Results |
Name |
Year of Publication |
10 Rochester Street, Scottsville | 1974 |
138 South Fitzhugh Street, Rochester | 1974 |
1600 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
727 East Avenue, Rochester, Harvey Ellis design | 1974 |
A century of Rochester Building, Powers Building (1869), Crossroads Building (1969), and County Courthouse (1894-96) | 1974 |
A Century of Rochester Building: Powers Bldg. (1869), Crossroads Building(1969), and Monroe County Courthouse (1894-96) | 1974 |
A century of Rochester Buildings: Powers Bldg.(1869), Crossroads Building (1969), and Monroe County Court House (1894-96) | 1974 |
Aaron Erickson, 421 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Adler - Rochester Plant | 1912 |
Aerial view of Downtown Rochester, 1971 | 1973 |
Aerial view of Downtown Rochester, c 1930 | 1979 |
Aerial view of Rochester | 1984 |
Aerial view of Rochester's Business District (ca 1940) | 1973 |
Alliance Bank of Rochester | 1899 |
Amon Bronson house and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, 'Rochester | 1974 |
Amon Bronson House and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
An electric street car, Rochester | 1892 |
Anderson Hall, 75 College Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Anderson Hall, Edward E. Howell and the megatherium at the University of Rochester (Interior) | 1949 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester | 1899 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester | 1906 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester | 1893 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester | 1895 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester | 1895 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester | 1892 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester | 1896 |
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester (1861) | 1979 |
Anderson Statue, University of Rochester | 1913 |
As the cars got larger, more power was added(1880); (Rochester City and Brighton R. R. Car] | 1976 |
Bank of Rochester | 1881 |
Bay View House, Irondequoit Bay, Rochester | 1882 |
Birds-eye view of Rochester in 1853 | 1895 |
Brewster-Burke House, 130 Spring Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Brick Church, or Second Presbyterian - corner of Fitzhugh and Ann Streets (From O'Reilly Sketches of Rochester, 1838) | 1984 |
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway | 1893 |
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway | 1894 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot | 1899 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot | 1890 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot | 1890 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot | 1891 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh office building | 1911 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Company's general office building | 1906 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Depot | 1893 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway, automatic coal chute track | 1912 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Station | 1892 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh station | 1911 |
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Station | 1898 |
Canadian Troops, Military Parade, Rochester, July 4, 1899 | 1899 |
Case Building, 82 St. Paul Street, Rochester, 1882-83 | 1974 |
Chester, Thomas | 1994 |
City Bank of Rochester | 1881 |
City Hall, Rochester, ca. 1875 | 1984 |
City Hospital, West Main Street, Rochester | 1877 |
City Reality Company of Rochester | 1906 |
Colgate Rochester Divinity School | 1979 |
Colgate Rochester Divinity School | 1937 |
Commerce Building, 119 E. Main Street, Rochester, 1894 | 1974 |
Construction of the. Rochester harbor of the Barge Canal, 1919 | 1979 |
Court House and City Hall, Rochester | 1877 |
Court House [and] Rochester Savings Bank | 1885 |
Courthouse and City Hall, Rochester | 1877 |
Culver Field, Home of Rochester Baseball Teams, 1898-1907 | 1976 |
Cutler Union and Memorial Art Gallery, 560 and 490 University Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Despatch, East Rochester, Vanderbilt Improvement Company, 906 Chamber of Commerce Building | 1899 |
