Rochester Local History Indexes: Results

Name Year of Publication
10 Rochester Street, Scottsville1974
1050 East Avenue1977
111 East Avenue Hotel, 111 East Avenue1982
12 Vick Park A1977
138 South Fitzhugh Street, Rochester1974
1545 East Avenue1977
16 East Boulevard1977
1600 East Avenue, Rochester1974
1836 House, Genesee Country Museum, Mumford1974
1870 drawing of W. S. Kimball's Peerless Tobacco Works1976
1889 photograph of Eastman Dry Plate and Film Factory on the present side of State Street Office1976
1904 Fire House and Water Tower1976
1912 offices of R. T. French Company, Mustard Street, still headquarters location of the firm1976
1912 production area of R. T. French Company, all packaging was done by hand1976
199 South Plymouth Avenue1977
21 Atkinson Street1977
219 South Plymouth Avenue1977
37 Ontario Street, Honeoye Falls, c18751974
42 Atkinson Street1977
42 Knollwood Drive, Pittsford1974
42 Westminster Road, Billiard Room1984
51 Westminster Road1984
7 Prince Street1977
70 East Boulevard1977
727 East Avenue, designed by Harvey Ellis, ca 18801984
727 East Avenue, Rochester, Harvey Ellis design1974
737 East Avenue1977
9 Prince Street1977
93 Main Street, House, Webster1978
A century of Rochester Building, Powers Building (1869), Crossroads Building (1969), and County Courthouse (1894-96)1974
A Century of Rochester Building: Powers Bldg. (1869), Crossroads Building(1969), and Monroe County Courthouse (1894-96)1974
A century of Rochester Buildings: Powers Bldg.(1869), Crossroads Building (1969), and Monroe County Court House (1894-96)1974
A corner in Powers Art Gallery1892
A corner of Powers Art Gallery1895
A part of Summerville1899
A part of the Float Bridge1905
A part of the water power of the Genesee River1906
A picture, in Genesee Valley Park1899
A street in White City, Windsor Beach1899
A summer afternoon on the lower Genesee River1895
A view in Powers Art Gallery1892
A View in Reynolds Library1897
A view of Brighton Avenue1905
A. A. Vanderbeck, residence of, Lake Avenue1877
A. Adler, residence of1896
A. Adler, residence of1913
A. B. Hone, residence of1896
A. B. Potter, residence of, Fairport1877
A. Collins, residence of1890
A. H. Campbell, residence of, Chili1877
A. H. King, residence of, Chili1877
A. J. Townson, residence of1913
A. M. Lindsay's residence1893
A. M. Lindsay, residence of1913
A. P. Little, 342 West Avenue1911
A. P. Little, residence of1913
A. S. Colebrook, Irondequoit1913
A. S. Colebrook, Summerville Boulevard1911
A. Spiehler, residence of1890
A. T. Hagan, 404 East Avenue1911
A. T. Ketcham, residence of, East Hamlin1877
A. V. Smith, residence of, 111 Lake Avenue1877
A. Vogt, residence of1890
A. W. Hopeman and Sons Company1912
A. W. Mudge's residence1893
A. W. Palmer and Company1891
A. Weeks, residence of, with portraits, Penfield1877
Aaron Erickson, 421 East Avenue, Rochester1974
Abbott, Herbert M.1903
Abbott, Robert N.1984
Abbott, Herbert M.1903
Abbott, Robert N.1984
Abbott & Bradstreet1884
Abel, Arthur 1961
Abell, Horace Avery1925
Abell, Frederick Husted1928
Abell, Martha Wynne1928
Abell, Horace A.1925
Abercrombie, John 1895
Abernethy, Alexis D.1994
Abey, Jarvis Harry1924
Abey, Jarvis Harry1924
Abraham Marsielje, residence of, 34 Buchan Park1877
Abram Cole, residence of, with portrait, Mendon1877
Abramow, Jacob 1928
Abstract Guarantee Co.1891
Academy of Nazareth1892
Academy of the Sacred Heart1892
Academy of the Sacred Heart Building1977
Acer, David 1981
Acer, John 1981
Acer, William 1981
Achilles, Charles B.1908
Achilles, Charles Bowen1908
Achilles, Charles Phipps1928
Acker, Joseph M.1902
Ackerman, Louis A.1907
Adam, Charles 1898
Adam, Charles 1894
Adam G. Friederich, residence of1913
Adams, Elbridge L.1894
Adams, James 1981
Adams, John 1981
Adams, Peleg 1981
Adams, Samuel Hopkins1960
Adams, Samuel Hopkins1959
Adams, Stephen Edward1929
Adams, Joseph Thomas1928
Adams, Sidney Irwin1928
Adams, Myron H.1890
Adams, Myron H.1890
Adams, Reuben A.1890
Adams, Reuben A.1890
Adams, Edward P.1925
Adams, Elbridge L.1902
Adams, Mahlon B.1903
Adams, Myron 1908
Adams, Myron 1902
Adams, Myron 1908
Adams, Ralph 1924
Adams, Reuben A.1908
Adams, Reuben A.1905
Adams, Reuben Alfred1902
Adams, Samuel Hopkins1971
Adams, Samuel Hopkins1984
Adams, Abner 1908
Adams, Abner 1895
Adams, Edward Philip1925
Adams, Elbridge L.1895
Adams, Franklin 1895
Adams, Guilford Robbins1908
Adams, J. W.1895
Adams, James 1895
Adams, Leon F.1895
Adams, Mahlon B.1903
Adams, Myron 1908
Adams, Myron 1908
Adams, Orlando C.1895
Adams, Ralph W.1924
Adams, Reuben A.1908
Adams, Reuben A.1895
Adams, Reuben A.1908
Adams, Samuel Hopkins1984
Adams, William H.1902
Adams, Myron 1895
Adams, F. K., & Co.1888
Adduci, Patricia B.1984
Ade, Carl C.1925
Ade, Benedict 1959
Ade, Carl C.1959
Ade, Carl C.1939
Ade, Carl C.1925
Adkins, Raymond Alwyn1928
Adler, Isaac 1960
Adler, Isaac 1928
Adler, Isaac 1915
Adler, Isaac 1908
Adler, Levi 1895
Adler, Abram 1912
Adler, Isaac 1912
Adler, Levi 1912
Adler, Mark L.1912
Adler, Max A.1912
Adler, Mortimer 1912
Adler, Simon 1912
Adler, Simon L.1912
Adler, Solomon 1912
Adler, Isaac 1956
Adler, Abram 1912
Adler, Isaac 1912
Adler, Mortimer 1912
Adler, Simon 1912
Adler, Simon L.1912
Adler, A. 1905
Adler, Abram 1902
Adler, Isaac 1956
Adler, Isaac 1902
Adler, Levi 1902
Adler, Mark L.1902
Adler, Max A.1917
Adler, Mrs. Isaac1917
Adler, Isaac 1988
Adler - Rochester Plant1912
Adler, L., Bros. & Co.1884
Adler, L., Bros. & Co.1888
Adler, L., Bros. & Co.1891
Adler, L., Brothers & Co.1894
Adolph, Edward Frederick1992
Adolph Spiehler, Perfumer, 202 Court Street1899
Adriance, Platt & Co.1885
Adriance, Platt & Co.1894
Adsit, Sidney Charles1928
Adsit, Franklin 1891
Aebersold, Ida 1902
Aebersold, J. M., & Bro.1884
Aerial view of Civic Center Plaza 19721973
Aerial view of Downtown Rochester, 19711973
Aerial view of Downtown Rochester, c 19301979
Aerial view of Rochester1984
Aerial view of Rochester's Business District (ca 1940)1973
Aex, Paul Bruce1925
Aex, Robert P.1961
Aex, Robert P.1961
Aex, Robert P.1984
Aftermath of Main Street Flood, 18651984
Agar, Emmons 1924
Agar, Emmons 1924
Agate, John 1902
Agate, William 1981
Agate, Mary 1877
Agate, William 1877
Agate, William 1877
Aghetto, Vittorio 1930
Agnew, Walter Newton1925
Agnew, Susan Gay1928
Ahnfelt, Harold 1959
Aikenhead, William 1891
Aikenhead, William 1902
Ailing and Cory Company1934
Aiole, Solomon 1928
Air view of the University Medical School and River Campuses, 19591961
Aizstrauts, Harold 1959
Ajewole, Isaac 1994
Akehurst's Library1884
Akerly, Harold Edward1928
Alaimo, Thomas 1924
Alaimo, Thomas 1924
Alanson Higbie, residence of, Penfield1877
Alaska Milling, Mining, and Trading Co.1898
Albert, Gustave 1891
Albert Palmer House, 8251 Ridge Road W., Clarkson1974
Albert Whitney, residence of, with portrait, Penfield1877
Albright, Edmund L.1908
Albright, George J.1929
Albright, Edmund Louis1908
Albro, Laton 1981
Alden, John Ferris1908
Alden, John Ferris1895
Alden, John F. 1890
Alden, John F. 1890
Alden, Isabella MacDonald1984
Alden, John Ferris1959
Alden & Lassig1884
Alden & Lassig1885
Alderman, H. O.1905
Alderman, Henry O.1902
Aldrich, J. G.1895
Aldrich, Adolphus 1981
Aldrich, Solomon 1981
Aldrich, Frank, & Co.1891
Aldridge, Erastus 1895
Aldridge, George Washington1908
Aldridge, George Washington1895
Aldridge, Jennett A.1895
Aldridge, George W.1902
Aldridge, George W.1984
Aldridge, George W.1979
Aldridge, George W.1956
Aldridge, George W.1902
Aldridge, George Washington1895
Aldridge, George W.1922
Aldridge, George Washington1960
Aldridge, George Washington1959
Aldridge, Robert 1929
Aldridge, George W.1966
Aldridge, George Washington1966
Aldridge, George W.1914
Aldridge, George W.1956
Aldridge, George Washington1922
Aldridge, George W.1895
Aldridge, Jr., George W.1988
Aldridge, Sr., George W.1988
Alex. B. Enoch, residence and store, Henrietta1877
Alexander, Charles Anderson1959
Alexander, J. Vincent1925
Alexander, Frank W.1930
Alexander, Charlotte Garland1928
Alexander, John 1902
Alexander, Mrs. J.Vincent1917
Alexander, D. A.1912
Alexander, F. W. 1894
Alfred Ely residence1970
Alfred Ely, residence of1890
Alfred Wright's Perfumery Factory1890
Alfred Wright's Perfumery Factory1890
Alfred Wright, residence of1890
Alibston, John Arthur1928
All Souls Chapel and Tower, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1892
Allaire, Daniel Paul1924
Allaire, Daniel Paul1924
Allan, Ebenezer 1984
Allan, Amelia Maude1928
Allan, Dorland James1928
Allen, Carl 1928
Allen, Charles Montgomery1928
Allen, Dorothy Louise1928
Allen, Earl 1928
Allen, Henry Newell1928
Allen, Howard Walrath1928
Allen, Marian Mead1928
Allen, Ralph 1928
Allen, Sadie Fosdick1928
Allen, Walter Charles1928
Allen, Warren William1928
Allen, Anson C.1903
Allen, Chauncey 1908
Allen, Frank B.1903
Allen, Frederick P.1902
Allen, Frederick P.1908
Allen, Freeman C1917
Allen, G. Bert1903
Allen, John 1989
Allen, John M.1902
Allen, Mrs. Atkinson1917
Allen, Mrs. Freeman C1917
Allen, Mrs. 1917
Allen, Mrs. 1917
Allen, Lewis E.1994
Allen, Shirley Jeanne1994
Allen, William H.1929
Allen, Frank B.1911
Allen, Whitcomb Henry1911
Allen, Isaac 1877
Allen, John 1964
Allen, Willard M.1992
Allen, Frederic Percival1994
Allen, John G.1890
Allen, John G.1890
Allen, Charles Montgomery1895
Allen, Ebenezer "Indian"1971
Allen, Frank B.1911
Allen, Whitcomb Henry1911
Allen, Atkinson 1922
Allen, Ebenezer 1971
Allen, Frederick 1893
Allen, John 1988
Allen, John G.1895
Allen, Anson C.1903
Allen, Charles Montgomery1895
Allen, Charles Montgomery1895
Allen, Chauncey 1908
Allen, Chauncey 1895
Allen, Dwight H.1908
Allen, Ebenezer 1984
Allen, Frank B.1903
Allen, Frederic Percival1908
Allen, Frederic Percival1895
Allen, Frederic Percival1908
Allen, G. Bert1903
Allen, George H.1895
Allen, George W.1908
Allen, George W.1902
Allen, Isaac 1895
Allen, James N.1895
Allen, John 1895
Allen, John G.1908
Allen, John M.1902
Allen, John M.1895
Allen, Lemuel 1895
Allen, Lewis B.1895
Allen, Lucia 1895
Allen, Lucius N.1902
Allen, Oliver 1895
Allen, Atkinson 1922
Allen, Innis P.1914
Allen, Willard 1961
Allen, George 1929
Allen, George H.1929
Allen, Sr., Isaac 1877
Allen, Sr., Mrs. Isaac1877
Alliance Bank1906
Alliance Bank1912
Alliance Bank of Rochester1899
Alliance Tool and Die Corporation1979
Alling, Edmund M.1914
Alling, Joseph T.1956
Alling, Joseph T.1961
Alling, Joseph T.1961
Alling, Mrs. Joseph T.1956
Alling, Fred. D. 1888
Alling, Edna Kolb1928
Alling, Harold Lattimore1928
Alling, Joseph Tilden1960
Alling, Joseph Tilden1928
Alling, Kenneth Young1928
Alling, Syndey 1928
Alling, Edmund M.1925
Alling, Joseph T.1956
Alling, Joseph T.1905
Alling, Joseph T.1917
Alling, Joseph T.1979
Alling, Joseph T.1902
Alling, Mrs. Joseph T.1917
Alling, Mrs. Joseph T.1956
Alling, William 1902
Alling, Joseph T.1896
Alling, Edmund McKay1925
Alling & Cory1885
Alling & Cory1888
Alling & Cory1884
Alling & Cory1890
Alling & Cory1890
Alling Brothers1884
Alling Brothers1881
Allis, H. S. 1894
Allison Brothers Co.1884
Allmeroth, Jacob 1903
Allmeroth, George 1907
Allmeroth, Jacob 1903
Allyn, Marjorie Winter1928
Alma, E. E.1893
Almstead, Morris J.1902
Almy, Willey H.1914
Almy, Elmer E.1895
Almy, Willey Henry1925
Almy, Willey Henry1908
Almy Auto Company1912
Alpeter, William C.1908
Alston, Herbert V.1994
Alt, Charles C.1911
Alt, George G.1911
Alt, Charles C.1903
Alt, George G.1903
Alt, Charles C.1911
Alt, George G.1911
Alt, Florence May1894
Alt, Charles C.1903
Alt, George G.1903
Althans, Charles H.1894
Altman, Rose 1989
Altpeter, Wiliam C.1908
Altpeter, Julius C. 1891
Alvah Strong Hall1908
Alvord, Richard B.1924
Alvord, Richard B.1924
Alvord, Selah 1981
Aman, Joseph 1903
Aman, Henry 1884
Aman, Joseph 1895
Aman, Joseph 1903
Amasa Drake, residence, portrait, E. Brighton1877
American Albumen Paper Co.1884
American Chemical Manufacturing1884
American Oil Works1898
American Union Laundry1912
American Wringer Co.1894
Ames, Lewis G.1967
Ames, David 1981
Ames, Wendell 1992
Ames, Lewis G.1967
Amidon, Oscar C.1908
Amlinger, Philip George1903
Amlinger, Philip 1903
Amlinger, Philip George1911
Amllinger, Philip George1911
Amon Bronson house and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, 'Rochester1974
Amon Bronson House and William Churchill House, 263 and 240 S. Plymouth Avenue, Rochester1974
Amsden, C. T.1895
Amsden, Gilbert Traver1925
Amsden, Frank J. 1881
An Autumn day in Genesee Valley Park1905
An East Avenue Garden, Willow Pond1937
An electric street car, Rochester1892
An old mill1976
Anan Harmon, residence of, with portraits, Chili1877
Andersen, Henry P.1924
Andersen, Henry P.1924
Anderson, John 1895
Anderson, Martin Brewer1984
Anderson, Martin Brewer1976
Anderson, Willis P.1908
Anderson, Martin Brewer1970
Anderson, Martin Brewer1971
Anderson, Morton Howard1922
Anderson, George H.1911
Anderson, James H.1911
Anderson, Martin Brewer1971
Anderson, Norman N.1959
Anderson, Martin Brewer1884
Anderson, Martin B.1884
Anderson, Morton Howard1922
Anderson, George H.1911
Anderson, James H.1911
Anderson, Betty Marian1994
Anderson, David 1972
Anderson, David 1994
Anderson, George H.1929
Anderson, Joe L.1994
Anderson, Martin Brewer1959
Anderson, John Benjamin1930
Anderson, John Benjamin1930
Anderson, Donald G.1992
Anderson, George E., Sr.1978
Anderson, David 1972
Anderson, Herbert A.1902
Anderson, Martin 1984
Anderson, Martin B.1902
Anderson, Martin B.1884
Anderson, Martin B.1949
Anderson, Martin B.1976
Anderson, Arthur Richard1928
Anderson, Lester Curtis1928
Anderson, Margaret Jean1928
Anderson Hall1908
Anderson Hall1913
Anderson Hall1898
Anderson Hall, 75 College Avenue, Rochester1974
Anderson Hall, Early Woodcut of Anderson Hall, First Campus Building, Opened 18611976
Anderson Hall, Edward E. Howell and the megatherium at the University of Rochester (Interior)1949
Anderson Hall, mid-1870's1970
Anderson Hall, University Buildings1898
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester1893
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester1895
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester1895
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester1896
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester1899
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester1906
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester1892
Anderson Hall, University of Rochester (1861)1979
Anderson Statue, University of Rochester1913
Andrew, Fred Delmar1928
Andrew Maxfield, residence & portrait, Pittsford1877
Andrew Wollensak, residence of1913
Andrews, Samuel G.1989
Andrews, E. R. 1881
Andrews, E. R. 1898
Andrews, Ezra R.1895
Andrews, James Sherlock1928
Andrews, Samuel G.1979
Andrews, Ezra R.1984
Andrews, Ezra R.1902
Andrews, L. E.1895
Andrews, Samuel G.1964
Andrews, E. R. 1888
Andrews, Anthony R.1911
Andrews, Ezra R.1895
Andrews, E. R.1893
Andrews, Samuel G.1988
Andrews, Anthony R.1929
Andrews, Ezra R.1893
Andrews, Anthony R.1911
Andrews, E. R.1896
Andrews, E. R.1896
Andrews, E. R. 1894
Andrews, Ezra R.1984
Andrews, Ezra R.1902
Andrews, Ezra Randall1902
Andrews, J. S.1917
Andrews, Mrs. N. E.1917
Andrews, Samuel 1989
Andrews, Samuel G.1902
Andrews Homestead, 1920's1970
Andrews Street Bridge, Flood of 18651908
Andrews Street Bridge, Wintertime View of1979
Andrus, David 1981
Andrus, Norman Ross1928
Andrus, Fairchild 1895
Angel, Fitzhugh 1924
Angel, Benjamin F.1902
Angel, Charles Henry1902
Angel, Fitzhugh 1924
Angel, James Lansing1902
Angell, Edward Boynton1928
Angell, T. E 1894
Angevine, W. K.1902
Angevine, Ward K.1902
Angevine, Ward K.1902
Angevine, Richard Elbert1928
Angevine, Robert Winsper1928
Angle, James Lansing1902
Angle, James Lansing1895
Angle, James Lansing1890
Angle, James Lansing1890
Angle, James Lansing1895
Angle, James Lansing1892
Angle, Charles E.1905
Angle, James Lansing1895
Ann A. Miles, residence of, Pittsford1877
Ano, George H.1908
Ano, George H.1908
Anscomb, William 1908
Anscomb, William 1908
Anstice, Mortimer Reynolds1925
Anstice, Josiah 1994
Anstice, M. R.1917
Anstice, Mrs. M. R.1917
Anthony, Burt E.1908
Anthony, Daniel M.1902
Anthony, Susan B.1971
Anthony, Susan B.1989
Anthony, Susan B.1984
Anthony, Susan B.1973
Anthony, Susan B.1984
Anthony, Susan B.1949
Anthony, Susan B.1979
Anthony, Susan B.1989
Anthony, Susan B.1976
Anthony, Susan B.1884
Anthony, Susan B.1956
Anthony, Susan B.1989
Anthony, Susan B.1984
Anthony, Susan B.1989
Anthony, Susan Brownell1984
Anthony, Susan Brownell1902
Anthony, Susan Brownell1976
Anthony, Daniel M.1895
Anthony, Susan Brownell1895
Anthony, Susan Brownell1971
Anthony, Susan B1971
Anthony, D. M. 1894
Anthony, Susan Brownell1983
Anthony, Susan Brownell1985
Anthony, Susan Brownell1995
Anthony, Susan Brownell1959
Anthony, Asa 1994
Anthony, Daniel 1994
Anthony, Ruth Elvira1928
Anthony, Susan Brownell1994
Anthony, D. M. 1884
Anthony, D. M. 1890
Anthony, D. M. 1890
Anthony, Daniel M.1895
Anthony, Susan B.1895
Anthony, Susan B.1970
Anthony, Susan B.1982
Anthony, Susan Brownell1982
Anthony, Burt E.1914
Anthony, Susan B.1956
Anthony Baking Company1912
Antisdale, Louis Marlin1928
Antisdale, Louis M.1956
Antisdale, Louis Marlin1908
Antisdale, Louis M.1956
Apfel, Adam 1903
Apfel, Adam 1903
Apgarp, L. 1884
Appel, John J.1907
Appel, Adam 1911
Appel, Adam 1911
Appel's Restaurant1884
Applebaum, Solomon Jacob1928
Applegarth, Margaret Tyson1928
Apps, William 1924
Appy, Henri 1895
Appy, Henri 1895
Appy, Henri 1949
Aprile, Hazel Bascom1928
Aqueduct (during 1913 flood)1913
Aqueduct (Skaters on) Erie Canal 1880's1970
Aqueduct over Genesee, ea 18801984
Aqueduct Park1984
Arc, Jacob 1984
Arcade Dining Rooms1902
Arcade Mills1884
Arcade Photo Company1888
Archer, George W.1902
Archer, George W.1908
Archer, George W.1895
Archer, Gideon 1994
Archer, George Washington1908
Archer, George Washington1895
Archer, George Washington1908
Archer, George Washington1895
Archer Manufacturing Co.1884
Archer Manufacturing Co.1888
Archer Manufacturing Co.1891
Architectural Detail, D. A. R. House1937
Architectural rendering of new Geva Theater1984
Arena, Christopher 1924
Arena, Francesco 1924
Arena, Christopher 1924
Arena, Francesco 1924
Arey, Albert L.1895
Argetsinger, George F.1902
Argetsinger, George Francis1922
Argetsinger, George F.1914
Argetsinger, George Francis1922
Argetsinger, George F.1913
Argus, Robert A.1929
Argyle Street off East Avenue1904
Ark, Jacob 1984
Arlidge, Ralph J.1928
Arlidge, William Gawne1928
Arlington, residence & grounds of Hiram R. Wood, Pittsford1913
Arlington, residence and grounds of Hiram R. Wood, Pittsford1913
Armbruster, Frederick William1928
Armbruster, Julius 1890
Armbruster, Julius 1890
Armour, David 1981
Armour & Co.1891
Arms, Daniel 1981
Armstrong, James 1981
Armstrong, Hoyt Shourds1922
Armstrong, Ralph Waldo1922
Armstrong, Thomas Hoyt1922
Armstrong, Hoyt Shourds1928
Armstrong, Ralph Waldo1928
Armstrong, Hoyt Shourds1925
Armstrong, James Harvey1924
Armstrong, James P.1924
Armstrong, Ralph Waldo1925
Armstrong, T. H.1917
Armstrong, Thomas H.1925
Armstrong, W. W.1903
Armstrong, William B.1902
Armstrong, E. W.1908
Armstrong, James Harvey1924
Armstrong, James P.1924
Armstrong, Thomas Hoyt1925
Armstrong, William W.1903
Armstrong, Ambrose J.1929
Armstrong, Ambrose J.1911
Armstrong, Hoyt Shourds1922
Armstrong, Ralph Waldo1922
Armstrong, Thomas Hoyt1922
Armstrong, Ambrose J.1911
Armstrong, D., & Co.1884
Arnold, James B.1959
Arnold, James B.1939
Arnold, Harry J.C.1924
Arnold, Hobart G.1902
Arnold, Hobart George1902
Arnold, Oscar Marsh1908
Arnold, Oscar Marsh1902
Arnold, William E.1902
Arnold, Isaac 1981
Arnold, O. M. 1898
Arnold, William 1891
Arnold, Frank Palmer1928
Arnold, William 1994
Arnold, Aaron 1895
Arnold, Harry J.C.1924
Arnold, Hobart G.1902
Arnold, Oscar Marsh1908
Arnold, William B.1895
Arnold Park at East Avenue1904
Arnold Park in 18771977
Arnold, S. J., & Co.1888
Arnoldt, George 1895
Arnoldt, George 1895
Arnoldt, George 1908
Arnot, Raymond H.1902
Arnott, H. 1898
Aroix, John B.1902
Arrington, Edward E.1902
Arrington, Edward E.1914
Arth, John Albert1911
Arth, John Albert1911
Arthur G. Yates' residence1893
Arthur G. Yates, residence of1890
Arthur H. McCall, 35 Seneca Parkway1911
Artistic Printing and Engraving Co.1881
As the Brick Church will appear1904
As the cars got larger, more power was added(1880); (Rochester City and Brighton R. R. Car]1976
Asbury Church1905
Asbury First Methodist Church1979
Asbury M. E. Church1890
Asbury Methodist Church1977
Asbury Methodist Church1984
Ashbaw, Walter Henry1924
Ashbaw, Walter Henry1924
Ashenburg, Lena Ruth1928
Ashley, Alexander 1903
Ashley, William J.1895
Ashley, Alexander 1903
Ashley, Egbert F.1902
Ashley, Mrs. E. F.1917
Ashley, Alexander 1911
Ashley, Raymond E.1959
Ashley, Alexander 1911
Ashley, Isaac 1877
Ashley, Isaac 1877
Ashton, John H.1903
Ashton, Dorothy Fowler1928
Ashton, Martha Spinning1928
Ashton, John H.1895
Ashton, John H.1903
Askin, Homer B.1908
Askin, Homer B.1908
Aspenleiter, Joseph G. 1891
Aspenliter, Valentine O.1914
Assembly Hall, Chamber of Commerce1904
Aster Flag on James Vick's seed farm1984
Astronomical Observatory [of George N. Saegmuller]1915
At Oak Hill Country Club1913
At the Foot of the Lower Falls1899
At the Pilot Coach Office1931
Athenaeum and Corinthian Hall, 18641973
Athenaeum and Corinthian Hall, 18641973
Atkin, Iona Elwood1928
Atkins, Laurence B.1924
Atkins, Laurence B.1924
Atkins, Carl J.1994
Atkinson, Charles H.1903
Atkinson, Hobart Ford1908
Atkinson, Hobart Ford1895
Atkinson, Elizabeth 1994
Atkinson, Hobart Ford1994
Atkinson, Hobart F.1895
Atkinson, Hobart Ford1895
Atkinson, Hobart F.1893
Atkinson, Charles H.1903
Atkinson, George 1902
Atkinson, Hobart F.1908
Atkinson, Hobart Ford1902
Atkinson, Charles H.1905
Atkinson & Sykes1890
Atkinson & Sykes1890
Atlantic Stamping Company1909
Atrium New City Hall1984
Attridge, Floyd C.1924
Attridge, William James1924
Attridge, Floyd C.1924
Attridge, Henry 1902
Attridge, William James1924
Atwater, Agnes Mary1928
Atwater & Armstrong1888
Atwater, Armstrong & Clarke1891
Atwell, Oswald F.1914
Atwood, Thomas 1981
Atwood, H. F.1893
Atwood, Horace Franklin1895
Atwood, Horace Franklin1902
Atwood, Horace Franklin1908
Atwood, Horace Franklin1895
Atwood, Horace Franklin1903
August, David 1912
August, Leo 1912
August, Simon 1912
August, Leo 1912
August, Simon 1912
August Brothers and Company1912
Augustine, Matthew 1994
Aulbach, George 1915
Aurelius, James H.1924
Aurelius, James H.1924
Austin, Merwin 1959
Austin, Merwin 1939
Austin, Roger 1959
Austin, Charles F.1929
Austin, Wallace Ray1928
Austin Market1902
Auten, Levi G.1908
Averbach, Philip 1964
Averell, William Holt1908
Averill, Robert 1903
Averill, Robert 1902
Averill, Robert 1903
Averill, Clarence John1928
Avery, George 1994
Avery, Lyman Charles1928
Avery, Ralph 1984
Avery, Edwin B.1895
Avery, Ralph 1984
Avery, Daniel 1964
Avery, Elroy J.1992
Avery, Ralph 1980
Axelrod, Milton P.1964
Ayer, Elmer William1928
Ayers, Job 1981
Ayers, Jonathan 1981
Ayette, Victor 1929
Aylsworth, Norman 1989
Aylsworth, F. 1893
Ayrault, Allen 1895
Ayrault, Allen 1895
Ayrault, John 1895
Ayrault, Allen 1895
Ayrault, John 1895
Azodo, Ada Uzoamaka1994
B. G. Bennett, Highland Avenue1911
B. G. Bennett, residence of1913
Babbin, Elaine 1984
Babbitt, Charles Platt1902
Babbitt, Nathaniel 1981
Babcock, Clay 1922
Babcock, A. Emerson1895
Babcock, A. Emerson1903
Babcock, A. Emerson1905
Babcock, Charles H.1917
Babcock, Charles H.1925
Babcock, William J.1895
Babcock, Lorenzo 1877
Babcock, Mrs. Lorenzo1877
Babcock, De Grand Delos1930
Babcock, Clay 1922
Babcock, Henry H.1895
Babcock, H. H. 1884
Babcock, Augustus Emerson1928
Babcock, Augustus Emerson1902
Babcock, Augustus Emerson1908
Babcock, Augustus Emerson1895
Babcock, Augustus Emerson1903
Babcock, Charles H.1925
Babcock, James Morris1908
Babcock, John W.1895
Babcock, William Jackson1908
Babcock, William Jackson1895
Babcock, H. H., & Co.1888
Babcock, H. H., & Co.1890
Babcock, H. H., & Co.1890
Bachem, Peter J.1959
Bachman, Julius 1912
Backus, J. M. 1894
Backus, Azel 1902
Backus, Frederick F.1908
Backus, Oswald Prentiss1925
Backus, Sidney K.1925
Backus, J. M. 1891
Backus & Co.1881
Bacon, Margaret J.1940
Bacon, Theodore 1890
Bacon, Theodore 1890
Bacon, Theodore 1893
Bacon, Byron H.1908
Bacon, Mortimer 1959
Bacon, Mortimer 1939
Bacon, Byron H.1908
Bacon, Byron H.1908
Bacon, John B.1902
Bacon, John B.1895
Bacon, Theodore 1895
Bacon, F. W. & G. W.1885
Baden-Ormond District1979
Badger, Alfred M.1959
Badger, Robert A.1908
Badger, Robert A.1902
Badger, Robert A.1914
Badhorn, Eugene Edward1929
Bagg, Albert Harold1928
Bagley, Burton Dillon1928
Bagley, Henric Sargent1930
Baglin, Joseph Gerald1929
Bahringer, Edward Daniel1929
Bahringer, Edward Daniel1911
Bahringer, Edward Daniel1911
Bailey, Carleton M.1929
Bailey, George Jackson1928
Bailey, Maude Dailor1928
Bailey, F. T.1914
Bailey, Benjamin 1981
Bailey, Elmer James1894
Bailey, Henry 1981
Bailey, G. P. 1884
Bailey, Charles H.1903
Bailey, Charles Henry1902
Bailey, Ward E.1930
Bailey, G. P. 1891
Bailey, B. T.1908
Bailey, Charles H.1908
Bailey, Charles H.1903
Bailey, David L.1895
Bailey & Co.1894
Bailey & Co.1891
Baird, Byron 1895
Baird, John A.1903
Baird, John A.1903
Baird, John A.1895
Baird, John A.1895
Baird, Campbell Alexander1928
Baird, Gordon Cardwell1928
Baird, John Alexander1928
Baird, John A.1903
Baitinger, J. A. 1894
Baiyina, Askia 1994
Baker, Charles S.1893
Baker, George W.1929
Baker, Charles S.1895
Baker, Charles S.1893
Baker, Charles S.1895
Baker, Oren H.1930
Baker, Barton 1925
Baker, Charles J.1895
Baker, Charles S.1908
Baker, Charles S.1895
Baker, Charles S.1908
Baker, Conrad 1908
Baker, Henry 1903
Baker, Jeremiah S.1895
Baker, Jeremiah S.1895
Baker, Nathan C.1895
Baker, Robert Patterson1924
Baker, William 1895
Baker, William J.1908
Baker, William J.1903
Baker, Charles S.1989
Baker, Herrington 1981
Baker, Justus 1981
Baker, Harold Hill1922
Baker, Charles S.1908
Baker, Charles Simeon1902
Baker, George E.1908
Baker, Henry 1903
Baker, J. H.1917
Baker, Jeremiah S.1895
Baker, Robert P.1924
Baker, William J.1903
Baker, Charles S.1979
Baker, Harold Hill1928
Baker, Harriet Stone1928
Baker, Leola Treman1928
Baker, William James1928
Baker Theatre1899
Bakr, Harold H.1922
Bakrow, Julius John1912
Baldwin, Addison R.1895
Baldwin, Evelyn 1908
Baldwin, Samuel C.1903
Baldwin, Samuel C.1911
Baldwin, Evelyn 1984
Baldwin, Samuel C.1911
Baldwin, S. C.1903
Bales, Benjamin 1981
Balestier, Charles Wolcott1959
Balint, Andrew 1924
Balkam, William F.1908
Balkam, William F.1908
Balkam, W. F.1896
Balkam, William F.1908
Balkam, William F.1902
Ball, Mrs. Joseph1917
Ball, Raymond N.1971
Ball, Raymond N.1946
Ball, Lloyd Benton1925
Ball, Raymond Nathaniel1946
Ball, Raymond Nathaniel1928
Ball, Raymond Nathaniel1940
Ball, Lloyd B.1914
Ball, Raymond N.1961
Ball, Raymond N.1961
Ball, Raymond N.1961
Ball, Raymond N.1961
Ballantyne, M. Jeanete1895
Ballantyne, Jeanette M. 1890
Ballantyne, Jeanette M. 1890
Ballantyne, M. Jeanette1895
Ballinger, Beatrice 1928
Balser, Benjamin Harris1928
Baltimore Dairy Lunch Rooms1902
Bamber, John 1894
Bamber & Williams1891
Bancroft, Ellis W.1895
Band Concert, Genesee Valley Park1905
Bandstand at Edgerton Park1923
Banister, Iris Jean Sulce1994
Bank Building, 18531976
Bank of Monroe1894
Bank of Monroe1891
Bank of Monroe1888
Bank of Monroe1893
Bank of Monroe1885
Bank of Monroe1893
Bank of Rochester1881
Banning, George Albert1924
Banning, George Albert1924
Banquet Scene in Corinthian Hall, 18511945
Banquet Scene in Corinthian Hall, 18511973
Bantel, George 1895
Bantel, George 1895
Bantel, Joseph 1895
Bantel's, George, Sons1894
Bantlean, D. 1888
Baptist Temple1923
Barber, D. S.1896
Barber, Charles Russell1895
Barber, Dolphus S.1908
Barber, Charles Russell1928
Barber, Katharine Alice1928
Barber, Hezekiah 1981
Barber, Otis Albert1922
Barber, Otis Albert1922
Barber, Charles 1917
Barber, Charles R.1902
Barber, James C.1902
Barbour, Clarence A.1902
Barbour, Clarence A.1902
Barbour, Clarence Augustus1922
Barbour, Clarence Augustus1908
Barbour, John B.1930
Barbour, Eric Newell1928
Barbour, Clarence A.1922
Bardo, Louis 1897
Bardo, Louis 1897
Bardo, Louis 1897
Bardon, John W.1924
Bareham, Harry James1925
Bareham, Harry J.1914
Bareham, Harry James1922
Bareham, Henry James1925
Bareham, Harry James1922
Bareham, Berniece Kern1928
Barg, Roy Emerson1928
Barge Canal Harbor1934
Barges, Patricia 1994
Barhite, John Albert1928
Barhite, John Albert1925
Barhite, John Albert1895
Barhite, John Albert1895
Barhite, John A.1925
Barhite, John Albert1902
Barhite, John A.1914
Barhydt, Edwin 1895
Barker, Albert N.1895
Barker, George Elbert1908
Barker, George H.1908
Barker, John Harry1924
Barker, Robert C.1908
Barker, William H.1895
Barker, Jared 1981
Barker, Curtis William1928
Barker, Hiram Leonard1928
Barker, Orrin 1928
Barker, Robert Jay1928
Barker, David 1877
Barker, Sarah 1877
Barker, David 1877
Barker, George H.1908
Barker, John Harry1924
Barker, M. J.1893
Barlow, Ronald K.1984
Barlow, William K.1902
Barlow, William Kellogg1902
Barnard, Jehial 1854
Barnard, John 1930
Barnard, W. W.1905
Barnard, John C. 1888
Barnard, William W.1890
Barnard, William W.1890
Barnard, Daniel Dewey1989
Barnard, J. C. 1898
Barnard, John C. 1881
Barnard, Houston 1914
Barnard, James S.1914
Barnard, Houston 1925
Barnard, John 1895
Barnard, Daniel Dewey1979
Barnard, William W.1895
Barnard, William W.1895
Barnard & Simonds Co. (factory)1906
Barnes, Harry Emerson1929
Barnes, Charles R.1895
Barnes, Charles P.1902
Barnes, Charles R.1895
Barnes, Charles Richard1925
Barnes, Frank E.1908
Barnes, Howard Fuller1925
Barnes, Charles Richard1925
Barnes, Eli 1981
Barnes, Charles Richard1922
Barnes, Charles R.1895
Barnes, William H.1959
Barnes, William H.1939
Barnes, Charles Richard1922
Barnes, A.M.C. 1994
Barnes, Doris Anna1928
Barnes, George James1928
Barnes, Hiram Wilbur1928
Barnes, May 1928
Barnett, Walter George1929
Barnett, Walter George1911
Barnett, George F.1908
Barnett, George F.1895
Barnett, George F.1908
Barnett, Walter George1903
Barnett, Walter George1911
Barney, John S.1895
Barney, A. 1981
Barnhart, Mary E.1895
Barnhart, Orrin B.1895
Barnsdale, Harold Hartman1928
Barnum, William R.1895
Barr, William 1895
Barr & Creelman1891
Barr & Creelman1894
Barr Brothers1891
Barrett, C. H. 1888
Barrett, Amos Judson1928
Barrett, Walter G.1903
Barrett, Willett Clark1924
Barrett, John W.1902
Barrett, Thomas E.1895
Barrett, Willett Clark1924
Barrier, Anthony J.1929
Barron, Walter F.1908
Barron, William A.1924
Barron, William A.1924
Barron Coal Shute, Child Street1912
Barrowclough, N. 1891
Barrows, Charles Storrs1902
Barrows, Charles Storrs1908
Barrows, Howard A.1908
Barrows, Howard A.1908
Barrows, Donald S.1922
Barrows, Charles Storrs1928
Barrows, Charles Storrs1908
Barrows, Howard A.1908
Barrows, Howard A.1905
Barrows, T. Fred1902
Barrows, William P.1917
Barrows, Charles Storrs1959
Barrows, Charles Storrs1939
Barrows, Willard 1959
Barrows, Donald S.1922
Barrus, George Latta1928
Barry, Charles Patrick1928
Barry, Clay Goodloe1928
Barry, Elizabeth Farber1928
Barry, Jessie Woodams1928
Barry, Robert Francis1928
Barry, Thomas Francis1928
Barry, William Crawford1928
Barry, William Crawford1928
Barry, Peter 1961
Barry, Peter 1961
Barry, Peter 1961
Barry, Peter 1961
Barry, William C.1914
Barry, James C. 1891
Barry, Patrick 1970
Barry, Patrick 1895
Barry, Arthur 1929
Barry, Patrick 1893
Barry, Patrick 1959
Barry, Arthur G.1911
Barry, Edmund Burton1924
Barry, Michael A.1908
Barry, Patrick 1984
Barry, Patrick 1925
Barry, Patrick 1908
Barry, Patrick 1908
Barry, William Crawford1925
Barry, William Crawford1903
Barry, Charles P.1893
Barry, Patrick 1971
Barry, Patrick 1893
Barry, Peter 1988
Barry, William C.1893
Barry, Arthur 1911
Barry, Patrick 1895
Barry, Patrick 1971
Barry, Edmund Burton1924
Barry, Mrs. Arthur1917
Barry, Mrs. Patrick1984
Barry, Mrs. William C.1917
Barry, Patrick 1902
Barry, Patrick 1908
Barry, Patrick 1979
Barry, Patrick 1949
Barry, Patrick 1976
Barry, Patrick 1984
Barry, Patrick 1908
Barry, Patrick 1925
Barry, Peter 1979
Barry, Peter 1984
Barry, W. C.1917
Barry, William 1905
Barry, William 1984
Barry, William C.1903
Barry, William C.1902
Barry, William C.1925
Barry, William C.1908
Barry-Lindsay House1984
Barry-Lindsay house1984
Barss, Margaret Fitch1928
Barstow, Ralph M.1917
Bartels, John F.1905
Barthelmes, Kurt 1925
Barthelmes, Kurt 1925
Bartholmay, Henry 1895
Bartholomay, Henry 1890
Bartholomay, Henry 1890
Bartholomay, Henry 1895
Bartholomay, William 1895
Bartholomay Block1890
Bartholomay Brewery1915
Bartholomay Brewery Co.1890
Bartholomay Brewery Co.1890
Bartholomay Brewery Company1899
Bartholomay Brewing1892
Bartholomay Brewing Co.1881
Bartholomay Brewing Co.1884
Bartholomay Brewing Co.1891
Bartholomay Pavilion1899
Bartholomay Pavilion 18901979
Bartholomay Pavilion, at Charlotte1890
Bartholomew, Edward W.1925
Bartholomew Master Plan1979
Bartlett, Albert J.1911
Bartlett, Thomas J.1895
Bartlett, Albert J.1911
Bartlett, Albert J.1929
Bartlett, Harold F.1928
Bartlett, Violet Jackling1928
Bartlett, Murray 1902
Bartlett, Murray 1902
Bartlett, Murray 1902
Bartold, George S.1925
Bartold, George S.1925
Bartold, George S.1922
Bartold, George S.1922
