Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A114Sir: You are respectfully invited by the Commisioners of Health..September 26, 1839
A259Dear Sir: We take the liberty to forward you a document, which, were it a common one, would need an apology, but for which we trust the character of its claims to attention will secure a favorable reception.May 1, 1858
A321November 12, 1866
A461Montvert Hotel, Middletown Springs, VT. Edward Rickords, Proprietor.March, 1872
A703Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
A751Catalogue No. 13 Spring 1984, Old and Rare Books1858
A785Proceedings of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the County of Cayuga, N.Y.June, 1864
A1095Dr. J. T. Amos, (Late of N. York) Homeopathic and Practical Physician,?
A1096Clairvoyant Physician. Dr. Lowell, the Clairvoyant, Practical Physician and Root Doctor,?
B4Diagrams and Price List of Dr. Sherman's Hernial Appliances.1872
B90Notice! Dr. Asa Lowel Clairvoyant and Root-Doctor, can be found at
B94A Rousing Water-Cure Song.186?
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