Despatch, East Rochester, Vanderbilt Improvement Company, 906 Chamber of Commerce Building | 1899 |
Douglas Road, Rochester | 1974 |
Downtown Rochester viewed through the Spaceframe in Manhattan Park | 1979 |
Dr. Lee's Surgical, Medical, and Obstetrical Hospital, Rochester | 1912 |
E. A. Crowley's Block, Rochester | 1877 |
Eastman House, 900 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Eastman Quadrangle, University of Rochester | 1979 |
Eastman Theatre, 425 E. Main Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Edson House, 7 Rochester Street, Scottsville | 1974 |
Edward Boynton House, 16 East Blvd., Rochester | 1974 |
Edward Boynton House, 16 East Blvd., Rochester | 1974 |
Ellwanger and Barry Nursery Office and Patrick Barry House, 668 & 692 Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Ellwanger and Barry nursery office and Patrick Barry House, 668 and 692 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Ellwanger and Barry Nursery Office, 668 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester, 1854 | 1974 |
Engine Houses in Rochester at Mid-Century | 1979 |
Entrance Arch, Rochester's Street Fair, August 7-12, 1899 | 1899 |
Erie Canal Aqueduct, Rochester 1855 | 1984 |
First Presbyterian Church of Rochester, May 3, 1929 | 1976 |
First Presbyterian Church, Rochester | 1877 |
First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Road, Rochester | 1974 |
First Universalist Church, interior, Court Street and S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Four Corners, twelve way crossing, Rochester Railway Company | 1899 |
Four Railway Stations in Rochester | 1895 |
Genesee High Falls, 1877, Rochester | 1979 |
German-American Bank of Rochester | 1888 |
Gleason Works, 1000 University Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Grace Church or St. Paul's, in St. Paul's Street, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 1838 | 1984 |
Greenwood Street, Rochester | 1974 |
H. V. B. Schanck, residence of, Rochester, formerly in Town of Brighton | 1877 |
Harris-Spencer House, Gardens, 1005 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Hervey Ely house, 138 Troup Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Hiram Sibley and Company, Rochester Seed House | 1888 |
Hiram Sibley Building, 311 Alexander Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Hiram Sibley House, 400 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Homer G. Whitmore, residence, Rochester | 1923 |
Hotel Rochester | 1912 |
Hotel Rochester | 1891 |
Hotel Rochester | 1909 |
Hotel Rochester [and 4 interior views] | 1911 |
House for Sylvanus F. Jenkins, Rochester | 1923 |
Industrial Rochester [view of factories] | 1937 |
James S. Watson Library, 9 Prince Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Jewish Orphan Asylum, Rochester | 1912 |
Library of S. F. Jenkins, Rochester | 1923 |
Lincoln First Bank Building, 1 Lincoln First Square, Rochester, 1973 | 1974 |
Louis Ernst and Sons, Rochester | 1899 |
Madison Junior High School, Rochester | 1923 |
Main Street, Rochester of today | 1895 |
Main Street: Rochester of Today | 1898 |
Manchester, Ethel May | 1928 |
Merchants Bank of Rochester | 1902 |
Midtown Plaza, E. Main Street, and S. Clinton Ave., Rochester | 1974 |
Millstones that ground the first corn in Rochester | 1911 |
Mount Hope Avenue, 548-566, Rochester | 1974 |
Mount Hope Cemetery, Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Nathaniel Rochester [Statue] | 1937 |
Nathaniel Rochester, house | 1979 |
Nathaniel Rochester, house, Spring and Washington Streets | 1970 |
Nathaniel Rochester, last home, corner of Washington & Spring Streets | 1976 |
National Bank of Rochester | 1906 |
New Market of Rochester, Front and Market Streets | 1838 |
New York Central Station (first), Rochester, 1852-1882 | 1976 |
New York State Armory, Rochester | 1912 |
Old stone, ivy covered Lighthouse, Port of Rochester, built in 1822 | 1976 |
Oliver Culver Tavern, 70 East Blvd., Rochester | 1974 |
One of Rochester's Mounted Police | 1906 |
One of the oldest streets in Rochester, Front Street, ea 1923 | 1980 |
