Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
2529 | "Rochester and Its Water Works." | |
2475 | "Biggest Fire that Rochester Has Ever Known." | |
2507 | The Hand-Book of Rochester. A Complete Street Directory. Also Other Information. | |
2619 | "The Story of Norton Village." | |
2491 | "Cows Break City Ordinance." | |
2472 | "Rochester's Police Pension Fund, Its Beginning and Development." | |
2481 | "100 Years of Service: The Protectives, Rochester Fire Department." | |
2482 | The Organization of the Fire Department. | |
2483 | "Passing of City's Volunteers Tells End of a Glorious Era." | |
2485 | Protectives, Incorporated, Rochester Fire Department, 1858-1958. 100th Anniversary Celebration. | |
2438 | "Mayors of Rochester." | |
2439 | "The Mayors of Rochester." | |
2547 | "City Planning in Rochester--The Olmstead and Fisher Flans." | |
2424 | “History of Civil Service in Rochester.” | |
2425 | “How the City of Rochester Grew.” | |
2562 | "Rochester Research Bureau, Started by Eastman, Has Saved Millions." | |
2513 | Bausch Memorial Bridge. | |
2636 | "Lilacs Grace Flower City for over Half a Century." | |
2643 | Presentation of the Ellwanger & Barry Memorial Pavilion, Highland Park. Rochester, N.Y. ... September 29, 1890. | |
2637 | Henry Lomb Memorial Park, May 30, 1932. | |
2641 | The Origin & Development of Rochester's Park System, by a Veteran Reporter. | |
2642 | The Playground: A Monthly Journal, no. 22 (Jan. 1909), 24 pp. | |
2499 | "Report Filed on Downtown Traffic." | |
2502 | "Rochester Adept at Fighting Snowdrifts." | |
2505 | The Drew Allis Co. City Guide and Street Directory of Rochester ... | |
2627 | "Rochester's Experience in Public Welfare a Half Century Ago." | |
2629 | The Garden Club of America, Annual Meeting, May 20, 21, 22. | |
2423 | “Historical Facts about the Council.” | |
2448 | ADAMS, JEANNETTE L., and OTAKAR KUTVIRT. | Assessed Valuations, Tax 190 Delinquencies, and Tax Yields for the City of Rochester by Census Tracts. |
2441 | ADLER, ISAAC. | "The City Manager Movement in Rochester." |
2449 | AEX, ROBERT P. | "Millions for Improvements Result of Fiscal Planning." |
2621 | ALEXANDER, FRANK D. | "Evaluation of Selected Aspects of the Homemaking Service Program in the City of Rochester, New York." |
2412 | ANGLE, JAMES M. | “Early Rochester Records.” |
2510 | ANGLE, JAMES M. | "Early Genesee River Bridges in Rochester." |
2622 | APPLEBAUM, S.J. | Chronic Relief: A Study of 147 Families Chronically in Receipt of Relief from the Department of Public Welfare, Rochester, New York. |
2564 | ARONSON, JOAN SCHWEIGER. | Non-Residential Displacement by Urban Renewal: A Case Study of the Genesee Crossroads Project _in Rochester, New York. |
2511 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "Bridging the Lower Falls." |
2533 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "Rochester's Original Pure Waters Program, 1904-1917." |
2537 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "Solid Waster Disposal, 1912." |
5558 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | “Rochester's Congressmen. Part 1789-1869.” |
5559 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | “Rochester's Congressmen. Part 1869-1979.” Rochester: History, 41, no. 4 (1979), 1-24. |
2474 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "The Arson Years: Fire Protection, Fire Insurance, and Fire Politics, 1908-1910." |
2413 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | Rochester's Era of Annexations, 1901-1926. |
2512 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "Historic Broad Street Bridge and the Erie Canal Sesqui centennial, 1825-1975." |
2545 | BARROWS, C. STORRS. | A Civic Center for Rochester on the Banks of the Genesee. |
2462 | BARRY, DAVID, and others. | The Screening and Selection of Police Candidates in Rochester, New York. |
2628 | BENTON, DOROTHY. | "Rochester Parks." |
2514 | BORN, ERNEST. | "Veterans Memorial Bridge at Rochester: Gehron and Ross, Architects." |
2442 | BREWER, JAMES L. | A Greater Boss for a Greater Rochester. The Extension of the Mellon-Coolidge Government for Business to Municipal Affairs. The Meaning of the City Manager Government as Underwritten by Money Bags to Which the Business-Controlled Press Denies Expression. |
2546 | BRUNNER, ARNOLD W. and others. | A City Plan for Rochester: A Report Pre-pared for the Rochester Civic Improvement Committee, Rochester, N.Y. |
2565 | BUB, JEAN, comp. | Youth Board of Southeast Study. |