Barton, Charles Lewis1908
Barton, E. James1903
Barton, Lester Clement1924
Barton, E. James1903
Barton, Lester Clement1924
Barton, Alvin Lester1928
Barton, Julia Carman1928
Bascom, Frank Tully1928
Bascom & Morgan1891
Bass, J. Floyd1928
Bass, John E.1895
Bass, Loring 1895
Bassett, Ann Clarke1928
Bassett, Helen E.1959
Bassett, Jason 1959
Bassett, William T.1902
Bastian, Aria Van Houten1928
Bastian, Frederick Evert1928
Bastian Brothers Co.1934
Bastow, Earle C.1961
Bateman, William W.1924
Bateman, William W.1924
Bates, Albert Edward1930
Bates, Russell C.1877
Bates, Mrs. Russell C.1877
Bates, Russell C.1877
Bates, Alice Pease1895
Bates, Arthur Henry1928
Bates, Enid Morris1928
Bates, Alice Pease1894
Bates, Joseph 1981
Bates, Phineas 1981
Bates-Ryder House, 1399 East Ave.1974
Batho, Alfred Bruce1925
Batho, Alfred B.1925
Batson, William Henry1930
Battams, Anna Laura1928
Batty, Ethelyn Butcher1928
Batzer, Walter A.1959
Bauer, William H.1911
Bauer, George J.1925
Bauer, George J.1908
Bauer, John William1924
Bauer, Walter J.1924
Bauer, William H.1903
Bauer, George J.1925
Bauer, John William1924
Bauer, Walter J.1924
Bauer, William H.1903
Bauer, Norman Augustus1928
Bauer, William H.1911
Baum, Leo A.1929
Baum, Margaret Hays1984
Baum, Isaac A.1912
Baum, Morton J.1961
Baum, Isaac A.1908
Bauman, William H.1929
Bauman, William H.1911
Bauman, William H.1911
Baumann, Edward P.1903
Baumann, Edward P.1903
Baumer, John C.1902
Baumer, J. C. 1894
Baumgras, Harold 1959
Bausch, John Jacob1971
Bausch, John Jacob1922
Bausch, John Jacob1971
Bausch, Edward 1971
Bausch, Edward 1956
Bausch, Edward 1902
Bausch, Florence 1917
Bausch, George R.1905
Bausch, Henry 1903
Bausch, J. J.1949
Bausch, J. J.1905
Bausch, J. J.1895
Bausch, John 1976
Bausch, John J.1979
Bausch, John Jacob1984
Bausch, John Jacob1925
Bausch, John Jacob1902
Bausch, John Jacob1908
Bausch, John Jacob1971
Bausch, John Jacob1915
Bausch, John Jacob1908
Bausch, Mrs. Edward1917
Bausch, William 1902
Bausch, William 1903
Bausch, William 1917
Bausch, E. E.1895
Bausch, Edward 1915
Bausch, Edward 1908
Bausch, Henry 1908
Bausch, Henry 1903
Bausch, John Jacob1984
Bausch, John Jacob1915
Bausch, John Jacob1925
Bausch, John Jacob1908
Bausch, John Jacob1895
Bausch, John Jacob1908
Bausch, William 1915
Bausch, William 1908
Bausch, William 1903
Bausch, Edward 1956
Bausch, William 1914
Bausch, Edward 1922
Bausch, John Jacob1922
Bausch, William 1922
Bausch, Edward 1940
Bausch, Edward 1928
Bausch, Edward 1960
Bausch, John Jacob1960
Bausch & Lomb1885
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.1888
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.1890
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.1890
Bausch and Lomb1915
Bausch and Lomb Factory1979
Bausch and Lomb Factory in 18801976
Bausch and Lomb Optical Company1890
Bausch and Lomb Optical Company1890
Bausch and Lomb Optical, N. St. Paul Street1888
Bausch and Lomb, 18881984
Bausch and Lomb, glass furnace ca 19171970
Bausch, E. E., & Son1890
Bausch, E. E., & Son1890
Bausch, E. E., & Son1888
Bausch, E. E., & Son1894
Bausch, E. E., & Son1898
Baxter, Clarence S.1924
Baxter, Florus R.1902
Baxter, Floyd L.1924
Baxter, James D.1929
Baxter, Clarence S.1924
Baxter, Floyd L.1924
Bay Street Ballgrounds, 19091980
Bay View House, Irondequoit Bay, Rochester1882
Baybutt, John William1928
Bayer, Edna Elizabeth1928
Bayliss, Charles Edward1902
Beach, Daniel M.1917
Beach, Frank N.1905
Beach, Fred H.1902
Beach, Fred Hosmer1902
Beach, Frederick H.1902
Beach, Mrs. Daniel M.1917
Beach, Daniel Beers1895
Beach, Daniel Beers1895
Beach, Daniel Magee1925
Beach, Daniel Magee1908
Beach, Fred H.1908
Beach, Ina Edridge1928
Beach, Martha Winifred1928
Beach, Mina Madeleine1928
Beach, William Henry1928
Beach, William Howard1928
Beach, Fred H.1913
Beach & Neidinger1898
Beachel, Frederick V.1911
Beachel, Frederick V.1911
Beachel, Frrederick V.1903
Beachel, Frederick V.1903
Beachy, Lincoln 1989
Beadle and Sherburne Company, 142 East Main Street, Dry Goods, etc.1899
Beahan, C. C.1917
Beahan, Mrs. Charles1917
Beahan, C. C. 1894
Beahan, Charles Carr1908
Beahan, James 1895
Beahan, Charles Carr1928
Beakes, Charles Curtis1924
Beakes, Charles Curtis1924
Beal, Alpha Reeve1925
Beal, Alpha R.1925
Beall, Edith Teare1928
Beall, Edwin Rufus1928
Beaman, Cassius 1895
Bear, Abe 1924
Bear, Abe 1924
Beard, William S.1903
Beard, William S.1903
Beardsley, Warren F.1895
Beardsley, Mrs. Harry1917
Beardsley, Charles J.1929
Beattie, Patrick C.1925
Beattie, Patrick C.1925
Beatty, Isaac 1981
Beaty, Thomas 1895
Beaumont, Frank Marion1924
Beaumont, Frank M.1924
Beaumont, Frank William1922
Beaumont, Frank Marion1922
Beautiful Chili Avenue1905
Beaven, Albert William1922
Beaven, Albert W.1961
Beaven, Albert William1930
Beaven, Albert William1930
Beaven, Albert William1922
Beaven, Paul Webley1928
Bechtold, Charles B.1914
Bechtold, Charles B.1925
Bechtold, Charles B.1903
Bechtold, Charles B.1908
Bechtold, Charles B.1903
Bechtold, Elmer G.1924
Bechtold, Charles B.1903
Bechtold, Charles B.1903
Becker, Joseph L.1924
Becker, DeWitt C.1903
Becker, Joseph L.1924
Becker, Willard Charles1928
Becker, DeWitt C.1913
Becker, Justus 1930
Beckley, John Newton1890
Beckley, John Newton1890
Beckley, Walter Riley1928
Beckley, John N.1902
Beckley, John Newton1925
Beckley, John Newton1902
Beckley, John Newton1893
Beckley, John Newton1902
Beckley, John Newton1925
Beckley, John Newton1908
Beckley, John Newton1895
Beckley, John Newton1922
Beckley, John N.1893
Beckley, John Newton1922
Beckley Building1893
Beckley Building1893
Bedell, Johnson 1964
Beebe, Mrs. Orlow1877
Beebe, Orlow 1877
Beebe, Albert P.1903
Beebe, J. H.1902
Beebe, Albert P.1903
Beebe, Asa 1895
Beedle, Ichabod 1895
Beedle, Zenas Paine1895
Beedle, Almon 1964
Beedle, John 1964
Beeker, W. D.1905
Beers, George J.1924
Beers, George J.1924
Beers, William H.1925
Beers, William H.1922
Beers, William H.1922
Beers Brothers Thermostat1909
Beesch's Ice Cream1912
Begy, Philip C.1907
Behn & Young1884
Behnke, William 1915
Beilby, George Everett1902
Beir, Martin 1902
Beir, Martin 1895
Beir, Martin 1891
Beir, Asher 1912
Beir, Martin 1912
Beir, Edward J.1908
Beir, Edward J.1903
Beir, Martin 1908
Beir, Asher 1912
Beir, Edward J.1912
Beir, Joseph 1912
Beir, Martin 1912
Beir, Martin 1895
Beir & Curtis1894
Belcher, Bert 1924
Belcher, Bert 1924
Belding, Homer 1895
Belding, H. 1885
Belding, Fred Sherwood1902
Belding, W. Homer1902
Bell, Joseph 1924
Bell, Robert 1877
Bell, Thomas 1894
Bell, Christopher 1994
Bell, Maurice 1994
Bell, Frederick Gladstone1928
Bellamy, Archibald W.1908
Bellinger, Charles H.1895
Bellinger, Moses 1902
Bellinger, Moses C.1895
Belmegis, Heppocrates 1924
Belmegis, Heppocrates 1924
Belmont, George Louis1924
Belmont, George Louis1924
Bemish, Richard 1902
Bemish, Richard W.1908
Bemish, George Henry1928
Bemish, Samuel 1890
Bemish, Samuel 1890
Bemish & Finley1884
Bencraft, Joseph 1981
Bender, Philip A.1902
Bender & Schauman1891
Bender Bros.1902
Benedict, Abram 1912
Benedict, Enos S.1964
Benedict, Allen 1895
Benedict, Edgar 1895
Benedict, Maurice D.1924
Benedict, Maurice D.1924
Benham, Leon L.1917
Benham, Harry S.1902
Benjamin, S. M.1912
Benjamin, Daniel Smith1928
Benjamin, Hyman Bernard1928
Benjamin, S. M.1912
Benjamin Birdsell, Jr., residence of1858
Benjamin Campbell's Third Ward Mansion1979
Benjamin E. Chase, residence of1890
Benjamin Fellows, residence and farm of, Chili1877
Benjamin Sheldon, residence of, Chili1877
Bennedick, Mr. 1981
Bennett, Samuel 1981
Bennett, Burton Greene1922
Bennett, Burton G.1914
Bennett, Horace L.1895
Bennett, Horace L.1890
Bennett, Horace L.1890
Bennett, William M. 1891
Bennett, Burton Greene1908
Bennett, Charles O.1908
Bennett, Frederick Strassenbu1924
Bennett, James B.1903
Bennett, Stephen 1895
Bennett, William Edward1924
Bennett, Burton Greene1902
Bennett, Frederick S.1924
Bennett, James P.1903
Bennett, William Edward1924
Bennett, Burton Greene1922
Bennett, Hervey Edward1959
Bennett, Horace L.1895
Bennett, James B.1911
Bennett, James B.1911
Bennett, James B.1929
Bennett, Helen Holden1928
Bennett, Hervey Edward1928
Bennett, Walter McCall1928
Benson, Lee H.1959
Bent, Samuel R.1908
Bent, Samuel R.1908
Bentham, Donald W.1959
Bentley, Sardius DeLancey1908
Bentley, Sardius D.1908
Bentley, Ruth Beatrice1928
Bentley, Sardius DeLancey1928
Benton, Charles 1928
Benton, George A.1908
Benton, George A.1903
Benton, George A.1984
Benton, George A.1890
Benton, George A.1890
Benton, George A.1984
Benton, George A.1902
Benton, George A.1908
Benton, George A.1905
Benton, George A.1902
Benton, George Alden1902
Benton, George A.1903
Benvenuto, James 1989
Benz, William 1897
Benz, William 1897
Benz, William 1897
Benzoni, Herbert John1928
Berg, Franz 1915
Bergener, Charles 1908
Bergener, Charles 1908
Berger, Samuel 1928
Berger, Frank 1891
Berinstein, A. M.1912
Berith Kodesh Temple1912
Berman, Helen Beatrice1928
Bernard F. Dunn, Cigars, 226 E. Main Street1899
Bernhard, John A.1908
Bernhard, Henry A. 1891
Bernhardt, Philip 1928
Bernis, William Janowsky1928
Bernstein, Philip S.1961
Bernstein, Jeremy 1971
Bernstein, Philip S.1971
Berridge, William R.1895
Berry, Chester Theodore1924
Berry, Thomas C.1895
Berry, George Ricker1930
Berry, Chester T.1924
Bertin, Eugene M.1959
Bertsch, Adam 1898
Bertsch Brothers1894
Besemer, Arthur 1908
Bessunger & Bronson1884
Best, Wyoma 1972
Best, Wyoma 1972
Beth Hamedresh Hagodel Congregation1912
Bethel Free Church, Washington Street, between Buffalo Street and the Er Canal1838
Betten, Anthony Jacob1928
Betteridge, Walter Robert1928
Betteridge, J. E. 1891
Betteridge, Walter Robert1930
Betteridge, Walter Robert1930
Bettin, Roger B.1979
Bettridge House, 253 Bettridge Road, Riga Township1978
Bettys, Raymond Marshall1928
Betz, Carl Frederic William1928
Betz, Henry 1928
Betz, Martha 1928
Betz, William 1928
Bevalacqua, Frank 1924
Bevalacqua, Frank 1924
Bevans, George 1924
Bevier Building1944
Bevier Memorial Building, 42 S. Washington Street1982
Beyer, Joseph B.1924
Beyer, Joseph B.1924
Bezant, Vina Biggart1928
Bickford, Marjorie Louise1928
Bickford, Milton Frederick1928
Bickford, Addison E.1908
Bickford, Addison Edwin1902
Bickford, Edward Clarence1902
Bickford, Addison E.1908
Bicknell House, 63 Spring Street1944
Bidelman, Ruth Frances1928
Bidwell, Stephen Leon1928
Bidwell, William Millham1928
Bidwell, Charles H.1913
Biedenbach, Anthony 1907
Biegler, J. A.1890
Biegler, J. A.1890
Biel, Frank H.1925
Bier, Edward J.1903
Bigelow, Mrs. Lewis1917
Bigelow & Osborne1884
Bijou Dream Theatre, ca 19101970
Billinghurst, Thomas 1981
Billinghurst, William 1981
Billinghurst, J. H.1895
Billings, Lewis J.1895
Billington, Thomas 1929
Bills, George M.W.1890
Bills, George M.W.1890
Bills, James Franklin1928
Bing, Bertha 1902
Bingeman, Melissa 1940
Bingeman, John S.1908
Bingeman, John S.1902
Bingeman, John S.1908
Bingham, James R.1895
Bingham, Arthur Ward1928
Binswanger, M. 1894
Birch, Benjamin 1898
Birch, Benjamin 1895
Birchard, Eli 1981
Birds-eye view from Chamber of Commerce1896
Birds-eye view of Rochester in 18531895
Birdsall, Joseph 1981
Birdsall, John J.1903
Birdsall, John J.1903
Birdsey, Charles E.1929
Birdseye view of Exposition Park1911
Bisgood, John 1895
Bisgood, John 1895
Bishop, Edna Cate1928
Bishop, Edwin Pancost1928
Bishop, Frank Backus1928
Bishop, David W.1959
Bishop, Florence England1959
Bissell, Elmer Jefferson1895
Bissell, Charles J.1905
Bissell, Charles J.1984
Bissell, Charles Judd1902
Bissell, Elmer J.1902
Bissell, J.E. 1890
Bissell, J.E. 1890
Bissell, Charles J.1984
Bissell, Elmer Jefferson1895
Bissell, Josiah 1960
Bissell, Willard Parker1928
Bittner, John A.1897
Bittner, John A.1897
Bittner, John A.1897
Black, William E.1924
Black, A. William1925
Black, William E.1924
Blackford, Samuel 1895
Blackledge, Frank 1959
Blackmon, Charles Dana1928
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown1984
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown1985
Blackwell, Antoinette Brown1995
Blaesi, Ruth Elizabeth1928
Blakeney, I. W. 1881
Blast Furnace, Charlotte1911
Blatt, Ralph Paul1928
Blauvelt, Arthur Erwin1961
Blewer, George W.1924
Bliss, Henry Dwight1928
Bliss', Miss, School1885
Bloch, Leopold 1908
Bloch, Leo 1902
Block, Kenwood Merton1928
Block, Wilton Alvin1928
Block, Alvin 1895
Block, Alvin 1895
Block, Otto 1959
Block, Otto 1939
Block, Charles W.1914
Block, Alvin 1895
Block, Alvin 1895
Block, Otto 1888
Block of the First National Bank, Brockport1877
Blodgett, Giles 1981
Blood, C. H.1898
Bloomer, Reuben Holmes1928
Bloss, Harry Walker1928
Bloss, William Clough1994
Bloss, Joseph Blossom1894
Bloss, Earl C.1925
Bloss, Joseph B.1908
Bloss, Joseph Blossom1902
Bloss, William C.1902
Bloss, William Clough1895
Bloss, William Clough1971
Bloss, William Clough1971
Bloss, Joseph Blossom1895
Bloss, William C.1895
Bloss, William Clough1970
Bloss, Earl Charles1925
Bloss, Joseph B.1908
Bloss Tavern, East Avenue, old Brighton Village1970
Blossom, Peter Abram1928
Blossom, Thomas Edward1928
Blossom, Enos 1981
Blossom, Peter Abram1908
Blue Eagle Jail, Court Street1970
Blum, William 1928
Blum, Norbert J.1959
Blumenstein, Joseph 1925
Blumenstiel, Joseph 1925
Blumenstiel, Helen Alpiner1928
Blumenstiel, Monroe Alpiner1928
Blush, Hattie Ferguson1928
Bly, Halton Davis1928
Bly, Myron Tuthill1928
Bly, Perry Amidon1928
Bly, Halton Davis1984
Bly, Myron Tuthill1895
Bly, Myron Tuthill1895
Bly, William B.1895
Bly, Douglas 1877
Bly, Douglas 1877
Bly, Halton D.1984
Bo, Sigurd 1925
Bo, Sigurd 1925
Boardman, Emily 1895
Boardman, Washington 1895
Boardman, Enos 1929
Boardwalk at Charlotte, ca 1880's1949
Boardway, Earl F.1959
Boddy, Charles 1925
Boddy, Edmond C.1903
Boddy, Marian C.1928
Boddy, Charles 1925
Boddy, Edmond C.1903
Boddy, Thomas, & Son1894
Boddy, Thomas, & Son1891
Bode, Frederick Chester1928
Boehm, David O.1984
Boehm, David O.1984
Boehm, Michael J.1911
Boehm, Michael J.1929
Boehm, Jr., Michael 1911
Bohachek, Edward 1895
Bohacket, Marion Taylor1928
Bohacket, Herbert H.1959
Bohrer, Arthur 1924
Bohrer, Arthur 1924
Bohrod, Milton G.1992
Boller, John 1891
Boller, Ezra J.1917
Bolton, James Gordon1924
Bolton, Tthomashomas 1888
Bolton, James Gordon1924
Bolton, Thomas H., Jr.1924
Bolton, William R.1895
Bolton, Thomas 1893
Bolton, Thomas 1888
Bolton, T. 1884
Bolton, Thomas 1885
Bolton, Albert J.1914
Bolton, Jr., Thomas H.1924
Bond, Theodore 1902
Bond, Amy 1877
Bond, Zebedee 1877
Bond, Zebedee 1877
Bond, Mildred Benedict1928
Bond, Milton Edward1928
Bond Clothing Factory Construction, 19471979
Bondbright, Mrs. George D.B.1917
Bonney, Elijah H.1889
Bonstelle, Jessie 1984
Boody, Azariah 1979
Boody, Azariah 1989
Booker, W. H. 1891
Bookout, Raymond 1928
Boon, William 1905
Boorman, Frederick F.1913
Booth, James E.1893
Booth, Edwin 1976
Booth, James E.1902
Booth, Mrs. R.1917
Boothby, William Bell1925
Boothe, Reuben N.1895
Borate, Frederick M.1924
Borchard, Ellen Ione1928
Boree, Charles H.1929
Borelli, Giuseppe 1924
Borelli, Giuseppe 1924
Borncamp, William Frederick1925
Bortle, George P. 1898
Bortle, George P. 1888
Bortle, George P. 1894
Bossert, Joseph 1924
Bossert, Joseph 1924
Bostick, Nelson 1994
Bostwick, Charles Elisha1928
Bostwick, A. C.1902
Bostwick, Albert 1902
Boswell, Charles P.1902
Bosworth, E. J.1896
Bosworth, Myron H.1877
Bosworth, E. J. 1891
Bosworth, Myron H.1877
Bott, Raymond John1928
Bott, William J.1914
Bottum, Frank Milton1928
Bottum, Frank Milton1890
Bottum, Frank Milton1890
Bouchard, Oliver 1924
Bouchard, Oliver 1924
Boucher, James H.1902
Boucher, James Halsted1922
Boucher, James Halsted1922
Boucher, James Halsted1895
Boufford, Frank M.1924
Boufford, Frank M.1924
Boughton, Orrin 1895
Boughton, Harvey 1877
Boughton, Horace C.1877
Boughton, Claudius 1981
Bouie, David 1994
Boulls, Trafton 1928
Boureau, Joseph C.1907
Bourtisse, Madame, & Co.1884
Boutell, W. H., & Co.1898
Bovee, Charles Henry1911
Bovee, Charles Henry1911
Bowasack, Delfino 1924
Bowden, H. J., & Co.1884
Bowen, Carroll E.1902
Bowen, Clara Dunbar1928
Bowen, Daniel 1928
Bowen, Katharine 1928
Bowen, Mildred Dewey1928
Bowen, Rieta Fannie1928
Bowen, Willis E.1914
Bower, John 1960
Bowerman, Edwin Roy1928
Bowerman, Manly Hoag1928
Bowerman, Luther B.1895
Bowers, Christian 1903
Bowers, Christian 1911
Bowers, Christian 1911
Bowers, Christian 1903
Bowie, Nathaniel Mortimer1928
Bowker Fertilizing Co.1898
Bowman, John Porter1928
Bowman, Mildred Alice1928
Bowman, George Herman1911
Bowman, William James1911
Bowman, Edward 1924
Bowman, William James1911
Bowman, Edward 1924
Bowman, John 1877
Bowman, William H.1890
Bowman, William H.1890
Bown, George G.1895
Bown, Carlton Fellows1928
Bown, George G.1898
Bown, Andrew H.1914
Bown, Andrew H.1922
Bown, Andrew H.1922
Bown, Andrew H.1902
Bown, Mrs. Carlton1917
Bown, William W.1902
Bowne, Daniel 1930
Boyd, John F.1902
Boyd, John 1981
Boyd, Andrew 1895
Boyd, Thomas S.1959
Boyd, Maggie Y.1994
Boyde, Wendy J.1994
Boyde, Thomas W.1959
Boylan, Charles F.1895
Boylan, Charkes F.1902
Boylan, John P.1946
Boylan, John P.1925
Boylan, Charles F.1895
Boylan, Charles F.1908
Boylan, John P.1946
Boylan, John P.1925
Boyland, John P.1961
Boyle, Pauline H.1908
Boynton House, 1909, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright1970
Brace, E. L. 1898
Brace, E. L. 1894
Brack Container Corporation1934
Bracker, Charles Eugene1928
Brackett, James 1988
Brackett, James 1989
Brackett, James 1984
Brackett, James 1966
Bradford, William 1929
Bradford, William Leslie1992
Bradish, Alvah 1877
Bradley, Frederick Ireton1928
Bradley, John 1902
Bradley, Hugh 1908
Bradley, E. C., & Co.1898
Bradshaw, Charles 1898
Bradshaw, Isaac Leonard1895
Bradshaw, Charles 1891
Bradshaw, Charles 1895
Bradshaw, Charles 1895
Bradshaw, Charles 1902
Bradshaw, Charles 1902
Bradshaw, George 1903
Bradstreet, Nehemiah C.1989
Bradstreet, Nehemiah C.1984
Bradstreet, Roy C.1925
Bradstreet, Michael C.1966
Bradstreet, J. Howard1908
Bradstreet, Roy Cleveland1925
Bradstreet, Nehemiah C.1988
Bradstreet, Willis Wild1928
Bradstreet Mercantile Agency1888
Bradstreet Mercantile Agency1888
Bradstreet's College Preparatory School for Boys1894
Bradt, Chauncey Stevens1922
Bradt, Willard S.1902
Brady, Gilbert 1902
Brady, J. Frank1925
Brady, James 1902
Brady, J. Frank1925
Brady, Gilbert & Co.1890
Brady, Gilbert & Co.1890
Braeman, Ida 1985
Bragdon, Claude Fayette1959
Bragdon, May 1985
Bragdon, Claude 1982
Bragdon, Claude Fayette1976
Bragdon, Claude Fayette1982
Bragdon, Claude Fayette1980
Bragdon, George C.1894
Bragdon, Claude 1976
Bragdon, George C.1902
Bragdon, Claude 1971
Bragdon, Claude Fayette1959
Bragdon, Claude Fayette1939
Bragdon, Claude Fayette1971
Bragdon's New York Central Station, opened in 19141973
Bragg, Seward J.1924
Bragg, Seward J.1924
Braggins, Lois Richmond1928
Brailer, Leo 1895
Brainard, Chauncey 1908
Brainard, Henry C.1925
Brainard, Chauncey 1902
Brainard, Henry A.1902
Brainerd, Mattye Pammenter1928
Braman, Peter D.1924
Braman, Robert C.1924
Braman, A. N. 1891
Braman, Peter D.1924
Braman, Robert C.1924
Bramley, H. W.1917
Bramley, Helen McNall1928
Bramley, Herbert Wright1928
Branchaud, A. D.1908
Brand, George Byron1928
Brandon, Julia 1972
Brandon, Julia 1972
Braun, Walter A.1929
Braunschwieger, Theodore Ernest1928
Brautigan, Gustave C.1929
Brautigm, John A.1907
Brayer, Frank N.1914
Brayer, Arthur Nicholas1922
Brayer, Frank Nicholas1922
Brayer, Henry N.1922
Brayer, John Frederick1922
Brayer, Nicholas 1922
Brayer, Frank Nicholas1925
Brayer, Frank Nicholas1895
Brayer, John Frederick1925
Brayer, Nicholas L.1908
Brayer, John F.1925
Brayer, Nicholas L.1902
Brayer, Nicholas L.1905
Brayer, Arthur Nicholas1922
Brayer, Frank Nicholas1922
Brayer, Henry N.1922
Brayer, John Frederick1922
Brayer, Nicholas 1922
Brayshaw, Mrs.B. 1994
Brazil, Leo J.1959
Brazill, James M.1903
Brazill, James M.1903
Breed, Francis Randall1924
Breese, William A.1897
Breese, William A.1897
Breese, William A.1897
Breese, Burtis B., Jr.1992
Brennan, J. Paul1984
Brennan, J. Paul1984
Brennan, Lawrence S.1902
Brennan, Charles F.1959
Brennan, James 1929
Brennan, Michael 1907
Brennan, Harry T.1929
Brennan, Andrew, & Son1891
Brescia, Adamiano 1924
Brescia, Adamiano 1924
Bresnihan, John J.1908
Bretschneider, Albert 1928
Bretschneider, Albert 1930
Brettell & Wilson1888
Breu, Benjamin R.1924
Brew, Lewis J.1959
Brew, Lewis J.1939
Brewer, James L.1902
Brewer, Allen Mortimer1928
Brewer, James L.1928
Brewer, Mary Lane1928
Brewer's Dock, Lower Genesee River1899
Brewer's Dock, Lower Genesee River1898
Brewer's Landing, Lower Genesee River1911
Brewster, Henry Colvin1979
Brewster, Simon L.1890
Brewster, Simon L.1890
Brewster, William 1854
Brewster, E. Franklin1902
Brewster, Harold P.1903
Brewster, Harry L.1905
Brewster, Harry Langdon1925
Brewster, Henry 1902
Brewster, Henry C.1908
Brewster, Henry C.1908
Brewster, Henry C.1902
Brewster, Henry C.1905
Brewster, Mrs. Franklin1917
Brewster, S. Edward1902
Brewster, S. Edward1905
Brewster, Simon L.1902
Brewster, Simon L.1895
Brewster, W. 1976
Brewster, H. L. 1884
Brewster, E. Franklin1922
Brewster, E. Franklin1922
Brewster, Harold Pond1922
Brewster, Henry Colvin1922
Brewster, Henry E.1893
Brewster, Simon L.1893
Brewster, Harold Pond1903
Brewster, Harry Langdon1925
Brewster, Henry Colvin1902
Brewster, Henry Colvin1908
Brewster, Henry Colvin1895
Brewster, Henry Colvin1908
Brewster, Simon L.1895
Brewster, Henry Colvin1989
Brewster, E. Franklin1922
Brewster, E. Franklin1922
Brewster, Harold Pond1922
Brewster, Henry Colvin1922
Brewster, Dr. 1902
Brewster, Crittenden & Co.1884
Brewster, Crittenden & Co.1888
Brewster, Crittenden and Company1906
Brewster, Crittenden and Company, 44 No. St. Paul, 16 Mortimer Street1899
Brewster, Gordon and Company1899
Brewster, Gordon and Company1906
Brewster, H., & Co.1888
Brewster, H., & Co.1891
Brewster, Jr., E. Franklin1914
Brewster-Burke House1977
Brewster-Burke House, 130 Spring Street1982
Brewster-Burke House, 130 Spring Street, Rochester1974
Brick Church and Pancost Building Fire1905
Brick Church and Pancost Building fire1905
Brick Church Institute, Fitzhugh Street1911
Brick Church, or Second Presbyterian - corner of Fitzhugh and Ann Streets (From O'Reilly Sketches of Rochester, 1838)1984
Brick Church, or Second Presbyterian, corner of Fitzhugh and Ann Streets1838
Brick Church, Pres. (1838)1884
Brick Church, Presbyterian1884
Brick Presbyterian Church1911
Brickle, George 1959
Brickner, Max 1895
Brickner, Isaac Max1912
Brickner, Max 1912
Brickner, Samuel M.1912
Brickner, Max 1912
Brickner, Max 1895
Brickner, Isaac Max1928
Brickner, Isaac Max1925
Brickner, Max 1895
Bridge and Upper Falls1915
Bridgeman, Arthur 1911
Bridgeman, Robert 1895
Bridgeman, Arthur 1929
Bridgeman, Arthur 1911
Bridges, Robert R.1959
Bridges, Robert R.1939
Bridges, Thomas J.1914
Bridle, W. T. 1902
Bridle, W. T. 1891
Bridle, William J.1925
Briggs, Elroy W.1895
Briggs, Franklin H.1908
Briggs, James E.1902
Briggs, James E.1895
Briggs, Theodore C.1946
Briggs, James 1890
Briggs, James 1890
Briggs, James E.1890
Briggs, James E.1890
Briggs, Marsenus H.1890
Briggs, Marsenus H.1890
Briggs, Charles W.1966
Briggs, James A.1897
Briggs, James A.1897
Briggs, James H.1897
Briggs, Theodore 1961
Briggs, Marsenus H.1893
Briggs, Charles W.1895
Briggs, Frederick 1959
Briggs, John W.1959
Briggs, John W.1939
Briggs, Charles W.1988
Briggs, M. H.1893
Briggs, William H.1893
Briggs, Charles W.1984
Briggs, Franklin H.1902
Briggs, James E.1902
Briggs, James E.1895
Briggs, James E.1902
Briggs, Theodore C.1946
Briggs, William S.1902
Briggs, Charles M.1898
Briggs, Edith May1928
Briggs, John Stevens1928
Briggs, Robert Mervyn1928
Briggs, Stephen Leon1928
Briggs, Charles W.1895
Briggs Brothers & Co.1894
Brigham, Willa D.1994
Brigham, Herbert Woodward1925
Brigham, John 1895
Brigham, Milton 1908
Brigham, Orville P.1895
Brightman, Harry Rowe1928
Brightman, Joseph F.1928
Brighton Glen1905
Brighton Presbyterian Church1923
Brindisi, Maurice Anthony1928
Brininstool, Jacob 1877
Brininstool, Mrs. Jacob1877
Brinker, Henry 1895
Brinker, Henry 1895
Brinker, Henry 1895
Brisee, Christopher 1981
Brisee, Michael 1981
Bristol, A. M. 1881
Bristol, A. M. 1884
Bristol, Martin Francis1928
Bristol, A. M. 1888
Bristol, Mrs. T.1917
Britenstool, Jacob A.1895
Britenstool, J. A. 1888
British White Oil Co.1884
Britton, W. N.1903
Britton, Willis N.1903
Broad Street Aqueduct1982
Broad Street Bridge1944
Broad Street Bridge1984
Broad Street Bridge and Aqueduct Buildings1977
Broad Street Bridge and Rundel Building1984
Broad Street Bridge and Rundel Building1984
Brockett, Frederick A.1959
Brockett, Frederick A.1939
Brockett, William 1959
Brockett, William 1939
Brockett, Willis 1959
Brockway, Heil 1964
Brockway, LaMonte Warmke1928
Brockway, Zebulon Reed1959
Brockway, William Northrup1925
Brockway, Heil 1929
Brockway, Herbert L.1914
Brockway, William N.1925
Broderick, Timothy Bert1924
Broderick, Thomas E.1961
Broderick, Thomas E.1961
Broderick, Timothy Bert1924
Brodie, Harry J.1929
Brodie, C. S. 1891
Brodie, Robert J.1959
Broeker, Emil 1905
Broeker, Emil 1902
Bromberg, Charles Eric1924
Bromberg, Charles Eric1924
Bromley, Pliny Miller1895
Bromley, Pliny M.1895
Bromley, Miller & More1898
Bronk, John Stephen1928
Bronson, Amon 1884
Bronson, Abraham 1981
Bronson, Amon 1884
Bronson, Amon 1877
Bronson, Amon 1877
Brooks, Lemuel 1889
Brooks, Micah 1854
Brooks, Thomas 1967
Brooks, Willis Homer1930
Brooks, Edward G.1913
Brooks, James Willard1922
Brooks, Jessie Elizabeth1928
Brooks, Willis Homer1928
Brooks, Thomas 1967
Brooks, Charles D.1895
Brooks, Chauncey Gary1908
Brooks, Frank J.1895
Brooks, Garry 1902
Brooks, Garry 1908
Brooks, Gary 1908
Brooks, George Alvin1908
Brooks, James Willard1924
Brooks, Lewis S.1902
Brooks, Lewis S.1908
Brooks, Louis Brooks1908
Brooks, Raymond P.1924
Brooks, Emma 1908
Brooks, Garry 1908
Brooks, Garry 1902
Brooks, George A.1905
Brooks, George Alvin1908
Brooks, James Willard1924
Brooks, Lewis S.1908
Brooks, Mary MacMillan1908
Brooks, Raymond P.1924
Brooks, Thomas 1902
Brooks, James Willard1922
Brooks & Reynolds1884
Brooks Bros.1884
Brophy, J. P.1905
Brotsch, Frederick A.1908
Brotsch, Frederick A.1908
Brotsch, Frederick A.1908
Brotsch, Jr., Frederick A.1908
Brotz, Herman 1911
Brotz, Herman 1911
Brotz, Herman 1929
Brower, William J.1924
Brower, William J.1924
Brown, Charles J.1895
Brown, Cyrus E.1895
Brown, D. D. S.1895
Brown, Edward S.1895
Brown, Frank M.1895
Brown, George S.1895
Brown, Henry B.1895
Brown, James H.1903
Brown, Keith Edward1924
Brown, LeGrand 1908
Brown, LeGrand 1895
Brown, Leland Clark1925
Brown, Matthew 1984
Brown, Olivia 1895
Brown, Richard 1895
Brown, Robert C.1902
Brown, Robert C.1895
Brown, Samuel 1895
Brown, Selden Stanley1925
Brown, Selden Stanley1908
Brown, Selden Stanley1895
Brown, Thomas A.1895
Brown, William B.1895
Brown, William H.1924
Brown, William John1946
Brown, Catherine 1994
Brown, Joseph B.1929
Brown, Joseph W.1893
Brown, Larry 1994
Brown, Maxine Childress1994
Brown, B. E. 1894
Brown, R. B. 1894
Brown, LeGrand 1895
Brown, Selden Stanley1895
Brown, Harmon S.1922
Brown, J. W.1893
Brown, Charles H., Jr.1922
Brown, Harmon S.1922
Brown, Babette I.1961
Brown, Charles D.1914
Brown, Charles J.1914
Brown, Watson A.1914
Brown, Abner 1981
Brown, Carey H.1940
Brown, Charles 1913
Brown, Daniel 1981
Brown, James S.1913
Brown, B. E. 1898
Brown, William Charles 1898
Brown, Chas. L. 1902
Brown, Charles Sumner1930
Brown, Dernier Deloz1930
Brown, Huldah Strong1984
Brown, Jacob B.1877
Brown, John 1877
Brown, Jonah 1854
Brown, Jonah Mrs.1854
Brown, Jacob B.1877
Brown, F. E. 1888
Brown, James H. 1891
Brown, Milton A.1890
Brown, Milton A.1890
Brown, Selden Stanley1890
Brown, Selden Stanley1890
Brown, Annis Dunn1928
Brown, Antoinette 1994
Brown, Arling Dix1928
Brown, Berton Wellington1928
Brown, Charles Sumner1928
Brown, Dorothy E.1928
Brown, Douglas Walter1928
Brown, Edith Mattie1928
Brown, Francis 1960
Brown, Frank Clark1928
Brown, Henry 1994
Brown, Herbert Rutherford1928
Brown, James Henry1928
Brown, LeGrand 1928
Brown, Linda Schneider1928
Brown, Matthew 1960
Brown, Raymond John1928
Brown, Royal Ward1928
Brown, Selden Stanley1928
Brown, William Edward1928
Brown, William Lewis1928
Brown, Charles J.1902
Brown, Charles J.1905
Brown, Dyer D.S.1902
Brown, James H.1903
Brown, Jonah 1989
Brown, Kieth Edward1924
Brown, LeGrand 1902
Brown, Mathew 1984
Brown, Maxine C.1984
Brown, Robert C.1902
Brown, Samuel 1903
Brown, Samuel 1976
Brown, Selden S.1902
Brown, Selden Stanley1925
Brown, Watson A.1902
Brown, William H.1924
Brown, William John1946
Brown, B. E. 1884
Brown, LeGrand 1895
Brown Brothers Company1912
Brown Brothers Company1906
Brown Co.1898
Brown, Edward C., & Co.1894
Brown, W. G., & Co.1884
Browncroft - residence of Charles J. Brown1913
Brownell, William G.1895
Brownell, Frank A.1908
Brownell, Frank A.1895
Brownell, William G.1895
Brownell, Frank A.1902
Brownell, Frank A.1902
Brownell, Kingsley 1971
Brownell, William G.1928
Browning, Clarence J.1908
Brownson, Isaac 1895
Broxholm, Florence Margaret1928
Brucker, August 1907
Brucker, Gottleib 1907
Bruckner, Earnest 1907
Bruening, William 1946
Bruening, William 1946
Brugler, Mercer 1961
Brugler, Bernice Whitham1928
Brugler, E. Gardner1928
Brugler, John Mercer1928
Brunett, Joseph W.1929
Brunner, Olmsted and Arnold City Plan1979
Brunnett, Joseph W.1929
Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.1891
Brush, John D.1979
Bryan, H. D. 1891
Bryan, Albert L.1929
Bryan, L. H. 1894
Bryan, James S.1914
Bryan, James S.1922
Bryan, Nathan 1981
Bryan, James S.1922
Bryant, Jacqueline 1994
Bryant, Frank 1989
Bryce & Calder1894
Brydges, Henry H.1895
Bryson, Robert 1895
Bryson, Robert 1888
Buchanan, J. M. 1885
Buck, John Francis1928
Buck, George A.1895
Buck, George A.1895
Buck, Thomas D.1914
Buckingham Street1904
Buckland, Leonard 1895
Buckland, Abner 1877
Buckland, Abner 1877
Buckland, Joseph Wales1930
Buckler, Leon H.1924
Buckler, Leon H.1924
Buckley, James 1895
Buckley, James H.1907
Buckley, William P.1907
Buckley, William A.1914
Buckman, Jewell 1924
Buckman, Jewell 1924
Budd, Alden T.1903
Budd, Alden T.1903
Budd, Daniel D.1895
Budd, Elbert Orlando1925
Budd, Alden T.1911
Budd, Alden T.1911
Budlong, Milton 1877
Budlong, Milton 1877
Buedingen, Robert 1922
Buedingen, Carl 1893
Buedingen, Fred 1893
Buedingen, Robert 1922
Buedingen, W. 1893
Buedingen, W., & Son1888
Buedingen, W., & Son1890
Buedingen, W., & Son1890
Buedingen, W., & Sons Co.1893
Bueg, John 1898
Buell, William 1854
Buell, George C.1893
Buell, Duncan W.1959
Buell, Eben N.1902
Buell, George C.1917
Buell, George Candee1902
Buell, George Clifford1902
Buell, Elizabeth 1994
Buell, Jesse Whipple1928
Buell, Walter 1928
Buell, Bela S.1908
Buell, Bela Sr.1895
Buell, George C.1902
Buell, Jesse Whipple1895
Buell, Geo. C., & Co.1888
Buell, George C., & Co.1891
Buell, George C., & Co.1890
Buell, George C., & Co.1890
Buelte, Charles Frederick1925
Buelte, Charles Frederick1922
Buelte, Charles F.1922
Buetle, C. F.1917
Buffalo (West Main Street) looking East 18411979
Buffalo Steam Gauge and Lantern Co.1881
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway1894
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway1893
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot1899
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot1891
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot1890
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Depot1890
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh office building1911
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Company's general office building1906
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Depot1893
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway, automatic coal chute track1912
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Station1898
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh station1911
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Station1892
Buhler, William F.1959
Bulkeley, H. L.1895
Bull, Gordon E.G.1959
Bull, Charles Livingston1980
Bull's Head, corner W. Main and Brown (the flat iron building) ca 19151980
Bull's Head, corner W. Main and Brown Streets (the Flatiron Building), ca 19151980
Bullard, Fisher 1854
Bullard, Gladys Janette1928
Bullard House, 830 Telephone Road, Henrietta Township1978
Bullinger, Balthasar 1908
Bullis, Earl Joseph1928
Bump, Duane A.1903
Bumpus, George A.1908
Bumpus, William H.1895
Bunis, Louis Isador1928
Burberry, William 1902
Burch, Raymond David1925
Burchill, Thomas A.1905
Burchill, Thomas A.1902
Burden, William J.1914
Burdick, William Arthur1928
Burger, Leo Lester1928
Burgess, Edward B.1897
Burgess, Frank R.1903
Burgess, Frank R.1903
Burgess, John A.1902
Burgett, Frank Simon1911
Burgett, Frank Simon1911
Burgett, Frank E.1929
Burk, Budd 1897
Burk, Budd 1897
Burke, Alexander E.1897
Burke, Alexander E.1897
Burke, James 1961
Burke, W. H.1914
Burke, Alexander E.1897
Burke, Charles J.1893
Burke, Edward F.1929
Burke, Thomas M.1929
Burke, William J.1929
Burke, Edward T.1911
Burke, Charles J.1895
Burke, Edward T.1903
Burke, James 1895
Burke, William J.1903
Burke, William Bardwell1928
Burke, Edmund J.1902
Burke, Edward T.1903
Burke, William B.1902
Burke, William J.1903
Burke, Edward T.1911
