Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1991 HEPBURN, A. BARTON. Artificial Waterways and Commercial Development (with a History of the Erie Canal).
1984 ALBION, DAVID. The Rise of New York Port (1815-1860),
1985 CALHOUN, DANIEL H. The American Civil Engineer: Origins and Conflict.
1986 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Water Transportation and Packet Lines."
1987 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Seneca Lock Navigation Company."
1988 ELLIS, DAVID M. "Rise of the Empire State, 1790-1820."
1989 FILANTE, RONALD W. "A Note on the Economic Viability of the Erie Canal, 1825-1860."
1990 GOODRICH, CARTER, ed. Government Promotion of Canals and Railroads, 1800-1890.
1995 MADDEN, EMILY, and ROBERT S. ROSE. Listing and Index of Maps, Plans, Profiles, Pictures, and. Photographs of Canals of New York State in Annual Re-ports of State Engineer and Surveyor through 1905, Canal Commissioners, Superintendent of Public Works on Canals through 1905.
1996 MATHEWS, LOIS KIMBALL. "The Erie Canal and the Settlement of the West."
1992 McILWRAITH, THOMAS. "Freight Capacity and Utilization of the Erie and Great Lakes Canals before 1850."
1993 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester and the Erie Canal.
1994 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Erie Canal: Mother of Cities.
1997 MILLER, NATHAN A. The Enterprise of a Free People--Aspects of Economic Development in New York State during the Canal Period, 1792-1838.
1998 N.Y. Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee on Preservation and Re-storation of Historic Sites, 1957-58. Report ...
1999 N.Y. STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. The Canal Courier.
2000 NIEMI, ALBERT W., JR. "A Further Look at Interregional Canals and Economic Specialization: 1820-1840."
2001 NORTON, JOHN R. "New York State Government and the Economy: 1819-1846."
2002 RANSOM, ROGER L. "Interregional Canals and Economic Specialization in the Antebellum United States."
2003 SHAW, RONALD. "Rochester's Erie Canal: The Pride of a Generation."
2004 SHAW, RONALD. A History of the Erie Canal, 1807-1850, with. Particular Ref erence to Western New York.
2005 SHAW, RONALD. Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal 3792-1854.
2006 SMITH, WALTER B. "Wage Rates on the Erie Canal, 1828-1882."
2007 THOMPSON, D.G. BRINTON. "Samuel B. Ruggles and His Correction with the Erie Canal."
2008 WALKER, BARBARA K., and WARREN S. WALKER, eds. The Erie Canal: Gateway to Empire. Selected Source Materials for College Research Papers.
2009 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. History of the Canal System of the State of New York together with Brief Histories of the Canals of the United States and Canada.
2010 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. "Effects of the Erie Canal on New York History."
2011 WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM B. "The Impact of the Erie Canal."
2012 WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM B. "The Inception of the Erie and the Champlain Canal Projects."
2013 WYLD, LIONEL D., ed. 40'x28'x4': The Erie Canal--150 Years.

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