2414 | BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH, New York City. | Government of the City of Rochester, N.Y. General Survey, Critical Appraisal and Constructive Suggestions. Prepared for the Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research ... |
2415 | BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH, New York City. | Government of the City of Rochester, N.Y. Description of Organization and Functions ... |
2476 | BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. | "Fire Fighters of the Past." |
2416 | CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. | The Governance of Rochester; a Staff Report to the Rochester Charter Commission; Decision-Making, Managerial Processes, Representation, Citizen Participation, New Concerns. |
2534 | CHRISTENSEN, N.A. | Monroe County Comprehensive Sewerage Study: Summary Report. |
2582 | CITIZENS' PLANNING COUNCIL. | Needs of the Elderly in the Model Cities Area, Rochester, New York. |
2623 | CIVIC COMMITTEE ON UNEMPLOYMENT. | Four Years' Experience with Self-Help or Subsistence Gardens in Monroe County, New York. |
2504 | COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. | Rochester House Numbers by Census Tracts. |
2583 | COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. | Social and Health Services in the Model Cities Area, Rochester, New York; An Analysis of Health and Social Services Offered to 200 to the Model Cities Population Based on Agency Inventory and Community Survey. |
2590 | COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. | Report on Housing of Families under Care of Rochester Social Agencies. |
2591 | COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. | Housing of Families Served by Family Caring Agencies, Rochester, New York. |
2566 | COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. | The Human Side of Urban Renewal: A Report ... |
2592 | DALE, JOHN. | "The Rochester Plan Ten Years Later." |
2561 | DALTON, CHARLES R. | Five Years of Municipal Research in the City of Rochester, New York: A History of Achievement. |
2593 | DONALDSON, PAUL J., comp. | Directory of Apartment Houses and Apartment House Owners. |
5560 | DRESSAYRE, PHILIPPE. | “Pouvoirs sur la ville: les 'machines' de |
2492 | EASTMAN KODAK CO. Committee on Civic Affairs. | Parallel Streets in Rochester. |
2519 | EDDY, HARRISON P. and others. | Report on the Rochester Water Works. |
2450 | EWING, FRED, and OTAKAR KUTVIRT. | The Rochester City Debt; A Report of a Factual Study of the Rochester City Debt from 1920 to 1943, and a Projection of the Existing Debt to Its Extinguishment in 1962. |
2443 | FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L. | "Commission Government for Rochester." |
2489 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | "Engineering and Public Works in the City of Rochester during the Past Century." |
2493 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | Paving and the Care of City Streets. |
2488 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | "History of Engineering in Rochester." |
2417 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | “Memoranda Relative to the City of Rochester.” |
2548 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | "City Planning in Rochester." |
2535 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | Report on the Sewage Disposal System of Rochester, N.Y. |
2538 | FISHER, EDWIN A. | Report to Hon. James G. Cutler, Mayor, on the Collection and Disposal of Garbage and Other Refuse in the City of Rochester... |
2515 | FISHER, EDWIN A., and HERBERT A. ZOLLIWEG. | "The East Main Street Bridge-- The First Grade Crossing Ekunubation in Rochester." |
2516 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Smith Street and Its Bridge. |
2420 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | “The Official Flag of Rochester.” |
2418 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Historical Backgrounds of Rochester Charter Law. |
2506 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Early Changes in Street Names. |
2477 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Fire Fighting in Early Rochester. |
2419 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | “The Official Seal of Rochester.” |
2567 | GALINSKY, SETH E. | "The Struggle for Monroe County." |
2520 | GAYLORD, ANNE E.. | Water Supply Problems in the Rochester, New York Area. |
2594 | GAYNOR, JAMES W. | Report of Survey of Hanover Houses. |
2421 | GILBERT, DONALD W. | The Government and Finances of Rochester, New York ... |
2595 | GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH J. | Town Zoning and the Shortage of Moderate and Low Income Housing, Monroe County, New York. |
