Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2529 "Rochester and Its Water Works."
2475 "Biggest Fire that Rochester Has Ever Known."
2507 The Hand-Book of Rochester. A Complete Street Directory. Also Other Information.
3155 "Life in the Armed Services, by Rochester GIs."
6454 Brockport Fire Department, Our History, 1832-1977.
6452 Monroe County Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1975-1982.
2619 "The Story of Norton Village."
2935 “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: Democracy in Action.”
6437 Genesee River South Corridor Land Use & Development Plan, Prepared under the Joint Sponsorship of the City of Rochester, University of Rochester, County of Monroe; Lane, Frenchman and Associates in Association with Sear-Brown Associates,
2862 Juvenile Delinquency: A Regional Perspective. (Report no. 5)
2491 "Cows Break City Ordinance."
2833 Regional Soils Inventory: Classification and Analysis. (Report no. 6)
2834 (Report no. 8 )
3018 “Myron Holley, Abolitionist.”
2963 "Relative Strength of Parties in Monroe County since 1900."
2472 "Rochester's Police Pension Fund, Its Beginning and Development."
3732 "Attica Branch of the American Lyceum, 1832-1837."
2485 Protectives, Incorporated, Rochester Fire Department, 1858-1958. 100th Anniversary Celebration.
2861 Regional Housing: An Innovative Study. (Report no. 4) Rochester: 1971. 774 pp. Summary Report. (No. 4a)
2877 Directory of Services Available to Allegany County Residents.
2878 "History of LeRoy Fire Department."
2481 "100 Years of Service: The Protectives, Rochester Fire Department."
2482 The Organization of the Fire Department.
2483 "Passing of City's Volunteers Tells End of a Glorious Era."
2973 “Notice of Meeting to Form New County from Tompkins and Seneca Counties, New York, 1835.”
2438 "Mayors of Rochester."
2439 "The Mayors of Rochester."
3096 “Long Road to the White House ... Lincoln Traversed New York en Route.”
2999 A Narrative of the Facts and Circumstances Relating to the Kidnapping and Presumed Murder of William Morgan, and of the Attempt to Carry off David C. Miller, and to Burn or Destroy the Printing Office of the Latter, for the Purpose of Preventing the Printing and Publishing of the Book, Entitled “Illustrations of Masonry.” Prepared under the Direction of Several Committees Appointed at Meetings of the Citizens of the Counties of Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Monroe, and Niagara, in the State of New York.
2547 "City Planning in Rochester--The Olmstead and Fisher Flans."
3170 Souvenir History, 1863-1921, Company A., 108th Inf 27th Division, Field Day and Outing ... August 27th 1921.
3171 25th Annual Banquet, Commemorating the Silver Anniversary of the Rochester Cavalry, N.Y.N.G. ...
3168 Historical Souvenir, First Separate Co., 4th Brigade, N.G.N.Y.
6511 Company K Remembered.
5567 Ontario County Open Space Index.
5568 Fiftieth Anniversary, Chas. J. Folger Hook & Ladder Co., Geneva, N.Y., 1886-1936.
5569 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Nester Hose Company, Geneva, New York, 1886-1936.
5565 Allegany County Planning Conference, Sponsored by Allegany County Board of Legislators,
2837 Conservation and Open Space Preservation: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 11)
2838 The Lake Ontario Shoreline. A Regional Overview of Environmental Problems. (Report no. 12)
6474 Past Presidents.
2850 Regional Economic Development: An Analysis of Prospects. (Report no. 11)
2851 Housing: Regional Analysis and Program. (Report no. 12)
2852 Educational, Health and Social Service: Regional Analysis and Program. (Report no. 13)
3079 "Ontario Volunteers, Capt. Asa Stanley's Company, May 30, 1805."
3080 "The Patriot War."
3081 "Regimental Pay Roll, War of 1812."
2846 Economic Prospects of Manufacturing: A Regional Survey. (Report no. 7)
2847 Social Services Agencies. Regional Survey. (Report no. 8
2848 Land Use: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 9)
2849 Regional Population: Distribution and Projections. (Report no. 10)
2424 “History of Civil Service in Rochester.”
2425 “How the City of Rochester Grew.”
2829 Drainage: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 2)
2656 “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: County Government.”
3150 Ontario in the World War.
2562 "Rochester Research Bureau, Started by Eastman, Has Saved Millions."
2873 Civil List and Constitutional History of the Colony and State of New York.
2875 The New York Red Book ...
2853 The Migrant: A Human Perspective. (Report no. 14)
2897 "Early Days at the County Farm."
2898 "We Are Sixteen."
2513 Bausch Memorial Bridge.
3123 An Account of the Unveiling of a Tablet to the Memory of Nine Soldiers Who Went Out from Cheshire, Ontario County, New York, to Serve in the Union Army during the Civil War, and Whose Burial Places are Unknown.
2636 "Lilacs Grace Flower City for over Half a Century."
2643 Presentation of the Ellwanger & Barry Memorial Pavilion, Highland Park. Rochester, N.Y. ... September 29, 1890.
2641 The Origin & Development of Rochester's Park System, by a Veteran Reporter.
2642 The Playground: A Monthly Journal, no. 22 (Jan. 1909), 24 pp.
2637 Henry Lomb Memorial Park, May 30, 1932.
3133 "The County Soldiers' Monument."
2839 Agricultural Land Resources: Regional Survey. (Report no. 14)
2840 Geologic Resources. (Report no.16)
2841 Regional Economic Demographic Analysis. (Report no. 1)
2842 Demographic Analysis: Regional Summary. (Report no. 3)
2843 Historical Perspective, Genesee/Finger Lakes Region. (Report no. 4)
2844 Planning Studies: Regional Inventory of Existing Reports. (Report no. 5)
2845 Human and Cultural Resources. Study Needs. (Report no. 6)
3019 “Origins of Abolitionist Movement.”
3143 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. New York in the Spanish-American War, 1898. Part of the Report of the Adjutant-General of the State for 1900 ...
2957 "How Rochester and Monroe County Vote."
3140 The Dedication of the Sampson Memorial Gun on Decoration Day at Palmyra, N.Y., May 30, 1903.
2499 "Report Filed on Downtown Traffic."
2502 "Rochester Adept at Fighting Snowdrifts."
2505 The Drew Allis Co. City Guide and Street Directory of Rochester ...
2835 Regional Transit Plan Alternatives: Stage I. (Report no. 9)
2836 Suitability of Land for Development: Regional Survey. (Report no. 10)
2854 Economic and Housing Analysis: (Report no. 15)
2855 Migrant Shelter: A Housing Dilemma. (Report no. 17)
2856 (Report no. 18)
2857 Technical Coordination and Management Services to New Community Developments. (Reports no. 19)
2858 Cultural Resources: A Regional Survey. (Report no. 20)
2859 Transportation Feasibility Study, Ho-Jack Line. (Report no. 2)
2860 Analysis of Port Development Potentials at Great Sodus Bay. (Report no. 3)
3059 Report of the Woman's Right Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 19th & 20th, 1848.
3060 “60th Anniversary of the 1848 Woman's Rights Convention.”
3086 "War of 1812 Memories."
3087 "York Volunteers in the War of 1812."
2825 The Issues That Impact the Region 8e, the Goals that Address Them. (Report no. 5 )
2826 Comprehensive Regional Development Plan: (Report no. 7)
2827 Comprehensive Regional Development Plan: A Summary.
2828 Physiographic Features: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 1)
2768 The Town of Greece, Monroe County, New York.
3089 “Civil War Bounties Confused Early Finances.”
2627 "Rochester's Experience in Public Welfare a Half Century Ago."
2629 The Garden Club of America, Annual Meeting, May 20, 21, 22.
3033 Souvenir and Program of the Unveiling and Dedication of the Douglass Monument.
3073 "Deacon Butler's Court Martial."
2830 Sewer and Water Systems: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 3)
2831 Parks, Recreation and Open Space: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 4)
2832 Mass Transportation: Regional Background Survey. (Report no. 5)
6462 The Volunteer Firemen's Association.
6464 G.O.P. Party Roots in Arcade.
2863 Alcohol Abuse and the Criminal Justice System. (Report no. 6)
2864 Solid Waste Management Plan. (Report no. 11) Rochester: 1974. 328 pp. Summary Report. (no. 11a)
5585 Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Army National Guard in Geneva, New York, 1879-1979 ...
2423 “Historical Facts about the Council.”
3163 The Albany Zouave Cadets to the Rochester Union Blues.
3113 ABBOTT, HORN G. "Memorial Address."
6436 ABRAHAMS, DEBORAH F. Taking Inventory of the Waterfront.
2448 ADAMS, JEANNETTE L., and OTAKAR KUTVIRT. Assessed Valuations, Tax 190 Delinquencies, and Tax Yields for the City of Rochester by Census Tracts.
2441 ADLER, ISAAC. "The City Manager Movement in Rochester."
2449 AEX, ROBERT P. "Millions for Improvements Result of Fiscal Planning."
2909 ALEXANDER, DE ALVA S. A Political History of the State of New York.
2621 ALEXANDER, FRANK D. "Evaluation of Selected Aspects of the Homemaking Service Program in the City of Rochester, New York."
5572 ALLEGANY COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE. Allegany County Republican Centennial, 1854-1954. Wednesday, August 18, 1954, Cuba Lake, N.Y.
3070 AMERICAN LEGION. James R. Hickey Post, No. 120. In Commemoration of Dedication of General John Swift, Memorial Cemetery, August 18, 1923.
6503 AMERICAN LEGION. SARGENT FORCE POST 1228. History of Sargent Force Post 1228.…
2750 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Rochester-Monroe County Chapter. Guidelines to Effective Management in Town Government.
2510 ANGLE, JAMES M. "Early Genesee River Bridges in Rochester."
2412 ANGLE, JAMES M. “Early Rochester Records.”
3034 ANTHONY, KATHARINE S. Susan B. Anthony: Her Personal History and Her Era. .
3035 ANTHONY, SUSAN B., defendant. An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting, at the Presidential Election in Nov. 1872, and on the Trial of Beverly W. Jones, Edwin T. Marsh and William B. Hall, the Inspectors of Election by Whom Her Vote Was Received.
2622 APPLEBAUM, S.J. Chronic Relief: A Study of 147 Families Chronically in Receipt of Relief from the Department of Public Welfare, Rochester, New York.
2564 ARONSON, JOAN SCHWEIGER. Non-Residential Displacement by Urban Renewal: A Case Study of the Genesee Crossroads Project _in Rochester, New York.
