Results |
Location | Folder Label | Folder Date | Subject | |
1: 1: 1-2 | Bo-Bra | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 3 | Thomas E. Broderick | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 4-7 | Buc-Cn | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 8 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 9-11 | Coa-Ct | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 12 | Curtin | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 13-17 | Cu-En | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 18 | Eastman Kodak Co. | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 19-32 | Eo-I | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 33 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 34 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 35-36 | J-Kh | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 37 | Kenneth B. Keating-Personal File | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 38-42 | Ki-Lz | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 43 | Legislative Reference Service | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 44-45 | Mc-M | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 46 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 1: 47-60 | Na-Shz | 1947 - 1947 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 1-2 | Da-De | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 3 | Democrat & Chronicle (empty) | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 4-7 | Di-En | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 8 | Eastman Kodak Co. | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 9 | Economic Cooperation Admin (ECA) | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 10-15 | Eo-Gh | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 16 | Gannett Newspapers: Frank Gannett | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 17 | General Accounting Office | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 18-23 | Gi-Hd | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 24 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 25-27 | Hea-Hn | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 28 | Hickey Freeman Co. | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 29-32 | Hoa-I | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 33 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 34 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 35 | Internal Revenue | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 36 | J | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 37 | Judiciary Committee | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 38 | Ka-Kaz | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 39 | Kalbfleisch Travel Agency | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 40 | Kea-Kez | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 41 | Kenneth B. Keating-Personal File | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 42-44 | Ki-Kz | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 45 | Labor Dept | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 46-48 | Laa-Lh | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 49 | Legislative Reference Service | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 50-59 | Li-Mx | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 60 | Monroe County | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 2: 61 | My-Mz | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 1 | Naa-Naz | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 2 | National Associations | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 3 | Navy Dept | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 4 | Ne-Nn | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 5 | New York | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 6-11 | No-Ph | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 12 | Post Office Dept | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 13-15 | Pr-Rh | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 16 | Record Clerk: R.L. Harris | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 17 | Republican County & State Committee | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 18 | Republican National Committee | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 19 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 20 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E,etc. | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 21-29 | Ri-Staz | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 30 | State Dept | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 31-34 | Stea-Tn | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 35 | Treasury Dept | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 36-37 | To-U | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 38 | University of Rochester | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 39 | V | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 40 | Veterans Service Bureau | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 41 | Veterans Administration-Birmingham | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 42 | Veterans Affairs: Runkin | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 43 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 44 | Veterans Information Bureau | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 45 | Wa-Wd | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 46 | War Assets Administration | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 47 | Ways & Means Committee | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 48-49 | We-Wh | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 50 | White House | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 51-55 | Wia-Z | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 3: 56 | Veterans Administration | 1949 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 1-2 | A-B | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 3 | Crummer, Roy | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 4-24 | D-W | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 25 | Alien Property: Office of | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 26 | Chankalian, Armand | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 27 | Duke, Russell W. | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 28 | Liquor Case | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 29 | Parole & Prison System | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 30 | Justice Department: NYCPD Case | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 31 | Michael Olian Case | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 32 | Norman Littell Case | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 33 | Grand Jury: San Francisco, Ca. | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 34 | UN Grand Jury | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 35 | Grand Jury: Nashville, Tenn. | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 36 | Roy E. Crummer | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 37 | Allan Smiley | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 38 | Turner L. Smith | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 39 | US Attorneys | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 40 | Newbold Morris | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 41 | Former US Attorney Diamond | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 42 | Former Asst Attny Gen H. Bergson | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 43 | Cuba Silver Shipment | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 44 | Excessive Govt Trans Charges | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 45 | Herbert D. & Kathryn Hoff | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 46 | Iowa War Surplus Commodities Bd | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 47 | Pabst Case | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 4: 48 | Alger Hiss | 1950 - 1953 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 1 | Agriculture Yearbooks | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 2 | Agriculture Yearbooks | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 3-18 | Applications A-P | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 19 | Applications: Pages for the House | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 20-26 | Applications Q-Z | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 27 | Applications: Temp Work | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 28 | Appointments with KBK | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 29 | Appointments: Other | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 30 | Articles by Keating | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 31 | Atomic Energy & Hydrogen Bombs | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 32 | Biographical Data-KBK | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 33 | Campaign (empty) | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 34 | Campaign: Senate | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 35 | Certificate of Authentication | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 36 | Chaplains Convention | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 37 | Communism | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 38 | Compliments | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 39 | Congressional Calendars | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 40 | Congressional Directory | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 41 | Congressional Record Mailing List | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 42 | Correspondence: General | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 43 | Creeds (Sent to Graduates in 1957) | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 44 | Federal Projects-Monroe County | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 45 | Invitations: October 1957 | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 46 | Invitations: November 1957 | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 47 | Invitations: December | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 48 | Israel | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 49 | Theodore Kuperman (empty) | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 50 | Lake Ontario | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 51 | League of Women Voters | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 52 | Library of Congress | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 53 | Mailing Lists (empty) | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 54 | Maps Distributed | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 55 | NATO | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 56 | Newspapers | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 57 | NYS & Local | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 58 | Personnel: Washington & Rochester | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 59 | Petitions | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 60 | Louise D. Propst: Personal (empty) | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 61 | President's Messages | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 62 | Press | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 5: 63 | Proposed Legislation 85th Congress | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 1 | Publications Distributed | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 2 | Publications Received | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 3 | Publications Requested | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 4 | Questionnaires | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 5 | Radio Corresp | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 6 | Referrals | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 7 | Republican Party | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 8 | Resolutions | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 9 | Rochester Office | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 10 | Rochester Post-Treasury Dept Order | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 11 | Satellites | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 12 | Scrolls | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 13 | Senate: Miscellaneous | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 14 | Speech Corresp | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 15 | Office Supplies | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 16 | Office Supplies | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 17 | TV Billing | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 18-19 | TV Correspondence: Face the Nation | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 20 | Television-Pay TV | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 21 | United Nations | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 22 | University of Rochester | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 23 | Visitors | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 24 | White House | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 25 | World Health Meeting | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 6: 26 | Washington Office | 1957 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 7: 1-10 | Correspondence: Railroad | 1958 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
1: 8: 1-11 | A-Z | 1958 | Correspondence: General | |
1: 8: 12 | Misc | 1958 | Correspondence: General | |
1: 8: 13 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Personal | 1958 | Correspondence: General | |
1: 8: 14 | Personnel | 1958 | Correspondence: General | |
1: 8: 15 | Clippings | 1958 | Correspondence: General | |
