Krupsak Papers: Results


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Subject Folder Title
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Abortion Issue
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Abzug, Congresswoman Bella
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Acupuncture
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Animal Control
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Arts, New York State Council on
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Attica Prison
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Attorney General's Office (Consumer Fraud)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Audit and Control
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Bicentennial 1776-1976 (Jean C. Dignan, Chair)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)The CAP Book
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Civil Service, New York State Department of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Commerce, New York State Department of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Community Development- City of Rochester
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Compulsory Arbitration Program
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Consumer Affairs
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Crime Victims' Compensation Board
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Criminal Justice Service, Department of Correctional Services
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Day Care Centers (Child Problems)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Discrimination Matter
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Domestic Relations
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Drug Programs
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Education (1 of 2)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Education- World of Inquiry School
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Free School District
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)E.O.C. Center: State University of New York at Brockport
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Employment File, New York State
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Environmental Conservation, New York State Department of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Equalization and Assessment Board
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Equal Rights Amendment Literature (For and Against)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Equal Rights Amendment
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Frey, Assemblyman Thomas
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)General Services, Office of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Gun Control
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Health, New York State Department of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Henrietta Sewer District Problem
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Housing Problems
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Housing- Midtown Manor, Problems of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Housing- New York State (Property Leased)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A - Ho (1974-1978)Education (2 of 2)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A- Ho (1974-1978)Bushnell Basin Canal Break Disaster Association
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A- Ho (1974-1978)Canandaigua Bypass
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A- Ho (1974-1978)Genesee Parks File
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A- Ho (1974-1978)Horizon House (Lorraine Miller, Dr.)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters A- Ho (1974-1978)Housing: Tkac, Rose
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, New York State Dept. of Education
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)U.D.C. Projects
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Human Rights
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Human Rights Commission
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Indian Affairs
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Industry
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Insurance, New York State Department of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Labor Matters
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Legislation (Bills, Information on Legislation, etc.)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)1975 Legislative Session (Bills Signed by the Governor)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Lottery, New York State
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)State Medicaid/ Federal Medicare
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Mental Health (Rochester Psychiatric Center)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Migrant Camps
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Miscellaneous Problems
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Motor Vehicle Matters
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Nursing Homes
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)O.S.H.A. Enforcement
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Parks and Recreation
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)P.I.N.S. (Persons in Need of Service)
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Police Department, Rochester
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Prison Action Group
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Prisons
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Program Funding
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Public Service Commission
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Racing and Wagering Board
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Regents Board
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Secretary of State
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Social Services
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Social Security
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Division of State Police
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Taxes, Matters of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Department of Transportation, General File
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Thruway Authority, New York State
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Unemployment
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Veterans' Affairs, Division of
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Volunteerism
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Youth, Miscellaneous Matters
Agency Files- Constituent Matters Hu - Z (1974-1978)Zoning Matters
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (Undated)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (June 1978) 1 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (June 1978) 2 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (June 1978) 3 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (June 1978) 4 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (July 1978) 1 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (July 1978) 2 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (July 1978) 3 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (July 1978) 4 of 4
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (August 1978) 1 of 2
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (August 1978) 2 of 2
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (September 1978) 1 of 2
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Clippings (September 1978) 2 of 2
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statements (List of Issued)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (January - February 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (June 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (July 1-10, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (July 11-19, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (July 20-31, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Pres Releases (August 1-10, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (August 11-19, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (August 20-27, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (August 28-31, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (September 1-7, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (September 8-11, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (October 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Article: "Krupsak Bandwagon Rolling Against the Odds" (New York Times) July 31, 1978
Campaign for Governor (1978)Batavia: "Walnut St. Bridge Over Tonawanda Creek" (June 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Bella Abzug's Public Files
Campaign for Governor (1978)Brooklyn: District Conversion Schedule: (Assembly, Election, Councilmanic, Senatorial, Congressional, Civil Court
Campaign for Governor (1978)Buffalo: Issues
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign: Blank Petition Forms and Cover Sheet
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Endorsements
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Endorsements: Bronx
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Endorsements: Manhattan
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Endorsements: Nassau/Suffolk
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Endorsements: Queens
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Endorsements: Mayors of Troy and Saratoga
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Flyer: " As Governor, Mary Anne Krupsak Will…"
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Flyer: "If She's Done This Much as Lt. Governor, Think What She'll Do As Governor"
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Flyer: "Mary Anne Krupsak Understands Your Family's Concerns"
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Flyer: "A Promise Is a Promise"
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Flyer: Westway
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Flyer: "You're Right"
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Folders
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign: Fundraising Event
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Information: Carey and Duryea
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Literature (General)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Lyrics
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Photographs
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign Positions, Requests for
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign: Speeches and Drafts
Campaign for Governor (1978)Campaign: Thank You for Contribution
Campaign for Governor (1978)Carey, Governor: Campaign Endorsement from Female Political Officials
Campaign for Governor (1978)Chautauqua
Campaign for Governor (1978)Co-Op City, New York City (Mitchell-Lama Housing Program)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Ireland, Doug. "Harried Carey" (Soho News) August 10, 1978
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Biography
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Candidate for Governor Announcement (June 26, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Guest on "The Stanley Siegel Show" (August 1, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Manhattan Valley Community Conference (August 17, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("Mary Anne Krupsak Statement on Criminal Justice Issues")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("A Program for the Environment")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("A Program for Handicapped and Disabled Persons")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("The Long Island Railroad and the M.T.A.")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("Mitchell-Lama Housing")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("Rent Control")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("A Rural Development Policy for New York")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("Senior Citizens")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("A State Policy Towards Neighborhoods")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement (" Toward an Urban Policy")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("Westway and Mass Transit")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement (" Who Cares About Consumers?")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Policy Statement ("Youth Crime, Youth Punishment, Education and Jobs")
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Radio City Music Hall Testimony
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: 1978 Schedules
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Schedule (July 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Schedule (August 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Telegrams (July 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Krupsak: Withdrawal from Candidacy for Lt. Governor (June 12, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)New Democratic Coalition
Campaign for Governor (1978)New York State Americans for Democratic Action: New York Membership/Endorsement Convention (June 29, 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)New York State Executive Democratic Committee
Campaign for Governor (1978)Office Equipment: Printing
Campaign for Governor (1978)Press Advisory (June - July 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Press Advisory (August - September 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Press and Political Contacts Lists
Campaign for Governor (1978)Strauss, George (Correspondence)
Campaign for Governor (1978)"Mary Ann Krupsak for Governor" Press Release Stationery
Campaign for Governor (1978)Press Release: "Deinstitutionalization of Mental Patients" (July 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Press Release: "Urban Policy" (August 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)Press Release: "Westway" (July 1978)
Campaign for Governor (1978)News Clippings: June 12-June 15, 1978
Campaign for Governor (1978)News Clippings: June 15-July 7, 1978
Campaign for Governor (1978)News Clippings: July 8- August 8, 1978
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Ad Hoc Women's Issues Coalition
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Biographical Data (Undated)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Biographical Data (1973-1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Campaign Clippings (May-August 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Campaign Clippings (September 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Campaign Clippings (October 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Campaign Clippings (November 1974) 1 of 2
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Campaign Clippings (November 1974) 2 of 2
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: 1974 Campaign Expenses
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Campaign Support
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Form Letters (Undated)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Form Letters (1975-1976)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Media and Miscellaneous Requests
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Miscellaneous Correspondence (December 1974 - April 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Miscellaneous Correspondence (May - July 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Miscellaneous Correspondence (August - December 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: New York University Student Bar Association (October 16, 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (Undated)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (1971-1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (June - July 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (August 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (September 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (October 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (November 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (December 1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements (January 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Memos and Reports
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Susan B. Anthony Ceremonies
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Voting Record
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Krupsak: Women's Division Newsletter Article (January 1976)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Rosenbaum, Republican State Chairman
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women United for New York
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign Folders
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign: Fundraiser: Guestbook
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign: Literature Samples
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign: Office Equipment
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign: Pictures
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign Volunteer Cards
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign Volunteer Lists (1 of 2)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign Volunteer Lists (2 of 2)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign Volunteers: Names and Contact Information
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Election Day Volunteers (A - D)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Election Day Volunteers (E - K)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Election Day Volunteers (L - R)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Election Day Volunteers (S - Z)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)March on Washington (April 26, 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)"New York Upbeat"
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)United Nations Association of the United States: 30th Anniversary Convocation (April 16, 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: Events, Meetings and Programs
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: Legislation (Equal Rights Amendment)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: Legislation (Other)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: Miscellaneous Issues
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: News Clippings (Undated)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: News Clippings (1973-1974)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: News Clippings (January - March 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: News Clippings (April - December 1975)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: News Clippings (1976)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Women: Organizations (Literature)
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Carey-Krupsak Campaign Necklaces
Campaign for Lt. Governor (1974)Campaign Blessing: Sister Mary Simplicia
Campaign Volunteers (1974)Campaign Volunteers List
Campaign Volunteers (1974)Election Day Volunteer Cards (A-Z)
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Affirmative Action
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Flex Time (1 of 2)
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Homesteading
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 1 of 8
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 2 of 8
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 3 of 8
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Survey (1 of 2)
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Survey (2 of 2)
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Women
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Flex Time (2 of 2)
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 4 of 8
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 5 of 8
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 6 of 8
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 7 of 8
Civil Service Reform (1977-1978)Civil Service Reform: Public Hearings (May 1977) 8 of 8
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference on Employment: Agenda
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference on Employment: Summaries
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference (1 of 4)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference (2 of 4)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference (3 of 4)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference (4 of 4)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Follow-Up (1 of 2)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Follow-Up (2 of 2)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Sullivan (Session I)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Sullivan (Session II)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Sullivan (Session III)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Ulster (Session I)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Ulster (Session II)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeSullivan/Ulster Community Conference: Ulster (Session III)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeUtica/Rome Community Conference (1 of 2)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeUtica/Rome Community Conference (2 of 2)
Community Conferences: Sullivan/Ulster-Utica/RomeUtica/Rome News Clippings
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)S
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)T
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)U
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)V
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)W
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)XYZ
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)1976 New York City Mail
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)A
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)B
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)C
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)D
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)E
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)F
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)G
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)H
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)I
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)J
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)K
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)L
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)Mc
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)M (1 of 2)
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)Morris
Constituent Files (1975 S) - (1976 M)M (2 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)N
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)O
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)P
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)Pincavage, Frank
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)Q
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)R (1 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)S (1 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)T
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)V
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)W
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)XYZ
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)1977 Constituents Assisted (Telephone)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)A
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)B (1 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)C (1 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)D
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)E
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)F
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)R (2 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)S (2 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)B (2 of 2)
Constituent Files (1976 N) - (1977 F)C (2 of 2)
Constituent Files A - R (1975)A
Constituent Files A - R (1975)B (1 of 2)
Constituent Files A - R (1975)Bloch, Martin
Constituent Files A - R (1975)C
Constituent Files A - R (1975)D
Constituent Files A - R (1975)Decker, Lewis (Fulton County)
Constituent Files A - R (1975)E
Constituent Files A - R (1975)F
Constituent Files A - R (1975)Freeman, Mildred
Constituent Files A - R (1975)G
Constituent Files A - R (1975)H
Constituent Files A - R (1975)I
Constituent Files A - R (1975)J
Constituent Files A - R (1975)K
Constituent Files A - R (1975)L
Constituent Files A - R (1975)Littman, Dr. Ruth
Constituent Files A - R (1975)M
Constituent Files A - R (1975)Mc
Constituent Files A - R (1975)N
Constituent Files A - R (1975)O
Constituent Files A - R (1975)P
Constituent Files A - R (1975)Q
Constituent Files A - R (1975)R
Constituent Files A - R (1975)B (2 of 2)
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)Constituent Paper
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)A
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)B (1 of 2)
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)Becker, Bernard
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)C
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)D
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)E
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)F
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)G
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)H
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)I
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)J
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)K
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)L
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)M
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)Mc
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)N
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)Nardone, Louise
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)O
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)P
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)Q
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)R
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)S (1 of 2)
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)T
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)V
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)W
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)XYZ
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)B (2 of 2)
Constituent Files A - Z (1978)S (2 of 2)
Constituent Files E - IEmployment
Constituent Files E - IEndorsements
Constituent Files E - IEqual Rights Amendment
Constituent Files E - IEnvironmental Conservation
Constituent Files E - IEqualization and Assessment
Constituent Files E - IFields, June (Memos)
Constituent Files E - IFinance Committee
Constituent Files E - IFinancial Assistance
Constituent Files E - IFreedom of Information
Constituent Files E - IFull Employment (1 of 3)
Constituent Files E - IFull Employment (2 of 3)
Constituent Files E - IFull Employment (3 of 3)
Constituent Files E - IFull Employment Resource Committee
Constituent Files E - IFurniture and Carpeting
Constituent Files E - IGay Rights
Constituent Files E - IGroups
Constituent Files E - IGun Permits
Constituent Files E - IHale House
Constituent Files E - IHarlem State Office Building
Constituent Files E - IHealth
Constituent Files E - IHealth and Hospitals Corp.
