Results |
Name |
Year of Publication |
1889 photograph of Eastman Dry Plate and Film Factory on the present side of State Street Office | 1976 |
Eagle Hotel, Present site of Power's Building | 1976 |
First Presbyterian Church as it appeared after disastrous fire, May 1869, it stood on the site of the present City Hall | 1976 |
Main Street Bridge (stylized view representing 1800's) | 1915 |
Philip Present, grounds and residence | 1913 |
Philip Present, wholesale jeweler, interior, 31 State St. | 1899 |
Present, Philip | 1908 |
Present, Philip | 1912 |
Present, Morris | 1912 |
Present, Philip | 1914 |
Present, Philip | 1898 |
Present, Philip | 1894 |
Present, Philip | 1912 |
Present, Philip | 1925 |
Present, Philip | 1902 |
Present, Philip | 1925 |
Present Gleason Works | 1976 |
Present Monroe County Court House | 1908 |
Rochester Savings Bank, interior, present site at 40 Franklin Street, photo by Hans Padelt from Landmark Society collection | 1976 |
Sibley, Lindsay and Curr Company (1934 ad showing past and present bldgs.) | 1984 |
The present Temple B'rith Kodesh on Elmwood Avenue | 1976 |
Yawman and Erbe Manufacturing Co., the present plant | 1934 |