Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A16Dear Sir: You may have noticed in the daily papers, that a Company has been formed for the purpose of …March 30, 1865
A23To the Citizens of Augusta: Your Council, appreciating the necessity for some action which will revive your trade…May 10, 1871
A56Dear Sir: We are requested, by the Detroit and Cleveland committees of Arrangement for the National Convention of Manufacturers…December 10, 1867
A199Sir: The undersigned have been appointed a committee of the Rope-Makers of this vicinity..January 1851
A349Dear Sir: We take pleasure in informing you that we have secured an Office and Warerooms at No. 554 Broadway.March 23, 1872
A350Savery & Chadeayne, Plumbers, Gas & Steam Filters, 146 Genesee Street, Auburn, N.Y.March 25, 1872
A467New Caboose Establishment, No. 239 Water St., New York, Austin Packard, Proprietor.July 1, 1850
A468The American Elevating Spring Mattress.
A470Dear Sir: the undersigned Patentees, take this method of bringing to your notice, their "Patent Cordage Machine," for making Cordage of any length and size, by a new, simple, and greatly cheapened process, and to solicit your examination of the Model at1850
A471The following is a description of our Patent Machinery.18??
A472Kite's Patent Safety Beam for Rail Road Cars.December 24, 1839
A473E.P. Needham's American Pneumatic Way.September 4, 1867
A474New and Improved mowing and reaping machine.1852
A518To the Members of the Honorable the Legislature.February 10, 1833
A520The National Foundry
A526To the Honorable the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States:
A566The proposed alteration of the Tariff Laws of 1846.September 24, 1850
A583Hall of the National Union City Executive CommitteeJanuary 21, 1865
A639Hiram Nash's Giant Self acting Well Curb and Bucket.1862?
A640Use the Best, Winslow's Patent Adjustable Slide Wrought Iron Wrenches.1862
A642Sloat's Elliptic Lock-Stitch Sewing Machines, the Champion Sewing Machines of the Nineteenth Century.
A651To Sportsmen!June, 1862
A667Davis' Matchless Compound for making the best and cheapest soap in the world!!
A668The National Feed Cutter.April 29, 1862
A669Lines' Patent Ash and Coal Separator.October 1, 1862
A673Prindle's Patent Agricultural Caldron and Steamer.1862
A674H. Pease Table for 1862.1862
A678Walter A. Wood's Celebrated Light Draft Two Wheel Prize Mower Manufactured at Hoosick Falls, N.Y.1862
A681Union Water Wheel, Patented. July 8th, 1862.1862
A683New Combined Shingle and Heading Machine.1862
A684Diploma Awarded by the New York State Agricultural Society, To Phelps & Chase, for the Best Melodeons.1860
A685Boss's American Chemical Writing Fluid
A687Improved Saw Gumming Machine
A688Syracuse Prize Machine. Buckeye Premium Mower.
A689Improved Saw Gumming Machine
A690Fish's Patent Nursery, or Night Lamp.1862
A691Sanford & Mallory's Patent, September 16th, 1862.September 19, 1862
A789Empire Cheddar Cheese Factory. Rules.
A850Copeland's Fire Cement1880?
A918Boyd & Hart's new Improved Eureka Hot Air Draft Portable Furnace.January, 1874
A919Commenginger, Allen & Co.'s Ne Plus Ultra Portable FurnaceJanuary, 1874
A1139John Siddons & Son manufacturers of Spice Boxes, Smoke Stacks and Oil Cans Monthly StatementNovember 12, 1868
B25Clinton's Thermo-HydrometerJune 14, 1842
B49Snow & Laing's Price List of Children's Carriages.
B82Directions for making a large rake.
C50Notice! Having located a Wood Pump Manufactory at Brockport, N.Y., I am prepared to make all kinds of Wood Pumps
C55"Compressed Air Treatment," an Important Discovery.June, 1865
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