Constituent Files E - IHospital Audiences, Inc.
Constituent Files E - IHuman Resources Administration
Constituent Files E - IHuman Rights
Constituent Files E - IImmigrant Services
Constituent Files E - IImmigration
Constituent Files E - IInsurance
Constituent Files E - IInternational Business Machine (IBM)
Constituent Files E - IIBM Women's Arts Festival
Constituent Files E - IInterns
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)G
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)H
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)I
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)J
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)K
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)L
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)M (1 of 2)
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)Mc
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)N
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)O
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)P
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)Q
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)R
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)S (1 of 2)
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)T
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)U
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)V
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)W
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)XYZ
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)M (2 of 2)
Constituent Files G - Z (1977)S (2 of 2)
Constituent Files Une - ZUnemployment
Constituent Files Une - ZVeterans
Constituent Files Une - ZVeterans Preference
Constituent Files Une - ZUnions
Constituent Files Une - ZVolunteers (1975)
Constituent Files Une - ZWedding Congratulations
Constituent Files Une - ZWelfare Education Program
Constituent Files Une - ZWestside Highway
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conference (Acceptances Written)
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conference (Letters to Speakers)
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conference (Mailing Lists)
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conference (Program Materials) 1 of 2
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conference (Program Materials) 2 of 2
Constituent Files Une - ZWestchester County
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conferences (Publications) 1 of 2
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conferences (Publications) 2 of 2
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conferences (Transcripts, Speeches)
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Full Employment Economy Conferences (Rejections, Written)
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen in Criminal Justice
Constituent Files Une - ZWomen Office Workers
Constituent Files Une - ZWorkmen's Compensation
Constituent Files Une - ZYouth Employment Opportunity
Constituent Files Une - ZYouth Opportunity Program
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)A
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Abrams, Albert (Secretary of State)
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)B
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Baranowski, Alex
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Beta Sigma Phi
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)C
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Cooke, Theresa
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)D
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)E
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)F
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)G
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Grear, Sandy
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)H
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Harris, Sharon
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)J
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)K
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)L
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Mc
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)M
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Mabie, George Sr.
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)N
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)O
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)P
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)R
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)S
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)Stratton, Congressman Samuel
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)T
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)V
Constituent Letters (1971 - 1974)W
Constituent/ Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Bicentennial Memos and Newsletters
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Abortion
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Acupuncture
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Aging
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Albany: Miscellaneous Mail Handled From
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Alcoholism
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Amendments (1975)
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Art Exhibits
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Attorney General's Office
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Aviation
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Banking
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Bicentennial
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Briefing Materials
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Bronx Psychiatric Center (Sanchez)
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Business
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Child Abuse
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Child Care
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Christmas Cards
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)City University of New York: Women's Coalition
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Coast Guard
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Civil Service
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Commerce
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Commission of Investigation
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Committee on Cable T.V.
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Community Leaders Meetings
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Community Organizations
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Comprehensive Education Training Act
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Consolidated Edison
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Consultant Firms
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Consumer
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Council of State Government, Eastern Regional Conference
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Council on the Arts
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Courts
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Crime Victims Compensation Board
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Criminal Justice
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Democratic National Convention
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Democratic Lists
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)District Attorney
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Divorce
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Drug Abuse Control Commission
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Economic Development Administration (New York City)
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Economy (Fiscal Crisis)
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Education, Department of (1 of 2)
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Education, Department of (2 of 2)
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Education Recommendations
Constituent/Subject Files A - El (1974-1976)Elections
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Joint Schools Committee
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Kennedy, Robert F. (Theatre)
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Krupsak: Expenses
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Krupsak: Personal/Requests
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Labor
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Laurelton
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Legal Aid
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Libraries
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Licensing
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Liquor Authority
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Long Island Jewish Hospital
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Lottery
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Malpractice
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Medicaid
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Medical School
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Mental Hygiene
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Miscellaneous
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Mitchell-Lama Housing
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Motor Vehicles
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Narcotic Addiction Control Commission
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)New Careers Training Laboratory and School Districts
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)New York National Guard
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)New York State Welfare Conference
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Office of Drug Abuse (O.D.A.S)
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Office Operations
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Office Organization
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Open House
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Pages
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Parks and Recreation
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Pensions
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Police Department
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Polish-Slavic Center (1 of 2)
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Political
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Polling Services
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Port Authority
Constituent/Subject Files J - Po (1974-1976)Polish-Slavic Center (2 of 2)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Presidential Candidates
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Press
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Preventive Services
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Prisons (1 of 2)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Public Education Association
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Public Service Commission
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Racing and Wagering Board
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Requests (1975)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Requests (1976)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Riverbank Park
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Sanitation
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Senior Citizens
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Sex Discrimination
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Social Security
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Social Services
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Social Welfare, State Board of
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)South Bronx Legal Services
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)State, Department of
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)State Flag
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)State Planes
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)State Police
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)State University of New York, College at Old Westbury
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Stewart Airport
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Student Loans
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Taxation
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)These Our Treasures Day Care Center Inc.
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Time Sheets
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Transportation
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Umbrella Program
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Unanswered Mail (1 of 4)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Unanswered Mail (2 of 4)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Unanswered Mail (3 of 4)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Prisons (2 of 2)
Constituent/Subject Files Pr - Un (1974-1976)Unanswered Mail (4 of 4)
Contribution Files (1974)A
Contribution Files (1974)B
Contribution Files (1974)C
Contribution Files (1974)D
Contribution Files (1974)E
Contribution Files (1974)F
Contribution Files (1974)G
Contribution Files (1974)H
Contribution Files (1974)I
Contribution Files (1974)J
Contribution Files (1974)K
Contribution Files (1974)L
Contribution Files (1974)M
Contribution Files (1974)Mc
Contribution Files (1974)N
Contribution Files (1974)O
Contribution Files (1974)P
Contribution Files (1974)Q
Contribution Files (1974)R
Contribution Files (1974)S
Contribution Files (1974)T
Contribution Files (1974)U
Contribution Files (1974)V
Contribution Files (1974)W
Contribution Files (1974)Y
Contribution Files (1974)Z
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)A- Miscellaneous
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Abortion
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Adirondack Park Agency (A.P.A.)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Adirondack Park Agency - Newberry
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Agriculture and Markets
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Anderson vs. Krupsak (1 of 4)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Anderson vs. Krupsak (2 of 4)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Annual Report (1975)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Annual Report 1976
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Astoria Pictorial Center
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Attica
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Auxiliary Police Forces
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Banks
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Bethlehem Steel
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Briefings
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget, Supplemental (1978)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget (1978-1979)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget (1975-1976)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget (1977-1978)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget, Supplemental (Cornell Labor Studies)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget, Supplemental (Public T.V.) 1977
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget, Supplemental (1977-1978)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget, Supplemental (1976-1977)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Budget, Supplemental (1975)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Anderson vs. Krupsak (3 of 4)
Counsel Files A - B (1974-1978)Anderson vs. Krupsak (4 of 4)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)C- Miscellaneous
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Catskill Land Use Plan
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Civil Aeronautics Board Hearing (July 20, 1977)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Child Abuse
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Child Care
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Concorde SST
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Executive Clemency
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)C.O.P.A.R.
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Correctional Services, Department of
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Criminal Justice
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Death Penalty
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Disability Benefits
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Economic Development Commission
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Education
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Election Laws and Election Reform
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Emergency Rent Control Ruling
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Environmental Conservation
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Estate Tax
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Ethics
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Flex Time Legislation (1977)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Freedom of Information (1 of 3)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Freedom of Information ( 2 of 3)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Full Employment
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Housing Legislation
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Indian Affairs
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Krupsak: Bills Proposed by (Senate and Assembly)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Krupsak: Editorial Comments
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Krupsak: Press Releases and Statements
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Krupsak: Speeches
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Energy: Kv line 765
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Legislative Reform
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Hurd vs. City of Buffalo
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Lt. Governors' Conference: Seattle (August 1977)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Lt. Governor, Office of (Powers)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Lt. Governor: Rules and Research
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)1975 Legislative Session: Recommendations to the Governor ( 1 of 2)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)1975 Legislative Session: Recommendations to the Governor (2 of 2)
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Counsel's Report
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Elderly and Handicapped Inmates
Counsel Files C - Lt. Governor (1974-1978)Freedom of Information (3 of 3)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Miscellaneous: 1975 Joint Sessions
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Liquefied Natural Gas
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Little, Joan
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Livingston Crises Intervention and Prevention Center
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Lobbyists
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Lulus
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Malpractice Legislation
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Marijuana
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Memos- Rules
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Mitchell-Lama
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)North Country Crafts Trail
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)P- Miscellaneous
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Parole
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Penal System: General (1 of 2)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Moreau, Town of
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Peasleys (1 of 2)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Peasleys (2 of 2)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Penal System: General (2 of 2)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)National Organization for Women
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)New York State Secondary School Student Organization
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)No Reply
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Nursing Homes
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Nursing Schools
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Olympic Winter Games
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Oneida
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Optometry Bill
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Parks and Recreation
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Pay Toilets
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Pensions (1 of 2)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Pensions (2 of 2)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Petraitis, Brian (Correspondence)
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Police
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Policy Research
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Polish
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Polygraph Examiners
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Port of Albany
Counsel Files Liq - Po (1974-1978)Poughkeepsie
Counsel Files Pr - R (1974-1978)Probation: Volunteer Legislation (1 of 3)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)P.E.R.B. (Public Employment Relations Board)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Privacy (1 of 2)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Privacy Legislation (1977)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Public Employees
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Public Television
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Recommendation on Bills to Governor (1975)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Recommendation on Bills to Governor (1976) 1 of 2
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Recommendation on Bills to Governor (1976) 2 of 2
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Recommendation on Bills to Governor (1977)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Recommendation on Bills to Governor (1978)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Redlining
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Regents, Joint Session (1976)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Regents (1977)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Press List
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Privacy (2 of 2)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Probation Division
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Probation: Volunteer Legislation (2 of 3)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Probation: Volunteer Legislation (3 of 3)
Counsel Files Pr- R (1974-1978)Public Service Commission
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Senate
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Sewage Treatment Plants
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)State Operated Insurance Co.
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Stavisky Bill: A 9035 (Education)
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Sullivan County Airport (1 of 2)
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Taxes
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Thurman, Town of
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Transportation Legislation
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Union Station
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Upton, Thelma
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Wine: White House
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)WMHT Radio Station
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Volunteer Grant Proposal
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Volunteers: State Office
Counsel Files S - Z (1974-1978)Sullivan County Airport (2 of 2)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Albany Office, Misc. Memos
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Albany Staff Reports (1977)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Batavia: Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Blackout (1977)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Brooklyn Community Conference (May 17, 1978)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Congratulations and Thank You Letters
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Elizabeth Cady Stanton's House
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Energy Crisis (1977)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Federal Matters
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Fort William Area
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Fuel Cost Subsidies
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Ganagaro Foundation (1 of 2)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Ganagaro Foundation (2 of 2)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)G.E.V.A.
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Governor Carey: Misc. Correspondence and Literature
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Health Systems
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Horton, Congressman Frank
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Jamestown Project
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)John Brown's Farm
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Johnson Hall
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Krupsak, Mary Anne (1978)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Krupsak: Request Appearance and/or Meetings (1975)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Krupsak: News Clippings and Requests for Appearances (1976)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Krupsak: News Clippings and Requests for Appearances (1977)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Krupsak: Photographs and Biographies
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Krupsak: Press Releases
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Lt. Governor Correspondence (1 of 2)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Lt. Governor Correspondence (2 of 2)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Lt. Governor's Office (New York City)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Martino, James
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Mechanical Contractors, Matters of
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Mezzio, Minicki and Phillips Memorial
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Minority Leaders Newsletter
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Miscellaneous Correspondence (A-Z)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)New York City Matters
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)New York Mills: Oneida County
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)New York State Association for Human Services
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)News Clippings (1975)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)News Clippings (1976)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)News Clippings (1977)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)News Clippings (1978)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)19th Ward vs. Malrite Inc.