3731 ASH, MARTHA MONTAGUE. Emerson Lectures in Rochester.
6441 ASTIFAN, PRISCILLA. Symphonies in Green: Olmsted's Rochester Parks.
3062 BABCOCK, LOUIS L. "The War of 1812 on the Niagara Frontier."
2678 BACKUS, OSWALD P., JR. "History of the Monroe County Court."
2888 BAILEY, PRYCE W. "The Seneca Falls Fire Department."
6475 BALDASTY, GERALD J. The New York State Political Press and Antimasonry.
3131 BARBER, RAYMOND G. (Articles on 24th N.Y. Light Artillery: 5th N.Y. Cavalry; 44th N.Y. Infantry.)
3132 BARBER, RAYMOND G. "Civil War Roll of Honor ..."
6458 BARBER, RAY Wyoming County Sheriff's Posse.
6509 BARBER, RAYMOND Wyo. Co. Civil War Soldiers.
2910 BARKAN, ELLIOTT R. “The Emergence of a Whig Persuasion: Conservatism, Democratism, and the New York State Whigs.”
2911 BARNES, GILBERT H. The Antislavery Impulse, 1830-1844.
2413 BARNES, JOSEPH W. Rochester's Era of Annexations, 1901-1926.
5558 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Rochester's Congressmen. Part 1789-1869.”
5559 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Rochester's Congressmen. Part 1869-1979.” Rochester: History, 41, no. 4 (1979), 1-24.
2474 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "The Arson Years: Fire Protection, Fire Insurance, and Fire Politics, 1908-1910."
2512 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Historic Broad Street Bridge and the Erie Canal Sesqui centennial, 1825-1975."
2511 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Bridging the Lower Falls."
2533 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Rochester's Original Pure Waters Program, 1904-1917."
2537 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Solid Waster Disposal, 1912."
2662 BARRINGTON & CO. A Study of the Organization, Procedures, and General Management for the County of Monroe, New York.
2545 BARROWS, C. STORRS. A Civic Center for Rochester on the Banks of the Genesee.
2462 BARRY, DAVID, and others. The Screening and Selection of Police Candidates in Rochester, New York.
6488 BARRY, KATHLEEN. Susan B. Anthony: A Biography of a Singular Feminist.
6442 BARRY, WILLIAM C. The Lamberton Memorial Conservatory; A Year Around Flower Show Located in Highland Park.
6443 BAYER, MARK HAROLD Lower Falls Park.
6465 BELL, MALCOLM The Turkey Shoot, Tracking the Attica Cover-up.
2912 BENSON, LEE. The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a Test Case.
2974 BENTLEY, A.P. History of the Abduction of William Morgan, and the Anti- Masonic Excitement of 1826-30, with Many Details and Incidents Never Before Published.
2628 BENTON, DOROTHY. "Rochester Parks."
2913 BERGER, MARK L. The Revolution in the New York Party Systems, 1840-1860.
2975 BERNARD, DAVID. Light on Masonry: A Collection of All the Most Important Documents on the Subject of Speculative Free Masonry: Embracing the Reports of the Western Committees in Relation to the Abduction of William Morgan ...
2690 BIGELOW, FANNIE R. "The Children's Court of Monroe County under the New Law."
3164 BINKS, G.J. "Ships and Divisions of the Rochester Naval Reserve."
6506 BISHOP, LEWIS The War of 1812 on the Niagara Frontier.
3172 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "History of Warsaw Veterans Memorial Association."
2895 BISHOP, LEWIS H. The History of the Community Wide Water Supplies of the Village of Warsaw, 1870-1970.
2894 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Annals of the Warsaw Fire Department."
2896 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw's Gas & Electric Facilities."
3139 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw Veterans of the Spanish-American War."
3165 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Letchworth Rifles."
6459 BISHOP, LEWIS H. The First Century of the Warsaw Fire Department, 1871-1971: With Story of the Primitive Fire Company and Early Fires.
3144 BLACK, SYLVIA R., and HARRIETT J. NAYLOR. "Rochester and World War I."
3071 BLAKESLEE, SAMUEL. "narrative of Colonel Samuel Blakeslee, a Defender of Buffalo in the War of 1812."
3036 BLOOMER, DEXTER C. Life and Writings of Amelia Bloomer.
3152 BLUM, WILLIAM G. Journey to a Star: An American Flier in World War II ... Together with a Sketch of His Life before, during and after the War, by Wilfred J. Rauber.
2787 BOLTON, ARMAND S. A Story Historical of the Penfield Volunteer Fire Company. 1841-1960.
2722 BONNER, JOHN F. County Planning as Applied to Monroe County, New York ...
2514 BORN, ERNEST. "Veterans Memorial Bridge at Rochester: Gehron and Ross, Architects."
3024 BOWMAN, PATRICIA G. "Frederick Douglass: Fourth of July Oration, 1852."
3072 BOYD, WILLIAM P. "War of 1812-14."
6510 BOYER, AMY The Civil War Monument.
2976 BRACKNEY, WILLIAM H. Religious Antimasonry: The Genesis of a Political Party.
5575 BRACKNEY, WILLIAM H. “Experience versus Conviction: The Baptist Response to the Antimasonic Impulse, 1826-1830.”
2977 BRADLEY, J. An Address to Masons, on the Importance of Forming Associations; Spreading Light among Uninformed Brethren; Securing Their Funds from Failures, and Establishing Academies ...
6489 BRAUDE, ANN Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America.
2442 BREWER, JAMES L. A Greater Boss for a Greater Rochester. The Extension of the Mellon-Coolidge Government for Business to Municipal Affairs. The Meaning of the City Manager Government as Underwritten by Money Bags to Which the Business-Controlled Press Denies Expression.
2906 BRIGGS, FRANKLIN H. "The School at Industry: or Wild Boys and Tame Animals."
2755 BRIGHTON. Environmental Advisory Council. Open Space Inventory.
2663 BRITTON, ELIZABETH B. How It Has Grown! A History of the League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metropolitan Area, 1924-1969.
2978 BROWN, HENRY. A Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement, in the Western Part of the State of New-York, during the Years 1826, '7, '8, and a Part of 1829.
2884 BROWN, LE GRAND. Report on Pavements, Village of Canandaigua, New York, 1905.
2679 BROWN, SELDEN S. "The Surrogate's Court, 1821-1929."
3088 BRUMMER, SIDNEY D. Political History of New York State during the Period of the Civil War.
2546 BRUNNER, ARNOLD W. and others. A City Plan for Rochester: A Report Pre-pared for the Rochester Civic Improvement Committee, Rochester, N.Y.
2565 BUB, JEAN, comp. Youth Board of Southeast Study.
3037 BULL, MARY SHERWOOD. “'Women's Rights and Other “Reforms” in Seneca Falls:' A Contemporary View,” ed. Robert E. Riegel.
2414 BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH, New York City. Government of the City of Rochester, N.Y. General Survey, Critical Appraisal and Constructive Suggestions. Prepared for the Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research ...
2415 BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH, New York City. Government of the City of Rochester, N.Y. Description of Organization and Functions ...
2664 BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. New York City. Government of Monroe County, N.Y. (Including Town Government). Description of Organization and Functions ...
2866 BURKE, ARVID J. (“Fiscal Policy for Public Education in New York State, Staff Study No. 1”)
5579 BURKE, RONALD K. “The Anti-Slavery Activities of Samuel Ringgold Ward in New York.”
3038 BURNS, CONSTANCE. “The Bloomer Girl.”
2979 BURNS, ROBERT D. “The Abduction of William Morgan.”
3114 BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. "The University and the Civil War."
2476 BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. "Fire Fighters of the Past."
6466 CAPWELL, ALLEN L. A Time in September.
6444 CARPER, STEVE. `Shunned by All Timid Persons.'
3166 CASE, WHEELER C. "Rochester's Citizen Soldiers."
3173 CASE, WHEELER G. "Military Markers in Rochester and Monroe County."
2665 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. 1974-75 Monroe County Legislature --Personal Profile--Discussing Issues.
2666 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Governing Monroe County: A Staff Report to the Charter Study Commission.
2810 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Brockport/Sweden Management Study: A Staff Report Concerning the Feasibility and Advisability of Consolidating a Village and Town into a Single Unit of Government...
2705 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Tax Reform: Issues, Impacts, Alternatives.
2740 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Planning for Comprehensive Youth Services in Monroe County.
2416 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. The Governance of Rochester; a Staff Report to the Rochester Charter Commission; Decision-Making, Managerial Processes, Representation, Citizen Participation, New Concerns.
2980 CHASE, JAMES S. Emergence of the Presidential Nominating Convention, 1789-1832.
2534 CHRISTENSEN, N.A. Monroe County Comprehensive Sewerage Study: Summary Report.
2680 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED. Task Force on Courts. 3 vols.
2582 CITIZENS' PLANNING COUNCIL. Needs of the Elderly in the Model Cities Area, Rochester, New York.
2623 CIVIC COMMITTEE ON UNEMPLOYMENT. Four Years' Experience with Self-Help or Subsistence Gardens in Monroe County, New York.
3115 CLARK, EDWARD W. "The Yazoo Pass Expedition."
3127 CLARK, LEWIS H. Military History of Wayne County, N.Y. Military Register, Wayne County in the Civil War, 1861-5.
3145 CLARK, WILLIAM F. The Charge on the Hindenburg Line and Other War Poems. A Brief History of Company B and Geneva's Honor Roll.
3039 CLEMENT, ALICE C. “Winning the Vote for Women.”
3116 COCHRANE, HESTER H., ed. "The 108th at Chancellorsville as Described by Samuel D. Porter, Jr., to His Family."
2914 COFFEY, JOHN J. A Political History of the Temperance Movement in New York State, 1808-1920.
3010 COLMAN, LUCY N. Reminiscences.
2981 CONVENTION OF DELEGATES OPPOSED TO FREE MASONRY. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates Opposed to Free Masonry, which Met at LeRoy, Genesee Co., N.Y., March 6, 1828.
3090 COREY, ALBERT B. “The Civil War and Your Community.”
2706 CORNICK, PHILIP H. A Report to the State Planning Council of New York. on the Problems Created by the Premature Subdivision of Urban Lands in Selected Metropolitan Districts in the State of New York.
3091 COTTONE, CHARLES J. Livingston County, 1859-1865; Abolitionist or Union-ist.
2583 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Social and Health Services in the Model Cities Area, Rochester, New York; An Analysis of Health and Social Services Offered to 200 to the Model Cities Population Based on Agency Inventory and Community Survey.
2590 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Report on Housing of Families under Care of Rochester Social Agencies.
