Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A13To The Inspector of ElectionsMarch 4, 1865
A14Dissolution: The Co-partnership heretofore existing between Edw'd Mott Robinson and WM. T. Coleman…February 23, 1865
A15Notice. The business of Wm. T. Coleman & Co., and of "Coleman's California Line," will be conducted in future by Wm. T. Coleman…March 13, 1865
A16Dear Sir: You may have noticed in the daily papers, that a Company has been formed for the purpose of …March 30, 1865
A64"Monroe Doctrine" Committee RoomsDecember 20, 1865
A307{Confidential} "National Bureau of Correspondence,"February 22, 1865
A308To the Honorable William H. Seward, How , Member of the New York Hiftorical Society.April 14,1865
A309Columbian College. "Dens nobis fiducia."June 28, 1865
A310"Monroe Doctrine" Committee Rooms, No. 5, Cooper InstituteDecember 20, 1865
A311Confidential. Office of John W. Corlies & Co., and Financial Agency of the Republic of MexicoJanuary 8, 1865
A312Dear Sir: Permit me to tender for your acceptance, herewith enclosed a pass over our road for yourselfJanuary 10, 1865
A370Letter of D. Lieber to Senator E. D. Morgan, on the Amendment to the Constitution Extinguishing Slavery.February 1, 1865
A417Philadelphia Evening JournalAugust 26, 1865
A418College Hill, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. This well-known and desirable property is now offered for sale, to close up the estate.November, 1865
A496Grand Sacred and Classic Concert in aid of the German Relief Association at Grover's New Theater, Sunday., February 5, 1865.February 5, 1865
A510The Martyr's ReturnMay 3, 1865
A514Testimonial to Rufus Waples, U.S. Attorney.March 10, 1865
A532Circular Commanding Officer Post of in assuming command of your post the following instructions will serve as your guidance:August 1, 1865
A564The following order of the Secretary of State is, at his request, published for the information and guidance of officers of the customs; and so much of the Circular of this Department, dated December 3, 1864, as relates to persons entering this countryMarch, 1865
A583Hall of the National Union City Executive CommitteeJanuary 21, 1865
A584National Celebration of Union VictoriesFebruary 22, 1865
A590Circular of the American Union Commission.1865?
A600Instructions to the People of the United States for Preliminary Movement toward Governmental Re-organizationMay, 1865
A604Fair to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home.April 14, 1865
A608The Word of the Lord that came unto the Patriarch Moses, an Israelite of the tribe of Joseph, and of the lineage of his son Ephraim, o the fourteenth day of the second month, called February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight ..March 28, 1865
A617Seward Institute. Hon. Wiliam H. Seward, President. Young Ladies' Seminary, Florida, Orange County, N.Y.1865
A665Rochester Free Academy. Commencement Exercises. Friday Evening, July 7, 1865.July 7, 1865
A704Complimentary. Livingston Park Seminary Anniversary Week, Commencing Tuesday Morning, June 13th, 1865.June 13, 1865
A720Please Read, Preserve, And Hand to Your Neighbor.September 19, 1865
A734The Royal Names of Humanity.June, 1865
A742Grand Patriotic Combination Proposed to Pay the National Debt, Stop Taxes, and Dispose of the Public Lands.February, 1865
A745President Abraham LincolnApril 16, 1865
A762Rochester Seminary Anniversary Exercises.June 22, 1865
A818The word of the Lord that came unto the Patriarch Moses, an Israelite of the trive of Joseph and of the lineage of his son EphraimFebruary 14, 1865
A823Proclamation by the Governor.April 15, 1865
A916The Life and Times of Abraham LincolnSeptember, 1865
A970$30,000 Reward Description of John Wilkes Booth!1865
A1105The Nation: A Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art, will be published July 6, 1865.July 6, 1865
A1107North-Western Sanitary Fair.May 30, 1865
A1108The North-Western Sanitary Commission and Soldiers' Home Fair.May 30, 1865
A1127Meeting of the Friends of Human ProgressSeptember 1, 1865
B16An den Vorstand des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts in Frankfurt a. M.September 15, 1865
B17An die Direction der Hamburg-Amerikanischen Packetfahrt-Gessellschaft HamburgSeptember 18, 1865
B35Testimonial to Rufus Waples, U. S. Attorney..March 10, 1865
B361st Article. Railroad Indebtedness1865
B54Petition to the President Concerning the Southwest Branch of the Pacific Railroad.February 16, 1865
C4February 22, 1865
C32Carrier Boys' Address to the Readers and Patrons of the Daily Union and Advertiser Rochester, N. Y. January 2, 1865.January 2, 1865
C36Carrier Boys' New Year Address Monday Morning, January 2, 1865.January 2, 1865
C55"Compressed Air Treatment," an Important Discovery.June, 1865
C58Hon. John L. Dunlap of New York, and Maj. Gen. Sherman, of Ohio, in 1868.February 7, 1865
C62Evening Express---Extra. A Nation MournsApril 15, 1865
C95Extra! Rebellion Ended! Gen. Lee Surenders to Gen. Grant.April, 1865
C96April 15, 1865
C120Scene at Rochester, N. Y., during the Late Flood, March 17, 1865.March 17, 1865
D13April 15, 1865
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