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Office of Local Government/Planning Services Task Force: Budget Report
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Pest House/ Center for Adirondacks Studies
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Presho House
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Presidential Candidates (1976)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Project Unique
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Radio City Music Hall (1 of 2)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Radio City Music Hall (2 of 2)
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Rowe, Albert W.
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Senator Javits
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Skukan, Gordon
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)State Maritime Museum
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Talent Bank File
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Urban Cultural Parks
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Valentown Museum
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Walter Truck Company
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Weeksville
Historic Preservation Files; Miscellaneous Constituent Files; Miscellaneous Correspondence (1975-1978)Wesleyan Chapel (Seneca Falls, N.Y.); National Trust for Historic Preservation (Washington, D.C.); Preservation League of New York State (Albany, N.Y.)
International Women's Year (1977)Albany International Women's Year Conference (1 of 4)
International Women's Year (1977)Albany International Women's Year Conference (2 of 4)
International Women's Year (1977)Albany International Women's Year Conference (3 of 4)
International Women's Year (1977)Albany International Women's Year Conference (4 of 4)
International Women's Year (1977)Delegates-at-Large Prospects
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: California (1976)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Colorado (1976)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Florida (July 16, 1977)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Follow-Up
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Genesee Region
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: General
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Houston
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Louisiana (June 16-17, 1977)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Massachusetts (1976)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Mexico (1975)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Minnesota (1975)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Minnesota (1976)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Minnesota (June 2-5, 1977)
International Women's Year (1977)International Women's Year: Missouri (1976)
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Nominations: Houston International Women's Year Conference (1 of 2)
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Nominations: Houston International Women's Year Conference (2 of 2)
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Publicity Information
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Regions and Personnel
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Report to State International Women's Year from Genesee Region
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Schedule of International Women's Year Meetings
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Women's Network (1 of 3)
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Women's Network (2 of 3)
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Women's Network (3 of 3)
International Women's Year (1977-1978)Workshops
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Aging Legislation
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)The American University: Internship Program
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)COCOA Conference (February 18, 1976)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Cornell University Industrial and Labor Relations School: 1977 Internship
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Cornell University: 1976 Internship on Aging
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Erie County: BOCES Service Center: Internship Program
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Intern Reports
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs: 1976 and 1977 Internships (1 of 2)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs: 1976 and 1977 Internships (2 of 2)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Maxwell School, Syracuse: Student Intern Project
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Monroe County Community College: Internship Programs
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Monroe County Community College (Pool Fund)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)New York State Welfare Conference (November 18, 1975)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Office for the Aging
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Office for the Aging (Constituent Questions)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Rural Problems (Studies Done by Interns)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)S.A.G.E. (Services to the Aging)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)S.C.A.C. (Statewide Senior Action Council)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Senior Citizens Council of Clinton County
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Senior Citizens (General Information) 1 of 2
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Senior Citizens (General Information) 2 of 2
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Syracuse University: "Family Planning in Rural New York State"
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Syracuse University, School of Social Work
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)State University of New York at Buffalo (1976)
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)State University of New York at Geneseo
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)State University of New York at Syracuse: Environmental Science and Forestry
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Tourism in New York State
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)University of Rochester: Matter of Rita Ratcliffe
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)University of Rochester: Women's Commission
Internship Projects: Problems of Aging (1975-1978)Wells College, Aurora, N.Y.
Issues File (1978)Bloom, Jeremiah and Hugh Carey: Press Releases and Clippings
Issues File (1978)Common Cause
Issues File (1978)Constituent Concerns
Issues File (1978)Criminal Justice (1 of 6)
Issues File (1978)Criminal Justice (2 of 6)
Issues File (1978)Criminal Justice (3 of 6)
Issues File (1978)Criminal Justice (4 of 6)
Issues File (1978)Criminal Justice (5 of 6)
Issues File (1978)Criminal Justice (6 of 6)
Issues File (1978)C.U.N.Y.
Issues File (1978)Death Penalty
Issues File (1978)Deinstitutionalization
Issues File (1978)Education
Issues File (1978)Energy (1 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Energy (2 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Energy and Environment
Issues File (1978)Environment
Issues File (1978)Handicapped
Issues File (1978)Health (1 of 4)
Issues File (1978)Health (2 of 4)
Issues File (1978)Health (3 of 4)
Issues File (1978)Health (4 of 4)
Issues File (1978)Issues Notes (August 4, 1978 Telephone Interview)
Issues File (1978)Jobs (1972-1977)
Issues File (1978)Jobs (1978)
Issues File (1978)Jobs: Genesee County Chamber of Commerce
Issues File (1978)Jobs: News Clippings
Issues File (1978)Krupsak: Biography
Issues File (1978)Krupsak: News Clippings (1978) 1 of 4
Issues File (1978)Krupsak: News Clippings (1978) 2 of 4
Issues File (1978)Krupsak: News Clippings (1978) 3 of 4
Issues File (1978)Krupsak: News Clippings (1978) 4 of 4
Issues File (1978)Legislative Record
Issues File (1978)Legislative Record
Issues File (1978)Long Island Railroad
Issues File (1978)Miscellaneous Issues
Issues File (1978)Mitchell-Lama Housing (1 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Mitchell-Lama Housing (2 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Mitchell-Lama (Rent Control)
Issues File (1978)Policy Statements, Blank Forms
Issues File (1978)Policy Statements, List of Issued
Issues File (1978)Port Authority
Issues File (1978)Post-Election for Governor
Issues File (1978)Press Conference: Briefing Materials
Issues File (1978)Press Summary (July 13-31, 1978)
Issues File (1978)Republic Airport
Issues File (1978)Rural Development
Issues File (1978)Westway (2 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Senior Citizens (1 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Senior Citizens (2 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Transportation
Issues File (1978)Urban Policy
Issues File (1978)Westway (1 of 2)
Issues File (1978)Westway (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Adoption
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Affirmative Action Association: Women's Equal Opportunity Seminar and Career Day (April 25, 1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Albany Housing Authority
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Appointments, Past (January - March 1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Appointments, Past (April - December 1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Budget, State (1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Carey, Governor: Fiscal Crisis, Miscellaneous Speeches, Press Releases and Testimony (1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Carey, Governor: Task Forces (1974-1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Commencements: Programs and Souvenirs (Boston University and Clarkson College 1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Commencements: Programs and Souvenirs (1974-1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Gloversville Public Safety Bill (1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Gloversville Public Safety Bill (1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Higher Education Commission Research
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Juan Sebastian Inc (Women's Sportswear Manufacturer)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Kingston: Bicentennial
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Krupsak, Articles by (Albany Times-Union and L.A. Times: December 1, 1974)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Krupsak: Household Workers' Hearing (March 20, 1975- Albany)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Krupsak: News Clippings and Statements (1974-1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Krupsak: News Clippings and Statements (1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Krupsak: Policy Statements
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Krupsak: Press Releases Post Election
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Law Revision Commission: Recommendations to the Legislature
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Legislative Information: Amendment to Chapter 675 (Unemployment for Non-Instructional School Employees)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Leviev, Mikhail: Letter to U.S.S.R. Procurator General Regarding Execution Sentence
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Manhattan Women's Political Caucus
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York Women's Coalition on Soviet Jewry
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Reorganization: Banking and Insurance Departments
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Rochester Retail Merchants Council (January 17, 1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)State Formula Grants
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "State Formula Grants and Productivity: A Concept Paper" (January 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Cable Television (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Cable Television (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Commerce (1975-1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Commerce: Issues Papers and Reports (Undated)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Housing Finance Agency
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: 1976 Agency Hearings (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: 1976 Agency Hearings (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: 1977 Agency Hearings
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Agency Letters
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Clippings and Reports (1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Clippings and Reports (1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Undated Memos and Meeting Minutes
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (January-March 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (April 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (May 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (June 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (July-December 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (January-June 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (July-December 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (January-March 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Memos and Meeting Minutes (April-December 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Basic Competency Testing Program
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Board of Regents
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Briefings and Issues Papers
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Budget
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Hearings
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Improving Public Education
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Reports
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions Vol. 1 (September 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Education: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions Vol. 2 (September 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Health (1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Health (1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Health: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions (November 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Labor
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Mental Hygiene
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Insurance
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Department of State, New York
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Transportation
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Design and Construction Agencies (1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Design and Construction Agencies (April-May 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Design and Construction Agencies (July-December 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Design and Construction Agencies (1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Program Audit: "Role of the Design and Construction Group in the New York State Construction Program" (July 7, 1972)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Department of Correctional Services: Board of Parole
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (1974)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (1975-1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Division of Human Rights
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Division of Human Rights Management Survey (August 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Division of Probation
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Division of Veterans' Affairs
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Facilities Development Corporation
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Health Research Council
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office for the Aging (1974-1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office for the Aging (1976) 1 of 2
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office for the Aging (1976) 2 of 2
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office for the Aging (1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office of Drug Abuse Services
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office of General Services (1970-1975)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office of General Services (1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office of General Services (1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office of General Services (Reports, Undated)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Office of General Services: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions (October 1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Public Service Commission
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Racing Association
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Science and Technology Foundation
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "The Administration of Hugh L. Carey, The First Six Months: A Record of Challenge and Achievement"
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "Bench Warrant Enforcement in New York City" (October 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "An Environmental Analysis: Progress and Perspective"
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Parks and Recreation (Undated)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Parks and Recreation (1976)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Parks and Recreation: Executive Orientation Course
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)New York State Parks and Recreation (1977-1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "False Fire Alarms in Municipalities and Strategies to Combat Their Incidence" (July 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)(Audit Report): "Finance and Operating Practices of Bird S. Coler Memorial Hospital and Home" (August 17, 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "Intergovernmental Cooperation and Intergovernmental Consolidation in New York State (July 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)"A Report on The New York State Department of Social Services for Fair Hearing Process" (June 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "Pilot Restitution Projects Within the New York State Criminal Justice System" (June 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)"Report and Recommendations on the Proposals of the Temporary Commission on the New York State Court System for Restructure and Reform of the New York State Court System"
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "State of New York Five-Year Projection of Income and Expenditures: General Fund, Fiscal Years (1974-1975) - (1978-1979)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "Statement Before the Senate Mental Hygiene and Addiction Control Committee on a Review of State Funded Drug Programs" (December 15, 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "State University of New York Education Opportunity Center in Manhattan (January - February 1977)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)"Third Annual Report to the Judicial Conference of the State of New York by the Advisory Committee on the Criminal Procedure Law" (February 1974)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Report: "Workmen's Compensation and Rehabilitation Law" (July 1974)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)State University of New York: Geneseo Migrant Center
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Sunset Laws (1976 and 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Sunset Laws (1977) 1 of 2
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Sunset Laws (1977) 2 of 2
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)"Sunset in Perspective: A Critical Analysis" (February 1978)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Syracuse Area: Office Plan
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Uniformed Services
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)United Nations Development Corporation
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Vollmer Associates Comparative Evaluation of Proposed New York City Convention and Exhibition Center Sites
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Whitney-Halsey Home (Belmont, NY)
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Women Office Workers
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Youth, Division for
Miscellaneous Files and Reports (1976-1978)Youth Employment
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Reform: Hearings (February-March 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Reform: Hearings (April-May 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Reform: Legislative Proposals
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Reform: Testimony and Statements Regarding Public Hearings
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Reform: Written Statements Prepared for Presentation at the May 5, 1977 Public Hearing
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Report: "Change or be Changed: The Merit System Under Scrutiny"
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Report: "A Report on the Employee Selection Process Under the New York State Civil Service System" (August 1978)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Report: "An Interim Report on the Study of Merit System Administration and Personnel Management in the Classified Civil Service of New York State" (February 1978)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Civil Service Report: "A Study of Attitudes of New York State Civil Service Employees Towards the Civil Service System" Vol. 2 (April 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Fields, June: Commission Memos
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)National Conference of Lt. Governors: Seattle, WA (August 17-20, 1977) 1 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)National Conference of Lt. Governors: Seattle, WA (August 17-20, 1977) 2 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: 1976 Hearing
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Communications, Training, CED/ Wingspread Conference, Report- Objectives
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: "Management Survey of the Division of Food Inspection Services" (June 1976)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Productivity Project (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Productivity Project (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Study (Winchell)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Health: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions (November 1976)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)"A Comprehensive Study of Cost of Delivery Service- New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas"
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Undated Materials
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Agency Reviews and Meetings (1976)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Agency Reviews and Meetings (June 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Agency Reviews and Meetings (1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector Agency Reviews and Meetings (January-March 1978)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector Agency Reviews and Meetings (April-May 1978)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Government: Investors, Taxpayers and A New "Division of Management and Budget" (Revised Memo)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Office for the Aging: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)New York State Police Report to the Temporary Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)News Clippings: State Agency Efficiency
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Opinion Survey (New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Productivity Project: P.E.R.T. (Program Evaluation Review and Technique)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Program Analysis of Food Regulation Responsibilities in New York State
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)"Public Safety Services: A Choice for Local Government"
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Reports, Previous
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Reports, Previous and Issues Papers
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)"The Restitution Center Concept as a Part of the Criminal Justice System" (June 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Restructuring State Agencies
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)"A Study of Voters' Attitudes in New York State" Vol. 1 (April 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)"A Study of Voters' Attitudes in New York State" Vol. 2 (April 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)"Sunset Laws: A Tool for Reappraisal of Government Programs and Regulations" (January 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Sunset Laws: Budget Reform (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Sunset Laws: Budget Reform (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977)Training
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd (Agency Files) 1 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd (Agency Files) 2 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd (Drafts)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd (Personal)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd (Productivity Improvement Project)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd (Suggestions, Cost Accounting, Automation) 1 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd (Suggestions, Cost Accounting, Automation) 2 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life (Inspections)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Food Industry Conference
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Productivity Project (1978)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)"Report on the Operations Improvement Project in the Division of Food Inspection Services, Department of Agriculture and Markets (April 25, 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Section 38a (Actual Costs)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Section 38a (Inspections) 1 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Section 38a (Inspections) 2 of 2
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets: Working Papers, State Agency Management Policy Sessions (February 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Health: "Improved Operational Design, Facilities Surveillance Group, White Plains Region" (April 1 - August 15, 1978)
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Transportation: Link-Node System
Miscellaneous Reports (1977-1978)New York State Department of Transportation: Link Node Agreement
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: Agency Letters
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: 1976 Agency Meetings (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)1976 Annual Reports: Municipal Bond Bank Agency; Project Finance Agency; Medical Care Facilities Finance Agency
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Committee on the Structure of State Government (Other States)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Department of Correctional Services (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Department of Correctional Services (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Education
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Office of General Services (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Office of General Services (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)"Report on the Office of General Services Programs and Major Activities" (July 23, 1976)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)"Report on the Office of General Services Programs and Major Activities" (July 23, 1976)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)"Report on the Office of General Services Programs and Major Activities" (September 15, 1976)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Department of Health (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Department of Health (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Mandates: State and Local
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector: 1976 Agency Meetings (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd: 1976 Agency Files
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd: 1977 Agency Files (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Macri, Vincent: Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd: 1977 Agency Files (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare (1975)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare (1976)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare (1976-1977)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare: Memos and Notes (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare: Memos and Notes (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare: 1974 Reports
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare: 1975 Reports
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare: 1976 Reports (1 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare: 1976 Reports (2 of 2)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)New York State Board of Social Welfare: 1977 Reports
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Program Audit: "Office Space for New York State" (January 17, 1972)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Program Audit: "Programs for the Aged" (March 31, 1975)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Public Sector Productivity Institute, Ltd Report (October 25, 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Report: "An Introduction to Alternative Work Schedules" (August 1976 and February 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Report: "Is New York Meeting Its Training Needs?" (August 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)"Report on Office of General Services Programs and Major Activities" (July 6, 1976)
Miscellaneous Reports and Files (1976-1977)Report: "Study of New York City Transit Authority's Productivity Programs" (June 1, 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Albany County Runway Extension
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)American Management Associations Course Catalog (November 1978-April 1979)
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Boston University
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Boston University: Awards Recipients-Biographies
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Buffalo State University College: Wind Turbine Project
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Coney Island Hospital
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Intrastate Airlines Development
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Krupsak: Memorabilia
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Krupsak: Memberships and Pledges
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)New clippings: "Blivens' Blither" Syracuse Post-Standard
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)News Clippings: Willowbrook Developmental Center
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Panel on the Future of Government in New York
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Power Authority of the State of New York
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Report: "The City in Transition: Prospects and Policies for New York" (June 1977)
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Report: "Impressions of Education in Poland and Romania" (October 1976)
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Senior Citizens
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)State University of New York Stony Brook Economic Development Conference
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Staten Island Council on the Arts, Inc.
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Staten Island Flood
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Staten Island Hospital
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Staten Island: Snug Harbor Cultural Center
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Staten Island: Stapleton
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Stewart Air Force Base
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Texas Aeronautics Commission
Miscellaneous Reports and Subject Files (1977-1978)Zonta International
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-Suffolk1980 Winter Olympics
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkAl Sigl Center Matter
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkAlbany: Contacts
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkAllegany County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkBronx
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkBronx Community Conference
