Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
May 29, 1882
A35Anniversary Hymn, written for the occasion, by Rev. Chas. E. Furman
A115Firemen's BallJanuary 29, 1840
A184Oratorio of the SeasonsAugust 1850
A193Sir, The undersigned, Committee of Invitation, cordially invite you to attend the "First Annual Ball" of the New York Printers' Union..December 26, 1850
A195Christmas Ball.December 1850
A255Dear Sir, You and your Ladies are respectfully invited to attend the Twelfth Annual Ball of Washington Association, No. 2, O. U. A., on Monday Evening, February 22, 1858, at the Apollo Rooms, 410 Broadway.February 9, 1858
A264Sir: The Music Department of the Cooper Union of the City of New York propose giving a Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert, in the Large Hall of the Cooper Union, on the 23rd of December, for the benefit of the "Ladies' Association for the Relief of..November 6, 1862
A335Original May Ball Lewis Caeusi requests the honor of your attendance at his May Festival LeueeMay 6, 1868
A351First Annual Railroad Ball at Shauer & Son's Hotel, FreevilleMarch 29, 1872
A352Seventh Annual Ball. Seward Hose Co. No. 4,April 1, 1872
A354Your presence is requested at a Complimentary Ball, to be given by the Patrons and Pupils of Mr. A. W. Cobleigh,April 22, 1872
A431Waterloo Union School. Order of Exercises, Wednesday Evening, March 26, '51.March 26, 1851
A432Dancing Academy of Mr. & Mrs. Hlasko.January 21, 1851
A492Agricultural Ball, at the Town Hall in Pittsfield, on Thurday Evening, October 6th, at 6 o'clock.October 5, 1842
A496Grand Sacred and Classic Concert in aid of the German Relief Association at Grover's New Theater, Sunday., February 5, 1865.February 5, 1865
A500Buckingham Palace.June 1, 1859
A501Grand Concert. Easter Monday Night, March 28, 1864.March 12, 1864
A502Circo Chiarini. Programa de la Funcion en Obsequio del Honorable Willima H. Seward.November 26, 1869
A503Perseverantia Omnia VincitAugust 22, 1856
A506Give Thanks, all ye People.November 26, 1863
A507National Thanksgiving. "Oh! Praise the God of Mercies."November 26, 1863
A637Old Bob Ridley, O. A highly popular negro chaunt.
A644Church Music Association.April 16, 1874
A645Grand Choral and Instrumental Concert, in aid of Chapel Fund of Madison Ave. Reformed Church, at Steinway Hall, Friday evening, Feb, 6th, 1874.February 6, 1874
A648Corinthian Hall. A musical and dramatical entertainment, will be given in Corinthian hall1871
A656Concert for the Benefit of the Rochester Female Charitable Society, at Corinthian Hall, on Friday Evening, November 23, 1860.1860
A657The First Anniversary of the Gates Lodge of Good TemplarsMarch 17, 1869
A737Canal Celebration Ball.October 19, 1825
A747The Welcome to Charles Dickens. Boz Ball.January 29, 1842
A764Senior Horn Song.
A765Rochester Sabbath-School Union.July 13, 1862
A788Conquest of PastureFebruary, 1917
A790The Authors' Carnival, For the Benefit of the Rochester Art Exchange, at the Washington Rink,October 5, 1886
A791Testimonial Concert to Miss Marie Elise Yackel.January 31, 1890
A792Entertainment. M. E. Church, Scottsville, Friday, Feb., 10, 1888.February 10, 1888
A793Eagle Point Melodies.
A795Grand Benefit Entertainment for the Infants Summer HospitalSeptember 13, 1888
A814Liberty and Union foreverJune 1864
A873Cantata A Trial by JuryJune 14, 1907
A938Euterpean Orchestra Concert, Town Hall, PenfieldMarch 10, 1898
A984Concert, Complimentary to Miss Helen Phelps, at Corinthian Hall,February 22, 1853
A991Rochester Musical Festival 1892.June 1-3, 1892
A992Concert by the Musical Department of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, in College ChapelJune 23, 1862
A1088When I Go.January 25, ?
A1123Annual Exhibition of the Union Progressive Association, at Tremont Temple..March 30, 1868
B28Teatro De Iturbide.November 11, 1869
B48The Annual Concert of St. Thomas' Choir, N.Y. will take place at Association Hall, Cor. 4th Ave. & 23rd St.,February 12, 1874
B73Barnburner's Glee. As sung by the Rochester Free Soil Club.
B86Fun, Fun, Fun, Get a Sweetheart and Run, Run, Run, Run to Ben Peer's
B126Concert. The Home Branch of the hutchinson Family, accompanied by their Cousin Ann, and Mr. Buxton,February 24, 1846
C48Hl. Familien Schule,February 4, 1883
C81American Museum and Aerial Garden.May 19, 1845
C82Programme for This Evening. Christy's Original and well-known Band of Minstrels
C117First Season, 2d Series. Of the Symphony Society Concerts.March 7-8, 1883
D10February 3, 1872
D12April 2, 1849
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