Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
1508 | DEMAREE, ALBERT L. | The American Agricultural Press, 1819-1860. |
5489 | ELWELL, MERRITT. | “The Johnston Harvester Company, Manufacturer of Harvesters, Reapers, Mowers and Grain Binders.” |
1512 | HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM T. | Cyrus Hall McCormick. |
1513 | INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. | McCormick Reaper Centennial Source Material. |
1511 | KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. | "Moore's Rural New Yorker: A Farm Program for the 1850's." |
1514 | LUCAS, BRODER F., and LAURA M. CLARENBACH. | County Bibliography: Published Studies of the New York State College of Agriculture Pertaining to Individual Counties. |
1509 | MARTI, DONALD B. | "Early Agricultural Societies in New York: The Foundations of Improvement." |
5490 | MARTI, DONALD B. | “Agricultural Journalism and Diffusion of Knowledge: The First Half-Century in America.” |
1510 | OGILVIE, WILLIAM E. | Pioneer Agricultural Journalists: Brief Biographical Sketches of Some of the Early Editors in the Field of Agricultural Journalism. |
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