1: 9: 1-6 | Gra-Har | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 7 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 8-15 | Has-I | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 16 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 17 | Internal Revenue | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 18-19 | J | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 20 | Judiciary Committee | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 21-22 | Ka-Kh | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 23 | Kalbfleisch Travel Agency | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 24 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Personal | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 9: 25-27 | Ki-Kz | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 1-3 | Laa-Lea | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 4 | League of Women Voters | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 5-6 | Len-Ln | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 7 | Library of Congress | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 8-11 | Lo-Mb | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 12 | Marine Corps | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 13-18 | McA-Mn | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 19 | Monroe County | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 10: 20-21 | Mo-Mz | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 1 | Na-Nh | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 2 | National Associations | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 3 | Navy Dept | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 4 | New York Associations | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 5-9 | Ni-O | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 10 | Price Stabilization: Office of | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 11 | Pa-Pd | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 12 | Parrish, Fred I. | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 13-15 | Pe-Pq | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 16 | Post Office Dept & Committee | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 17-20 | Pr-Rd | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 21 | Radio Stations: Rochester | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 22-24 | Re-Rof | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 25 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 26 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E,etc. | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 27 | University of Rochester | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 28 | Republican Committee | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 11: 29-30 | Rog-Rz | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 12: 1 | Sa-Sb | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 12: 2 | Saint (St.) | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 12: 3-13 | Sca-Ss | 1951 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 1 | Justice Investigation-Report | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 2 | Football Tickets | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 3 | Foreign Affairs | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 4 | Form Letters | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 5 | Correspondence: General | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 6 | Correspondence: General | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 7 | Government Procurement | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 8-10 | Invitations | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 11-12 | Lake Ontario | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 13 | Mattaro, Don | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 13: 14 | Post Office Department: Rochester | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 1 | New York State & Local | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 2 | Newspapers | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 3 | Personnel: Washington & Rochester | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 4 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Photographs | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 5 | Publications Distributed | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 6-7 | Radio & TV Corresp | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 8 | Republican Party & Committee | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 9 | Rochester Office: Miscellaneous | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 10-15 | Servicemen & Veterans: B-K | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 16 | Congressional Record | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 14: 17 | United Nations | 1951 - 1952 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 1 | HR 76: Fed Employees: Compensation | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 2 | HR 437: Change Date on D.P. Law | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 3 | HR 444: Changes in Social Security | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 4 | HR 446: Changes in Social Security | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 5 | HR 471: Amend Rules in House | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 6 | HR 1911: Joint Housing Bill | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 7 | HR 2007: Postal Employees Leave | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 8 | HR 6987: Consent Decrees | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 9-23 | Applications A-O | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 24 | Applications: Patronage on the Hill | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 25-28 | Applications P-T | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 29 | Applications: Temporary Work | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 30-32 | Applications U-Z | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 33 | Articles by Keating & Corresp | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 34 | Biographical Data KBK | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 35 | Communism | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 36 | Congressional Salaries: Increase | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 37 | Correspondence: General | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 38 | Foreign Affairs | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 39 | Government Procurement | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 40 | International Parliamentary Union | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 41 | Invitations: Indefinite | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 42 | Invitations to others | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 15: 43-50 | Invitations: Jan to Aug | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 1 | Invitations: Temporary-Fall | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 2 | Invitations: December | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 3 | Italian Consulate in Rochester | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 4 | Lake Ontario | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 5 | Korea | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 6 | Lake Ontario | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 7 | Little White House Project | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 8 | Newspapers | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 9 | New York: State & Local | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 10 | Palestine | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 11 | Postmaster & Postal Appointments | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 12 | Publications Distributed | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 13 | Radio & TV Corresp | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 14 | Reapportionment-Long Districts | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 15 | Republican Party | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 16 | Rochester Airport | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 17 | Speech Corresp | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 18 | Tariffs | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 19 | United Nations | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 20 | Washington Office | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 21 | West Point | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 16: 22 | White House | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 1 | Leg-Appropriations | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 2 | Leg-Armed Services | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 3 | Leg-Colorado River | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 4 | Leg-Communism | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 5 | Leg-District of Columbia | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 6 | Leg-Education | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 7 | Leg-Misc | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 8 | Leg-Natural Gas | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 9 | Leg-Organization for Trade Coop | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 10 | Leg-Postal | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 11 | Leg-Reorganization | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 12 | Leg-St. Lawrence Seaway | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 13 | Leg-Veterans | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 14 | Treasury Dept | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 15 | Veterans Administration | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 16 | Veterans Admin: Rochester Clinic | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 17 | Mailing Lists | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 18 | Maps: Rochester | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 19 | New York: State & Local | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 20 | Newspapers | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 21 | Palestine | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 22 | Personnel: Forms & Applications | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 23 | Press: General Subjects | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 24 | Publications Distributed | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 25 | Publications Recieved | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 26 | Publications Requested | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 27 | Presidential Messages (empty) | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 28 | Office Supplies | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 29 | Radio & TV Corresp | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 30 | Radio & TV Correspondence: Billing | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 31 | Referrals | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 32 | Republican Party | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 33 | Republican National Convention | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 34 | Rochester Office | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 35 | Rochester Airport | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 36 | Scrolls | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 37 | Satellite Countries of Russia | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 38 | Rochester: Seaport | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 39 | Senate: Miscellaneous (empty) | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 40 | Speech Corresp | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 41 | Office Supplies | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 42 | United Nations | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 43 | University of Rochester | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 44 | Visitors | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 45 | Washington Office (empty) | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 17: 46 | White House | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 1 | Agriculture Yearbook | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 2 | Articles by Keating | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 3 | Biographical Data-Keating | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 4 | Campaign: Senate | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 5 | Certificate of Authentication | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 6 | Communism | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 7 | Congressional Directory | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 8 | Congressional Record | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 9 | Campaign in Rochester | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 10 | Correspondence: General | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 11 | Crank Letters | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 12 | Form Letters | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 13 | Foreign Affairs | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 14 | Government Procurement | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 15 | KBK: Subcomm on the Judiciary Comm | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 16-17 | ICEM | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 18 | Interparliamentary Union | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 19 | Investigating Committee: Gen | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 18: 20 | Questionaires | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 1 | Communism | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 2 | District of Columbia | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 3 | Fenyvessy, Carol | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 4 | Files-Gen | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 5-6 | Gannett News Service | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 7 | Government Procurement | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 8 | House of Representatives | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 9 | Impeachment | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 10 | Lithuania | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 11 | Newspapers | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 12 | Palestine | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 13 | Personnel: Washington & Rochester | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 14 | Keating-Photos, Corresp & Material | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 15 | Speech Corresp | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 16 | Stationary Room & Office Supplies | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 17 | Anti-Lynching Bill | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 18 | Post Office Dept | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 19 | Post Office Department: Curtailment | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 20 | Railroad Retirement | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 21 | Reconstruction Finance Corp | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 22 | Republican Party & Committee | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 23 | Russia | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 24 | Selective Service | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 25 | Social Security Administration | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 26 | State Dept | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 27 | Treasury Dept | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 28 | United Nations | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 29 | Veterans Administration | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 19: 30 | War Claims Commission | 1952 - 1956 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 1 | Invitations | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 2 | Football Tickets | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 3 | Foreign Affairs | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 4 | Government Procurement | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 5 | House of Representatives | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 6 | Inauguration | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 7 | Republican Party | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 8 | Press Releases | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 9 | Reapportionment of Districts | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 20: 10 | Invitations | 1953 | Subject: General | |
1: 21: 1 | Republican Party | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 21: 2 | Rochester Airport | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 21: 3 | Speech Corresp | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 21: 4 | Office Supplies | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 21: 5 | Tariffs | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 21: 6 | United Nations | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 21: 7 | White House | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 22: 1 | Lake Ontario | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 22: 2 | Leghorn Article | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 22: 3 | Newspapers | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 22: 4 | New York: State & Local | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 22: 5 | Personnel: Washington & Rochester | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 22: 6 | Postmaster & Other Appointments | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 22: 7 | Radio & TV Corresp | 1955 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 1 | Nixon | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 2 | NATO | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 3 | Outer Space | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 4 | Passports | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 5 | Peace | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 6 | Poland | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 7 | Presidential Inability | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 8 | Recession | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 9 | Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 10 | Retired Presidents | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 11 | Religion | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 12 | Republican Party | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 13 | Republicanism-Modern | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 14 | Requests-More Government Services | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 15 | School Construction | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 16 | Small Business | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 17 | Sports | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 18 | Statehood | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 19 | Status of Forces Agreement | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 20 | Taxes: Special Material | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 21 | Teacher & Scientist Shortage | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 22 | Third Term Ban-22nd Amendment | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 23 | Traffic Safety | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 24 | Tributes: "days" & "weeks" | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 25 | Tributes: to specific groups | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 26 | Tributes: to individuals | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 27 | United Nations | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 28 | Veterans | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 29 | Wagner Administration | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 30 | Wiretapping | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 31 | Women-Special Material & Misc | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 32 | Articles | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 33 | Youth | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 34 | Capitol-Disaster in | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 35 | Girl Pages | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 23: 36 | Eighteen Year Old Vote | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 1 | Republican Party | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 2 | Speech Corresp | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 3 | Questionaires | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 4 | Resolutions | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 5 | Rochester Office | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 6 | St. Lawrence Seaway | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 7 | Rochester Veterans Hospital | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 8 | Scrolls | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 9 | Satellites | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 10 | Southern Trip-Nov 6 & 7 | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 11 | Supplies | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 12 | Telegraph & Telephone Allowance | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 13 | Unanswered | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 14 | Invitations: Indefinite | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 15-25 | Invitations: Jan to Nov | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 26 | National Defense | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 27 | New York State | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 28 | Niagara Power | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 29 | TV & Radio: other Stations | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 30 | WVET Broadcasts | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 31 | St. Lawrence Seaway | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 32 | Public/Private Power | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 33 | Natural Gas | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 24: 34 | Tito | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 1 | State Department: Popovic | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 2 | Securities & Exchange Commission | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 3 | State Dept | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 4 | Selective Service System | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 5 | Small Business Administration | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 6 | State Department: Passport Division | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 7 | Social Security Administration | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 8 | Tariffs | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 9 | Treasury Dept | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 10 | Veterans Administration | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 11 | Tariffs: Wool | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 12 | TV Billing | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 13 | TV Correspondence: "Let's Look at Congress" | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 14 | TV: Miscellaneous | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 15 | United Nations | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 16 | University of Rochester | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 17 | Visitors | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 18 | Washington Office | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 19 | White House | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 20 | Photographs: KBK | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 21 | Photographs | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 22-23 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 24 | Post Office | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 25 | Immigration | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 26 | Misc | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 25: 27 | Armed Services & Veterans | 1955 - 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 26: 1 | House of Representatives | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 26: 2 | Inauguration | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 26: 3 | Inflation | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 26: 4 | ICEM | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 26: 5 | Interparliamentary Union | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 1 | Congressional Record: Correspondence | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 2 | Crank Letters | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 3 | Federal Projects-Wayne County | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 4 | Football Tickets | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 5 | Foreign Affairs | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 6 | Form Letters | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 7 | Government Procurement | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 27: 8 | Foreign Affairs | 1957 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 1 | Agriculture Department | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 2 | Air Force | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 3 | Army Dept | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 4 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 5 | Census | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 6 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 7 | Civil Defense | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 8 | Civil Service Commission | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 9 | Coast Guard | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 10 | Commerce Dept | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 11 | Commodity Credit Corporation | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 12 | Defense Dept | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 13 | Bureau of Employees Comp (empty) | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 14 | Farmers Home Administration | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 15 | Federal Communications Commission | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 16 | Federal Housing Administration | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 17 | Federal Reserve System | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 18 | Federal Trade Commission | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 19 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commis | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 20 | Gen Accounting Office (empty) | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 21 | Gen Services Administration | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 22 | Customs: Bureau of | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 28: 23 | Defense | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 1 | Government Depts: Miscellaneous | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 2 | Health, Education & Welfare | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 3 | US Information Agency | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 4 | Interior Dept | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 5 | Internal Revenue Service | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 6 | International Cooperation Admin | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 7 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 29: 8 | Justice Department: Press Releases | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 1 | Justice Dept | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 2 | Labor Dept | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 3 | US Marine Corps | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 4 | Maritime Administration (empty) | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 5 | National Labor Relations Board | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 6 | Navy Dept | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 7 | Post Office Department: Gen | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 30: 8 | Post Office: Rochester | 1958 | Subject: General | |
