Rochester Local History Indexes: Results

Name Year of Publication
Amon Bronson house and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, 'Rochester1974
Amon Bronson House and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, Rochester1974
As the Brick Church will appear1904
Asbury Church1905
Asbury First Methodist Church1979
Asbury M. E. Church1890
Asbury Methodist Church1984
Asbury Methodist Church1977
Bethel Free Church, Washington Street, between Buffalo Street and the Er Canal1838
Brick Church and Pancost Building Fire1905
Brick Church and Pancost Building fire1905
Brick Church Institute, Fitzhugh Street1911
Brick Church, or Second Presbyterian - corner of Fitzhugh and Ann Streets (From O'Reilly Sketches of Rochester, 1838)1984
Brick Church, or Second Presbyterian, corner of Fitzhugh and Ann Streets1838
Brick Church, Pres. (1838)1884
Brick Church, Presbyterian1884
Brick Presbyterian Church1911
Brighton Presbyterian Church1923
Central Church of Christ (former First Presbyterian Church), 101 S. Plymouth Street1982
Central Church of Christ (formerly First Presbyterian)1984
Central Presbyterian Church1892
Christ Church1895
Christ Church, 141 East Avenue1982
Christ Church, 18551884
Christ Episcopal Church, Pittsford1984
Church, Frederick F.1895
Church, Sanford E.1895
Church, William S.1903
Church, Frederick F.1917
Church, John R.1959
Church, John R.1939
Church, John R. 1885
Church, Pharcellus 1959
Church, Frederick F.1890
Church, Frederick F.1890
Church, John R. 1888
Church, Mrs. Samuel1970
Church, Samuel 1970
Church House, 6710 Chili-Riga Rd., route 33A, Riga1978
Church of the Blessed Sacrament1923
Church of the Blessed Sacrament1923
Church of the Blessed Sacrament1904
Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Reredos & main altar1923
Church of the Holy Redeemer1892
Church of the Immaculate Conception1892
Church Street, Scottsville1974
Churchill, William 1902
City Hall, former Federal Building, 30 Church Street1982
Congregational Church1944
Corpus Christi Church1904
Corpus Christi Church and School1892
Downtown Presbyterian Church, 113-121 North Fitzhugh St.1982
Evangelical Reformed Church1915
First Baptist Church1884
First Baptist Church1892
First Baptist Church, Fairport1877
First Church of Christ Scientist1923
First Church of Christ Scientist, interior hall1923
First Congregational Church, Riga1908
First German Baptist Church1915
First Methodist Church, 18501908
First Methodist Church, corner of Buffalo and Fitzhugh Street1838
First Presbyterian Church1908
First Presbyterian Church1944
First Presbyterian Church1984
First Presbyterian Church1838
First Presbyterian Church as it appeared after disastrous fire, May 1869, it stood on the site of the present City Hall1976
First Presbyterian Church of Rochester, May 3, 19291976
First Presbyterian Church, 18241911
First Presbyterian Church, 18381884
First Presbyterian Church, interior1976
First Presbyterian Church, Rochester1877
First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Road, Rochester1974
First Unitarian Church, designed by Louis Kahn1984
First Universalist Church1908
First Universalist Church, 150 S. Clinton Avenue1982
First Universalist Church, interior, Court Street and S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester1974
First Universalist Society Church1912
German Lutheran Church, ea 19021984
Grace Church or St. Paul's, in St. Paul's Street, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 18381984
Grace Church or St. Paul's, St. Paul Street1838
Grace Episcopal Church, Browns Avenue, Scottsville1974
Grace Episcopal Church, Browns Avenue, Scottsville, 18851974
Green Stone Church1913
Holy Apostles Church and school1892
Holy Family Church1892
Holy Redeemer Church1979
Holy Redeemer Church1890
Holy Rosary Church and School1892
Interior, St. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church1984
John Dorr House, 17 Church Street, Scottsville1974
Lake Avenue Baptist Church1911
Lake Avenue Baptist Church1899
New West Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church1906
Old Federal Building, Church and N. Fitzhugh Streets1974
Old Federal Building, interior, Church and N. Fitzhugh Streets1974
Our Lady of Victory Church1892
Our Lady of Victory Church1977
Our Lady of Victory Church, 10 Pleasant Street1982
