Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A9Sir: The Directors of this Company have deemed it expedient to increase the number of Shares of the Capital Stock so as to…January 9, 1864
A10First National Bank of La Porte, Ind.May 2, 1864
A11To the Stockholders of the W. U. Telegraph Co.: This Company having purchased valuable and productive property…October 15, 1864
A12To the Stockholders of the W. U. Telegraph Co.: The response of the Stockholders to the circular of the 15th inst., offering them the seven per cent. Convertible Bonds of the Company…October 28, 1864
A39Fourth National Bank of the City of New-YorkJanuary 19, 1864
A40House of Representatives, Washington, January, 1864.January, 1864
A41Fourth National Bank, of the City of New YorkFebruary 4, 1864
A44Circular: To Banks, Concerning the Semi-Annual Tax on Circulation and Deposits.March 24, 1864
A45Fourth National Bank of the City of New YorkMay 18, 1864
A53The Fourth National Bank of the City of New YorkJune, 1864
A54At a Meeting of the Shareholders of the Fourth National Bank of the City of New-York…April 28, 1864
A55House of RepresentativesJune 29, 1864
A63Fourth National Bank of the City of new YorkDecember 9, 1864
A91State of New York. In AssemblyApril 23, 1864
A92To the Citizens of the United StatesJanuary 28, 1864
A276Sons of Michigan. Thirty-Seventh Anniversary of the Admission of the State of Michigan into the Union.January 12, 1864
A277Yonkers Sanitary FairJanuary 25, 1864
A278Brooklyn and Long Island Fair, in the Aid of the United States Sanitary Commission, to Be Held February 22d, 1864.January 30, 1864
A279Sir: I most respectfully beg to be permitted to lay before you the subjoined suggestions, which, if in your wise opinion you should deem them at all practicable, woud tend:January 1864
A280Sir: We would respectfully ask you to donate something to the Metropolitan Fair, which will open here on the 28th March, next.February 10, 1864
A281Dear Sir: Your cooperation is respectfully solicited by the Board of Control, in the Public Reception of George Thompson, Esq.February 27, 1864
A282Office of the Women's Loyal National League. Dear Friend: With this you will receive a Form of a Petition to Congress, the object of which you can not mistake nor regard with indifference.March 12, 1864
A283Metropolitan Fair. Committee on Contributions from Without the City.March 15, 1864
A284Office of the A. A. Provost Marshal General, Southern Division of New York.March 18, 1864
A285Mr. J. W. Forney respectfully requests the honor of your company at his Rooms, 553 New Jersey Avenue, (Capitol Hill,) Wednesday Evening, March 30, at 8 o'clock, to meet Mr. Edwin Forrest.March 30, 1864
A286Am heutigen Tage endete der Tod das mir so theure Leben meines geliebten Mannes, des Senator J. H. Adami; er starb im fast vollendeten 72.April 4, 1864
A287Dear sir: The Government of the United States, a little more than a year ago, with a wisdom looking far beyond the burdens and anxieties of the hour, provided aid for the construction of a Railroad from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.April 4, 1864
A288Mr. W. H. Seward, Compliments of Messrs. Sykes, Chadwick & Co., and will be happy to see you on Wednesday evening, May 11, at a private opening of their New Billiard Saloon, on F Street, (Willards' Ha'') from 7 to 9, P. M.May 9, 1864
A289I have the honor to state that the Ladies of Chambersburg and vicinity are actively engaged in getting up a Fair..May 23, 1864
A290The undersigned have opened Law Offices in New York City, on the corner of Pine and Nassau Streets..May 1864
A291The ceremony of dedicating the site for the Battle Monument, will take place at West Point, N. Y., June 15th, 1864.June 15, 1864
A292Sir, You are respectfully invited to attend a meeting of the Cooper Institute..June 15, 1864
A293Mr. J. W. Forney presents you his compliments, and has the honor to invite you to be present at his rooms..June 21, 1864
A294Mr. J. W. Forney presents you his compliments, and has the honor to invite you to be present at his rooms..June 25, 1864
A295Columbian College: You are invited to attend the Exercises of the Forty-first Annual Commencement of the Columbian College..June 15, 1864
A296Georgetown College: You are respectfully invited to attend the Lectures on Chemistry and Natural Philosophy..June 20, 1864
A297Union Congressional Committee Rooms: Sir: The importance of the Pending contest for the Presidency caanot be exaggerated.June 29, 1864
A298Georgetown College: You are respectfully invited to attend the Annual Commencement of Georgetown College..June 1864
A299City of Boston. Eighty-Eighth Anniversary of American Independence.July 4, 1864
A300Dear Sir: The undersigned have been designated a Committee to confer with you and other Officials of the Federal Government..August 1, 1864
A301To the Hon. Wm. Pitt Fessenden, Secretary of the Treasury:August 25, 1864
A302New-York Historical Society.September 15, 1864