1: 31: 1 | Clippings: Gen | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 2 | Clippings | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 3 | China-Aid to | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 4 | Metal Markets-American-Editorial | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 5 | Air-Policy | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 6 | Atomic Energy | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 7 | Britain | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 8 | Business | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 9 | Budget | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 10 | Civil Rights: Anti-Lynching | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 11 | Communism | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 12 | Congress: 80th | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 13 | Displaced Persons | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 14 | Education | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 15 | Palestine | 1947 - 1956 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 16 | Palestine | 1947 - 1956 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 17 | Postmaster Appointments | 1947 - 1956 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 18 | Press Releases | 1947 - 1956 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 19 | Republican County Committee | 1947 - 1956 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 20 | New York State & Local Cases | 1947 - 1956 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 21 | Gannett Newspapers: 80th Congress | 1947 - 1956 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 22 | Housing-Rochester Plan | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 23 | New York: State & Local | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 24 | Correspondence: General | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 31: 25 | Devaluation of the Franc | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 1 | Social Security | 1951 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 2-13 | Sta-V | 1951 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 14 | Van -: (ie, Van Hoesan) | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 15 | Veterans Admin & VA Hospitals | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 16 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 17 | Veterans Affairs Committee | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 18 | Veterans Services & Information | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 19-29 | Waa-Z | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 30 | State Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 31-32 | Applications A-B | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 33 | Applications: Washington Office | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 34-52 | Applications C-Z | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 53 | Antonelli, Amerigo | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 54 | B-Miss Boyd | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 55 | Correspondence: General: 80th Congress | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 56 | Lynching Correspondence: D. Hammett | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 57 | Congressional Record: 80th & 81st | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 32: 58 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Biographical | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 1 | Clippings: Aid to Greece | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 2 | Clippings: Economic Controls | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 3 | Clippings: Equal Rights for Women | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 4 | Clippings: European Recovery Program | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 5 | Clippings: Fed Classification Act | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 6 | Clippings: Food | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 7 | Clippings: Hawaii's Statehood | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 8 | Clippings: High Cost of Living | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 9 | Clippings: Housing | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 10 | Clippings: Immigration | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 11 | Clippings: Labor | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 12 | Clippings: Taft-Hartley Bill | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 13 | Clippings: National Defense | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 14 | Clippings: National Science Foundation | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 15 | Clippings: New York | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 16 | Clippings: Oil Shortage | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 17 | Clippings: Political | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 18 | Clippings: Press Censorship | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 19 | Speech Material: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 20-21 | Judiciary Committee: Portal Pay | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 22 | Invitations | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 23 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 24 | Army Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 25 | Air Force | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 26 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 27 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 28 | Civil Defense | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 29 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 30 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 31 | Defense Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 32 | Foreign Claims Service Commission | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 33 | Federal Communications Commission | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 34 | Federal Trade Commission | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 35 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 36 | Gen Services Administration | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 37 | Government Depts: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 38 | Health, Education & Welfare | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 39 | Housing | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 40 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 41 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 42 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 33: 43 | Misc Dates | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 1 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 2 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 3 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 4 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 5 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 6 | Post Office: Rochester | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 7 | Post Office: Commemorative Stamps | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 8 | Railroad Retirement Board | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 9-10 | Post Office Department: Gen | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 11 | Selective Service | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 12 | Small Business Administration | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 13 | Social Security Administration | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 14 | State Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 15 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 16 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 17-23 | Applications A-G | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 24 | Applications: Girl Page | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 25-33 | Applications H-P | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 34 | Patronage | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 35-41 | Applications Q-Z | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 42 | Applications: Temporary Work | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 43 | Chaplains Convention | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 44 | Compliments to KBK | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 45 | Correspondence: General | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 46 | Crank Letters | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 47 | Cyprus Committee | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 48 | Foreign Affairs | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 49 | Government Procurement | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 50 | Interparliamentary Union | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 51 | Invitations: Indefinite | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 52-56 | Invitations: Jan to May | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 34: 57 | Investigating Committee: Gen | 1947 - 1955 | Subject-Special | |
1: 35: 1 | Agriculture | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 35: 2 | Anti-Lynching Bills | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 35: 3 | Armed Services: Unification of | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 35: 4 | Statehood-Hawaii | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 1 | HR 4579: Herter Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 2 | Housing | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 3 | International Refugee Organization | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 4 | Judiciary Committee: Patents Subcomm | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 5 | Judiciary Committee: General Corresp | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 6 | Judiciary Committee: Internment Cases | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 7 | Labor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 36: 8 | HR 5852: Mundt Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 1 | Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 2 | Natl Science Foundation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 3 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 4 | Postal Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 5 | OPA-Price & Rent Control | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 6 | Old Age Pension | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 7 | Preparation: Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 8 | Railroad Retirement | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 9 | Reciprocal Trade Agreements | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 10 | Rent Control | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 11 | Reorganization Plan #2 | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 12 | Socialized Medicine | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 13 | St. Lawrence Seaway | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 14 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 15 | Preparation: Miscellaneous & Out of District | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 16 | Preparation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 17 | Public Health | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 18 | Sugar | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 37: 19 | Greece & Turkey | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 1 | Preparation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 2 | War Assets Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 3 | Armed Forces | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 4 | Anti-Poll Tax Bills | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 5 | Appropriations: Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 6 | Appropriations: Airport Funds | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 7 | Appropriations: Books for Blind | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 8 | Appropriations: Deficiency | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 9 | Appropriations: Interior Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 10 | Appropriations: Labor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 11 | Appropriations: Navy Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 12 | Appropriations: Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 13 | Appropriations: Justice Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 14 | Appropriations: Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 15 | Appropriations: War Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 16 | Appropriations: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 17 | Pipelines-Big and Little Inch | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 18 | Budget | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 38: 19 | Civil Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 1 | Civil Service | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 2 | Copper | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 3 | District of Columbia | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 4 | Educational-Regional | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 5 | Education: Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 6 | Federal Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 7 | Foreign Aid | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 8 | Foreign Trade | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 9 | Government Reorganization | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 10 | H Con Res 82-World Federation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 11 | HR 4603: Ignazio Marino | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 12 | HR 6042: Manueal O. Zariquiey | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 13 | HR 6154: 6155: Willemsen & De Rooy | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 14 | HR 651: Paul Queneau | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 15 | HR 652: Laura Spinnichia | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 16 | HR 1329: Tax