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A13 | To The Inspector of Elections | March 4, 1865 | |
A14 | Dissolution: The Co-partnership heretofore existing between Edw'd Mott Robinson and WM. T. Coleman… | February 23, 1865 | |
A15 | Notice. The business of Wm. T. Coleman & Co., and of "Coleman's California Line," will be conducted in future by Wm. T. Coleman… | March 13, 1865 | |
A16 | Dear Sir: You may have noticed in the daily papers, that a Company has been formed for the purpose of … | March 30, 1865 | |
A64 | "Monroe Doctrine" Committee Rooms | December 20, 1865 | |
A307 | {Confidential} "National Bureau of Correspondence," | February 22, 1865 | |
A308 | To the Honorable William H. Seward, How , Member of the New York Hiftorical Society. | April 14,1865 | |
A309 | Columbian College. "Dens nobis fiducia." | June 28, 1865 | |
A310 | "Monroe Doctrine" Committee Rooms, No. 5, Cooper Institute | December 20, 1865 | |
A311 | Confidential. Office of John W. Corlies & Co., and Financial Agency of the Republic of Mexico | January 8, 1865 | |
A312 | Dear Sir: Permit me to tender for your acceptance, herewith enclosed a pass over our road for yourself | January 10, 1865 | |
A370 | Letter of D. Lieber to Senator E. D. Morgan, on the Amendment to the Constitution Extinguishing Slavery. | February 1, 1865 | |
A417 | Philadelphia Evening Journal | August 26, 1865 | |
A418 | College Hill, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. This well-known and desirable property is now offered for sale, to close up the estate. | November, 1865 | |
A496 | Grand Sacred and Classic Concert in aid of the German Relief Association at Grover's New Theater, Sunday., February 5, 1865. | February 5, 1865 | |
A510 | The Martyr's Return | May 3, 1865 | |
A514 | Testimonial to Rufus Waples, U.S. Attorney. | March 10, 1865 | |
A532 | Circular Commanding Officer Post of in assuming command of your post the following instructions will serve as your guidance: | August 1, 1865 | |
A564 | The following order of the Secretary of State is, at his request, published for the information and guidance of officers of the customs; and so much of the Circular of this Department, dated December 3, 1864, as relates to persons entering this country | March, 1865 | |
A583 | Hall of the National Union City Executive Committee | January 21, 1865 | |
A584 | National Celebration of Union Victories | February 22, 1865 | |
A590 | Circular of the American Union Commission. | 1865? | |
A600 | Instructions to the People of the United States for Preliminary Movement toward Governmental Re-organization | May, 1865 | |
A604 | Fair to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. | April 14, 1865 | |
A608 | The Word of the Lord that came unto the Patriarch Moses, an Israelite of the tribe of Joseph, and of the lineage of his son Ephraim, o the fourteenth day of the second month, called February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight .. | March 28, 1865 | |
A617 | Seward Institute. Hon. Wiliam H. Seward, President. Young Ladies' Seminary, Florida, Orange County, N.Y. | 1865 | |
A665 | Rochester Free Academy. Commencement Exercises. Friday Evening, July 7, 1865. | July 7, 1865 | |
A704 | Complimentary. Livingston Park Seminary Anniversary Week, Commencing Tuesday Morning, June 13th, 1865. | June 13, 1865 | |
A720 | Please Read, Preserve, And Hand to Your Neighbor. | September 19, 1865 | |
A734 | The Royal Names of Humanity. | June, 1865 | |
A742 | Grand Patriotic Combination Proposed to Pay the National Debt, Stop Taxes, and Dispose of the Public Lands. | February, 1865 | |
A745 | President Abraham Lincoln | April 16, 1865 | |
A762 | Rochester Seminary Anniversary Exercises. | June 22, 1865 | |
A818 | The word of the Lord that came unto the Patriarch Moses, an Israelite of the trive of Joseph and of the lineage of his son Ephraim | February 14, 1865 | |
A823 | Proclamation by the Governor. | April 15, 1865 | |
A916 | The Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln | September, 1865 | |
A970 | $30,000 Reward Description of John Wilkes Booth! | 1865 | |
A1105 | The Nation: A Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art, will be published July 6, 1865. | July 6, 1865 | |
A1107 | North-Western Sanitary Fair. | May 30, 1865 | |
A1108 | The North-Western Sanitary Commission and Soldiers' Home Fair. | May 30, 1865 | |
A1127 | Meeting of the Friends of Human Progress | September 1, 1865 | |
B16 | An den Vorstand des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts in Frankfurt a. M. | September 15, 1865 | |
B17 | An die Direction der Hamburg-Amerikanischen Packetfahrt-Gessellschaft Hamburg | September 18, 1865 | |
B35 | Testimonial to Rufus Waples, U. S. Attorney.. | March 10, 1865 | |
B36 | 1st Article. Railroad Indebtedness | 1865 | |
B54 | Petition to the President Concerning the Southwest Branch of the Pacific Railroad. | February 16, 1865 | |
C4 | | February 22, 1865 | C32 | Carrier Boys' Address to the Readers and Patrons of the Daily Union and Advertiser Rochester, N. Y. January 2, 1865. | January 2, 1865 | | C36 | Carrier Boys' New Year Address Monday Morning, January 2, 1865. | January 2, 1865 | | C55 | "Compressed Air Treatment," an Important Discovery. | June, 1865 | | C58 | Hon. John L. Dunlap of New York, and Maj. Gen. Sherman, of Ohio, in 1868. | February 7, 1865 | | C62 | Evening Express---Extra. A Nation Mourns | April 15, 1865 | | C95 | Extra! Rebellion Ended! Gen. Lee Surenders to Gen. Grant. | April, 1865 | | C96 | | April 15, 1865 | | C120 | Scene at Rochester, N. Y., during the Late Flood, March 17, 1865. | March 17, 1865 | | D13 | | April 15, 1865 | | |