Panorama of Rochester from the East bank of the Genesee | 1882 |
Patrick Barry House [interior], Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Plymouth Church, Rochester | 1877 |
Port of Rochester | 1838 |
Port of Rochester in 1835, the boat is a side-wheel steamer | 1976 |
Powers Building, 16 W. Main Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Powers Building, 16 W. Main Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Powers Building, 16 W. Main Street, Rochester, 1870 | 1974 |
Powers Building, interior, 16 W. Main Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Powers Building, interior, 16 W. Main Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Private car, Rochester Railway Company | 1899 |
Proposed library for University of Rochester, 1925 | 1984 |
Rand and Company, Rochester Powder Mills, Pittsford | 1877 |
Residence of "The Father of Rochester" | 1931 |
Reynolds Laboratory, University of Rochester | 1899 |
Reynolds Laboratory, University of Rochester | 1895 |
Reynolds Memorial Hall, University of Rochester | 1893 |
Rochester, John Henry | 1902 |
Rochester, John Henry | 1895 |
Rochester, John Henry | 1895 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1984 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1902 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1976 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1895 |
Rochester, John H. | 1895 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1973 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1945 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1984 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1989 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1971 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1971 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1895 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1971 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1976 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1902 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1884 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1979 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1984 |
Rochester, Sophia | 1989 |
Rochester, Thomas H. | 1989 |
Rochester, John Henry | 1895 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1971 |
Rochester, John H. | 1893 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1971 |
Rochester, Thomas H. | 1988 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1888 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1983 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1995 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1959 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1896 |
Rochester, John Henry | 1994 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1877 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1877 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1854 |
Rochester, Thomas H. | 1964 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1884 |
Rochester, Henry E. | 1892 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1884 |
Rochester, John H. | 1895 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1895 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1970 |
Rochester, Nathaniel | 1970 |
Rochester - looking South from the Chamber of Commerce Building | 1897 |
Rochester 1853 | 1970 |
Rochester Abendpost Building | 1915 |
Rochester Agricultural Works | 1881 |
Rochester and Lake Ontario Water Company (pump station and standpipe) | 1906 |
Rochester and Pittsburgh Coal and Iron Co. | 1894 |
Rochester Art Exchange | 1898 |
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute | 1895 |
Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute, day class in freehand Drawing Fine Arts Department, turn of the century | 1976 |
Rochester Athletic Club, South Park | 1895 |
Rochester Axle Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Barrel Machine Works | 1888 |
Rochester Beef Co. | 1891 |
Rochester Box and Lumber Company | 1912 |
Rochester Box Factory | 1888 |
Rochester Bracket Works | 1884 |
Rochester Brass Bed Company | 1912 |
Rochester Brewery | 1890 |
