Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2377 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "The Seneca Falls Press."
2378 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. F.A. Owen of Dansville: Educational Publisher--Instructor Magazine Founder--Industrialist--Dedicated Citizen; Con-tributions by Persons Who Knew Mr. Owen ...
2379 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "The Newspapers of Wyoming County."
2382 F.A. OWEN PUBLISHING CO. The Founding and Development of Normal In-structor, World's Events, Primary Plans.
2380 HERRICK, JOHN P. Founding a Country Newspaper Fifty Years Ago.
2381 MILLS, M.H. "The Mt. Morris Press."
2383 PERKINS, EDWARD M. "Interesting History of the LeRoy Gazette-News."
2384 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2386 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2385 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2387 SPAULDING, THOMAS M. "The First Printing in Hawaii."
2388 STERN, MADELEINE B. "James D. Bemis: Country Printe."
2389 STERN, MADELEINE B. "Some 19th Century Upstate Publishers."

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