Burke, Charles J.1893
Burke, J. J.A.1890
Burke, J. J.A.1890
Burke & White1894
Burke residence1892
Burke, Fitz Simons, Hone & Co.1881
Burke, Fitz Simons, Hone & Co.1902
Burke, Fitz Simons, Hone & Co.1888
Burke, Fitz Simons, Hone & Co.1891
Burke, Fitz Simons, Hone & Co.1893
Burke, FitzSimons, Hone and Company1888
Burke, FitzSimons, Hone and Company1899
Burke, FitzSimons, Hone and Company1905
Burke, FitzSimons, Hone and Company, Department store1899
Burkhalter's Market1902
Burling, Karl Castle1928
Burling, George 1895
Burlingame, Herman G.1895
Burlingame, George T.1898
Burne, Forrest Allen1929
Burne, Forrest Allen1911
Burne, Forrest Allen1911
Burnett, Helen Marjorie1928
Burnett, Dewey 1924
Burnett, Giles 1895
Burnett, R. W.1896
Burnett, Dewey 1924
Burnett Printing Co.1898
Burns, John D.1929
Burns, John D.1903
Burns, M. S.1989
Burns, John G.1911
Burns, John G.1911
Burns, Harold James1929
Burns, John 1929
Burns, John D.1895
Burns, John D.1895
Burns, John G.1903
Burns, John J.1903
Burns, William H.1895
Burns, Charles F., & Co.1894
Burr, Edwin S.1902
Burr, Leon 1924
Burr, Ethel Bills1928
Burr, John Edwin1928
Burr, Leon 1924
Burritt, Isaac 1895
Burritt, Stephen D.1895
Burritt, Stephen D.1908
Burritt, Sylvester 1895
Burritt, William I.1903
Burritt, Stephen D.1908
Burritt, S. D. 1898
Burritt, Stephen D.1914
Burritt, Herbert Melville1928
Burrows, Alta Howard1928
Burrows, Walter E.1895
Burrows, George F.1922
Burrows, George F.1922
Burt, Charles Willard1928
Burt Shoe Store1902
Burtis, Charles Henry1928
Burtis Family1994
Burton, Henry Fairfield1928
Burton, Mildred Ruth1928
Burton, Gustavus W.1924
Burton, Mrs. Henry1917
Burton, Andrew P.1930
Burton, Edwin Waite1908
Burton, Gustavus W.1924
Burton, Leonard 1895
Burton Hall, River Campus1937
Busby, Thomas M. 1891
Busby, Thomas M. 1884
Busch, Frederick 1895
Bush, Conrad 1895
Bush, Willard Edward1924
Bush, Abigail Norton1984
Bush, Charles T.1877
Bush, R. E.1877
Bush, Seth J.1895
Bush, Abigail Norton1994
Bush, Henry 1994
Bush, John Fellows1928
Bush, Obadiah Newcomb1994
Bush, Horace F. 1884
Bush, Seth J.T.1895
Bush, Horace F. 1881
Bush, David 1981
Bushman, Andrew 1981
Bushman, Hanford E.1902
Butcher, Ephraim 1895
Butler, Dean L.1908
Butler, Murvale Eastman1924
Butler, Preston W.1895
Butler, M. 1898
Butler, Maguler 1902
Butler, Murvale Eastman1924
Butler, Entwann 1994
Butler, Charles William1898
Butler, Charles William1928
Butler, M., & Co.1884
Butterfield, Clarence E.1895
Butterfield, Edna May1928
Butterfield, Roy Lyman1928
Butterfield, Victor Marcus1928
Buttolph, Milton 1889
Butts, Mulford 1877
Butts, Mulford 1877
Butts, L. Carolyn1928
Butts, Isaac 1979
Butts, Isaac 1949
Butts, Daniel 1895
Butts, Isaac 1895
Butts, Simon 1895
Butts, Truman 1895
Butts, Isaac 1959
Byers, Matthew 1959
Byers, Robert 1959
Byers, James A.1922
Byers, James A.1922
Byrne, Albert 1961
Byrne, Albert 1961
Byrnes, J. H. 1884
Byrnes, Dugan & Hudson1884
Byrnes, Dugan & Hudson1888
Byrns, James J.1907
C. A. Deavenport, Commission House, E. Main Street1888
C. A. Deavenport, Jobbers1890
C. A. Deavenport, Jobbers1890
C. B. Woodworth Sons Co.1912
C. C. Holton, residence of, Elmwood Avenue, Brighton1877
C. C. Meyer, residence of1890
C. D. Cover, Carriages, East Main Street1891
C. E.. Bostwick, residence of1913
C. F. Wray, residence of1913
C. H. Buell, residence of, Spencerport1877
C. H. Carroll, Department Store1899
C. H. Rugg and H.A.O. Corr, residence of1890
C. H. Turver, residence and shop, 39 S. Ford Street1877
C. H. Wilkin, residence of1890
C. J. Vanderbeck, residence of, Parma1877
C. M. Everest, 506 West Avenue1911
C. M. Everest, residence of1890
C. M. Lenhard1912
C. S. Hastings, residence of1890
C. T. Crouch's residence1893
C. T. Ham Manufacturing Company1912
C. T. Ham Manufacturing Company1906
C. T. Ham Manufacturing Company Building1899
Cadle, Charles Langford1922
Cadle, Charles L.1922
Cady, Stephen 1981
Cady, C. S. 1894
Cahill, John F.1903
Cahill, John F.1903
Cahmpagne, Charles 1897
Calder, John 1922
Calder, John 1902
Calder, John 1902
Calder, John 1922
Calder, John 1913
Caldwell, Charles Ellis1928
Caldwell, William Henry1928
Caldwell Manufacturing Co.1890
Caldwell Manufacturing Co.1890
Caldwell Mfg. Co.1898
Caledonia Avenue Auto Company1912
Caley, John T.1925
Caley, Thomas C.1902
Caley, John Thomas1925
Caley, Mary G.1895
Caley, Thomas C.1902
Caley and Nash, Brighton1899
Calhoun, Nathan 1981
Calhoun, Elizabeth 1928
Calhoun, Essie L.1994
Caligraph Typewriter1894
Calihan, Walter Austin1928
Calihan, John 1902
Calihan, Mrs. Martin1917
Calkins, Daniel 1917
Calkins & Crowell1894
Callahan, Charles E.1903
Callahan, Charles E.1903
Callahan, Esther Nora1928
Callahan, Charles E.1903
Callahan, Charles E.1903
Calligan, Charles W.1924
Calligan, Charles W.1924
Callister, Frank B. 1891
Calnan, Harold Wilson1928
Cameron, C. McD.1890
Cameron, C. McD.1890
Camp, Daniel 1981
Camp, Fred 1959
Campbell, John T.1911
Campbell, Wilfred A.1959
Campbell, Wilfred A.1939
Campbell, B. F. 1888
Campbell, E. H.1895
Campbell, Edward C.1908
Campbell, Egbert R.1908
Campbell, H. Herbert1908
Campbell, John T.1903
Campbell, Lindsey Field1924
Campbell, Thomas C.1946
Campbell, John T.1929
Campbell, John F.1911
Campbell, D. D. 1884
Campbell, Edward C.1908
Campbell, John T.1903
Campbell, Thomas C.1946
Campbell, William H.1917
Campbell, William H.1914
Campbell, Benjamin 1960
Campbell, Lucy Stadt1928
Campbell & Hardy1891
Campbell-Whittlesey house1970
Campbell-Whittlesey house (columns)1977
Campbell-Whittlesey house (interior), 123 S. Fitzhugh Street1974
Campbell-Whittlesey house, 123 S. Fitzhugh Street1974
Campbell-Whittlesey house, 123 S. Fitzhugh Street1974
Camping on the Genesee1895
Canadian Troops, Military Parade, Rochester, July 4, 18991899
Cancers at Genesee Valley Park1977
Canfield, James P.1895
Canfield, Richard R.1908
Canfield, Israel 1981
Canfield, Charlotte 1908
Canfield, Richard R.1908
Canfield, Stewart A.1908
Canoeing on river at Genesee Valley Park1912
Canosa, Antonio 1924
Capen, Franklin F.1895
Capen, Franklin F.1964
Capital Union Transfer and Storage Co.1888
Capone, Anthony 1961
Capwell, F. A. 1881
Carballada, Carlos 1984
Cardus, Arthur Lisle1928
Carey, J. P.1917
Carey, A. W.1929
Carey, William J.1914
Carfagna, Vicent J.1984
Carhart, Harry D.1925
Carhart, George S.1928
Carhart, Harry Dunham1925
Carl F. Lomb residence1904
Carlson, Chester 1971
Carlson, Chester 1979
Carlson, Chester 1984
Carlson, Chester 1995
Carlton, Harvey B.1902
Carman, Charity C.1930
Carmen, Florence Elva1928
Carmichael, James J.1925
Carmichael, James J.1925
Carmody, Rose F.1984
Carnahan, George A.1903
Carnahan, George A.1984
Carnahan, George A.1902
Carnahan, Mrs. GeorgeA1917
Carnahan, George Alexander1969
Carnahan, George Alexander1890
Carnahan, George Alexander1890
Carnahan, George A.1988
Carnahan, George Alexander1966
Carnahan, George Alexander1902
Carnahan, George Alexander1895
Carnahan, George Alexander1895
Carnahan, George Alexander1903
Carnahan, George Alexander1984
Carney, Thomas Joseph1928
Caroline Thornell, residence, with portrait, Pittsford1877
Carpenter, Lewis B.1895
Carpenter, Lewis S.1908
Carpenter, Charles 1959
Carpenter, Charles A.1939
Carpenter, Abdiel 1877
Carpenter, Powel 1854
Carpenter, Abdiel B.1877
Carpenter, Caroline E.1877
Carpenter, John H.1877
Carpenter, Mrs. H.1877
Carpenter, Davis 1979
Carpenter, Harry Allen1928
Carpenter, Lois Stevenson1928
Carpenter, Miriam Bagley1928
Carpenter, Davis 1989
Carr, Joseph August1924
Carr, Joseph August1924
Carr, George Harrison1928
Carr, Allen B.1890
Carr, Allen B.1890
Carra, John 1924
Carra, John 1924
Carroll, Charles H.1895
Carroll, Clarence F.1903
Carroll, George G.1908
Carroll, George G.1903
Carroll, John M.1903
Carroll, Joseph J.1924
Carroll, Robert H.1925
Carroll, William 1890
Carroll, William 1890
Carroll, John F.1911
Carroll, John F.1929
Carroll, Martin J.1929
Carroll, John F.1911
Carroll, William 1966
Carroll, Charles H.1895
Carroll, Clarence F.1903
Carroll, George G.1903
Carroll, George Goodrich1902
Carroll, John M.1903
Carroll, Joseph J.1924
Carroll, Robert H.1925
Carroll, S. 1917
Carroll, Catherine Cecilia1928
Carroll, George Gregory1928
Carroll, Hugh Bradley1928
Carroll Building1899
Carroll, Southard & Co.1884
Carson, Charles Henry1913
Carson, William 1922
Carson, Charles H.1902
Carson, William 1902
Carson, William 1922
Carson, Jr., James D.1902
Carstens, Ruth Newbury1930
Carter, David K.1854
Carter, Willie 1972
Carter, Kenneth Pierson1924
Carter, Willie 1972
Carter, Edna DeNio1928
Carter, Helen Jean1928
Carter, Clarence L.1924
Carter, David A.1908
Carter, David K.1908
Carter, Kenneth Pierson1924
Carter, Walter Henry1908
Carter, I. F. 1884
Carter, F. W.1897
Carter, F. W.1897
Carter, F. W.1897
Carthage Wooden Bridge, 18181884
Cartwright, Robert 1895
Cartwright, Louis B.1961
Cartwright, Louis B.1961
Cartwright, Louis B.1961
Cartwright, Robert 1895
Carver, Charles H.1930
Carver, Hartwell 1854
Carver, Dolores Kellogg1928
Carver, Lyman Grey1928
Carver, Merton Ezra1928
Cary, Edward J.1908
Casburn, George 1908
Casburn, George 1895
Casburn, George 1908
Case, Everett C.1924
Case, Honore 1917
Case, Mrs. D.1917
Case, S. G.1917
Case, Earl F.1984
Case, Everett C.1924
Case, Nathan 1895
Case, Hosmer Hodgson1928
Case, Charles 1981
Case, Elijah 1981
Case, Jesse 1981
Case, Nathaniel 1981
Case, Walter 1981
Case Building, 82 St. Paul Street, Rochester, 1882-831974
Casey, Michael Lester Jos1928
Casey, James H.1903
Casey, James D.1903
Casey, James H.1903
Cash, Herbert B.1925
Cash, Herbert B.1903
Cash, Herbert B.1925
Cash, Herbert B.1903
Cash, Herbert B.1914
Cashman, Mary E.1961
Cass, Samuel 1898
Cassebeer, Emilie Frieda1928
Cassebeer, Walter Henry1928
Cassebeer, Walter Henry1959
Cassebeer, Walter Henry1939
Cassett, Thoda 1981
Cassidy, Cornelius C. 1891
Castle, Mrs. Samuel1877
Castle, Samuel 1877
Castle, Samuel 1877
Castle, Kendall B.1914
Castle, Kendall B.1961
Castle, Kendall B.1961
Castle, Wilmot 1914
Castle, Wilmot 1922
Castle, Wilmot 1922
Castle, J. 1984
Castle, Wilmot 1925
Castle, Wilmot 1902
Castle, Wilmot V.1946
Castle, Carolyn May1928
Castle, Harvard De Hart1928
Castle, Kendall Brooks1928
Castle, Marguerite Arnold1928
Castle, Wilmot Vail1928
Castle, Isaac 1895
Castle, Wilmot 1925
Castle, Wilmot 1908
Castle, Wilmot Vail1946
Castleman, John Warrant1925
Castleman, John Warrent1895
Castleman, John Warrant1922
Castleman, John Warrant1922
Castleman, William S. 1884
Castleman, John Warrant1928
Castleman, John W.1925
Caswell, Warren 1895
Cathedral Hall and School1892
Catholic Young Men's Association1904
Caudle, George Burt1928
Cauffman, Joseph 1912
Cauffman, Joseph 1912
Cauffman, Dinkelspiel & Co.1888
Caufield, Patrick 1903
Caufield, Patrick 1903
Cauley, C., & Co.1884
Cawthra, John 1903
Cawthra, John 1903
Cayford, George Hubert1925
Cayford, George H.1925
Cazeau, Genevieve Ida1928
Cazeau, Theodore H.1903
Cazlau, Theodore 1903
Centennial Parade 1934, looking East on Main at Water Street1961
Centola, Guido 1928
Central Avenue Bridge (during 1913 flood)1913
Central Bank1893
Central Bank1894
Central Church of Christ (former First Presbyterian Church), 101 S. Plymouth Street1982
Central Church of Christ (formerly First Presbyterian)1984
Central Hudson Depot1899
Central Livery and Boarding Stables1894
Central Lyceum Bureau1898
Central Maintenance Facility: salt storage building1984
Central Market1895
Central part of Buffalo Street, 18401895
Central part of Buffalo Street, ca 18401984
Central Presbyterian Church1892
Central Trust Company1979
Central Union Transfer and Storage Co.1894
Central Union Transfer and Storage Co.1890
Central Union Transfer and Storage Co.1890
Central Union Transfer and Storage Company1890
Central Union Transfer and Storage Company1890
Cerquone, James Alexander1928
Chace, Benjamin Brow1928
Chace, Bloss Dutton1928
Chace, E. B. 1888
Chace, Benjamin Brow1895
Chace, E. B. 1884
Chace & Myers1881
Chadsey, John H.1914
Chadsey, Roy P.1914
Chadsey, John H.1902
Chadsey, John H.1903
Chadsey, John H.1895
Chadsey, John H.1895
Chadsey, John H.1903
Chadsey, Roy Palmer1903
Chadsey, Roy Palmer1903
Chadsey, Roy Palmer1928
Chadsey, John H.1911
Chadsey, Roy Palmer1911
Chadsey, John H.1911
Chadsey, Roy P.1911
Chadsey, John H.1903
Chadsey, Roy P.1903
Chadsey, Roy P.1903
Chadwick, Daniel 1981
Chadwick, Jeremiah 1895
Chaffee, David Judson1925
Chainless Cycle Manufacturing Co.1898
Chambelain, Ruth Benson1928
Chamber of Commerce1890
Chamber of Commerce1977
Chamber of Commerce (reproduction of Bragdon drawing of new one)1915
Chamber of Commerce Building1979
Chamber of Commerce Building1895
Chamber of Commerce Building1895
Chamber of Commerce Building1898
Chamber of Commerce Building1899
Chamber of Commerce Building1905
Chamber of Commerce Building1899
Chamber of Commerce Building1904
Chamber of Commerce Building1897
Chamber of Commerce Building1906
Chamber of Commerce Building1896
Chamber of Commerce, 55 St. Paul Street1982
Chamber of Commerce, ca 19701970
Chamber of Commerce, Third Industrial Parade1912
Chamberlain, Arthur Van Doorn1928
Chamberlain, Byron Noel1928
Chamberlain, Frank Shaw1928
Chamberlain, John David1928
Chamberlain, Ruth Benson1928
Chamberlain, Philetus 1895
Chamberlain, John Dempster1902
Chamberlain, Philetus 1925
Chamberlain, Philetus 1903
Chamberlain, Nelson 1895
Chamberlain, Osburn E.1908
Chamberlain, Philetus 1895
Chamberlain, Philetus 1895
Chamberlain, Philetus 1925
Chamberlain, Philetus 1903
Chamberlain, Naomi 1972
Chamberlain, A. B. 1891
Chamberlain, Naomi 1972
Chamberlain & Abbott1881
Chamberlain, Jr., Philetus 1895
Chamberlin, James R. 1891
Chambers, Victor John1947
Chambers, George William1928
Chambers, Victor John1928
Champagne, Charles 1897
Champagne, Charles 1897
Chance, Melville C.1908
Chandler, William F.1903
Chandler, George A.1895
Chandler, William Frank1903
Chandler, Marvin 1972
Chandler, William Frank1928
Chandler, Florella 1994
Chandler, Marvin 1972
Channel, Mary Lucas1928
Chapell, Isaac A.1925
Chapin, Charles Hall1895
Chapin, Charles Terry1925
Chapin, Charles Terry1908
Chapin, Charles Terry1903
Chapin, Edward Hall1925
Chapin, Louis S.1895
Chapin, Alvin Ray1928
Chapin, Edward Dwight1928
Chapin, Charles C.1903
Chapin, Charles T.1902
Chapin, Charles T.1903
Chapin, Edward H.1925
Chapin, William W.1917
Chapin, Charles Hall1895
Chapin, C. T.1893
Chapin, E. H.1893
Chapin, Charles T.1914
Chapin, William Wisner1914
Chapin, L. S. 1898
Chapin, Jeremy 1981
Chapin, Moses 1854
Chapin, Charles H.1895
Chapman, Albert 1961
Chapman, Albert K.1961
Chapman, Furlow 1898
Chapman, George 1902
Chapman, Mrs. Eugene1917
Chapman, Thomas Harry1924
Chapman, Ansel 1895
Chapman, George 1902
Chapman, George 1895
Chapman, H. D.1895
Chapman, Thomas Harry1924
Chapman, George Herman1928
Chapman, George William1928
Chapman, Hobart M.1928
Chapman, Harry H. 1894
Chapman, W. D. Son & Co.1888
Chapman, W. D., & Son1891
Chappel, Guy 1895
Chappell, Chase, Maxwell & Co.1888
Chappell, Chase, Maxwell & Co.1881
Chappotin, C. S.1893
Chappotin, Campbell S.1893
Charles Bergener, 325 Glenwood Avenue1911
Charles C. West Co.1912
Charles E. Cunningham, residence of1890
Charles E. Sager's Electric Garage1912
Charles H. Wanzer, 885 East Avenue1911
Charles J. Brown, residence of, Browncroft1913
Charles J. Hill, residence of, with portrait1877
Charles J. Hoffman and Sons1912
Charles J. Staud, 203 Rutgers Street1911
Charles P. Barry, residence of1893
Charles Rau, residence and block of, 108 Clinton Street1877
Charles Salmon Grocer1890
Charles Salmon Grocer1890
Charles Schied and Sons1912
Charles Stern, East Avenue and Clover Street1911
Charles T. Bush, residence of, with portraits, Hamlin1877
Charlotte Beach1888
Charlotte Grammar School1922
Charlotte High School1922
Charlotte High School1937
Charlotte Iron Works1888
Charlotte Pier1977
Charlotte, Cottage Dr. E. M. Moore, Jr.1896
Charlotte, Summer Cottage, D. L. Hayes1896
Charlotte, summer cottage, D. L. Hayes1896
Charlotte, Summer Cottage, E. N. Curtise1896
Charlotte, summer cottage, Edgar N. Curtice1896
Charlton, John 1908
Charlton, John 1895
Charlton, John 1902
Charter, Francis 1981
Charter, John 1981
Chas. S. Baker's residence1893
Chase, Isaac 1877
Chase, Mrs. Isaac1877
Chase, Isaac 1877
Chase, Benjamin E.1902
Chase, Lewis 1905
Chase, Benjamin E.1895
Chase, Harry A.1908
Chase, James Darwin1895
Chase, David Remer1928
Chase, Isaac 1994
Chase, Wilbur Darwin1928
Chase, Charles H. 1885
Chase, Benjamin E.1895
Chase & Co.1888
Chase & Co.1884
Chase & Otis1884
Chase and Woodward Seed Company, 18751976
Chase, J. H. Milling Co.1898
Chatfield, J. W.1903
Chatfield, J. W.1903
Chatham Gardens, 19651979
Chatman, Abraham 1961
Chauncey, Asher R.1902
Chauncey B. Woodworth, residence of1895
Chauncey Welcher, residence & portrait, Penfield1877
Cheeseman, Eugene 1930
Cheesman, J. M. 1891
Cheesman, J. M. 1898
Cheesman, J. M. 1894
Cheney, Patricia 1978
Cheney, A. Cole1908
Cheney, William H.1908
Cheney, William H.1895
Cheney, James Edward1928
Cherkauer, Alfred 1979
Chesbro, Fred Myron1928
Chester, Thomas 1994
Chestnut Tree, Highland Park1912
Chief of Six Nations1984
Child, Jonathan 1945
Child, Jonathan 1984
Child, Jonathan 1989
Child, Jonathan 1984
Child, Jonathan 1976
Child, Jonathan 1902
Child, Jonathan 1973
Child, Jonathan 1979
Child, Jonathan 1971
Child, Jonathan 1895
Child, Jonathan 1964
Child, Jonathan 1854
Child, Jonathan 1896
Child, Jonathan 1984
Child, Jonathan 1976
Child, Jonathan 1960
Child, Jonathan 1988
Child, Jonathan 1884
Child, Jonathan 1884
Child's Basin1979
Children's music festival at Genesee Valley Park, 19121980
Children's Pavilion, Highland Park1984
Children's Pavilion, Highland Park1937
Children's Pavilion, Highland Park1899
Childs, Gilbert 1994
Childs, Timothy 1979
Childs, Rufus 1895
Childs, Timothy 1989
Childs, S. H. Company1894
Chili Seminary1877
Chisp, Hugh P.1939
Chittenden, Florence May1928
Chobotsky, Joseph W.1908
Chon, Herman M.1961
Christ Church1895
Christ Church, 141 East Avenue1982
Christ Church, 18551884
Christ Episcopal Church, Pittsford1984
Christian, Wesley John1924
Christian, Wesley John1924
Christian, W. T. 1891
Christie, William H.1903
Christie, William H.1911
Christie, William H.1911
Christie, Edward T.1929
Christie, William H.1903
Christler, Ruth Marguerite1928
Christman's Market1891
Chubb, Alexander 1981
Chubb, Joseph 1981
Chudzinski, Frank 1911
Chudzinski, Frank 1929
Chudzinski, Frank 1911
Church, Pharcellus 1959
Church, Frederick F.1890
Church, Frederick F.1890
Church, John R. 1888
Church, John R. 1885
Church, Frederick F.1895
Church, Sanford E.1895
Church, William S.1903
Church, Mrs. Samuel1970
Church, Samuel 1970
Church, John R.1959
Church, John R.1939
Church, Frederick F.1917
Church House, 6710 Chili-Riga Rd., route 33A, Riga1978
Church of the Blessed Sacrament1923
Church of the Blessed Sacrament1923
Church of the Blessed Sacrament1904
Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Reredos & main altar1923
Church of the Holy Redeemer1892
Church of the Immaculate Conception1892
Church Street, Scottsville1974
Churchill, William 1902
Cieslik, Nellie 1989
Cigarette factory, W. S. Kimball and Company1882
Cilano, Cosmo A.1922
Cilano, Cosmo A.1922
Cilento, Joseph 1924
Cimino, Filippo 1924
Cimino, Vito P.1925
Cimino, Vito P.1925
Circus parade on Main Street, about 18901949
Citucci, Raymond 1924
City Bank of Rochester1881
City Grist-Mill (1838)1979
City Hall1885
City Hall1890
City Hall1890
City Hall1899
City Hall1905
City Hall1882
City Hall1893
City Hall1895
City Hall1890
City Hall1895
City Hall1898
City Hall Annex1984
City Hall Atrium, ea. 19791979
City Hall Square, 18881979
City Hall, 18751979
City Hall, 1950's1970
City Hall, former Federal Building, 30 Church Street1982
City Hall, Rochester, ca. 18751984
City Hospital1892
City Hospital1895
City Hospital1893
City Hospital1890
City Hospital1890
City Hospital1906
City Hospital1908
City Hospital, later renamed General Hospital1976
City Hospital, West Main Street, Rochester1877
City Normal School1922
City Reality Company of Rochester1906
City Springs Brewery and Malt House1891
City-County Office Building, model1979
Ciurca, Sebastian 1924
Civic Center Plan, 19101970
Civic Center Plaza1977
Civil War Monument in Washington Square1979
Civil War Monument in Washington Square1979
Civil War sculpture in Washington Square1977
Civil War Veterans who gave cannon to teachers and pupils of Washington School no. 26, it was later placed in Seneca Park to honor veterans1976
Civitillo, James R.1924
Civitillo, James R.1924
Clackner, Mary Almira1928
Claesgens, Joseph F.1911
Claesgens, George A.1929
Claesgens, Joseph F.1911
Claffey, Pauline Marie1928
Clague, Wegman, Schlicht & Field1884
Clampitt, Gay S.1914
Clancy, John 1924
Clapp, Marian 1928
Clapp, William Dinninny1928
Clapperton, J. H.1896
Clark, Robert B.1911
Clark, Philip 1929
Clark, Robert B.1929
Clark, Morris F.1913
Clark, George Washington1994
Clark, Henry Thomas1928
Clark, Ira Collins1928
Clark, John Porter1928
Clark, Judson Jay1928
Clark, Myrtle Olga1928
Clark, Valma 1928
Clark, William Henry1928
Clark, Brackett H.1902
Clark, Brackett H.1908
Clark, Brackett H.1895
Clark, Brackett H.1908
Clark, Charles H.1895
Clark, E. Payson1925
Clark, Francis 1895
Clark, George C.1895
Clark, George W.1895
Clark, George W.1895
Clark, Henry S.1895
Clark, Herbert M.1895
Clark, Hiram 1902
Clark, James W.1903
Clark, Brackett H.1908
Clark, Brackett H.1902
Clark, C. S.1905
Clark, Charles 1989
Clark, George W.1895
Clark, George W.1902
Clark, James W.1903
Clark, Milton 1902
Clark, Morris F.1902
Clark, W. N. 1884
Clark, George H.1961
Clark, George H.1914
Clark, Harvey B.1914
Clark, B. H. 1881
Clark, C. J.1913
Clark, Calvin 1981
Clark, Joseph 1981
Clark, Timothy 1981
Clark, Charles 1959
Clark, Robert B.1911
Clark, Robert F.1959
Clark, Charles H.1988
Clark, W. D. 1891
Clark, Charles H.1964
Clark, W. D. 1888
Clark & Co.1891
Clark & Paviour1888
Clark Novelty Co.1888
Clark Novelty Co.1890
Clark Novelty Co.1890
Clark Novelty Co.1898
Clark, B. H., & Son1884
Clark, Ely & Co.1881
Clarke, Freeman 1884
Clarke, Freeman 1989
Clarke, Freeman 1884
Clarke, George Hunt1967
Clarke, Mary Elizabeth 1984
Clarke, Edward Smith1994
Clarke, Freeman 1994
Clarke, Sherman 1994
Clarke, Edward Smith1908
Clarke, Freeman 1902
Clarke, Freeman 1908
Clarke, Freeman 1908
Clarke, George Hunt1908
Clarke, George Hunt1908
Clarke, Isaac Sherman1908
Clarke, Levi Ward1902
Clarke, Levi Ward1908
Clarke, Levi Ward1908
Clarke, George H.1967
Clarke, Freeman 1960
Clarke, Freeman 1979
Clarke, Freeman 1908
Clarke, Freeman 1908
Clarke, Freeman 1949
Clarke, Freeman 1979
Clarke, George H.1908
Clarke, George Hunt1908
Clarke, J. A.1976
Clarke, Levi W.1908
Clarke, Levi Ward1908
Clarke, Freeman 1895
Clarke, L. Ward1895
Clarke, Freeman 1971
Clarke, Freeman 1895
Clarke, Freeman 1971
Clarke, Levi Ward1895
Clarkson, George G.1988
Clarkson, Alonzo Rochester1928
Clarkson, Marion Elton1928
Clarkson, Charles E.1924
Clarkson, Herbert 1924
Clarkson, George G.1966
Clarkson, George G.1877
Clarkson, Charles E.1924
Clarkson, George B.1902
Clarkson, George G.1902
Clarkson, Herbert 1924
Clarkson Academy, 8343 Ridge Road West, Clarkson1974
Clarlee, W. G.1913
Clasgens, Joseph F.1903
Clasgens, Joseph F.1903
Claudius, Edwin Davis1928
Cleary, Charles J.1924
Cleary, Joseph P.1902
Cleary, Joseph P.1903
Cleary, Joseph P.1908
Cleary, Joseph P.1903
Cleary, Charles J.1924
Cleary, Joseph P.1903
Cleary, Joseph P.1903
Cleary, Joseph P.1895
Cleary, Joseph P.1897
Cleary, Joseph P.1897
Cleary, Stephen 1929
Cleary, Joseph P.1895
Clegg, Albert 1924
Clegg, Albert 1924
Cleland, Winifred Edwards1928
Cleland, Thomas 1981
Clelland, John J.1929
Clement, Benjamin Harris1928
Clement, Frank H.1908
Clement, Frank H.1895
Clement, Frank H.1895
Clement, Frank H.1902
Clement, Frank H.1914
Clement, Frank H. 1881
Clements, Alling 1980
Clements, Lewis D.1908
Clemmons, George D.1959
Clench, F. B.1898
Cleveland, Joseph Cutler1928
Cleveland, Seth D.W.1895
Cleveland, Merritt A.1908
Cleveland, Merritt A.1895
Cleveland, Merritt A.1908
Cleveland, Milo L.1925
Cleveland, Seth D.W.1895
Cleveland, Seth D.W.1913
Cleveland, Merritt A.1908
Cleveland, Merritt A.1908
Cleveland, Merritt A.1895
Cleveland, Milo L.1925
Cleveland, S. D.W.1890
Cleveland, S. D.W.1890
Cleveland & Taylor1888
Cleveland, Biehler & Brewster1884
Cleveland, H. B., & Co.1884
Cliffs of the Genesee - Seneca Park1908
Clifton, Minna 1928
Cline, Charles Allen1928
Clinton, Richard 1895
Clinton Avenue Looking North toward Main Street, 1930's1979
Clinton Avenue North, 1860's1970
Clinton Hotel1891
Clinton Hotel1898
Clinton House, Exchange Street1877
Cloonin, Willliam Clark1911
Cloonin, M. 1976
Cloonin, William Clark1911
Clossey, Felix Harden1928
Clover Street Seminary1970
Club House of the Country Club1899
Cluett, Peabody and Company1906
Clum, Philip A.1902
Clum, Philip Allan1902
Clump. R.p. A., & Co.1891
Clune, Henry W.1961
Clyde Burritt, 111 Seneca Parkway1911
Co-operative Foundry Co.1888
Co-operative Foundry Co.1884
Coakley, Daniel Jay1908
Coates, George R.1908
Cobb, Amos H.1908
Cobb, Amos H.1908
Cobb, Amos Hubbell1925
Cobb, Frederick D. H.1908
Cobb, Frederick D. H.1895
Cobb, Frederick D. H.1895
Cobb, George Watson1908
Cobb, Gideon 1854
Cobb, Gideon 1994
Cobb, Martha Alice1928
Cobb, Amos Hubbell1908
Cobb, Frederick D.H.1908
Cobb, George W.1908
Cobb's Hill Gate House1984
Cobb's Hill Reservoir and Park1913
Cobb's Hill, 1891, 1894, 1895, 1899, 1903, 1904, 19221923
Cober, Rinaldo L.1930
Cochran, Cecil Josephine1924
Cochran, Cecil Josephine1924
Cochrane, Joseph A.1902
Cochrane, James 1903
Cochrane, William B.1902
Cochrane, James C.1895
Cochrane, Cornelius Rice Parso1928
Cochrane, James C.1895
Cody, Buffalo Bill 1976
Cody, Kit Carson1989
Cody, William 1989
Cody, William F.1971
Coe, Charles Marvin1902
Coe, Ralph Tunis1922
Coe, Ralph Tunis1925
Coe, Ralph Tunis1922
Cofield, Milton 1994
Coggswell, Pierce J.1908
Cogswell, Pierce J.1908
Cogswell, Raymond S.1925
Cogswell, Raymond S.1922
Cogswell, Raymond S.1922
Cogswell, William 1890
Cogswell, William 1890
Cogswell, Pierce J.1908
Cogswell, Pierce J.1895
Cogswell, Raymond S.1925
Cogswell, William F.1895
Cogswell, William F.1895
Cogswell, William Nathaniel1928
Cohen, Jean Goldstein1928
Cohen, Samuel Jean1928
Cohen, Peter M.1959
Cohen, Michael 1924
Cohn, Herman Michaels1946
Cohn, Herman Michaels1928
Cohn, Herman 1946
Cohn, Ralph H.1964
Cohn, H. S.1912
Cohn, Henry S.1912
Cohn, Herman C.1912
Cohn, H. S.1912
Cohn, Herman C.1912
Cohn, Herman Michaels1912
Cohn, H. C., & Co.1881
Coit, Charles Pierpont1928
Coit, Frederick Warner1928
Coit, Charles P.1895
Coit, Charles P.1902
Coit, Charles Pierpont1895
Coker, Charles E.1959
Col. Henry A. Strong in Kodak Office, interior1973
Colborn, Earl F.1925
Colburn, Homer N.1924
Colby, Ephraim 1895
Colby, Eugene C.1908
Colby, Oscar P.1908
Colby, Alice Harriet1928
Colby, Eugene Chapman1902
Colby, Oscar P.1908
Colby, Eastman 1854
Cole, Abram 1877
Cole, Otis 1967
Cole, Abram 1877
Cole, Clair M.1895
Cole, Cornelius S.1895
Cole, George M.1908
Cole, Josiah H.1895
Cole, Mary I.1895
Cole, Albert L.1897
Cole, Theodore J.1907
Cole, Albert L.1897
Cole, Albert L.1897
Cole, Otis 1967
Cole, George M.1908
Cole, Charles Frederic1928
Cole, Isaac Orrin1928
Cole, Jessica Requa1928
Cole, Laura Lawler1928
Cole, Ross Platt1928
Cole, Anthony 1885
Colebrook, A. S.1893
Colegrove, Charles H.1930
Coleman, Lloyd Ring1928
Coleman, Lucy N.1994
Coleman, Winfield Irwin1928
Coles, Gregory E.1994
Coles, Howard W.1994
Colfax, Mrs. Schuyler1917
Colgate Rochester Divinity School1937
Colgate Rochester Divinity School1979
Collamer, Charles William1925
Collamer, John B.1908
Collamer, Lodema B.1908
Collamer, Luther 1908
Collamer, Charles William1925
Collamer, Eugene E.1908
Collamer, George R.1908
Collamer, John B.1908
Collamer, John B.1908
Collamer, Luther 1908
College, Charles L.1978
Collier, Morey Smith1928
Collins, Alphonso 1895
Collins, Alphonso 1903
Collins, J. Byron1895
Collins, James 1903
Collins, Alphonso 1895
Collins, Alphonso 1903
Collins, James 1903
Collins, Mrs. M.1917
Collins, Newton Morse1902
Collins, Daniel Francis1911
Collins, Edward William1911
Collins, James 1911
Collins, Newton M.1890
Collins, Newton M.1890
Collins, Daniel Francis1929
Collins, James 1929
Collins, Timothy J.1929
Collins, Daniel Francis1911
Collins, Edward William1911
Collins, James 1911
Collyer, Emma Geraldine1928
Colman, Anson 1960
Colman, Lucy Newhall1985
Colman, John B.1902
Colman, Anson 1908
Colman, Lucy Newhall1984
Colonel Samuel C. Pierce standing at the spot in Reynolds Arcade where Daniel Webster delivered his address, May 23, 18511976
Colson, John Frederick1928
Colt, Sarah A.1895
Colton, Charles M.1902
Colton, Charles M.1902
Colvin, Harold E.1924
Colvin, Harold E.1924
Colvin, John 1981
Colvin, Isaac 1877
Colvin, Clarissa 1877
Colvin, Isaac 1877
Colvin, W. P. 1891
Colwell, Charles 1877
Colwell, Charles 1877
Combe, Emil L.P.1903
Combe, Emil L.P.1903
Combs, Catherine Elizabeth1928
Comerford, James Garrett1925
Comerford, James Garrett1922
Comerford, James G.1914
Comerford, James Garrett1922
Comery, William C.1925
Comfort, Clifford Vinal Crai1928
Cominsky, A. M.1928
Cominsky, Jacob R.1961
Commerce Building, 119 E. Main Street, Rochester, 18941974
Commercial Bank1906
Commercial Bank, 47 East Main Street1899
Commercial Buildings, 1 Main Street, 9 & 13 Market Street, Brockport1974
Commercial National Bank1881
Commercial National Bank1888
Commercial Nurseries1884
Commercial Paper Box Company1915
Commercial Record Co.1898
Common Sense Window Lock Co.1891
Community Savings Bank1979
Community War Memorial1961
Comstock, Anselm 1964
Comstock, Edward A.1908
Conable, Charlotte 1984
Conant, Cornelius 1981
Condon, Thomas J.1903
Condon, James 1929
Condon, Thomas J.1911
Condon, Thomas J.1911
Condon, Thomas J.1903
Cone, Mabel 1928
Congdon, Joseph Victor1928
Congregational Church1944
Congress Hall1884
Conheady, Patrick 1903
Conheady, Patrick 1903
Conklin, Luther 1889
Conklin, Henry Wells1928
Conley, William Joseph1928
Connal, Robert Pearson1928
Connaughty, George H.1907
Connell, William J.1929
Connell & Dengler1884
Connell & Dengler1885
Connellan, John 1959
Connelly, Edward J.1929
Connelly, Catherine Rose1924
Connelly's Grocers1891
Connolly, James C.1903
Connolly, Thomas W.1903
Connolly, James C.1903
Connolly, C. J., & Co.1884
Connor, John 1891
Connor, Thomas Arthur1928
Connors, John 1908
Connors, Thomas F.1908
Connors, John 1922
Connors, John 1922
Connors, John 1902
Connors, John 1908
Conolly, Thomas W.1903
Conolly, Henry 1925
Conolly, James 1898
Conolly, H. & J.1891
Conover, L. A.1895
Conrad, Claude l.1930
Conrow, George L.1902
Conroy, Michael J.1929
Consolidated Roofing Company1912
Conster, Bladwin 1895
Construction of Court Street Bridge, 18931979
Construction of the. Rochester harbor of the Barge Canal, 19191979
Conterman, Adam L.1895
Conti, Edgardo 1961
Convent and School of the Holy Redeemer1892
Convent of the Holy Family1892
Convention Hall1912
Convention Hall facing Washington Square, later used as Militia Arsenal. Now used as Manpower, Inc., offices by the City1976
Converse, Rob Roy M.1959
Converse, Paul Howard M.1922
Converse, Rob RoyM.1922
Converse, Paul Howard McGregor1922
Converse, Rob Roy M.1922
Converse, Horace 1981
Converse, Howard 1917
Converse, Mrs. Howard1917
Converse, Rob RoyM.1908
Converse, Rob RoyM.1902
Converse, Rob Roy M.1908
Convey, Patrick 1903
Convey, Patrick 1929
Convey, Patrick 1911
Convey, Patrick 1911
Convey, Patrick 1903
Conway, Michael W.1914
Cook, Edward J.1914
Cook, E. J.1908
Cook, Fred 1915
Cook, Frederick 1895
Cook, Frederick 1908
Cook, Frederick 1902
Cook, Frederick 1902
Cook, Frederick 1908
Cook, John C.1902
Cook, Martin T.1903
Cook, Willis C.1908
Cook, Martin Thomas1911
Cook, James W.1929
Cook, Robert George1929
Cook, Frederick 1895
Cook, John C.1895
Cook, William F.1895
Cook, Belmont Thompson1928
Cook, James Monroe1928
Cook, Otto Weile1928
Cook, William Edgar1928
Cook, William H.1928
Cook, William Seymour1928
Cook, Abiel D.1908
Cook, Frederick 1902
Cook, Frederick 1915
Cook, Frederick 1908
Cook, Frederick 1895
Cook, Frederick 1908
Cook, John C.1895
Cook, Martin Thomas1903
Cook, R. J.1895
Cook, Willis C.1908
Cook, Willis C.1895
Cook, Frederick 1895
Cook, John C.1895
Cook, Martin Thomas1911
Cook, William F.1895
Cook, Fred 1893
Cook, Erastus 1854
Cook Opera House, interior1976
Cook's Opera House1977
Cook, Charles S., & Son1891
Cook, E. H. Co.1891
Cook, E. H. Co.1888
Cook, E. H. Co.1884
Cook, E. H., & Co.1890
Cook, E. H., & Co.1890
Cooke, Cyrus T. 1884
Cooke, Martin W.1895
Cooke, Martin Warren1890
Cooke, Martin Warren1890
Cooke, Martin Warren1893
Cooke, Martin Warren1928
Cooke, Martin W.1893
Cooke, Martin Warren1895
Cooke, Martin Warren1895
Cooksley, Florence Bradstreet1928
Cooley, William Henry1928
Cooley, Ira Vaughn1924
Cooley, Ira Vaughn1924
Cooley, William Henry1908
Coon, Willis H.1908
Coon, Esther Jeanette1928
Coon, William S.1902
Cooper, Daniel M.1908
Cooper, Daniel M.1902
Cooper, George 1908
Cooper, George G.1903
Cooper, John E.1925
Cooper, William H.1924
Cooper, George 1908
Cooper, George 1895
Cooper, John E.1925
Cooper, Samuel Alexander1925
Cooper, William H.1924