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkBrooklyn Community Conference
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkBroome County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkBuffalo Community Conference
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCattaraugus County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCayuga County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkChautauqua County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkChemung County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkChenango County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkClinton County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkColumbia County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCortland County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCommunity Conference
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCommunity Conference Evaluation Sheets
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCommunity Conference Resource Council
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCommunity Field Office
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCo-operative Extension
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkCorning Visit (1977)
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkDelaware County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkDutchess County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkEastman Kodak Company
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkElmira Community Conference
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkErie County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkEssex County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkFranklin County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkFulton County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkGenesee County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkGreene County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkHamilton County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkHearings Schedule
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkHerkimer County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkHyde Park: Roller-Skating Rink/ Tourist Information Center
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkJefferson County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkKings County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkLewis County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkLivingston County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkMadison County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkMonroe County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkMonroe Community College: Grant to Reduce Sex Bias, Advisory Committee
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkMontgomery County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkNassau County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkNew York
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkNiagara County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkNiagara Frontier Community Conference (1 of 2)
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkNiagara Frontier Community Conference (2 of 2)
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkOneida County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkOnondaga County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkOrange County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkOrleans County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkOswego County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkOtsego County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkPutnam County
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkQueens Community Conference (1 of 2)
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkQueens Community Conference (2 of 2)
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkSt. Lawrence Community Conference
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkState Register Process
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkSuffolk Community Conference
Nancy Dubner Letters: Al Sigl Center to Winter Olympics; Community Conferences: Buffalo-SuffolkS.U.N.Y. Syracuse College of Environmental Science and Forestry: Annual Board of Trustees Meeting (November 2-3, 1977)
PicturesCertificate of Appreciation: Fourth Ward Veterans Memorial of the City of Amsterdam
PicturesHonorary Membership: Town Affiliation Association of the United States, Inc.
PicturesFramed Message from Mayor Gerald W. Graves (Lansing, Michigan)
PicturesCertificate of Appreciation: Robert A. Taft Institute of Government, Seminar in Politics for Teachers- Pace University
PicturesCertificate of Appreciation Steuben County Firemen's Association
PicturesThe White House Fellows, Class of 1975-1976
PicturesHonorary Alumnus: Albany College of Pharmacy
PicturesCertificate of Appreciation: German Alps Festival
Pictures10 Framed Photographs of MAK
PicturesPhotograph Album
PicturesPhotograph (1978)
PicturesPhotographs (1974-1975)
PicturesMAK and Carey at Harriman's Fundraiser
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (1974-1975)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (January-May 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (June-December 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (January 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (February 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (March-April 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (May-June 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (July-August 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (September 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (October 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Polish (November - December 1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (January - June 1975)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (July - December 1975)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: January - February 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: March 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: April 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: May 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: June 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: July - August 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: September - November 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: December 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (January - February 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (March 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (April 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (May 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (June - July 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (August - October 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases (December 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Press Releases: Undated Drafts (1978)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Carey, Governor: Press Releases (July 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Carey, Governor: Press Releases (November 1976)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Carey, Governor: Press Releases (1977)
Press Releases and Miscellaneous Subject Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: News Clippings (1977)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)Appointments (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)Past Schedules
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January-February (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)February 15, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)March/April (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)April (1975) Engagements (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)April (1975) Engagements (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)April 18, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)May (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)May (1975) Engagements
Scheduling File (1975-1976)June-July (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)June (1975) Engagements (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)June (1975) Engagements (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)June 24, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)July (1975) Engagements
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August/September (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August (1975) Engagements
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 6, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 16, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 20, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 22, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 24, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 26, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 24-27, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 28, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)August 30, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 1, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 12, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 13, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 15-16, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 18, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 22, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 23, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 24, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 26, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)September 27, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 3, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 4, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 5, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 6, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 8, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 9, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 10, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 10-11, 1975 (Revised)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 11, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 12, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 13, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 13-14, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 15, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 16, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 17, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 18, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 18-24, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 24, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 25, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 28, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 29, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)October 30, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November-December (1975)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 1-2, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 3-4, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 7, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 9-12, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 13, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 19, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 20, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)November 23, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)December 1, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)December 2, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)December 3, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)December 5, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)December 9-10, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)December 11, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)December 19, 1975
Scheduling File (1975-1976)1975 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)1976 Schedule Folder
Scheduling File (1975-1976)1976 Schedules
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January-August (1976)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January 16, 1976
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January 17, 1976
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January 20, 1976
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January 23-24, 1976
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January 26, 1976
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January 28-31, 1976
Scheduling File (1975-1976)Krupsak Trips (January-March 1976)
Scheduling File (1975-1976)January 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)February/March (1976)
Scheduling File (1976)February 3, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 4, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 6-7, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 9, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 10-11, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 12, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 14, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 16, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 20, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 21, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 26, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 28, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)February 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)March 9-10, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 14, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 16, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 18, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 19, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 20, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 21, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 22, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 23, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 25, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 28, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 30, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)March 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)April (1976)
Scheduling File (1976)April 1, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 2-3, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 7, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 8, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 10, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 11, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 12, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 13, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 25, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 26, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 27, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 28, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 29, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)April 30-May 3, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May (1976)
Scheduling File (1976)May 1, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 3, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 4, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 5, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 6, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 7, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 8, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 9, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 10, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 12, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 13, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 14, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 15, 1975
Scheduling File (1976)May 16, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 17, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 18, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 20,1 976
Scheduling File (1976)May 22, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 23, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 24, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 26, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 27, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 28, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 29, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 30, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)May 1-15, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)May 16-31, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)June (1976)
Scheduling File (1976)June 1, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 2, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 3, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 5, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 7, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 9, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 10, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 10-12, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 13, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 14, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 16, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 17, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 18, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 21-22, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 24, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 25, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 26-27, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 30, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)June 1-15, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)June 16-30, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)July (1976)
Scheduling File (1976)July 1, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 2, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 6, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 7, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 10, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 11, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 12-15, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 14, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 15, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 19, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 20, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 23, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 24, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 25, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 26-30, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 27, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)July 1-15, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)July 16-31, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)August (1976)
Scheduling File (1976)August 3, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 7, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 8, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 9, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 16-20, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 21, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 22, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 24, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 26, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 27, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 28, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 29, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)August 1-15, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)August 16-31, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)September (1976)
Scheduling File (1976)September 2, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 8, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 9, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 11, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 14, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 15, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 16, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 18, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 19, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 20, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 21, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 22, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 24, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 25, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 26, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 27, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)September 1-20,1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)September 21-30, 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)October 1, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 2-19, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 23, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 24, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 25, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 27, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 28, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 30, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 31, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)October 1976 (Not Attended) 1 of 3
Scheduling File (1976)October 1976 (Not Attended) 2 of 3
Scheduling File (1976)October 1976 (Not Attended) 3 of 3
Scheduling File (1976)November 7-9, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 12, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 13-14, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 15-16, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 17, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 18-19, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 20, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 21, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 27-30, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)November 1976 (Not Attended) 1 of 2
Scheduling File (1976)November 1976 (Not Attended) 2 of 2
Scheduling File (1976)December 1-3, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December 5, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December 6, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December 7, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December 8, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December 9, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December 10-15, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December 18-30, 1976
Scheduling File (1976)December/January 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)January 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)February 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)March 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)April 1976 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)April 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)May 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)June 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)July 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)August 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)October 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)December 1976 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (1976)National Campaign Package
Scheduling File (1976)New York City
Scheduling File (1976)Past Legislative Meetings/Receptions/Luncheons
Scheduling File (1976)Rochester
Scheduling File (1976)Syracuse
Scheduling File (1976)Thank You
Scheduling File (1976)Xerox Corporation
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 23, 1977
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 25, 1977
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 27-28, 1977
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 1-10, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesCommencements (1975-1976)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms/Souvenirs (Undated)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets 1974
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets (January-February 1975)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets (March 1975)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets (April 1975)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesOntario County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesQueens County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesRensselaer County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesRichmond County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesRockland County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSt. Lawrence County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSaratoga County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSchenectady County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSchoharie County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSchuyler County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSeneca County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSteuben County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSuffolk County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesSullivan County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesTioga County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesTompkins County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesUlster County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesWarren County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesWashington County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesWayne County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesWyoming County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesYates County
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 11-19, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 20-22, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 23-24, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesApril 25-30, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets (May 1975)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets (June-October 1975)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets (November 1975)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesPrograms and Booklets (1976)
Scheduling File (April 1977) / County FilesWestchester County
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)"The Creative Woman" Booklet
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)"Chronology of the Women's Movement in the United States: 1961-1975"
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)Powerline Location Sketch
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)Anderson, Mary: Personal
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)University of Chicago Law School
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)Equal Rights Amendment Workshop
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)"Educational Needs of Rural Women and Girls"
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)Labor Relations (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)"Our Public Debt: A Historical Description of the United States Securities
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)April 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May (1978)
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 1, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 2, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 3, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 4, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 5, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 6, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 7, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 8, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 9, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 10, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 11, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 12-14, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 15, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 16, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 18, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 19, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 20, 1978 (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 21, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 22, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 23, 1978 ( 1 of 2)
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 24, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 25-26, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 27, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 28, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 31-June 2, 1978
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)Labor Relations (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 20, 1978 (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (April-May 1978)May 23, 1978 ( 2 of 2)
Scheduling File (January-April 1977)January 21-31, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-April 1977)February 17-28, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)Daily Scheduling Log
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)1977 Events Calendar
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 1977 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 5-6, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 7-8, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 11, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 12-14, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 16, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 18, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 20, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 23, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 24, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 25, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 26, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 27, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 28, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 29, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 1-20, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)January 31, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February (1977)
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 1, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 2, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 5, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 8, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 10, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 11, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 13, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 14, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 15, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 16, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 18, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 19, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 20, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 24, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 25, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 26, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 28, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)February 1-16, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 1, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 3, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 4, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 5, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 6, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 7, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 8, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1977)March 9-10, 1977
