Letter from Lucy Stone to Amy Post, 1869
Oct. 26, 1869
Box 299 P.O. New York
Isaac & Amy Post
Rochester, N.Y.
Dear friends
There is to be a
Convention in Cleveland, as you will
see by the enclosed Call, to form an
American Woman Suffrage Association,
which will not attack the 15th Amendment
nor complicate the question of Woman
Suffrage with side issues. The Call has
been extensively circulated & all that is
now needed to make the Convention a
great success is a general attendance of
delegates from all the States. As N York
is entitled to as many representatives in the Convention as its Congressional delegations & as
the N.Y. State society will not be likely to
send more than two, or three—it is very
important that the number should be increased
Letter from Lucy Stone to Amy Post, 1869
as provided by the Call, by the voluntary
aid and presence of reliable friends of
the Cause like yourselves.
Will you not take steps to go and
to induce your friends to go so that
Rochester and the state may be fully
represented in the most important Convention
since the formation of the Am. A. S.
There will be a preliminary
meeting held in Cleveland on the
evening of Nov 23. to plan organization
& work for the Convention on the 24. & 25.
N. W. Hudson, Ed of the Leader will
be able to tell you on arrival where the
preliminary meetings will be held &
probably will be able to find you hospitality
in private houses.
Do not fail to be in Cleveland—
Col T. W. Higginson, Rev Jas. Freeman
Clarke, ^Mrs Julia Ward Howe,^ Mrs Mary A. Livermore, Mr
Blackwell & myself & others will surely
be present. – Yours truly
Lucy Stone