Rochester Brewery | 1890 |
Rochester Brewing Co. | 1881 |
Rochester Brewing Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Brewing Company | 1892 |
Rochester Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co. | 1898 |
Rochester Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co. | 1888 |
Rochester Bridge and Iron Works | 1894 |
Rochester Bridge Works | 1888 |
Rochester Brush Manufacturing Co. | 1898 |
Rochester Burner Co. | 1888 |
Rochester Burner Co. | 1891 |
Rochester Business Institute | 1909 |
Rochester Business Institute, Y.M.C.A. Building | 1899 |
Rochester Business Institute, YMCA Building | 1899 |
Rochester Button Company | 1912 |
Rochester Button Company | 1984 |
Rochester Button Company | 1906 |
Rochester Candy Works | 1893 |
Rochester Candy Works | 1899 |
Rochester Candy Works | 1893 |
Rochester Candy Works | 1888 |
Rochester Candy Works, 407 State Street | 1899 |
Rochester Car Wheel Works | 1881 |
Rochester Car Wheel Works | 1885 |
Rochester Car Wheel Works | 1893 |
Rochester Car Wheel Works | 1893 |
Rochester Car Wheel Works | 1888 |
Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1892 |
Rochester Chamber of Commerce (main hall) | 1961 |
Rochester Chamber of Commerce and Rochester Savings Bank Building | 1891 |
Rochester Chamber of Commerce Building | 1888 |
Rochester City Bank | 1884 |
Rochester City Bank, 1838 | 1908 |
Rochester City Bank, State Street | 1838 |
Rochester City Coffee and Spice Mills | 1891 |
Rochester City Hospital | 1895 |
Rochester City Steam Coffee and Spice Mills | 1888 |
Rochester Club | 1908 |
Rochester Club | 1890 |
Rochester Club | 1890 |
Rochester Club | 1890 |
Rochester Club | 1895 |
Rochester Club | 1898 |
Rochester Club | 1904 |
Rochester Club | 1913 |
Rochester Club | 1896 |
Rochester Club House | 1904 |
Rochester Community Savings Bank, Franklin Street | 1984 |
Rochester Community War Memorial, 1956 | 1979 |
Rochester Cooperage Company | 1912 |
Rochester Cotton Mill | 1885 |
Rochester Cotton Mill | 1888 |
Rochester Cotton Mill, 1884 | 1979 |
Rochester Country Club | 1913 |
Rochester Day Parade (view) 1908 | 1956 |
Rochester Day Parade (view) 1908 | 1956 |
Rochester Dental Dispensary | 1984 |
Rochester Dental Dispensary | 1923 |
Rochester Dental Dispensary, Children's Waiting Room | 1923 |
Rochester Distilling Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Distilling Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Distilling Co. | 1893 |
Rochester Distilling Company | 1906 |
Rochester Distilling Company's Building | 1893 |
Rochester Distilling Company, office building | 1904 |
Rochester Driving Park | 1882 |
Rochester Driving Park | 1885 |
Rochester Driving Park | 1979 |
Rochester Driving Park, 1874 | 1949 |
Rochester Driving Park, 1880's | 1949 |
Rochester Driving Park, advertisement (insert shows entrance gate) | 1976 |
Rochester Driving Park, entrance gate | 1984 |
Rochester Driving Park, entrance gate | 1882 |
Rochester Driving Park, view of home sketch | 1976 |
Rochester Dyeing Co. | 1891 |
Rochester Dyeing Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Electric Light Co. | 1891 |
Rochester Engine and Boiler Works | 1888 |
Rochester Engineering Co. | 1894 |
Rochester Female Seminary | 1884 |
Rochester Female Seminary, Fitzhugh Street | 1838 |
Rochester Free Academy | 1984 |
Rochester Free Academy | 1984 |
Rochester Free Academy | 1984 |
Rochester Free Academy | 1893 |
Rochester Free Academy | 1977 |
Rochester Free Academy Building | 1944 |
Rochester Free Academy, later to become Education Building | 1976 |
Rochester Free Academy, St. Luke's Episcopal Church | 1974 |
Rochester from the East bank of the Genesee | 1885 |
Rochester from the South, 1873 (painting) | 1949 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1945 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1973 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1979 |
Rochester from the West, 1853 | 1934 |
Rochester Gas & Electric Company Building, 89 East Avenue | 1982 |
Rochester General Hospital | 1923 |
Rochester German Brick & Tile Co. | 1888 |
