores."
2058 CASE, WHEELER C. "The Genesee Valley Canal."
1517 CASE, WHEELER C. “The Old Powder Mills.”
3166 CASE, WHEELER C. "Rochester's Citizen Soldiers."
845 CHAPIN, EDWARD D. "Recollections of Fitzhugh Street South of the Canal."
846 CHAPPELL, JANE M. "Livingston Park People and Traditions."
969 CHAPPELL, JOSEPHINE GREIG. “Early History of the Genesee Country-- Events and Men.”
4972 COLBERT, EDOUARD CHARLES VICTURNIEN, COMTE DE MAULEVRIER. -50.) Voyage dans l'Interier des Etats-Unis et au Canada, ed. Gilbert Chinard. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1935. Part trans. by R.W.G. Vail, "The Genesee Country in 1798."
3680 COLLINS, ANNE R. "The Reynolds Library."
3799 CORNER, BETSY C. “Rochester's Early Medical School.”
1007 COWAN, HELEN I. Charles Williamson: Genesee Promoter--Friend of Anglo- American Rapprochement.
1010 COWAN, HELEN I., and A.J.H. RICHARDSON, eds. William Berczy's Williamsburg Documents.
4472 COX, JOHN, JR., and PERCY CLAPP. Quakers in Rochester and Monroe County.”
2351 , COX, STEPHEN W. "Early Agricultural Papers."
4441 CRONISE, ADELBERT. The Beginnings of Modern Spiritualism In and Near Rochester.
884 DANFORTH, Mrs. Henry G. "Rochester's Gay Nineties."
811 DEWEY, CHARLES A. "Nathaniel Rochester: Patriot-Pioneer-Founder."
3725 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R. "The Western Door of the Long House."
1101 DOWLING, KATHERINE J. "Dublin."
4909 ELWOOD, GEORGE M. "Some Earlier Public Amusements of Rochester."
848 FARLEY, PORTER. "Rochester in the Forties."
2488 FISHER, EDWIN A. "History of Engineering in Rochester."
1684 FISHER, GEORGE W. “Bull's Head.”
2255 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Shipping on the Upper Genesee River.
2149 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Beginnings of the Auburn and Rochester Railroad.
2150 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Early Mail Cars."
2151 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Auburn and Rochester Railroad."
813 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. "Discovery of an Audubon Portrait of Col Nathaniel Rochester."
1685 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The Old North American Hotel.
1686 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Old Union Tavern and Race Course.”
4910 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Edwin Booth in Rochester.
4838 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Casconchiagon: The Genesee River.
4771 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Israel Scrantom's Hammer.
3947 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Rochester Distribution of Bibles.
915 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Judge Lynn and Venus."
1688 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Rochester House.”
1687 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Blossom Hotel Fire.”
3310 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Masons in the Burns Block.
1520 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “Rochester's First Board of Trade.”
1518 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The Rochester Ropewalk.
1519 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “Rochester Ropemakers.”
2506 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Early Changes in Street Names.
2477 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Fire Fighting in Early Rochester.
5255 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Hawaiian Bible Printed in Rochester.
3828 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Useless Hospitals.
2418 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Historical Backgrounds of Rochester Charter Law.
913 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The First White Child Born in Rochester.
914 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "The East Avenue Swamp."
2516 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Smith Street and Its Bridge.
916 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "One of the Famous Falls of Rochester."
3712 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The Origin and Mission of the Rochester Historical Society.
3713 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Pioneer Associations of Rochester."
3714 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "The Community Value of Our Local History."
4803 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Art and Artists in Rochester.
2939 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Daniel Webster in Rochester.
2940 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Hard Cider Victorious."
2652 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Monroe County Court Houses and Their Cornerstones.
2567 GALINSKY, SETH E. "The Struggle for Monroe County."
5256 GILCHRIST, DONALD B. The First Book Printed in Rochester.
3691 GILCHRIST, DONALD. "The University of Rochester Libraries."
2941 GOLER, FRANK H. "Marching Clubs of the Eighties."
892 GOLER, FRANK H "Rochester Street Scenes in the Eighties."
893 GOLER, FRANK H "Main Street: In Retrospect."
3863 GOLER, GEORGE W. “Dr. Edward Mott Moore: The Beloved Physician.”
4933 HANDY, MYRTLE M., and BLAKE MCKELVEY. British Travelers to the Genesee Country.
1094 HANEY, Mrs. Ellery A. "The Dutch in Rochester."
3238 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "The Rochester Female Charitable Society."
4697 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “Court House Justice.'“
4698 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “The Cogswell Fountain.”
4696 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “Historic Reynolds Arcade.”
3011 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “Anti-Slavery Days in Rochester.”
2452 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "High Finance of Village Days."
