Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A97Sir, A meeting of citizens has recently been held in this city, for the purpose of considering the present condition of the American Press;June 18, 1836
A108The Rev. Robert Breckinridge, of Baltimore..July 11, 1839
A148The honor of His Excellency The Governor's Company is requested at the Anniversary Dinner..November 15, 1842
A166Sir: I have the agreeable duty of informing you of your election as a member of the "Minnesota Historical Society."February 5, 1850
A176You are respectfully invited to attend a meeting of the Literary Societies of this Institution..June 1850
A191The undersigned, on behalf of the New England Society..December 7, 1850
A198Sir: Our Society, composed chiefly of adopted citizens, connected by birth with Ireland, earnestly and respectfully ask you attention to the following inquiry.January 15, 1851
A241Sir, I have the honor of informing you that, at a meeting of the Society, you was duly elected a Corresponding Member of the Society;October 23, 1856
A246In consideration of your distinguished literary applications, and untiring zeal in the cause of literature, the members of the Linnean Literary Society of this place, have elected you to honorary membership.December 13, 1856
A302New-York Historical Society.September 15, 1864
A308To the Honorable William H. Seward, How , Member of the New York Hiftorical Society.April 14,1865
A320Mr Hon Secy of State and Family, You are respectfully invited to attend a Private TournamentAugust 20, 1866
A327St. Patrick's Festival 1867March 1867
A346Dear Sir: I would hereby notify you that at the Annual Meeting of the Pilgrim Society you were chosen to the position below mentioned:June 8, 1871
A348Rooms of the Pioneer and Historical Society of OregonOctober 21, 1871
A429In consequence of communcations between members of the American Philosophical Society, in Philadelphia, and gentlemen in Boston, a meeting was held in the latter place, of gentlemen belonging to Boston, Salem, and the University at Cambridge, at whichNovember 1, 1838
A491Tournament at Analostan Island, Thrusday, August 23, 1866.August 23, 1866
A593The undersigned, a Committee of the "Pennsylvania State Peace Society," respectfully invite you, on behalf of said Society, to atttend the Annual Meeting,March 20, 1851
A603Annual Meeting of the New York State Association Opposed to Secret Societies.December 12, 1871
A623Respected and Dear Sir-The Excecutive Committee of the Eastern New-York Anti-Slavery Society take the liberty to address you this note, hoping that it may be in your power to aid them in their work of mercy and benevolenceMay 31, 1842
A739Constitution and By-Laws of the Antes Lyceum.
A777Our Country, published by the American Society to Promote Justice, 206 Broadway, cor, Fulton St., New York.1885?
A785Proceedings of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Cayuga, N.Y.June, 1864
B27The Union Must and Shall Be PreservedJune 23, 1866
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