Rochester German Insurance Building | 1888 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1893 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1894 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1888 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1881 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1892 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1884 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1890 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1890 |
Rochester German Insurance Co. | 1912 |
Rochester Glass Works | 1888 |
Rochester Glass Works, Plymouth Avenue | 1888 |
Rochester High School | 1979 |
Rochester High School | 1838 |
Rochester High School in 1838 | 1908 |
Rochester High School, 1838 | 1884 |
Rochester High School, the first Rochester High School, 1827, reorganized as the Rochester Seminary in 1832, it became the Rochester Collegiate Institute, 1839 - 1859 | 1976 |
Rochester Historical Society | 1977 |
Rochester Homeopathic Hospital | 1895 |
Rochester Homeopathic Hospital | 1896 |
Rochester Hosiery Co. | 1888 |
Rochester House on the Canal, 1838 | 1973 |
Rochester House, 1838 | 1884 |
Rochester House, Exchange Street | 1838 |
Rochester House, Exchange Street | 1970 |
Rochester Hydraulic Co. | 1881 |
Rochester Hydraulic Motor Co. | 1881 |
Rochester Ice Cream Company | 1912 |
Rochester in 1812 | 1838 |
Rochester in 1812 | 1908 |
Rochester in 1820 | 1895 |
Rochester in 1868 | 1979 |
Rochester Institute of Technology | 1984 |
Rochester Institute of Technology new campus 1971 | 1973 |
Rochester Institute of Technology Quarter Mile Walk | 1979 |
Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 Lomb Memorial Drive, Henrietta | 1976 |
Rochester Institute of Technology, 1 Lomb Memorial Drive, Henrietta | 1974 |
Rochester Institution of Electro-Therapeutics | 1885 |
Rochester is famous for Shantz Buttons | 1906 |
Rochester Knitting Works | 1888 |
Rochester Knitting Works | 1881 |
Rochester Last Machine Co. | 1891 |
Rochester Last, Die and Pattern Works | 1894 |
Rochester Last, Die and Pattern Works | 1888 |
Rochester Last, Die and Pattern Works | 1891 |
Rochester Lead Works | 1894 |
Rochester Lead Works | 1888 |
Rochester Lime Co. | 1898 |
Rochester Lime Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Lithographing and Printing Co. | 1888 |
Rochester Lithographing Co. | 1884 |
Rochester looking South from top of the Commerce Building, ca 1920 | 1979 |
Rochester Lubricating Oil Works | 1888 |
Rochester Machine Screw Co. | 1898 |
Rochester Machine Tool Works | 1884 |
Rochester Machine Tool Works | 1890 |
Rochester Machine Tool Works | 1890 |
Rochester Machine Tool Works | 1894 |
Rochester Machine Tool Works | 1888 |
Rochester Machine Tool Works | 1891 |
Rochester Moulding Factory | 1888 |
Rochester Museum & Science Center, Bausch Hall | 1977 |
Rochester Novelty Works | 1979 |
Rochester Nursery Company | 1894 |
Rochester Opera House (interior), late 1870's | 1949 |
Rochester Optical Company | 1888 |
Rochester Optical Company | 1891 |
Rochester Optical Company | 1884 |
Rochester Packing and Cold Storage Co. | 1909 |
Rochester Pants and Tailoring Co. | 1891 |
Rochester Paper Box Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Paper Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Paper Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Paper Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Paper Co. | 1888 |
Rochester Philharmonica Orchestra Headquarters | 1979 |
Rochester Pipe Tongs Company | 1888 |
Rochester Plating Co. | 1898 |
Rochester Plow Co. | 1888 |
Rochester Police Station, Cell Room | 1905 |
Rochester Portrait Co. | 1885 |
Rochester Post-Graduate Dental College | 1894 |
Rochester Powder Mills, Rand & Company, Pittsford | 1877 |
Rochester Power Company's Building | 1895 |
Rochester Products Division of General Motors | 1979 |
Rochester Radio City - Humboldt Street | 1984 |
Rochester Railway Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Railway Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Raw Hide Works | 1894 |
Rochester Rubber Co. | 1898 |
Rochester Sanitarium | 1885 |
Rochester Savings Bank | 1885 |
Rochester Savings Bank | 1890 |
Rochester Savings Bank | 1890 |
Rochester Savings Bank | 1906 |
Rochester Savings Bank | 1882 |