3350 HANMER-CROUGHTON, ANN. "Bicycles and Sidepaths."
921 HARRIS, JULIA HUGHES. "Early Births in Rochester."
851 HATCH, JESSE W. "Memories of Village Days: Rochester, 1822 to 1830."
1637 HATCH, JESSE W. “The Old-Time Shoemaker and Shoemaking.”
852 HAUSHALTER, Mrs. Michael. "Some Side Squints on Old Rochester."
1533 HAWLEY, NATALIE F., ed. "Additional Water Power Documents."
4699 HERSEY, CARL K. “The Gothic Revival Chapel of the Sacred Heart (1890), Rochester, New York.”
894 HITCHCOCK, S. EDWARD. 'My First Visit to Rochester."
3644 HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. "History of the Rochester Athen aeum and Mechanics Institute."
801 HOOKER, SUSAN H. "The Rise and Fall of Carthage."
853 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. "Old East Avenue Days."
2685 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. "Changes in Practice of Law in Rochester."
994 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. “Nathaniel Gorham.”
2154 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. "When the Railroad 'First Came to Western New York."
3716 JENNINGS, J. ARTHUR. An Appreciation of Edward R. Foreman.
5209 JOHNSON, ROSSITER. Rochester in Literature.
896 KENDRICK, RYLAND M. "One Impression of Rochester in the Nineties."
4762 KIMBROUGH, LEE S. "The Importance in Early Iron Skeleton Construction of the Wilder Building (1887-88) in Rochester, New York, and Related Structures."
995 KING, MOSES B. “The Twenty-Thousand-Acre Tract.”
4880 KING, ROLF. “The Rochester Music Conventions of the 1840's.”
4881 KING, ROLF. “Theodore Thomas' First Visit to Rochester.”
2169 KINGSTON, H.H., JR. "When Locomotives Were Christened."
1105 LANNI, CLEMENT G. "The History of the Italians of Rochester from 1876 to 1926."
4885 LANSING, RICHARD H. “Music in Rochester from 1817 to 1909.”
3561 LEVEY, STANLEY V. “The Last Twenty-Five Years in the Public Schools.”
2942 LEWIS, MERTON E. "When the City bought Whiskey and Cigars."
3683 LOWE, JOHN A. "A Free Institution for Self-Education: Rochester Public Library, the First Twenty-Five Years."
3148 LYNN, JOHN D. "The United States Marshal's Office in the World War."
3098 MARSH, RUTH. “A History of Rochester's Part in the Civil War.”
4763 MARUOKA, SUSANNE KEAVENEY. "The Architecture of Andrew Jackson Warner in Rochester, New York."
3526 McGREGOR, A. LAURA. “The Early History of the Rochester Public Schools, 1513 1550.”
3015 McGUIRE, HORACE. “Two Episodes of Anti-Slavery Days.”
5243 McKAY, ALICE A. A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1851-1854, with a Historical Introduction.
858 McKELVEY, BLAKE, ed. Letters postmarked Rochester, 1817-1879.
3542 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Private Educational Enterprise since the Mid-Century.
3701 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Early Library Developments In and Around Rochester.
3701a McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Ambrose Swasey Library."
5211 McKELVEY, BLAKE, comp. The Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, General Index.
3527 McKELVEY, BLAKE. On the Educational Frontier.
4521 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. “The Beginnings of Mormonism.”
1057 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. "Thomas Morris."
3701c MOEHLMAN, CONRAD H. "The Historical Society Library."
2353 MOREY, JOHN E., JR. "First Daily Newspaper of Rochester, Oldest between the Hudson and the Pacific."
3762 MOREY, WILLIAM C. Reminiscences of 'The Pundit Club.'
1538 MORGAN, LEWIS H. "Lewis H. Morgan on the Water Power and Flour Mills at Rochester," ed. Paul Kosok.
2339 MOSS, GEORGE. "Transportation in the Early Days of Western. New York."
3317 MULLAN, JOHN B. “Early Masonic History in Rochester.”
929 NAYLOR, HARIETT J. "The Ancient Little City of Rochester in Kent."
2354 NAYLOR, HARRIETT J. "Rochester's Agricultural Press: A Mirror of Genesee Country Life."
2064 NAYLOR, HARRIETT. "The Great Canal Celebration of September 1, 1840."
2640 O'NEIL, MARTIN B. "Dr. Edward Mott Moore: Father of the Rochester Park System."
2356 O'REILLY, HENRY, ed. "American Journalism as an Index to National Pro-gress: Account of the Origin and Establishment of the Rochester Daily Advertiser."
2945 OTIS, IRA L. "Henry Clay's First Visit to Rochester."
202 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Scottish Pioneers of Caledonia."
930 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Natural Forces that Molded the Genesee Country."
1018 PARKER, ARTHUR C. Charles Williamson, Builder of the Genesee Country.
2098 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "Influence of the Erie Canal in the Development of New York State."