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January (1978)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 4, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 6, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 8, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 9, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 10, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 12, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 14, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 17, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 18 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 19, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 20, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 21, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 22, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 23-24, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 25, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 26, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 27, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 28, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 29, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 1-20, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February (1978)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 2, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 3, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 5, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 6, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 7, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 8, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 9, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 10-12, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 13, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 14, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 15, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 16, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 17-18, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 19, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 20, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 21, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 22, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 24, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 25, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 27, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 28, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 1-20, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March (1978)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March 1, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March 2, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March 3, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March 4, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March 6, 1978 (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March 7, 1978
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 21-31, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)January 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 21-28, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)March 6, 1978 (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (January-March 1978)February 1978( Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 18, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 19, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 20, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 21, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 22, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 23-24, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 26, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 27, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 28, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 2, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 30, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 31, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 1-9, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August (1978)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 1-3, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 4, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 5, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 6, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 7, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 8, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 9, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 10, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 11, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 12, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 13, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 14, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 15, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 16, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 17, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 18, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 19, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 20, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 22, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 23, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 24, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 25, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 26, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 27, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 29, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 30, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 31, 1978
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 1-9, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 10-19, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 20-25, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)July 26-31, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 10-19, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (July-August 1978)August 20-31, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June (1978)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 3, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 4, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 5, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 6, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 7, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 8, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 9, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 11, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 12, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 13, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 14-16, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 15, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 17, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 18, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 19, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 20, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 21, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 22, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 23, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 24, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 25, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 26, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 27, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 28, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 29, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 30, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July (1978)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)Appointment Requests
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 4, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 5, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 6, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 8, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 10, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 11, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 12, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 13, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 14, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 15, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 16, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 17, 1978
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 5-10, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 11-15, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 16-20, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 21-25, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)June 26-30, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (June-July 1978)July 9, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 15, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 16, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 17, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 18, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 19-20, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 21, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 22, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 23, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 26-27, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 1977 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 1-15, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 28, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 30, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 31, 1977 (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April (1977)
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 1, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 4, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 6-8, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 12-17, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 18-19, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 20, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 21, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)April 22, 1977
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 16-31, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (March-April 1977)March 31, 1977 (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 8, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 9, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 10, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 11, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 13, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 14, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 15, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 21, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 22, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 23, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 28, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 29, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 30, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 31, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 1-9, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April (1978)
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 1, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 2, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 3, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 4, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 5, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 7, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 8, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 9, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 10, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 11, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 12, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 13, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 14, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 15, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 16, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 17, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 18, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 19, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 20, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 22-23, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 25, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 26, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 27, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 28, 1978 (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 29, 1978
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 10-15, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)March 16-31, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (March-April 1978)April 28, 1978 (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (May 1977)International Women's Year (1 of 3)
Scheduling File (May 1977)International Women's Year (2 of 3)
Scheduling File (May 1977)International Women's Year (3 of 3)
Scheduling File (May 1977)State Government, Council of
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 1, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 2, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 3, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 4, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 5-8, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 9, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 10, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 11, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 12-14, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 14, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 15, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 17, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 18, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 20, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 21, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 22, 1977 (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 25, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 26-27, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 29, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 30, 1977
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 1-5, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 6-11, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 12-17, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 22, 1977 (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 18-23, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1977)May 24-31, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 1-5, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 6-9, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 1978 (Representative Attended) 1 of 2
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 10-15, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 16-19, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 20-24, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 25-31, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May 1978)May 1978 (Representative Attended) 2 of 2
Scheduling File (May 1978)Child Care: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May 1978)Female Offenders: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May 1978)Health: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May 1978)Improving the Status of Women in the Arts and Humanities
Scheduling File (May 1978)International Interdependence
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Arkansas
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Colorado
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Connecticut
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Delaware
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Georgia
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Idaho
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Kentucky
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Louisiana
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Massachusetts
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Missouri
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Montana
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Nevada
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in New Hampshire
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in New Jersey
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in New Mexico
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in New York
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in North Dakota
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Ohio
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Oregon
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Pennsylvania
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Rhode Island
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in South Dakota
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Tennessee
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Texas
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Utah
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Vermont
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in Virginia
Scheduling File (May 1978)The Legal Status of Homemakers in West Virginia
Scheduling File (May 1978)Older Women: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May 1978)Rape: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May 1978)Teenage Pregnancy: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May 1978)Wife Abuse: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May 1978)Women in Elective and Appointive Office: A Workshop Guide
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June (1977)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 1-3, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 4, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 5, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 6, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 10, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 11, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 12, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 14, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 15-21, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 22-23, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 26, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 28, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 29, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 24-31, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 1-5, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 6-10, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 11-16, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July (1977)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 6-7, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 8-11, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 15-20, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 21, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 21-26, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 27-28, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 30, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 31, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 1-15, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August (1977)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 6, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 7, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 8-9, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 13, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 14, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 15, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 16-20, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 25, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 26-27, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 28-29, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 30, 1977
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)August 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)May (1977)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 17-23, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)June 24-30, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (May-August 1977)July 16-31, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)September (1977)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)October 1-15, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)October 16-22, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November (1977)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 2, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 3, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 4, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 5, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 6, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 7, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 8-9, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 10, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 12, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 13-15, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 16-18, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 22, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 23, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 1-15, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 1977 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December (1977)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 1-4, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 6, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 7, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 9, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 12, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 13-14, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 16, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 19, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 30, 1977
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 1-10, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 1977 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)October (1977)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)October 23-31, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)November 16-30, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1977)December 11-31, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 1, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 2, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 3, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 4, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 5, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 6, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 7, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 8, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 9, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 10, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 11, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 12, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 19, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 20, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 21, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 22, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 25, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 29, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 30, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 1-19,1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)September 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October (1978)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 1, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 12, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 13, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 14, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 15-17, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 19, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 20, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 24, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 26, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 27, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 28-29, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 30, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 31, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 1-7, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)October 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November (1978)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 3, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 4, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 5, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 9, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 10, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 13, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 14, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 15-19, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 20, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 21, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 27-29, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 1-15, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)November 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December (1978)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 3-5, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 6, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 10, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 12, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 13, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 16-17, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 18, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 20, 1978
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-December 1978)December 1978 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)September 28, 1974 (Saturday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)September 29, 1974 (Sunday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)September 30, 1974 (Monday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 1, 1974 (Tuesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 2, 1974 (Wednesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 3, 1974 (Thursday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 4, 1974 (Friday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 5, 1974 (Saturday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 6, 1974 (Sunday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 7, 1974 (Monday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 8, 1974 (Tuesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 9, 1974 (Wednesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 10, 1974 (Thursday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 11, 1974 (Friday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 12, 1974 (Saturday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 13, 1974 (Sunday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 14, 1974 (Monday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 15, 1974 (Tuesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 16, 1974 (Wednesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 17, 1974 (Thursday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 18, 1974 (Friday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 19, 1974 (Saturday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 20, 1974 (Sunday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 21, 1974 (Monday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 22, 1974 (Tuesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 23, 1974 (Wednesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 24, 1974 (Thursday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 25, 1974 (Friday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 26, 1974 (Saturday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 27, 1974 (Sunday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 28, 1974 (Monday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 29, 1974 (Tuesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 30, 1974 (Wednesday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)October 31, 1974 (Thursday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)November 1, 1974 (Friday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)November 2, 1974 (Saturday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)November 3, 1974 (Sunday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)November 4, 1974 (Monday)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Aide Notes
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Bronx
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Brooklyn: Kings County
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Capital District
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Daily Schedules
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Erie
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Flat Schedules
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Hudson Valley
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Issues
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Manhattan
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Miscellaneous Schedules
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Nassau County Requests
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)New York Civil Liberties Union: Memos; Clean Air
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)North Country
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Old Engagements: Regrets and Confirmations
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Old Schedules (1 of 2)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Old Schedules (2 of 2)
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Old Speaker's Bureau Engagements
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Onondaga
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Open Engagements
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Queens
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Requests for Private Meetings
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Rockland
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Southern Tier
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Staten Island
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Suburbs
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Suffolk County
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Syracuse
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Upstate New York
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Westchester
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Western New York
Scheduling File (September-November 1974)Albany
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 29, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 30, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 1977 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 1, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 2, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 5, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 6, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 7, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 8, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 9-11, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 14-16, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 17, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 18, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 19, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 21, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 22, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 23, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 24, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 25, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 26, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 27, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 28, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 29, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 30, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 1-20, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)September 1977 (Representative Attended)
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 1, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 2, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 3, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 4, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 6, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 7, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 8, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 11-12, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 17, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 18, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 19, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 21, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 22, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 23, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 24-25, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 26, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 27, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 1977)October 28-30, 1977
Scheduling File (September-October 977)September 21-30, 1977 (Not Attended)
Scheduling Files (September-December 1978)September 20-30, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling Files (September-December 1978)October 8-14, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling Files (September-December 1978)October 15-22, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling Files (September-December 1978)October 23-31, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling Files (September-December 1978)November 16-30, 1978 (Not Attended)
Scheduling Files (September-December 1978)December 14, 1978
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Action for Better Community Function
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)American Association of University Women: Monroe County Speech
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)American Association of University Women: Ontario County Speech
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)American Association of University Women Speech: Rochester
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Annual Scholarship Award Dinner: Niagara County
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)A.S.P.A. Convention: Atlanta, Ga.
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Buffalo Conference: Lt. Governor's Office
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Business Personnel Service: "Women Returning to Work"
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Business and Professional Women's Clubs Inc.