2451 | GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH, J. | The Real Property Tax. |
2568 | HAMMER & CO. ASSOCIATES. | Development of the Genesee River in the City of Rochester: A Reconnaissance Study of Re-Use Potentials and Indicated Courses of Action by the City. |
2452 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | "High Finance of Village Days." |
2453 | HANSEN, ELIZABETH STAFFORD. | City Finances in Perspective: Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse, New York, 1975-1976. |
2631 | HARKNESS, BERNARD. | "A Checklist of the Cultivated Woody Plants of the Rochester Parks." |
2630 | HARKNESS, BERNARD. | Plants of Highland Park. |
2544 | HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. | A Preliminary Report on a System of Recreational Facilities for Rochester, New York. |
2542 | HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. | A Preliminary Report on Railroad and Water-Borne Transportation Facilities for Rochester, New York. |
2543 | HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. | A Preliminary Report on Transit Facilities for Rochester, New York. |
2541 | HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. | A Major Street Plan for Rochester, New York. |
2422 | HARRISON, W.S. | The Political Blue Book of Rochester, N.Y. ... |
2634 | HORSEY, RICHARD E. | "The Lilac, Official Flower of Rochester." |
2633 | HORSEY, RICHARD E. | "Plants and Trees in Highland Park." |
2632 | HORSEY, RICHARD E. | Lilacs in Rochester Parks. |
2571 | I.M. PEI & ASSOCIATES. | Twin Bridge. Redevelopment, Rochester, N.Y. n.p., 1960. unp. |
2624 | JACKSON, HUGH R. | Welfare Administration in New York State Cities. |
5561 | JAYNES, FRANK. | Historical Sketches of the Fire Department of Rochester. |
2635 | LANEY, CALVIN C. | "Trees in Rochester Parks." |
2521 | LATTIMORE, SAMUEL A. | Report ... on the Water Supply of the City of Rochester. |
2596 | LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. | Housing Needs, Monroe County. |
2584 | LEGGE ASSOCIATES. | Management Evaluation, Model Cities Program, Rochester, N.Y. |
2463 | LOMBARD, WILLIAM M. | "The Morals Squad." |
5562 | LOUIS, DOROTHY. | How Lilacs Came to Rochester: A Musical Narration of Rochester, New York. Features during the 1976 Bicentennial Celebration and Again in 1980. |
2494 | MacFARLANE, JANET R. | "Changes in Broad Street Surface." |
2478 | MacFARLANE, JANET W. | "Rochester Fires." |
2554 | MARGRANDER, E.C. | "Proposed Improvement of the City of Rochester." |
2523 | MARSH, DANIEL. | Report on the Introduction of a Supply of Pure Water into the City of Rochester, Made to the Mayor and Common Council, September 1860. |
2598 | MASON & CUNNINGHAM, architects. | User Study and Design Handbook. |
2479 | MATHEWS, HENRY W., ed. | Fire Service of Rochester, N.Y. Containing a Sketch of the Old Volunteer Department, also the Present Fire Department. |
2597 | McCANNE, LEE. | The Latent Demand for Middle Income and Luxury Apartments, Downtown in Rochester, New York; Including Survey Responses of Preferences as to Location, Size, Garage Space, Services. |
2553 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "A City Historian's Holiday." |
2638 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | An Historical View of Rochester's Parks and Playgrounds. |
2495 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Accidents and Their Prevention: A Revealing Phase of Rochester's History. |
2496 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Snowstorms and Snow Fighting--The Rochester Experience." |
2497 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Names and Traditions of Some Rochester Streets." |
2498 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "East Avenue's Turbulent History." |
2522 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Water for Rochester. |
2570 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Housing and Urban Renewal: The Rochester Experience." |
2464 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | A History of the Police of Rochester, New York. |
2465 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "A History of the Police of Rochester, New York," pp. 7-37 in Rochester Police Bureau, 1819-1969, 150 Years of Service. |
2550 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "The Physical Growth of Rochester." |
2551 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "A Local Historian's Reflections after Visiting Foreign Cities." |
2552 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Rebuilding Rochester and Remembering Its Past." |