2591 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Housing of Families Served by Family Caring Agencies, Rochester, New York.
2566 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. The Human Side of Urban Renewal: A Report ...
2713 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Monroe County Township Directory of Streets and House Numbers by Census Tracts, 1959.
2504 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Rochester House Numbers by Census Tracts.
2694 COX, ROGER. Crime in Monroe County, 1960, 1964, 1970-1973.
2667 CRAPSEY, ARTHUR H., comp. County Manager Government in Effect in the County of Monroe, State of New York.
2681 CROFT, ELIZABETH BENZ. A Plan for Court and Probation Services.
2695 CROFT, ELIZABETH BENZ. Justice Detained; A Pilot Study of Defendants Confined in the Monroe County Jail.
2696 CROFT, ELIZABETH BENZ. Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot City Pro gram. Final Report.
2697 CRONIN, ROBERTA C., and GRETCHEN L. DEFABAUGH. The Impact of Alcohol Offenses on the Criminal Justice System in Monroe County, New York.
2682 CRONIN, ROBERTA C., and LOIS K. HORWITZ. The Court System in Monroe County, New York.
3092 CROWELL, EARL. The Economic Conditions in Rochester and Vicinty during the Civil War.
3063 CRUIKSHANK, ERNEST. Queenston Heights.
2982 CUMMINGS, WILLIAM L. A Bibliography of Anti-Masonry,
2592 DALE, JOHN. "The Rochester Plan Ten Years Later."
2561 DALTON, CHARLES R. Five Years of Municipal Research in the City of Rochester, New York: A History of Achievement.
2983 DAVIS, DAVID B. “Some Themes of Counter-Subversion: An Analysis of Anti-Masonic, Anti-Catholic, and Anti-Mormon Literature.”
2915 DAVIS, DAVID B. “Some Themes of Counter-Subversion: An Analysis of Anti- Masonic, Anti-Catholic, and Anti-Mormon Literature.”
5566 DE LONG, DENNIS R. “Reapportionment, Representativeness, and Rural County Legislatures in New York State.”
2691 DEFABAUGH, GRETCHEN L. The Juvenile Justice System in Monroe County, New York.
2721 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Regional Planning in Monroe County, New York.
2938 DONALD, AIDA DI PACE. "The Decline of Whiggery and the Formation of the Republican Party in Rochester: 1848-1856."
2916 DONALD, AIDA DI PACE. Prelude to Civil War: The Decline of the Whig Party in New York, 1848-1852.
2593 DONALDSON, PAUL J., comp. Directory of Apartment Houses and Apartment House Owners.
2917 DONOVAN, HERBERT D.A. The Barnburners: A Study of the Internal Movements in the Political History of New York State and of the Resulting Changes in Political Affiliation, 1830-1852.
3105 DORNBUSCH, C.E., comp. Regimental Publications & Personal Narratives of the Civil War: A checklist. Vol. 1: Northern States. Part II: New York.
3106 DORNBUSCH, C.E., comp. The Communities of New York and the Civil War; The Re cruiting Areas of the New York Civil War Regiments.
3040 DORR, RHETA L. Susan B. Anthony, the Woman Who Changed the Mind of a Nation.
3025 DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Written by Himself.
3026 DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. Oration, Delivered in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, by Frederick Douglass, July 5th, 1852 ...
6481 DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. The Frederick Douglass Papers.
3093 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “A New Birth of Freedom.”
2984 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “The Legend of William Morgan.”
3174 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. "Caledonia in the Nation's Wars."
5560 DRESSAYRE, PHILIPPE. “Pouvoirs sur la ville: les 'machines' de
2956 DUTKO, JOHN. "Socialism in Rochester, 1900-1917.
2492 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Committee on Civic Affairs. Parallel Streets in Rochester.
2814 EBS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS. Master Plan for the Town of Webster, New York.
3107 ECKERT, EDWARD K. "'The Unluck Eighty-Fifth.'"
2519 EDDY, HARRISON P. and others. Report on the Rochester Water Works.
6476 ELLIS, DAVID M. The Case of the Missing Stone Mason and the Antimasonic Controversy.
2918 ELLIS, DAVID M. “'Upstate Hicks' versus 'City Slickers.'“
3117 ELY, ALFRED. Journal of Alfred Ely, a Prisoner of War in Richmond, ed. Charles Lanman.
2450 EWING, FRED, and OTAKAR KUTVIRT. The Rochester City Debt; A Report of a Factual Study of the Rochester City Debt from 1920 to 1943, and a Projection of the Existing Debt to Its Extinguishment in 1962.
2443 FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L. "Commission Government for Rochester."
2795 FAIRPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fairport-Perinton Community Information Directory.
3041 FATOUT, PAUL. “Amelia Bloomer and Bloomerism.”
2966 FAUSOLD, MARTIN L. James W. Wadsworth, Jr. The Gentleman from New York.
2967 FAUSOLD, MARTIN L. James W. Wadsworth, Jr. “James W. Wadsworth Sr. and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906.”
3167 FEASEL, LAURENCE W. 98th Division Iroquois: 50 Years of Service,
5580 FIELD, PHYLLIS F. The Politics of Race in New York: The Struggle for Black Suffrage in the Civil War Era.
6512 FISHER, DONALD. The Civil War Draft in Rochester.
2548 FISHER, EDWIN A. "City Planning in Rochester."
2417 FISHER, EDWIN A. “Memoranda Relative to the City of Rochester.”
2493 FISHER, EDWIN A. Paving and the Care of City Streets.
2488 FISHER, EDWIN A. "History of Engineering in Rochester."
2535 FISHER, EDWIN A. Report on the Sewage Disposal System of Rochester, N.Y.
2538 FISHER, EDWIN A. Report to Hon. James G. Cutler, Mayor, on the Collection and Disposal of Garbage and Other Refuse in the City of Rochester...
2489 FISHER, EDWIN A. "Engineering and Public Works in the City of Rochester during the Past Century."
2515 FISHER, EDWIN A., and HERBERT A. ZOLLIWEG. "The East Main Street Bridge-- The First Grade Crossing Ekunubation in Rochester."
3141 FISLER, PATRICIA E. "Rochester and the Spanish-American War."
2919 FITCH, CHARLES E., ed. Official New York from Cleveland to Hughes.
3125 FOLEY, JASENA RAPPLEYE. "A Soldier's Scythe."
6471 FOLTS, JAMES D. Duely & Constantly Kept, A History of the New York Supreme Court, 1691-1847 and an Inventory of its Records (Albany, Utica, and Geneva Offices), 1797-1847.
6504 FOLTS, JAMES D., Jr. The Sullivan Campaign: A Bibliography.
2420 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Official Flag of Rochester.”
2419 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Official Seal of Rochester.”
2418 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Historical Backgrounds of Rochester Charter Law.
2506 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Early Changes in Street Names.
2477 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Fire Fighting in Early Rochester.
3146 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. World War Service Record of Rochester and Monroe County, New York. Vol. I: Those Who Died for Us. Vol. II: Those Who Went Forth to Serve. Vol. III: Those Who Supported the Service.
2516 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Smith Street and Its Bridge.
2939 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Daniel Webster in Rochester.
2940 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Hard Cider Victorious."
2652 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Monroe County Court Houses and Their Cornerstones.
2985 FORMISANO, RONALD P., and KATHLEEN SMITH KUTOLOWSKI. “Antimasonry and Masonry: The Genesis of Protest, 1826-1827.”
2736 FORSYTH, RUTH. Demographic and Social Characteristics of the Rochester Area.
6463 FOWLER, LINDA L. and ROBERT D. MCCLURE. Political Ambition, Who Decides to Run for Congress.
2920 FOX, DIXON R. The Decline of Aristocracy in the Politics of New York, 1801-1840.
3042 FOX, LOUIS H. “Pioneer Women's Rights Magazine.”
2988 FREEMASONS, Monroe County. Address of the Freemasons of Monroe County to the Public, on Returning Their Charter.
3074 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Military Affairs in Pike."
3094 FROST, JAMES A. “The Home Front in New York during the Civil War.”
2567 GALINSKY, SETH E. "The Struggle for Monroe County."
3075 GALLOWAY, ARCHER. "Firing the First Shot, as Told by the Man Who Fired It. Reminiscences of Archer Alloway."
3043 GALPIN, W. FREEMAN. “Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Gerrit Smith.”
3128 GARDNER, HENRY R. "A Yankee in Louisiana: Selections from the Diary and Correspondence of Henry R. Gardner, 1862-1866," ed. K.E. Shewmaker & A.K. Prinz.
2520 GAYLORD, ANNE E.. Water Supply Problems in the Rochester, New York Area.
2594 GAYNOR, JAMES W. Report of Survey of Hanover Houses.
2885 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. A Comprehensive Development Plan, Orleans County, N.Y.; Progress Report.
2886 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. Orleans County Land Use: An Inventory and Analysis.
2899 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. A Comprehensive Development Plan, Yates County, N.Y.: Progress Report.
2902 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. Regional Jail Study: An Analysis of Alternative Solutions for Genesee County, Livingston County, Wyoming County.
5586 GERO, ANTHONY, and PHILIP G. MAPLES. “Fusileering in Western N.Y., 1830 to 1840.” "
6472 GIBSON, ELLEN M. New York Legal Research Guide.
2989 GIDDINS, EDWARD. An Account of the Savage Treatment of Captain William Morgan, in Fort Niagara, Who Was Subsequently Murdered by the Masons, and Sunk in Lake Ontario, for Publishing the Secrets of Masonry ...
2421 GILBERT, DONALD W. The Government and Finances of Rochester, New York ...
2683 GLYNN, JAMES F. Monroe County Bar Association History and 75th Anniversary Program, 1892-1967.
3153 GOLD STAR MOTHERS CLUB OF GENESEE COUNTY. Genesee County, World War II. Gold Star Memorial Book.
2941 GOLER, FRANK H. "Marching Clubs of the Eighties."
5573 GOLLADAY, DENNIS. “John Nicholas: Virginia Congressman, New York Quid.”), 5-28. "
3129 GRAHAM, ROBERT H. Yates County's Boys in Blue," 1861-1865; Who They Were--What They Did.
3118 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dept. of New York. Identification and Marking of the Graves of the Soldier Dead in the Cemeteries of Monroe County, New York State, by Flower Committee of the Grand Army of the Republic.
2595 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH J. Town Zoning and the Shortage of Moderate and Low Income Housing, Monroe County, New York.
2707 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH J., and ELIZABETH S. MILLER. Assessment of Real Property in Monroe County: A Study of Assessment Inequities and a Call for Reform.
