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Eagle MillsEagle Tavern
East Avenue (Homes)East Avenue (Scenes)
East Avenue Collegiate InstituteEast Boulevard
East High School (The present one was dedicated in 1960)East Main Street
East RochesterEast Side Savings Bank
Eastern Wide WatersEastman Birthplace
Eastman BuildingEastman Dental Center
Eastman HouseEastman Kodak Company
Eastman LaboratoryEastman Memorial
Eastman QuadrangleEastman School and Theater
Eastway PlazaEastwood, William
Eckler, BenjaminEckler, Jacob
Edelman, Edward C.Edgerton Park
Edmunds, James M.Edson House
Edward Mott MooreEdwards Building
Edwards, E. W.El-Sa-Mar
Eldredge, L. D.Elks Club
Elliott, MatthewEllsworth, H. M.
Ellwanger & Barry Bldg.Ellwanger & Barry Nursery
Ellwanger & Barry SchoolEllwanger Gardens
Ellwanger, GeorgeElmwood Avenue Bridge
Elwell S. Otis SchoolElwood Block
Elwood BuildingEly, Alfred
Ely, HerveyEly, Hervey, Mill
Embry, F. W.Emerson, Thomas
Empire Art GalleriesEmpire State College
Empire TheaterEngine Houses
Enoch, Alex. B.Enright, Michael P.
Episcopal Church HomeErickson Monument
Erickson, AaronErie Canal
Erie Canal AqueductErie Railway Station
Ernst, LouisEugene Field School
Eureka ClubEvangelical Church
Everest, C. M.Exchange Hotel
Exchange PlaceExchange Street
Exposition Park

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