2549 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | A History of City Planning in Rochester. |
2437 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "The Last Eleven Mayors, the First Eleven Managers, and Twenty County Chairmen." |
2569 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Historical. Antecedents of the Crossroads Project. |
2426 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Civic Developments of Rochester's First Half-Century, 1817-1867. |
2427 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | “Turbulent but Constructive Decades in Civic Affairs: 1867-1900.” |
2434 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Rochester Mayors before the Civil War. |
2435 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "The Mayors of Rochester's Mid Years.: 1860-1900." |
2436 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "His Honor, the Mayor of Rochester, 1900-1928." |
2626 | McLEAN, FRANCIS H. | Abstract of a Report on the Department of Charities of the City of Rochester, N.Y. |
2536 | METCALF, & EDDY. | Report to Harold W. Baker, Commissioner of Public Works, Upon Sewage Disposal Problem, Rochester, New York. |
2599 | MEYER, CARSON. | Some Rochester Programs for the Rehabilitation of People and Housing. |
5563 | MIKOLJI, BORIS H. | "Race, Nationality, and Politics in an Urban Community (Rochester)." |
2600 | MILLIMAN, ELMER B. | "Rochester's Plan for GI Housing." |
2555 | MINDER, EDWARD G. | "Why Favor a City Plan for Rochester?" |
2480 | MISSISSIPPI WIRE GLASS CO., New York. | A Reconnaissance of the Baltimore and Rochester Fire Districts with Some Illustrations and Excerpts from Opinions No Less Authoritative than Significant. |
2605 | MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. | Housing '67: An Index of Housing Programs in Monroe County. |
2604 | MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. | Make Open Occupancy a Living Reality in 1966. |
2602 | MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. | A Description of the History and Nature of Housing Programs in Greater Rochester, New York. |
2603 | MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. | Housing in Rochester: The Problem, the Solution. |
2601 | MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. | Housing Problems of the Public Assistance Recipient. |
2606 | MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. | Annual Survey of Housing and Population; Towns and Villages of Monroe County, New York. |
2607 | MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. | Toward a Positive Housing Program: An Initial Assessment of Housing in Monroe County, New York. |
2608 | MORTON, HOFFMAN & CO. | An Analysis of the Housing Assistance Needs of Lower Income Households and Characteristics of Selected Other Household Groups, City of Rochester, as of October, 1975. |
2444 | MOSHER, FREDERICK C. | City Manager Government in Rochester (New York)... for the Committee on Public Administration of the Social Science Research Council ... |
2466 | MOSS, ALBERT J. | History of the Police Bureau, Rochester, N.Y. Department of Public Safety, form Its Earliest Days to May 1, 1929, with a Record of Principal Investigations and Personnel of Organization. |
2609 | MYLER, JOSEPH J. | "What the RHIAC Means to Rochester." |
2610 | N.Y. Temporary State Housing Rent Commission. | Survey of Residential Rents and Rental Conditions in the State of New 'York. |
2611 | N.Y. Temporary State Housing Rent Commission. | People, Housing and Rent Control in Rochester. |
2639 | OLDS, NATHANIEL S. | "The Parks and the People." |
2640 | O'NEIL, MARTIN B. | "Dr. Edward Mott Moore: Father of the Rochester Park System." |
2567 | OSGOOD, HOWARD L. | A Pedestrian Mall for Rochester. |
2484 | PEAKE, MARION R. | "Fire Fighting in Rochester, 1819." |
2440 | PECK, WILLIAM F. | "Elisha Johnson: President of the Village and Mayor of the City of Rochester." |
2467 | PECK, WILLIAM F. | History of the Police Department of Rochester, N.Y., from the Earliest Times to May 1, 1903 ... |
2517 | PEET, ANN OLMSTEAD. | "The Ridge Road." |
2612 | PEMBERTON, PRENTISS L. | A Survey of Interracial Housing Attitudes in White Neighborhoods of Rochester Suburbs. |
2468 | PERRY, DAVID C. | "The Rochester Police Advisory Board: A Community Response to Racial Unrest." |
2454 | PRATT, HAZEN C. | Current Revenue and Expense of the City of Rochester, N.Y., for 1930; A Comparison with the Ohio Cities of Dayton and Columbus ... |
2644 | RAITT, CHARLES B. | A Survey of Recreational Facilities in Rochester, N.Y. |
2645 | RHEES, RUSH. | "The Gift and the Donor: James Goold Cutler," |
