Results |
Name |
Year of Publication |
Aerial view of Downtown Rochester, 1971 | 1973 |
Aerial view of Downtown Rochester, c 1930 | 1979 |
Aerial view of Rochester | 1984 |
Aerial view of Rochester's Business District (ca 1940) | 1973 |
Birds-eye view from Chamber of Commerce | 1896 |
Birds-eye view of Rochester in 1853 | 1895 |
Downtown Rochester viewed through the Spaceframe in Manhattan Park | 1979 |
Flood, March 1865 | 1895 |
Industrial Rochester [view of factories] | 1937 |
Looking East from Chamber of Commerce Building | 1904 |
Looking East from Powers Building | 1906 |
Looking North from Chamber of Commerce Building | 1904 |
Looking Northeast from Powers Building | 1906 |
Looking South - up Genesee River, from Chamber of Commerce Building | 1912 |
Looking South from Granite Building | 1906 |
Looking Southeast from Powers Building | 1906 |
Mt. Hope Reservoir, view showing State and County Buildings | 1896 |
Panorama of Rochester from the East bank of the Genesee | 1882 |
Rochester - looking South from the Chamber of Commerce Building | 1897 |
Rochester 1853 | 1970 |
Rochester from the East bank of the Genesee | 1885 |
Rochester from the South, 1873 (painting) | 1949 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1979 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1934 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1973 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1945 |
Rochester in 1812 | 1838 |
Rochester in 1812 | 1908 |
Rochester in 1820 | 1895 |
Rochester in 1868 | 1979 |
Rochester looking South from top of the Commerce Building, ca 1920 | 1979 |
Rochester street scene, 1910 | 1956 |
Rochester street scene, 1910 | 1956 |
Rochester viewed from Mt. Hope 1854 | 1979 |
Rochester, looking East from Chamber of Commerce Building | 1897 |
Rochester, looking North from Chamber of Commerce Building | 1897 |
Rochester, looking up the Genesee | 1897 |
Rochester, looking West from Chamber of Commerce Bldg. | 1897 |
The 1865 Flood | 1984 |
The Metropolitan area looking South and North | 1961 |
Town on the Genesee at the Falls (1816) | 1979 |
View from Highland Park | 1915 |
View from Spencer House (ca 1880's) | 1949 |
View from the Deck of the Ferry Boat | 1899 |
View of Rochester from Mt. Hope, 1854 | 1945 |
View of Rochester from Vincent Place Bridge, 1890 | 1956 |
View of Rochester from Vincent Place Bridge, 1890 | 1956 |
[Aerial view of Downtown Rochester] | 1934 |
[Aerial view of Downtown Rochester] | 1934 |
[Color aerial view of Downtown Rochester], 1983 | 1984 |