Cooper, Emma Lampert1985
Cooper, Helen 1994
Cooper, Walter 1994
Cooper, George W.1913
Cooper, Colin Campbell1980
Cooper, Emma Lampert1980
Cooper, David Knox1928
Cooper, Lorena Mae1928
Cooper, Thornton K.1928
Cooper, J. & J.1891
Coots, Charles 1959
Coots, Charles 1939
Copeland, Alice V.1928
Copeland, David 1908
Copeland, J. C. 1884
Copeland, J. C. 1888
Copeland & Durgin1894
Copeland, Hall & Co.1881
Copenhagen, Edward 1911
Copenhagen, Henry T.1911
Copenhagen, Henry T.1929
Copenhagen, Edward 1911
Copenhagen, Henry T.1911
Copper Beach Tree, East Avenue1977
Copsey, Albert 1895
Copson, Mrs. T.H.1917
Corbet, Lawrence 1959
Corbett, James C.1908
Corbitt, Robert C., Jr.1895
Corby, Stephen L.1895
Corcoran, Eleanor Marion1928
Corford, David 1897
Corinthian Hall1979
Corkhill, Nelson Gowe1928
Corkhill, Mrs. N.G.1917
Corlett, William George1924
Corlett, William George1924
Corneen, Roger D.1911
Cornell, Walter 1895
Cornell, Silas 1994
Cornell-Weinstein, Linda 1984
Corner, George Washington1992
Corner East Avenue and Stillson Street, 19431979
Corner of Main and State Streets1892
Cornerstone Park1977
Cornes, Thomas 1877
Cornes, Thomas 1929
Cornes, George T.1895
Corning, William 1890
Corning, William 1890
Corning, Timothy B.1895
Corning, William 1895
Corning, William 1895
Corning, William 1893
Corning, William 1893
Corning, Timothy B.1895
Corning, William 1895
Corning, Jr., William 1895
Corning, T. B. & W.1881
Cornish, Samuel R.1914
Cornish, Clement 1895
Cornish, Samuel Ransel1925
Cornish, Samuel Ransel1925
Cornwall, John 1908
Cornwall, John 1895
Cornwall, John 1895
Cornwell, Olive Flint1928
Corona, August 1989
Corpus Christi Church1904
Corpus Christi Church and School1892
Corrigan, D. J.1902
Corris, Albert John1928
Corris, William Robert1928
Corris, W. R. 1891
Corris, Albert J.1914
Corris, Will R.1961
Corris, Jr., W. J.1914
Corser, Runyan & Munz1884
Cortland Wagon Co.1891
Corwin, M. S.1908
Cory, Harvey Lawrence1924
Cory, Edson L. 1891
Cory, David 1902
Cory, David M.1902
Cory, Harvey Lawrence1924
Cosby, Lynnette 1994
Cosmos Hall and Chronos Hall before the fire, 18691976
Cosmos Hall and Chronos Hall before the fire, 18691976
Costello, Thomas J.1922
Costello, Thomas J.1922
Costello & Co.1890
Costello & Co.1890
Costello & Harrah1888
Coster, John H.1959
Costich, Gilbert 1895
Cotford, David 1897
Cotroneo, Anthony V.1984
Cotroneo, Anthony V.1984
Cottage Hotel1970
Cottage Hotel and Pavilion, Charlotte1984
Cottage Hotel, Charlotte1984
Cottage Hotel, from the Lake1899
Cottar, James, Jr. 1895
Cotter, Edward William1924
Cotter, Mary Marguerite1928
Cotter, J. H.1913
Cotter, Edward William1924
Cotter, George C.1929
Cottreall, Joseph Fred1924
Couch, F. D. 1898
Couchman, Frederick Stuart1922
Couchman, Frederick S.1922
Couchman, Frederick Stuart1925
Coulson, Cutler Jones1928
Country residence & portrait of Abner Buckland, Brighton1877
County Court House1893
County Court House, second1979
County Courthouse1896
Courneen, Joseph K.1911
Courneen, Roger D.1911
Courneen, Roger D.1903
Courneen, Joseph K.1929
Courneen, Roger T.1929
Courneen, Joseph K.1911
Courneen, J. 1976
Courneun, R. D.1903
Court House1882
Court House1898
Court House (first), drawing by Basil Hall, 18271970
Court House and City Hall, Rochester1877
Court House and Surroundings in 18271913
Court House and vicinity1891
Court House [and] Rochester Savings Bank1885
Court House, new1895
Court Street Bridge1898
Court Street Bridge1905
Court Street Bridge1911
Court Street Bridge1984
Court Street Bridge1906
Court Street Bridge1906
Court Street Bridge (during 1913 flood)1913
Court Street Bridge (during 1913 flood)1913
Court Street Bridge and Genesee River at night1899
Court Street Bridge and Genesee River at night1899
Court Street Bridge, high water in the Genesee1899
Court Street Foundry1888
Court Street Viaduct1898
Court Street Viaduct1899
Courthouse and City Hall, Rochester1877
Courtney, Francoise Klein1928
Courtney, Lewis B.1895
Courtney, George, & Co.1898
Cousens, George Henry1924
Cousens, George Henry1924
Covell, Edward 1877
Covell, Edward 1877
Covell, Hosea T.1908
Coveney, William Henry1911
Coveney, William Henry1929
Coveney, William Henry1911
Coventry, Frederic S.1925
Coventry, Frederick S.1925
Cover, Chauncey D. 1891
Covey, Alvah 1994
Cowen, Jerome 1928
Cowles, Agnes Kolb1928
Cowles, Harold Ellery1928
Cowles, Joseph 1888
Cowles, Joseph 1881
Cowles, Sylvester 1981
Cowles, J. B.1895
Cowles, H. N.1905
Cowles, H. N. 1894
Cowles, Joseph 1894
Cowles Bros. & Co.1884
Cowles, E. H., & Co.1894
Cowles, E. H., & Co.1893
Cowley, Edward A. 1884
Cox, J. D. 1884
Cox, William 1884
Cox, Patrick 1895
Cox, Charles Patrick1928
Cox, Frank Teal1928
Cox, Isaac 1994
Cox, William 1994
Cox, Patrick 1895
Cox, Patrick 1884
Cox, Patrick 1884
Cox, Charles P.1914
Cox, Gerald F.1914
Cox, William 1891
Cox, Mrs. Charles1917
Cox, Patrick 1902
Cox, Francis E.1895
Cox, John 1895
Cox, Julia 1908
Cox, Mortimer S.1908
Cox, Patrick 1902
Cox Building, 36 - 48 St. Paul Street1982
Cox House, 5015 River Road, Wheatland Township1978
Cox, Joseph T., & Son1881
Cox, P. Shoe Company1893
Cox, P. Shoe Manufacturing Co.1884
Cox, P. Shoe Manufacturing Co.1888
Cox, P. Shoe Mf'g Co.1890
Cox, P. Shoe Mf'g Co.1890
Coxford, David 1897
Coy, Leon 1959
Coykendall, George E.1924
CR. T. French Company]1934
Crafts, Harold Linsley1928
Crafts, Lilian Louise1928
Craib, James 1895
Craig, Henry H.1895
Craig, Oscar 1908
Craig, Oscar 1895
Craig, Oscar 1908
Craig, William Henry1925
Craig, William Henry1903
Craig, Oscar 1890
Craig, Oscar 1890
Craig, H. H.1893
Craig, Oscar 1893
Craig, William Henry1922
Craig, W. H. 1894
Craig, Charles F.1929
Craig, Henry H.1893
Craig, Oscar 1893
Craig, William 1956
Craig, William Henry1922
Craig, W. H. 1898
Craig, H. H. 1884
Craig, Helen Lorraine1928
Craig, Marion Bernice1928
Craig, H. H. 1893
Craig, Henry H.1895
Craig, Oscar 1908
Craig, William 1956
Craig, William H.1903
Craig, William Henry1925
Craig & Crouchs1881
Craig & Vanderbelt1891
Craig, Doctor1885
Cram, George R.1908
Cramer, J. George1895
Cramer, William T.1902
Cramer, J. George 1898
Cramer, J. George 1891
Crandall, Trafton Milford1928
Crandall, C. A.1917
Crandall, Charles F.1959
Crandall, Charles F.1939
Crandall, Charles 1914
Crandall Typewriter1888
Crane, A. 1891
Crane, Joseph A.1903
Crane, Joseph A.1902
Crane, John H.1895
Crane, Joseph A.1908
Crane, Joseph A.1903
Crapsey, Adelaide 1984
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney1908
Crapsey, Adelaide 1971
Crapsey, Adelaide 1984
Crapsey, Algernon 1956
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney1902
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney1971
Crapsey, Adelaide 1984
Crapsey, Algernon 1956
Crapsey, Marie 1928
Crapsey, Adelaide 1985
Crapsey, Adelaide 1959
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney1960
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney1983
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney1959
Crapsey, Adelaide 1971
Crapsey, Algernon Sidney1971
Crapsey, Arthur 1959
Crapsey, Adelaide 1971
Crapsey, Algernon S.1971
Crary, Eli 1895
Crawford, Clayton William1924
Crawford, Clarence Joshua1928
Crawford, Clayton William1924
Crawford, David P.1979
Crawford, R. Kenneth1979
Crawford Funeral Home1979
Creary, James R.1914
Creed & Wilson1891
Creed & Wilson1884
Creed and Wilson Bookbinders, 45 Exchange Street1891
Creegan, William 1905
Creegan, William J.1903
Creegan, William J.1903
Creelman, John A.1895
Crennell, Mary 1984
Crennell, Kate K.1985
Crescent Mills of Thomas Emerson1838
Crescent Mills of Thomas Emerson1838
Crescent Steam Laundry1891
Crimi, Charles F.1984
Crimi, Charles F.1984
Crippen, Oliver 1895
Crippen, Dean G.1925
Crippen, Oliver 1895
Crippen, Sarah 1895
Crippen, Doris Gallup1928
Crippen, Bradley 1981
Cripps, George E.1903
Cripps, George E.1903
Cripps, George E.1902
Crisp, Arthur 1924
Crisp, Arthur 1924
Crisp, Hugh P.1959
Crittenden, William Butler1895
Crittenden, William Butler1895
Crittenden, Wilton Dewey1922
Crittenden, Clara Bessie1928
Crittenden, Henry Lauriston1928
Crittenden, F. & C., & Co.1894
Crocker, Olive Julia1928
Crocker, A. J.1895
Crockett, Arline Bradshaw1928
Croft, James 1895
Crofts, Julia Griffiths1994
Croly, Edwin H.1893
Croly, E. H.1893
Crombie, Edna Olive1928
Crombie, Flora Adele1928
Crombie, Frances Isabel1928
Cromwell, Arthur G.1959
Cromwell, Arthur G.1939
Cromwell, Ivan 1959
Cromwell, James 1895
Crone, Berenice Adwen1928
Crone, Thomas Harold1928
Crone, Edward Reginald1994
Cronin, William A.1924
Cronin, William A.1924
Cronise, Adelbert 1908
Cronise, Adelbert 1928
Cronise, Adelbert 1890
Cronise, Adelbert 1890
Crosby, George N.1925
Crosby, Pauline H.1925
Crosby, George N.1925
Crosby Frisian Fur Company1894
Crosman, Charles Wilson1902
Crosman, Charles Wilson1908
Crosman, Charles Wilson1895
Crosman, George F.1895
Crosman, George F.1902
Crosman, George F.1908
Crosman, Charles F.1902
Crosman, Charles W.1902
Crosman, George 1902
Crosman, George F.1902
Crosman, Charles Wilson1895
Crosman, George F.1895
Crosman, Charles W.1895
Crosman, George F.1895
Crosman Bros.1884
Crosman Bros.1885
Crosman Bros.1888
Crosman Brothers Seed House1888
Cross, Frederick Raphael1928
Cross, Helen Rogers1928
Cross, Marion McKie1928
Cross, William Perkins1928
Cross, Earle Bennett1930
Cross, George 1930
Cross, F. J.1917
Cross, Frederick H.1902
Cross, William H.1902
Cross, Elam A.1895
Cross, D. E. 1894
Cross, D. E. 1898
Crossroads Building1977
Croston, Frank 1908
Croston, Frank 1908
Crotford, Lyndon 1928
Crouch, Charles Thomas1928
Crouch, George William1928
Crouch, Wesley 1928
Crouch, Charles E.1917
Crouch, Charles H.1902
Crouch, Charles H.1902
Crouch, Charles H.1908
Crouch, Charles T.1895
Crouch, Wallace P.1902
Crouch, Wesley 1902
Crouch, William C.1924
Crouch, Charles Thomas1902
Crouch, Charles Thomas1895
Crouch, Wesley 1908
Crouch, William C.1924
Crouch, Charles H.1914
Crouch, Charles Thomas1893
Crouch, Frank P.1913
Crouch, C. T.1893
Crouch, C. T., & Son1893
Crouch, G. W. & C. T., & Sons1884
Crouch, G. W. & F. P.1888
Crouch, G. W. & F. P.1891
Crouch, G. W. Jr.1888
Crough, Doris H.1992
Crough, Charles H.1893
Croughton, G. Hanmer 1891
Crouse, Charles K. 1894
Crow, Price A.1898
Crowell, Nelson John1928
Crowell, Seth 1981
Crowell House, 9626 Ridge Road, Route 104, Clarkson Township1978
Crowley, Harry Burtiss1922
Crowley, Harry Burtiss1925
Crowley, F 1976
Crowley, Harry Burtiss1922
Crowley, Harry B.1961
Cruttenden, David H., Jr.1924
Cruttenden, Jr., David H.1924
Crystal Steam Laundry1898
Cubbison, George A. 1891
Cuddeback, Clayton Robert1924
Cuddeback, Clayton Robert1924
Cuff, James E.1984
Cuff, James E.1984
Culhane, Maurice 1911
Culhane, Cornelius 1929
Culhane, John J.1929
Culhane, Maurice 1929
Culhane, Maurice 1911
Culhane, Daniel Joseph1924
Culhane, Thomas P.1961
Culkin, Joseph R.1914
Cullen, William 1907
Cullen, James 1898
Cullen, Martin Raymond1911
Cullen, Frank J.1924
Cullen, Hugh P.1924
Cullen, Martin R.1903
Cullen, Frank J.1924
Cullen, Hugh P.1924
Cullen, Martin Raymond1903
Cullen, Martin Raymond1911
Cullen, James 1894
Cullen Bros.1888
Culligan, Charles J.1929
Culligan, Patrick 1903
Culligan, Patrick 1903
Cullinan, Mortimer J.1914
Cullinan, Frank X.1925
Cullinan, Mortimer 1925
Culliton, John J.1922
Culliton, John J.1922
Culp, George P.1908
Culross, James R.1895
Culross, James R.1895
Culver, Marvin A.1895
Culver, Oliver 1971
Culver, B. Frank1922
Culver, Oliver 1971
Culver, B. Frank1925
Culver, Marvin A.1902
Culver, Marvin A.1908
Culver, Marvin A.1902
Culver, Oliver 1854
Culver, B. Frank1922
Culver, B. Frank1914
Culver, Oliver 1981
Culver, Marvin A.1895
Culver Field, Home of Rochester Baseball Teams, 1898-19071976
Cummings, Frank W.1924
Cummings, Frederick G.1908
Cummings, Scott 1895
Cummings, Scott 1895
Cummings, Margaret 1917
Cunningham, A. G.1917
Cunningham, Benjamin B.1984
Cunningham, Benjamin B.1903
Cunningham, J. W.1902
Cunningham, James 1902
Cunningham, James 1976
Cunningham, James 1908
Cunningham, James 1903
Cunningham, James P.1925
Cunningham, Joseph T.1902
Cunningham, Benjamin Brooks1925
Cunningham, Benjamin Brooks1903
Cunningham, Benjamin Brooks1984
Cunningham, James 1908
Cunningham, James 1908
Cunningham, James P.1925
Cunningham, James 1895
Cunningham, W. C. 1890
Cunningham, W. C. 1890
Cunningham, David 1994
Cunningham, James 1895
Cunningham, James M.1959
Cunningham, Charles E.1893
Cunningham, Kathleen McEnery1980
Cunningham, A. J.1914
Cunningham, F. L. 1902
Cunningham, Charles E.1893
Cunningham, John 1894
Cunningham & Peak1894
Cunningham Carriage Factory1979
Cunningham, James, Son & Co.1891
Cunningham, James, Son & Co.1890
Cunningham, James, Son & Co.1890
Cunningham, James, Son & Co.1881
Cupp, Lillian Frances1924
Curran, Dennis J.1902
Curran, Raymond J.1925
Curran, Richard 1902
Curran, William Augustine1924
Curran, Richard 1914
Curran, Richard H.1897
Curran, Richard H.1897
Curran, Richard H.1922
Curran, Richard 1966
Curran, Richard H.1897
Curran, John 1984
Curran, Raymond J.1925
Curran, Richard 1902
Curran, Richard H.1917
Curran, William A.1924
Curran, Richard 1988
Curran, Richard 1893
Curran, Richard H.1922
Curran, Richard 1895
Curran, Richard 1895
Curran, Richard 1893
Curran & Goler1894
Curran & Goler1891
Curren, Harold Searing1928
Curry, John C.1895
Curtice, Edgar N.1908
Curtice, Edgar N.1908
Curtice, Simeon G.1908
Curtice, Simeon G.1908
Curtice, George Stoner1928
Curtice, Luther Samuel1928
Curtice, Edgar N.1908
Curtice, Edgar Newell1902
Curtice, Simeon G.1902
Curtice, Simeon G.1908
Curtice, Edgar N.1914
Curtice Brothers1884
Curtis, Mrs. C.M.1895
Curtis, Alfred W.1902
Curtis, Cathro 1976
Curtis, Electa E.1908
Curtis, Gilbert 1908
Curtis, Gurney T.1917
Curtis, Mrs. Wendell1917
Curtis, Wendell J.1917
Curtis, Barnabus 1908
Curtis, Elias 1895
Curtis, Gilbert 1908
Curtis, Glenn 1976
Curtis, Horace Hartson1924
Curtis, James 1895
Curtis, Wendell Joseph1925
Curtis, Cathro M.1984
Curtis, Donald Saterlee1928
Curtis, Eugene Thomas1928
Curtis, Hortense Estelle1928
Curtis, Edward P.1961
Curtis, Julius 1981
Curtis, Eugene Thomas1895
Curtis, E. T.1893
Curtis & Avery1881
Curtis & Co.1884
Curtis & Wheeler1884
Curtis & Wheeler1893
Curtis Ferrolithic Works1890
Curtis Ferrolithic Works1890
Curtis, Jr., Edward Peck1984
Curtiss, Jay C. D. 1891
Curtiss, Jay C. D. 1894
Curtiss, Arthur Parmele1928
Curtiss, Eleanor Foulkes1928
Curvin, John 1895
Cusack, Thomas Frank1924
Cusack, Thomas Frank1924
Cushman, S. J. 1894
Cusker, Eugene R.1984
Cusker, Eugene R.1984
Custom Shoe Company1898
Cutali, Enrico 1925
Cutali, Enrico 1925
Cutler, James Goold1984
Cutler, James Goold1895
Cutler, James Goold1903
Cutler, Howard W.1914
Cutler, James G.1956
Cutler, James Goold1959
Cutler, J. Warren1895
Cutler, James G.1895
Cutler, James Goold1969
Cutler, James G.1905
Cutler, James G. 1888
Cutler, James Goold1890
Cutler, James Goold1890
Cutler, James Goold1994
Cutler, Joseph Warren1994
Cutler, J. Warren1917
Cutler, James G.1984
Cutler, James G.1902
Cutler, James G.1917
Cutler, James G.1989
Cutler, James G.1908
Cutler, James G.1979
Cutler, James G.1903
Cutler, James G.1984
Cutler, James G.1976
Cutler, James G.1903
Cutler, James G.1905
Cutler, James G.1956
Cutler, James Goold1973
Cutler, Mrs. J.Warren1917
Cutler, J. Warren1893
Cutler, James G.1893
Cutler, James G.1988
Cutler, Howard 1959
Cutler, Howard 1939
Cutler, James Goold1959
Cutler, James Goold1939
Cutler, James Goold1895
Cutler, Joseph Warren1959
Cutler, Joseph Warren1895
Cutler Building, 42 East Avenue1982
Cutler Manufacturing Co.1890
Cutler Manufacturing Co.1890
Cutler Manufacturing Co.1885
Cutler Manufacturing Co.1893
Cutler Manufacturing Co.1888
Cutler Manufacturing Company, Mail Chutes1899
Cutler Union1937
Cutler Union and Memorial Art Gallery, 560 and 490 University Avenue, Rochester1974
Cutler Union, Women's Campus (1955) GCS 19761976
Cutler, James G. Architect1885
Cuyler, Johnnie 1994
Czajkowski, John A.1930
D'Amanda, Christopher 1928
D'Amanda, Francis J.1928
D'Angelo, Antonio 1924
D'Angelo, Antonio 1924
D'Aprile, Antonino M.1925
D'Aprile, Antonin M.1922
D'Aprile, James C.1922
D'Aprile, Antonin M.1925
D. A. R. House1944
D. Armstrong and Company1899
D. B. DeLand, residence of, Fairport1858
D. B. Murphy, residence of1896
D. Deavenport and Company, 19121980
D. G. Shuart, residence of, with portrait, Honeoye Falls1877
D. H. Scanlin, store and residence, Scottsville1877
D. Leary Cleaning1897
D. Leary's Building, Mill and Platt Streets1895
D. Leary's Steam Dyeing and Cleaning, Mill Street corner Platt1888
D. M. Hough and Company Shoe Factory1893
D. S. Morgan, residence of, Brockport1877
D. Stuck, 98 State Street1899
D. W. Powers' residence1893
D. W. Wright, residence of1890
Daggs, G. H. 1891
Dailey, Donald A.1961
Dailey, Donald A.1961
Dailey, John 1981
Dailey, William 1929
Dailey, Allan 1959
Dailey, John F.1908
Dailey, William 1908
Dailey, William 1895
Dailey, Bernard Joseph1929
Dailey, Herman L.1994
Dairy Kitchen1902
Dake, C. A. 1894
Dake, L. E. 1884
Dake, William Embury1902
Dake, William Ward1902
Dake, Reuben A.1908
Dake, William Embury1902
Dake Brothers1891
Dale, Francis Monroe1928
Dale, J. Franklin1902
Daley, William C.1925
Dalrymple, Theron E.1924
Dalrymple, Theron E.1924
Dalton, Francis 1924
Dalton, Charles Richard1928
Dalton, Emily Oemisch1928
Daly, Merwin Taylor1928
Daly, Warren Cox1928
Dalzell, Robert M.1959
Damaschke, Harry C.1924
Damaschke, Harry C.1924
Damon, Harry Merril1928
Damuth, Clarence A.1959
Damuth, Clarence A.1939
Dana, S. G. 1888
Dana, Frank Seymour1928
Dana, William Edward1928
Dana, Francis 1903
Danforth, Genry G.1984
Danforth, George F.1902
Danforth, Mrs. H.G.1956
Danforth, R. E.1905
Danforth, George F.1895
Danforth, George F.1895
Danforth, Henry G.1984
Danforth, Robert 1895
Danforth, George F.1893
Danforth, Henry G.1989
Danforth, Mrs. H.G.1956
Danforth, Henry G.1979
Danforth, Edwine Blake1984
Danforth, George F.1890
Danforth, George F.1890
Daniels, Herb 1978
Daniels, Albert O.1929
Daniels, Eli Hammond1908
Daniels, Eli Hammond1908
Daniels, Henry C.1903
Dann, Archibald 1902
Dann, Archibald 1895
Dann House, Long Pond, Greece1877
Dansforth, George F.1893
Danson, Joseph 1929
Darby, Arthur T.1924
Darling, Milton E.1925
Darlison, Albert 1924
Darlison, Albert 1924
Darnell, Ray Walter1922
Darnell, Ray Walter1922
Darrow, Erastus 1902
Darrow, Erastus 1902
Darrow, Fitz Sage1925
Darrow, Erastus 1902
Darrow, Fritz Sage1925
Darrow, Charles Erastus1928
Darrow, Erastus, & Co.1888
Dart, Charles George1924
Dart, Charles George1924
Dash, Karl J.1924
Dash, Karl J.1924
Datz, Francis 1959
Dauby, Augustine G.1877
Daus, Mildred A.1928
Daus, Thelma Lucile1928
Davenport, William Henry1911
Davenport, Erwin Roland1922
Davenport, William Henry1911
Davenport, William H.1903
Davenport, William Simeon1925
Davenport, William Henry1903
Davenport, William Simeon1925
Davenport, Erwin Roland1922
David, Mrs. John1917
David Barker, residence of, Pittsford1877
David Cory, residence of1896
David Harris, residence of, Mendon1877
David Hoyt, residence of1913
David L. Bailey, residence of, Henrietta1877
David Lee house, 3749 Lake Road, Clarkson1974
David Todd, residence and farm, Greece1877
Davidson, Maurice 1928
Davidson, G. A.1959
Davidson, Percy 1924
Davies, Kerrison 1902
Davis, A. D.1902
Davis, George G.1902
Davis, Henry W.1908
Davis, James Clement1902
Davis, Lewis Bissell1908
Davis, Martin 1903
Davis, Moe I.1964
Davis, Mrs. Schuyler1917
Davis, Robert Ward1902
Davis, William P.1902
Davis, Albert Arthur1908
Davis, Benjamin F.1895
Davis, G. W.1895
Davis, H. Wheeler1908
Davis, Henry W.1908
Davis, Henry W.1908
Davis, Justin B.1903
Davis, Lewis Bissell1908
Davis, Lewis Bissell1908
Davis, Martin 1895
Davis, Martin 1903
Davis, Robert W.1908
Davis, Thomas S.1895
Davis, William G.1895
Davis, Albert Arthur1928
Davis, Alexander Gridley1928
Davis, Curtis Clifton1928
Davis, Edward Hatch1928
Davis, Edward Wood1928
Davis, Leon Philetus1928
Davis, Lucius Charles1928
Davis, Martha Washington1928
Davis, Martin 1928
Davis, William Edward1928
Davis, Reecy 1972
Davis, John A.1913
Davis, W. P. 1890
Davis, W. P. 1890
Davis, Joseph 1877
Davis, Katherine Bement1984
Davis, Lewis K.1930
Davis, Lucius Clark1930
Davis, Norman 1877
Davis, Joseph 1877
Davis, Mrs. Norman1877
Davis, Norman 1877
Davis, Parthenia 1877
Davis, Albert Arthur1890
Davis, Albert Arthur1890
Davis, Jabez 1964
Davis, William H.1890
Davis, William H.1890
Davis, Reecy 1972
Davis, George P. 1891
Davis, George P.1895
Davis, James C.1895
Davis, W. P. 1890
Davis, W. P. 1890
Davis, George P.1895
Davis, James C.1895
Davis, John M.1893
Davis, R. W.1893
Davis, Benjamin 1981
Davis, John R.1929
Davis, William G. 1898
Davis Elevator Gate Co.1891
Davis Elevator Gate Co.1888
Davis, C. H. Photographer1885
Davis, E. H., & Co.1891
Davis, E. H., & Co.1894
Davison, Christopher C.1890
Davison, Christopher C.1890
Davison, Christopher C.1902
Davison, Ezekiel 1895
Davison, Edward Fletcher1928
Davison, George Elmer1898
Davison, James Herbert1928
Davison, Christopher C.1895
Davison, Christopher C.1895
Davy, John M.1902
Davy, John M.1908
Davy, John M.1895
Davy, John M.1903
Davy, John M.1908
Davy, John M.1893
Davy, John M.1903
Davy, John M.1902
Davy, John M.1902
Davy, John M.1895
Davy, John M.1908
Davy, John M.1989
Davy, John M.1890
Davy, John M.1890
Davy, James Roscoe1928
Davy, John M.1979
Day, Herbert Franklin1928
Day, Mahlon 1928
Day, Elmer William1922
Day, Eliphalet 1895
Day, Harper R.1908
Day, John Palmer1925
Day, Walter J.1924
Day, Walter J.1924
Day, Frank H.1959
Day, Frank H.1939
Day, Elmer William1922
Dayfoot, Herbert M.1925
Dayfoot, Herbert M.1925
Dayfoot, Herbert M.1890
Dayfoot, Herbert M.1890
Dayton, Faythe Outwater1928
Dayton, Asa 1981
Deaf and Dumb Institute1896
Deaf Mute Institute1908
Deal, Andrew J.1898
Dean, Charles Frederick1928
Dean, Henry Smith1928
Dean, Frederick J.R.1914
Dean, Fred E.1930
Dean, Herbert W.1984
Dean, John 1903
Dean, Henry W.1908
Dean, John 1903
Dean, Theodore S.1908
Dean, Theodore S.1895
Dean, Theodore S.1895
DeAngelis, Donn G.1959
DeAngelis, Michael J.1959
Deavenport, Daniel 1895
Deavenport, C. A. 1890
Deavenport, C. A. 1890
Deavenport, Daniel 1895
Deavenport, C. A. 1891
Deavenport, C. A. 1888
Deavenport, D., & Co.1888
Decker, J. D.1877
Decker, J. D.1877
Decker, Charles 1895
Decker, Frederick J.1903
Decker, Richard J.1895
Decker, Donald J.1959
Decker, Frank 1895
Decker, Frederick J.1911
Decker, Frederick J.1914
Decker, Richard J.1914
Decker, J. D.1929
Decker, John T.1929
Decker, Frederick J.1911
Decker, Alfred Mills1928
Decker, George Palmer1928
Decker, Lewis Robertson1928
Decker, Frederick J.1903
Decker, Richard J.1908
Decker, Frank 1895
Decker's Block, Brockport1877
DeCoster, Samuel E.1925
DeCoster, Atwood Goodridge1928
DeCoster, Helen Doods1928
Deering Harvester Co.1898
Deering, William, & Co.1894
Defendorf, Fletcher A.1902
Defendorf, Fletcher A.1903
Defendorf, Frank J.1908
Defendorf, Frank J.1895
Defendorf, Fletcher A.1903
DeFloo, Jacob 1895
DeFonds, Ardery V.1959
DeFonds, Ardery V.1939
DeForest, Alling Stephen1925
DeForest, Alling Stephen1908
DeForest, Alling S.1914
DeForest, Alling Stephen1902
Degirolomo, Joseph 1924
Degirolomo, Joseph 1924
DeGraff, William 1902
Deininger, William 1908
Deininger, William 1902
DeKappelle, G. 1894
deKiewiet, Cornelius 1961
deKiewiet, Cornelius W.1961
Dekker, Alexander 1959
DeLand, Daniel Brown1895
DeLand, Daniel Brown1877
DeLand, Henry A.1877
DeLand, Daniel Brown1877
DeLand, H. A.1877
DeLand, Harlan Page1898
DeLand, Henry A.1898
DeLand, Mary Lewis1928
DeLand, Minerva Parce1898
DeLand, D. B.1895
DeLand, Henry Addison1902
DeLand Cemetery Lot, Fairport1877
DeLand Cemetery Plot, 18771970
Delano, E. G.1989
Delaperriere, Earleen 1994
Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.1894
Delco Products Facility1979
Delmarle, Mary Elizabeth1928
DeLong, Marion Hall1928
Delong, Samuel R.1959
Dembowski, Edward 1925
Demeis, Pasquale 1924
Demenint, Roy S.1967
Demenint, Roy S.1967
Deming, Howard C.1895
Demler, Charles 1903
Demler, Charles 1911
Demler, Charles 1911
Demler, Charles 1903
Democrat and Chronicle Building1923
Democratic State Convention Parade, 18711949
Dempsey, A. C. 1891
Dengler, Victor E.1924
Dengler, Victor E.1924
Denio, Albert W.1902
Denio Smoke Consumer Co.1898
Denise, Daniel S.1895
Denise, Madelyn Walker1928
Denler, Leo N.1959
Dennis, Dorothy 1928
Dennis, Ernest Willard1928
Dennis, James Hogarth1980
Dennis, Frank H.1902
Dennis, Frank H.1902
Dennis, Frank H.1902
Dennis Lusk, residence & portrait, Pittsford1877
Dennison, Robert Kysor1928
Denniston, Edward H.1928
Denniston, Charles Wayne1922
Denniston, Charles Wayne1922
Denniston, Charles W.1914
Denniston, Frank J.1914
Denniston, W. H.1895
Dentolio Manufacturing Co.1881
Denton, Eugene Coss1928
Denton, Eugene Coss1902
Denton, Eugene Coss1908
DePotter, Abram 1908
DePotter, Abram 1922
DePotter, Abram 1922
DePotter, Abram 1908
DePuy, Charles Teneyck1928
DeRitter, Louis Ralph1928
Dern, Henry 1911
Dern, Henry 1911
Derrick, F. M. 1894
Derrick, Timothy 1894
Derrickson, Lester B.1911
Derrickson, Lester B.1911
DeRuyscher, Peter 1929
Desmond, John 1984
Desmond, John 1908
Desmond, John 1984
Despard, W. E.1913
Despatch, East Rochester, Vanderbilt Improvement Company, 906 Chamber of Commerce Building1899
Despatch, East Rochester, Vanderbilt Improvement Company, 906 Chamber of Commerce Building1899
Dessauer, John 1984
Dessauer, John H.1971
Dessauer, John H.1979
DeStaebler, Addie 1903
DeStaebler, Addie 1903
DeStaebler, Addie 1984
Destito, Antonio 1924
Detail of Grand Corridor, Eastman School of Music1937
Detamble, Peter J.1897
Detamble, Peter J.1897
Detamble, Peter J.1897
Detro, John C.1928
Deusing & Zieres1898
Devaney, Michael 1929
Devereaux, James J.1911
Devereaux, James J.1903
Devereaux, James J.1903
Devereaux, James J.1911
Devine, T. J.1893
Devine, Thomas J.1895
Devine, Marie A.1917
Devine, Thomas J.1902
Devolder, Jacob 1907
DeVoll, Laurence Oscar1928
Dewey, Charles Ayrault1928
Dewey, Hugh Sylvester1928
Dewey, Charles A.1925
Dewey, Chester 1945
Dewey, Chester 1979
Dewey, Chester 1884
Dewey, Alvin Hiram1922
Dewey, Chester 1971
Dewey, Charles Ayrault1895
Dewey, Chester 1895
Dewey, Chester 1971
Dewey, Dellon M.1895
Dewey, Alvin H. 1891
Dewey, Alvin Hiram1925
Dewey, Charles Ayrault1925
Dewey, Chester 1908
Dewey, Chester 1959
Dewey, Alvin Hiram1897
Dewey, Chester 1892
Dewey, Chester 1884
Dewey, Alvin Hiram1922
Dewey, Chester 1884
Dewey, D. M. 1881
Dewey, Alvin H.1914
Dewey, Alvin H.1897
Dewey, Dellon M.1895
Dewey, I. H. 1884
Dewey & Co. Real Estate1885
DeWitt, C. G.1898
DeWitt, Floyd Frederick1928
DeWitt, C. G.1895
DeWolff, Carlton E.1959
DeWolff, E. E.1959
Dey, Luther Martin1903
Dey, Luther Martin1903
DeYoung, L. 1898
DeYoung Bros.1891
Diamond, Jerome F.1928
Diamond Company1898
Diamond Steam Laundry1891
Dibble, Edward F.1902
Dicker, Samuel B.1961
Dicker, Samuel B.1961
Dicker, Samuel B.1961
Dicker, Samuel B.1961
Dicker, Samuel B.1988
Dickinson, Pomeroy P.1908
Dickinson, Pomeroy P.1908
Diclementi, John 1959
Diemer, George 1959
Diesel, William F.1925
Diesel, William F.1925
Dietrich, George J.1924
Dietrich, George J.1924
Dietz, William Wallace1928
Diggs, Kathleen Moore1994
Dildine, William H.1928
Dingman, Charles 1903
Dingman, Charles 1903
Dinitto, Erasmo 1924
Dinitto, Erasmo 1924
Dinkelspeil, Abram 1912
Dinkelspeil, Abram 1912
Dinkelspeil, Meyer 1912
Dinkey, John Franklin1902
Dinkey, John Franklin1925
Dinkey, John Franklin1908
Dinkey, John F.1902
Dinkey, John F.1902
Dinkey, John F.1917
Dinkey, John Franklin1925
Dinkey, Harry Packer1928
Dinkey, J. F.1893
Dinse, Lois Merrell1928
DiNunzio, Joseph N.1914
Diprose, John T.1897
Diprose, John T.1897
Diprose, John T.1897
Disbrow, I. S. 1881
Disbrow, Myron Henry1928
Disbrow, Thomas Curtis1928
Dispence, Louis 1929
Dispenza, Charles Michael1922
Dispenza, Charles Michael1925
Dispenza, Charles Michael1922
Dispenzo, Louis Joseph1911
Dispenzo, Louis Joseph1911
Dittner, Henry 1924
Dittner, Henry 1924
Diver, Byron A.1895
Diviesti, Pasquale 1924
Dix, Samuel 1895
Dix, Samuel 1895
Dixon, Geraldine L.1994
Dixon, Henry 1994
Dixon, A. M., & Co.1894
Doane, Joseph H.1929
Doane, Harold Seeley1928
Doane, William Hahnemann1928
Doane, William H.1961
Doane, William Hahnemann1895
Dobbertin, Edward J.1929
Dobbertin Broom Company1912
Dobbin, William H.1895
Dobbs, Jordon Earl1924
Dobbs, W. Lynn1994
Dobbs, Jordon Earl1924
Dobles, Walter H.1929
Dobson, Thomas H.1908
Dobson, Thomas H.1929
Dobson, Thomas H.1902
Dockstader, George M.1929
Dockstader, George M.1911
Dockstader, George M.1911
Dockstader, Myron H.1914
Dodds, George 1898
Dodge, John 1981
Dodge, C. W.1903
Dodge, Mrs. W.1917
Dodge, Charles Wright1903
Dodge, Miles Harrison1924
Dodgson, Frank Lamont1902
Dodgson, Harry J.1917
Dodson, John M.1928
Doehler, Bernice 1928
Doehler, Frank 1902
Doehler, Charles Frank1925
Doerr, John 1891
Doherty, William A.1911
Doherty, James F.1929
Doherty, William A.1929
Doherty, William A.1911
Dolan, Robert John1911
Dolan, W. Allan1959
Dolan, Robert John1911
Dole, Daniel Luther1928
Dolley, L. C.1994
Dolley, Sarah Adamson1994
Dolley, Sarah Adamson1985
Dolley, Sarah 1984
Dolley, Sarah Adamson1989
Dolley, Sarah Adamson1984
Dolley, Sarah Adamson1984
Dolley, Sarah Adamson1984
Dollinger Corporation1979
Dombrowski, Henry V.1929
Dombrowski, Victor Joseph1929
Donahue, Lawrence W.1929
Donahue, Daniel 1922
Donahue, Daniel 1922
Donald McNaughton, residence of, Wheatland1858
Donaldson, Walter Herbert1924
Donaldson, Walter Herbert1924
Donlon, John F.1929
Donnelly, T. W.1908
Donnelly, Marie Crahan1928
Donoghue, William 1894
Donoghue, William 1891
Donovan, Francis Hahn1928
Donovan, Patrick 1897
Doodson, Frank 1924
Doodson, Frank 1924
Doody, Willard Alfred1928
Doolin, William F.1897
Doolittle, Mary A.1894
Doolittle's, Miss, School1885
Dooltittle, Araminta 1984
Doran, M. J. 1902
Doran, Maurice J.1908
Doran, Thompson & Co.1884
Dorey, L. L., & Co.1894
Dorn, R. H.1959
Doron, C. B.1893
Dorsey, Gwendolyn 1994
Dorthy, John F.1895
Dorthy, John F.1890
Dorthy, John F.1890
Dorthy, John F.1895
Dorway, Gordon 1994
Dossenbach, Theodore 1922
Dossenbach, Herman 1917
Dossenbach, Herman 1915
Dossenbach, Herman 1902
Dossenbach, Theodor 1915
Dossenbach, Theodore 1925
Dossenbach, Herman 1915
Dossenbach, Theodore 1915
Dossenbach, Theodore 1925
Dossenbach, Theodore 1922
Dost, Franklyn Leon1924
Dost, Franklyn Leon1924
Doty, Anson 1895
Doty, William D'Orville,1924
Doty, William D.1903
Doty, William D.1902
Doty, David 1964
Doty Family1895
Doty, 3rd, William O.1924
Doty, Jr., William D.1902
Doud, Dennis 1914
Doud, Mrs. H.1961
Doud, William Wiley1924
Doughty, Walter C.1924
Doughty, Walter C.1924
Doughty, Ralph Thomas1928
Douglas Road1979
Douglas Road, Rochester1974
Douglass, Frederick 1994
Douglass, Frederick 1895
Douglass, Frederick 1971
Douglass, Frederick 1971
Douglass, Frederick 1984
Douglass, Frederick 1984
Douglass, Frederick 1902
Douglass, Frederick 1945
Douglass, Frederick 1984
Douglass, Frederick 1971
Douglass, Frederick 1908
Douglass, Frederick 1989
Douglass, Frederick 1979
Douglass, Frederick 1976
Douglass, Frederick 1989
Douglass, Frederick 1973
Douglass, Frederick 1989
Douglass, Frederick 1979
Douglass, Frederick 1982
Douglass, Frederick 1895
Douglass, Frederick 1970
Douglass, Benjamin 1994
Douglass, Frederick 1983
Douglass, Frederick 1995
Douglass, Frederick 1959
Douglass, Charles R.1903
Douglass, Frderick 1903
Douglass, Frderick 1903
Douglass, Frederick 1984
Douglass, Frederick 1976
Douglass, Frederick 1982
Douglass, Helen Pitts1984
Douglass Monument1905
Douglass Monument1905
Douglass Monument, unveiled June 9, 18991899
Dounce, Alexander L.1992
Dow, Frank W.1902
Dowd, John N.1902
Dowd, Elihu 1981
Dowd, Thomas 1897
Dowd, Charles A., Jr.1924
Dower, Lucie Loretta1928
Down, Clinton A.1928
Down, Charles B.1895
Down the Genesee1895
Down the river1892
Downer, Maria 1895
Downer, George William1877
Downer, George William1877
Downs, Charles Porter1925
Downtown Presbyterian Church, 113-121 North Fitzhugh St.1982
Downtown Rochester viewed through the Spaceframe in Manhattan Park1979
Doxstater's Bath House1894
Doxtater, Gregory Francis1924
Doxtater, Gregory Francis1924
Doy, John 1994
Doyle, Edward James1928
Doyle, Harold James1928
Doyle, Allen Anson1908
Doyle, James B.1903
Doyle, John E.1908
Doyle, Joseph 1895
Doyle, Joseph P.1925
Doyle, Michael 1908
Doyle, James Arthur1929
Doyle, Michael J.1929
Doyle, Charles William1911
Doyle, James Arthur1911
Doyle, John A.1911
Doyle, Michael J.1911
Doyle, Joseph P.1914
Doyle, Charles William1911
Doyle, James Arthur1911
Doyle, John A.1911
Doyle, Michael J.1911
Doyle, Allen A.1908
Doyle, Henry F.1908
Doyle, James B.1903
Doyle, Joseph P.1908
Doyle and Gallery Coal Company1912
Doyle's Cloak, Suit, and Millinery House1902
Doyle, Gallery & Co.1884
Doyle, Michael, & Co.1888
Dr. A. B. Carpenter, residence of, with portraits, Greece1877
Dr. E. M. Moore, Jr., Charlotte, Cottage1896
Dr. Edward Mott Moore, statue of1944
Dr. Elmer J. Bissell, residence of1913
Dr. J. M. Ingersoll, residence of1913
Dr. J. P. Wheeler, residence of, with portrait, Brighton1877
Dr. Lee's Hospital, 179 Lake Avenue1911
Dr. Lee's Surgical, Medical, and Obstetrical Hospital, Rochester1912