2646 | RICE, RICHARD E. | "how to Make a City Park: Rochester's Manhattan Square Park." |
2556 | ROBINSON, CHARLES M. | "The History of the New Rochester Plan." |
2460 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | A Summary Analysis of the Financial Past and Future of the City of Rochester and the Rochester Board of Education. |
2558 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | A Municipal Reconstruction Program, Suggesting Certain Steps that May Be Taken to Plan for the After-the-War Rochester. |
2540 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Refuse Collection and Disposal. Part III: Garbage and Rubbish Disposal. |
2539 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Report on the Problem of Refuse Collection in the City of Rochester, N.Y. |
2613 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | A Real Property Inventory of Rochester, New York, 1940. |
2581 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Economic and Population Studies for the Community Renewal Program of the City of Rochester. Vol. I: Analysis of Population. Vol. II: Economic Studies--Manufacturing, Wholesaling, Retailing, and Service Trades. |
2530 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Rochester and Its Water Works: The Story of One City's Quest for a Domestic Supply of Pure and Wholesome 'Water, 1834-1954. |
2445 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Memorandum on a Model Charter for Rochester ... |
2446 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Rochester Since 'Twenty-Eight; a Diagrammatic Appraisal of Council-Manager Government in Rochester, New York. |
2471 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Report on a Survey of the Police Bureau of the City of Rochester, N.Y. |
2563 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | The Purpose and Organization of the Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research, Inc. |
2500 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Report on the Problem of Snow Removal in the City of Rochester, N.Y. |
2501 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Report on the Problem of Street Cleaning in the City of Rochester, N.Y. |
2459 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | A Financial Program for Rochester. |
2455 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Report of the Assessment of Real Property in the City of Rochester, New York. |
2456 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Report of a Study of the Financial Condition and Practices of the City of Rochester, N.Y. ... |
2457 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Memorandum on the Automobile as a Source of Municipal Revenue. |
2458 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | The Organization and Methods of the Department of Assess ment in Rochester, New York. |
2528 | ROCHESTER BUSINESS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. | Report on the Rochester Water Works. |
2614 | ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. | Housing in Monroe County, New York; Summary of Research Staff Findings and Recommendations.. |
2615 | ROCHESTER MANAGEMENT CORP. | The Rochester Plan for Veterans Housing. |
2616 | ROCHESTER MANAGEMENT CORP. | Not Beyond Reach: The Story of How Rochesterians Helped Solve the Problem of Housing for Senior Citizens. |
2588 | ROCHESTER MODEL CITIES PROGRAM. | Comprehensive Model Cities Plan. |
2589 | ROCHESTER MODEL CITIES PROGRAM. | Community Development Plan: A Presentation by Model Cities. |
2527 | ROCHESTER Water Works. | Report of Chief Engineer J.N. Tubbs, with Reference to Additional Water Supply. |
2469 | ROCHESTER, Citizen's Committee on Police Affairs. | Final Report ... |
2557 | ROCHESTER, City Planning Commission. | An Economic Study of Rochester. |
2525 | ROCHESTER. | ... In the Matter of the Application of the City of Rochester to Acquire the Permanent and Perpetual Right to Draw from Hemlock and Canadice Les and Amount of Water Sufficient for the Use of Said City and Its Inhabitants ... Record on Appeal from Order Confirming Report of Commissioner of Appraisal |
2650 | ROCHESTER. | Recreation Advisory Committee. Plan for Public Recreation, Rochester, New York. |
2573 | ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. | City Planning Commission. Comprehensive Master Plan, 1980 ... |
2585 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Model Cities Land Use Policies Plan. |
2575 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Planning Study for Intown Area Development. |
