Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
426 Historical Highlights of the Village of Wolcott...
428 "Old Livingston Cemetery ..."
429 "Van Vleet Cemetery, Township of Wolcott ..."
5954 Town of Wolcott Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1810-1960 (Comprising the Towns of Huron, Butler, Wolcott and Rose)....
5417 Wayne County, Turning the Century.
5415 FROST, GRACE M. Four Corners to Westbury.
5416 FROST, GRACE M. Red Creek: Once Upon a Time.
427 WADSWORTH, JOHN O., Comp. Wolcott, New York, Old and New: A History of the Original Town of Wolcott and the Four Present Townships, Butler, Huron, Rose, Wolcott, into Which the Original Town was Divided; and Genealogic Sketches of the Pioneer Families.
430 WELCH, EDGAR L. "Grip's" Historical Souvenir of Wolcott, N.Y.

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