Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
911 Five O'Clock. 'Old Times Number.'
927 Maplewood Community History ...
912 "Folklore in Rochester."
907 ASH, MARTHA MONTAGUE. "The Social and Domestic Scene in Rochester, 1840-1860."
908 CASE, WHEELER G. "In the Looking-Glass of 1834."
909 DENGLER, DOROTHY. "Tales of Buried Treasure in Rochester."
910 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. "Rochester, the City of Beginnings."
913 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The First White Child Born in Rochester.
914 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "The East Avenue Swamp."
915 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Judge Lynn and Venus."
916 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "One of the Famous Falls of Rochester."
917 GREER, EMMA POLLARD. "Saved from the Lake."
918 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. "On the Origins of the Names of Places in Monroe County, New York."
919 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "Panorama of Social Rochester."
920 HANNAN, S.F. Old Times and Old Timers of Now and Fifty Years Ago in Rough and Ready Rhyme ...
921 HARRIS, JULIA HUGHES. "Early Births in Rochester."
922 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. "Notes on Social History of Early Rochester."
923 JANTON, VICTOR. "Rennes: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future."
926 MAINE, HENRY C., ed. Rochester in History, with Portraits and Our Part in the World War.
924 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Christmas Traditions in Rochester.
925 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Some Rochester 'Firsts.'"
928 MONTAGUE, MARTHA E. "Rochester's Gold Diggers."
929 NAYLOR, HARIETT J. "The Ancient Little City of Rochester in Kent."
930 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Natural Forces that Molded the Genesee Country."
931 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Funny-Bone of Early Rochester."
932 PEET, ANNIE OLMSTEAD. "A Rochesterian with Perry in Japan."
933 ROCHESTER, Charlotte High School, Class of 1932. Keep the Beacon Burning! Sketches--Charlotte and Vicinity.
934 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "The First Wedding in Rochester."
935 SELDEN, GEORGE. "The 'Devil Plate' of Irondequoit Bay."
936 SPEARE, JOHN W In Rochester: 100 Years Ago and Now. Centennial Year of the Rochester Savings Bank, 1831-1931.
937 TAYLOR, MARJORIE A. "Rochester Breaks into Print in England."
938 THOMAS, W. STEPHEN. "Folklore Figures of Rochester."
940 TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Marriages and Bereavements of Captain Samuel Currier."
939 TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Younger Generation: Their Opinions, Pastimes, and Enterprises, 1830-1850."

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