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Canandaigua Co-op Extension
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Chamber of Commerce Visit
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Color Your World
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Consumer Credit Association, Orange County
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Contemporary Strategies for Historic Preservation
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Credit Women International
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Department of Agriculture/ Lt. Governor Field Trip to Rochester
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Eleanor Roosevelt: Val-Kill, Hyde Park, N.Y.
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Future's Class Conference
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Garson Meyer Senior Center
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Geneseo: "Women in Power"
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Gerontology Center: Syracuse
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Industrial Security Seminar
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Ithaca Speech: "Women and Their Status Under Law"
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Kiwanis Club of Tonawanda
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak Appearance: S.U.N.Y. Brockport Commencement Speaker
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak Appearance: University of Rochester Commencement
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: Northern Adirondacks Trip
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: Rochester
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: Rochester Campaigning (Oktoberfest)
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: Rochester Campaigning
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: Rochester Conference
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: Upstate New York Visit (August 6-7, 1975)
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Krupsak: Upstate New York Visit (August 13-15, 1975)
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)League of Women Votes: Syracuse
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)League of Women Voters
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Linda Lamel Meeting: Albany
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Livingston County Workshop
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Metropolitan Rochester Business and Professional Clubs, Inc.
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Miscellaneous Speeches and Appearances (Television, Radio, etc.)
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Monroe Community College: Community Forum
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Nazareth Conference
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)New York Statewide Senior Action Council Inc.
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Niagara Frontier Vocational Rehabilitation Center Inc.
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)New York University Alumni Club of Rochester Speech
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Ontario County Democratic Women's Dinner
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Ontario Women's Dinner
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Program Funding Speech: Annual Statewide Farmworkers Conference
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Rochester: Junior League Speech: Baptist Temple
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Rochester: Women and Mental Health Conference
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)R.T. French Company
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)St. Lawrence University Conference on Aging
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Speech to S.C.E.O.P., Bath
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Speeches
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Staff Meeting
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)State University of New York at Brockport Speech
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Susan B. Anthony Visit
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Syracuse Conference
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Syracuse University: School of Social Work
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Temple B'Rith Speech on Equal Rights Amendment
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Temple B'Rith Kodesh Speech
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Temporary Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Women's Council: Chamber of Commerce
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Women's Council: Chamber of Commerce
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)WXXI Interview with Nancy Dubner
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Yale Personnel and Guidance Convention
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Webster Business and Professional Women's Club Speech
Speech and Trip Files (1975-1978)Y.W.C.A. Conference
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: January 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: February 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: March 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: April 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: May-July 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: August 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: September 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: October 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: November-December 1975 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: January-March 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: April 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: May-June 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: July 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: August-October 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: November 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: December 1976 (Edna Ward's Files)
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: January 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: February 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: March 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: April 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: May 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: June 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: July 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: September 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: October 1977
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: February-March 1978
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: April-May 1978
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: June 1978
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: July 1978
Speeches (1975-1978)Speeches: December 1978
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Aerospace Industry and Education (1 of 4)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Aerospace Industry and Education (2 of 4)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Aerospace Industry and Education (3 of 4)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Aerospace Industry and Education (4 of 4)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Aerospace Industry and Federal Aviation Administration
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Budget (1975-1976)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Burglar Systems: Old and New
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Krupsak: Dictates
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Krupsak: Legislative Positions
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Krupsak: Ombudsman Role
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Krupsak: Personal (1974)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Krupsak: Personal (1976)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Krupsak: Personal/Political
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Maid of the Mist Corporation: Tramway
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Miscellaneous Correspondence and Clippings
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Office Equipment (1 of 2)
Staff Lists (1974-1976)Office Equipment (2 of 2)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Democrats (1975)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Democrats (January-May 1976)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Democrats (June-December 1976)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Democrats (1977)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Dubner, Nancy: End-of-Year Report
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Office of Lt. Governor, Role of
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Schoenbach, Burt (New York State Senate Committee on Crime and Correction)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Staff Meetings
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Staff Resumes
Staff Lists (1974-1978)State Agencies
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Urban Policy
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Women's Lists: Contacts and Organizations (1 of 3)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Women's Lists: Contacts and Organizations (2 of 3)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Women's Lists: Contacts and Organizations (3 of 3)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Women: International Women's Year Tribune Registrants
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Women (1975-1976)
Staff Lists (1974-1978)Women (1977-1978)
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Senate Confirmations
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Senate Professional Association- Labor Dispute
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Senators - Assemblymen
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Snowmobiles
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Social Security
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Special Interests
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Speech Ideas (1974)
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)State University (All)
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Taxes
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Taylor Law
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Teachers
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Thank You
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Thank You for Material
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Tourism
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Transportation
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Transition
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Tuition Aid Program
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Unemployment Insurance
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Unions
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Urine Analysis
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Utilities
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Vacancy and Rent Control
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Veterans
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Vocational Rehabilitation and Education
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Welfare Education Program
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Wilson, Governor of New York
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Wilton School
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Workmen's Compensation
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Youth
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Abortion
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Acupuncture
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Adirondack Park
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Adirondack Tent Platforms
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Administration Ratings
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)AFL - CIO
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Aging
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Aging, Division of
Subject Files (1974 Sen) - (1975 Ag)Agriculture
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Voluntary Childcare Agencies
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Volunteerism
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Volunteer Firemen
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Wappinger
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Westchester, Board of
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Weekly News Compendium
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Women
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Worker's Compensation
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Youth
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Violent Youth (Day Treatment)
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Zanta Case
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Zonta International
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Abortion
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Acupuncture
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Addresses
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Adirondacks
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Advisory Council Equal Opportunity for Women
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Aging
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Agriculture
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Alcoholism
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Amsterdam
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Assemblyman O'Connor
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Audit and Control
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Automobiles, Staff
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Banks (1 of 2)
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Banks (2 of 2)
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Beer Wholesalers
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Bicentennial
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Birth Control
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Blue Laws
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Board of Regents
Subject Files (1975 V) - (1976 Br)Breast Cancer Detection
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Local Government Program- Cornell
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Lottery
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Lulus
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Lupus Awareness
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Madison County Democratic Committee
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Malpractice
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Media
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Medicaid
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Mental Hygiene Department
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Metric Conversion
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Metropolitan Star
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Middleburgh Friary/Correctional Facility
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Migrant Workers
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Mobile Homes
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Montgomery County
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Motor Vehicle Department
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)N.A.A.C.P.
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Nassau County
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)National Conference of Lt. Governors
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)National Conference of State Legislators
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)New York City
Subject Files (1976 Lo) - (1977 Bi)Better New York Association
Subject Files A (1974)Biography (Political Engagements)
Subject Files A (1974)Biography (Social Engagements)
Subject Files A (1974)Addresses
Subject Files A (1974)Form Letters
Subject Files A (1974)Abortion
Subject Files A (1974)Acknowledgements
Subject Files A (1974)Acupuncture (Answered)
Subject Files A (1974)Acupuncture Form Letter
Subject Files A (1974)Acupuncture (1 of 2)
Subject Files A (1974)Adirondack Park
Subject Files A (1974)Adirondack Park Plans
Subject Files A (1974)Adirondack Park: Chapter Amendment- Local Zoning
Subject Files A (1974)Adirondack Park Bills
Subject Files A (1974)Adoption
Subject Files A (1974)Agriculture
Subject Files A (1974)Albany Regional Med. Program
Subject Files A (1974)Alcoholism
Subject Files A (1974)Amsterdam (Perth 7-11) School District
Subject Files A (1974)Arts
Subject Files A (1974)Attorney General Reports
Subject Files A (1974)Audit and Control
Subject Files A (1974)Acupuncture (2 of 2)
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Abortion
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Acupuncture
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Affirmative Action
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Aging
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Agriculture and Markets
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Agriculture (Productivity Project)
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Airport Development Conference
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Albany Association of the Blind, Inc
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Alcoholic Beverage Control, Division of
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Amsterdam
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Arts Council
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Balanced National Growth
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Banking
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Board of Regents
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Boston University (1 of 2)
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Budget (1978-79)
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)1978 Campaigns
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Carter Administration
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Center for Laws and Social Policy
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Civil Service (1 of 3)
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Civil Service (2 of 3)
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Civil Service Exams
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Boston University (2 of 2)
Subject Files A - Ci (1978)Civil Service (3 of 3)
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Albany, City of
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Albany County Airport
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Alcoholism
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Alden, Town of
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Allen- Kayutah Lake Dam
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Amsterdam
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Animals
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Anthony, Susan B.
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Assembly
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Assemblyman O'Connor
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Assistance, Offers of
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Athletic Commission
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Attica Defense
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Authorities
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Autographs (Krupsak)
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Avon
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Banks
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Bicentennial
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Bikeways
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Board of Regents
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Boy Scouts
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Bronx
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: Glimmerglass State Park
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget (1975-1976): Youth Opportunity Program
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget 1975-1975): Alcohol Rehabilitation Program
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: Fire Academy
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: O.S.H.A.
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: Nursing Program in Mental Hygiene Department
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: State University of New York
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: Supplemental
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: Urban Homes
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Budget: Welfare Education Program
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Canaan Citizen's Voice
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Canning Lids
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Campgrounds
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Canajoharie
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Capital District
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Carey: Mail
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Carey: News Conferences
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Carey: Krupsak
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Catalyst
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Cattaraugus County
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Catskills
Subject Files Al - Cha (1975)Chamber of Commerce
Subject Files B - C (1974)Banking
Subject Files B - C (1974)Barge Canal (1974)
Subject Files B - C (1974)Bicentennial Commission
Subject Files B - C (1974)Black Creek
Subject Files B - C (1974)Blind Vendors
Subject Files B - C (1974)Blue Law
Subject Files B - C (1974)Budget (1974)
Subject Files B - C (1974)Business and Professional Women
Subject Files B - C (1974)Cable TV
Subject Files B - C (1974)Campaign- Montage for
Subject Files B - C (1974)Campaign Reform
Subject Files B - C (1974)Cancer Research and Treatment
Subject Files B - C (1974)Capital District Transportation Authority
Subject Files B - C (1974)Capital Punishment
Subject Files B - C (1974)Cardboard Tax
Subject Files B - C (1974)Carey
Subject Files B - C (1974)Chamber of Commerce- All
Subject Files B - C (1974)Child Abuse
Subject Files B - C (1974)Child Care
Subject Files B - C (1974)Citizen's Union
Subject Files B - C (1974)Civil Liberties
Subject Files B - C (1974)Civil Service Commission
Subject Files B - C (1974)Clergy
Subject Files B - C (1974)Commerce
Subject Files B - C (1974)Common Cause
Subject Files B - C (1974)Community College
Subject Files B - C (1974)Con. Edison
Subject Files B - C (1974)Congratulations (1974)
Subject Files B - C (1974)Conservation: Parks and Recreation
Subject Files B - C (1974)Constituents' Requests (Miscellaneous)
Subject Files B - C (1974)Consumer Issues
Subject Files B - C (1974)Contraceptives
Subject Files B - C (1974)Continuous Learning Year
Subject Files B - C (1974)Nurses' Continuing Education
Subject Files B - C (1974)Cooperative Extension
Subject Files B - C (1974)Corporate Social Responsibilities
Subject Files B - C (1974)County Maps
Subject Files B - C (1974)County Officers and County Materials (other than MAK)
Subject Files B - C (1974)County Resolution
Subject Files B - C (1974)Court Reorganization
Subject Files B - C (1974)Criminal Justice
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Abortion
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Acupuncture
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Adirondacks
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Aging
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Agriculture and Markets
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Amsterdam
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Arts Council
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Auburn, City of
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Audit and Control
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Aviation
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Banks (1 of 2)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Banks (2 of 2)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Bellamy, Carol
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Bicentennial
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Bethlehem Steel (Lackawanna)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Board of Regents
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Bond Issue
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Borel, Anne Correspondence
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Boston University Trustees
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Breast Diseases Association
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Budget (1977-78)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Budget (1978-79)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Campaign Lists
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Carter Administration
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Center for Law and Social Policy
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)C.E.T.A. Funds- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (1973)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- Memos
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- N.J. Title III
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- Prime Sponsors, Statistics, Program Data
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- Programs in Other States
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- References
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- St. Lawrence
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- Slideshows: Center for Human Systems Inc.
