Results |
Name |
Year of Publication |
Amon Bronson house and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, 'Rochester | 1974 |
Amon Bronson House and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
As the Brick Church will appear | 1904 |
Asbury Church | 1905 |
Asbury First Methodist Church | 1979 |
Asbury M. E. Church | 1890 |
Asbury Methodist Church | 1984 |
Asbury Methodist Church | 1977 |
Bethel Free Church, Washington Street, between Buffalo Street and the Er Canal | 1838 |
Brick Church and Pancost Building Fire | 1905 |
Brick Church and Pancost Building fire | 1905 |
Brick Church Institute, Fitzhugh Street | 1911 |
Brick Church, or Second Presbyterian - corner of Fitzhugh and Ann Streets (From O'Reilly Sketches of Rochester, 1838) | 1984 |
Brick Church, or Second Presbyterian, corner of Fitzhugh and Ann Streets | 1838 |
Brick Church, Pres. (1838) | 1884 |
Brick Church, Presbyterian | 1884 |
Brick Presbyterian Church | 1911 |
Brighton Presbyterian Church | 1923 |
Central Church of Christ (former First Presbyterian Church), 101 S. Plymouth Street | 1982 |
Central Church of Christ (formerly First Presbyterian) | 1984 |
Central Presbyterian Church | 1892 |
Christ Church | 1895 |
Christ Church, 141 East Avenue | 1982 |
Christ Church, 1855 | 1884 |
Christ Episcopal Church, Pittsford | 1984 |
Church, Frederick F. | 1895 |
Church, Sanford E. | 1895 |
Church, William S. | 1903 |
Church, Frederick F. | 1917 |
Church, John R. | 1959 |
Church, John R. | 1939 |
Church, John R. | 1885 |
Church, Pharcellus | 1959 |
Church, Frederick F. | 1890 |
Church, Frederick F. | 1890 |
Church, John R. | 1888 |
Church, Mrs. Samuel | 1970 |
Church, Samuel | 1970 |
Church House, 6710 Chili-Riga Rd., route 33A, Riga | 1978 |
Church of the Blessed Sacrament | 1923 |
Church of the Blessed Sacrament | 1923 |
Church of the Blessed Sacrament | 1904 |
Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Reredos & main altar | 1923 |
Church of the Holy Redeemer | 1892 |
Church of the Immaculate Conception | 1892 |
Church Street, Scottsville | 1974 |
Churchill, William | 1902 |
City Hall, former Federal Building, 30 Church Street | 1982 |
Congregational Church | 1944 |
Corpus Christi Church | 1904 |
Corpus Christi Church and School | 1892 |
Downtown Presbyterian Church, 113-121 North Fitzhugh St. | 1982 |
Evangelical Reformed Church | 1915 |
First Baptist Church | 1884 |
First Baptist Church | 1892 |
First Baptist Church, Fairport | 1877 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 1923 |
First Church of Christ Scientist, interior hall | 1923 |
First Congregational Church, Riga | 1908 |
First German Baptist Church | 1915 |
First Methodist Church, 1850 | 1908 |
First Methodist Church, corner of Buffalo and Fitzhugh Street | 1838 |
First Presbyterian Church | 1908 |
First Presbyterian Church | 1944 |
First Presbyterian Church | 1984 |
First Presbyterian Church | 1838 |
First Presbyterian Church as it appeared after disastrous fire, May 1869, it stood on the site of the present City Hall | 1976 |
First Presbyterian Church of Rochester, May 3, 1929 | 1976 |
First Presbyterian Church, 1824 | 1911 |
First Presbyterian Church, 1838 | 1884 |
First Presbyterian Church, interior | 1976 |
First Presbyterian Church, Rochester | 1877 |
First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Road, Rochester | 1974 |
First Unitarian Church, designed by Louis Kahn | 1984 |
First Universalist Church | 1908 |
First Universalist Church, 150 S. Clinton Avenue | 1982 |
First Universalist Church, interior, Court Street and S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
First Universalist Society Church | 1912 |
German Lutheran Church, ea 1902 | 1984 |
Grace Church or St. Paul's, in St. Paul's Street, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 1838 | 1984 |
Grace Church or St. Paul's, St. Paul Street | 1838 |
Grace Episcopal Church, Browns Avenue, Scottsville | 1974 |
Grace Episcopal Church, Browns Avenue, Scottsville, 1885 | 1974 |
Green Stone Church | 1913 |
Holy Apostles Church and school | 1892 |
Holy Family Church | 1892 |
Holy Redeemer Church | 1979 |
Holy Redeemer Church | 1890 |
Holy Rosary Church and School | 1892 |
Interior, St. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church | 1984 |
John Dorr House, 17 Church Street, Scottsville | 1974 |
Lake Avenue Baptist Church | 1911 |
Lake Avenue Baptist Church | 1899 |
New West Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church | 1906 |
Old Federal Building, Church and N. Fitzhugh Streets | 1974 |
Old Federal Building, interior, Church and N. Fitzhugh Streets | 1974 |
Our Lady of Victory Church | 1892 |
Our Lady of Victory Church | 1977 |
Our Lady of Victory Church, 10 Pleasant Street | 1982 |
Our Lady of Victory Church, interior of | 1896 |