Exemption for Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 17 | HR 1837: Amend Nationality Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 18 | HR 1910: Immigration Quota: Israel | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 19 | H Con Res #5: NSLI Repayment to Vets | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 20 | HJ Res 198-Frederick Douglass Stamp | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 21 | HJ Res 253-Near East Survey Commis | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 22 | HR 3600: Teresa Vancheri | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 23 | HR 4158: Concetta Caricchis | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 24 | HR 4223: Michelina V. Alberti | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 25 | HR 4602: Salvatore Geraci | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 26 | HR 2272: Libel Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 27 | HR 3246: Excise Tax on Restaurants | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 28 | HR 3620: Leslie Harber | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 29 | HR 7138: Surplus Food: Distribution | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 30 | HR 7179: Remington Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 39: 31 | HR 7201: Mara Pia DiLaura | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 1 | HR 7202: Alexander Newman | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 2 | HR 7850: Marine Band in Boston | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 3 | HR 8988: Charles L. Smith: Patent | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 4 | Bills Proposed by Keating | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 5 | Keating Bills | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 6 | H Con Res 89-Palestine | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 7 | H Con Res 1#5: French Government: Kupski | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 8 | HR 1219: Apostolos V. Percas | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 9 | HR 1544: Lapel Button | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 10 | HR 2260: George Nany | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 11 | HR 2261: Antonio A. Malles | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 12 | HR 2371: Civil Ser Retirement Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 13 | HR 2492: Surtax Reduction | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 14 | HR 2518: Extend Pay Act of 1944 | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 15 | HR 2747: Amend Nationality Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 16 | HR 3007: Ernest F. Lutzken | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 17 | HR 3025: Robert E. Beadie | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 18 | HR 3224: Frank & Maria Durante | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 19 | HR 3700: Patent Fees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 20 | HR 3922: Veterans & Washington Bar | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 21 | HR 4080: Taxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 22 | HR 4293: I.M. Duggan to Receive NSLI | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 23 | HR 4345: Civil Service List | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 24 | HR 4378: Vojko Svarcenberg | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 25 | HR 4419: Labor Org & Expenditures | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 26 | HR 4616: Foreign Relief | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 27 | HR 4616: Speeches: Steuben Society | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 28 | HR 4616: Corresp from District | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 29 | HR 4616: Out of District Corresp | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 30 | HR 4616: Correspondence with Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 31 | HR 5064: Income Taxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 32 | HR 5193: Amend Nationality Act | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 33 | HR 5336: Relief of Leon Moore | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 34 | HR 6330: Relief of Aurelio Alverez | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 35 | HR 6460: Tax Deductions: Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 36 | HR 6496: American Standards Assn | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 37 | HR 3673: Elias (Louis) Ferris | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 38 | HJ Res 211-Community Chest Stamp | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 39 | Bill Introduced: General | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 40 | Bills Proposed by Keating | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 41 | HR 18: OLEO Leg to Judiciary Comm | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 42 | H Con Res 28-Mindezenty & Stepinac | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 43 | H Con Res-Arrest of Clergy-Bulgaria | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 44 | HR 41: Un: American Activities | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 45 | H Con Res #5: Canada in Pan-Am Union | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 40: 46 | HJ Res 58-Gold Star Mothers Day | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 1 | HJ Res 2#5: Lower Voting Age | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 2 | Bills for Subcommittee #3 | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 3 | Amendments Offered | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 4 | Crime Bills: General | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 5 | Bills Introduced by Keating | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 6 | Bills Proposed by Keating | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 7 | HR 28: Candidates to West Point | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 8 | HR 470: Talking Books | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 9 | HR 29: Amend Rules: Invest Comm | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 10 | HR 6608: Amend Copyright Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 11 | HJ Res 41-Pulaski's Memorial Day | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 12 | HJ Res 43-Presidential Item Veto | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 13 | HJ Res 44-Dedication Day | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 14 | HJ Res #5: Redefine Treason | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 15 | HJ Res 46-Memorial Day | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 16 | HJ Res 452-Memorial to Columbus | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 17 | H Con Res 187-St. Lawrence Project | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 18 | HJ Res 452-Memorial to Columbus | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 19 | H Con Res #5: Soviet Purge of Jews | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 20 | H Con Res 188: Lake Ontario | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 21 | HR 4474: St. John Fisher College | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 22 | HR 776: George H. Mahoney | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 23 | HR 779: Ida Baghdassarian | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 24 | HR 777: Richard H. Backus | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 25 | HR 778: Jennie Maurello | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 26 | HR 780: Berjouhie Andreassin | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 27 | HR 781: Johanna C. Willemsen | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 28 | HR 782: Kurt J. Ham | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 29 | HR 783: Theodore Hartung | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 41: 30 | HR 785: Apostolis V. Percas | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 1 | HR 786: Yusuf Lazar | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 2 | HR 3624: Peter M. Leaming | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 3 | HR 3817: Follet L. Greene | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 4 | HR 4474: GI Tuition Remission | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 5 | HR 4960: Nathan Phillips | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 6 | HR 5195: Max Kassner | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 7 | HR 6389: Abram N. Jones | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 8 | HR 7003: Jennie DiRosa | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 9 | HR 8108: S. Filomina L. DiMartino | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 10 | HR 8476: Isolde Frohne | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 11 | HR 8941: William H. Young | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 12 | HR 9974: John M. McFarlane | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 13 | Bills Proposed by Keating | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 14 | HR 466: Taxation of US Property | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 15 | HR 467: Amend Clayton Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 16 | HR 469: Commis on Executive Branch | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 17 | HR 468: Vandalism of Aircraft | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 18 | HR 471: Postal Employees: Overtime | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 19 | HR 472: Taxes: Retirees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 20 | HR 473: Educational Benefits: Vets | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 21 | HR 474: Additional Tax Deductions | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 22 | HR 475: Amend Labor Relations Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 23 | HR 476: Civil War Vets: Health Care | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 24 | HR 477: Wiretapping | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 25 | HR 478: Grand Jury Investigations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 26 | HR 479: Seniority in Postal Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 27 | HR 480: Social Security Benefits | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 28 | HR 481: Fed Employees & Felony | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 29 | HR 482: Health Insurance Deductions | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 30 | HR 483: Office of Contract Info | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 31 | HR 484: Presidential Item Veto | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 32 | HR 485: State Bars to Practice Law | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 33 | HR 486: Adopted Children: Admission | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 34 | HR 487: Headstones for Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 35 | HR 488: Juvenile Delinquents | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 36 | HR 489: Character Witnesses: Judges | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 37 | HR 1932: Excise Taxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 38 | HR 3698: Drivers | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 39 | HR 4046: Overtime for Postal Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 42: 40 | HR 4594: Reciprocal Trade Agreements | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 1 | HR 4975: Compelling Testimony | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 2 | HR 5420: Re-patenting of Plants | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 3 | HR 6225: Amend Copyright Law | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 4 | HR 6286: New York/New Jersey Compact | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 5 | HR 6899: Witnesses' Immunity | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 6 | HR 7118: Organized Crime | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 7 | HR 7738: Conflict of Interest | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 8 | HR 8515: Review of Veterans Appeals | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 9 | HR 10241: Employee Testimony | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 10 | HR 9456: Slot Machine Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 11 | HR 8649: Wiretapping: Compromise | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 12 | Justice Department: Subcommittee to Investigate | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 43: 13-14 | West Point | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 44: 1 | West Point | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 44: 2 | Servicemen & Veterans: H | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 44: 3-5 | Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 44: 6-27 | Immigration A-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 44: 28-30 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-G | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 1 | Bills Introduced | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 2 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 3 | HJ Res 23-Dedication Day | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 4 | HJ Res 24-Presidential Item Veto | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 5 | HR 25: Amend House Rules | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 6 | HR 26: Ireland (Plebescite) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 7 | HR: Investigations by Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 8 | H Con Res 1#5: Archbishop Groesz | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 9 | HR 69: Angell, Homer D. | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 10 | HR 155: Clean-up White House | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 11 | HR 374: West Point | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 12 | H Con Res 2#5: Aid to Yugoslavia | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 45: 13 | HJ Res 378-Pulaski Day | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 46: 