2708 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH J., and ELIZABETH S. MILLER. The State-Local Tax Structure--A Comparative Perspective.
2815 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH, J., and others. The Community of Webster; A Governmental Analysis and a Plan for Its Future.
2451 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH, J. The Real Property Tax.
2668 GREATER ROCHESTER INTER-GOVERNMENTAL PANEL. Report of the Great Rochester Inter-Governmental Panel, Submitted to the National Academy of Public Administration and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
2669 GREATER ROCHESTER INTER-GOVERNMENTAL PANEL. Two-Tiered Government in Monroe County, New York
2771 GREECE, Planning Board. Master Plan, Town of Greece. 2 vols.
2737 GREELEY & HANSEN. Summary Report, Comprehensive Solid Waste Planning Study, City of Rochester, County of Monroe, State of New York.
2986 GREENE, SAMUEL D. The Broken Seal; or, Personal Reminiscences of the Morgan Abduction & Murder.
5576 GREGORIO, DAVID I. “Antimasonry: Political Action or Collective Disorder? An Inquiry Concerning the Structural Determinants of a Social Movement.”
2990 GRIFFEN, LELAND M. The Antimasonic Persuasion: A Study of Public Address in the American Antimasonic Movement 1826-1838.
3044 GURKO, MIRIAM. The Ladies of Seneca Falls: The Birth of the Woman's Rights Movement.
5577 HAIGH, ELIZABETH B. “New York Antimasons, 1826-1833.”
3076 HALL, AMOS. "Militia Service of 1813-1814, as Shown by the Correspondence and General Orders of Major General Amos Hall."
3175 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. Rush in the Early Wars. Rush: 1962. 39 pp.
2987 HAMILTON, MILTON W. “Anti-Masonic Newspapers, 1826-1834.”
2568 HAMMER & CO. ASSOCIATES. Development of the Genesee River in the City of Rochester: A Reconnaissance Study of Re-Use Potentials and Indicated Courses of Action by the City.
2751 HAMMER, STEPHEN. Your Town Government: A Series of Articles ...
2921 HAMMOND, JABEZ D. The History of Political Parties in the State of New-York, from the Ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840 ... Cooperstown: H. & E. Phinney, 1845. 3d ed. 2 vols.
3064 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. "The Genesee Valley in the Navy."
3065 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. Notes on the Visits of American and British Naval Vessels to the Genesee River, 1809-1814.
3011 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “Anti-Slavery Days in Rochester.”
2452 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "High Finance of Village Days."
2453 HANSEN, ELIZABETH STAFFORD. City Finances in Perspective: Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse, New York, 1975-1976.
6449 HANSEN, ELIZABETH S. County Finances in Perspective: Monroe, Erie, and Onondaga, New York, 1977.
3119 HARD, JAMES A. "My Boyhood 100 Years Ago."
2630 HARKNESS, BERNARD. Plants of Highland Park.
2631 HARKNESS, BERNARD. "A Checklist of the Cultivated Woody Plants of the Rochester Parks."
2544 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Preliminary Report on a System of Recreational Facilities for Rochester, New York.
2542 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Preliminary Report on Railroad and Water-Borne Transportation Facilities for Rochester, New York.
2543 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Preliminary Report on Transit Facilities for Rochester, New York.
2541 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Major Street Plan for Rochester, New York.
3045 HARPER, IDA HUSTED. The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony; Including Public Addresses, Her Own Letters and Many from Her Contemporaries during Fifty Years.
5587 HARRISON, E.D., comp. Yates County in the World War, 1917-1918.
2422 HARRISON, W.S. The Political Blue Book of Rochester, N.Y. ...
3154 HARTZELL, KARL D. The Empire State at War, World War II.
2865 HEDLUND, F.F. “Development of Assessment of Property and Collection of Taxes in Rural New York.”
6473 HENKE, JACK. Lawyers and the Law in New York, a Short History and Guide.
2775 HENRIETTA. Henrietta: Citizens Development Committee,
3012 HERRICK, J.P. “Story of a Noble Life: Rev. Calvin Fairbank and His Work for the Slaves.”
3112 HERRICK, JOHN P. Allegany County's Century-Old Republican Voter, John A. Jones...
6490 HEWITT, NANCY A. Feminist Friends: Agrarian Quakers and the Emergence of Woman's Rights in America.
6491 HEWITT, NANCY ANN. Women's Activism and Social Change: The Case of Rochester, New York, 1822-1872.
6492 HEWITT, NANCY. Yankee Evangelicals and Agrarian Quakers: Gender, Religion, and Class in the Formation of a Feminist Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century Rochester, New York.
6482 HEWITT, NANCY. The Social Origins of Women's Antislavery Politics in Western New York, in Alan M. Kraut, ed., Crusaders and Compromisers, Essays on the Relationship of the Antislavery Struggle to the Antebellum Party System.
2698 HILL, SCOTT. Police in Monroe County, New York.
3066 HITSMAN, J. MACKAY. "Alarum on Lake Ontario, Winter 1812-1813."
6477 HIXSON, CHARLES ROBERT. Antimasonry in Western New York: A Social and Political Analysis
2684 HOCH, EARL B. Courts of Law in the Rochester Area.
2872 HOLLEY, ORVILLE L. The New-York State Register, for 1843 ...
2968 HOLTHUSEN, HENRY F. James W. Wadsworth, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch.
2634 HORSEY, RICHARD E. "The Lilac, Official Flower of Rochester."
2632 HORSEY, RICHARD E. Lilacs in Rochester Parks.
2633 HORSEY, RICHARD E. "Plants and Trees in Highland Park."
2699 HORWITZ, LOIS K Local Criminal Justice Appropriations in Monroe County, New York, 1960-1973.
6460 HOUSTON, J. ROBERT and WILLIAM A. MULLIGAN. A History of the Geneseo Fire Department.
3046 HOWARD, MARTHA TAYLOR. “Rochester Memorials to Susan B. Anthony.”
3013 HUFTELEN, ELIJAH. The Underground Railroad.
2685 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. "Changes in Practice of Law in Rochester."
5564 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX, comp. Flags.
6483 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX, ed. Sweet Gift of Freedom, a Civil War Anthology.
2571 I.M. PEI & ASSOCIATES. Twin Bridge. Redevelopment, Rochester, N.Y. n.p., 1960. unp.
2958 ISSERMAN, MAURICE. "Inheritance Lost: Socialism in Rochester, 1917-1919."
2624 JACKSON, HUGH R. Welfare Administration in New York State Cities.
5561 JAYNES, FRANK. Historical Sketches of the Fire Department of Rochester.
2763 JOHN GRAHAM & CO. District Concept Plan: Central Business District, Village of East Rochester, New York.
3134 JOHNSON, JOHN W. "A Sheldon Soldier in the Civil War."
5581 JONSON, George W. “A Journey to Arcade by Buffalo Abolitionist, 1844,” ed. Harry S. Douglas. "
6484 JONSON, GEORGE WASHINGTON. A Journey to Arcade by Buffalo Abolitionist, 1844.
2686 JURY REFORM ASSOCIATION. The Commissioner of Jurors for Monroe County: A Discussion of the Proposed Measure, for the Purpose of Giving Clear and Definite Information to the People of Monroe County.
6457 KAISER, HARVEY H. The Building of Cities, Development and Conflict.
2922 KASS, ALVIN. Politics in New York State, 1800-1830.
2747 KAYE, CAROLYN G. Vital Statistics: A Proposed Primary Registration District in Monroe County.
3147 KINCAID, J. LESLIE, comp. Roll of Honor; Citizens of the State of New York Who Died While in the Service of the U.S. during the World War.
6493 KIRK, JANE. Susan Look Avery, Nineteenth Century Reformer.
2991 KNIGHT, THOMAS A. The Strange Disappearance of William Morgan.
3047 KRICHMAR, ALBERT. The Woman's Rights Movement in the United States, 18481970: A Bibliography and Sourcebook.
2969 KROUT, JOHN A. “The Maine Law in New York Politics.”
5588 KUTOLOWSKI, JOHN F., and KATHLEEN SMITH KUTOLOWSKI. “Commissions and Canvasses: The Militia and Politics in Western New York, 1800-1845.”
5574 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. “The Janus Face of New York's Local Parties: Genesee County, 1821-1827.”
2970 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. The Social Composition of Political Leadership: Genesee County, New York, 1821-1860.
2971 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. “Identifying the Religious Affiliations of Nineteenth Century Local Elites.”
6478 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. Antimasonry Reexamined: Social Bases of the Grass-Roots Party.
2992 LACKEY, JAMES, and others, defendants. The Trial of James Lackey, Isaac Evertson, Chauncy H. Coe, Holoway Howard, Hiram Hubbard, John Butterfield, James Ganson, Asa Knowlen, Harris Seymour, Henry Howard, and Moses Roberts, for Kidnapping Capt. William Morgan; at the Ontario General Sessions, Held at Can-andaigua, Ontario County, Aug. 22, 1827 ...
3120 LAKE, THOMAS H., comp. Directory, Grand Army of the Republic, Monroe County Patriots. G.A.R. Posts, U.V.U. Commands, Women's Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans Ladies' Aids.
2993 LANE, WILLIAM T. “The William Morgan Affair. Articles Appearing in the Livingston Register, Oct. 1826-Dec. 1827. A Chronological Bibliography.”
2635 LANEY, CALVIN C. "Trees in Rochester Parks."
5570 LANG, JEAN B. "A.E. Crandall Hook & Ladder Company, Inc., Alfred, New York."
2994 LANG, OSSIAN H. History of Freemasonry in the State of New York.
2959 LANNI, CLEMENT G. Traveling on the Democratic Donkey.
2960 LANNI, CLEMENT G. Beat 'Em or Join 'Em.
2961 LANNI, CLEMENT G. George W. Aldridge: Big Boss, Small City.
2521 LATTIMORE, SAMUEL A. Report ... on the Water Supply of the City of Rochester.
2778 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Honeoye Falls/Mendon, County of Monroe, Honeoye Falls,
2670 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Your County, Monroe, and the Government within It.
2671 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Metropolitan Development in Monroe County, Rochester: 1960. 22 pp.
2672 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Local Governments, Rochester-Monroe County.
2596 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Housing Needs, Monroe County.
2727 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Planning, Who Does It?
2769 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Greece, Your Town.
