Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A1000Annual Donation for the Industrial School,October 25, 1883
A1001The Industrial School of RochesterJanuary 19, 1886
A1002Annual Donation Reception for the Benefit of the Industrial School,October 27, 1887
A1003The Industrial School of RochesterJanuary 2, 1888
A1004The Industrial School of RochesterJanuary 5, 1888
A1005An invitation from the Lady Managers of this institution has been presented to the Board of Directors, to meet with themJanuary 3, 1889
A1006A special meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held at Powers' Banking House,March 12, 1889
A1007A special meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held at Powers' Banking House,April 17, 1889
A1008Annual Donation Reception for the Benefit of the Industrial School,December 6, 1889
A1009An invitation from the Managers of The Industrial School, has been presented to the Members of the Board of Directors,January 1, 1890
A1010A Special meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held at The Powers Bank,September 23, 1890
A1011The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held at the Rochester Clearing House Room,January 10, 1891
A1012A special meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution, in regard to building, will be held at the school,October 10, 1891
A1013A special meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution, will be held at The Powers Bank,October 27, 1892
A1014Dear Sir, The Cyrene Commanday will visit The Industrial School onDecember 3, 1892
A1015Dear Sir, The managers of the Industrial School have invited the Board of Directors to attend their Annual MeetingJanuary 5, 1893
A1016Dear Sir, The Annual Meeting of The Industrial School and Election of DirectorsJanuary 12, 1893
A1017The managers of The Industrial School will be at the Institution on Exchange StreetOctober 22, 1894
A1018Annual Meeting of the board of Managers of The Industrial SchoolJanuary 3, 1895
A1019Annual Meeting of Industrial School managers at the Institution 133 Exchange StreetJanuary 4, 1895
A1020The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School, and election of Officers, will be held atJanuary 9, 1895
A1021The pleasure of your company is requested at a Martha Washington Tea,February 22, 1895
A1022Dear Sir: There will be an adjourned meeting of the Directors of the Industrial School tomorrowMay 9, 1895
A1023The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School and election of OfficersJanuary 12, 1897
A1024The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School,January 10, 1898
A1025A special meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held Tuesday, June 28th 1898June 27, 1898
A1026An adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held in Law Library reference room #726 Powers BuildingOctober 1, 1898
A1027An adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held in Law Library reference room #726 Powers BuildingJanuary 2, 1899
A1057The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution and election of Offices, will be held at the Reference RoomJanuary 9, 1899
A1058The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School and election of Officers, will be held at the Reference Room in the Powers Law Library,January 10, 1900
A1059A special meeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution will be held Friday, June 8th 1900, at 12 PM.June 6, 1900
A1060Dear Sir: The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School, and election of Directors,January 26, 1901
A1061You are invited to the Annual Meeting of the Board of Managers at the Industrial School on Jan. 2nd at 3 p.m.January 2, ?
A1062A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School of Rochester, will be held at the Mechanics' Savings Bank,June 23, 1903
A1063The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School of Rochester, will be held at the Mechanics' Savings Bank,January 14, 1904
A1064The Annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School of Rochester, will be held at the Mechanics' Savings Bank,January 24, 1906
A1065The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School of Rochester, will be held at the Mechanics' Savings Bank,December 14, 1908
A1066Dear Sir: The regular annual meeting of the Industrial School will be held Wednesday, December 29th, at the Fidelity Trust CompanyDecember 27, 1915
A1067The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Industrial School of Rochester will be held Friday, January 18th,January 16, 1918
A1068Mrs. Perkins requests the pleasure of your company at a New England Supper, to be given for the benefit of Manual Training in the Industrial School,December 23, ?
A1069The Managers of the Industrial School invite you to attend itsJanuary 8, ?
A1070Dear Sir, If possible, will you make it convenient to come to the Industrial School building this (Friday) morning at 11 o'clock??
A1132Annual Donation Reception..October 29, 1885
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