A303Sir: The inauguration of the Rev'd F. A. P. Barnard, D. D., LL. D., as President of the CollegeSeptember 15, 1864
A304Young Men's Sodality Committee RoomNovember 21, 1864
A305Office of the Railroad Record, Hon. Wm H. SewardJanuary 26,1864
A306Sir: You are respcetfully invited to attend a meeting of the "American Union Commission," at the Hall of the House of RepresentativesFebruary 9, 1864
A414Sale of the U.S. Mineral Lands.February 27, 1864
A415American Emigrant Company, Chartered for the Promotion of Foreign ImmigrationJuly, 1864
A416Office of McAllister and Wallis, General Agents and Attorneys for Claims,August 26, 1864
A442The Fair in aid of the Union Home & School for Soldiers' Children, will open at Irving Hall, Oct. 17th, 1864.October 17, 1864
A447The Young Ladies' Collegiate Institue of Union Springs.February 22, 1864
A453Residence of Rev.d Matthew Meigs, near Pottstown, Montgomery Co. PA.March, 1864
A460Home for Little Ones and Kindergarten.December 1, 1864
A481Metropolitan Fair in aid of the United States Sanitary Commission.February 1, 1864
A498Public welcome to Hon. George Thompson, in the city of Washington, at the hall of the House of RepresentativesApril 6, 1864
A499The National Banks.March 14, 1864
A501Grand Concert. Easter Monday Night, March 28, 1864.March 12, 1864
A509The New York Sanitary Fair, 1864. The Children's Table.1864
A510The metropolitan Fair Newspaper.March 1864
A531To the People of Indianna: The quota of Indiana, under the last call of the President for three hundred thousand men, was about nineteen thousand.January 14, 1864
A533Headquarters United States Forces, Martinsburg, Va., October 22, 1864.October 22, 1864
A534Headquarters United states Forces, Martinsburg, Va., October 24, 1864.October 24, 1864
A535Headquarters United States Forces, Martinsburg, Va., October 19, 1864.October 19, 1864
A536Headquarters United States Forces, Martinsburg, Va., October 19, 1864.October 19, 1864
A538Headquarters, Army & Dist. Of North Carolina, Newbern, N.C., March 11, 1864.March 11, 1864
A539head-Quarters, Army & Dist. Of North Carolina, Newbern, N.C., March 9, 1864.March 9, 1864
A545War Department, General Orders, No. 287.November 28, 1864
A546War Department, Circular, No. 86.December 1, 1864
A547Headquarters First Army Corps, Circular No. 2.December 3, 1864
A569To the Loyal Citizens of the United States.January 28, 1864
A570Thoughts on the Times1864
A571For twelve years we have been struggling in Clarion County, against an immense majority, combined with its influence both politically and personally, and without outside co-operating influences, this majority is gradually diminishing.June 24, 1864
A579"To Your Tents, O Israel!"November 20, 1864
A587To the Honorable, the Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States upon Military Affairs:1864?
A591Thoughts for the People.1864?
A592National Sailors' Fair.April 19, 1864
A594Army Relief Bazaar.January 18, 1864
A595Army Relief Bazaar at Albany.January 18, 1864
A596Soldiers' Aid Society of Northern Ohio, 95 Bank Street, Cleveland.February 22, 1864
A598St. John's Hotel for Invalids.March, 1864
A599Sick and Wounded Soldiers.March, 1864
A620Let Us Have Genuine Freedom in Missouri.November 15, 1864
A715The undersigned, Special Agent to procure aid, earnestly solicits the serious consideration of the humane throughout the entire North, to the annexed circular of the Refugee Relief Commission of Ohio, at Cincinnati;December 20, 1864
A724Union League in the Twenty-Fourth Ward, Philadelphia.January 14, 1864
A735The Mississippi.January, 1864
A741American Union Commission.November 9, 1864
A781Dear Sir: Several excellent furnished Rooms at No. 492 E street, between 5th and 6th, fronting South, one door from Judiciary Square, well adapted for the family of a member of CongressOctober 28, 1864
A783Law and Claims.June, 1864
A785Proceedings of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Cayuga, N.Y.June, 1864
A814Liberty and Union foreverJune 1864
A986A. Chapman, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Virginia Rock oil, petroleum Turpentine, and Kerosene Oil,June 1, 1864
A1090Witchcraft. Irving Hall. Magnetical Lectures and Experiments.November 4, 1864
B31Dear Sir: Below we present to you a printed copy of a petition to Congress, signed by our most influential merchantsFebruary 17, 1864
B37The President Directs that, except immigrant passengers directly entering an American port by sea, henceforth no traveler shall be allowed to enter the United States from a foreign country without a passport.Dec. 7, Jan. 14, July 1, 1864
B56To the Honorable Reverdy Johnson.October 7, 1864
B96$900,000,000 Loan Act. Hon. E. G. Spaulding's Second Letter on The National Finances.April 11, 1864
B106Gerrit Smith To C.P. Kirkland.September 24, 1864
B107Gerrit Smith on McClellan's Nomination and Acceptance.September 14, 1864
C37Carrier Boys' New Year Address Friday Morning, January 1, 1864. To the Patrons of the Rochester Evening ExpressJanuary 1, 1864
D7October 19, 1864
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