Dr. Milton Chapman, residence of1913
Dr. Richard J. Decker, residence of, Charlotte1913
Dr. Stevens' East India Consumption Cure1894
Dr. W. B. Cochrane, residence of1913
Drago, Peter 1959
Drake, Charles Ray1922
Drake, Elihu, Sr. 1895
Drake, Fred Ebert1902
Drake, Fred Ebert1895
Drake, John N.1895
Drake, John N.1895
Drake, Charles Ray1922
Drake, Amasa 1877
Drake, Mrs. Amasa1877
Drake, Amasa 1877
Dransfield, Thomas 1928
Dransfield, Thomas 1902
Draper, Simeon 1902
Draper, Allan Beebe1928
Draper, George Bingham1928
Draper, George Parmelee1928
Draper, Mary Brewster1928
Draper, Roy Channing1928
Draper, Allan Beebe1930
Draper, Nathaniel 1854
Draper, George Bingham1925
Draper, Henry Stone1908
Drasch, Rudolph 1924
Draw. of Douglass' old office where North Star was printed1976
Drawing made for Edwin Scrantom of the log cabin occupied by the family of Hamlet Scrantom1976
Dreamland at Glen Haven, 1890's1956
Dreamland at Glen Haven, 1890's1956
Drechsler, Herbert G.1959
Drescher, William A. E.1915
Drescher, William A. E.1908
Drescher, William A. E.1922
Drescher, William A.E.1961
Dressel, Carl 1979
Dresser, George B.1908
Dresser, John 1976
Dresser, John 1903
Dresser, George Budd1908
Drexelius, Stephen E.1903
Drexelius, Stephen 1911
Drexelius, Joseph 1893
Drexelius, Stephen E.1929
Drexelius, Stephen E.1911
Drexelius, J 1893
Drexelius, Stephen E.1903
Drinkwater, Albert 1895
Drinkwater, Albert 1890
Drinkwater, Albert 1890
Drinkwater, Albert 1895
Driscoll, Edward B.1911
Driscoll, Edward B.1911
Driscoll, George Cornelius1928
Driscoll, John Ambrose1925
Driveway, Genesee Valley Park1895
Driving Park Avenue Bridge1905
Driving Park Avenue Bridge1899
Driving Park Avenue Bridge1892
Driving Park Avenue Bridge1896
Driving Park Avenue Bridge and Gorge of the Genesee1904
Driving Park Avenue Bridge and Lower Falls1905
Driving Park Avenue Bridge and Lower Falls1898
Driving Park Avenue Bridge and Lower Falls1898
Driving Park Avenue Bridge and Lower Falls of the Genesee1905
Driving Park Avenue Bridge from East side1905
Driving Park Avenue Bridge, Gorge of the Genesee1904
Driving Park Avenue Bridge, lower falls1912
Driving Park Bridge1984
Driving Park Bridge, 18961979
Drumm, John 1907
Dryer, Rufus 1981
Dryer, Rufus 1980
Dryer, Rufus Keeler1922
Dryer, Mrs. C.1917
Dryer, Rufas K.1902
Dryer, R. K.1893
Dryer, Rufus Keeler1922
Dryer, Harwood Brownell1959
Dryer, Harwood Brownell1939
Dryer, Otis Walter1959
Dryer, Otis Walter1939
Dryer, Rufus K.1959
Dryer, George H.1908
Dubelbeiss Wine Company's Plant and Vineyard1912
Dublebeiss, Louis Jacob1922
Dublebeiss, Charles H.1929
Dubois, Abraham Ford1928
Ducolon, Rose Curtis1928
Dudley, Arthur H.1914
Dudley, Given, Wamsley and Company1912
Duffett, William H.1902
Duffy, James P.B.1971
Duffy, James P.B.1917
Duffy, James P.B.1908
Duffy, James P.B.1908
Duffy, Walter B.1925
Duffy, Walter B.1903
Duffy, Walter B.1908
Duffy, Walter Bernard1902
Duffy, Walter J.1908
Duffy, Walton B.1908
Duffy, James P.B.1961
Duffy, James P.B.1914
Duffy, James P. B.1989
Duffy, James P. B.1922
Duffy, Walter Bernard1922
Duffy, Walter B. 1881
Duffy, James P. B.1979
Duffy, Edward W.1929
Duffy, James F.1929
Duffy, Edward 1908
Duffy, James P. B.1925
Duffy, James P. B.1908
Duffy, James P. B.1908
Duffy, Walter Bernard1925
Duffy, Walter Bernard1908
Duffy, Walter Bernard1903
Duffy, Walter Bernard1908
Duffy, Michael 1905
Duffy, Edward 1877
Duffy, Edward 1877
Duffy, Mrs. Edward1877
Duffy, James P.B.1922
Duffy, Walter Bernard1922
Duffy Cider Co.1881
Duffy Cider Co.1890
Duffy Cider Co.1890
Duffy-Mclnnerney Company1912
Dufner, John, & Son1888
Dufy, James P.B.1908
Dugan, Charles Hudson1922
Dugan, G. Colburn1922
Dugan, Harold Brownell1922
Dugan, William E.1893
Dugan, William Edward1922
Dugan, William E.1908
Dugan, G. Colburn1928
Dugan, William E.1914
Dugan, Charles Hudson1922
Dugan, G. Colburn1922
Dugan, Harold Brownell1922
Dugan, William Edward1922
Dugan, William Edward1922
Dugan and Hudson1893
Dugan and Hudson, Shoe Factory1893
Dugan, Jr., William Edward1922
Dulemba, Thaddeus J.1959
Dumond, Frank 1903
Dumond, Frank 1903
Dumond, John E.1902
Dumont, John E. 1888
Dumont, John E. 1894
Dumont, John E. 1890
Dumont, John E. 1890
Dumphrey, Katherine Menzie1928
Dun, R.G., & Co.1884
Dunbar, Elizabeth Urquhart1928
Dunbar, John 1908
Dunbar, John 1903
Dunbar, William L.1959
Dunbar, John 1903
Dunbar, John 1902
Dunbar, Asa 1981
Dunbar & Tucker1891
Duncan, Clara Abbott1928
Duncan, Roy Campbell1928
Duncan, Walter C.1924
Duncan, Walter C.1924
Dunham, Vincent Calvin1924
Dunham, Margery Brockenshi1928
Dunham, David 1981
Dunham, Gershom 1981
Dunham, Silas 1981
Dunham, Vincent Calvin1924
Dunigan, James Ambrose1928
Dunlap, Bill 1989
Dunlop, Mac 1989
Dunn, T. B.1903
Dunn, Thaddeus 1903
Dunn, Thomas B.1902
Dunn, Thomas B.1908
Dunn, John Raymond1928
Dunn, Thomas B.1979
Dunn, Thomas Raymond1928
Dunn, Wilbur Reed1928
Dunn, William Harold1928
Dunn, Robert 1908
Dunn, Thaddeus 1903
Dunn, Thomas B.1908
Dunn, W. S.1895
Dunn, John 1959
Dunn, Thomas B.1922
Dunn, Alexander 1981
Dunn, George 1981
Dunn, Thomas B.1989
Dunn, Thomas B.1922
Dunn, T. B., & Co.1891
Dunnigan, Joseph L.1911
Dunnigan, Joseph L.1929
Dunnigan, Joseph L.1911
Dunning, John D1895
Dunning, Czar 1884
Dunning, John D.1895
Dunning, Richard 1889
Dunshee, C. E. 1881
Dunson, Laura Olmstead1928
DuPuy, J. A.1917
Durand, Frederick L.1902
Durand, Frederick Lewis1902
Durand, Harrison Cox1902
Durand, John 1902
Durand, John E.1903
Durand, John Ewing1902
Durand, Mrs. E.1917
Durand, Harrison Cox1928
Durand, Frederick L.1890
Durand, Frederick L.1890
Durand, John E.1890
Durand, John E.1890
Durand, John E.1914
Durand, Frederick L.1902
Durand, John E.1908
Durand, John E.1903
Durand, Samuel E.1925
Durfee, Minerva Thistlethw1928
Durgin, Henry J.1902
Durkin, Patrick Joseph1929
Duryee and Forsyth Manufacturing Company1858
Dutcher, Fred L.1902
Dutcher, William H.1903
Dutcher, Arthur Garfield1928
Dutcher, Arthur Garfield1925
Dutcher, Frederick Louis1925
Dutcher, William H.1903
Dutchtown Section, ca 19701970
Duthie, Robert B.1992
Dutton, Eleanor Kathryn1928
Dutton, Percy Bruce1928
Dutton, Walter 1928
Dutton, George R.1895
Dutton, Percy Bruce1908
Dwyer, David James1924
Dwyer, Eugene 1908
Dwyer, Eugene 1903
Dwyer, William Edward1924
Dwyer, Leo Francis1928
Dwyer, Eugene 1895
Dwyer, Andrew J.1929
Dwyer, John 1929
Dwyer, James L.1911
Dwyer, John 1911
Dwyer, David James1924
Dwyer, Eugene J.1903
Dwyer, William Edward1924
Dwyer, Leo Francis1922
Dwyer, Eugene 1895
Dwyer, James L.1911
Dwyer, John 1911
Dwyer, Leo Francis1922
Dyce, Kim Jane1994
Dye, Roy M.1929
Dye, Edith Saulsman1928
Dye, Leaman Andrew1928
Dyer & Clark1894
Dyer & Clark1891
Dygert, Howard Paul1922
Dygert, Howard Paul1922
Dygert, Charles H. 1902
Dysinger, Albert Duane1928
Dyson, Robert 1895
E. A. Comstock Lumber1912
E. A. Crowley's Block, Rochester1877
E. B. Chace Lumber, Warehouse Street1888
E. B. Parsons Malting Company, 65 Warehouse Street1888
E. C. Medicine Co.1890
E. C. Medicine Co.1890
E. C. Meyer, residence of1890
E. F. Higgins, Livery1891
E. F. Higgins, Stables1890
E. F. Higgins, Stables1890
E. G. Miner, residence of1913
E. Gaskin, residence of, Pittsford1858
E. H. Barnard, residence of, Mendon1877
E. J. Scheer & Company, interior1912
E. M. Upton's residence1893
E. Ocumpaugh and Sons, men's furnishings, 85 Main Street1899
E. P. Clark, residence of1890
E. P. Reed & Company1906
E. P. Reed & Company Shoes1899
E. P. Reed and Company Shoe Factory1893
E. S. Hayward, residence of1890
E. S. Hayward, residence of, Goodman Street1877
E. W. Edwards and Son1906
Eagle Foundry and Machine Shop1888
Eagle Foundry and Machine Shop1881
Eagle Hotel1934
Eagle Hotel1970
Eagle Hotel, Present site of Power's Building1976
Eagle Mills of Henry B. Williams and Company1838
Eagle Mills, 18381884
Eagle Mills, of Henry B. Williams and Co.1838
Eagle Odorless Excavating Co.1891
Eagle Tavern1895
Eagle Tavern at the Four Corners, 18381979
Eagle Tavern, 18381884
Eagle Tavern, corner of Buffalo and State Streets1838
Eagle Tavern, site of Power's Building1911
Earl, George A.1930
Earl B. Putnam's residence1893
Earl B. Putnam, residence of1890
Early flour mill of T. Kempshall1931
Early Main Street, looking West1984
Early photograph of Irondequoit Creek, view looking North in Ellison Park1976
Early View of Erie Canal Aqueduct1977
East, Henry R. 1891
East, Frederick 1928
East, Leo Herbert1928
East, Henry R.1902
East, Henry Rufus1902
East, Henry 1902
East Avenue1882
East Avenue1885
East Avenue1896
East Avenue1970
East Avenue Elms1937
East Avenue Elms1984
East Avenue Entrance, Cutler Building1906
East Avenue in 18901977
East Avenue, near Prince Street1898
East bank of Genesee River, between Broad & Main Streets1977
East High School1922
East High School1908
East High School1979
East High School1912
East High School1984
East High School1911
East High School, 19591979
East High School, 19601961
East India Consumption Cure1884
East Main Street1898
East Main Street1897
East Main Street 19101979
East Main Street from St. Paul Street, looking West1899
East Main Street, from Four Corners, 18921956
East Main Street, from Four Corners, 18921956
East Main Street, looking West, after removal of telephone poles, 18991956
East Main Street, looking West, after removal of telephone poles, 18991956
East Side Horse Shoeing Est.1894
East Side of State Street (1902)1979
East Side Savings Bank1979
East, Henry, & Son1884
Eastern Wide Waters, Erie Canal1905
Eastern wide waters, Erie Canal1905
Eastman, George 1960
Eastman, George 1983
Eastman, George 1995
Eastman, George 1959
Eastman, George 1922
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman, George 1956
Eastman, George 1961
Eastman, George 1956
Eastman, George 1914
Eastman, George 1982
Eastman, George 1922
Eastman, George 1984
Eastman, George 1902
Eastman, George 1895
Eastman, George 1982
Eastman, George 1970
Eastman, George 1917
Eastman, George 1902
Eastman, George 1905
Eastman, George 1984
Eastman, George 1956
Eastman, George 1979
Eastman, George 1979
Eastman, George 1984
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman, George 1949
Eastman, George 1979
Eastman, George 1956
Eastman, George 1984
Eastman, George 1984
Eastman, George 1984
Eastman, George 1989
Eastman, George 1989
Eastman, George 1989
Eastman, George 1989
Eastman, George 1989
Eastman, George 1973
Eastman, George 1976
Eastman, George 1976
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman, George 1971
Eastman Co.1890
Eastman Co.1890
Eastman Company Works, at Kodak Park1893
Eastman Company's Buildings1893
Eastman Dental Center1984
Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company factory1984
Eastman Dry Plate Co.1884
Eastman House1970
Eastman House1937
Eastman House, 900 East Avenue, Rochester1974
Eastman Kodak Office Buildings and Tower, 19461973
Eastman Kodak offices, ca 19151984
Eastman Kodak Offices, ca 19401984
Eastman Laboratories1908
Eastman Quadrangle, University of Rochester1979
Eastman School of Music1937
Eastman School of Music, Main Corridor1923
Eastman Theatre1977
Eastman Theatre and Eastman School of Music1923
Eastman Theatre and School of Music, View from East Avenue1923
Eastman Theatre and the Eastman School of Music1934
Eastman Theatre under construction, 19211984
Eastman Theatre, 19491979
Eastman Theatre, 425 E. Main Street, Rochester1974
Eastman Theatre, Eastman School of Music, 435 E. Main St.1982
Eastman Theatre, interior1979
Easton, William George1928
Easton, William George1984
Easton, William G.1984
Easton & Crofoot1890
Easton & Crofoot1890
Eastway Plaza1979
Eastwood, A. C. 1884
Eastwood, William 1891
Eastwood, Albert B.1917
Eastwood, William 1908
Eastwood, William 1908
Eastwood, Albert B.1961
Eastwood, William 1881
Eaton, E. H. 1898
Eaton, George S.1897
Eaton, George S.1897
Eaton, H. E.1897
Eaton, George S.1897
Eaton, Stephen 1981
Eaton, Deldra Burton1994
Eaton, Wilber 1895
Eaton, George L.1902
Eaton, Goerge L.1905
Eaton, William 1905
Ebenezer Allan's Grist Mill1934
Ebenezer Watts House, 47 S. Fitzhugh Street1982
Eber, Jacob 1929
Eberle, John 1897
Eberwein, Joseph V.1897
Eberwein, Joseph V.1897
Eberwein, Joseph W.1897
Eberwein, George Henry1928
Ebner, Earl John1928
Ebner, James Russell1924
Ebner, James Russell1924
Echlin, Henry M.1902
Echrich, Frank 1911
Echrich, Frank 1903
Echrich, Frank 1911
Eckert, Fred 1989
Eckhardt, Conrad 1902
Eckhardt, C. 1891
Eckhardt, Conrad 1913
Eckler, John 1908
Eckler, Mrs. John1908
Eckler, Benjamin 1877
Eckler, Jacob 1877
Eckler, Mary 1877
Eckler, Sarah 1877
Eckler, Benjamin 1877
Eckler, Jacob 1877
Eckler, John 1908
Eckrich, Frank 1903
Eckrick, Frank 1929
Economy Gas Machine Company1909
Eddy, Thomas H.1895
Eddy, Charles Francis1928
Eddy, Edmund Lyon1928
Eddy, S. S. 1885
Eddy, S. S. 1884
Eddy, Thomas Harvey1908
Eddy, Thomas Harvey1895
Eddy & Webster1893
Edelman, Edward Charles1925
Edelman, Lewis 1908
Edelman, Lewis 1922
Edelman, Lewis 1908
Edelman, Lewis 1895
Edelman, Lewis 1895
Edelman, Lewis 1922
Edelman, Lewis, & Co.1884
Edgcumbe, Verne Goodell1928
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1960
Edgerton, Hiram 1970
Edgerton, Hiram H.1914
Edgerton, Hiram H.1956
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1969
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1984
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1902
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1925
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1908
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1895
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1903
Edgerton, H. H.1893
Edgerton, Hiram H.1988
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1911
Edgerton, Hiram Haskell1893
Edgerton, Hiram H.1911
Edgerton, Hiram 1984
Edgerton, Hiram 1989
Edgerton, Hiram 1979
Edgerton, Hiram 1989
Edgerton, Hiram 1917
Edgerton, Hiram H.1895
Edgerton, Hiram H.1908
Edgerton, Hiram H.1925
Edgerton, Hiram H.1902
Edgerton, Hiram H.1902
Edgerton, Hiram H.1956
Edgerton, Hiram H.1908
Edgerton, Hiram H.1903
Edgerton, Hiram H.1984
Edgerton, Hiram H.1984
Edgerton, Hiram H.1979
Edgerton Park1970
Edgett, Harriet Roscoe1895
Edington, I. C.1895
Edington, Isaac C.1902
Edmunds, James M.1902
Edmunds, James M.1895
Edmunds, William J.1895
Edson, Freeman 1908
Edson, Freeman 1895
Edson, Freeman 1895
Edson House, 7 Rochester Street, Scottsville1974
Edward, William O.1897
Edward, Wilma 1994
Edward Bausch, residence of, East Avenue1904
Edward Boynton House, 16 East Blvd.1979
Edward Boynton House, 16 East Blvd., Rochester1974
Edward Boynton House, 16 East Blvd., Rochester1974
Edward C. Edelman, 433 Maplewood Avenue1911
Edward Covell, residence and portrait, Ogden1877
Edward Duffy, residence of, with portraits1877
Edward F. Higgins, Livery, 84 North Fitzhugh Street1899
Edward Harris, residence of1890
Edward J. Reed, residence of, Chili1877
Edward Mott Moore Open Air School1922
Edwards, William C.1897
Edwards, Charles Milton1922
Edwards, Edgar Frederick1922
Edwards, William C.1897
Edwards, Charles Milton1922
Edwards, Edgar Frederick1922
Edwards, Dorothy Elizabeth1928
Edwards, Frances Rose1928
Edwards, Henry William1928
Edwards, Walter Davis1928
Edwards Building, 26 - 34 St. Paul Street1982
Eells, Fred 1989
Efner, Charles 1895
Eggleston, Allen L.1924
Eggleston, Allen L.1924
Eggleston, Anna 1913
Egler, A. J.1903
Ehrich, William 1980
Ehrmentraut, Henry 1903
Ehrmentraut, Henry 1903
Ehrmentraut, Henry 1911
Ehrmentraut, Henry 1911
Eilinger, Frederick R.1903
Eilinger, Frederick R.1903
Eisenhart, Martin Herbert1946
Eisenhart, M. Herbert1961
Eisenhart, M. Herbert1961
Eisenhart, M. Herbert1946
Eisenhart, Mrs. M. H.1917
Eisenhauer, Joseph 1907
Eisman, Charles 1907
El-Sa-Mar, summer residence of L. M. Todd1913
El-Sa-Mar, summer residence of L. M. Todd1913
Elam, Frederick Samuel1922
Elam, Thomas 1907
Elam, Frederick Samuel1925
Elam, Frederick S.1925
Elam, Frederick S.1922
Elbert W. Scrantom, Mills of1838
Elbert W. Scrantom, Mills of (1838)1884
Elbs, John George1922
Elbs, John George1922
Elbs, John G.1914
Elbs, John 1917
Elderkin - Taylor Co.1888
Eldred, Franklin 1895
Eldredge, George I.1895
Eldredge, Loren D.1908
Eldredge, Loren David1902
Eldredge, Mrs. D. G.1917
Eldredge, Loren D.1922
Eldredge, Loren D.1922
Eldredge, H. S.1913
Eldridge, Bertha Pendento1989
Eldridge, Irving B.1895
Eldridge, W. G.1895
Eldridge, Charles William1959
Eldridge, Charles William1939
Eldridge, Hezekiah 1959
Electric car to Manitou Beach1892
Electric crane in operation on Barge Canal crossing Buffalo Road1912
Electric Laundering Co.1894
Elephants bathing at Ontario Beach1899
Elferink, John Henry1928
Elgin Watch Club Co.1891
Elihu Kirby House, 22 Stoney Clover Lane, Pittsford, 18401974
Elks Club1913
Ellery, Frank M.1902
Ellery, Frank M.1908
Ellingson, Mark 1946
Ellingson, Mark 1946
Ellington, Mark 1961
Elliott, William Duke1914
Elliott, Matthew 1922
Elliott, Felix Angus1928
Elliott, Alexander 1911
Elliott, Robert T.1959
Elliott, Matthew 1922
Elliott, Frank 1895
Elliott, Alexander 1911
Elliott & Holmes1884
Elliott's Dining Hall1898
Ellis, Harvey 1980
Ellis, Eugene J.1922
Ellis, James McDonald1911
Ellis, James McD.1903
Ellis, Elizabeth 1928
Ellis, Sylvenus Adon1928
Ellis, James McDonald1903
Ellis, Charles S. 1888
Ellis, S. A.1890
Ellis, S. A.1890
Ellis, Eugene J.1922
Ellis, Charles 1959
Ellis, Charles 1939
Ellis, Harvey 1959
Ellis, Harvey 1939
Ellis, James McDonald1911
Ellison, Frank T.1976
Ellison, Frank T.1925
Ellison, Frank T.1905
Ellison, Frank Thompson1902
Ellison, Nathaniel Buell1902
Ellison, Frank Thompson1928
Ellison, Frank Thompson1925
Ellsworth, Edward F.1902
Ellsworth, Edward F.1903
Ellsworth, Henry Mason1895
Ellsworth, H. E.1893
Ellsworth, E. F. 1894
Ellsworth, Henry Mason1893
Ellsworth, Mabel Hager1928
Ellsworth, Edward F.1903
Ellsworth, Frank S.1917
Ellsworth & Grant1898
Ellwanger, George 1884
Ellwanger, George 1884
Ellwanger, George 1949
Ellwanger, George 1976
Ellwanger, George 1984
Ellwanger, George 1979
Ellwanger, George 1984
Ellwanger, George 1902
Ellwanger, George 1895
Ellwanger, George 1915
Ellwanger, George H.1908
Ellwanger, George H.1902
Ellwanger, George 1893
Ellwanger, George 1971
Ellwanger, George H.1893
Ellwanger, George 1895
Ellwanger, George 1971
Ellwanger, George 1970
Ellwanger, George 1984
Ellwanger, George 1902
Ellwanger, George 1915
Ellwanger, George 1908
Ellwanger, George 1895
Ellwanger, George H.1908
Ellwanger, George H.1908
Ellwanger, William D.1908
Ellwanger, George 1960
Ellwanger, George 1893
Ellwanger & Barry1881
Ellwanger & Barry1893
Ellwanger and Barry Building1890
Ellwanger and Barry Building1890
Ellwanger and Barry Building1892
Ellwanger and Barry Building1897
Ellwanger and Barry Building1893
Ellwanger and Barry Building1891
Ellwanger and Barry Building1895
Ellwanger and Barry Building, 39 - 45 State Street1982
Ellwanger and Barry greenhouses and offices, 18551976
Ellwanger and Barry nurseries, entrance Mt. Hope Avenue1970
Ellwanger and Barry nursery1893
Ellwanger and Barry Nursery Office and Patrick Barry House, 668 & 692 Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester1974
Ellwanger and Barry nursery office and Patrick Barry House, 668 and 692 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester1974
Ellwanger and Barry Nursery Office, 668 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester, 18541974
Ellwanger and Barry's Mt. Hope nurseries in 18701977
Ellwanger Gardens, 625 Mt. Hope Avenue1974
Ellwood & Armstrong1881
Ellzey, Vernon S.1930
Elmwood Avenue Bridge, during 1913 flood1913
Elmwood Avenue Bridge, during 1913 flood1913
Elmwood Avenue Bridge, Genesee Valley Park1904
Elmwood Avenue Bridge, Genesee Valley Park1911
Elsheimer, D. C. 1894
Elsner, Simon L.1912
Elsner, Simon L.1912
Elsner, Simon L.1890
Elsner, Simon L.1890
Elsner, S. L.1905
Elsner, Simon L.1902
Elston, Harry K.1902
Elston, Henry K.1908
Elwell, Ray 1924
Elwood, Charles Alfred1908
Elwood, Frank Worcester1902
Elwood, Frank Worcester1895
Elwood, Frank Worcester1895
Elwood, Isaac R.1902
Elwood, Isaac R.1895
Elwood, Isaac R.1895
Elwood, John B.1908
Elwood, John B.1854
Elwood, John B.1964
Elwood, Charles A.1914
Elwood, John B.1988
Elwood, Frank W.1902
Elwood, Isaac R.1895
Elwood, John B.1989
Elwood, Frederick Thomas1928
Elwood Block1892
Elwood Building1979
Ely, Alfred 1895
Ely, Alfred 1979
Ely, Edward Talbot1928
Ely, Erastus LaRue1928
Ely, William Smith1928
Ely, Alfred 1902
Ely, Alfred 1908
Ely, Alfred 1908
Ely, Darwin S.1895
Ely, Erastus U.1908
Ely, Homer C.1903
Ely, L. D.1908
Ely, William Smith1924
Ely, William W.1908
Ely, Elisha 1854
Ely, Hervey 1854
Ely, Alfred 1989
Ely, Alfred 1895
Ely, Alfred 1902
Ely, Erastus U.1908
Ely, Homer C.1903
Ely, L. Douglas1905
Ely, L. Douglas1902
Ely, William Smith1924
Ely, George E., & Co.1894
Emberry, A. J.1895
Emberry, Christine 1895
Emberry, Willis 1895
Embrey, Frank F.1929
Embry, Frank W.1893
Embry, Frank W.1895
Embry, F. W.1893
Embry, Frank W.1895
Emer, George Charles1929
Emer, George Charles1911
Emer, George Charles1911
Emerich, Charles A.1924
Emerich, Clarence J.1924
Emerich, Charles A.1924
Emerich, Clarence J.1924
Emerson, William N.1902
Emerson, William N.1895
Emerson, Carolyn Lilian1928
Emerson, Edith Evelyn1928
Emerson, William H.1961
Emerson, S. S. & B. C.1884
Emery, James Balentine1924
Emery, William Henry1925
Emery, James Balentine1924
Emery, William H.1925
Emery, Anna Laura1928
Emil J. Vogel, 55 Huntington Park1911
Emmet Hollister House and Charles E. Hart House1974
Emmet Hollister House and Charles E. Hart House1974
Empire Art Galleries1912
Empire Bracket Works1884
Empire Moulding Works1894
Empire Optical Co.1898
Empire Optical Co.1902
Empire Roller Mills1888
Empire State College in former Sacred Heart Academy1984
Empire State Insurance Co.1890
Empire State Insurance Co.1890
Empire Theater1904
Emulsion Building, Kodak Park1895
End, George Louis1924
End, George Louis1924
Enders, Wiliam Frank1928
Enders, John C.1914
Enders, William F.1914
Enders, John C.1895
Engberg, Jon 1984
Engel, Joseph F.1902
Engel, Jospeh F.1902
Engel, Joseph 1908
Engel, George L.1992
Engeman, Irving H.1929
Engert, George A.1908
Engert, Sue 1917
Engert, George Aloysius1928
Engfer, Henry C.1913
Engine Houses in Rochester at Mid-Century1979
England, William 1911
England, William 1903
England, Robert H.1902
England, William G.1903
England, William C.1911
Englert, Frank E.1911
Englert, Frank E.1911
Englert, Edward R.1907
Enkofer, Joseph Beyer1924
Enos, Arthur Benjamin1928
Enos, Franklin James1928
Enos, Frank Morrison1911
Enos, Frank Morrison1911
Enos, Arthur Benjamin1902
Enos, B. Frank1903
Enright, Thomas J. 1884
Ensworth, J. D.1981
Ensworth, Azel 1854
Entrance Arch, Rochester's Street Fair, August 7-12, 18991899
Entrance to Arnold Park1912
Entrance to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1904
Entrance to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1895
Entrance to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1890
Entrance to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1890
Entrance to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1892
Entrance to Monroe Community Hospital1984
Entrance to Mr. William S. Kimball's residence1895
Entrance to Powers Art Gallery1892
Entrance to W. W. Chapin House1937
Entrance, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1899
Epicoco, Romolo 1924
Epicoco, Romolo 1924
Epping, Theodore C.1959
Eppinger, Jessie Guinan1928
Epstein, Henry 1891
Equitable Life Assurance Society1891
Erb, Frank Otis1930
Erb, Frank Otis1930
Erb, John G.1984
Erbe, Frederick 1917
Erbe, Gustav 1905
Erbe, Gustave 1917
Erbe, Frederick Gustave1928
Erbe, Gustave 1925
Erbe, Gustave 1895
Erbland, Henry Otto1928
Erdle, F. 1884
Erdle, William J.1925
Erdle, III, William J.1979
Eric, Helen 1989
Eric, Leslie 1989
Erickson, Aaron 1908
Erickson, Aaron 1908
Erickson, Aaron 1908
Erickson, Aaron 1884
Erickson, Aaron 1884
Erickson Monument at Mt. Hope1884
Erickson, Jennings & Co.1881
Erie Aqueduct Over the Genesee1888
Erie Aqueduct Over the Genesee River1892
Erie Canal and Aqueduct Over Genesee River1905
Erie Canal Aqueduct1911
Erie Canal Aqueduct1885
Erie Canal Aqueduct1896
Erie Canal Aqueduct1882
Erie Canal Aqueduct1898
Erie Canal Aqueduct1890
Erie Canal Aqueduct1895
Erie Canal Aqueduct (1890)1979
Erie Canal Aqueduct, ca 19191979
Erie Canal Aqueduct, Crossing the Genesee River1898
Erie Canal Aqueduct, now Broad Street Bridge1977
Erie Canal Aqueduct, Rochester 18551984
Erie Canal at Pittsford, painting by George Harvey1970
Erie Canal East from Fitzhugh Street Bridge1890
Erie Canal Feeder1970
Erie Canal Scene1970
Erie Canal, Court Street Bridge, and Lehigh Valley Railroad Station, ca 19101979
Erie Canal, gnarled. and venerable, legend has it that this tree served as a "hitching post" for canal boats, [Spring House]1976
Erie Depot1899
Erie Depot1892
Erie Railway Station1892
Erie Station1898
Erler, Edward J. 1891
Ernest, Charles B.1897
Ernest, Alfred C.1914
Ernest, Charles B.1893
Ernisse, William S.1902
Ernisse, William S.1902
Ernisse, James Roland1928
Ernsberger, Helen Jacques1928
Ernst, Joseph Louis1928
Ernst, Charles B.1895
Ernst, Lester 1959
Ernst, Lester 1939
Ernst, Louis 1895
Ernst, Louis J.1914
Ernst, Wendell 1907
Ernst, Charles B.1890
Ernst, Charles B.1890
Ernst, Charles B.1895
Ernst, Charles B.1895
Ernst, Louis 1902
Ernst, Louis 1915
Ernst, Louis 1908
Ernst, Louis 1895
Ernst, Louis J.1908
Ernst, Wendell 1903
Ernst, Edward J.1902
Ernst, Louis 1902
Ernst, Louis 1895
Ernst, Louis J.1902
Ernst, Wendell 1903
Ernst, Charles B.1895
Ernst, Louis 1895
Ernst, Charles B.1893
Ernst, Louis, & Son1888
Ernst, Louis, & Son1881
Ernst, Louis, & Son1884
Erwin, Ross E.1961
Erwin, Ross E.1961
Esget, Jabez 1981
Esson, Effie Helen1928
Esten, Pearl Harris1928
Esterheld, John J.1959
Esterheld, John J.1939
Estes, James W.1895
Ettenheimer, Elias S.1912
Ettenheimer, S. L.1912
Ettenheimer, Elias S.1912
Ettenheimer, S. L.1912
Ettenheimer, E. S., & Co.1902
Etzberger, Martin 1907
Eureka Club1904
Eureka Club1895
Eureka Club1898
Eureka Club1908
Eureka Club1896
Eureka Steam Heating Co.1884
Eureka Steam Heating Co.1881
Evangelical Reformed Church1915
Evans, Charles Campbell1959
Evans, Charles Campbell1939
Evans, William 1911
Evans, John E.1929
Evans, William 1929
Evans, William 1911
Evans, Charles D.1903
Evans, Charles Hart1924
Evans, John Joseph1895
Evans, David Jones1930
Evans, Charles D.1903
Evans, Charles Hart1924
Evans, John 1989
Evans, Richard T.1989
Evans, Vic 1989
Everest, Charles Marvin1925
Everest, Charles Marvin1895
Everett, John R.1994
Everett, Moses 1981
Evers, William Vaux1902
Evershed, Thomas 1902
Evershed, John T.1908
Evershed, Thomas 1895
Evershed, Thomas 1893
Evershed, Thomas 1893
Ewart, J.H. Walter1924
Ewart, J. H.Walter1924
Ewell, Glenn Blackmer1925
Ewell, Burt Frank1928
Ewell, Glenn Henry1928
Ewell, William H.1928
Ewell, Glenn Blackmer1930
Ewell, Glenn Blackmer1930
Ewer, Lydia Ann1902
Ewer, Spencer 1895
Excelsior File Works1881
Excelsior Steam Laundry1894
Excelsior Wire Works1884
Exchange Hotel, Main and George Streets, Mumford1974
Exchange Place, later Corinthian Street, March 18, 18651976
Exchange Street, corner State and Main Streets1904
Exchange Street, looking North1895
Exchange Street, looking North1899
Executive Offices, Eastman Company1895
Eyer, Charles L.1907
Eyer, William M.1907
Ezra Scofield, residence of, Wheatland1877
F. A. Brotsch, Jr., 331 Glenwood Avenue1911
F. A. Macomber residence1970
F. Buedingen Company1915
F. E. Baldwin, residence of1896
F. E. Reed Glass Company1912
F. E. Reed Glass Company1934
F. H. Loeffler, 1004 St. Paul Street1911
F. J. Fisher, 19 Seneca Parkway1911
F. M. Kline and Company Pharmacists1912
F. P. Crouch, residence of1890
F. P. Root, residence of, Sweden1858
F. P. Root, residence of, with portraits, Sweden1877
F. P. VanHoesen1906
F. P. VanHoesen, wall papers, 43 E. Main Street1899
F. W. Embry's residence1893
F. W. Lay, residence and fruit farm, Greece1877
F. W. Zoller, 1340 Lake Avenue1911
F. W. Zoller, residence of1913
Faas, John A.1908
Faber, Alice Herron1908
Faber, John P.1908
Faber, John Peter1902
Fable, Charles 1891
Fabry, Thillman 1891
Fabry, Thillman 1939
Fabry, Marion Fleck1928
Fagan, Harold Vincent1928
Fagan, Mildred Elaine1928
Fagan, Richard A.1903
Fagan, Richard A.1903
Fagan, Raymond 1922
Fagan, Raymond 1922
Fagan, Garth 1994
Fagbayi, Martin O.1994
Fahrer, John 1895
Fahrer, Martha J.1984
Fahy, P. 1894
Fahy, P. 1891
Fahy, Charles Harold1928
Fahy, John 1928
Fahy, Schantz Dry Goods Co.1902
Fair Store1891
Fairbanks, William 1905
Fairbanks, Floyd Cooper1928
Fairbanks, Clifford S.1959
Fairbanks, Clifford S.1939
Fairbanks, Floyd Cooper1947
Fairbanks, Loren A.1959
Fairchild, Herman LeRoy1971
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene1922
Fairchild, Herman L.1971
Fairchild, H. S. 1891
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene1922
Fairchild, Elmer E.1961
Fairchild, LeRoy Frink1928
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene1946
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene1925
Fairchild, Herman LeRoy1984
Fairchild, Elmer E.1902
Fairchild, Elmer E.1946
Fairchild, Elmer Eugene1925
Fairchild, Herman Leroy1902
Fairchild, Herman Leroy1984
Fairman, Annie Edna1928
Fairman, Charles Leslie1928
Fairman, Helen Martha1928
Falk, Jacob 1911
Falk, Jacob 1929
Falk, Jacob 1911
Fallesen, Andrew P.1895
Falls, William S.1994
Falls Field on the East Bank of the Genesee River, 18681979
Falone, Arthur 1924
Falone, Arthur 1924
Famous Knitting Mills1884
Fang, Frank G.1925
Fanning, John R.1902
Fanning, John R.1905
Fanning, John R.1890
Fanning, John R.1890
Fanning, Ben 1897
Fanning, Ben 1897
Faragher, Donald Q.1959
Faragher, Donald Q.1939
Farasey, James 1989
Farbo, Joseph 1984
Farbo, Joseph 1984
Fargo, Jacob A.1981
Farley, P. H.1914
Farley, J. Allen1917
Farley, Joseph 1902
Farley, William P.1917
Farley, Joseph 1893
Farley, Porter 1928
Farley, Ena L.1994
Farlow, James T.1897
Farlow, James T.1897
Farlow, James T.1897
Farlow, Florence Marie1928
Farlow, William George1928
Farm property and portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos E. Ladd, Henrietta1877
Farmer's Hotel, Main Street at Elm1970
Farnam, George W.1895
Farnan, James 1895
Farnham, William Bolton1922
Farnham, William B.1902
Farnham, William Bolton1922
Farr, Josiah 1981
Farrah, Mrs. 1994
Farrar, Hilda 1928
Farrar, Raleigh 1928
Farrell, James 1895
Farrell, John T.1903
Farrell, John T.1903
Farrell, William T.1917
Farren, Philip Henry1924
Farren, Philip Henry1924
Farren, John J.1914
Farron, William J.1929
Farron, William J.1911
Farron, William J.1911
Fassett, Benjamin W.1902
Fassett, Benjamin Wilson1902
Faucher, Cyril Adolphus1928
Faust, Joseph C.1929
Fauver, Edwin 1947
Fay, Jay 1959
Fay, Jay 1939
Fay, Muriel Augusta1928
Fay, William 1961
Fay, John D.1908
Fearless Dishwasher Company1909
Feary, Harriet Louise1928
Federal Building1905
Federal Building Sculpture1977
Fee, James Leo1928
Fee Brothers, 21 - 27 N. Water Street, Wine Growers1899
Feely, Joseph Martin1922
Feely, Joseph Martin1922
Fehr, Jacob 1895
Feiock, B., & Co.1888
Feiock, Bernard, & Co.1891
Feldman, Robert A.1984
Feldman, Robert A.1984
Fellman's Pharmacy1891
Fellows, John B.1895
Fellows, Perry Edwin1925
Fellows, William 1895
Felt, Samuel 1981
Fenn, Albert O.1895
Fenner, Edward B.1908
Fenner, Clarence A.1914
Fenner, Bert 1959
Fenner, Burt Leslie1959
Fenner, Bertram Search1928
Fennessy, John Vincent1924
Fennessy, Joseph Aloysius1924
Fennessy, John Vincent1924
Fennessy, Joseph Aloysius1924
Feretter, James 1924
Ferguson, Alexander 1895
Ferguson, Charles W.1908
Ferguson, Francis Morse1924
Ferguson, Francis Morse1924
Ferguson, E. H. 1891
Ferguson, W. B. 1898
Ferguson & Lewis1894
Ferner, John Theodore1928
Ferno, Hermann 1915
Fernwood Park1961
Fernwood Park (1947)1979
Ferrin, Ruth 1917
Ferris, Edward Leo1924
Ferris, Newell Allen1928
Ferris, David Lincoln1925
Ferris, Edward Leo1924
Ferstad, John 1924
Fessenden, Fay F.1924
Fessenden, Fay F.1924
Festival in Corinthian Hall1984
Fetzner, John 1895
Fetzner, J. P. 1891
Feuerherm, Curt K.1961
Fey, Henry A.1897
Fey, Henry A.1897
Fey, Henry A.1897
Fickett, Fred W.1902
Fidelity Trust Company, Powers Building1906
Field, Joshua 1929
Field, Harold L.1914
Field, Howard Heermans1922
Field, James 1881
Field, Howard H.1922
Field, Joseph 1988
Field, Joseph 1895
Field, Will 1959
Field, James 1884
Field, Joseph 1895
Field, Harold Lovasso1928
Field, Howard Heermans1928
Field, Kenneth Heermans1928
Field, Chester 1908
Field, Harold L.1925
Field, Howard H.1925
Field, Joseph 1902
Field, Joseph 1989
Field, Joseph 1908
Field, L. Dudley1946
Field, Reuben L.1895
Field, Reuben L.1908
Field, Joseph 1964
Field, Harold Lovasso1925
Field, Howard Heermans1925
Field, Joseph 1902
Field, L. Dudley1946
Field, Reuben L.1902
Field, Reuben L.1908
Field, Reuben L.1895
Field, James, Company1890
Field, James, Company1890
Field, James, Company1894
Fielding, Jerome 1929
Fields, Karen Elise1994
Fields, Pamela Matthews1928
Fien, Edward L.1914
Fien, Edward L.1908
Fien, Wigbert Anthony1924
Fien, Edward Louis1902
Fien, George Francis1902
Fien, Louis 1902
Fien, Wigbert Anthony1924