2653 LEE, FLORENCE. The Founding of Monroe County.
2584 LEGGE ASSOCIATES. Management Evaluation, Model Cities Program, Rochester, N.Y.
6494 LEHMAN, GODFREY D. Susan B. Anthony Cast Her Ballot for Ulysses S. Grant.
2879 LEROY. Recreation Commission. Where and How LeRoy Plays, 1922-1925.
3048 LESTER, CAROLINE F. “Mrs. Bloomer and Mrs. Stanton in Seneca Falls.”
2942 LEWIS, MERTON E. "When the City bought Whiskey and Cigars."
2881 LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Resources Development Committee. For Growth and Development: A Report of the Livingston County Resources Development Committee.
2463 LOMBARD, WILLIAM M. "The Morals Squad."
2748 LOSHAK, ROSEMARY A. Weights and Measures: The Role of County Government in Consumer Affairs.
5562 LOUIS, DOROTHY. How Lilacs Came to Rochester: A Musical Narration of Rochester, New York. Features during the 1976 Bicentennial Celebration and Again in 1980.
3049 LUTZ, ALMA. “Susan B. Anthony and John Brown.”
3050 LUTZ, ALMA. Susan B. Anthony: Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian.
2687 LYNN, JOHN D. The Life and Times of John Mastick, the Pioneer Lawyer of Rochester.
3148 LYNN, JOHN D. "The United States Marshal's Office in the World War."
3051 LYON, PETER. “The Herald Angels of Woman's Rights.”
6495 LYONS, CHUCK. The Right Park in the Right Place.
6445 LYONS, CHUCK. Religious Conversion.
2494 MacFARLANE, JANET R. "Changes in Broad Street Surface."
2478 MacFARLANE, JANET W. "Rochester Fires."
6513 MAHOOD, WAYNE. The Plymouth Pilgrims; A History of the Eighty-Fifth New York Infantry in the Civil War.
6517 MANCINI, AL. Rochester During World War One: Women on the Homefront.
3142 MANS, MARY A. "Cuba as Reflected in the Rochester Press--1895 to 1898."
6455 MARASCO, NICHOLAS L. Honeoye Falls Fire Department, 1885.
2554 MARGRANDER, E.C. "Proposed Improvement of the City of Rochester."
2523 MARSH, DANIEL. Report on the Introduction of a Supply of Pure Water into the City of Rochester, Made to the Mayor and Common Council, September 1860.
3067 MARSH, RUTH, and DOROTHY S. TRUESDALE. "War on Lake Ontario: 1812-1815."
3098 MARSH, RUTH. “A History of Rochester's Part in the Civil War.”
2749 MARTIN, ROSCOE G. Metropolis in Transition: Local Government Adaptation to Changing Urban Needs.
2598 MASON & CUNNINGHAM, architects. User Study and Design Handbook.
3054 MASON, ANNA DANN. “The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met.”
2479 MATHEWS, HENRY W., ed. Fire Service of Rochester, N.Y. Containing a Sketch of the Old Volunteer Department, also the Present Fire Department.
3055 MAY, Arthur J. “Susan B. Anthony: Perspective on a Pioneer.”
3156a MAZUZAN, GEORGE T., and NANCY WALKER. "Restricted Areas: German Prisonerof-War-Camps In Western New York, 1944-1946."
3014 McCANNE, LEE, and others. A Path to Freedom: One Underground Railroad Route in Monroe County.
3176 McCANNE, LEE. "Sampson Trainees Are Rochester's Good Neighbors."
2597 McCANNE, LEE. The Latent Demand for Middle Income and Luxury Apartments, Downtown in Rochester, New York; Including Survey Responses of Preferences as to Location, Size, Garage Space, Services.
2995 MCCARTHY, CHARLES. The Antimasonic Party: A Study of Political Anti- Masonry in the United States, 1827-1840, pp. 365-574 in Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1902, Vol. 1.
2818 McCROSKY-REUTER. Community Master Plan Report, 1970: Scottsville- Wheatland Community, Monroe County, N.Y.
2819 McCROSKY-REUTER. Survey and Evaluation Reports, 1970: Scottsville-Wheat land Community, Monroe County, N.Y.
6496 MCDONALD, DAVID KEVIN. Organizing Womanhood: Women's Culture and the Politics of Woman Suffrage in New York State, 1865-1917.
2972 McELWAIN, JOHN A. “1820 Election in Warsaw.”
6485 MCFEELY, WILLIAM S. Frederick Douglass.
3135 McGUIRE, GORDON. "Wyoming County's Last Civil War Veteran."
3015 McGUIRE, HORACE. “Two Episodes of Anti-Slavery Days.”
6446 MCKELVEY, BLAKE. A Growing Legacy: An Illustrated History of Rochester's Parks.
2934 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Political Trends: An Historical Review.
2550 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Physical Growth of Rochester."
2551 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A Local Historian's Reflections after Visiting Foreign Cities."
2552 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rebuilding Rochester and Remembering Its Past."
3156 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's First Year in the War for Survival.
2437 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Last Eleven Mayors, the First Eleven Managers, and Twenty County Chairmen."
2569 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Historical. Antecedents of the Crossroads Project.
2549 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of City Planning in Rochester.
2638 McKELVEY, BLAKE. An Historical View of Rochester's Parks and Playgrounds.
2522 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Water for Rochester.
2570 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Housing and Urban Renewal: The Rochester Experience."
2464 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of the Police of Rochester, New York.
2465 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A History of the Police of Rochester, New York," pp. 7-37 in Rochester Police Bureau, 1819-1969, 150 Years of Service.
2435 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Mayors of Rochester's Mid Years.: 1860-1900."
2436 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "His Honor, the Mayor of Rochester, 1900-1928."
2434 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester Mayors before the Civil War.
2654 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester and Monroe County: An Historic Partnership.
2700 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of Penal and Correctional Institutions in the Rochester Area.
2426 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Civic Developments of Rochester's First Half-Century, 1817-1867.
2427 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Turbulent but Constructive Decades in Civic Affairs: 1867-1900.”
2553 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A City Historian's Holiday."
2495 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Accidents and Their Prevention: A Revealing Phase of Rochester's History.
2496 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Snowstorms and Snow Fighting--The Rochester Experience."
2497 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Names and Traditions of Some Rochester Streets."
2498 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "East Avenue's Turbulent History."
3028 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Frederick Douglass Picks Rochester as Headquarters for His Fight against Slavery.
6497 MCKELVEY, BLAKE. Susan B. Anthony's Hometown Trials, an Historical Play Depicting Episodes from Miss Anthony's Life in Rochester Between 1845 and 1900.
3097 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Part in the Civil War.
3052 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Susan B. Anthony.
3053 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Woman's Rights in Rochester: A Century of Progress.”
3077 McLEAN, A.H. "Caledonia."
2626 McLEAN, FRANCIS H. Abstract of a Report on the Department of Charities of the City of Rochester, N.Y.
3027 McMASTER, RICHARD K. "He Left His Impress upon History ... Rose Out of Slavery to Lead His People through Fiery Epoch."
6486 MCMILLAN, MARY LOUISE. Mr. Editor If You Please: Frederick Douglass in Rochester, 1847-1852.
6505 MEAGHER, NORINE A., compiler. As it Was: In Service to Our Country, 1776-1976.
5584 MELDER, KEITH E. Beginnings of Sisterhood: The American Woman's Rights Movement, 1800-1850.
6447 MERCER, LAURIE. Peace Park.
3121 MERRELL, WILLIAM H. Five Months in Rebeldom; or, Notes from the Diary of a Bull Run Prisoner, at Richmond.
2536 METCALF, & EDDY. Report to Harold W. Baker, Commissioner of Public Works, Upon Sewage Disposal Problem, Rochester, New York.
2599 MEYER, CARSON. Some Rochester Programs for the Rehabilitation of People and Housing.
5563 MIKOLJI, BORIS H. "Race, Nationality, and Politics in an Urban Community (Rochester)."
2923 MILES, EDWARD J. Political Regionalism in New York, 1860-1954.
3136 MILLER, CHARLES F. "With the 6th New York Cavalry in the Civil War."
2962 MILLET, JOHN, and DAVID PITTMAN. "The New Suburban Voter: A Case Study in Electoral Behavior."
2600 MILLIMAN, ELMER B. "Rochester's Plan for GI Housing."
2555 MINDER, EDWARD G. "Why Favor a City Plan for Rochester?"
2480 MISSISSIPPI WIRE GLASS CO., New York. A Reconnaissance of the Baltimore and Rochester Fire Districts with Some Illustrations and Excerpts from Opinions No Less Authoritative than Significant.
2924 MOHR, JAMES C. The Radical Republicans and Reform in New York during Reconstruction.
2692 MONROE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION. Report of Task Force on Monroe County Family Court.
2996 MONROE COUNTY COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO ASCERTAIN THE FATE OF CAPT. WILLIAM MORGAN. Supplementary Report of the Committee Appointed to Ascertain the Fate of Capt. William Morgan.
2605 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. Housing '67: An Index of Housing Programs in Monroe County.
2604 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. Make Open Occupancy a Living Reality in 1966.
2602 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. A Description of the History and Nature of Housing Programs in Greater Rochester, New York.
2603 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. Housing in Rochester: The Problem, the Solution.
6451 MONROE COUNTY, N.Y. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING. Planning Inventory, Town of Hamlin, Monroe County, New York.
2782 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Ogden, Monroe County, New York.
2717 MONROE COUNTY. Park and Recreation Study Committee. A Plan for Parks and Recreation in Monroe County. Vol. 1: Parks. Vol. 2: Recreation.
2709 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. Past and Current Finances of Monroe County, 1915-1933.
2655 MONROE COUNTY. Board of Supervisors. Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Monroe County, 1821.
2716 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Parks. Report on Park Land and Land Ac-quisition.
2601 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Housing Problems of the Public Assistance Recipient.
2773 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Master Plan, Town of Hamlin.
2808 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Planning Inventory, Town of Sweden and Village of Brockport, Monroe County, New York.
2809 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Comprehensive Plan--Town of Sweden/Village of Brock port, Monroe County, New York.
2735 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Monroe County Preliminary Comprehensive Plan.
6450 MONROE COUNTY. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING. Economic Growth: A Framework for Planning Policy.
2766 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Comprehensive Plan, Town of Gates, Monroe County, New York.
2772 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Hamlin, Monroe County, New York.
2816 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Wheatland, Monroe County, New York.
2796 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for Village of Pittsofrd, Monroe County, New York.
2800 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Riga, Monroe County, New York.
2801 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Churchville, Monroe County, New York.
2765 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Gates, Monroe County, New York.
2767 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for Town of Greece, Monroe County, New York.
2790 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Perinton, Monroe County, New York.
2817 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Scottsville, Monroe County, New York.
2791 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Fairport, Monroe County, New York.