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- Use of
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)CETA- Videotapes
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Civil Service Department
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Civil Service Exams
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Cornell University (1 of 5)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Cornell University (2 of 5)
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Commerce, New York State Department of
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Community Development
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Conservation
Subject Files Bo - Cornell II (1977)Constitutional Convention
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Budget (1976-77)
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Budget (1976-77)
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Cable TV Tax
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)CAP Book, Inc
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Capital Punishment
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carey Administration
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carter: 51.3 % Committee
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Center for Legislative Improvement
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Chicago, University of
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Child Care
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Civil Service Cutbacks
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Civil Service Department
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Civil Service Workers
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Commerce, New York State Department of
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Community Conference
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Congratulations: Groups, Organizations, Individuals
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Consumer Protection Board
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Cornell University
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Correctional Services
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Corsi, V. Correspondence
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Council of State Governments
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Court System
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Cultural Laureate Foundation
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)C.U.N.Y.
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Day Care
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Democratic Convention
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Democratic Coalition
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Democratic National Campaign
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Drug Laws
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Durgerian, Joyce Correspondence
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Education
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carter: Campaign
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carter: Correspondence
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carter: Platform, Issues
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carter: Position Requests
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carter: Press Releases and Clippings
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Carter: Transition
Subject Files Bu - Education (1976)Council on Arts
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Child Care
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Church
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Citizen's Conference
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Citizen's Union
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Civil Service Employees Association
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)City College
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)City Woman
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Chemung County
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Civil Service Problems
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Civil Service: 1975 Package
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Clippings: Assembly
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Clipping: Carey
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Clippings: Legislative
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Clippings: Krupsak
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Clippings: Senate
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Commerce, New York State Department of
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Community Development
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Community Forum: Adirondacks
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Community Forums
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Congratulations
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Connor, Robert- Assemblyman
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Conservation
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Constitutional Amendments
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Constitutional Revision
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Commission of Correction
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Consumer Protection
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)County Problems
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Cornell
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Council on the Arts
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Council of State Government
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Critical Land Use
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)C.U.N.Y.
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Day Care
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Democratic National Committee
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Dictation Equipment
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Division for Youth
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Divorce
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Dominican Commercial High School: Jamaica, Long Island, NY
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Donation
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Drugs
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Education
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Education Legislation (Higher)
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Education, Early Childhood
Subject Files Che - Ed (1975)Education, Vocational
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Commerce, Department of
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Cosmetology Board
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Craft Trail Maps
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Cornell University (1 of 4)
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Cultural Affairs Institute
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Day Care
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Death Penalty
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Defense Department
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Democrats
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Economic Affairs Cabinet
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Education
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Elections, Board of
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Employment
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Energy (765 Kv line)
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Cornell University (2 of 4)
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Cornell University (3 of 4)
Subject Files Co - Ene (1978)Cornell University (4 of 4)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Cornell University (3 of 5)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Cornell University (4 of 5)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Corrections
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Corsi, Virginia (Correspondence)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Cosmetology Licensing
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Crafts Trail
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Council of State Governments
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)CSEA
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Day Care
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Day Care- (Forms)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Day Care (No Address)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Drajem, Irene
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Drug Abuse
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Durgerian, Joyce (Correspondence)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Education (1 of 2)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Education (2 of 2)
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Elections
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Employment
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Employment- Barge Canal
Subject Files Cornell III - Em (1977)Cornell University (5 of 5)
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)D'Alessandro Drive
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Day Care (1973)
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Day Care
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Democrats
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Democratic Legislative Program
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Domestic Relations
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Driver Education
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Drugs
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Drugs- Governor's Bills (1974)
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Economy
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Editorials (Radio, TV)
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education- Fulton County
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education- Montgomery County
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education- Saratoga County
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education- Schenectady County
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education- General
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education- State Aid (1 of 2)
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Education- State Aid (2 of 2)
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Energy Crisis
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Equal Opportunities
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Ethics and Politics
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Family Court
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Family Services Commission
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Farm Bureau and Farm Problems
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Firefighters
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Flag Requests
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Franklin County
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Freedom of Information
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Free Transit for Elderly
Subject Files D - Fre (1974)Dead Bills
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Education Aid (1 of 2)
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Education Anti-Bussing
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Education Department
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Election Laws
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Employment
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Environmental Conservation
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Energy
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Equal Rights Amendment
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Ethical, Legal, Social Implications (Biomedical, Behavioral Research and Technology)
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Ethnic
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Farms
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Fields, June Correspondence
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Flood (1976)
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Freedom of Information Law
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Full Employment Conference
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Fulton County
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Gambling
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Gay Rights
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Glens Falls, City of
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)General Services, Office of
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Governor Carey's Press Conferences
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Gun Control
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Hamburg Village
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Handicapped
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Health Department
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Herkimer County
Subject Files Education A - He (1976)Education Aid (2 of 2)
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Elections (1975)
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Election Laws
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Ethnic Millions Political Action Committee
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Energy
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Environmental Conservation
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Equal Employment Opportunity Committee
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Ethics
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Ethnics
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Equal Rights Amendment
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Equal Rights Amendment
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)State Equal Rights Amendment- New York State Constitution
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Federal Equal Rights Amendment- New York State
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Fair Rent Agreement
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Family Care
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Farmers
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Federal Highway Funds
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Federal Government
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Federal Tax Conference
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Fire Service
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Fireworks
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Food Merchants
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Full Employment
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Fulton County
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Foster Care
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Future Intern Projects
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Gas Tax
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Gay Rights Bill
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Girl Scouts
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Greenburgh - Town of
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Greene Co.
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Green Thumb Program
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Empire Girls State
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Handicapped
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Harlem State Office Building
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Health (1 of 2)
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Homer Folks State Hospital
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Hoover Commission
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Hospitality House
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Household Technicians
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Housing
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Hudson River Psychiatric Center
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Hudson Training School
Subject Files El - Hud (1975)Health (2 of 2)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Environmental Conservation (1 of 2)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Environmental Conservation (2 of 2)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Energy
Subject Files En - G (1977)Energy- 765 Kv line
Subject Files En - G (1977)Environment
Subject Files En - G (1977)Equal Rights Amendment
Subject Files En - G (1977)Fall Festival
Subject Files En - G (1977)Fields, June Correspondence
Subject Files En - G (1977)Foster Care
Subject Files En - G (1977)Freedom of Information Law
Subject Files En - G (1977)Full Employment Week
Subject Files En - G (1977)Fulton County
Subject Files En - G (1977)Gloversville
Subject Files En - G (1977)Government, U.S.
Subject Files En - G (1977)Governors (Other States)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Governor's Press Conferences (January-February 1977)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Governor's Press Releases (1 of 2)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Governor's Press Releases (2 of 2)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Governor's Press Conferences (March-April 1977)
Subject Files En - G (1977)Governor's Press Conferences (May-July 1977)
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Equal Rights Amendment
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Environmental Conservation
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Ex-offenders
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Facilities Development Corp.
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Fiscal Crisis (New York City)
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Flag Requests
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Flex Time
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Freedom of Information Law
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Future State Government Panel
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Gambling
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Gay Rights
Subject Files Env - J (1978)General Services, Office of
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Governor's Appointments
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Governor's Press Releases
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Handicapped
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Health Department
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Higher Education Services Corp.
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corp.
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Hospitals, Ticonderoga Area
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Housing
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Immunization
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Indians
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Insurance
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Intern Program
Subject Files Env - J (1978)International Women's Year
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Inter-Office Memos (1 of 2)
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Judiciary
Subject Files Env - J (1978)Inter-Office Memos (2 of 2)
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Fuel- Open Town Meetings, etc.
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Fulton County
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Gallery Passes
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)GE Executives
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Government
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Grange
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Giuffreda Tax Limiting Equalization Proposal
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Hamilton County
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Health
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Heck School, O.D.
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Higher Education
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Historic Trust
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Hoover Commission
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Housing
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Human Rights
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Impeachment (Anti)
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Impeachment- Pro
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Insurance
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)I-88
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Invitations- Not Accepted (January - April) 1 of 2
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Invitations- Accepted
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Javits
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Judges
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Judicial Reform
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Bills (1974)
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Clippings
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Lt. Governor
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Mail
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Personal
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Personal - Political
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Support of
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Krupsak: Vouchers
Subject Files Fue - Krupsak V (1974)Invitations- Not Accepted (May-December) 2 of 2
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Handicapped
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Health Department
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Higher Education Service Corps
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Housing
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Human Rights
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Immunization Action Committee
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Indians
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Insurance Department
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Inter-Office Memos (1 of 2)
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Inter-Office Memos- Lamel-Krupsak
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Interns
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Investigation, Commission of
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Judiciary
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Kraus, Norma (Correspondence)
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Autographs
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Biographies and Requests
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Congratulations (1 of 2)
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Congratulations (2 of 2)
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Governor Carey Correspondence
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Gifts and Donations
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Greetings
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Honorary Member of
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Inter-Office Memos (2 of 2)
Subject Files H - Krupsak H (1977)Krupsak: Personal (2 of 2)
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Higher Education
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Human Resources Center
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Human Rights
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Immunization Action Committee
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Income Tax Refund
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Indians
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Insurance
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Inter-Office Memos (1 of 2)
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Interns (1976)
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Johnstown Fish Hatchery
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Judiciary
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Juvenile Justice
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Kraus, Norma
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Articles
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Autograph Requests
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Biography and Photos
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Photographs (1 of 2)
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Congratulations
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Gifts, Donations, etc.
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Personal (Fire)
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Personal
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Inter-Office Memos (2 of 2)
Subject Files Hi - Krupsak P (1976)Krupsak- Photograph (2 of 2)
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Human Rights
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Human Services Planning Council
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Interdepartmental Committee Minutes
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Indian Affairs
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Industrial Development Agency - Nassau
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Insurance
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Inter-office Memos
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Internships
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Internships - Rejections
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Interns (Summer 1975)
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Israel
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Judicial System
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Judicial Conference
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Judiciary
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Johnstown, N.Y. Board of Education
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Kraus, Norma- Correspondence
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Autographs, Pictures, Bios
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Articles
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Gifts, Donations, etc.
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Budget Criticism (January - March 1975)
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Personal (January - March 1975)
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Personal Recommendations (1 of 2)
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Recipe Requests
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Speeches
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Salary
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Budget Criticism (April - December 1975)
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Personal (April - December 1975)
Subject Files Hum - Krupsak S (1975)Krupsak- Personal Recommendations (2 of 2)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Kraus, Norma- Correspondence
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Autograph and Biography Requests
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Clippings
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Condolence
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Congratulations (1 of 3)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Gifts and Donations
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Personal
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Photographs
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Photograph Requests
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Proclamation Requests
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Recipe Requests
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Thank You From ( 1 of 3)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Thank You To
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Labor, Department of
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Laetrile
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Legislation (1 of 2)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Letters to Editors
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Political Support Letters
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Congratulations (2 of 3)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Congratulations (3 of 3)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (1 of 2)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Press Releases (2 of 2)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Thank You From (2 of 3)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Krupsak: Thank You From (3 of 3)
Subject Files K - Le (1978)Legislation (2 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Personal (1 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Photographs (1 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Photographs (2 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Photograph Requests
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Recommendations
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Regrets
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Speeches (Sent)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Thank You From (1 of 3)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Thank You From (2 of 3)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Thanks You To (1 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Thank You From (3 of 3)
Subject Files Krupsak P - Krupsak T (1977)Krupsak: Thank You To (2 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Recipe Request
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Recommendation
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Regrets
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Salary
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Thank You From (1 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Thank You From (2 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Thank You To (1 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Krupsak- Thank You To (2 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Labor Department
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Lamel, Linda
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Laurelton
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)League of Women Voters
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Legislative Ethics
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Lexington School for Dead
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Library
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Library Aid
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)License Plates
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Licensing Fees (Increase)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Liquor Authority
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Lt. Governor's Office - Rochester
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Lt. Governors - Other States
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Lt. Governor's Role
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Little Falls (1 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Little Falls (2 of 2)
Subject Files Krupsak R - Li (1976)Liquefied Natural Gas
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Krupsak- Thank You (January-April)
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Labor
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Lake George
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Legislative Policy Statements of Organizations
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Legislation
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Legislative Manual
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Legislative Senate and Assembly
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Legislative Reform
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Legislative Seminar, The
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Licensing (1975)
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Lt. Governor's Office- Rochester Field Office
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Lt. Governors - Other States
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Liberal Party
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Library Conference
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Libraries (1975)
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Library Legislation
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Lamel, Linda: Correspondence
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Lobbyists (1975)
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Lottery, New York State
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Liquefied Natural Gas
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Madison County
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Mail
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Malpractice
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Medical Schools
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Mental Health
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Mental Hygiene Department
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Metric System
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Metropolitan President Organization
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Milk
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Miscellaneous File
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Mobile Homes (1975)
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Montgomery County
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Motor Vehicle: 1974 Annual Report
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Multi-County Development Corp.