1 | HR 438: C. E. Heaney | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 46: 2 | HR 479: Wiretapping (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 46: 3 | HR 480: Social Security for Vets | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 46: 4 | HR 481: Civil War Vets | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 46: 5 | HR 482: Annuities to Fed Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 46: 6 | HR 483: Deductions for Health | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 46: 7 | HR 484: Italian American Citizenship | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 1 | Tariffs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 2 | Taxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 3 | Trade | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 4 | Transportation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 5 | Tennessee Valley Authority | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 6 | Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 7 | Agriculture | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 8 | Appropriations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 9 | HR 8002: Appropriations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 10 | Armed Services | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 11 | Atoms | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 12 | Budget & President's Speeches | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 13 | Communism (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 14 | Controls | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 15 | Washington, D.C. | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 16 | National Defense | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 17 | Education | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 18 | Equal Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 19 | Federal Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 20 | Foreign Affairs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 21 | Statehood-Hawaii & Alaska | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 22 | Civil Defense | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 23 | Co-ops | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 24 | Health | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 25 | Highways | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 26 | Humane Slaughter | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 27 | Housing | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 28 | Indians | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 29 | Immigration | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 47: 30 | Budget | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 1 | Investigative Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 2 | Labor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 3 | Immigration: Ives & Javits | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 4 | Interior | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 5 | Natural Gas | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 6 | Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 7 | Legislation: Niagara Power Develop. | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 8 | Organization for Trade Coop | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 9 | Postal Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 10 | Proxy | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 11 | Subcomm #5 | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 12 | Subcommittee #5: Jukeboxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 13 | Subcommittee #5: Judges Salaries | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 14 | Subcommittee #5: Additional Judgeships | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 15 | Judiciary: Immigration | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 16 | Subcommittee #5: Keating Bills | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 17 | Judiciary: Premergers | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 18 | Judiciary: Anti-Trust | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 19 | Judiciary: Anti-Trust (Dec) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 20 | Campaign Expenditures | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 48: 21 | Campaign Expenditures Comm | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 1 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 2-5 | Campaign Expenditures Comm | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 6 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 7 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3 | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 8 | Additional Judgeships | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 9 | Judiciary-Subcommittee#3: Anti-Trust | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 10 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Arson | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 11 | Judiciary: Robinson-Pateman Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 12 | Judiciary: Basing Pt. | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 13 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Copyrights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 14 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Patents | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 15 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3: Contracts | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 16 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Extradition | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 17 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Fireworks | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 18 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Inventions | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 19 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Wiretapping | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 20 | Judiciary: Subcommittee#3-Tax Court | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 21 | HR 1107: Patents | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 22 | HR 1166: Mary E. Kelly | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 23 | HR 1269: Jukeboxes & Copyrights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 49: 24 | Loose Papers & Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 1-2 | Taxes: Income | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 3 | Judiciary Committee: 80th Congress | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 4 | Judiciary Committee: Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 5 | HJ Res 27-Presidential Office | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 6 | HR 65: Extended Patents | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 7 | HR 110: Monopolies | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 8 | HR 124: Extended Patents | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 9 | HR 242: Employers Liability Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 10 | HR 509: Salaries of US Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 11 | HR 515: Anti-Trust | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 12 | Taxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 13 | School Lunch Program | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 14 | HR 6396: Admission for Residency | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 15 | HR 5988: Patent Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 16 | HR 4061 & HR 5248: Patents | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 17 | HR 1852: Harn Citizenship Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 18 | HR 1981: Good Friday as a Holiday | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 19 | HR 2007: Status of Women | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 20 | HR 1470: Review Orders of FCC | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 21 | HR 1639: Employers Liability Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 22 | HR 1810: Amend Criminal Code | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 23 | HR 1436: District Judgeships in NYC | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 24 | HR 1468: Review of Orders of ICC | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 25 | HR 1355: Judgeships in Florida | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 26 | HR 1270: Copyright: Recordings | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 50: 27-30 | Misc Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 1 | Misc Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 2-3 | Misc Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 4 | HR 2910: Displaced Persons Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 5 | HR 2966: Admin Procedure Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 6 | HR 3237: Railroad Reorganization | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 7 | HR 3929: Patent Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 8 | HR 3980: Railroad Reorganization | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 9 | HR 3982: Hau: Chuen Mei | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 10 | HR 4999: Tidelands Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 11 | HR 2157: Jurisdiction of Courts | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 12 | HR 2243: Vacancy in Judgeships | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 13 | HR 2271: Judicial Code | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 14 | HR 2469: War Contracts | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 15 | HR 2520: Patent Fees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 16 | HR 2570: Copyright Acts | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 17 | HR 2643: Veterans: Catholic | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 18 | HR 2768: Japanese: Americans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 19 | HR 2860: Textile Design Copyright | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 51: 20 | Labor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 1 | Labor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 2 | Wool Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 3 | Veterans: GI Students & Trainees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 4 | World Health Organization | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 5 | Amend Voting Age | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 6 | Taxes: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 7 | Unamerican Activities | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 8-9 | Universal Military Training | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 10 | Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 11 | Veterans: Spanish-American War | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 12 | Voice of America | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 13 | HR 316: US Code Relating to Appeal | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 14 | HR 317: Board of Veterans Appeals | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 15 | HR 320: Prohibit Gambling | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 16 | HR 321: Pornography | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 17 | HR 777: Council to Assist Grand Jury | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 18 | HR 778: State Bars & Fed Agencies | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 19 | HR 779: Postal Service | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 20 | HR 780: Compelling Testimony | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 21 | HR 781: Copyright | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 22 | HR 782: Copyright: Notice of | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 23 | HR 783: Organized Crime | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 52: 24 | HR 784: Former Federal Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 1 | HR 785: Voluntary Pension Plans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 2 | HR 786: State to Tax Fed Property | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 3 | HR 787: Social Security Tax | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 4 | HR 788: Postal Service: Seniority | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 5 | HR 790: Non: Communist Affidavits | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 6 | HR 792: Gambling | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 7 | HR 793: Postal Service: Overtime | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 8 | HR 795: Register Five-Percenters | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 9 | HR 797: Employees of Fed Agencies | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 10 | HR 798: Enforcement of Support Order | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 11 | HR 799: Perjury | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 12 | HR 801: Disabled Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 13 | HR 802: Social Security & Surplus | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 14 | HR 4072: Amend Social Security Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 15 | HR 4073: Gambling | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 16 | HR 4930: Criminal Cases: Review | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 17 | HR 317: Ser Connected Disabilities | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 18 | HR 6667: Payment of Office Expenses | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 19 | HR 7255: Parcel Post Limits | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 20 | HR 5096: Wiretapping | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 21 | HR 7404: Criminal Cases: Review | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 22 | HR 8690: Amend Clayton Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 23 | HR 8691: Vets: Educational Benefits | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 24 | HR 9180: Admission for Residency | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 25 | HR 9181: Imm & Naturalization Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 26 | HR 9183: Imm & Naturalization Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 27 | HR 9401: Amend Agr Adjustment Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 28 | HR 10465: Veterans Liability | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 29 | HR 10667: Employment & Natl Security | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 30 | HR 41: Academies: Candidate Selection | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 31 | HJ Res 48-Redefine Treason | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 32 | HJ Res 49-Columbus Memorial | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 33 | HJ Res 50-Congress in Emergencies | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 34 | HJ Res 51-Lower Voting Age | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 35 | HJ Res 52-Memorial Day | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 36 | HJ Res 53-Dedication Day | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 37 | HJ Res #5: Item Veto | 1947 - 1948 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 38 | HJ Res 150-Chief Justice's Address | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 39 | HR 318: Talking Books | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 40 | HR 791: Vets: Education Benefits | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 41 | HR 2853: Relatives of POWs | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 42 | HR 4733: Veterans of World War I | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 43 | HJ Res 301-Salk Vaccine | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 44 | HR 78: Comm for Investigations | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 45 | HR 319: Vandalism of Aircraft | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 46 | HR 794: Amend Clayton Act | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 47 | HR 800: FBI & Kidnap Cases | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 48 | HR 2854: Penalties of Conspiracy | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 49 | HR 3441: Con-Game Swindles | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 50 | HR 9182: Imm & Naturalization Act | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 51 | HR 8546: Privacy of Federal Juries | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 52 | HR 10341: Fraud by Wire, Radio or TV | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 53 | HR 11201: Vets Readjustment Act | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 54 | HR 351: Hurricanes & Flood Studies | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 55 | H Con Res 6-Level of Lake Ontario | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 53: 56 | H Con Res 7-Level of Lake Ontario | 1947 - 1955 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 1 | H Con Res 197: Lake Ontario-Levels | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 2 | HR 1093: Follett L. Greeno (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 3 | HR 1095: Eber Bros. Wine & Liquor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 4 | HR 1094: Robert E. Warren | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 5 | HR 1102: Mrs. John H. Wagenblass | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 6 | HR 784: Mrs. John H. Wagenblass | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 7 | HR 1101: Mrs. Jennie Maurello | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 8 | HR 4137: Robert E. Warren | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 9 | HR 11208: Edward H. Turri | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 10 | HR 8868: Richardson Corporation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 11 | HR 776: Employment in United Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 12 | HJ Res 56-Pulaski Memorial Day | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 13 | HR 1096: Nathan Phillips | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 14 | HR 1092: George Mahoney | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 15 | HR 5982: Eber Bros. Wine & Liquor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 16 | HR 1105: Dr. Fawzi Pualwan | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 17 | HR 1097: John Meredith McFarlane | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 18 | HR 1098: Mrs. Isolde Frohne | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 19 | HR 1099: Mr. & Mrs. T. Hartung | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 20 | HR 1100: Apostolos V. Percas | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 21 | HR 1103: Nicola Mastrofilippo | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 22 | HR 12071: Elise Dehee | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 23 | HR 10339: Assistant Attorney General | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 24 | HR 10340: Commis on Civil Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 25 | HR 10425: Right to Vote | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 26 | HR 1104: Guenther Kaschner | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 27 | HR 10427: Civil Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 28 | HR 10579: Commis on Civil Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 29 | Agriculture | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 30 | Statehood-Alaska & Hawaii | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 31 | Appropriations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 32 | Armed Forces | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 33 | Atomic Energy | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 34 | Basic Research | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 35 | Budget | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 36 | Civil Service | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 37 | Communism | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 38 | Defense: Satellites | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 39 | Defense Reorganization | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 40 | District of Columbia | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 41 | Education | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 42 | Equal Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 43 | Foreign Aid | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 44 | Health | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 45 | Highways | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 54: 46 | Housing | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 1-3 | Humane Slaughter | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 4 | Indians | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 5 | Investigative Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 6 | Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 7 | Natural Gas | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 8 | Postal Pay Raise | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 9 | Post Office | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 10 | Reciprocal Trade | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 11 | Reorganization-Hoover | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 12 | HR 8002: Reorganization | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 13 | Filibuster Rule | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 14 | Senate Bills | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 15 | Labor | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 55: 16 | Small Business | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 1 | HR 485: Register Five Percenters | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 2 | HR 486: Character Witnesses: Judges | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 3 | HR 488: Headstones for Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 4 | HR 489: Taxation of US Property | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 5 | HR 491: Adopted Foreign Children | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 6 | HR 492: Item Veto by President | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 7 | HR 494: War Dead Burial: Allowances | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 8 | HR 495: Relief Parcels | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 9 | HR 496: Gold Star Society of America | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 10 | HR 497: Anti: Lynching | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 11 | HR 498: Lapel Buttons | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 12 | HR 499: GI Educational Benefits | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 13 | HR 500: Government Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 14 | HR 501: Social Security Tax | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 15 | HR 502: Postal Employees: Overtime | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 16 | HR 503: Seniority in Postal Service | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 17 | HR 504: Talking Books | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 18 | HR 712: Charles W. Wulf | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 19 | HR 713: Johanna Willemsen (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 20 | HR 714: A.G. Martindale | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 21 | HR 2319: Tax President's Salary | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 22 | HR 2879: Reorganization Hoover Comm | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 23 | HR 2985: Aircraft over Washington DC | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 24 | HR 3245: Remove Excise Tax | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 25 | HR 3330: De Angelis | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 26 | HR 3408: Amend Clayton Act (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 27 | HR 3441: Govt Employees: Morals | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 28 | HR 3598: Mrs. Greene | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 29-30 | HR 3617: Mrs. Gatowska | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 31 | HR 3617: Felice Vlodek | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 32 | HR 4122: Parcels to Poland | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 33 | HR 4134: Kurt J. Hain (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 34 | HR 4295: Elizabeth Hortung (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 35 | HR 4994: Defense Production Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 36 | HR 5053: Jennie Maurello (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 37 | HR 5428: Character Witnesses: Judges | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 38 | HR 6380: Victor Caruso | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 39 | HR 5700: Fed Grand Juries | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 40 | HR 6151: Berjouhie Andreassian | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 41 | HR 6379: Ida Baghdasarian (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 42 | HR 6414: Alexander Newman | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 43 | HR 6646: Apostolos V. Percas (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 44 | HR 8025: Richard H. Backus (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 45 | HR 8330: David S. Fuller | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 46 | HR 4643: Barden Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 47 | HR 487: Juvenile Delinquency | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 48 | HR 1454: George Crisan | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 49-50 | Misc Corresp- Aa-Ar | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 51 | Correspondence: American Consuls | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 52 | Correspondence: American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 56: 53-57 | Misc Correspondence: As-Br | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 57: 1-19 | Servicemen & Veterans: C-M | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 58: 1 | Labor Laws: "How Would you Revise" | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 58: 2-5 | Fulton Lewis-Labor Questionnaire | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 59: 1 | Labor Laws: "How Would you Revise" | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 59: 2 | Fulton Lewis-Labor Questionaire | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 59: 3 | Labor Laws: Letters | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 60: 1 | Labor Laws: Letters | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 60: 2 | Labor: Taft-Hartley (Con) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 60: 3 | Labor: Taft-Hartley (Pro) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 61: 1-3 | National Health Insurance (Con) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 61: 4-6 | Taft-Hartley Act: Repeal | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 61: 7 | Taft-Hartley Act: Postcards (Pro) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 61: 8-9 | Labor/Management Relations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 61: 10 | Natl Health Insurance: Postcards,Con | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 61: 11 | Regulating the Sale of Alcohol-Con | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 61: 12 | Postcards-Repeal Taft-Hartley Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 1-8 | Servicemen & Veterans: N-W | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 9 | Federal Employees | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 10 | Foreign Affairs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 11 | Labor: Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 12 | Rent Control (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 13 | Reorganization-Hoover | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 14 | Railroads | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 15 | Ukrainians | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 16 | Universal Military Training | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 