Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A5Dear Sir: The meeting of Stockholders passed a resolution for a call of 25 per cent. Upon the stock of each Stockholder…November 24, 1857
A6Dear Sir: The Stockholders not having met all their engagements, or responded to the call made upon them, according to expectation, a meeting of Stockholders will be held…December, 1857
A10First National Bank of La Porte, Ind.May 2, 1864
A29Commercial Bank of RochesterJune 1, 1875
A39Fourth National Bank of the City of New-YorkJanuary 19, 1864
A41Fourth National Bank, of the City of New YorkFebruary 4, 1864
A43Whereas, I, ___ of ___ in the State of ___ have subscribed for, and am entitled to become an associate and stockholder to the amount of ___ Shares of the Capital Stock in the National Bank,…February 25, 1863
A44Circular: To Banks, Concerning the Semi-Annual Tax on Circulation and Deposits.March 24, 1864
A45Fourth National Bank of the City of New YorkMay 18, 1864
A46Honorable Freeman Clarke, Comptroller of the Currency.1866
A49History of the Bank of England, Its Times and Traditions, From 1694 to 18441862
A51Treasury Department, Office of Comptroller of the CurrencyAugust 1, 1866
A52Circular. Important to Bankers and the PublicMarch 1, 1862
A53The Fourth National Bank of the City of New YorkJune, 1864
A54At a Meeting of the Shareholders of the Fourth National Bank of the City of New-York…April 28, 1864
A63Fourth National Bank of the City of new YorkDecember 9, 1864
A74Dear Sir, You are respectfully invited to attend the Annual Convention of our Association, to be held in this City on the 12th, 13th and 14th of September next.August 11, 1877
A87Know all Men by these Presents, That I…183?
A88Metropolitan Trust CompanyOctober 7, 1884
A89Metropolitan Trust Company
A93This company will be prepared to accept any Trusts, and to transact any business within the limits of its charter, on and after December 1st, proximo.November, 1881
A94To the National Banks: The undersigned members of the Executive Committee of the National Banking Association have visited Washington for the purpose of explaining to members of Congress that the eigth section of the Funding Bill…March 14, 1870
A96Quarterly Report of the Condition of "The Clarke National Bank of Rochester," in Rochester, in the State of New York, on the morning of the first Monday of April, 1866:April, 1866
A209Sir: You as Endorser of Austin Smith's Note for Two Hndred Thirty Five Dollars Interest this day payable at the Bank of Auburn, will please take Notice that said Note has this Evening been Protested for Nonpaymeny, payment thereof having been demanded ..May 3, 1852
A329Dear Sir: The legislature of the State of New York granted on the 19th instr. A Special CharterApril 23, 1867
A384At a Convention of the Safety Fund Banks, held pursuant to notice at the American Hotel, in the village of AuburnNovember 9, 1839
A419National Trust Company of the City of New York, Incorporated April 19, 1867.April 23, 1867
A499The National Banks.March 14, 1864
A697New York Weekly Financial Report.December 15, 1871
A773Sir,--On this day a large and respectable Meeting of the citizens of this village was held at the Ontario House, for the purpose of taking such measures as might be deemed expedient for obtaining from the next LegislatureNovember 30, 1831
A778Dear Sir: This Bank will receive, until further notice, United States Treasury Notes of its dealers and correspondents, on deposit and in payment of collections, on the terms of the annexed contract, only, which you are requested to sign and return to usJanuary 14, 1862
A784National Trust Company of the City of New York, Incorporated April 19, 1867.May 14, 1867
A1050To the Customers of this Bank: The Rochester Clearing House Association, having resolved that all the Banks in this city shall be transacted after that hour,July 7, 1891
B3New York Weekly Financial Report.September 8, 1871
B11Supreme Court. County of Erie.June 18, 1851
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