Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1374 ATWOOD, GEORGE G. "Fruit Production in New York."
1387 CORBETT, ROGER B. "An Economic Study Concerning the Operations of Fruit and Vegetable Shippers in Western New York."
1375 CORBETT, ROGER B. "An Economic Study of Certain Phases of Fruit Marketing in Western New York."
1376 CRAIG, JOHN, ed. "An Apple Orchard Survey of Wayne County, New York."
1377 CRAVENS, M.E. "Retail and Wholesale Distribution of Apples in Upstate New York."
1378 DAVEY, LANCE, and others. "Economic Performance of Mechanical Tree Fruit Harvesters."
1379 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. Report on the Winter-Kill of Apple Trees in Monroe County, New York, during Winter of 1933 and 1934.
1380 N.Y DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS. Survey of Fruit Orchards in Orleans County, New York, 1949; Summary Report.
1381 N.Y DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS. Survey of Fruit Orchards in Wayne County, New York, 1952; Summary Report.
1382 OBERLY, GENE H. "New York's Apple Industry."
1383 PEARSON, RAYMOND A. Genesee Valley Fruits: An Address Delivered at the November Corporation Dinner of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce.
1384 PENTZER, W. T. "Removal of Lead and Arsenic Spray Residues from New York Apples."
1385 TSUI, RUH-TSUIN. Farm Management Study of Two Hundred Fruit Farms near Sodus, Wayne County, New York, 1940.
1386 WARREN, GEORGE F. "An Apple Orchard Survey of Orleans County."

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