2806 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Sweden, Monroe County, New York.
2807 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Brockport, Monroe County, New York.
2811 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Webster, Monroe County, New York.
2812 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Webster, Monroe County, New York.
2774 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning. for the Town of Henrietta, Monroe County, New York.
2776 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Mendon, Monroe County, New York.
2777 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Honeoye Falls, Monroe County, New York.
2779 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Ogden, Monroe County, New York.
2780 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Spencer- port, Monroe County, New York.
2803 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Rush, Monroe County, New York.
2783 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Parma, Monroe County, New York.
2786 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Penfield, Monroe County, New York.
3157 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Civilian Protection. General Plan for Operation of Monroe County Welfare Services during Emergency.
3158 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Civilian Protection. .. Emergency Medical Service …
3056 MONROE COUNTY. Office of County Historian. Rochester Museum Tour for Young People: Susan B. Anthony, Champion of Human Rights.
2741 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Human Resources. Monroe County Human Resources Center: A Pilot in Integrated Service Delivery.
2730 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Community Information: A Directory of Data Sources of County Government.
2723 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Population Study for the Rochester- Monroe County Metropolitan Area. (Master Plan Series, No. 1)
2725 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Economic Study for the Rochester-Monroe County Metropolitan Area.
2784 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Parma, Village of Hilton, Monroe County, New York.
2785 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Parma, Village of Hilton, 1970-1985.
2792 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Perinton, Monroe County, N.Y.
2606 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Annual Survey of Housing and Population; Towns and Villages of Monroe County, New York.
2607 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Toward a Positive Housing Program: An Initial Assessment of Housing in Monroe County, New York.
2732 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Population Growth: A Framework for Planning Policy. (Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2)
2733 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Housing: A Challenge for Monroe County. (Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2)
2726 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Design for the Future: A Master Plan for the Rochester- Monroe County Metropolitan Area. (Master Plan Series, no. 6)
2718 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. The Future of Conservation and Re-creation in Monroe County: A Review of Needs and Opportunities for Park and Conservation Land Acquisition and Development ...
2729 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Information Sources on Human Resource Problems.
2724 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Background for Planning for the Rochester-Monroe County Metropolitan Area. (Master Plan Series no. 2)
2788 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Penfield, Monroe County, N.Y.
2789 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Penfield, Monroe County, N.Y.
2805 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Rush, Monroe County, New York 1967-1985.
2793 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Perinton, Monroe County, New York.
2794 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Comprehensive Plan. Village of Fairport, Monroe County, New York.
2797 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Inventory for Planning, Town and Village of Pittsford, New York.
2798 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town and Village of Pittsford, N.Y.
2804 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Rush, Monroe County, N.Y.
2760 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council.. Planning Inventory: Town of Clarkson, County of Monroe, New York.
2761 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council.. Clarkson Master Plan: "A Strategy for Proper and Desirable Growth," 1970-1985.
2757 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory. Town of Chili, Monroe County, N.Y.
2758 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Comprehensive Plan, Town of Chili, Monroe County, New York, 1970-1990.
2738 MONROE COUNTY. Pure Waters Agency. Monroe County Pure Water Program.
2742 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. A Report Showing the Magnitude and Growth of Relief in Monroe County and the City of Rochester.
2752 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York.
2764 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. A Planning Study of Gates, Being Part of a Regional Planning Study of Monroe County ...
2759 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Clarkson, Monroe County, New York.
2756 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Chili, Monroe County, New York.
2762 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of East Rochester, Monroe County, New York.
2743 MONROE COUNTY. Social Welfare Study Committee. Administrative Organization, Monroe County Department of Social Welfare.
2744 MONROE COUNTY. Social Welfare Study Committee. Survey of Welfare Medical Services of the Monroe County Department of Social Welfare.
2745 MONROE COUNTY. Special Citizens' Committee on Social Conditions. A Study of the Public Welfare Program in Monroe County.
2739 MONROE COUNTY. Water Authority. Monroe County Water Authority, Twentieth Anniversary.
2936 MONTAGUE, MARTHA. “The Presidents Come to Rochester.”
2714 MOONEY, THOMAS T. Highways and Bridges in Monroe County; A Framework for Responsibilities ...
6518 MORE, ELLEN. Rochester During World War One: Rochester `Over There.'
2997 MORGAN, WILLIAM. Illustrations of Masonry, by One of the Fraternity, Who Has Devoted Thirty Years to the Subject ...
2998 MORRIS, ROBERT. William Morgan; or Political Anti-Masonry, Its Rise, Growth and Decadence.
2608 MORTON, HOFFMAN & CO. An Analysis of the Housing Assistance Needs of Lower Income Households and Characteristics of Selected Other Household Groups, City of Rochester, as of October, 1975.
2925 MOSCOW, WARREN. Politics in the Empire State.
2444 MOSHER, FREDERICK C. City Manager Government in Rochester (New York)... for the Committee on Public Administration of the Social Science Research Council ...
2466 MOSS, ALBERT J. History of the Police Bureau, Rochester, N.Y. Department of Public Safety, form Its Earliest Days to May 1, 1929, with a Record of Principal Investigations and Personnel of Organization.
6467 MOTZ, LORA WINCHESTER. Feelings - Reactions.
3099 MURDOCK, EUGENE C. Patriotism Limited 1862-1865: The Civil War Draft and the Bounty System.
3108 MURPHY, GEORGE E., and others. "The Eighth New York Heavy Artillery."
3016 MYERS, JOHN L. “The Beginnings of Anti-Slavery Agencies in New York State, 1833-1836.”
3017 MYERS, JOHN L. “The Major Effort of National Anti-Slavery Agents in New York State, 1836-1837.”
2609 MYLER, JOSEPH J. "What the RHIAC Means to Rochester."
3068 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. Index of Awards on Claims of the Soldiers of the War of 1812.
3109 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. A Record of the Commissioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Privates, of the Regiments Which Were Organized in the State of New York and Called into the Service of the United States to Assist in Suppressing the Rebellion. ... as Taken from the Muster-in-Rolls on File ...
3001 N.Y. Assembly. Select Committee on the Abduction of William Morgan. Report of the Select Committee on That Part of the Governor's Message Relating to the Abduction of William Morgan. Made to the Assembly, Feb. 16, 1829.
3100 N.Y. Board of Managers of the Soldiers' Depot. Report of the Board of Managers of the New York State Soldiers' Depot, and the Fund for the Relief of the Sick, Wounded, Furloughed and Discharged Soldiers ...
3101 N.Y. Bureau of Military Statisitcs. Fifth Annual Report ... (N.Y. Assembly Document no. 148, 1868)
2710 N.Y. Commission to Revise the Tax Laws. Financial Control in the Suburban Area of New York State.
2887 N.Y. Comptroller's Office. Report to State Comptroller Martin H. Glynn on the Examination of the Accounts of Orleans County ...
2880 N.Y. Comptroller's Office. Report to State Comptroller Martin H. Glynn on the Examination of the Accounts of Genesee County ...
3078 N.Y. Council of Appointment. Military Minutes of the Council of Appoint= ment of the State of New York, 1783-1821.
2673 N.Y. Department of Civil Service. Management Survey Report of the Monroe County Civil Service Commission.
2907 N.Y. Dept. of Social Welfare. 29,000 Boys--One Hundred Years of Public Service. Centennial, State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry, N.Y. 1849-1949.
2874 N.Y. Secretary of State. Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York ...
3002 N.Y. Senate. Committee on the Abduction of William Morgan. Report of the Committee on the Abduction of William Morgan, Made to the Senate, Feb. 14 1829.
2903 N.Y. Special Commission on Attica. Attica: The Official Report of the New York State Special Commission on Attica ...
2867 N.Y. State Commission for the Revision of the Tax Laws. Reorganization of Local Government in New York State.
2610 N.Y. Temporary State Housing Rent Commission. Survey of Residential Rents and Rental Conditions in the State of New 'York.
2611 N.Y. Temporary State Housing Rent Commission. People, Housing and Rent Control in Rochester.
2753 NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. The Brighton Gas Fire and Explosion Catastrophe, Town of Brighton (Monroe County), N.Y., September 21, 1951.
3000 NATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ... Fourteenth National Convention Held in Opera hall, Batavia, N.Y., September 12th, 13th & 14th, 1882. Reports of Proceedings, Addresses, the Unveiling of the Morgan Monument, and Letter of Thurlow Weed.
2688 NATIONAL LEGAL AID AND DEFENDER ASSOCIATION. The Public Defender's Office in Monroe County, New York--An Evaluation.
3057 NELSON, GLADYS G., ed. “Report of the Woman's Rights Convention, Rochester, 1848.”
3149 NEW YORK AMERICAN. Rochester's Part in the World War, 1918.
2639 OLDS, NATHANIEL S. "The Parks and the People."
2944 OLNEY, MABEL GLEASON. "William Lyon Mackenzie: Rochester Newspaper Man."
2943 OLNEY, MABEL GLEASON. William Lyon Mackenzie: The Rochester Years, 1838-1842.
2640 O'NEIL, MARTIN B. "Dr. Edward Mott Moore: Father of the Rochester Park System."
3124 ONTARIO COUNTY SOLDIERS' MONUMENT ASSOC. Address to the Electors of Ontario County, by the Ontario County Monument Association.
3003 O'REILLY, HENRY. American Political-Antimasonry, with Its “Good-Enough Morgan.” “One of the Most Singular Features in American Social, Religious and Political History ... Brief Notices of Some Events in the History of the Political-Antimasonic Excitement ...
2820 OSBORNE, FLORENCE, comp. “Rochester, New York: A Check List of Official Publications.”
2567 OSGOOD, HOWARD L. A Pedestrian Mall for Rochester.
2904 OSWALD, RUSSELL G. Attica--My Story, ed. Rodney Campbell. .
2945 OTIS, IRA L. "Henry Clay's First Visit to Rochester."
3029 PALMER, ERWIN. "A Partnership in the Abolition Movement."
2484 PEAKE, MARION R. "Fire Fighting in Rochester, 1819."
2440 PECK, WILLIAM F. "Elisha Johnson: President of the Village and Mayor of the City of Rochester."
2467 PECK, WILLIAM F. History of the Police Department of Rochester, N.Y., from the Earliest Times to May 1, 1903 ...
2517 PEET, ANN OLMSTEAD. "The Ridge Road."
2612 PEMBERTON, PRENTISS L. A Survey of Interracial Housing Attitudes in White Neighborhoods of Rochester Suburbs.
2900 PENN YAN. Urban Renewal Agency. A Report of Progress under the Workable Program for Community Improvement for Small Communities for the Elimination and Prevention of Slums and Blight in Penn Yon, New York..