Fifty-Fourth Regiment Band1884
FIGHT Square Construction, 19691979
Fihe, Paul Bernard1924
File Works1891
Filkins, Anna May1928
Filkins, Christine Reeder1928
Filkins, George S.1895
Filkins Brothers, Drs.1890
Filkins Brothers, Drs.1890
Fillingham, G. E.1908
Fillingham, Dorothy Laney1928
Fillius, Georgiana Bergh1928
Filllmore, Mary Frances1928
Fillmore, Sarah A.1895
Film Building, Kodak Park1895
Filmer, Thomas Tisdale1930
Filon, Michael 1890
Filon, Michael 1890
Filon, Michael 1966
Filon, Michael 1989
Filon, Mitchael 1984
Filon, Michael 1988
Finch, Lewis Melvin1924
Finch, Theodore W.1925
Finch, Lewis Melvin1924
Finch, Charles Edgar1928
Fincher, John Alexander1895
Finkle, George W.1903
Finkle, George W.1903
Finnessy, James H.1895
Finney, Charles 1976
Finney, Charles G.1976
Finney, Charles G.1989
Finney, Charles G.1979
Finucan, A. N.1895
Finucan, Adam N.1902
Finucane, Thomas W.1925
Finucane, Bernard Emmet1940
Finucane, Bernard E.1961
Finucane, Thomas W.1925
Fire engine and Bijou Dream Theatre, Main Street1984
Fire Engine manufactory of Lewis Selye1838
Fire Parade, 19091956
Fire Parade, 19091956
Fire Station detail1984
Firestone, Siegmund 1959
Firestone, Siegmund 1939
Fireworks over the town and the river1977
Firman & Webb1898
First Aqueduct Carrying Erie Canal Over Genesee River, completed September 18221976
First Aqueduct from the East1979
First Aqueduct, from the Northeast, 18251973
First Baptist1890
First Baptist1891
First Baptist Church1884
First Baptist Church1892
First Baptist Church, Fairport1877
First Church of Christ Scientist1923
First Church of Christ Scientist, interior hall1923
First Congregational Church, Riga1908
First Court House, 18271979
First Erie Canal Aqueduct1979
First Federal Plaza Building1979
First Federal Plaza Building1977
First German Baptist Church1915
First Main Street Bridge1977
First Methodist Chapel, 18381884
First Methodist Church, 18501908
First Methodist Church, corner of Buffalo and Fitzhugh Street1838
First Monroe County Court House1984
First Monroe County Court House & nearby buildings in 18271977
First Monroe County Court House, built 18211911
First National Bank, 35 State Street1982
First Presbyterian Church1838
First Presbyterian Church1944
First Presbyterian Church1984
First Presbyterian Church1908
First Presbyterian Church as it appeared after disastrous fire, May 1869, it stood on the site of the present City Hall1976
First Presbyterian Church of Rochester, May 3, 19291976
First Presbyterian Church, 18241911
First Presbyterian Church, 18381884
First Presbyterian Church, interior1976
First Presbyterian Church, Rochester1877
First Unitarian Church, 220 S. Winton Road, Rochester1974
First Unitarian Church, designed by Louis Kahn1984
First Universalist Church1908
First Universalist Church, 150 S. Clinton Avenue1982
First Universalist Church, interior, Court Street and S. Clinton Avenue, Rochester1974
First Universalist Society Church1912
Fischer, Frank W.1914
Fischer, Florence Cecilia1928
Fischer, Walter William1928
Fischer & Schiller1891
Fish, Henry L. 1891
Fish, Henry L. 1884
Fish, Henry L.1895
Fish, Frederick 1902
Fish, Henry 1984
Fish, Henry L.1979
Fish, Henry L.1949
Fish, Henry L.1989
Fish, Jules Verne1924
Fish, Clarence Edgar1924
Fish, Henry L.1902
Fish, Jules Verne1924
Fish, Henry L.1895
Fish, Henry L.1988
Fish, Benjamin 1994
Fish, Henry L.1960
Fish, Marion 1928
Fish, Henry L.1966
Fish, Josial 1981
Fish, Nathan 1981
Fishbaugh, Glenn W.1924
Fishbaugh, Russell H.1924
Fishbaugh, Glenn W.1924
Fishbaugh, Russell H.1924
Fishell, Henry 1895
Fisher, Clarence H.1908
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1984
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1908
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1903
Fisher, George W.1902
Fisher, Isaac J.1908
Fisher, Edward A.1903
Fisher, Edwin A.1984
Fisher, Edwin A.1908
Fisher, Edwin A.1979
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1902
Fisher, Edwin F.1956
Fisher, Isaac J.1902
Fisher, Isaac J.1908
Fisher, Isaac J.1908
Fisher, Nellie M.1902
Fisher, Sarah 1956
Fisher, Edwin A.1895
Fisher, George W.1895
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1897
Fisher, M. J. Acer1894
Fisher, Theodore G.1897
Fisher, Edwin A.1914
Fisher, Edwin F.1956
Fisher, Sarah 1956
Fisher, Theodore G.1897
Fisher, Theodore G.1897
Fisher, Theodore G.1897
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1922
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1960
Fisher, Florence Levis1928
Fisher, Lois Elizabeth1928
Fisher, Raymond Castle1928
Fisher, Ruth McKinley1928
Fisher, Edwin A.1922
Fisher, Edward H.F.1911
Fisher, Edwin Augustus1895
Fisher, George W.1895
Fisher, Edward H.F.1929
Fisher, Edward H.F.1911
Fisk, Chauncey M.1895
Fisk, C. M. 1884
Fisk, C. M. 1890
Fisk, C. M. 1890
Fisk, E. J.1895
Fisk, Nathan 1895
Fisk, Jacob 1930
Fisk, Chauncey M.1895
Fisk, Ephraim 1913
Fisk, Hazel Elizabeth1928
Fisk Merchant Tailor1891
Fiske, Edwin Westlake1930
Fiske, Edwin Westlake1928
Fitch, Theodore Frank1928
Fitch, Lawrence Bradford1925
Fitch, Lawrence Bradford1908
Fitch, Charles E.1902
Fitch, Mrs. E.1956
Fitch, Mrs. Ralph1917
Fitch, Mrs. E.1956
Fitch, Ralph R.1914
Fitts, Andrew Scott1930
Fitz-Simons, Curtis 1928
Fitzgerald, Richard 1884
Fitzgerald, Daniel F.1984
Fitzgerald, Daniel F.1984
Fitzgibbon, Catherine Sheila1928
Fitzhugh, William 1994
Fitzhugh Street, 18381970
Fitzhugh Street, from Tower of Powers Block1882
Fitzhugh Street, from Tower of Powers Block1885
Fitzpatrick, Thomas 1897
Fitzpatrick, Thomas 1897
Fitzpatrick, John Feehan1928
Fitzpatrick, John Leo Wallac1928
Fitzsimmons, Daniel Joseph1922
Fitzsimmons, Daniel Joseph1922
Fitzsimons, John 1929
FitzSimons, Charles 1908
FitzSimons, Michael H.1908
FitzSmith, N. 1984
Fix, Meyer 1964
Flack, Arthur 1959
Fladd & Kunow1891
Flagg, Henry 1877
Flagg, Henry S.1895
Flaherty, Catherine Weaver1928
Flanigan, Mildred 1928
Flannery, Albert Maurice1928
Flannery, Thomas 1908
Flannery, Thomas 1908
Fleckenstein, Louis 1903
Fleckenstein, George V.1895
Fleckenstein, George V.1895
Fleckenstein, Louis George1903
Fleckenstein, Valentine 1890
Fleckenstein, Valentine 1890
Fleckenstein, Leo William1928
Fleckenstein, Louis George1911
Fleckenstein, Louis George1929
Fleckenstein, Louis G.1911
Fleckenstein Bros.1891
Fleming, John 1929
Fleming, James Patrick1908
Fleming, Joseph 1895
Fleming, James Patrick1928
Fletcher, Oliver Nobles1928
Fletcher, Esten Asprey1967
Fletcher, Esten A.1967
Fletcher, Lee 1930
Fletcher, Hebert M.1897
Fletcher, Herbert M.1897
Fletcher, Herbert M.1897
Fletcher Steele house, 20 Monroe Avenue, Pittsford1974
Flint, J. 1881
Floesch, Jacob Martin1922
Floesch, Jacob M.1902
Floesch, Jacob Martin1908
Floesch, Jacob Martin1922
Flood, William B.1924
Flood of 18651970
Flood of 1865 - looking up State Street1908
Flood of 1913: 24 views1913
Flood, March 18651895
Florack, Theodore Joseph1911
Florack, Theodore Joseph1929
Florack, Theodore Joseph1911
Florence, Franklin 1979
Flour City Life Association1891
Flour City Mills1881
Flour City National Bank1881
Flour City National Bank1888
Flour City National Bank1885
Flour City National Bank1893
Flour City Suspender Co.1881
Flour Mills Fronting on Brown's Race - 18801934
Flower City Brewing1915
Flower City Coffee & Spice Mills1881
Flower City Optical Co.1902
Flower City Specialty Company1909
Flower City Steam Laundry1898
Flowers, Marion Lee1928
Flowers in Highland Park1913
Fluker, Walter E.1994
Flying Circus at Crittenden Park Field, 19101956
Flying Circus at Crittenden Park Field, 19101973
Flying Circus at Crittenden Park Field, 19101956
Flynn, Margaret DeSales1928
Flynn, Matthew A.1908
Flynn, Jeremiah 1895
Flynn, Matthew A.1908
Flynn, William A.1908
Flynn, Joseph P.1959
Flynn, Joseph P.1939
Flynn, Jeremiah 1907
Fogarty, Frank Dewey1929
Fogarty, C. 1891
Fogg, Mrs.J.P. 1994
Foley, Adelaide Merz1928
Foley, John Maurice1928
Foley, Mary Cecelia1928
Foley, Thomas 1903
Foley, Francis A.1911
Foley, Thomas 1911
Foley, Thomas 1895
Foley, Thomas 1903
Foley, Francis A.1911
Foley, Thomas 1911
Foley & Duncan1888
Folger, Paul 1984
Folger, Paul 1984
Folger, William P.1902
Folmer, William F.1922
Folmer, William Frederick1922
Folsom, Marion Bayard1940
Folsom, Marion B.1961
Folsom, Marion B.1979
Folsom, Marion B.1984
Folsom, Marion Bayard1984
Folwell, Lawrence 1924
Folwell, Lawrence 1924
Fonda, William Thomas1902
Fonda, Henry Metcalf1928
Fonda, William T.1908
Fonseca, Maurice 1924
Fonseca, Maurice 1924
Fonthill Nurseries1885
Foote, Frank Whitney1928
Foote, Lemuel Hibbard1928
Foote, Orlando Knox1928
Foote, Nathaniel 1895
Foote, Nathaniel 1895
Foote, Nathaniel 1984
Foote, Orlando Knox1908
Foote, Nathaniel 1922
Foote, Nathaniel 1922
Foote, Orlando Knox1959
Foote, Orlando Knox1939
Foote, Nathaniel 1984
Foote, Adrian 1930
Forbes, Gilbert Burnett1992
Forbes, Charles 1928
Forbes, George Mather1928
Forbes, John Franklin1928
Forbes, George Mather1925
Forbes, George Mather1908
Forbes, George Mather1903
Forbes, John Franklin1925
Forbes, George Mather1902
Forbes, George Mather1903
Forbes, George Mather1925
Forbes, John Franklin1925
Forbes, A. 1959
Force, Isaiah F.1908
Ford, Charles P.1903
Ford, George G.1908
Ford, Phinehas 1908
Ford, Richard T.1925
Ford, Thomas P.1908
Ford, Thomas W.1902
Ford, Thomas W. 1890
Ford, Thomas W. 1890
Ford, Charles P.1895
Ford, Thomas W.1895
Ford, Thomas W. 1891
Ford, Frank 1911
Ford, Thomas W.1895
Ford, William R.1911
Ford, C. P.1893
Ford, Charles P.1902
Ford, Charles P.1903
Ford, Mrs. Richard1917
Ford, Thomas Porter1902
Ford, Thomas W.1902
Ford, Frank 1911
Ford, William R.1911
Ford, Bryan Edward1929
Ford, Howard 1929
Ford & Madden1884
Fordham, George G.1929
Foreman, William Charles1929
Foreman, Edward Reuben1928
Foreman, Edward Reuben1925
Foreman, Edward Reuben1903
Foreman, Edward Reuben1903
Foreman, Edward Reuben1984
Foreman, Edward R.1903
Foreman, Edward R.1984
Foreman, Edward R.1903
Foreman, Edward R.1925
Foreman, Edward R.1979
Forest, Camille 1907
Forman, Fred 1961
Forman, Benjamin 1979
Forman, Benjamin 1971
Forman, Benjamin 1971
Formerly the residence of Rufus Meech1884
Formerly the residence of William Kidd1884
Forrester, Thomas Carlaw1922
Forrester, Thomas Carlaw1922
Forristal, Marion Patricia1928
Forster, John M. 1894
Forster, Frederick J.1979
Forster, John M.1979
Forsyth, Walter S.1984
Forsyth, Charles Benjamin1928
Forsyth, Walter Scott1928
Forsyth, George D.1890
Forsyth, George D.1890
Forsyth, Daniel W.1895
Forsyth, Daniel W.1895
Forsyth, Walter Scott1984
Fortman, Elmer 1924
Fortman, Elmer 1924
Fosdick, Lee Morris1930
Foskett, William A.1895
Foster, Edwin Garfield1925
Foster, Ozias 1895
Foster, Gard 1890
Foster, Gard 1890
Foster, Edwin Garfield1959
Foster, Mortimer 1959
Foster, Luke C.1981
Foster, George C.1902
Foster, George C.1905
Foster, George T.1902
Foster, James 1976
Foster, James 1903
Foster, W. S. 1894
Foster, Jerry Barns1928
Foster, William Rice1928
Foster & Company1894
Foster & Hennegan1884
Foster and Company, Haines and Company, Pianos1899
Foster and Company, Haines and Company, Pianos1899
Foster, Hennessy & Co.1888
Foster-Armstrong Company1906
Foulds, Elsa Dossenbach1928
Foulds, Hamilton Jolley1928
Foulkes, Louis S.1961
Foulkes, L. S.1917
Foulkes, Mrs. S.1917
Fountain at Mt. Hope Reservoir, Highland Park1898
Fountain in Mt. Hope Reservoir, Highland Park1899
Fountain, Highland Park Reservoir by moonlight1911
Four Corners1911
Four Corners from Fitzhugh Street, 18401970
Four Corners in 18401977
Four Corners, Main, State and Exchange Streets1974
Four Corners, twelve way crossing, Rochester Railway Company1899
Four Railway Stations in Rochester1895
Fowle, Erna Ross1928
Fowle, James Henry1928
Fowler, Herbert Ernest1928
Fowler, John Denison1928
Fowler, Raymond James1928
Fowler, Frederick 1959
Fowler, Joshua 1895
Fowler, Leslie D.1924
Fowler, Purdy A.1908
Fowler, Purdy A.1902
Fowler, Purdy A.1914
Fox, Peter 1897
Fox, Peter 1897
Fox, Peter 1897
Fox, Charles O.1908
Fox, Frank John1925
Fox, Frank John1908
Fox, Frederick Edward1925
Fox, George A.1903
Fox, George W.1895
Fox, Kate 1984
Fox, Margaret 1984
Fox, Frank Marsden1928
Fox, James Wilson1898
Fox, John Randolph1928
Fox, George A.1911
Fox, Paul F.1959
Fox, Frank J.1908
Fox, Frank J.1925
Fox, Frederick E.1925
Fox, George A.1903
Fox, Kate 1884
Fox, Kate 1984
Fox, Margaret 1984
Fox, Marsden 1917
Fox, William Thomas1902
Fox, W. T.1905
Fox, John T. 1891
Fox, Dwight J.1929
Fox, Margaret 1959
Fox, George A.1911
Fox Sisters1985
Fox Sisters1976
Fox Sisters1984
Fox Sisters1971
Fox Sisters1971
Fox Sisters1979
Fox Sisters1989
Fox Sisters1976
Fox, W. T. Manufacturing Co.1898
France, Howard J.1924
France, Howard J.1924
France, F. W., & Co.1891
Franciosa, Salvatore 1929
Francis, Adam 1981
Francis, Nathan 1928
Francis, Merritt M.1902
Francis, Wesley 1924
Francis, Wesley 1924
Francis B. Mitchell, Pittsford1923
Franey, John E.1924
Franey, John E.1924
Frank, George 1895
Frank, Casper B.1907
Frank, Charles M. 1894
Frank, John Casper1911
Frank, John Casper1911
Frank F. Capen, residence of, Sweden1877
Frank H. Falls1912
Frank Ritter, residence of1890
Frank Wilmot, 29 Seneca Parkway1911
Frankenstein, Elmer H.1924
Frankenstein, Elmer H.1924
Frankfort Mills1888
Franklin Park, Andrews and Cumberland Streets1906
Franklin Square1890
Frasch, William Frederick1928
Fraser, Donald 1961
Fraser, Allan B.1895
Fraser School of Shorthand and Typewriting1894
Frauenthal, J. 1891
Frazer, Homer Campbell1924
Frazer, Samuel 1903
Frazer, Homer Campbell1924
Frazer, Samuel 1903
Frear, John 1903
Frear, John 1903
Frear's Funeral Home1934
Freckelton, George W.1902
Freckelton, T. Edward1902
Fred A. Mabbett, 369 Maplewood Avenue1911
Fred Gleason, 31 Appleton Street1911
Fred W. Bickford Storage Company1912
Frederick Cook, residence of, East Ave.1877
Frederick Douglass Monument1979
Frederick Douglass Monument in Highland Park1976
Frederick Douglass Print Shop, drawing, Four Corners1970
Freedman, Elisha 1984
Freedman, Ephraim 1964
Freeland, Elizabeth 1895
Freeman, David 1924
Freeman, H. 1984
Freeman, Hyman B.1984
Freeman, Walter C.1922
Freeman, Daniel C.1895
Freeman, David 1924
Freeman, Hyman B.1984
Freeman, James 1895
Freeman, Patrick 1895
Freeman Clarke's Parlors, 1880's1949
Fremouw, Cornelius 1911
Fremouw, Cornelius 1911
Fremouw, Cornelius 1929
French, William F.1929
French, L. M. 1894
French, George D.1902
French, Mrs. Robert1917
French, Porter M.1984
French, Robert T.1902
French, Edward Augustine1928
French, Ethel Louetta1928
French, Francis Jackson1928
French, Lieta Mary1928
French, M. D.1895
French, Porter M.1984
French, Lewis M. 1898
French, Porter M.1890
French, Porter M.1890
French, Palmer & French1891
French, Palmer & French1885
Frey, Frank 1925
Frey, John B.1917
Frey, Frank 1959
Frey, Frank G.1914
Frey, Frank 1925
Frey, John 1908
Frey, John Bemish1908
Frick & Son1890
Frick & Son1890
Fricke, Frederick A.1911
Fricke, Frederick Albert1911
Fricker, John 1902
Fricker, John 1898
Friedel, C.J. 1903
Friedel, C. J.1903
Friederich, John J.L.1902
Friederich, John J.L.1914
Friederich, Adam 1902
Friederich, Adam 1895
Friederich, John J. L.1925
Friederich, John J. L.1895
Friederich, A., & Sons1890
Friederich, A., & Sons1890
Friedler, Paul William1925
Friedler, Paul W.1925
Friedlich, Isaac 1917
Friel, Laura Martin1928
Friend, Joseph W.1895
Fries, Alvin Allen1930
Frisbee, John 1989
Fritsch, Aloysius Emil1924
Fritsch, Aloysius Emil1924
Fritsch, Joseph 1925
Fritsch, Joseph G.1961
Fritsch, Jr., Joseph 1925
Fritsczhe, Frank 1908
Fritz, August John1902
Fritz, Pauline Marie1928
Fritz, Martin 1895
Fritzsche, Frank 1915
Fritzsche, Frank 1908
Fritzsche, Frank 1903
Fritzsche, Frank 1902
Fritzsche, Frank 1903
Fritzsche, Frank 1884
Fritzsche, Frank, & Son1891
Front Street during flood of 19131913
Front Street during flood of 19131913
Front Street during flood of 19131980
Front Street Playground, during 1913 flood1913
Front Street, ca 19231984
Front Street, during flood of 19131913
Frost, Edward Allen1908
Frost, Henry 1895
Frost, S. P.1895
Frost, Warren James1928
Frost & Co.1884
Frost & Co.1894
Frost Family1994
Fry, E. R. 1891
Fry, John 1877
Fry, Mrs. John1877
Fry, Mrs. C.Luther1961
Fry, James Wells1902
Fry, Thomas J.1895
Fryatt, B. J.1908
Fryatt, B. J.1908
Frye, Elmer E. 1890
Frye, Elmer E. 1890
Fuchs, Karl 1979
Fuchs, Doris 1984
Fuehrer, William J.1959
Fuehrer, William J.1939
Fulcher, William H.1929
Fullam, Elisha 1981
Fuller, Joseph 1981
Fuller, George R.1914
Fuller, George Riley1922
Fuller, Aaron B.1911
Fuller, George Riley1922
Fuller, George R. 1888
Fuller, George R. 1891
Fuller, Beulah Elizabeth1928
Fuller, Henry Daniel1928
Fuller, C. Lacy1895
Fuller, George Riley1925
Fuller, George Riley1895
Fuller, Harrison C.1895
Fuller, Louis Elisha1925
Fuller, George R. 1894
Fuller, Aaron B.1911
Fuller, George R.1908
Fuller, George Riley1902
Fuller, Goerge Riley1925
Fuller, Louis E.1925
Fuller, George R. 1884
Fuller, George R. Co.1898
Fullwood, Emerson 1994
Fulmer, Clifford John1924
Fulmer, Clifford John1924
Fulreader, John W.1908
Fulreader, John William1902
Fulreader, Rufus Ernest1928
Fulreader, Oscar John1959
Fulreader, Oscar John1939
Fulreader, John W.1908
Fulton, Newell C.1903
Fulton, Newell C.1903
Fur Store, State and Andrews Streets1949
Furlong, Henry M.1908
Furlong, Sayde Marie1928
Furlong, Henry M.1908
Furman, Charles Edwin1902
Furman, Fanny 1917
Furman, C. E.1893
Furman, Mark Byron1922
Furman, Charles E.1889
Furman, Mark Byron1922
Furman, Charles E.1893
Furstenberg, Carl Leighton1924
Furstenberg, Carl Leighton1924
Furtherer, Benedict C.1903
Furtherer, Benedict C.1903
Furtherer, Benedict C.1903
G. C. Latta, residence of, Charlotte1858
G. L. G. Seely, residence of, Fairport1877
G. Mannel, residence of, 119 Alexander Street1877
G. O. VanHoesen, 1020 St. Paul Street1911
G. W. Todd and Company1912
G.. A. Hollister, residence of1896
Gabe, F. J. 1902
Gabor, Robert 1959
Gabriel, Anthony B.1911
Gabriel, Anthony B.1911
Gachinsky, Adam 1924
Gaffney, Owen 1895
Gaffney, Owen 1893
Gaffney, Owen 1895
Gaffney, Owen 1893
Gaffney, Augustine 1902
Gaffney, Mason Clarke1928
Gafney, Edward J.1959
Gagner, P 1976
Gale, Arthur Sullivan1947
Gale Manufacturing Co.1891
Gall, Frank Henry1911
Gall, Frank Henry1911
Gallagher, Robert Alphonse1928
Gallagher, James 1981
Gallaher, George Edward1911
Gallaher, George Edward1911
Gallaher, George E.1929
Gallery, Charles 1925
Gallery, Michael 1895
Galligan, Marie Louise1928
Galliger, C. DeForest1902
Galliger, Charles D.1902
Gallipeau, Joseph L.1924
Gallipeau, Joseph L.1924
Gallop, Charles 1914
Gallup, Albert J.1903
Gallup, Andrew J.1895
Gallup, George 1895
Gallup, Albert J.1903
Gallup, Eli 1964
Gallup, George Jackson1928
Gallup, Ruth Sergenor1928
Gallusser, John 1895
Gally, Merritt 1959
Galpin, Leman Quitilian1930
Galusha, N. H. 1881
Galusha, N. H. 1884
Galusha-VanVoorhis House, S. Clinton at Court Street1970
Galusha-VanVoorhis house, S. Clinton at Court Street1970
Galvan, Howard F.1959
Galvin, William Francis1924
Gampanz, Mikel 1924
Gampanz, Mikel 1924
Gannett, Frank Ernest1984
Gannett, Frank 1989
Gannett, Frank 1956
Gannett, Frank E.1984
Gannett, Frank E.1973
Gannett, Frank E.1979
Gannett, Frank E.1971
Gannett, Frank E.1979
Gannett, Mary T.1979
Gannett, Mary T.1956
Gannett, Mrs. C.1956
Gannett, Frank Ernest1971
Gannett, Frank E.1971
Gannett, Frank Ernest1922
Gannett, Caroline Werner1984
Gannett, Mary Thorn Lewis1984
Gannett, Frank 1995
Gannett, Frank Ernest1960
Gannett, Frank Ernest1959
Gannett, Mary Thorn Lewis1985
Gannett, William Channing1959
Gannett, Frank 1956
Gannett, Frank 1961
Gannett, Frank E.1961
Gannett, Frank E.1961
Gannett, Frank E.1961
Gannett, Mary T.1956
Gannett, Mrs. E.1961
Gannett, Mrs. E.1961
Gannett, Mrs. C.1956
Gannett, Frank Ernest1940
Gannett, William Channing1894
Gannett, Frank Ernest1922
Gannett, Mary Thorn Lewis1940
Gannett School and Eisenhart Auditorium of RMSC1984
Gannon, Michael C.1903
Gannon, Michael C.1903
Gantt, David 1994
Ganung, Donald Elbert1928
Garage for Mrs. Ida M. Angle1923
Garbutt, F. L.1913
Garbutt, Philip 1895
Garbutt, Robert R.1895
Garcia, Domingo 1972
Garcia, Domingo 1972
Gardener, Miles 1994
Gardiner, Addison 1877
Gardiner, Addison 1854
Gardiner, Addison 1925
Gardiner, Addison 1902
Gardiner, Addison 1895
Gardiner, Richard F.1902
Gardiner, Richard F.1895
Gardiner, Richard F.1903
Gardiner, Addison 1925
Gardiner, Addison 1895
Gardiner, Richard 1903
Gardiner, Addison 1884
Gardiner, James Platt1929
Gardiner, Addison 1884
Gardner, Abiel 1981
Gardner, John 1981
Gardner, L. H.1913
Gardner, Melvin 1895
Gardner, Corliss Barlow1928
Gardner, George Sawyer1928
Gardner, Lester H.1959
Gardner, Henry Platt1964
Gardner, Addison 1902
Garfield, Charles Howard1902
Garfield, Charles Fowler1908
Garfield, C. F. 1898
Garfield Building1906
Garland, Morey C.1895
Garland, William 1877
Garland, Mrs. William1877
Garland, William 1877
Garlock, James S.1890
Garlock, James S.1890
Garlock, Frank Fletcher1928
Garlock, James S.1895
Garlock, James S.1895
Garnham, Elizabeth Butler1928
Garnish, John 1908
Garnish, John 1895
Garretsee, John R.1895
Garrison, Elias 1895
Garson, Charles 1895
Garson, Henry 1912
Garson, Leopold 1912
Garson, Moses 1912
Garson, Regina Louise1928
Garson, Leopold 1912
Garson, Moses 1912
Garson & Wood Furniture Co.1898
Garson, Meyer & Co.1888
Gartner, Arthur Paul1924
Gaskin, E. W.1895
Gaskin, Nia Arlene1994
Gaston, Joseph H.1903
Gaston, Daniel D.1895
Gaston, Joseph H.1895
Gaston, Joseph H.1903
Gate House at Highland Reservoir, 18901979
Gate House, Highland Park1912
Gately & Williams1891
Gates, Henry P.1895
Gates, L. E.1913
Gates, Herbert 1917
Gates, Alfred 1928
Gauhn & Bassett1884
Gauhn & Bassett1881
Gaussuin, J. 1902
Gavin, William Francis1924
Gay, Benjamin F.1908
Gay, Agnes Thistlethw1928
Gay, Azel 1928
Gay, Ellis 1928
Gay, Robert 1908
Gayle-Jones, Jewelle 1994
Gaylord, Willis Clark1930
Gaylord, Leonard Jarvis1928
Gaylord, Willis Clark1928
Gears, Harold 1984
Gears, Harold 1984
Geddes, W. B. 1891
Gee, Horace B.1895
Gefell, J. Emil1961
Geib, William 1903
Geib, William 1911
Geib, William 1903
Geib, William 1911
Geier, Raymond V.1929
Geiger, George P.1924
Geil, Henry W.1930
Geis, George J.1930
Geisler, Joseph 1907
Geisler, Louis 1907
Geismar, R. 1891
Geismar, R. 1894
Gelb, William Benjamin1928
Genesee Brewing Co.1890
Genesee Brewing Co.1890
Genesee Brewing Company1899
Genesee Brewing Company1899
Genesee Brewing Company1915
Genesee Canyon, below Lower Falls1895
Genesee Canyon, below Lower Falls, looking North1895
Genesee Canyon, below Lower Falls, Seneca Park1899
Genesee Country Museum1977
Genesee Country Museum, Mumford1974
Genesee Crossroads Park1979
Genesee Crossroads Project1979
Genesee Falls1896
Genesee Falls, 18001970
Genesee Fruit Co.1898
Genesee High Falls1877
Genesee High Falls, 1877, Rochester1979
Genesee Iron and Brass Works1891
Genesee Lower Falls1898
Genesee Lower Falls1898
Genesee Lower Falls1891
Genesee Lower Falls from the West Bank1885
Genesee Lower Landing1885
Genesee Lower Landing1882
Genesee Lumber Company1912
Genesee National Savings and Loan Assoc.1894
Genesee Park Hotel1894
Genesee Park Hotel1891
Genesee Plating Works1888
Genesee Recreation Company1909
Genesee River1896
Genesee River (during 1913 flood)1913
Genesee River and Gorge1896
Genesee River below falls1890
Genesee River Dam (during 1913 flood)1913
Genesee River from Brewers Dock1890
Genesee River from Driving Park Avenue Bridge1896
Genesee River from Lookout Point, West Seneca Park1898
Genesee River from Seneca Park1913
Genesee River Gorge and lower falls, 1970's1979
Genesee River Gorge and the Lower Falls1979
Genesee River looking Northward from Clarissa St. Bridge1937
Genesee River looking Northward from Clarissa Street Bridge1937
Genesee River near Maplewood Park1913
Genesee River Pier, ca 18801949
Genesee River, ca 19791979
Genesee Second Falls1885
Genesee Second Falls1882
Genesee Shirt Company1902
Genesee Straw Works1884
Genesee Tack Co.1898
Genesee Tobacco Works1888
Genesee Upper Falls1898
Genesee Upper Falls1898
Genesee Valley Club1890
Genesee Valley Club1895
Genesee Valley Club1898
Genesee Valley Club1895
Genesee Valley Club1896
Genesee Valley Club1890
Genesee Valley Club1890
Genesee Valley Club1906
Genesee Valley Club1904
Genesee Valley Club1913
Genesee Valley Club1908
Genesee Valley Distilling Co.1881
Genesee Valley Gorge from Driving Park Bridge1913
Genesee Valley Nurseries1884
Genesee Valley Park1896
Genesee Valley Park1896
Genesee Valley Park1899
Genesee Valley Park showing boat house, band stand and Elmwood Avenue Bridge1912
Genesee Valley Park, aerial flight 19111970
Genesee Valley Park, from Elmwood Avenue Bridge1899
Genesee Valley Park, from Elmwood Avenue Bridge1895
Genesee Valley Park, mouth of Red Creek1899
Genesee Valley Park, Mouth of Red Creek1899
Genesee Valley Park, South end1908
Genesee Valley Trust Building1979
Genthner, W. J.1908
Gentles, Ruth Graeme1928
Genung, Winifred C.1928
George, Rachel Messenger1928
George, Robert Reed1928
George, David 1895
George, James 1895
George, Wilton A.1994
George B. Smith, residence of1890
George Bantel, residence of1890
George C. Hollister residence1970
George C. Hollister's residence1893
George C. Hollister, residence of1890
George C. Whipple, Furniture1890
George C. Whipple, Furniture1890
George C. Whipple, Furniture, W. Main Street1888
George D. B. Bonbright, residence of1913
George D. Ramsdell, residence, "The Castle"1904
George D. Southworth house, 1883 Penfield Rd., Penfield1974
George E. Noeth, 904 East Avenue1911
George E. Noeth, residence of1913
George Eastman House1979
George Eastman Memorial, Kodak Park1937
George Eastman's Mansion, opened in 19051973
George Ellwanger's residence1893
George H. Newell, residence of1890
George J. Vogt, 61 Seneca Parkway1911
George L. Colgate, 854 East Avenue1911
George L. Miner Company1912
George M. Wetmore, 4 Lake View Park1911
George M. Wetmore, residence of1913
George N. Lenci, House1923
George Parmenter, residence of, Penfield1877
George R. Fuller Company1912
George R. Fuller, residence of1913
George Raines, residence of1890
George Stehler, residence of1913
George T. Foster Coal Company1912
George W. Ham, 250 East Avenue1911
George W. Ingmire, residence of1913
George W. Robeson, residence of1913
Gerber, Ward Louis1928
Gerber, Albert 1903
Gerber, Albert 1903
Gerhard, Charles J.1902
Gerhard & Ahrens1894
Gerling, Jacob 1893
Gerling, Jacob 1895
Gerling, Jacob 1908
Gerling, Jacob 1895
Gerling, Jacob 1893
Gerling, Jacob 1895
Gerling, Jacob 1903
Gerling, Jr., Jacob 1903
German Home for the Aged1912
German House1915
German House (drawing of proposed new one)1915
German House (drawing of proposed new one)1915
German Insurance Building1890
German Insurance Building1891
German Insurance Building1895
German Insurance Building1899
German Insurance Building and Court House1892
German Insurance Building and Court House1892
German Insurance Company Building1893
German Lutheran Church, ea 19021984
German Theological Seminary1890
German Theological Seminary1890
German Theological Seminary1890
German-American Bank1894
German-American Bank1893
German-American Bank of Rochester1888
Germania Fire Insurance Co.1888
Germania Fire Insurance Co.1884
Germanow, Harry 1979
Germanow-Simon Machine Company1934
Gething, Stanley 1924
Getman, James Edgar1924
Getman, James Edgar1924
Geyer, Frank J.1902
Geyer, Albin 1891
Gianniny, Mabel Hewlett1928
Gibaud, Leon T.1929
Gibbard, Isaac 1908
Gibbard, Isaac 1902
Gibbard, Isaac 1905
Gibbard, Isaac 1908
Gibbons, Thomas Francis1929
Gibbons, Thomas Francis1911
Gibbons, A. J.1893
Gibbons, D. C.1893
Gibbons, Thomas Francis1911
Gibbons, Emma Culross1928
Gibbons & Stone1884
Gibbons & Stone1890
Gibbons & Stone1890
Gibbons and Stone1893
Gibbs, Isaac 1994
Gibbs, Charles S.1908
Gibbs, Everett O.1895
Gibbs, Everett O.1895
Gibbs, Frank Lester1924
Gibbs, Milton Evander1925
Gibbs, Charles B.F.1992
Gibbs, George W.H.1959
Gibbs, Chas. S. 1898
Gibbs, Charles S.1914
Gibbs, Charles S. 1902
Gibbs, Charles S.1902
Gibbs, Everett O.1902
Gibbs Street Town houses at 173 and 175 Gibbs Street1977
Gibson, Harry F.1924
Gibson, Harry F.1924
Gibson, Carlton 1914
Gienke, Erwin Louis1928
Gifford, Mrs.J.M. 1994
Gifford, Bernard 1972
Gifford, Bernard 1972
Gifford, Bernard R.1979
Gifford, Leroy S.1924
Gifford, C. C. & Son1891
Gilbert, Elizabeth H.1984
Gilbert, Grove S.1877
Gilbert, Harry Curtis1925
Gilbert, William Wallace1908
Gilbert, William G.1914
Gilbert, John 1897
Gilbert, Donald Wood1928
Gilbert, Eleanor Garbutt1928
Gilbert, Grove S.1994
Gilbert, Lewis Henry1902
Gilbert, William Wallace1908
Gilbert, Grove Carl1959
Gilbert, Moses 1994
Gilbert & Williamson Mfg. Co.1898
Gilbert, Loos & Frink1894
Gillard, Nathaniel 1908
Gillard, Nathaniel 1908
Gillard, Nathaniel 1895
Gilles, J. A. 1891
Gillespie, George 1891
Gillespie, Durwin D.1946
Gillespie, Durwin D.1946
Gillett, John 1895
Gillette, George Albert1908
Gillette, Willis Kingsley1925
Gillette, Willis Kingsley1895
Gillette, Willis Kingsley1903
Gillette, Elmer 1959
Gillette, Charles Lannin1922
Gillette, George Albert1922
Gillette, Henry E.1988
Gillette, Percival Ware1922
Gillette, Willis Kingsley1922
Gillette, Charles Lannin1922
Gillette, George Albert1922
Gillette, Percival Ware1922
Gillette, Willis Kingsley1922
Gillette, George A.1908
Gillette, Willis K.1903
Gillette, Willis Kingsley1925
Gillette, Charles Lannin1928
Gillette, Ethelynne Mildred1928
Gillette, George Albert1928
Gillette, Mary Cynthia1928
Gillette, Percival Ware1928
Gillette, Ruth Otis1928
Gillette, Charles 1889
Gilley, Patricia 1978
Gillis, James W. 1888
Gillis, James W.1914
Gillis, Mrs. W.1917
Gillis-Baird Motor Company1912
Gilman, Andrew L.1984
Gilman, George A.1908
Gilman, George A.1903
Gilman, George A.1903
Gilman, George Augustus1902
Gilman, Andrew Logan1925
Gilman, Andrew Logan1984
Gilman, George A.1903
Gilman, George A.1908
Gilman, George A.1903
Gilman, Helen Curtis1940
Gilman, Albert Winfield1928
Gilman, Edward 1994
Gilman, Edward Harry1928
Gilman, Helen Curtis1928
Gilman Perkins' residence1893
Gilmore, Joseph H.1890
Gilmore, Joseph H.1890
Gilmore, Joseph Henry1902
Gilmore, W. H. 1894
Gilmore, Joseph Henry1928
Gilt, Dewey Leone1928
Ginder, Charles V.1911
Ginder, Charles V.1911
Ginsburgh, Bernice Helen1928
Gioia, Alfonso 1984
Gioia, Alfonso 1984
Gioia, Alfonso 1925
Gipner, John F.1992
Giroux, Daniel F.1959
Glantschig, Thomas L.1911
Glantschnig, Frank 1929
Glantschnig, Thomas L.1911
Glanzel, Carl A.1924
Glanzel, Carl A.1924
Glaser, Jerome L.1992
Glasford, Merritt 1924
Glasford, Merritt 1924
Glass, Walter Monteith1928
Glass, Herman 1902
Glasser, John M.1895
Glasser, Harold Louis1928
Glassman, David 1964
Glazier, Elias C.1908
Gleason, Benjamin F.1895
Gleason, Harold 1925
Gleason, James Emmet1946
Gleason, Kate 1984
Gleason, Kate 1976
Gleason, Samuel W.1895
Gleason, Thomas Raymond1924
Gleason, Eleanor 1928
Gleason, Emmet Blakeney1928
Gleason, Henry B.1959
Gleason, Henry B.1939
Gleason, Kate 1971
Gleason, Kate 1971
Gleason, Kate 1983
Gleason, Kate 1959
Gleason, James 1970
Gleason, Kate 1970
Gleason, Kate 1982
Gleason, William 1970
Gleason, William 1884
Gleason, B. F.1902
Gleason, Fred 1908
Gleason, James 1917
Gleason, James 1976
Gleason, James E.1946
Gleason, Kate 1976
Gleason, Kate 1984
Gleason, Thomas Raymond1924
Gleason, William 1976
Gleason, William 1956
Gleason, Kate 1984
Gleason, James Emmet1922
Gleason, William 1922
Gleason, James E.1961
Gleason, James E.1961
Gleason, James E.1961
Gleason, James E.1961
Gleason, James E.1961
Gleason, James E.1961
Gleason, William 1956
Gleason, James Emmet1940
Gleason, Kate 1982
Gleason, William 1881
Gleason men in front of the old plant at Brown's Race on the Banks of the Genesee River, 18651976
Gleason Works1979
Gleason Works1977
Gleason Works1970
Gleason Works about 18651934
Gleason Works, 1000 University Avenue, Rochester1974
Gleason Works, office building1923
Gleason, H. B. Architect1885
Gleichauf, Mildred Hall1928
Glen, Frank Elmer1928
Glen, Judson Barrett1928
Glen, Frank E.1895
Glen Brothers1884
Glen Haven, scenes at1890
Glen House1915
Glen House, Genesee River1970
Glen House, Lower Falls1884
Glenn, J. H. 1898
Glenn, Margaret Garbutt1928
Glenny & Co's Building1895
Glenny, W. H., & Co.1888
Glenny, W. H., & Co.1891
Glenny, W. H., & Co.1884
Glenwood Nursery1912
Glidden, Thomas 1913
Glidden, C. J.1917
Gliddon, Charles J.1902
Gliddon, Charles J.1908
Gliddon, Dorothy Frederick1928
Gliottoni, Armilo 1924
Glise, Curtis 1989
Glosser, John Marquand1928
Glynn, Henry R.1914
Gobel, Frank B.1967
Gobel, Frank B.1967
Goble, Frank B.1902
Goddard, William S.1903
Goddard, Joseph 1914
Goddard, Mark Gilbert1922
Goddard, Mark Gilbert1922
Goddard, William S.1911
Goddard, William S.1903
Goddard, William S.1911
Godfrey, Edward 1929
Goehringer, Robert A.1959
Goetz, Carl 1924
Goetz, Louis 1924
Goetz, Carl 1924
Goetz, Louis 1924
Goetzman, Charles 1895
Goetzman, Frederick 1893
Goetzman, William F.1902
Goetzman, Frederick George1928
Goetzman, Walter 1928
Goetzmann Pharmacy1902
Goff, Frank M.1914
Goff, William Frederick1928
Goff, Frank M.1908
Goff, Henry H.1895
Goff, Squire 1877
Goff, Lodema 1877
Goff, Squire 1877
Goff, Gordon 1959
Goggin & Knowles1884
