Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A22Circular to Members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Office of the American Naturalist, Peabody Academy of Science.April, 1871
A23To the Citizens of Augusta: Your Council, appreciating the necessity for some action which will revive your trade…May 10, 1871
A24Dear Sir: We are pained to announce the death of our esteemed Associate Mr. George Platt, which occurred in this City on 2nd instant and by which event the firm of Platt & Newton became dissolved.May 3, 1871
A60Offices of the Great Western Railway Company of CanadaApril 26, 1871
A346Dear Sir: I would hereby notify you that at the Annual Meeting of the Pilgrim Society you were chosen to the position below mentioned:June 8, 1871
A347Abolition of the Gallows. Eleventh Annual Campaign. Iowa the Field of Labor.October 13, 1871
A348Rooms of the Pioneer and Historical Society of OregonOctober 21, 1871
A543Military Order, Loyal Legion, U.S. Circular No. 50October 16, 1871
A603Annual Meeting of the New York State Association Opposed to Secret Societies.December 12, 1871
A648Corinthian Hall. A musical and dramatical entertainment, will be given in Corinthian hall1871
A650Geo. G. Clarkson & Co., merchant Tailors, No. 35 State Street, Rochester, N.Y.September, 1871
A696The Producers' Price-Current.May 20, 1871
A697New York Weekly Financial Report.December 15, 1871
A701Anniversary Public of the Bryant Literary Society!June 2, 1871
A725Special Relief Association, Chicago.October 30, 1871
A972Reverendo Johanni Morrison Reid, Presidi Professoribus Eruditis Atque Curatoribus Honorandis Collegii Genesei:July 1871
A999A meeting of the "Citizens' Association," will be held on Friday, 31st inst., at 3 o'clock, P.M.March 20, 1871
A1072Supreme Court. The People ex. Rel., Isaac Butts, Clark Johnston & Benjamin McFarlin. Agt. The Common Council of the City of Rochester.June 26, 1871
A1128Friends of Human ProgressMay 16, 1871
B3New York Weekly Financial Report.September 8, 1871
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