2946 PENNEY, SHERRY. Patrician in Politics: Daniel Dewey Barnard of New York.
2947 PERKINS, DEXTER. "A Rochester Speech which Stirred the Nation."
2715 PERRY, BERNARD F. "Development of a Modern Highway System in Rochester and Monroe County."
2468 PERRY, DAVID C. "The Rochester Police Advisory Board: A Community Response to Racial Unrest."
6487 PHELAN, HELENE C. And Why Not Every Man?: An Account of Slavery, the Underground Railroad, and the Road to Freedom in New York's Southern Tier.
2689 PHILLIPS, JANES E. The Probation Employment end Guidance Program: An Evaluation of Impacts on Employment and Recidivism.
3110 PHISTERER, FREDERICK. New York in the War of the Rebellion. 1861 to 1865.
2908 PICKETT, ROBERT S. House of Refuge: Origins of Juvenile Reform in New York State, 1815-1857.
2948 PIERCE, SAMUEL C. "Three Famous Visitors to Rochester: Daniel Webster-- General Winfield Scott--Abraham Lincoln."
3102 PIERSON, WELLINGTON K. “Wyoming County during the Civil War.”
2799 PITTSFORD, Town Planning Board. Comprehensive Plan, Town of Pittsford.
2927 POCOCK, EMIL. “Wet or Dry? The Presidential Election of 1884 in Upstate New York.”
3058 POLITICAL EQUALITY CLUB OF ROCHESTER. ...Twenty-Second Year, Program, 1905-1906.
2454 PRATT, HAZEN C. Current Revenue and Expense of the City of Rochester, N.Y., for 1930; A Comparison with the Ohio Cities of Dayton and Columbus ...
2926 PRICE, HARRY S., JR. The Regions of New York in the Election of 1828.
2882 PROCTOR, L.B. "The Judge and Lawyers of Livingston County and Their Relation to the History of Western New York."
3030 QUARLES, BENJAMIN. "Frederick Douglass and John Brown."
3031 QUARLES, BENJAMIN. Frederick Douglass,
2644 RAITT, CHARLES B. A Survey of Recreational Facilities in Rochester, N.Y.
3020 RAPP, MARVIN A. “'Nigger' in the Woodpile.”
3103 RAYBACK, ROBERT J. “New York State in the Civil War.”
6453 RAYMOND, PARISH & PINE, INC. An Urban Design Study for Monroe Avenue & West Henrietta Road, Brighton, N.Y.
2754 RAYMOND, PARISH & PINE. Townplan: Comprehensive Development Plan for the Town of Brighton, New York,
3111 READ, GEORGE C., comp. Directory, Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of Veterans; and Posts, Camps and Commands in Monroe, Wayne, Livingston and Orleans Counties, State of New York, 1892.
6438 REAL ESTATE RESEARCH CORPORATION. Recommended Strategy for Addressing Rochester's Housing Abandonment, Prepared for Bureau of Planning, Department of Community Development, Rochester, New York.
2824 Regional Development Plan. (Report no. 4)
2822 Regional Goals and Policies: Progress Statement. (Report no. 2)
2823 Regional Growth Alternatives: Plan Concepts. (Report no. 3)
2928 REMINI, ROBERT V. Martin Van Buren and the Making of the Democratic Party,
2645 RHEES, RUSH. "The Gift and the Donor: James Goold Cutler,"
2646 RICE, RICHARD E. "how to Make a City Park: Rochester's Manhattan Square Park."
2889 RICHARDSON, JOHN E. "Judiciary of the County of Seneca."
2802 RIGA. Town Planning Board. A Plan to Guide the Development of the Town of Riga.
6468 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Gray Walls.
6461 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Attica Fire Department.
6514 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Dragoons....
2556 ROBINSON, CHARLES M. "The History of the New Rochester Plan."
2558 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Municipal Reconstruction Program, Suggesting Certain Steps that May Be Taken to Plan for the After-the-War Rochester.
2701 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Police Services in Monroe County.
2563 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. The Purpose and Organization of the Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research, Inc.
2460 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Summary Analysis of the Financial Past and Future of the City of Rochester and the Rochester Board of Education.
2540 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Refuse Collection and Disposal. Part III: Garbage and Rubbish Disposal.
2539 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on the Problem of Refuse Collection in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2711 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Monroe County Sales Tax; A Study of the Effects of New State Legislation upon the Monroe County Sales Tax and of Available Distribution Formulas.
2581 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Economic and Population Studies for the Community Renewal Program of the City of Rochester. Vol. I: Analysis of Population. Vol. II: Economic Studies--Manufacturing, Wholesaling, Retailing, and Service Trades.
2613 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Real Property Inventory of Rochester, New York, 1940.
2471 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on a Survey of the Police Bureau of the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2746 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Volume and Cost of Public Welfare in Monroe County, June 9, 1937.
2445 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum on a Model Charter for Rochester ...
2446 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Rochester Since 'Twenty-Eight; a Diagrammatic Appraisal of Council-Manager Government in Rochester, New York.
2530 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Rochester and Its Water Works: The Story of One City's Quest for a Domestic Supply of Pure and Wholesome 'Water, 1834-1954.
2702 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Man on the Periphery: A Study of the Monroe County (N.Y.) Penitentiary.
2455 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report of the Assessment of Real Property in the City of Rochester, New York.
2456 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report of a Study of the Financial Condition and Practices of the City of Rochester, N.Y. ...
2457 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum on the Automobile as a Source of Municipal Revenue.
2458 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. The Organization and Methods of the Department of Assess ment in Rochester, New York.
2459 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Financial Program for Rochester.
2937 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. “Canvass of Votes and Political History of Rochester's Councils and Mayors and Monroe County's Board for 100 Years, 1834-1934.”
2500 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on the Problem of Snow Removal in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2501 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on the Problem of Street Cleaning in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2528 ROCHESTER BUSINESS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Report on the Rochester Water Works.
2731 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. Consolidation of City/County Planning Services: Steps Leading toward More Effective Planning in the Rochester-Monroe County Metropolitan Area.
2614 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. Housing in Monroe County, New York; Summary of Research Staff Findings and Recommendations..
2703 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. The Police System, Monroe County; Present/Proposed.
2719 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. A New Zoo? The Importance of Environmental Education in Monroe County.
3159 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. A Tribute to Some of Rochester's Contri-butions to the Winning of the War.
2615 ROCHESTER MANAGEMENT CORP. The Rochester Plan for Veterans Housing.
2616 ROCHESTER MANAGEMENT CORP. Not Beyond Reach: The Story of How Rochesterians Helped Solve the Problem of Housing for Senior Citizens.
2588 ROCHESTER MODEL CITIES PROGRAM. Comprehensive Model Cities Plan.
2589 ROCHESTER MODEL CITIES PROGRAM. Community Development Plan: A Presentation by Model Cities.
2527 ROCHESTER Water Works. Report of Chief Engineer J.N. Tubbs, with Reference to Additional Water Supply.
2469 ROCHESTER, Citizen's Committee on Police Affairs. Final Report ...
2557 ROCHESTER, City Planning Commission. An Economic Study of Rochester.
2525 ROCHESTER. ... In the Matter of the Application of the City of Rochester to Acquire the Permanent and Perpetual Right to Draw from Hemlock and Canadice Les and Amount of Water Sufficient for the Use of Said City and Its Inhabitants ... Record on Appeal from Order Confirming Report of Commissioner of Appraisal
2650 ROCHESTER. Recreation Advisory Committee. Plan for Public Recreation, Rochester, New York.
2573 ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. City Planning Commission. Comprehensive Master Plan, 1980 ...
3160 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Veteran and the Rochester Public Schools.
2575 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Planning Study for Intown Area Development.
2576 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Rochester Facts & Facets.
2585 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Model Cities Land Use Policies Plan.
2574a ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. The Genesee River Plan: A Comprehensive Development Plan for the Genesee River in Rochester.
2574 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Maplewood Neighborhood Study.
2647 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Recreation Plan. Phase I: Recreation Facilities Improvement Program.
2508 ROCHESTER. City Engineer. Revised List Showing Street Names Changed Prior to January 1, 1900.
2486 ROCHESTER. City Engineer. Report of Edwin A. Fisher, City Engineer, on Recommendations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters Committee of Twenty.
2509 ROCHESTER. City Planning Bureau. Index to Names of Street and Roads Shown on City Planning Bureau Maps and Surrounding Area of Rochester, N.Y., Revised to March, 1921.
2526 ROCHESTER. Committee on Water Supply. Report of Water Committee on Additional Supply and Equalization of Water Rates to the City Council.
2658 ROCHESTER. Common Council. Municipal Manual of Rochester and Register of Monroe County ...
2648 ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. Report of the Board of Park Commission-ers of the City of Rochester, N.Y. 1888 to 1898.
2649 ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. The Public Parks of the City of Rochester, New York, 1888-1904.
2577 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. Community Renewal Program.
2578 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. The Future of Downtown Rochester: Central Business Dis trict General Neighborhood Plan.
2579 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. The Untold Story: A Report on Activities of the City of Rochester in the Area of Economic and Industrial Development.
2586 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. Final Relocation Report: Baden-Ormond Urban Renewal Project ...
2587 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. Rochester, New York Northeast General Neighborhood Renewal Plan.
2580 ROCHESTER. Genesee Corridor Task Force. Genesee Corridor Plan: City of Rochester.
2428 ROCHESTER. Office of Federal Program Review. City of Rochester, New York, Federal Programs Inventory, Fiscal Years 1973 -74.
2470 ROCHESTER. Police Bureau. Blue Book, Police Department of Rochester, New York, with Complete Biographical Sketches of Each Member ...
6507 ROEMER, LILLIAN. The Genesee River During the War of 1812.
2964 ROSENBAUM, RICHARD M. They Said "It Couldn't Be Done."
6515 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. A Growing Agitation: Rochester Before, During, and After the Civil War.
6519 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. A City in Conflict, Rochester During the Vietnam War.
6498 ROSENTHAL, NAOMI, at al. Social Movements and Network Analysis: A Case Study of Nineteenth-Century Women's Reform in New York State.
2560 ROY WENZLICK & CO. Economic Factors and Probable Trends Affecting City Planning in Rochester, New York.
2572 RTKL ASSOCIATES. Report on the Development Plan for Downtown Rochester 199 New York. housing, some street changes.)
2617 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "Shall Rochester Have a 200-Family Tenement?"
2829 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "The Time Has Come for Rochester to Vote in Its School Houses."