Goggin & Knowles1888
Goheen, Arthur J.1902
Golba, Walter 1924
Gold, John 1981
Goldberger, M. 1890
Goldberger, M. 1890
Golding, Daniel 1903
Golding, Daniel 1903
Goldman, Albert E.1964
Goldman, Emma 1979
Goldman, Emma 1971
Goldman, Israel 1964
Goldman, Emma 1960
Goldman, Emma 1959
Goldman, Harrry D.1961
Goldman, Emma 1984
Goldsmith, Elizabeth Smith1928
Goldstein, Benjamin 1928
Goldstein, Isadore 1928
Goldstein, Jacob D.1992
Goldstein, Louis A.1992
Goldstein, Hyman 1964
Goldstein, Isadore 1964
Goldstein, Joseph 1964
Goldstein, Max A.1964
Goldstein, Joseph 1961
Goldstein, Joseph 1961
Goldstein, Joseph 1912
Goldstein, Ruben 1912
Goldstein, Lester 1912
Goldstein, Ruben 1912
Goler, George W.1960
Goler, George W.1895
Goler, George W.1895
Goler, George 1956
Goler, George W.1984
Goler, George W.1903
Goler, George 1956
Goler, George 1989
Goler, George W.1903
Goler, George W.1979
Goler, George W.1984
Goler, George W.1984
Gomez, Carol 1994
Gomph, George H.1895
Goodale, Charles C. 1894
Goodberlet, Joseph 1895
Goode, Edward Charles1924
Goode, Edward Charles1924
Goode & Garfield1894
Goodell, Hamilton W.1902
Goodell, Harry 1908
Goodell, Elijah 1908
Goodelle, Fred B.1961
Goodenough, Louise Marie1928
Goodenough, Swayne Peters1928
Goodger, Willard Charles1922
Goodger, W. H. 1888
Goodger, Willard C.1925
Goodger, Willard C.1922
Goodger, Willard Charles1925
Goodger & Armstrong1881
Goodger & Naylor1885
Goodger & Naylor1884
Gooding, Spencer Clubine1928
Gooding, Ebenezer 1981
Goodman, Mose 1891
Goodrich, Suzanne 1959
Goodridge, Joseph H.1895
Goodridge, Leo Robert1924
Goodridge, Leo Robert1924
Goodwin, Frederick C.1925
Goodwin, Charles Carroll1928
Goodwin, Frederic Charles1928
Goodwin, George Sumner1928
Goodwin, Frederic Charles1925
Goodwin, Harry Coburn1925
Goodwin, Frederick C.1914
Goold, Henry 1893
Goold, Henry 1893
Goold, Luther O.1929
Goold, Albert H.1895
Gorczynski, Alexander 1924
Gorczynski, John J.1924
Gorczynski, Alexander 1924
Gorczynski, John J.1924
Gordon, David M.1902
Gordon, Fred H.1917
Gordon, Fred Hooker1925
Gordon, George C.1917
Gordon, George Cooley1908
Gordon, George Cooley1902
Gordon, Luther 1908
Gordon, Mrs. David1917
Gordon, Mrs. C.1917
Gordon, Thomas C.1925
Gordon, William 1989
Gordon, Edwin S.1925
Gordon, Edwin S.1908
Gordon, Fred Hooker1925
Gordon, George Cooley1925
Gordon, George Cooley1908
Gordon, George Cooley1895
Gordon, George Cooley1908
Gordon, James 1895
Gordon, James F.1908
Gordon, Luther 1925
Gordon, Luther 1908
Gordon, Luther 1908
Gordon, Thomas C.1925
Gordon, Edwin S.1959
Gordon, Edwin S.1939
Gordon, James F.1895
Gordon, John H.1895
Gordon, Stewart 1959
Gordon, James F.1895
Gordon, John H.1895
Gordon, Edwin S.1914
Gordon, Luther 1929
Gordon, Joseph N.1929
Gordon, Charles Ross1928
Gordon, Ethel Mae1928
Gordon, George Cooley1928
Gordon, Luther 1928
Gordon, Luther 1877
Gordon, Luther 1877
Gordon, Mrs. Luther1877
Gordon & Co.1881
Gorge of the Genesee1904
Gorge of the Genesee1904
Gorge of the Genesee1937
Gorge of the Genesee River1905
Gorin, Meyer 1928
Gorman, Benjamin A.1928
Gormly Brothers1891
Gorsline, James 1888
Gorsline, Ralph H.1925
Gorsline, Richard 1908
Gorsline, William Henry1902
Gorsline, Mrs. Richard1917
Gorsline, Richard 1917
Gorsline, Ernest Elisha1928
Gorsline, William H.1884
Gorsline, Douglas 1980
Gorsline, William Henry1884
Gorsline, Ralph H.1914
Gorton, Ezra 1895
Gorton, Francis 1908
Gorton, Harry C.1908
Gosnell, Arthur James1928
Gosnell, Esther Hale1928
Gosnell, Helen Jane1928
Gosnell, Herbert Manning1928
Gosnell, James 1928
Gosnell, Howard L.1929
Gosnell, James1884
Goss, George A.1895
Goss, George Augustus1902
Goss, George A.1902
Goss, George A.1895
Goss, George A.1895
Gott, Frederick E.1908
Gott, Frederick E.1895
Gott, John 1895
Gott, John Seymour1924
Gott, Frederick 1895
Gott, Frederick E.1908
Gott, John Seymour1924
Gott, Francis Hastings1928
Gott, Sanford James1928
Gottry, Edward O.1928
Gottry, Samuel H.1922
Gottry, Samuel H.1922
Gottry, Samuel 1908
Gottschalk, Edward B.1914
Gould, Henry R.1929
Gould, Ralph 1929
Gould, Hyman G.1964
Gould, Jacob 1989
Gould, Luther O.1911
Gould, Jacob 1854
Gould, Jacob 1964
Gould, Jacob 1960
Gould, Seward Forbes1928
Gould, Jacob 1988
Gould, Jacob 1895
Gould, Luther O.1911
Gould, Jacob S.1908
Gould, S. Hatch1902
Gould, L. M. 1884
Gould, Jacob 1895
Goulding, George P.1908
Gove, Homer A.1897
Gove, Homer A.1897
Gove, Homer A.1897
Gove, Samuel Wellington1928
Government Building and Post Office1896
Government Building and Post Office (Old Federal Building), 18961979
Gowe, John N. 1884
Goyer, Adam 1981
Grace Church or St. Paul's, in St. Paul's Street, built of stone, from O'Reilly's Sketches of Rochester, 18381984
Grace Church or St. Paul's, St. Paul Street1838
Grace Episcopal Church, Browns Avenue, Scottsville1974
Grace Episcopal Church, Browns Avenue, Scottsville, 18851974
Graeper, Olga Charlotte1928
Graeser, William V.1908
Graeser, William V.1925
Graeser, William V.1925
Graeser, William V.1908
Graeser, William V.1914
Graf, George 1929
Graffin & Hoyt1884
Graham, Merritt E.1895
Graham, William James1922
Graham, E. O. 1888
Graham, Andrew J.1908
Graham, Corden T.1908
Graham, Edward Foreman1924
Graham, James S.1902
Graham, James S.1908
Graham, James S.1903
Graham, John A.1903
Graham, Merritt E.1895
Graham, Andrew J.1902
Graham, Edward Foreman1924
Graham, Hedley C.W.1902
Graham, James S.1903
Graham, James Scott1902
Graham, John A.1902
Graham, John A.1902
Graham, John A.1903
Graham, Merritt E.1902
Graham, Merritt E.1902
Graham, William James1902
Graham, Eugene F.1959
Graham, Merritt E.1895
Graham, William James1922
Graham Highland Park Sanitarium, 1090-1100 South Avenue1911
Graham, J. S., & Co.1891
Graham, J. S., & Co.1881
Graham, S., & Co.1884
Granata, Leonara 1928
Granato, Antonio 1924
Granato, Antonio 1924
Grand Union Tea Co.1902
Granger, Lyman 1925
Granger, Lyman Henry1925
Granger, Mark 1959
Granger, Lyman 1925
Granite Building1898
Granite Building1895
Granite Building1896
Granite Building1915
Granite Building1899
Granite Building, 124-130 E. Main Street1982
Granite Building-Sibley, Lindsay and Curr1895
Granite Flower Mills, J. G. Davis and Company1899
Granneman, Arthur Edward1924
Granneman, Arthur Edward1924
Grant, Archibald S.1895
Grant, Justus Herbert1895
Grant, Rolla C.1902
Grant, Rolla C.1895
Grant, Theodore W.1895
Grant, Wilbur S.1908
Grant, Rolla C.1890
Grant, Rolla C.1890
Gratz, Samuel Philip1924
Gratz, Samuel Philip1924
Graves, Frederick B.1902
Graves, Harvey B.1902
Graves, Harvey B.1908
Graves, J. William1902
Graves, Loren O.1925
Graves, Lorenzo S.1908
Graves, Lorenzo S.1902
Graves, Allen S.1895
Graves, Fred B.1902
Graves, Fred B.1908
Graves, Harvey Wilbur1925
Graves, J. William1895
Graves, Loren Oswald1925
Graves, Lorenzo S.1902
Graves, Lorenzo S.1908
Graves, Lorenzo S.1908
Graves, Lorenzo S.1890
Graves, Lorenzo S.1890
Graves, J. W. 1888
Graves, Daniel 1854
Graves, Jacob 1854
Graves, John W. 1891
Graves, Harvey Wilbur1928
Graves, Harvey Baker1922
Graves, Harvey Wilbur1922
Graves, Harvey Baker1895
Graves, William J.1959
Graves, Harvey Baker1922
Graves, Harvey Wilbur1922
Graves, L. S.1893
Graves, H. B. 1906
Graves, J. William 1894
Graves, H. B. 1890
Graves, H. B. 1890
Graves, Harvey B.1895
Graves Elevator Co.1893
Graves Elevator Co.1898
Graves Elevator Company1894
Graves, L. S., & Son1884
Graves, L. S., & Son1890
Graves, L. S., & Son1890
Graves, L. S., & Son1891
Graves, L. S., & Son1888
Graves, L. S., & Son1881
Graves, L. S., & Son1885
Gray, Edwin William1928
Gray, Frances Angevine1928
Gray, James William1928
Gray, Leon Crawford1928
Gray, Mason DeWitt1928
Gray, William C.1895
Gray, Clark 1908
Gray, David S.1895
Gray, George N.1895
Gray, William C.1908
Gray, William C.1902
Gray, Daniel Donald1922
Gray, Malcolm Edward1922
Gray, Harry LeB.1914
Gray, James W.1961
Gray, Malcolm 1914
Gray, William C.1914
Gray, W. C. 1898
Gray, Daniel Donald1922
Gray, Malcolm Edward1922
Gray, George O.1959
Gray, John R.1959
Gray, John R.1939
Gray, William C.1895
Gray & Storey1885
Gray Carpet Cleaning Works1912
Greanleaf, Halbert S.1908
Great American Carpet Beating Works1884
Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co.1888
Great fire of 1904 (Granite Building)1980
Greeley, Joseph E.J.1924
Green, Charles Albert1925
Green, Ernest 1924
Green, Frederick John1924
Green, George W.1895
Green, Seth 1984
Green, Seth 1976
Green, Francis Edmund1928
Green, Grace Helen1928
Green, Mabel Graham1928
Green, Shieds 1994
Green, Willard Mathew1928
Green, Clark J.1911
Green, Seth 1971
Green, Seth 1971
Green, Thomas Henry1922
Green, Seth 1983
Green, Seth 1995
Green, Seth 1959
Green, Clark J.1911
Green, Russel 1854
Green, Alfred 1902
Green, Charles A.1925
Green, Frederick John1924
Green, Seth 1984
Green, Seth 1976
Green, Seth 1976
Green, Thomas Henry1922
Green Stone Church1913
Greene, D. B.1908
Greene, Edward Vincent1924
Greene, Ira W.1902
Greene, Myron Wesley1925
Greene, Myron Wesley1908
Greene, Myron Wesley1908
Greene, Gladys Tozier1928
Greene, Will O.1898
Greene, Daniel 1908
Greene, Ira W.1902
Greene, Ira Wesley1902
Greene, James G.1902
Greene, Myron W.1908
Greene, Myron W.1908
Greene, Myron Wesley1902
Greene, Spencer W.1902
Greene, William 1989
Greenfield, George Dwight1928
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1979
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1902
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1908
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1895
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1903
Greenleaf, H. S.1893
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1895
Greenleaf, Jean Brooks1895
Greenleaf, Halbert S.1895
Greenleaf, Jean Brooks1895
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1884
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1989
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1884
Greenleaf, Clarence Albert1902
Greenleaf, Halbert S.1902
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1893
Greenleaf, Halbert Stevens1959
Greeno, Follett 1989
Greeno, Follett L.1914
Greenough, Charles Backus1908
Greenough, Charles B.1908
Greensmith, Harry Gladstone1928
Greensmith, Harry Gladstone1930
Greenstone, Julius 1914
Greentree, Mire 1912
Greentree, Elizabeth Baker1984
Greentree, Mire 1984
Greentree, Mire 1984
Greenwood Street, Rochester1974
Greenwood, J., & Co.1890
Greenwood, J., & Co.1890
Gregg, Eleanor Josephine1928
Gregg, Henry William1928
Gregg, Sherman 1888
Gregory, William 1981
Greipp, Charles W.1929
Grell, Frederick H.1907
Grene, Myron W.1925
Grenelle, Edward A.1908
Grenleaf, Halbert S.1903
Grenner, Conrad 1908
Greve, Henry C.1903
Greve, Henry C.1903
Grey and Jones Masons' Supplies1912
Gribbroek, George 1914
Gridley, Lucia 1928
Grieg, John 1854
Grieve, John 1911
Grieve, John 1911
Griffin, Michael Francis1911
Griffin, Mrs. Wilbur 1888
Griffin, Mrs. Wilbur 1902
Griffin, William 1981
Griffin, Mrs. Wilbur 1881
Griffin, Katharine A.1925
Griffin, William W.R.1908
Griffin, Mrs. Wilbur 1885
Griffin, Michael Francis1911
Griffin, Katharine Agnes1925
Griffin, Mrs. Wilbur 1884
Griffith, Charles L.1902
Griffith, T. B.1888
Griffith, Dorothy 1928
Griffith, Eugene Stowell1928
Griffith, C. L.1893
Griffiths, Wilton B.1959
Griffiths, Garfield 1924
Griffiths, Eliza 1984
Griffiths, Julia 1984
Griffiths, Eliza 1994
Griffiths, Julia 1994
Griffiths, Garfield 1924
Grimm, Roy 1979
Grinnell, J. W.1895
Griswold, Augustus 1981
Groesbeck, Adam F.1930
Groff, Kenneth 1959
Groff, Merlin Lovett1928
Gross, Constance 1994
Grosvenor, Oliver Gay1928
Grove Place Preservation District, Gibbs, Grove, Selden, and Windsor Streets1982
Grover, Earl Eugene1928
Grover, R. B., & Co.1894
Groves, ., T. H. 1884
Growney, Edward 1959
Gruber, Peter 1960
Gruber, Peter 1984
Gruber, Peter 1976
Gruber, Pete 1971
Gruber, Pete 1973
Gruber, Pete 1976
Gruber, Pete 1976
Gruber, Pete 1976
Gruber, Peter 1984
Gruber, Peter 1907
Gruner, Vincent 1902
Gruppe, Charles P.1980
Gryp, Andre 1924
Gryp, Andre 1924
Gubelmann, Jacob Samuel1930
Gubelmann, Jacob Samuel1928
Gucker, Leopold Bismark1928
Gucker, William J.1907
Gucker, William J.1914
Gucker, William J.1912
Gucker, William J.1925
Gudinas, John 1924
Guelich, Karl A.1925
Guenther, Frederick 1895
Guenther, Frederick 1908
Guerinot, Jacob L.1903
Guerinot, Jacob L.1903
Guerinot, George Washington1928
Guernsey, Fred Wilmarth1928
Guernsey, Duane L.1895
Guernsey, Clara 1984
Guernsey, Lucy Ellen 1984
Guggenheim, William 1912
Guggenheim, G. E.1912
Guggenheim, William 1912
Guglielmino, Rosario J.1984
Guglielmino, Rosario J.1984
Guilford, Harry B.1902
Guilford, Harry B.1908
Guilford R. Adams, 14 Seneca Parkway1911
Guillod, Frank Leo1924
Guillod, Frank Leo1924
Guinan, Martin J.1929
Guldenshuh, William B.1929
Gummer, Frederick L.1903
Gummer, Frederick L.1903
Gundlach, Ernst 1989
Gundlach Optical Co.1888
Gundlach, Ernst, Son & Co.1898
Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Company1912
Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Company1912
Gunsaul, John S.1895
Gurgel, William C.1924
Gurgel, William C.1924
Gurney, Osborne F.1914
Gustke, Henry G. A.1959
Gustke, Henry G. A.1939
Guthrie, Oliver Perry1928
Gutland, Edward C.1908
Guzzetta, Anthony James1928
Gysel, Edward Peter1911
Gysel, Edward Peter1929
Gysel, Edward Peter1911
H. A. DeLand, residence of, Fairport1877
H. A. DeLand, residence of, Fairport, 18771970
H. A. O. Corr and C. H. Rugg, residences of1890
H. A. Ocorr and Company, doors, etc., N. Water Street1888
H. B. Graves' Home Furnishings1890
H. B. Graves' Home Furnishings1890
H. B. Graves, 594 West Avenue1911
H. B. Graves, 78 State Street1899
H. B. Graves, residence of1913
H. B. Graves, residence of1890
H. B. Hart, residence of, Hart's Corners (Rush)1858
H. B. Hathaway's residence1893
H. C. Boughton, residence of, with portraits, Brighton1877
H. C. Colwell, residence of, West Brighton1877
H. E. Wilson Florist1912
H. F. VanDake's Shoe Store1949
H. H. Babcock & Co., 5 W. Main Street, Scranton Coal1899
H. H. Craig's residence1893
H. H. Craig, residence of1890
H. H. Warner Building1977
H. H. Warner residence1970
H. H. Warner's Observatory1891
H. H. Warner's residence, East Avenue1885
H. H. Warner, residence of1884
H. H. Warner, residence of1890
H. M. Ellsworth's residence1893
H. M. Ellsworth, residence of1890
H. P. Brewster, residence of1913
H. S. Mackie and Company, 100 State Street, Musical Merchandise1888
H. V. B. Schanck, residence of, Rochester, formerly in Town of Brighton1877
Haag, Albert J.1924
Haag, John 1908
Haag, Albert J.1924
Haak, F. D.1917
Haap, John G.1915
Haap, Emalaine Copeland1928
Haas, Albert Guy1928
Haase, Willard 1959
Haass, C. Herman 1881
Habel, John G.1897
Habel, John G.1897
Habel, John G.1897
Hacker, Harold S.1961
Hackett, Frank Vincent1911
Hackett, Frank V.1903
Hackett, Frank Vincent1911
Hackett, Frank Vincent1903
Hadley, Albert S.1959
Haemel, David 1930
Hafner, Frederick J.1902
Hagaman, S. Wallace1902
Hagaman, Silas W.1902
Hagen, Arthur T.1925
Hagen, Roscoe Arthur1925
Hagen, Walter 1984
Hagen, A. T.1905
Hagen, Arthur T.1925
Hagen, Arthur Tyson1902
Hagen, Roscoe A.1925
Hagen, Walter 1984
Hagen, Walter 1971
Hagen, Arthur T.1895
Hagen, Walter 1971
Hagen, Roscoe A.1922
Hagen, Walter 1971
Hagen, Arthur T.1895
Hagen, Roscoe Arthur1922
Hagen, Roscoe Arthur1928
Hagen & Myers1888
Hagen and Myers, Steam Laundry, North Avenue1888
Hagfner, Frederick G.1907
Haggarty, Bernard J.1914
Haggith, Edna Marguerite1928
Haglund, Edith Allen1928
Haglund, David Emanuel1930
Hague, Eliott Moriarty1928
Hahn, Ruth Agnes1928
Hahn, John J.1924
Hahn, Philip Yawman1925
Hahn, Philip F.1907
Hahnemann Hospital1908
Hahnemann Hospital1895
Haidt, Fred 1989
Haidt Wine and Cider and Vinegar Co.1894
Haight, Benjamin D.1925
Haight, Martin W.1903
Haight, Benjamin David1925
Haight, Jacob S.1895
Haight, Martin W.1903
Haines, Frederick Wollerton1928
Halbleib, Edward Andrew1925
Halbleib, Edward A.1961
Halbleib, Edward Arnold1925
Hale, Austin 1989
Hale, Edith 1917
Hale, Elizabeth 1917
Hale, George D.1905
Hale, George David1902
Hale, George David1908
Hale, George David1925
Hale, William B.1917
Hale, Archie Lorne1925
Hale, George David1925
Hale, George David1908
Hale, George David1908
Hale, Ezra Andrews1928
Hale, George David1928
Hale, Josephine Booth1928
Hale, Kate Louise1928
Hale, William Barton1928
Hale, Phale 1972
Hale, Ezra A.1961
Hale, William B.1961
Hale, George D. 1894
Hale, Phale 1972
Haley, John J.1929
Haley, Michael H.1907
Hall, Alfred 1922
Hall, Roger M.1922
Hall, Sidney 1922
Hall, Leigh Butler1928
Hall, Jonathan O.1902
Hall, Jonathan O.1895
Hall, George A. 1884
Hall, Clayton Corral1925
Hall, John 1908
Hall, Theodore Francis1908
Hall, William S.1908
Hall, Sidney 1894
Hall, J. O. 1891
Hall, George A. 1888
Hall, Albert Gallatin1889
Hall, Frederick D.1890
Hall, Frederick D.1890
Hall, Marty 1978
Hall, Elizabeth Price1984
Hall, Alfred 1922
Hall, Roger M.1922
Hall, Sidney 1922
Hall, Jonathan O.1895
Hall, Robert 1959
Hall & Snow1894
Hall's sketch of Court House Square, 18271973
Hall-Shone Company1898
Hallauer, Carl 1961
Hallauer, Carl S.1961
Hallauer, Dorothy Jean1928
Hallauer, Milton Fehr1928
Hallauer, Ralph Ronald1928
Hallauer, Carl S.1946
Hallauer, Carl S.1971
Hallauer, Frank 1903
Hallauer, Frank A.1902
Hallauer, Carl Swift1946
Hallauer, Edward G.1908
Hallauer, Frank A.1908
Hallauer, Frank A.1903
Hallauer, George 1895
Hallauer, J. W.1902
Halldorson, Ralph E.1924
Halldorson, Ralph E.1924
Hallet, L. P.1917
Hallet, Lyell T.1914
Hallett, Lyell T.1925
Hallett, Lyell Tower1925
Halley, Loren L.1929
Hallick, Charles Frank1925
Hallman's Chevrolet, 200 East Avenue1982
Hallock, William 1994
Hallock's Market1902
Halloran, John F.1911
Halloran, John F.1929
Halloran, John F.1911
Halloween at the Dorsey Home, Clinton Avenue, 19181980
Hallowell, William 1994
Hallowell, William 1908
Hally, William J.1911
Hally, William J.1911
Halpern, Philip 1961
Halsted & Norman1891
Halstrick, Anthony 1891
Halstrick, Herman Joseph1928
Ham, Charles T.1908
Ham, Charles T.1908
Ham, George W.1908
Ham, George W.1908
Ham, C. T.1902
Ham, Charles T.1908
Ham, Charles T.1902
Ham, Charles Trafton1908
Ham, George W.1908
Ham, C. T. Manufacturing Co.1898
Ham, C. T. Manufacturing Co.1894
Hamblin, F. Dow1961
Hamil, Harley E.1914
Hamil, Aaron H.1895
Hamil, Harley E.1908
Hamil, Harley E.1903
Hamil, Harley E.1903
Hamilton, Arthur S.1902
Hamilton, Harry Joseph1924
Hamilton, John B.1903
Hamilton, Robert A.1905
Hamilton, Arthur Samuel1928
Hamilton, Gavin Lindsay1928
Hamilton, Robert Andrew1928
Hamilton, Frances Fidelia1984
Hamilton, Gavin Lindsay1930
Hamilton, Arthur S.1895
Hamilton, John B.1895
Hamilton, Samuel 1895
Hamilton, James F.1922
Hamilton, R. Andrew1922
Hamilton, John B.1895
Hamilton, Arthur Samuel1925
Hamilton, Harry Joseph1924
Hamilton, James Franklin1925
Hamilton, John B.1902
Hamilton, John B.1908
Hamilton, John B.1895
Hamilton, John B.1903
Hamilton, Robert Andrew1908
Hamilton, R. A. 1902
Hamilton, James Franklin1922
Hamilton, Robert Andrew1922
Hamilton & Mathews1891
Hamilton & Mathews1888
Hamilton Coal Co.1884
Hamlet Scrantom, cabin, 18121984
Hamlet Scrantom, Home, 18121970
Hamlin, Theodore O.1902
Hamlin, William P.1902
Hammele, Edward Joseph1928
Hammond, Edward Eaton1928
Hammond, Gladys Von Deben1928
Hammond, Harris Burridge1928
Hammond, Raymond S.1924
Hammond, John S.1905
Hammond, Raymond S.1924
Hammond Typewriter1888
Hamn, Leland Dwella1928
Hampson, Joseph R.1959
Hancock, Gordon Stanley1924
Hancock, Gordon Stanley1924
Hand, Velma Hallauer1928
Handler, Sigmund 1912
Handy, Ellery A. 1902
Handy, John D.1895
Haney, Paul E.1984
Hanford, Frederick S.1895
Hanford, Henry Samuel1922
Hanford, F. S.1913
Hanford, Franklin 1913
Hanford, Saxe Henry1928
Hanford, Henry Samuel1922
Hanke, Frank 1929
Hanks, Paul B.1964
Hanley, Lura Schanck1928
Hanlon, Jeanette 1928
Hanlon, Terrence J.1925
Hanlon, Terrence James1925
Hanna, James Hubert1903
Hanna, Edward J.1959
Hanna, Frank N.1914
Hannan, John William1908
Hannan, John William1895
Hannan, John William1895
Hannan, James 1877
Hannan, James 1877
Hannan, Mrs. James1877
Hannan, John W.1895
Hanneman, Lionel 1924
Hanneman, Lionel 1924
Hanover Houses1961
Hanrahan, J. T.1902
Hanselman, Merrill E.1924
Hansen, Julius E.1925
Hansen, Julius E.1925
Hansford, Jr., VanBuren N.1979
Hansford, Sr., VanBuren N.1979
Hanson, Bruce 1984
Hanson, Howard 1971
Hanson, Howard 1984
Hanson, Rosalie 1984
Hanson, Howard 1961
Hanson, Howard 1940
Hanson, Howard 1982
Hanson, Howard 1971
Hanson, Howard 1971
Hanson, Howard 1982
Hanson, Eleanor Hattersley1928
Hanson, Herbert Ralph1928
Hanson, Howard 1984
Hanss, Henry Valentine1911
Hanss, Henry Valentine1911
Hapgood, Walter E.1922
Hapgood, Walter E.1922
Harbison, John Tonnele1928
Hard, James A.1971
Hardick, W. Francis1898
Harding, Bryan 1895
Harding, Franklin 1908
Harding, Bryan 1895
Harding, Franklin 1908
Harding, Bryan 1893
Harding & Todd1894
Harding and Todd1893
Harding and Todd, Shoe Factory1893
Hardy, H. Claude1925
Hargather, Mathias J.1908
Hargather, John Frank1911
Hargather, John Frank1929
Hargather, William Edward1929
Hargather, John Frank1911
Hargous Memorial Hahnemann Hospital1895
Hargrave, Thomas Jean1946
Hargrave, Thomas Jean1946
Hargrave, Thomas Jean1971
Hargrave, Thomas Jean1971
Hargrave, Thomas J.1961
Hargrave, Thomas J.1961
Hargrave, Thomas J.1961
Harkett, Horatio Balch1930
Harland, James 1981
Harman, Jr., Samuel Park1928
Harmon, Alfred Peter1928
Harmon, Anan 1877
Harmon, Anan 1877
Harmon, Mrs. Anan1877
Harmon, George E.1902
Harmon, George S.1903
Harmon, Austin 1929
Harmon, Anan Blackman1922
Harmon, Anan Blackman1922
Harned, Benjamin C.1908
Harned, Benjamin C.1908
Harned's "IDL" Lunch Rooms1891
Harold, Adam C.1897
Harold, Adam C.1897
Harold, Adam C.1897
Harper, Charles Edward1928
Harper, Clair C.1908
Harper, Clair C.1908
Harrigan, Mary H.1928
Harrington, Janice Blake1928
Harrington, Charles H.1897
Harrington, Billie 1984
Harrington, C. H.1897
Harrington, Charles H.1897
Harris, David 1881
Harris, Carl Thorburn1928
Harris, Charles Lacy1928
Harris, Donald 1928
Harris, George H.1928
Harris, Gordon Bennett1928
Harris, Guy Daniel1928
Harris, Sabra Twitchell1928
Harris, William Anable1928
Harris, James 1877
Harris, Arthur E.1930
Harris, Hattie 1984
Harris, James 1877
Harris, James 1877
Harris, Orrin 1854
Harris, Edward 1890
Harris, Edward 1890
Harris, Ruth L.1994
Harris, Emmett 1911
Harris, Emmett 1911
Harris, Albert H.1984
Harris, Charles Everett1902
Harris, Charles O.1902
Harris, Edward 1984
Harris, Edward 1917
Harris, Ellwood M.1925
Harris, George 1925
Harris, George F.1903
Harris, James 1895
Harris, James 1908
Harris, James 1925
Harris, James 1908
Harris, Mrs. Edward1917
Harris, Mrs. Richard1917
Harris, R. E.1917
Harris, E. Landseer1980
Harris, Albert H.1984
Harris, Daniel B.1902
Harris, Edward 1984
Harris, Ellwood M.1925
Harris, Erastus T.1895
Harris, George F.1895
Harris, George F.1903
Harris, George H.1925
Harris, George H.1908
Harris, J. D.1895
Harris, James 1902
Harris, James 1908
Harris, James 1895
Harris, James 1895
Harris, James 1908
Harris, Robert 1895
Harris, Selah M.1895
Harris, William, Mrs. 1895
Harris-Spencer House, Gardens, 1005 East Avenue, Rochester1974
Harrison, Henry 1928
Harrison, Edward 1895
Harrison, Henry 1902
Harrison, Henry 1925
Harrison, Henry 1895
Harrison, Henry 1903
Harrison, Richard 1972
Harrison, Robert W.1994
Harrison, Guy Fraser1961
Harrison, Richard 1972
Harrison, Edward 1929
Harrison, Josiah 1929
Harrison, Harry 1902
Harrison, Henry 1903
Harrison, Henry 1902
Harrison, James M.1902
Harrison Olney, residence of, from the Northwest, Mendon1877
Harrison Olney, residence of, from the Southwest, Mendon1877
Harroun, Oliver 1895
Harrrigan, Lawrence 1924
Harrrigan, Lawrence 1924
Harsch, Charles H.1924
Harsch, Charles H.1924
Hart, Alfred 1925
Hart, Charles 1903
Hart, Edward Phelon1925
Hart, Edward Phelon1908
Hart, John 1903
Hart, John Joseph1924
Hart, Roswell 1989
Hart, Joseph F.1914
Hart, William C.1914
Hart, William M.1961
Hart, William M.1961
Hart, Alfred Mrs.1940
Hart, Charles Henry1928
Hart, Curtis Dannals1928
Hart, Edward Phelon1928
Hart, Roswell 1979
Hart, A. Vernon1912
Hart, Charles 1911
Hart, Ernest 1896
Hart, Charles 1903
Hart, Ernest 1902
Hart, John Joseph1924
Hart, Charles 1911
Hart, Henry L 1888
Hart & Zugelder1898
Hart, Sr., John 1903
Hartleben, Herman 1907
Hartman, James M.1984
Hartman, William 1902
Hartman, J. L. 1891
Hartman, James M.1984
Hartman, Albert 1959
Hartman, George 1959
Hartman & Kline1891
Hartshorn, John 1895
Hartung, William 1902
Hartung, Adelbert Carl1928
Hartwell House, Hartwell Road, Rush Township1978
Harvey, William T.1959
Harvey Whalen, residence and portrait, Penfield1877
Haseltine, Dunlap & Co.1884
Haseltine, Welcher & Co.1881
Hasenauer, Raymond J.1924
Hasenauer, Carl Clarence1924
Hasenauer, Raymond J.1924
Hasenpflug, Howard C.1924
Hasenpflug, Howard C.1924
Haskell, Mrs. C.R.1917
Haskell, James G.1908
Haskin, C. H.1902
Haskin, Mrs. C.1917
Haskin, Curtis H.1970
Haskins, Hobert Dwight1928
Haskins Art Glass Co.1909
Hason & Ratelle1884
Haste, James H.1914
Haste, James H.1961
Haste, James H.1917
Haste, Mrs. H.1917
Hastings, Albert Merwin1902
Hastings, Charles Seymour1902
Hastings, S. P.1959
Hastings, Daniel Gott1928
Hatakeyama, Tsukasa 1959
Hatch, Rodney FishS.1922
Hatch, George E.1902
Hatch, George E.1902
Hatch, George E.1902
Hatch, Jesse 1989
Hatch, Ira 1981
Hatch, Jesse W.1884
Hatch, George E.1967
Hatch, Arthur Gould1928
Hatch, George Edward1967
Hatch, Rodney Fisk Sage1922
Hatch, Jesse W.1884
Hatch Flexible Shoe Co.1881
Hatch Flexible Shoe Co.1884
Hatch Flexible Shoe Co.1890
Hatch Flexible Shoe Co.1890
Hatch Patent Crimper Co.1881
Hatch Patent Crimper Co.1888
Hathaway, H. B.1893
Hathaway, Henry B.1902
Hathaway, Henry Bailey1902
Hathaway & Gordon1884
Hatton, Horace T.1959
Hatton, Horace T.1939
Haubner, Wenzel 1908
Hauck, Larry 1961
Hauck, Harvey James1928
Haungs, August G.1907
Haungs, George A.1907
Hauser, Corene 1978
Hauser, Joe 1989
Hauser, Walter Earl1925
Haushalter, George M.1980
Havens, James Dexter1980
Havens, James Smith1989
Havens, Henry Boardman1924
Havens, James Smith1984
Havens, Gladys Colcord1928
Havens, James Dexter1928
Havens, James Smith1979
Havens, James Smith1890
Havens, James Smith1890
Havens, Henry Boardman1924
Havens, James 1917
Havens, James S.1984
Havens, James Smith1959
Havens, James 1961
Havens, E. J. 1902
Haverstick, Frantz 1979
Haverstick and Company1979
Hawes, Warren B.1959
Hawkins, Mrs. Edgar1917
Hawkins, Anita Bennett1928
Hawkins, Raymond Willard1928
Hawkins, Joseph T.1907
Hawks, Marion 1984
Hawks, Haywood 1893
Hawks, Haywood 1895
Hawks, George H.1922
Hawley, Frank W.1895
Hawley, Lyman 1981
Hawley, Frank W.1895
Hawley, William Earl1928
Hawley, Frank I.1903
Hawley, Frank I.1903
Hawley, William S.1895
Hawley, Estelle E.1992
Hayden, Charles J.1964
Hayden, P. Edward1895
Hayden, B. 1893
Hayden, Charles J.1988
Hayden, P. Edward1895
Hayden, J. Alexander1895
Hayden, John C.1903
Hayden, John C.1903
Hayden, Charles J.1989
Hayden, John C.1903
Hayden, John C.1908
Hayden, John C.1903
Hayden, Bert 1893
Hayden & Havens Co.1884
Hayden Company Building fire, March 25, 19031905
Hayden Furniture Co.1885
Hayden Furniture Co.1890
Hayden Furniture Co.1890
Hayden, C. J., & Co.1884
Hayes, M. D. L. 1890
Hayes, M. D. L. 1890
Hayes, Charles E.1929
Hayes, Walter J.1929
Hayes, Burton Jennings1928
Hayes, John D.1946
Hayes, M. D.L.1895
Hayes, W. D.1917
Hayes, William D.1908
Hayes, William D.1902
Hayes, John D.1946
Hayes, M. D. L.1895
Hayes, William D.1908
Hayes, William D.1908
Hays, David 1912
Hays, Moses 1912
Hays, David 1895
Hays, David 1895
Hays, S. 1891
Hays, Mrs. A.1917
Hays, David 1912
Hays, Moses 1912
Hays, H. A. 1894
Hays, David 1928
Hays, Henry Wile1928
Hays Brothers1894
Hays, M., & Co.1881
Hayward, Thomas E.1902
Hayward, Edwin Smith1928
Hayward, Nathaniel 1877
Hayward, Nathaniel 1877
Hayward, Sumner 1890
Hayward, Sumner 1890
Hayward, Edwin Storrs1902
Hayward, Thomas E.1902
Hayward Block1890
Hazan, A. E.1898
Hazard, Theodore Cavendar1928
Hazell, Herbert A.1911
Hazell, Herbert A.1929
Hazell, Herbert A.1911
Hazen, Ora Chase1928
Hazen, John Livermore1902
Head, A. W. 1891
Head, Donald W.1930
Headley, Arthur Brundage1959
Headley, Arthur Brundage1939
Headley, Arthur B.1922
Headley, Arthur Brundage1922
Headquarters of the Landmark Society, Brewster-Burke House1976
Heaney, Francis J.1929
Heath, J. L. 1888
Heatherly, Bernard 1959
Heatly, Clyde Alexander1992
Heavey, Michael 1884
Hebard, Henry Stead1893
Hebard, Fred 1894
Hebard, Henry S. 1881
Hebard, Henry S.1893
Hebard, Henry S.1903
Hebard, Henry Stead1895
Hebard, Henry Stead1908
Hebard, Benjamin 1908
Hebard, Henry Stead1908
Hebard, Henry Stead1895
Hebard, Henry Stead1908
Hebard Mantel and Marble Works1890
Hebard Mantel and Marble Works1890
Hebard Mantel and Marble Works1893
Hebard's Steam Marble Works, South St. Paul Street1877
Hebbard, Delbert Campbell1925
Hebbard, Delbert Campbell1908
Hebbard, Delbert Campbell1903
Hebbard, D. C.1902
Hebbard, Delbert C.1903
Hebbs, James 1895
Heberger, John N. 1898
Hebing, Henry 1895
Hebing, Henry 1890
Hebing, Henry 1890
Hebing, Henry 1890
Hebing, Henry 1890
Hebing, Henry 1893
Hebing, Henry 1893
Hecht, Arthur C.W.1924
Hecht, Arthur C.W.1924
Heckel, John 1894
Hedditch, Robert 1895
Hedditch, Ruth Kintz1928
Hedges, Clarence Elihu1928
Hedges, Clarence Monroe1928
Hedges, Daniel 1981
Heech, John 1959
Heenan, Martin M.1895
Hefferon, Fred R.1929
Hegadorn, Charles Henry1928
Hegeman, Merton E.1924
Hegeman, Merton E.1924
Hegnauer, Albert Henry1928
Hehir, Joseph Lee1929
Heicklen, Arnold 1928
Heiden, J. 1917
Heilbronn, Fred 1907
Heim, Herman F.1929
Heindl, Lewis Edward1922
Heindl, Lewis Edward1922
Heines, Charles Camille1924
Heines, Charles Camille1924
Heinkel, Albert C.1929
Heinlein, William Henry1911
Heinlein, William Henry1903
Heinlein, William Henry1911
Heinlein, William H.1903
Heinrich, William 1895
Heinsler, Bernard 1924
Heinsler, Bernard 1924
Heinsler, Bernard 1922
Heinsler, Bernard 1922
Heintz, F. J.1897
Heintz, F. J.1897
Heintz, Joseph M.1903
Heintz, Joseph M.1911
Heintz, Joseph M.1911
Heintz, Joseph M.1903
Heinzle, Anthony J.1925
Heinzle, Anthony J.1925
Heinzle, Anthony J.1897
Heinzle, Anthony J.1897
Heinzle, Anthony J.1897
Heis, Fred 1961
Heisel, George Valentine1911
Heisel, George V.1911
Heisel, George Valentine1929
Heister, Frederick A. 1888
Heister, Frederick A. 1891
Hellenschmidt, William John1929
Hellis, Bert Louis1911
Hellis, Bert Louis1911
Helmer, Robert 1959
Helmkamp, J. F.W.1902
Helmkamp, Albert Behle1928
Helmkamp, Emma Knapp1928
Helmkemp, Ralph William1928
Hemlock Water (delivery carts?)1899
Henchen, Virginia 1895
Hencher, William 1877
Henckell, Esther McKennan1928
Hendee, Peter 1895
Hendee, Robert F.1902
Henderson, Charles M.1908
Henderson, Finlay 1924
Henderson, Howard Jones1928
Henderson, Leonard Houghton1928
Henderson, Daniel 1981
Henderson, Josiah Robert1930
Henderson, Finlay 1924
Hendrick, Joseph E.1959
Hendrick, Alden M.1930
Hendrick, Orlando Brezael1930
Hendrickson, Frank E.1908
Hendrickson, Frank E.1914
Hendrickson, Roy Hulme1928
Henion, E. B.1895
Hennegan, George 1891
Henner, George W.1925
Hennessey, Patrick R.1903
Hennessey, Patrick R.1903
Hennessey, Patrick R.1911
Hennessey, Patrick R.1911
Hennessey, Francis P.1929
Hennessey, Patrick R.1929
Hennessy Shoe Co.1884
Henning, William H.1924
Henning, William H.1924
Hennington, Charles William1928
Hennrich, Carl H.1925
Henrietta Union School, formerly Monroe Academy1877
Henrietta Union School, formerly Monroe Academy1877
Henry, John D.1908
Henry, Robert W.1895
Henry, J. P.1917
Henry, Clarence James1967
Henry, Clarence J.1961
Henry, Clarence J.1961
Henry, Frederick T.1961
Henry, Clarence James1928
Henry, Clarence J.1967
Henry and H. S. Flagg, residence of, Ogden1877
Henry Barnard, residence of1913
Henry C. Brewster residence, East Avenue1904
Henry C. Brewster, residence of1890
Henry C. Wisner, importer1890
Henry C. Wisner, importer1890
Henry C. Wisner, importer and jobber of China, glass and earthenware, 75-79 State Street1888
Henry Conolly Company1934
Henry DeLand House, 99 S. Main Street, Fairport, C. 18761974
Henry G. Strong, 505 University1911
Henry L. Brewster residence1893
Henry L. Kohlmetz, 53 Huntington Park1911
Henry Likly and Company1912
Henry Likly and Company's Trunk Manufactory, Lyell Avenue1906
Henry Likly and Company, 155 E. Main Street, Trunks1899
Henry P. Neun1912
Hensler, Joan M.1984
Herbert, Arthur Royland1928
Herdle, Gertrude Rosalind1928
Herdle, George L.1980
Herdle, Isabel 1984
Herdle, George L.1984
Herdle, George 1956
Herdle, George L.1984
Herdle, George 1956
Hermance, Harry C.1925
Hermance, Alexander Clinton1925
Hermance, Harry Clay1925
Hern, John 1994
Herr, Julius E.1930
Herre, Ralph Stanley1928
Herrick, Charles Clark1928
Herrick, C. Elbert1895
Herrick, Claude D.1929
Herriman, Wallace J.1902
Herrin, John 1981
Hersekorn, Alfred Carl1924
Hersekorn, Alfred Carl1924
Hersey, S. Byron1902
Hershberg, Isaac 1912
Hershberg, Samuel 1912
Hershberg, Haskell 1912
Hershberg, Isaac 1912
Hershberg, Samuel 1912
Hershberg and Company Clothes1912
Hershey, Harmon 1925
Hershey, Harmon 1925
Hershey, Donald C.1959