Our Lady of Victory Church, interior of1896
Plymouth Church, Rochester1877
Plymouth Congregational Church1896
Presbyterian Church, 27 No. Main Street, Honeoye Falls1974
Rochester Free Academy, St. Luke's Episcopal Church1974
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City Hail (1874-74), The Times Square Building (1929)1974
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City Hall (1874 - 1875), & the Times Square Building (1929)1974
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City, Hall (1874-75), and the Times Square Building (1929)1974
Salem Church1915
Salem Evangelical Church Bible School1923
Salem United Church of Christ, 230 Franklin Street1982
Schoolhouse, District no. 6, 17 Church Street, Pittsford1974
Second Baptist Church (1838)1884
Second Baptist Church, 18381908
Second Baptist Church, corner of Clinton and Main Streets1838
Second Baptist Church, corner of Clinton and Main Streets, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 18381984
Senator William L. Ormrod, Ormrod Road, Churchville1911
Sibley's, St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and Rochester Savings Bank, Liberty Pole Triangle1974
Sibley's, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, and Rochester Savings Bank Liberty Pole Triangle1974
Sibley's, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, and Rochester Savings Bank. Liberty Pole Triangle1974
South Congregational Church1890
Spencer Ripley M. E. Church1923
St. Boniface's Church1890
St. Boniface's Church and School1892
St. Bridget's Church1892
St. Bridget's Church1896
St. Bridget's Church1970
St. Francis Xavier Church1890
St. Francis Xavier Church and School1892
St. Josaphat's Ukranian Catholic Church1984
St. Joseph's Church1915
St. Joseph's Church1977
St. Joseph's Church and School1892
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, 108 Franklin Street, Rochester1974
St. Luke's Church1979
St. Luke's Church1977
St. Luke's Church, 18251984
St. Luke's Church, 18301979
St. Luke's Church, 18381911
St. Luke's Church, 1838, P. E.1884
St. Luke's Church, Altar1976
St. Luke's Church, Christmas, in the early 1920's1976
St. Luke's Church, Fitzhugh Street1976
St. Luke's Episcopal Church1908
St. Luke's Episcopal Church1944
St. Luke's Episcopal Church & Rochester Free Academy1974
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 17 S. Fitzhugh Street1982
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 18381970
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, interior1944
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, interior, 17 S. Fitzhugh St.1974
St. Mary's Church1979
St. Mary's Church1892
St. Mary's Church and Sisters of Mercy1896
St. Mary's Church, 9 South Street1982
St. Matthew's Church1895
St. Michael's Church1915
St. Michael's Church1892
St. Michael's Church1895
St. Michael's Church1904
St. Michael's Church1896
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 18381908
St. Patrick's Church, 18231911
St. Patrick's Church, R.C., 18381884
St. Patrick's Church, Roman Catholic, corner of Platt and Fitzhugh Street1838
St. Patrick's Church, Roman Catholic, corner of Platt and Fitzhugh Streets, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 18381984
St. Paul's Church1905
St. Paul's Church1913
St. Paul's Church (Grace), P. E. (1838)1884
St. Paul's Church (new), Clergy and Parish House1899
St. Paul's Church in ruins (1847)1884
St. Paul's Episcopal Church1898
St. Paul's Evangelical Church1915
St. Peter and Paul's Church1923
St. Peter and Paul's Church1913
St. Peter and Paul's Church and School1892
St. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church1984
St. Peter's Presbyterian Church1976
St. Stanislaus Church1979
St. Stanislaus Church1892
The Episcopal Church Home1895
Third Presbyterian Church1976
Third Presbyterian Church1905
Third Presbyterian Church1896
Third Presbyterian Church (1838)1884
Third Presbyterian Church, Main Street, between St. Paul and Clinton1838
Unitarian Church1908
Universalist Church1977
Universalists' Church1976
Washington Square, First Universalist Church, Xerox Bldg.1974
Washington Square, First Universalist Church, Xerox Building1974
Washington Square: First Universalist Church, Xerox Bldg.1974
Webster Baptist Church, 39 South Avenue, Webster1978

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