2576 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Rochester Facts & Facets. |
2574 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Maplewood Neighborhood Study. |
2574a | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | The Genesee River Plan: A Comprehensive Development Plan for the Genesee River in Rochester. |
2647 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Recreation Plan. Phase I: Recreation Facilities Improvement Program. |
2508 | ROCHESTER. City Engineer. | Revised List Showing Street Names Changed Prior to January 1, 1900. |
2486 | ROCHESTER. City Engineer. | Report of Edwin A. Fisher, City Engineer, on Recommendations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters Committee of Twenty. |
2509 | ROCHESTER. City Planning Bureau. | Index to Names of Street and Roads Shown on City Planning Bureau Maps and Surrounding Area of Rochester, N.Y., Revised to March, 1921. |
2526 | ROCHESTER. Committee on Water Supply. | Report of Water Committee on Additional Supply and Equalization of Water Rates to the City Council. |
2648 | ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. | Report of the Board of Park Commission-ers of the City of Rochester, N.Y. 1888 to 1898. |
2649 | ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. | The Public Parks of the City of Rochester, New York, 1888-1904. |
2586 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | Final Relocation Report: Baden-Ormond Urban Renewal Project ... |
2587 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | Rochester, New York Northeast General Neighborhood Renewal Plan. |
2577 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | Community Renewal Program. |
2578 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | The Future of Downtown Rochester: Central Business Dis trict General Neighborhood Plan. |
2579 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | The Untold Story: A Report on Activities of the City of Rochester in the Area of Economic and Industrial Development. |
2580 | ROCHESTER. Genesee Corridor Task Force. | Genesee Corridor Plan: City of Rochester. |
2428 | ROCHESTER. Office of Federal Program Review. | City of Rochester, New York, Federal Programs Inventory, Fiscal Years 1973 -74. |
2470 | ROCHESTER. Police Bureau. | Blue Book, Police Department of Rochester, New York, with Complete Biographical Sketches of Each Member ... |
2560 | ROY WENZLICK & CO. | Economic Factors and Probable Trends Affecting City Planning in Rochester, New York. |
2572 | RTKL ASSOCIATES. | Report on the Development Plan for Downtown Rochester 199 New York. housing, some street changes.) |
2617 | RUMBALL, EDWIN A. | "Shall Rochester Have a 200-Family Tenement?" |
2503 | SIMPSON & CURTIN. | Downtown Rochester: An Appraisal of Traffic, Transit and Parking Needs of Downtown Rochester over the Next Fifteen Years for the City Planning Commission. |
2531 | SKINNER, JOHN F. | "Cobb's Hill Reservoir, Rochester, N.Y." |
2473 | SMITH, THOMAS S., and others. | The Police-Civilian Foot Patrol: An Evaluation of the PAC-TAC Experiment in Rochester, New York. |
2618 | SOMERVILLE, CLARA O. | From Survey Made by Miss Clara O. Somerville for the Young Women's Christian Association--Rochester, N.Y. ... |
2487 | St. Paul Boulevard Fire Association, Incorporated. | 24th Annual Carnival, July 14th-17th, 1948. |
2532 | STUART, CHARLES B., and DANIEL MARSH. | Engineers' Report for Supplying the City of Rochester With Water from Various Sources, Made to the Directors of the Rochester Water Works Co. |
2447 | STULL, JOHN M. | "The Efficiency of the Rochester Charter for Good Government." |
2518 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | "Historic Main Street Bridge." |
2625 | U.S. Department of Agriculture. | Facts about the Food Stamp Plan to be Tried Out in Rochester upon an Experimental Basis. |
2461 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | Rochester; A Study in Civic Values. |
2620 | URBAN LEAGUE. | Racial Steering in the Monroe County Housing Market: Special Report. |
2559 | VALENTINE, LUCIA. | "Rochester's Planning Problem." |
2432 | WELLER, W. EARL. | “The Expanding Boundaries of Rochester.” |
2433 | WELLER, W. EARL. | “The Development of the Charter of the City of Rochester, 1817 to 1938.” |
2430 | WELLER, W. EARL. | “The Changing Charter of Rochester.” |
2431 | WELLER, W. EARL. | “The Expanding Charter Life of Rochester.” |
2490 | WILDES, WALDO G. | "Edwin Augustus Fisher, 1847-1948: An Appreciation and Outline of His Career." |
2651 | WYMAN, DONALD. | Crab Apples for America. |
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