Plymouth Church, Rochester | 1877 |
Plymouth Congregational Church | 1896 |
Presbyterian Church, 27 No. Main Street, Honeoye Falls | 1974 |
Rochester Free Academy, St. Luke's Episcopal Church | 1974 |
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City Hail (1874-74), The Times Square Building (1929) | 1974 |
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City Hall (1874 - 1875), & the Times Square Building (1929) | 1974 |
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City, Hall (1874-75), and the Times Square Building (1929) | 1974 |
Salem Church | 1915 |
Salem Evangelical Church Bible School | 1923 |
Salem United Church of Christ, 230 Franklin Street | 1982 |
Schoolhouse, District no. 6, 17 Church Street, Pittsford | 1974 |
Second Baptist Church (1838) | 1884 |
Second Baptist Church, 1838 | 1908 |
Second Baptist Church, corner of Clinton and Main Streets | 1838 |
Second Baptist Church, corner of Clinton and Main Streets, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 1838 | 1984 |
Senator William L. Ormrod, Ormrod Road, Churchville | 1911 |
Sibley's, St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and Rochester Savings Bank, Liberty Pole Triangle | 1974 |
Sibley's, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, and Rochester Savings Bank Liberty Pole Triangle | 1974 |
Sibley's, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, and Rochester Savings Bank. Liberty Pole Triangle | 1974 |
South Congregational Church | 1890 |
Spencer Ripley M. E. Church | 1923 |
St. Boniface's Church | 1890 |
St. Boniface's Church and School | 1892 |
St. Bridget's Church | 1892 |
St. Bridget's Church | 1896 |
St. Bridget's Church | 1970 |
St. Francis Xavier Church | 1890 |
St. Francis Xavier Church and School | 1892 |
St. Josaphat's Ukranian Catholic Church | 1984 |
St. Joseph's Church | 1915 |
St. Joseph's Church | 1977 |
St. Joseph's Church and School | 1892 |
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, 108 Franklin Street, Rochester | 1974 |
St. Luke's Church | 1979 |
St. Luke's Church | 1977 |
St. Luke's Church, 1825 | 1984 |
St. Luke's Church, 1830 | 1979 |
St. Luke's Church, 1838 | 1911 |
St. Luke's Church, 1838, P. E. | 1884 |
St. Luke's Church, Altar | 1976 |
St. Luke's Church, Christmas, in the early 1920's | 1976 |
St. Luke's Church, Fitzhugh Street | 1976 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church | 1908 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church | 1944 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church & Rochester Free Academy | 1974 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 17 S. Fitzhugh Street | 1982 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 1838 | 1970 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, interior | 1944 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, interior, 17 S. Fitzhugh St. | 1974 |
St. Mary's Church | 1979 |
St. Mary's Church | 1892 |
St. Mary's Church and Sisters of Mercy | 1896 |
St. Mary's Church, 9 South Street | 1982 |
St. Matthew's Church | 1895 |
St. Michael's Church | 1915 |
St. Michael's Church | 1892 |
St. Michael's Church | 1895 |
St. Michael's Church | 1904 |
St. Michael's Church | 1896 |
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 1838 | 1908 |
St. Patrick's Church, 1823 | 1911 |
St. Patrick's Church, R.C., 1838 | 1884 |
St. Patrick's Church, Roman Catholic, corner of Platt and Fitzhugh Street | 1838 |
St. Patrick's Church, Roman Catholic, corner of Platt and Fitzhugh Streets, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 1838 | 1984 |
St. Paul's Church | 1905 |
St. Paul's Church | 1913 |
St. Paul's Church (Grace), P. E. (1838) | 1884 |
St. Paul's Church (new), Clergy and Parish House | 1899 |
St. Paul's Church in ruins (1847) | 1884 |
St. Paul's Episcopal Church | 1898 |
St. Paul's Evangelical Church | 1915 |
St. Peter and Paul's Church | 1923 |
St. Peter and Paul's Church | 1913 |
St. Peter and Paul's Church and School | 1892 |
St. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church | 1984 |
St. Peter's Presbyterian Church | 1976 |
St. Stanislaus Church | 1979 |
St. Stanislaus Church | 1892 |
The Episcopal Church Home | 1895 |
Third Presbyterian Church | 1976 |
Third Presbyterian Church | 1905 |
Third Presbyterian Church | 1896 |
Third Presbyterian Church (1838) | 1884 |
Third Presbyterian Church, Main Street, between St. Paul and Clinton | 1838 |
Unitarian Church | 1908 |
Universalist Church | 1977 |
Universalists' Church | 1976 |
Washington Square, First Universalist Church, Xerox Bldg. | 1974 |
Washington Square, First Universalist Church, Xerox Building | 1974 |
Washington Square: First Universalist Church, Xerox Bldg. | 1974 |
Webster Baptist Church, 39 South Avenue, Webster | 1978 |