Rochester Savings Bank | 1881 |
Rochester Savings Bank | 1899 |
Rochester Savings Bank (successive homes) | 1931 |
Rochester Savings Bank Building | 1884 |
Rochester Savings Bank Building, Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1891 |
Rochester Savings Bank, 1857 - 1877 | 1970 |
Rochester Savings Bank, 1928 | 1984 |
Rochester Savings Bank, 40 Franklin Street, 05M 1982 | 1982 |
Rochester Savings Bank, 40 Franklin Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Rochester Savings Bank, Court House | 1885 |
Rochester Savings Bank, interior | 1984 |
Rochester Savings Bank, interior | 1977 |
Rochester Savings Bank, interior, present site at 40 Franklin Street, photo by Hans Padelt from Landmark Society collection | 1976 |
Rochester School for the Deaf | 1979 |
Rochester Sewer Pipe Company | 1894 |
Rochester Sewer Pipe Company | 1888 |
Rochester Sewer Pipe Company | 1890 |
Rochester Sewer Pipe Company | 1890 |
Rochester Sewer Pipe Company | 1912 |
Rochester Shoe Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Shop School | 1922 |
Rochester Show Case Works | 1909 |
Rochester Show Case Works | 1898 |
Rochester Slipper Co. | 1884 |
Rochester Stained Glass Works | 1898 |
Rochester Stained Glass Works | 1894 |
Rochester Stamping Works | 1888 |
Rochester Stamping Works | 1898 |
Rochester State Hospital | 1896 |
Rochester Steel Mat Co. | 1888 |
Rochester street scene, 1910 | 1956 |
Rochester street scene, 1910 | 1956 |
Rochester Suspender Co. | 1891 |
Rochester Telephone Company | 1912 |
Rochester Telephone Company (Switchboard) | 1906 |
Rochester Theological Seminary | 1908 |
Rochester Theological Seminary | 1915 |
Rochester Theological Seminary | 1899 |
Rochester Theological Seminary | 1890 |
Rochester Theological Seminary | 1890 |
Rochester Theological Seminary | 1895 |
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City Hail (1874-74), The Times Square Building (1929) | 1974 |
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City Hall (1874 - 1875), & the Times Square Building (1929) | 1974 |
Rochester Towers: St. Luke's Episcopal Church (1824), City, Hall (1874-75), and the Times Square Building (1929) | 1974 |
Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit | 1979 |
Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit | 1906 |
Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit | 1891 |
Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit | 1899 |
Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit Building | 1893 |
Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit, new building | 1904 |
Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co. | 1890 |
Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co. | 1893 |
Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co. | 1891 |
Rochester University | 1905 |
Rochester University (two campus views) | 1898 |
Rochester University Buildings | 1890 |
Rochester University Buildings | 1890 |
Rochester viewed from Mt. Hope 1854 | 1979 |
Rochester Vulcanite Pavement Co. | 1894 |
Rochester War Memorial, 1972 | 1973 |
Rochester Water Works (Highland Park) | 1890 |
Rochester Water Works, 1874 | 1977 |
Rochester Wheel Company | 1888 |
Rochester Wheel Company | 1884 |
Rochester Wheel Company | 1890 |
Rochester Wheel Company | 1890 |
Rochester Whist Club | 1908 |
Rochester Whist Club | 1895 |
Rochester Whist Club | 1895 |
Rochester Whist Club | 1898 |
Rochester Wire and Iron Fence Co. | 1898 |
Rochester's "Four Corners", 1812 | 1911 |
Rochester's Four Corners in the Eighties | 1934 |
Rochester's greatest fire, February 26, 19014 | 1908 |
Rochester's New Market, 1838 | 1979 |
Rochester's Semi-Centennial Parade (view) 1884 | 1949 |
Rochester, 1827 - showing first Court House | 1908 |
Rochester, looking East from Chamber of Commerce Building | 1897 |
Rochester, looking North from Chamber of Commerce Building | 1897 |
Rochester, looking up the Genesee | 1897 |
Rochester, looking West from Chamber of Commerce Bldg. | 1897 |
Rochester-Monroe County Airport Terminal, 1953 | 1979 |
Row Houses, 128-152 Gibbs Street, Rochester | 1974 |
Rush Rhees Library as seen from Wilson Commons, University of Rochester | 1977 |