Subject Files Krupsak T - M (1975)Krupsak- Thank You (May-December)
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Labor
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)League of Women Voters
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Legislative Forum
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Legislative Reform
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Legislatures (other than NY)
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Legislation (1974)
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Libraries
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Lt. Governor (MAK)
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Lobbying
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Local Government
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Lottery
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Malpractice
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Manpower Training
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Mental Health
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Marriage and Divorce
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Metcalf-Hatch Act
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Migrant Center
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Milk Inspection (S1165)
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Milk Issues
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Mobile Homes
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Montgomery County
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Mortgage Escrow Accounts
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Motor Vehicle Department
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)N.D.C (National Democratic Coalition)
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)National Organization for Women
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)National Economy
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)National Guard
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Newsletter
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)No Fault
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Nurses' License Renewal
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Obscenity
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Optometrists
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Order of Women Legislators (O.W.L.)
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)O.S.H.A. - Occupational Safety and Health Act
Subject Files L - Pa (1974)Paralegal
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Labor (1 of 2)
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Labor (2 of 2)
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Lancaster, Town of
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)League of Women Voters
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Legislatures (Other States)
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Libraries
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Lt. Governor's Office (Rochester)
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Lt. Governors (Other States)
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Little Falls
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Lupus
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Marijuana
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Medicaid
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Mental Hygiene
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)The Metropolitan Star
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Migrant Labor
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Mobile Homes
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Montgomery County
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Motor Vehicle Department
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)National Conference of Lt. Governors
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)National Conference of State Legislatures
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)New York Telephone Company
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)New York City
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)North Country Meeting
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Nurses
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Nursing Homes
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Nutrition
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Odyssey Institute
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)O.G.S (Office of General Services)
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Olympics
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Ombudsperson
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Off Track Betting
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Parks and Recreation
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Park Hill Adult Home
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Pay Toilets
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Pensions
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)People to People
Subject Files L - Pe (1977)Petraitis, Brian Correspondence
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Libraries
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Licensing
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Lt. Governor's Conference
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Lt. Governors (Other States)
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Lt. Governor's Office (Rochester)
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Lottery
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Macri, Vincent
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Marijuana
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Mayors, U.S. Conference of
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Mental Hygiene
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Midtown Manhattan
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Montgomery County
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Niebuhr Institute
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Nursing
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)PBS
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Parks
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Penal System
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Pensions (1 of 2)
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Pensions (2 of 2)
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Polish (1 of 2)
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Pre-K
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Commission on Management and Productivity in the Public Sector
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Public Service Commission
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Racing and Wagering Board, New York State
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Radio City- Media
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Radio City- Negative Letters
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Radio City- Positive Letters
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Senior Citizens
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Social Services
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Soviet Jewry
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Special Plates
Subject Files Li - Sp (1978)Polish (2 of 2)
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)N.A.A.C.P.
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)National Urban League
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)New York City
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)New York City Fiscal Crisis
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)New York County Lawyers Association - Memos
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Nolan, Howard- State Senator
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Nurses Education
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Nursing Homes
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)O.D. Heck
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Olympic Games
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)School of Orchestral Studies
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Off Track Betting, New York State
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Parks
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Peasley Family
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Planned Parenthood East Suffolk, Inc.
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Pensions
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Planning Services, Office of
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Police
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Port of Albany
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Port Authority of New York
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Potsdam Co-operative
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Power Authority of New York
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Pre-K Program (funding)
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Prison Correction
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Press
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Professional Interior Designers
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Public Service Commission
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Railroads
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Rape (1975)
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Regrets
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Resolutions (1974)
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)St. Mary's Hospital (1 of 2)
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)St. Mary's Hospital (2 of 2)
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)Saratoga County
Subject Files N - Sa (1975)St. Johnsville
Subject Files Ni - Z (1976)Did Not Receive
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Penal Reform
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Pensions
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Pension Form Letters
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Pensions- Kinzel Commission for
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Perth - 7 and 11th district
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Police
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Political Declines
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Political Engagements (Past)
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Positions, Requests For
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Prayer Bill
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)President and Vice President (United States)
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Prescriptions- Drugs
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Press Names (Radio, TV, Newspapers)
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Primary Tabulation
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Psychologist Licensing
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Public Service Commission
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Public TV
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Publication: Mailed out
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Publications: Requests for
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Racetracks
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Rail Bond
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Railroads
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Randall
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Real Property Tax
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Reapportionment
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Regents Scholarship
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Reid, Ogden
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Religious Institutions
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Research Aid
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Sales Tax: Food Containers
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Sales Tax: Fuel
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Sales Tax: General
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Samuels, Howard
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Saratoga County
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Schenectady County
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)School Nurse Teacher
Subject Files Pe - Sea (1974)Seatbelts
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Police
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Pornography
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Port Authority
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Productivity Commission (1 of 7)
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Productivity Commission (2 of 7)
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Productivity Commission (3 of 7)
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Productivity Commission (4 of 7)
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Productivity Commission (5 of 7)
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Public Service Commission
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Racing and Wagering Board
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Rent Control
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Schenectady
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Sign-Out Sheets
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Smoke-Out
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Productivity Commission (6 of 7)
Subject Files Po - Sm (1977)Productivity Commission (7 of 7)
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Schenectady, City of
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Schoharie County
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)School District Administrators, New York State Council of
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Schuyler County
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)School Nurse Teachers (1975)
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Senior Citizens
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Snowmobilers: Budget Cutbacks
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Social Services
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Soviet Jewry
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Spanish Surname Project
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)State Agencies
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)State Agencies Office of General Services
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)State University of New York
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)State University of New York: Environmental Science and Forestry
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Steuben County
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Stewart Airport
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Sullivan County
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Supervisor's Association
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Task Forces- Executive
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Taxes
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Teachers
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Teachers' Pension Funds
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Teachers' Retirement Bills
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Thank You to MAK
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Thank You (Congratulations letters)
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Thruway
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Tourism Niagara
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Transportation
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)U.D.C. (Urban Development Corporation)
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Unemployment
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)United Neighborhood Houses
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Update Staff News
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Urban Homes
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)University of Chicago
Subject Files Sc - U (1975)Utica and Marcy Psychiatric Center
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Social Services
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Social Welfare, Board of
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Soviet Jewry
Subject Files So - Z (1977)State Association of County Executives
Subject Files So - Z (1977)State Department
Subject Files So - Z (1977)State Maps
Subject Files So - Z (1977)State Planes
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Steingut, Stanley: Press Releases
Subject Files So - Z (1977)J.P. Stevens Workers
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Stewart Airport
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Sullivan County Airport
Subject Files So - Z (1977)State University of New York
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Supervisors and County Legislators Association
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Supplemental Budget
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Sylvania
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Taxes
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Tourism
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Town Meetings
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Transportation
Subject Files So - Z (1977)University of Rochester
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Val-Kill
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Veterans
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Vietnam
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Welfare
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Wine Industry
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Women
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Yonkers
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Youth Division
Subject Files So - Z (1977)Zonta
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Sullivan County Airport
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)State University of New York (1 of 2)
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Supervisors and County Legislators Association
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Supplemental Budget
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Syracuse Area Landmark Theater
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Taxes
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Transportation (1 of 2)
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Tourism
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Urban Cultural Park Advisory Council
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Veterans
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Wine Industry
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Youth Employment
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Youth Theater
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)State University of New York (2 of 2)
Subject Files Su - Z (1978)Transportation (2 of 2)
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Boraczok, J. Marian: President of Ukrainian-American Cultural Society
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Chemung County Matters
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Community Forum Concept
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Corning Matters
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Erie County Matters
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Follow-Up Notes: Nancy Dubner and Chris Nolin
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Livingston County
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Livingston County Crisis Center
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Livingston County: Geneseo Land Parcel
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Miscellaneous Correspondence
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Monroe County
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Niagara County Matters
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Onondaga County
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Ontario County: 1975 Attendance- Parks and Recreation in the Finger Lakes
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Ontario County Matters
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Ontario County: New York State Agricultural Exp. Station, Geneva
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Schuyler County: Appalachian Regional Community
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Schuyler County: Grand Prix
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Schuyler County: Mud Lake Bridge
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Sonnenberg Gardens, Canandaigua
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Southern Tier: Regional Planning/ Development Board
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Addison, Section 8 Housing Units
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Addison- Senior Citizens
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Addison- Sewer Tax Situation
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Aging Problem
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Council of Community Services of Southeastern Steuben County, Inc.
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: East Corning Sewage Problem
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Economic Opportunity Program Inc.
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Gang Mills (Painted Post) Flood Prevention
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: North Hornell Sewage Problem
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: South Hornell Fire Department
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Southern Tier Central Title VI- Public Service Employment Funds
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Steuben County: Southern Tier Highway Problems
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Tioga County: O'Brien's Inn, Waverly
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Tompkins County
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Wayne County
Western New York Files (1975-1978)Wayne County: Hope Village
Western New York Files (1975-1978)County Legislators: Endorsements
Women's IssuesInternational Women's Year
Women's IssuesNational International Women's Year
Women's IssuesGeneral
Women's IssuesInternational Women's Year
Women's IssuesNational Congress of Neighborhood Women
Women's IssuesNational Organization for Women
Women's IssuesMAK- News Clippings
Women's IssuesLeague of Women Voters
Women's IssuesGeneva Lynn vs. Houston Independent School District
Women's IssuesMaternal Disability
Women's IssuesWomen's Lobby
Women's IssuesWomen's Agenda (U.S.)
Women's IssuesWomen's O.R.T.
Women's IssuesNational Women's Political Caucus
Women's IssuesPending
Women's IssuesNative Americans
Women's IssuesNew York State International Women's Year
Women's IssuesOdyssey Institute
Women's IssuesO.F.C.C.P.
Women's IssuesProstitution
Women's IssuesWomen's Prison Project
Women's IssuesRape
Women's IssuesWomen- Psychology
Women's IssuesProject Second Chance
Women's IssuesSex Discrimination
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Abortion
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Affirmative Action
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Alcoholism
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Alternative Work Hours
Women's Issues (1975-1978)American Association of University Women
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Battered Spouses
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Breaking the Appointment Barrier
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Breast Cancer
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Center for Women in Government (1 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Center for Women in Government (2 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Child Care
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Civil Service
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Cooperperson Case
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Cornell University
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Correctional Services, Department of
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Day Care
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Displaced Homemakers
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Equal Rights Amendment: Background Information (1 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Equal Rights Amendment: Background Information (2 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Equal Rights Amendment: Yale Law Journal Article
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Full Employment Economy Conference
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Household Technicians
Women's Issues (1975-1978)News Clippings
Women's Issues (1975-1978)October 10, 1978 Network
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Second Seneca Falls Convention (October 16, 1977)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Shorthand Reporters Association
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Speak-Out: Genesee Region/ Rochester
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Speak-Out: Requests for Time
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Sterilization
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Thank You
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Widows Unlimited
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women (1 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women (2 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women: Issues and Legislation
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women: Eyes Rights Award
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women and Money Conference
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women in the Arts
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women in Business
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women in Education
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women in Employment
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women in State Government
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women's Bank
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women's City Club of New York, Inc.
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women's Hall of Fame
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women's Issues
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Women's Legislation
Women's Issues (1975-1978)YWCA Intervention Project
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year Commission (1 of 4)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year Commission (2 of 4)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year Commission (3 of 4)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year Commission (4 of 4)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: New York State (1 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: New York State (2 of 2)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: News Clippings
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Pennsylvania (1976)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Tennessee (1976)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Texas (1975)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Texas (January 30, 1976)- Southern Methodist University
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Texas (April 8, 1976)
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Torch Relay
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Utah
Women's Issues (1975-1978)International Women's Year: Wisconsin
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Logistics Information
Women's Issues (1975-1978)Miscellaneous Memos and Meeting Notices
Women's Issues (1975-1978)National Plan of Action

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