3032 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "From Douglass Triangle to Douglass Park: A New Honor to Rochester's Afro-American Statesman."
6479 RUPP, ROBERT O. Social Tension and Political Mobilization in Jacksonian Society: A Case Study of the Antimasonic Party in New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont, 1827-1840.
3137 SALISBURY, F.C. "Warsaw's Memorial Day, 1887."
3169 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. The Union Blues: A Brief History of the Corps and Its Life.
2949 SAUNDERS, LUCILLE STILLMAN. The Dissolution of the Whig Party in Monroe County (1848-1856).
6456 SCHLEGEL, WILLIAM R., and LAWRENCE J. GLEASON. The West Webster Volunteer Fireman's Association: The First 50 Years, 1926-1976.
2868 SCHNEIDER, DAVID M. The History of Public Welfare in New York State.
2965 SCHOENBERGER, ROBERT A. "Conservatism, Personality and Political Extremism."
2929 SCISCO, LOUIS D. Political Nativism in New York State. (Studies in History, Economics & Public Law, XIII, no. 2)
3082 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "A Boyhood Adventure."
2770 SEELYE, STEVENSON, VALUE & KNECHT. General Development Plan Project; Longview Land Use.
3069 SEVERANCE, FRANK H. "War Losses on the Niagara Frontier."
3021 SIEBERT, WILBUR H. The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom.
2503 SIMPSON & CURTIN. Downtown Rochester: An Appraisal of Traffic, Transit and Parking Needs of Downtown Rochester over the Next Fifteen Years for the City Planning Commission.
3138 SKIFF, ALBERT O. "The Last Charge at Appomattox."
2531 SKINNER, JOHN F. "Cobb's Hill Reservoir, Rochester, N.Y."
2870 SKINNER, ROGER S. The New-York State Register ...
2892 SMART, MARY SPENCER SIMPSON. Centennial, Wayne County Court House and Jail, 1854-1954.
6469 SMITH, BEVERLY A. Female Admissions and Parolees of the Western House of Refuge in the 1880s: An Historical Example of Community Corrections.
2674 SMITH, CRAIG W., and W. EARL WELLER. Ten Years of County Manager Government.
3083 SMITH, P.E. "Seneca County in the War of 1812."
2473 SMITH, THOMAS S., and others. The Police-Civilian Foot Patrol: An Evaluation of the PAC-TAC Experiment in Rochester, New York.
6499 SOFFER, MIRIAM. Pleadings.
6439 SOKOLOV, BERNARD. Restoration Along the Lower Genesee.
2618 SOMERVILLE, CLARA O. From Survey Made by Miss Clara O. Somerville for the Young Women's Christian Association--Rochester, N.Y. ...
6440 SOUTH, AMY ELIZABETH. Neighborhood Control.
2869 SOWERS, DON C. The Financial History of New York State from 1789-1912.
2487 St. Paul Boulevard Fire Association, Incorporated. 24th Annual Carnival, July 14th-17th, 1948.
5582 STANKE, MICHAEL J., comp. “New York State Black Abolitionist Bibliography.”
3022 STANLEY, JOHN L. “Majority Tyranny in Tocqueville's America: The Failure of Negro Suffrage in 1846.”
3061 STANTON, ELIZABETH CADY, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, and others, eds. History of Woman Suffrage.
6516 STEVENS, JANE K. ROBINSON. Memoirs...First New York Dragoon: E. Randolph Robinson.
6480 STOLER, MARGARET. The Disappearance of William Morgan.
3004 STONE, WILLIAM L. Letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry, Addressed to the Hon. John Quincy Adams.
2532 STUART, CHARLES B., and DANIEL MARSH. Engineers' Report for Supplying the City of Rochester With Water from Various Sources, Made to the Directors of the Rochester Water Works Co.
2447 STULL, JOHN M. "The Efficiency of the Rochester Charter for Good Government."
2950 SUMNER, ELSIE GRAHAM. "Activities of Canadian Patriots in the Rochester District, 1837-1838."
2728 TADDIKEN, ALAN J. Toward More Effective Planning: A New Framework Re-shaping the Comprehensive Planning Function in County and Municipal Govern-ment, Monroe County, New York.
2704 THOMAS GREGORY. Corrections in Monroe County, New York, 1970-1973.
6500 TINLING, MARION. Women Remembered, a Guide to Landmarks of Women's History in the United States.
3084 TOWLE, EDWARD L. "The Militia Myth: Letters from Lt. William B. Rochester on the Niagara Frontier, 1813."
2951 TRUE, CHARLES H. Lincoln in Rochester: A Memorable Journey.
2952 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "'Speak No Ill of the Dead.'" -
2953 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Rochester Views the Third Term, 1880."
2518 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Historic Main Street Bridge."
3122 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Congressman Ely's Captivity."
2901 TRYON & SCHWARTZ. Proposed Development Plan -Penn Yan, New York.
3161 U.S. Adjutant General's Office. World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing, State of New York. War Department, June, 1946.
2876 U.S. Congress. Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, 1774-1961.
2625 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Facts about the Food Stamp Plan to be Tried Out in Rochester upon an Experimental Basis.
3023 U.S. Historical Records Survey. Calendar of the Gerrit Smith Papers in the Syracuse University Library.
3162 U.S. Navy Dept. Office of Public Information. State Summary of War Casualties (New York).
2461 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Rochester; A Study in Civic Values.
2675 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Management. Clinics. Are We Heading toward a New Community Concept? Some Observations on Our Local Government Economy by the Report Group of the Local Government Committee.
2620 URBAN LEAGUE. Racial Steering in the Monroe County Housing Market: Special Report.
2734 URBAN POLICY CONFERENCE. Focus from the Future: A Report to the Greater Rochester Community on Preliminary Policies Needed for Progress Toward a Higher Quality Future.
6470 USEEM, BERT, and PETER KIMBALL. States of Siege; U. S. Prison Riots, 1971-1986.
3005 VALANCE, HENRY L. Confession of the Murder of William Morgan. As Taken Down by L. John L. Finery, of Racine County, Wisconsin, in the Summer of 1848, Now First Given to the Public.
2559 VALENTINE, LUCIA. "Rochester's Planning Problem."
2930 VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. Thurlow Weed: Wizard of the Lobby.
2955 VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. "A Young American, Frontier Style: The Early Years of a Famous Citizen of Rochester."
2954 VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. "Thurlow Weed in Rochester."
5578 VAUGHN, WILLIAM P. The Antimasonic Party in the United States, 1826-1843.
2720 WAASDORP, NORTHRUP & KAELBER, architects,. County of Monroe Zoological Park Development Program.
3085 WADSWORTH, JAMES. "James Wadsworth's Call to Arms," ed. Jack Guildroy.
3006 WAKEMAN, WILLIAM S. The William Morgan Mystery Solved.
2781 WALKLEY, FLOYD F., consultant. Master Plan Report of the Town of Ogden, Monroe County, N.Y.
3126 WATERLOO MEMORIAL DAY CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. The History and Origin of Memorial Day in Waterloo, New York.
2676 WATSON, ADA. A Survey of the Government of Monroe County, New York. Part I. The Board of Supervisors.
2893 WAYNE COUNTY. Planning Board. Preliminary Development Plan: A Prelim-inary Long Range Plan and Policies for the Future Development of Wayne County.
2813 WEBSTER. Citizens' Advisory Committee. Report …
3007 WEED, THURLOW, defendant. Trial for Libel. Circuit Court... Jacob Gould vs. Thurlow Weed. Albany, Sept. 13, 1831.
3008 WEED, THURLOW, defendant. The Facts Stated. Hon. Thurlow Weed on the Morgan Abduction. A Document for the People.
2931 WEED, THURLOW. The Life of Thurlow Weed. Vol. I: Autobiography of Thurlow Weed, ed. Harriet A. Weed. Vol. 2: Memoir of Thurlow Weed, by Thurlow W. Barnes,
2677 WELLER, W. EARL, and CRAIG M. SMITH. "Sixteen Years of Progress."
2430 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Changing Charter of Rochester.”
2431 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Expanding Charter Life of Rochester.”
2659 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Evolution of Monroe County and Its Nineteen Towns (1683-1861).”
2432 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Expanding Boundaries of Rochester.”
2433 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Development of the Charter of the City of Rochester, 1817 to 1938.”
2712 WELLER, W. EARL. Finances of Monroe County: A Report ...
5583 WELLMAN, JUDITH. “Women and Radical Reform in Antebellum Upstate
3009 WHITNEY, PARKHURST, and others, defendants. Trial of Parkhurst Whitney, Timothy Shaw, Noah Beach, William Miller, and Samuel P.T. Chubbock; for a Conspiracy; The Abduction, False Imprisonment, and Assault and Battery, of William Morgan: Held at a Special Circuit Court, Held at Lockport, Niagara County, 1831...
2905 WICKER, TOM. A Time to Die.
6448 WICKES, MARJORIE, and TIM O'CONNELL. The Legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted.
2890 WILCOXEN, GILBERT. "The Legal Profession."
6508 WILDER, PATRICK. Seaway Trail Guide to the War of 1812.
2490 WILDES, WALDO G. "Edwin Augustus Fisher, 1847-1948: An Appreciation and Outline of His Career."
3104 WILLARD, KENNETH R. “A Civil War Problem for Livingston County: Choosing a Site for Training Camp Creates a Hassle.”
2871 WILLIAMS, EDWIN. The New-York Annual Register ...
5571 WILLIAMS, LILLIAN S., ed. “Attica Prisoners Seek Aid from NAACP.”
2932 WILLIAMSON, CHILTON. American Suffrage: From Property to Democracy, 1760-1860.
6501 WILSON, JOHN G. Women and the Constitution.
3130 WOLCOTT, WALTER. The Military History of Yates County, N.Y., Comprising a Record of the Services Rendered by Citizens of This County in the Army and Navy, from the Foundation of the Government to the Present Time.
2693 WOLF, RUTH. "At the Juvenile Court: Another Rochester Story."
6502 WOMEN'S RIGHTS NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK. Women's Rights Trial, Seneca Falls and Waterloo, New York
2883 WOOLSTON, LOREN S. Local Government in Livingston County.
2660 WRIGHT, ALBERT H. “Old Northampton in Western New York.”
2661 WRIGHT, ALBERT H., ed. “The Northampton Town Records.”
2651 WYMAN, DONALD. Crab Apples for America.
3151 WYOMING COUNTY. Board of Supervisors. List of Names of the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of Wyoming County, N.Y.
2933 YOUNG, ALFRED F. The Democratic Republicans of New York: The Origins, 1763-1797.

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