Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A7Sir: The undersigned having formed a Real Estate and General Commission Agency for the purpose of buying and selling Real Estate…February, 1861
A8Real Estate and General Commission Agency1861?
A34The object of the accompanying memorial is sufficiently explained.
A313Pacific Cottage and Land CompanyFebruary 1, 1866
A374Sir, I desire to call your attention to a Square of ground No. 144 which I propose selling, as I am directed to do without limitation.
A400Carver & M'Clung, Attorneys at Law, Brokers in Real Estate, and General Collecting AgentsApril 4, 1856
A402North-West Land Company. Organized under the General Incorporation Law of Illinois, and established for the purpose of transacting all Business connected with Real EstateMay 1, 1856
A404General Land Agency for Kansas.January 1, 1857
A405Iowa Land Agency. Davenport, Iowa.1856
A409Removal G. W. Yerby has removed his land office, from 139 Randolph Street, to 82 Dearborn Street1857
A410Julius Crone, Real Esate Agent, N. E. corner Clark and Randolph Streets, Chicago, - Illinois.1857
A411Real Estate and General Agency, Camanche, Clinton County, Iowa.1857
A418College Hill, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. This well-known and desirable property is now offered for sale, to close up the estate.November, 1865
A427Confidential. About 33,000 acres for Sale, with 20 miles shore front and ferry rights,--enclosed within the red lines on the above diagram.
A548Proposition to the President To Employ the Emancipated Negroes at Port Royal.January 27, 1863
A781Dear Sir: Several excellent furnished Rooms at No. 492 E street, between 5th and 6th, fronting South, one door from Judiciary Square, well adapted for the family of a member of CongressOctober 28, 1864
A1049Dear Sir: The Rochester Real Estate Exchange, have under consideration the purchase of the Bijou Theatre property for the purpose of establishing a permanent location for the Exchange.December 8, 1890
B8This is to Certify that ..1837
B69Declaration of Sale.November, 1834
C68Great Auction, of City Building Lots, at the Arcade, Rochester, Monday, June 23, at 10 o'clock A.M. precisely.June 23, 18--?
C93New-York Canal Lands on Sale.October, 1823
C109We the subscribers inhabitants of the towns of Brownville, Le Ray, and Wilna, Jefferson Co. N.Y. living on lands purchased of Mr. James Le Ray De Chaumont, certify the following facts:May, 1817
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