Sagamore Hotel, Rochester | 1923 |
Salmon's Block, Rochester | 1877 |
Samuel Hamilton, residence of, Rochester | 1858 |
Samuel Sloan and Company, Rochester | 1899 |
Schlegel Corporation Rochester Plant | 1979 |
School No. 3, Nathaniel Rochester | 1922 |
Second Baptist Church, corner of Clinton and Main Streets, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 1838 | 1984 |
Sibley Hall, Rochester | 1877 |
Sibley Hall, Rochester University | 1885 |
Sibley Hall, University of Rochester | 1896 |
Sibley Hall, University of Rochester | 1899 |
Sibley Hall, University of Rochester | 1893 |
Sibley's, St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church and Rochester Savings Bank, Liberty Pole Triangle | 1974 |
Sibley's, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, and Rochester Savings Bank Liberty Pole Triangle | 1974 |
Sibley's, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, and Rochester Savings Bank. Liberty Pole Triangle | 1974 |
Site of Main Street, Rochester in 1812 | 1877 |
Soldiers' Rochester Bureau for Pensions | 1891 |
South Fitzhugh Street, Rochester | 1974 |
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, 108 Franklin Street, Rochester | 1974 |
St. Luke's Episcopal Church & Rochester Free Academy | 1974 |
St. Patrick's Church, Roman Catholic, corner of Platt and Fitzhugh Streets, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 1838 | 1984 |
Steamer "Rochester" on Lake Ontario | 1984 |
Strasenburgh Planetarium, 663 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
The Academy Building (formerly Rochester Free Academy), 13 S. Fitzhugh St. | 1982 |
The Court House Square at Rochester, 1827 | 1945 |
The Flour City National Bank of Rochester | 1899 |
The Genesee Falls, Rochester, 1838 | 1979 |
The Main Falls at Rochester | 1931 |
The new Police Station, Rochester | 1897 |
Twelve Way Crossing, Rochester Railway Company | 1899 |
University of Rochester | 1884 |
University of Rochester | 1888 |
University of Rochester | 1885 |
University of Rochester - Quadrangle | 1934 |
University of Rochester's School of Medicine Complex | 1979 |
University of Rochester, air view of River Campus about 1950 | 1976 |
University of Rochester, Biology classroom, 1880 | 1976 |
University of Rochester, Campus | 1899 |
University of Rochester, River Campus, ca 1960 | 1973 |
University of Rochester, tower of the Rush Rhees Library at night, in the belfry are the Hopeman Chimes | 1976 |
University of Rochester, view from Prince Street | 1895 |
View of Main Street, Rochester in 1877 | 1877 |
View of Rochester from Mt. Hope, 1854 | 1945 |
View of Rochester from Vincent Place Bridge, 1890 | 1956 |
View of Rochester from Vincent Place Bridge, 1890 | 1956 |
View of Rochester from Vincent Place Bridge, 1890 | 1956 |
View of Rochester from Vincent Place Bridge, 1890 | 1956 |
View of the Main Falls and Rochester (1830) | 1979 |
W. W. Chapin House, 1545 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Ward House, 18 Grove Place, Rochester | 1974 |
Wilson Commons, University of Rochester | 1979 |
Wilson Soule house, 1050 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Wilson Soule house, 1050 East Avenue, Rochester | 1974 |
Woodside, Rochester Historical Society Headquarters | 1961 |
Woodside, the Silas O. Smith House, 485 East Ave., Rochester | 1974 |
Work House, Infirmary and Insane Asylum, Rochester | 1877 |
Work House, Infirmary and Insane Asylum, Rochester | 1877 |
Work House, Infirmary and Insane Asylum, Rochester | 1877 |
[Aerial view of Downtown Rochester] | 1934 |
[Aerial view of Downtown Rochester] | 1934 |
[Color aerial view of Downtown Rochester], 1983 | 1984 |
[Rochester Chamber of Commerce] | 1934 |
[Rochester Gas & Electric], Koppers Ovens at West Station Gas Plant | 1934 |
[Rochester Gas & Electric], large gas holder having 5 million cubic feet capacity - as seen from Smith Street Bridge | 1934 |
[Rochester Street Railway, views of 3 cars] | 1906 |
[Sibley Hall], Library, University of Rochester, interior | 1895 |
[University of Rochester], new Alumni gymnasium | 1899 |
[West Main] Street, birthplace of the University of Rochester and the Rochester Theological Seminary | 1976 |