William Channing Gannett presided over the funeral of Susan B. Anthony. In this letter, written on March 16, 1906, three days after Anthony's death, he describes the event: The services yesterday were simple, heart felt & impressive--college girls acting as "Honorary Bearers" and other girls as Guard of Honor as she lay in State in the Church while the people for three hours streamed through to look upon her face. The congregation filled [Central Church]--one of the largest in the city--to the doors & windows, while others stood outside in falling snow for the hour or two the service lasted…It does not seem like death, does it, - to move people so…
Gannett, William C. (William Channing), 1840-1923, “Pastor William Channing Gannett describes the funeral of Susan B. Anthony,” RBSCP Exhibits, accessed March 14, 2025, https://rbscpexhibits.lib.rochester.edu/items/show/536.