PLEASE NOTE: This database contains only correspondence to/from Claude Fayette Bragdon and individuals
outside of his family.
The Bragdon Family Papers includes extensive correspondence of the extended Bragdon family as well as that of the Shipherd family.
Mackintosh, Charles Henry | MacLeod, ? | Macrae, John | Macy, Leona F. | Makemson, Maud Worcester | Malize, | Mamlok, Margaret | Manas, John H. | Manning, Marie | Mannion, Alan | Mantz, Maroussia | Marder, Marie H. | Martin, Noel B. | Mathewson, R. D. | Matthias, Blanche | May, Stephen | McAllister, Jessie R. | McBride, Mary Margaret | McCafferty, Lawrence | McCoy, John Calvin | McKay, Cherry | McKee, Harley J. | McLaren, James | Medhurst, Nesta | Mesrobian, Arpena | Messner, Julian | Meyer, C. | Middleton, George | Milks, R.G. | Miller, Henry | Miller, Joseph | Miller, Mary Thomas | Mills, Joy | Moe, Henry Allen | Morgan, Sherley W. | Morrison, Bill | Morrison, Hugh | Moseley, Alex W. | Mueller, Gay | Mumford, Lewis | Mundy, Ethel Frances | Munson, Gorham | Myer, John Walden |
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