Results |
Name |
Year of Publication |
Barron Coal Shute, Child Street | 1912 |
Child, Jonathan | 1976 |
Child, Jonathan | 1988 |
Child, Jonathan | 1960 |
Child, Jonathan | 1896 |
Child, Jonathan | 1854 |
Child, Jonathan | 1964 |
Child, Jonathan | 1884 |
Child, Jonathan | 1971 |
Child, Jonathan | 1979 |
Child, Jonathan | 1973 |
Child, Jonathan | 1902 |
Child, Jonathan | 1976 |
Child, Jonathan | 1984 |
Child, Jonathan | 1989 |
Child, Jonathan | 1984 |
Child, Jonathan | 1945 |
Child, Jonathan | 1884 |
Child, Jonathan | 1895 |
Child, Jonathan | 1984 |
Child's Basin | 1979 |
Children's music festival at Genesee Valley Park, 1912 | 1980 |
Children's Pavilion, Highland Park | 1984 |
Children's Pavilion, Highland Park | 1937 |
Children's Pavilion, Highland Park | 1899 |
Childs, Rufus | 1895 |
Childs, Timothy | 1989 |
Childs, Timothy | 1979 |
Childs, Gilbert | 1994 |
Childs, S. H. Company | 1894 |
Fairchild, H. S. | 1891 |
Fairchild, Herman LeRoy | 1971 |
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene | 1946 |
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene | 1925 |
Fairchild, Herman LeRoy | 1984 |
Fairchild, Elmer E. | 1961 |
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene | 1922 |
Fairchild, Elmer E. | 1902 |
Fairchild, Elmer E. | 1946 |
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene | 1925 |
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene | 1922 |
Fairchild, Herman Leroy | 1984 |
Fairchild, Herman L. | 1971 |
Fairchild, LeRoy Frink | 1928 |
Fairchild, Herman Leroy | 1902 |
Hillside Home for Children | 1922 |
Jonathan Child House | 1937 |
Jonathan Child House | 1944 |
Jonathan Child House | 1977 |
Jonathan Child House, 33 S. Washington Street | 1982 |
Jonathan Child House, 37 S. Washington Street | 1974 |
Jonathan Child House, Washington Street | 1970 |
Rochester Dental Dispensary, Children's Waiting Room | 1923 |
Rothschild, Bernard | 1912 |
Rothschild, Bernard | 1912 |
Rothschild, Baum & Stern | 1894 |
School No. 21, Jonathan Child School | 1922 |
The Jonathan Child House located at 37 S. Washington St. | 1976 |
Thomas Bolton, ladies and children's shoes, corner Andrews Street | 1888 |