Hershey, Donald C.1939
Hershey, Harmon 1922
Hershey, Harmon 1914
Hershey, Harmon 1922
Hert, Benedict Samuel1902
Hert, Cecil Benedict1928
Hertel, John W.1903
Hertel, John W.1903
Hertel, John W.1903
Hertel, John W.1903
Hervey Ely house1977
Hervey Ely house1984
Hervey Ely house, 138 Troup Street, Rochester1974
Hervey Ely Mill, 18381979
Hervey Ely's Third Ward mansion1979
Hery, Edward C.1924
Hery, Edward C.1924
Herzberger, George J.1895
Herzberger, George J.1895
Hess, Christian 1981
Hess, F. Judson1925
Hess, John 1925
Hess, Solomon 1925
Hess, Casselman Ben1928
Hess, Irene Elizabeth1928
Hess, Frank Judson1925
Hess, S. F., & Co.1884
Hess, S. F., & Co.1891
Hettig, Albert F.1908
Hettig, Florian A.1908
Hettig, Florian A.1902
Hettler, William 1895
Hetzler, Ignatz 1903
Hetzler, John 1903
Hetzler, Ignatz 1903
Hetzler, John 1903
Hetzler, Ignatz 1911
Hetzler, John 1911
Hetzler, George Anthony1922
Hetzler, Herman George1922
Hetzler, George Anthony1922
Hetzler, Herman George1922
Hetzler, Ignatz 1929
Hetzler, Ignatz 1911
Hetzler, John 1911
Heughes, Frederick Lee1925
Heughes, Frederick Lee1895
Heughes, Frederick Lee1895
Heughes, F. L.1902
Heughes, Frederick L.1925
Heughes, Frederick L.1895
Heughes, Frederick L.1914
Heughes, F. L., & Co.1888
Heumann, Solomon 1922
Heumann, Solomon 1946
Heumann, Solomon 1925
Heumann, Solomon 1922
Heumann, Monroe 1964
Heumann, Sol 1946
Heumann, Sol 1925
Heumann, Solomon 1940
Heveron, John J.1895
Heveron, John J.1895
Hewes, William D.1922
Hewes, William David1925
Hewes, William David1922
Hey, Levi 1908
Hey, Levi 1888
Hey, Levi 1894
Hey, Levi 1902
Heye, K. Werner1922
Heye, K. Werner1922
Hibbard, William W.1922
Hibbard, William Wallace1922
Hibbard, William W.1914
Hibbard, William Wallace1925
Hibbard, Jacob 1981
Hibner, David 1981
Hickey, J. G.1914
Hickey, Jeremiah 1956
Hickey, Thomas F.1956
Hickey, Jeremiah G.1922
Hickey, E. James1984
Hickey, J. G.1917
Hickey, Jeremiah 1956
Hickey, Jeremiah G.1946
Hickey, Mrs. J.G.1917
Hickey, Thomas F.1956
Hickey, Thomas F.1917
Hickey, Jeremiah G.1922
Hickey, E. James1984
Hickey, Jeremiah G.1946
Hickey, Jeremiah G.1908
Hickey-Freeman Company, 1912, Coat Shop1984
Hickok, S. Rae1922
Hickok, S. Rae1946
Hickok, Stephen Rae1922
Hickok, Stephen Rae1946
Hickok, Harrye Tiffany1928
Hickok, Stephen Rae1928
Hickok Manufacturing Company1934
Hicks, Eleanor Frances1928
Hicks, John L.1925
Hicks, Joseph W.1902
Hicks, Joseph W.1905
Hicks, Thomas G.1902
Hicks, Joseph W.1897
Hicks, John L.1925
Hicks, J. W.1897
Hicks, Joseph W.1897
Hicks & McKenzie1884
Hicks Family1895
Hicks, Elon D., & Co.1884
Hickson, Grace 1984
Hickson, R. 1898
Hickson & Armstrong1890
Hickson & Armstrong1890
Hickson & Armstrong1891
Hieronymo, Sister 1949
Hieronymo, Sister 1976
Hieronymo, Sister 1971
Hieronymo, Sister 1971
Higbee, Abijah Peck1895
Higbie, Myron R.1895
Higbie, Nathan 1895
Higbie, Charles Alanson1928
Higgins, Edward F.1908
Higgins, Edward F.1902
Higgins, Michael 1902
Higgins, E. M. 1881
Higgins, E. M. 1898
Higgins, Edward F.1897
Higgins, Frederick Lyle1922
Higgins, Edward F. 1891
Higgins, Frederick Lyle1922
Higgins, Edward F. 1894
Higgins, William A.1929
Higgins, Edward F. 1890
Higgins, Edward F. 1890
Higgins, Edward F.1897
Higginson, William Paul1924
Higginson, William Paul1924
High water at Court Street Dam1912
High water in the Genesee1897
High water, Court Street Bridge over Genesee River1912
Highland Park1898
Highland Park area, 1894, 18951923
Highland Park Bowl1961
Highland Park Pavilion1912
Highland Park Reservoir1906
Highland Park, Goodman Street Entrance1912
Highland Park, late 1800's1970
Highland Park, Lilac Sunday, 19591961
Highland Park, The Grove1905
Hilbert Truck Co.1890
Hilbert Truck Co.1890
Hilbert Truck Co.1888
Hildebrand, John G.1924
Hiler, William H.1895
Hiler, William Henry1908
Hiler, Henry Edward1928
Hill, Bessie Leonora1928
Hill, Burlew 1928
Hill, David Low1928
Hill, Frances Eunice1928
Hill, Joseph Henry1928
Hill, Lavina Katurah1928
Hill, Paul Larue1928
Hill, Walter Horatio1928
Hill, Wilbur Everett1928
Hill, Charles Judson1902
Hill, Henry M.1895
Hill, John Hercules1908
Hill, Levi 1902
Hill, William 1908
Hill, William 1895
Hill, William E.1903
Hill, Charles J.1877
Hill, John H. 1888
Hill, Charles Judson1964
Hill, David Jayne1890
Hill, David Jayne1890
Hill, Henry M.1890
Hill, Henry M.1890
Hill, G. E. 1891
Hill, Charles Judson1877
Hill, Charles Judson1854
Hill, Charles J.1989
Hill, David Jayne1956
Hill, Isaac 1989
Hill, Levi 1902
Hill, Charles J.1884
Hill, C. S. 1898
Hill, David Jayne1956
Hill, John H. 1884
Hill, Albert 1907
Hill, Charles Judson1884
Hill, Henry 1981
Hill, William 1981
Hill, David Jayne1959
Hill, Jacqueline Elizabeth1994
Hill, Charles J.1988
Hill's Dental Association1902
Hillcote, residence of James W. Gilles, Pittsford1913
Hillcote, residence of James W. Gillis, Pittsford1913
Hiller, Fritz 1915
Hillman, H. Benjamin1895
Hillman, Walter Benedict1895
Hillman, Walter Benedict1928
Hillman, J. Con1959
Hills, Isaac 1895
Hills, Isaac 1988
Hills, Reuben 1908
Hills, Edmund William1902
Hills, Isaac 1877
Hills, Isaac 1964
Hills, Isaac 1895
Hillside Home for Children1922
Hilton, Ida Glen1928
Hilton,Jr., James Lees1928
Hilzinger, Edwin J.1924
Hilzinger, Edwin J.1924
Himmelsbach, H. 1897
Himmelsbach, H. 1897
Hincher, Wheeler 1895
Hincher, Charles Lane1928
Hinchey, William S.1928
Hinchey, Franklin 1895
Hinderland, John 1908
Hinds, James A.1908
Hinds, J. A. 1881
Hinds, J. A. 1881
Hinds, J. A., & Co.1890
Hinds, J. A., & Co.1890
Hines, Daniel C.1895
Hipp, Elmer Leonard1911
Hipp, John 1981
Hipp, Elmer Leonard1911
Hiram Sibley and Company, Rochester Seed House1888
Hiram Sibley Building, 311 Alexander Street, Rochester1974
Hiram Sibley House, 400 East Avenue, Rochester1974
Hiram Sibley residence, East Avenue, 19th Century1970
Hiram Sibley's East Avenue home about 18651976
Hiram Sibley, residence of, East Avenue1877
Hiram W. Sibley's residence1893
Hirschfelder, Charles 1959
Hirschman, Ray F.1929
Hirshfield, Marcus 1890
Hirshfield, Marcus 1890
Hiscock, Lester Peter1924
Hiscock, George W.1895
Hiscock, James W.1895
Hiscock, Lester Peter1924
Hitchcock, William F.1903
Hitchcock, William F.1903
Hitchcock, Bethuel 1981
Hite, Lynn 1907
Hixson, Fred R.1895
Hixson, Edna Marie1928
Hixson, George Frederick1928
Hixson & Driscoll1891
Hoard, Eric Baker1928
Hoard, Volney A.1895
Hobbie, Chester Dewey Urr1928
Hobbie, Isaac S.1895
Hobbie, Isaac S.1895
Hobbie, Isaac S.1895
Hochstein, David 1984
Hochstein, David 1976
Hochstein, David 1984
Hochstein, David 1924
Hochstein, David 1984
Hochstein, David 1976
Hochstein, David 1924
Hochstein Music School1977
Hockins, Laura Ninette1928
Hockley, Adam J.1902
Hodder, Mark Cecil1928
Hodges, Charles H.1895
Hodges, George H.1895
Hodges, Willard 1877
Hodges, Willard 1877
Hodgson, Thomas C.1913
Hodshon, Fred. C. 1898
Hodskin, Egbert L.1895
Hoefflin,Jr., John Michael1928
Hoefler, Mamie Zwierlein1928
Hoefner, John F.1897
Hoefner, John F.1897
Hoefner, John F.1897
Hoekstra, Jacob A.1903
Hoesterey, Julius 1961
Hoey, William J.1911
Hoey, William J.1911
Hoey, William J.1903
Hoey, William J.1903
Hofer, Charles 1905
Hoffberg, David L.1984
Hoffberg, David L.1984
Hoffenberg, George 1964
Hoffman, Josephine Lydia1928
Hoffmaster, John B.1929
Hoffmeister, Ruth Tuthill1928
Hoffmeister, J. Edward1961
Hofheinz, Mrs. R.H.1917
Hofheinz, Rudolph 1915
Hofheinz, Rudolf H.1915
Hofheinz, Rudolf H.1895
Hofman, John 1908
Hofman, John, Co.1898
Hofman, John, Company1898
Hogan, James F.1897
Hogan, James F.1897
Hogan, James F.1897
Hogan, Joseph D.1914
Hogan, Andrew V.1924
Hogan, Charles H. E.1929
Hogan, Joseph Patrick1928
Hogan, Andrew V.1924
Hogan, Joseph L.1971
Hogan, James F.1897
Hohman, Frank J.1929
Hohman, Victor 1903
Hohman, Victor 1903
Holahan, Elizabeth G.1984
Holahan, John Thomas1924
Holahan, James T.1914
Holahan, John Thomas1924
Holbrook, Silas H.1895
Holbrook, Frederick Seward1928
Holcomb, Roy Edward1924
Holcomb, Roy Edward1924
Holcombe, Alonzo Barton1928
Holden, Harold Grant1928
Holden, Alexander M.1902
Holden, Alexander M.1895
Holden, Robert G.1908
Holden, Alexander M.1902
Holden, Alexander M.1902
Holden, Timothy H.1902
Holden & Brock1888
Holenstein, Joseph R.1929
Holenstein, Joseph R.1911
Holenstein, Joseph R.1911
Holland, Robert 1981
Holland, James 1908
Holleder, Don 1984
Hollenbeck, George A.1924
Hollender, Don 1984
Holley, Andrew M.1895
Holley, D. 1959
Holley, Myron 1971
Holley, Myron 1971
Holley, Myron 1994
Holley, Sally 1994
Holley, Myron 1959
Holley, Myron 1884
Holley, Myron 1976
Holley, Myron 1989
Holley, Myron 1970
Holliday, A. Wesley1911
Holliday, A. Wesley1911
Hollister, George Cooper1893
Hollister, Albert John1903
Hollister, Albert John1925
Hollister, George Cooper1902
Hollister, George Cooper1908
Hollister, Granger A.1902
Hollister, Granger A.1925
Hollister, Granger A.1908
Hollister, George Cooper1928
Hollister, George C.1893
Hollister, George Cooper1922
Hollister, Granger A.1922
Hollister, Mrs. George1956
Hollister, George Cooper1922
Hollister, Granger A.1922
Hollister, Albert J.1903
Hollister, Emmett H.1902
Hollister, George Cooper1902
Hollister, Granger A.1902
Hollister, Granger A.1917
Hollister, Granger A.1925
Hollister, Mrs. George1956
Hollister, Mrs. A.1917
Hollister Brothers1885
Hollister Lumber Co.1888
Hollister Lumber Co.1894
Hollister Residence1892
Holloway, Jessie Dell1928
Hollway, Miles Arthur1928
Hollwedel, Charles F.1914
Holm, Milton W.1980
Holman, Elizabeth Aliene1928
Holman, George S.1898
Holmberg, Victor 1902
Holmes, Daniel 1908
Holmes, Daniel 1902
Holmes, Mary J1908
Holmes, Elias B.1989
Holmes, Mary Jane1929
Holmes, Mary J.1895
Holmes, Daniel 1908
Holmes, Daniel 1895
Holmes, Daniel 1908
Holmes, Harris 1895
Holmes, Homer C.1908
Holmes, Mary Jane1908
Holmes, Mary Jane1908
Holmes, Mary Jane1984
Holmes, Alice Booth1928
Holmes, Elias B.1979
Holmes, Robert Edgar1928
Holmes, William Francis1928
Holmes, Mary Jane1971
Holmes, Mary Jane1895
Holmes, Mary Jane1971
Holroyd, Frederick G. 1898
Holt, Richard A.1959
Holt, Nelson Curtice1928
Holt, Fred Rogers1930
Holt, Polly Sibley1984
Holtz, S. 1891
Holtz, Max L.1922
Holtz, Max 1917
Holtz, Abram 1912
Holtz, Lipman 1912
Holtz, Louis 1912
Holtz, Max L.1912
Holtz, Abram 1912
Holtz, Lipman 1912
Holtz, Louis 1912
Holtz, Max L.1912
Holtz, Max L.1922
Holtzman, Sol H.1924
Holtzman, Sol H.1924
Holvey, George Samuel1925
Holvey, George S.1925
Holy Apostles Church and school1892
Holy Family Church1892
Holy Family Schools1892
Holy Redeemer Church1979
Holy Redeemer Church1890
Holy Redeemer Hall1912
Holy Rosary Church and School1892
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Catholic Chapel1890
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Chapel1896
Holy Sepulchre Chapel and bell tower1984
Holzwarth, Charles Homer1928
Home Laundry1912
Home occupied by [Joseph] Smith, Mendon1970
Home of Everard Peck1931
Home of Industry1892
Home of John Dunbar1905
Home of Patrick Barry1944
Homeopathic Hospital1892
Homeopathic Hospital1908
Homeopathic Hospital Buildings1895
Homeopathic Hospital, Alexander Street1906
Homeopathic Hospital, forerunner of Genesee Hospital1984
Homer G. Whitmore, residence, Rochester1923
Homestead Hotel1894
Homestead Loan Association1890
Homestead Loan Association1890
Hon. Frederick Cook's residence1893
Hon. Frederick Cook, residence of1890
Hondorf, Willis H.1908
Hone, Frank J.1895
Hone, Frank J.1895
Hone, Frank J.1890
Hone, Frank J.1890
Hone, Alexander B.1895
Hone, Alexander K.1895
Hone, Frederick Mary1928
Hone, Joseph Bernard1928
Hone, Frank J.1914
Hone, A. K.1893
Hone, A.B. 1893
Hone, A. B.1917
Hone, Alexander B.1902
Honeoye Falls at high water1905
Hooker, Charles M.1908
Hooker, Horace B.1902
Hooker, Horace B.1908
Hooker, Henry E.1895
Hooker, Horace 1895
Hooker, Horace B.1902
Hooker, Horace B.1908
Hooker, Henry E.1895
Hooker, Horace 1895
Hooker, Elon Huntington1961
Hooker, Gardner & Co.1884
Hooker, H. E. Co.1884
Hooker, H. E. Co.1888
Hooper, Alfred E.1930
Hoose, George S.1929
Hop Bitters Manufacturing Co.1888
Hope Hospital, 19021956
Hope Hospital, 19021956
Hopeman, Arendt W.1925
Hopeman, Johanna Margaret1928
Hopeman, Arendt W.1925
Hopkins, Jared W.1903
Hopkins, John H.1984
Hopkins, John H.1908
Hopkins, Caleb 1908
Hopkins, Ethan A.1902
Hopkins, Freeman A.1895
Hopkins, Jared W.1908
Hopkins, Jared W.1895
Hopkins, Jared W.1903
Hopkins, John Hampden1908
Hopkins, John Hampden1895
Hopkins, John Hampden1895
Hopkins, John Hampden1984
Hopkins, Ray C.1924
Hopkins, Robert M.1895
Hopkins, John Hampden1890
Hopkins, John Hampden1890
Hopkins, Theodore Weld1930
Hopkins, Theodore Weld1930
Hopkins, Alphonso Alvah1894
Hopkins, Caleb 1981
Hopkins, Nehemiah 1981
Horace, John Lee1994
Horace Little, residence of, Henrietta1877
Horace Wilson, residence of, Penfield1877
Horcheler, William 1903
Horn, Esther Amelia1928
Horn, Wilhelmina Henrietta1928
Horner, Doris Frances1928
Horning, Deforest A.1924
Horowitz, Samuel 1928
Horsey, Irving E.1939
Horstman, William 1902
Horswell, Raymond A.1924
Horswell, Raymond A.1924
Horton, L. LaVerne1908
Horton, Lemuel 1924
Horton, Frank 1961
Horton, Frank 1979
Horton, Harry Lawrence1928
Horton, Thomas Thackery1928
Horton, Frank 1989
Horton, John M.1893
Horton, Joseph H.1893
Horton, J. H.1893
Horton, J. M.1893
Horwitz, Lillian D.1928
Horwitz, Mrs. J.S.1917
Hosenfele, Dionisius 1895
Hosmer, Howard 1971
Hosmer Inn, Interior, Genesee Country Museum, Mumford1974
Hotchkiss, James Levi1928
Hotchkiss, James Levi1908
Hotchkiss, James Levi1903
Hotchkiss, James Levi1922
Hotchkiss, James 1956
Hotchkiss, James L.1914
Hotchkiss, James Levi1922
Hotchkiss, James 1956
Hotchkiss, James L.1903
Hotchkiss, James L.1902
Hotchkiss, Frank D. 1888
Hotchkiss, Frank D. 1891
Hotel Ontario and Ontario Beach1905
Hotel Ontario and Ontario Beach1905
Hotel Ontario at Charlotte1890
Hotel Ontario, Ontario Beach1899
Hotel Rochester1891
Hotel Rochester1909
Hotel Rochester1912
Hotel Rochester [and 4 interior views]1911
Hotel Seneca [and 3 interior views]1911
Hotel Wendell1902
Hottenstein, Edward H.1924
Houck, George H.1895
Houck, Robert Charles1928
Hough, David Mitchell1922
Hough, B. O.1893
Hough, D. M.1893
Hough, David Mitchell1922
Hough & Ford1885
Hough & Ford1884
Hough & Ford1890
Hough & Ford1890
Hough & Ford1888
Hough and Ford, shoes, 111 Mill Street1888
Hough Bros.1884
Hough, D. M., & Co.1893
Houghton, Donald Charles1928
Houghton, Ernest B.1922
Houghton, Ernest B.1922
House, Anson 1908
House at Browncroft, Christmas 19221923
House at Southeast corner of Fitzhugh and Troup Streets where Lewis Henry Morgan lived and died1976
House for Dr. Charles R. Barber1923
House for Dr. Edwin S. Ingersoll1923
House for George D. B. Bonbright1923
House for Harold M. Jenkins1923
House for James P. Gordon1923
House for L. M. Todd, Rock Beach1923
House for Sylvanus F. Jenkins, Rochester1923
House for William G. Kaelber1923
House fragment (now demolished), Sheldon Road, Mendon Township1978
House of Refuge - Playground1882
House of Refuge - Playground1885
House of Refuge Entrance Gate1882
House remodeled for Mr. Edmund Lyon1923
House remodeled for Mr. George W. Todd1923
Household Art Rooms1912
Houses in Browncroft1923
Hovey, Bleeker L.1890
Hovey, Bleeker L.1890
Hovey, Floyd Forest1928
Hovey, Justus Allan1928
Hovey, Bleeker L.1902
Hovey, Bleeker L.1902
Hovey, Cassius M.1895
Hovey, Treat J.1895
Hovey Bro's1890
Hovey Bro's1890
Hovey Brothers1891
Howard, Martha Taylor1984
Howard, Eugene H.1895
Howard, H. A.1898
Howard, Norman Wesley1928
Howard, Eugene H.1895
Howard, D. J.1895
Howard, Eugene H.1895
Howard, Henry R.1925
Howard, John E.1895
Howard, John Gough1924
Howard, Judson 1895
Howard, S. P.1895
Howard, Seymour W.1895
Howard, William R.W.1902
Howard, Clinton N.1956
Howard, Henry 1925
Howard, John Gough1924
Howard, Clinton Norman1960
Howard, James O. 1894
Howard, Clinton N.1956
Howard, Eugene H.1914
Howard, Mrs. George1961
Howard, H. R., & Co.1884
Howe, Gordon A.1961
Howe, Harrison E.1914
Howe, William A.1961
Howe, Charles J. P.1922
Howe, J. Henry1922
Howe, John Bigelow1922
Howe, John Hubbard1922
Howe, John B.1893
Howe, John Bigelow1922
Howe, John Hubbard1922
Howe, Charles 1877
Howe, Charles 1877
Howe, Charles Frederic1928
Howe, Charles H.1898
Howe, Gertrude Julia1928
Howe, Henry Bigelow1928
Howe, John Bigelow1928
Howe, Charles Frederic1925
Howe, Jacob 1908
Howe, John Bigelow1925
Howe, John Bigelow1908
Howe, William J.1895
Howe, Eva 1917
Howe, J. Henry1902
Howe, Jacob 1902
Howe, Jacob 1908
Howe, John Bigelow1925
Howe, John H.1902
Howe, John H.1925
Howe & Bassett1891
Howe & Bassett1890
Howe & Bassett1890
Howe & Co.1884
Howe & Rogers1884
Howe & Rogers1888
Howe and Rogers, 80 State Street1899
Howe, H. J., & Co.1888
Howe, Jacob, Bakery1898
Howe, Jacob, Bakery1890
Howe, Jacob, Bakery1890
Howe, Jr., Jacob 1903
Howe, Sr., Jacob 1903
Howell, Edwin E.1949
Howell, John H.1924
Howell, Selwyn F.1907
Howell, M. P.1893
Howell, Harvey H.1895
Howell, John H.1924
Howell, Myron P.1893
Howell, Louis Walter1928
Howes, John 1964
Howes, George E.1895
Howk, Loren Whitney1895
Howk, Loren Whitney1928
Howk, Loren W.1895
Howk, Loren Whitney1895
Howland, Rea V.1928
Howland, DeWitt C.1903
Howland, DeWitt C.1903
Hoy, James Eugene1908
Hoy, Nicholas H.1908
Hoy, Patrick 1895
Hoye, W. J. 1894
Hoyt, David 1902
Hoyt, Herbert Waldo1902
Hoyt, Martin B.1917
Hoyt, Martin Breck1902
Hoyt, Mrs. B.1917
Hoyt, Mrs. Wentworth1917
Hoyt, Mrs. William1917
Hoyt, Mrs. William1956
Hoyt, Charles 1893
Hoyt, David 1893
Hoyt, William E.1893
Hoyt, C. Grandison1961
Hoyt, Charles E.1914
Hoyt, Mrs. William1956
Hoyt, Charles Eugene1928
Hoyt, Charles Grandison1928
Hoyt, David 1902
Hoyt, David 1908
Hoyt, David 1895
Hoyt, Martin B.1908
Hoyt, Alexander Sylvester1889
Hoyt, Whitney F.1980
Hubbard, William A.1922
Hubbard, William A.1902
Hubbard, William A.1903
Hubbard, William A.1917
Hubbard, William A.,Jr.1905
Hubbard, Warren C.1967
Hubbard, Warren C.1967
Hubbard, Richard P.1895
Hubbard, William A.1908
Hubbard and Eldredge Company1906
Hubbard and Eldredge Company, Corner Lyell Avenue and West Street1899
Hubbard, Jr., William A.1922
Hubbard, Sr., William A.1902
Hubbell, Anna D.1917
Hubbell, Walter S.1917
Hubbell, Walter S.1984
Hubbell, Walter Sage1908
Hubbell, Walter Sage1902
Hubbell, Walter Sage1922
Hubbell, Walter Sage1922
Hubbell, Walter S.1914
Hubbell, Oreb T.1908
Hubbell, Walter Sage1902
Hubbell, Walter Sage1925
Hubbell, Walter Sage1908
Hubbell, Walter Sage1895
Hubbell, Walter Sage1984
Hubbell, William 1895
Hubbell, Nathaniel David1928
Hubbell, Walter Sage1928
Hubbell, Walter Sage1890
Hubbell, Walter Sage1890
Huber, Carl A.1902
Huber, Clement 1895
Huber, Frank 1895
Hudes, Samuel 1925
Hudson, Charles B.1893
Hudson, Larry 1994
Hudson, Charles B.1902
Hudson, Joseph Robert1928
Huff, Emma Lotz1928
Hughes, Allen Homer1928
Hughes, Hugh Walter1928
Hughes, Frank J.1911
Hughes, M. L. 1891
Hughes, Francis L. 1888
Hughes, Francis L. 1884
Hughes, Francis L. 1890
Hughes, Francis L. 1890
Hughes, M. L. 1898
Hughes, Frank J.1911
Hughes, ., Charles E 1902
Hughey, David Jamison1929
Hughson, K. H. 1884
Hughson & Sullivan1888
Huhn, Frank Xavier1929
Hulbert, T. L.1902
Hulett, Pierson Brittan1908
Hulett, Pierson Brittan1895
Hulett, Pierson Brittan1895
Hulett, Pierson Brittan1890
Hulett, Pierson Brittan1890
Hulett, Pierson B.1902
Hull, Naomi Chapman1928
Hull, Jabez 1981
Hulme, Morgan L.1902
Humburch Bros.1902
Humelbaugh, Jesse Claire1928
Humphrey, Ethel 1928
Humphrey, George Harvey1994
Humphrey, Joseph Lee1928
Humphrey, W. G. 1898
Humphrey, George P. 1894
Humphrey, W. G. 1884
Humphrey, George Harvey1895
Humphrey, Harvey 1895
Humphrey, Joseph Lee1925
Humphrey, Nathan M.1895
Humphrey, W. S.1895
Humphrey, Harvey 1877
Humphrey, Maud 1984
Humphrey House., 669 Genesee Street1976
Hungerford, Thomas 1928
Hunn, David L.1889
Hunt, Horace Holmes1930
Hunt, Anna Seely1928
Hunt, Horace Holmes1928
Hunt, James Spencer1928
Hunt, George Anthony1911
Hunt, Daniel T.1913
Hunt, George Anthony1911
Hunt, George Anthony1929
Hunt, Thomas L.1929
Hunt, John F.1914
Hunt, Charles L.1903
Hunt, John F.1908
Hunt, Charles L.1903
Hunt, George 1976
Hunt, George 1971
Hunt, John Francis1902
Hunt, William Master1902
Hunt, J. K. 1884
Hunter, Fred Walter1928
Hunter, DeWitt Clinton1902
Hunter, DeWitt C.1902
Hunting, Stanley E.1914
Hunting, James Frederic1928
Huntington, Charles F.1961
Huntington, Elon 1902
Huntington, Elon 1895
Huntington, Harry E.1925
Huntington, Jeanette 1917
Huntington, Elon 1895
Huntington, Harry Edward1925
Huntley, Byron E.1908
Huntley, Byron E.1908
Huntley, Byron E.1908
Hupp, Albert B.1913
Hurd, Irving J.1929
Hurd, E. H.1890
Hurd, E. H.1890
Hurd, E. H.1895
Hurlburt, Hiram Day1928
Hurley, Judson H.1903
Hurley, Patrick A.1903
Hurley, Judson H.1903
Hurley, Patrick A.1903
Hurst, Victor Waldemar1922
Hurst, Victor Waldemar1922
Husbands, Richard 1903
Husbands, Richard 1903
Husmann, Henry 1902
Hussey, John W.1929
Hussey, William A.1929
Hutching, W. E.1989
Hutchings, James Tyler1922
Hutchings, James Tyler1922
Hutchings, James T.1914
Hutchinson, S. 1913
Hutchinson, Florence Allen1928
Hutchinson, Franklin Benjamin1928
Hutchinson, Mary Una1928
Hutchinson, William Loren1928
Hutchinson, George F.1959
Hutchinson, S. 1895
Hutchison, James 1903
Hutchison, Merritt L.1895
Hutchison, Merritt L.1903
Hutchison, Paul R.1929
Hutchison, Charles F.1961
Hutchison, Charles F.1914
Hutchison, George 1939
Hutchison, Charles Force1928
Hutchison, Merritt L.1902
Hutchison, Merritt L.1903
Hutchison, Merritt L.1902
Huther, Angus E.1902
Huther, Angus E.1902
Huther, Mrs. T.1917
Huther, Warren B.1902
Huther, George Truesdale1928
Huther Bros. Saw Co.1909
Hutte, Charles 1894
Huyler Candy1888
Hyde, D. C.1890
Hyde, D. C.1890
Hyde, Elizabeth Skinner1928
Hyde, Chauncey 1981
Hyde, Byron M.1908
Hyde, Merrick Calvin1902
Hyde, Byron M.1914
Hyde & Page1891
Hygenic Roller Mills1894
Hyland, Melvin Stuart1928
Hyland, Thelma Benedict1928
Hyman, Claudia Goldstein1928
Hyman, Esther Olsan1928
Hyman, Maurice C.1912
Hyman, Samuel A.1912
Hyman, Maurice C.1912
Hyman, Samuel A.1912
Hynes, George W.1929
Hynes, Thomas O.1929
Ice skating at Genesee Valley Park, ca 19101984
Iceskaters on the Genesee, 1862 (painting)1979
Ideman, John G.1908
Ideman, John G.1903
Ideman, John G.1908
Ideman, John G.1903
Ilardi, Antonio 1924
Imeson, Thomas Herbert1924
Imeson, Thomas Herbert1924
Imperial Life Insurance Co.1891
Imperial Tea Co.1902
Imray, Howard H. Mrs.1940
In Genesee Valley Park1904
In His Care (dog and sheep) Genesee Valley Park1911
In Holy Sepulchre Cemetery1911
In Palmer's Glen1911
In the birch grove, Highland Park1911
In the Genesee Valley Park1911
Inch, Herbert 1928
Indian Day at Maple Grove, 1870's1949
Indian Spring (near Spring Street)1944
Indian trail, Genesee River1913
Industrial Rochester [view of factories]1937
Infants' Summer Hospital, Charlotte1912
Ingall, Daniel D.1911
Ingall, Daniel 1903
Ingall, Daniel 1911
Ingall, Daniel D.1903
Ingalsbe, Ralph B.1925
Ingersoll, Mrs. A.R.1895
Ingersoll, Adele Remington1894
Ingersoll, Jonathan 1981
Ingersoll, Stephen 1981
Ingersoll, Joel M.1914
Ingersoll, Joel M.1905
Ingle, Arthur H.1925
Ingle, Arthur H.1961
Inglis, John J.1980
Inglis & Co.1885
Inglis & Reid1884
Ingmire, George W.1922
Ingmire, George W.1922
Ingmire, George W.1902
Ingmire & Thompson1890
Ingmire & Thompson1890
Ingmire and Thompson Funeral Directors1899
Ingmire and Thompson Funeral Directors1890
Ingmire and Thompson Funeral Directors1890
Ingraham, William L. 1888
Insel, August F.1907
Institution for the Deaf1890
Insurance Building, Main Street West and Irving Place1911
Interior Eastman Theatre1923
Interior Eastman Theatre1923
Interior of Chapel at the Sacred Heart Academy1892
Interior view of the Private car1899
Interior, 1286 East Avenue1984
Interior, 693 East Avenue1984
Interior, Eastman Theatre, symbolic murals by noted artist, Ezra Winter, portray music through the ages1976
Interior, St. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church1984
International Ladies' Tailoring Company1902
International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House1979
International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House1984
International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House1977
International Seed Co.1888
Intersection of Brown's Race and Commercial Street1977
Intersection of Main Street and South Avenue, ca 19201979
Iola Sanitarium1922
Ira P. Thurber and Company, Mills1838
Ireland, Henry August1911
Ireland, Henry A.1903
Ireland, Henry August1903
Ireland, William J.1908
Ireland, Henry August1911
Ireland, Henry August1929
Irish, Elmer A.1929
Irish, J. P. 1891
Irondequoit Bay1884
Irondequoit Bay1913
Irondequoit Bay in summer, in winter1911
Irondequoit Club House1904
Irondequoit Silk Mills1894
Irvine, William Henry1928
Irving S. Robeson, residence of1913
Irwin, Charles 1902
Irwin, J. S. File Works1891
Isaac Allen, Sr., Clarkson, N.Y., Residence of1877
Isaac Budlong, residence & stock farm, Scottsville1877
Isaac Chase, residence, with portrait, Parma1877
Isaacson, Lawrence Ernest1928
Isbell, Herve 1890
Isbell, Herve 1890
Island Cottage, ca 1910 picnic1970
Isler, Otto F.1903
Isler, Otto F.1911
Isler, Otto F.1903
Isler, Otto F.1929
Isler, Otto F.1911
Isles, Christopher R., Mrs.1928
Italian workers on Shaft no. 5, Mill and Factory Streets, 19111984
Iturbi, Jose 1961
Ives, John M.1902
Ives, John M.1903
Ives, Mrs. Theodore1989
Ives, Fred M.1959
Ives, Lydia R.1895
J. B. Bryan, residence of1913
J. Burton Warren, 531 Culver Road1911
J. C. Kalbfleisch's residence1893
J. E. Mock studio1915
J. Foster Warner's model for Eastman House1984
J. Foster Warner's plans for Eastman carriage house1984
J. Foster Warner, 5 Prince Street1911
J. Frank Norris1912
J. G. Davis Company, Granite Flower Mills1899
J. G. Longfellow, residence and stock farm, Henrietta1877
J. G. Ramsdell, residence of, Egypt1858
J. George Kaelber, 587 University1911
J. H. Howe, residence of, S. Goodman Street1890
J. H. Howe, residence of, S. Goodman Street1890
J. Hungerford Smith Company1912
J. J. McMaster, 1006 Lake Avenue1911
J. K. Hunt, Paper Boxes1912
J. L. Phelps1912
J. L. Willard, residence of1896
J. M. Davis, residence of1890
J. M. Davis, residence of1890
J. Moreau Smith's residence1970
J. Moreau Smith's residence1893
J. Moreau Smith, residence of1890
J. N. Beckley, residence of1913
J. S. Corning, residence of1890
J. S. Graham and Company, Woodworking, Lyell Avenue1891
J. Sherlock Andrews, residence of (historical)1913
J. T. Cunningham, residence of1890
J. W. Gillis Company1912
J. W. Gillis Company, picture frames1899
J. W. Martin and Brother1912
J. W. Martin and Brothers, pianos1899
J. Wadhams, residence of, Parma1877
J. Z. Weldon Co.1912
Jack, Lewis H.1895
Jack, Louis 1928
Jack-Knife Bridge over Erie Canal at Lyell Avenue1912
Jackling, William 1898
Jackson, Bernard F.1897
Jackson, Bernard F.1897
Jackson, Bernard F.1897
Jackson, Dewey 1913
Jackson, William 1981
Jackson, James Arthur1928
Jackson, P.V. Crittenden1928
Jackson, Tenton J.1994
Jackson, E. E. 1894
Jackson, G. Arthur1925
Jackson, Leslie H.1946
Jackson, Morris S.1895
Jackson, P.V. Crittenden1925
Jackson, Harvey 1959
Jackson, Leslie H.1946
Jackson & Burleigh1881
Jacob B. Brown, residence and portrait, Penfield1877
Jacob Brininstool, residence of, with portraits, W. Henrietta1877
Jacob Eckler, residence of, Mendon1877
Jacobs, Warren 1978
Jacobsen, Henry 1915
Jacobsen, Ira James1924
Jacobsen, Henry 1915
Jacobsen, Ira James1924
Jacobson, Joseph J.1964
Jacobstein, Meyer 1984
Jacobstein, Meyer 1961
Jacobstein, Meyer 1979
Jacobstein, Meyer 1928
Jacobstein, Meyer 1984
Jacobstein, Meyer 1989
Jacubowitz, Leo 1929
Jagnow, William F.1924
Jagnow, William F.1924
James, Frederick William1925
James, Thomas 1984
James, Frederick 1925
James, Thomas 1984
James, Thomas 1989
James, Val 1984
James, Frederick William1928
James, Thomas 1994
James Bygrave, residence of1896
James Cunningham, Son and Company1912
James Curtis, residence of, Parma1877
James G. Cutler's residence1893
James G. Cutler, residence of1890
James Gorsline, residence of, Lake Avenue1877
James H. Hanna, 6 Park View1911
James Harris, residence of, with portraits, Penfield1877
James Laney and Company, Tin Ware, Iron Ware, etc.1888
James M. Edmunds, residence of, Town of Brighton1877
James McNall, residence of, with portraits, Henrietta1877
James S. Watson Library, 9 Prince Street, Rochester1974
James S. Watson residence1970
James S. Watson's residence1893
James S. Watson, residence1896
James S. Watson, residence of1913
James Stevenson, residence of, East Henrietta1877
James Upton, residence of, Greece1858
James Vick's Sons, office and warehouse1898
James W. Gillis, Exchange Street, Picture frames1888
James Whitney, residence of1890
Jameson, Curtiss Norton1928
Jameson, John Webster1928
Jameson, Arthur H.1903
Jameson, Charles H.1903
Janes, George Haddleton1928
Janes, William Prentice1928
Janowski, Clemens R.1959
Janson, Frank A.1929
Japanese Tea Gardens, Exhibit at Convention Hall, 19101912
Jaquet, Paul 1959
Jardine, John Warren1925
Jardine, Robert Gordon1924
Jardine, John W.1925
Jardine, Robert Gordon1924
Jason Baker, residence of, Brighton1858
Jayne, William C.1902
Jayne, William C.1902
Jaynes, Frank Asa1903
Jaynes, Frank Asa1922
Jaynes, Frank A.1905
Jaynes, Frank A.1903
Jaynes, Frank Asa1922
Jebsen, Peter 1891
Jeffers, Roy A.1924
Jeffers, Herbert Cornelius1928
Jeffers, Roy 1924
Jefferson, Frederick C.1994
Jefferson, Mabel Thomas1928
Jefferson Junior High School1922
Jefferson Junior High School1923
Jeffery, Raymond Edward1929
Jeffords, Thomas J.1877
Jeffords, Thomas J.1877
Jeffrey, Mrs. R.Jerome1903
Jeffreys, L. A.1925
Jeffreys, Lemuel A.1925
Jeffreys, Lemuel A.1925
Jeffreys Undertakers1906
Jeffs, William H.1897
Jeffs, William H.1897
Jeffs, William H.1897
Jenkins, Mrs. Ernest1917
Jenkins, Albert A.1959
Jenkins, Louis A.1959
Jenks, Anna Starbuck1894
Jenks, Arthur Elwell1894
Jennejahn, Lewis H.1929
Jenner, H. S. 1894
Jenner, Herbert S.1902
Jenner, H. S. 1902
Jennings, Edgar Stillson1922
Jennings, John Arthur1925
Jennings, Edward Roggen1928
Jennings, Eleanor George1928
Jennings, George Charles1928
Jennings, Harold Ford1928
Jennings, Edgard Stillson1922
Jennings, John A.1925
Jeremiah Starkweather, residence of, W. Brighton1877
Jerome, Leonard 1970
Jerome, Jennie 1971
Jerrett, Alfred O.1914
Jerris, James J.1959
Jesse B. Hannan, residence of, with portraits, Perrinton1877
Jesserer, Henry L.1922
Jesserer, Henry L.1922
Jesserer, William H. 1891
Jewell, Margaret Ray1928
Jewett, Simeon B.1895
Jewett, Simeon B.1895
Jewish Orphan Asylum, Rochester1912
Jewish Orphanage1915
Jewish Young Men's Association Building1912
Jincks, Homer W.1929
Jno. A. C. Wright, residence of1890
Jobes, Frank P.1902
Jobes, Frank P.1913
Joel, George B.1964
Joel, Phineas C.1908
Joffe, Isaac 1964
Joffe, Nathan 1964
John A. Smith, residence of1913
John A. Smith, sash, doors, etc., Exchange Street1888
John B. Y. Warner's residence1895
John Bowman House, 3741 Lake Road, Clarkson1974
John Brown, residence and store, Pittsford1877
John C. Moore, 35 N. St. Paul Street, Blank Books1899
John C. Woodbury, house for1923
John Dorr House, 17 Church Street, Scottsville1974
John F, Fuller, residence of, Penfield1877
John F. Dailey, 307 Westminster Road1911
John Fahy, residence of1896
John Fry, residence of, with portraits, Greece1877
John H. Carpenter, residence of, with portraits, Chili1877
John Hofman Company1912
John Leader & Son Company1912
John M. Webster, residence of, with portraits, Parma1877
John Marshall High School1979
John N. Beckley, 75 Berkeley1911
John N. Beckley, residence of1893
John N. Rauber, residence of1913
John P. King, 157 Seneca Parkway1911
John P. Smith, printer, binder1891
John Reeve, residence of, with portraits, Pittsford1877
John Siddons Company1906
John Steve, Residence of, Pittsford1913
Johnis, Joseph A.1924
Johnis, Joseph 1924
Johns, C. W. 1894
Johns, Alfred Augustus1928
Johns, Grace Harper1928
Johns, William 1928
Johns, Alfred Augustus1922
Johns, Verne E.1959
Johns, Alfred Augustus1922
Johnson, Bruce Smith1922
Johnson, Elisha 1960
Johnson, Julian William1928
Johnson, Oscar Kenneth1928
Johnson, Benjamin F.1895
Johnson, David L.1924
Johnson, Elisha 1984
Johnson, Frank P.1895
Johnson, H. N.1895
Johnson, James A.1903
Johnson, Walter W.1895
Johnson, John 1981
Johnson, Rossiter 1894
Johnson, Elisha 1983
Johnson, Leon 1929
Johnson, Teresa D.1994
Johnson, William A.1994
Johnson, Hugh B.1959
Johnson, Hugh B.1939
Johnson, James H.1959
Johnson, Bruce Smith1922
Johnson, Elisha 1988
Johnson, Elisha 1964
Johnson, Mae Miskimmon 1984
Johnson, Mildred W.1984
Johnson, Wakeman G.1930
Johnson, Adelbert G.1902
Johnson, Adolph J.1902
Johnson, David L.1924
Johnson, Elisha 1989
Johnson, Elisha 1984
Johnson, Elisha 1976
Johnson, Elisha 1989
Johnson, Elisha 1979
Johnson, James A.1903
Johnson, Nan 1984
Johnson & Neily1894
Johnson and Seymour Dam1906
Johnson and Seymour Dam1906
Johnson House, detail, Orleans - Monroe County Line Road, Hamlin Township1978
Johnson, A. J., & Co.1884
Johnston, Daniel Lyndon1928
Johnston, P. S. 1894
Johnston, Henry N.1908
Johnston, James 1903
Johnston, John White1925
Johnston, Elizabeth 1917