Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2564 ARONSON, JOAN SCHWEIGER. Non-Residential Displacement by Urban Renewal: A Case Study of the Genesee Crossroads Project _in Rochester, New York.
2565 BUB, JEAN, comp. Youth Board of Southeast Study.
2566 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. The Human Side of Urban Renewal: A Report ...
2567 GALINSKY, SETH E. "The Struggle for Monroe County."
2568 HAMMER & CO. ASSOCIATES. Development of the Genesee River in the City of Rochester: A Reconnaissance Study of Re-Use Potentials and Indicated Courses of Action by the City.
2571 I.M. PEI & ASSOCIATES. Twin Bridge. Redevelopment, Rochester, N.Y. n.p., 1960. unp.
2570 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Housing and Urban Renewal: The Rochester Experience."
2569 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Historical. Antecedents of the Crossroads Project.
2567 OSGOOD, HOWARD L. A Pedestrian Mall for Rochester.
2581 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Economic and Population Studies for the Community Renewal Program of the City of Rochester. Vol. I: Analysis of Population. Vol. II: Economic Studies--Manufacturing, Wholesaling, Retailing, and Service Trades.
2573 ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. City Planning Commission. Comprehensive Master Plan, 1980 ...
2574 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Maplewood Neighborhood Study.
2574a ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. The Genesee River Plan: A Comprehensive Development Plan for the Genesee River in Rochester.
2575 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Planning Study for Intown Area Development.
2576 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Rochester Facts & Facets.
2577 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. Community Renewal Program.
2578 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. The Future of Downtown Rochester: Central Business Dis trict General Neighborhood Plan.
2579 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. The Untold Story: A Report on Activities of the City of Rochester in the Area of Economic and Industrial Development.
2580 ROCHESTER. Genesee Corridor Task Force. Genesee Corridor Plan: City of Rochester.
2572 RTKL ASSOCIATES. Report on the Development Plan for Downtown Rochester 199 New York. housing, some street changes.)

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