Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A156United States Patent OfficeMarch 6, 1849
A162Sir: Endeavoring to trace up the history of American inventions as a duty appertaining to this bureau..November 8, 1849
A163Sir: A copy of the accompanying circular has been addressed to each of the Governors of the States and Territories of the Union..November 12, 1849
A227SirL Today I forward you One bundle containing 6 varieties of garden seeds.March 8, 1856
A251Sir: I beg leave to tender you my services as an Agent for the transaction of Patent business of every description, either in this country or in Europe.June 1857
A254Sir: We respectfully call your attention to our Agency, in connection with any business your constituents may have with the Patent Office.January 1, 1858
A469The following 'glances' are furnished by a correspondent to the New York Express:--if half be true, the subject would seem to be worthy of the most serious consideration of Congress.December, 1850?
A470Dear Sir: the undersigned Patentees, take this method of bringing to your notice, their "Patent Cordage Machine," for making Cordage of any length and size, by a new, simple, and greatly cheapened process, and to solicit your examination of the Model at1850
B14United States Patent OfficeApril 7, 1856
B15United States Patent OfficeApril 16, 1856
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