2393 PARKER, JANE MARSH. "How Men of Rochester Saved the Telegraph."
2440 PECK, WILLIAM F. "Elisha Johnson: President of the Village and Mayor of the City of Rochester."
2517 PEET, ANN OLMSTEAD. "The Ridge Road."
2948 PIERCE, SAMUEL C. "Three Famous Visitors to Rochester: Daniel Webster-- General Winfield Scott--Abraham Lincoln."
859 POND, CHARLES F. "History of the Third Ward."
1541 PORTER, DWIGHT. "Power at Rochester."
3969 PRICE, ORLO J. "The Significance of the Early Religious History of Rochester."
4360 PRICE, ORLO J. "The Life and Times of Brick Church."
3030 QUARLES, BENJAMIN. "Frederick Douglass and John Brown."
1099 RAMAKER, ALBERT J. "Contributions of the German People to the Life and Progress of Rochester."
4296 REMINGTON, HARVEY F. "The Religious Significance of the Old School House."
900 REMINTON, HARVEY F. "Recollections of Rochester at the Close of the Nineteenth Century."
901 RHEES, HARRIET SEELYE. "Rochester at the Turn of the Century."
2645 RHEES, RUSH. "The Gift and the Donor: James Goold Cutler,"
4822 ROCHESTER ART CLUB. "Paintings of Grove S. Gilbert; Extract from the Catalogue of the Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Rochester Art Club, 1885."
5224 ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chronological List of Papers Read before the Rochester Historical Society.
5225 ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chronological List of Papers Read before the Rochester Historical Society, 1922-1925.
864 ROCHESTER, HENRY E. "Early Conditions of the Genesee River in the One Hundred Acre Tract."
1543 ROCHESTER, HENRY E. "Riparian Rights in the One-Hundred-Acre Tract."
823 ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL, JR. "Early History of the Rochester Family in America ..."
822 ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL. "A Brief Sketch of the Life of Nathaniel Rochester Written by Himself for the Information of His Children."
825 ROGERS, FANNIE ROCHESTER. "Colonel. Nathaniel Rochester."
2261 ROGERS, HOSEA. Early Shipping on the Lower Genesee River: Reminiscences of Captain Hosea Rogers, ed. George H. Harris.
3702 ROSBROOK, FREDE. "The Law Library."
4887 SABIN, STEWART B. “Music in Rochester from 1909 to 1924.”
5097 SAGRA, DON RAMON DE LA. Cinco Meses en los Estados-Unidos de la America del Norte, desde el 20 de abril al 23 de septiembre de 1835. Diario de Viaje. Paris: P. Renouard, 1836. French trans., 1837. Part trans. By Watt Stewart, "A Spanish Traveler Visits Rochester."
5292 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. (Note on maps in Rochester City directories.)
826 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "Reminiscences of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester."
3082 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "A Boyhood Adventure."
934 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "The First Wedding in Rochester."
1591 SELDEN, HENRY R., and GEORGE B. “Some Rochester Inventions.”
2287 SHAFTER, HOWARD m. “Aviation in Rochester.”
904 SLATER, JOHN R. "Rochester Forty Years Ago."
2359 SLEIGHT, MARY B. "Henry C. Sleight, Founder of the Rochester Daily Ad-vertiser."
1574 SNYDER, LEROY E. “Rochester Since 1915.”
4352 TERRILL, ANNA E. "History of the Presbyterian Church of Gates."
713 TRUE, CHARLES H. "Pittsford Town Records."
940 TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Marriages and Bereavements of Captain Samuel Currier."
3338 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "International Cricket at Jones Square."
2952 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "'Speak No Ill of the Dead.'" -
4891 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “The Telephone Concert.”
4918 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "'Mr. Dickens Will Read.'"
2360 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Leonard W. Jerome."
4928 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Mr. Lauriat and His Balloon."
1527 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “A Reform among Bootblacks,”
4937 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. Travelers from the European Continent.
3122 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Congressman Ely's Captivity."
3532 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “The Three R's in Rochester, 1850-1900.”
2056 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Canal Steamer 'Edward Backus.'"
4813 ULP, CLIFFORD M. “Art and Artists in Rochester.”
872 VARNEY, ELIZABETH J. "Panorama of Rochester in Its Early Days."
3595 WEET, HERBERT S. “The Development of Public Education in Rochester, 1900-1910.”
2432 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Expanding Boundaries of Rochester.”
2430 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Changing Charter of Rochester.”
1005 WHITE, W. PIERREPONT. Indian Possessions and Settled Areas in New York State from 1771 to 1820.
828 WHITEHOUSE, HENRY J. "Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester (Held in St. Luke's Church, May 19, 1831)."
875 WILSON, JOHN S. "Rochester's Centenarian of 1915: The Reminiscences of John S. Wilson." ed. Frederick M. Whitney.
4711 WILTSIE, CHARLES H. “The First Church Sun-Dial.”
4551 WOLF, HORACE J. “A History of the Jews of Rochester.”
2660 WRIGHT, ALBERT H. “Old Northampton in Western New York.”
2661 WRIGHT, ALBERT H., ed. “The Northampton Town Records.”
4351 YATES, ANAH B. "First Church Chronicles"
4184 YATES, ANAH B. Early Records of St. Luke's Church: Marriages, Baptisms, and Deaths, 1821-1847.
4078 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. “The Rise of Religious Liberty in the Institutions of Rochester.”
4076 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. “Catholics of Early Rochester.”
3708 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK,J. "St. Bernard's Seminary Library."

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