17 | Old Age | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 18 | Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 19 | Defense Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 20 | Federal Security Agency | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 21 | Fed Communications Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 22 | Federal Trade Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 23 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 24 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 25 | Army Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 26 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 27 | St. Lawrence Seaway | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 28 | Taxes: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 29 | Taxes: Income | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 30 | Tariffs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 62: 31 | Servicemen & Veterans: P | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 1 | Taxes: Excise | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 2 | Transportation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 3 | Selective Service | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 4 | Tidelands | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 5 | Congressional Record | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 6 | Crime Bill: General (83rd-84th Congress) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 7 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 8-16 | Servicemen & Veterans: M-R | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 17 | Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 18 | Currency: Remove "Under God" | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 63: 19 | Taxation on Small Business: Sen Comm | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 1 | Scrolls-Congratulations etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 2 | Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 3 | State & Local Cases | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 4 | Palestine | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 5 | Patronage | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 6 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Photographs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 7 | Postmaster Appointments | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 8 | Presidential Elections | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 9 | Publications Distributed | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 10 | Publications Requested | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 11 | Interparliamentary Union | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 12 | Atomic Energy & H-Bombs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 13 | Compliments | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 14 | General Conditions-Issues,Problems | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 15 | Correspondence: General | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 16 | Invitations (to others) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 17-38 | Applications-A-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 39 | Applications: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 64: 40-43 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-D | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 65: 1-20 | Servicemen & Veterans: E-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 1 | Niagara | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 2 | Postal Workers | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 3 | Postal Legislation: Size & Weight | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 4 | Post Office: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 5 | Postal Rates | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 6-8 | Servicemen & Veterans: L-M | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 9 | Appropriations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 10 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 11 | Statehood-Alaska & Hawaii | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 12 | Air Force Academy | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 13 | Armed Services | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 14 | Atomic Energy | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 15 | Agriculture | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 16 | Bricker Amendment | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 17 | Basing Point (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 18 | Budget | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 19 | Congressional Salaries: Increase | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 20 | Civil Defense (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 21 | Civil Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 22 | Communism | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 23 | Controls (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 24 | Copper (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 25 | Colorado River-Arizona Project | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 26 | Displaced Persons | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 27 | District of Columbia | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 28 | Education | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 29 | Equal Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 30 | Health | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 31 | Housing | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 32 | Legislative Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 66: 33 | Immigration Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 67: 1-23 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 67: 24-25 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-B | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 67: 26 | Servicemen & Veterans: Bitner | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 67: 27-47 | Servicemen & Veterans: D-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 1-3 | Taxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 4 | Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 5 | Transportation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 6 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 7 | Small Business | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 8 | Tariffs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 9 | HR 1973: Mrs. Chiu-An Wang | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 10-11 | Wiretapping | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 12-13 | Comm to Invest Campaign Expenses | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 68: 14 | Civil Rights | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 69: 1-8 | Comm on Space Exploration | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 69: 9-11 | Railroad Industry | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 69: 12-16 | Anti-Trust in Sports | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 69: 17 | Soviet Threat | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 69: 18 | Income Tax Deductions | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 69: 19 | Criminal Insanity | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 69: 20 | Anti-Trust | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 70: 1-3 | Judiciary Committee: Court & Law | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 70: 4 | Budget | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 71: 1-2 | Proposed Legislation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 71: 3 | Misc | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 71: 4-6 | Compulsory Health Insurance | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 71: 7-9 | Reports: Atomic Energy & Security | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 1 | Illegal Drugs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 2 | Lake Ontario | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 3 | Library of Congress | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 4-8 | Postal Workers | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 9 | Railroads | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 10 | Reciprocal Trade Agreements (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 11 | Reorganization-Hoover Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 12 | Selective Service (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 13 | Senate Bills & Matters | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 14 | Bills Ordered-Document Room | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 15 | Bills Referred: 85th Congress | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 16 | Barden Bill: Letters | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 17 | Barden Bill: Postcards | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 18-19 | McMahon-Johnson Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 72: 20-21 | Taft-Hartley Act | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 1-12 | Servicemen & Veterans: R-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 13 | Invitations: Through April | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 14 | Invitations: May | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 15 | Price Controls | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 16 | Railroad Rate Bill | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 17 | Reciprocal Trade Agreements | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 18 | Rent Control | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 19 | Russia | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 20 | Special Session | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 21 | Speculation | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 22 | Steel Prices | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 23 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 24 | St. Lawrence Seaway | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 25 | Taxes | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 26 | Taxes: Co-op | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 27 | Tidelands | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 28 | Truman-Reaction to Speeches | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 29 | Tariffs | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 30 | Unamerican Activities | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 31 | UMT | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 32 | United Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 33 | Veterans | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 34 | Voice of America | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 35 | Henry A. Wallace: Clippings | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 36 | War Assets Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 73: 37 | World Health Organizations | 1947 - 1958 | Legislation | |
1: 74: 1 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 2-4 | War Department: now Army Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 5 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 6 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 7 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 8 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 9 | Economic Cooperation Admin (ECA) | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 10 | FBI | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 11 | Fed Communications Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 12 | Fed Housing Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 13 | Fed Security Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 14 | Fed Trade Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 15 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 16 | Housing Departments | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 17 | National Housing Agency | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 18 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 19 | Internal Revenue Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 20 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 21 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 22 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 23 | Maritime Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 24 | Natl Labor Relations Board | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 25 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 26 | Office of Price Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 27 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 74: 28 | Railroad Retirement | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 1 | RFC | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 2 | Selective Service | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 3 | Social Security | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 4 | State Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 5 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 6 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 7 | War Assets Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 8 | Air Force | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 9 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 10 | Army Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 11 | Army Department: Gustav Hergel | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 12 | Army Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 13 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 14 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 15 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 16 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 17 | Defense Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 18 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 19 | Economic Cooperation Admin (ECA) | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 20 | Railroad Retirement Board | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 21 | Reconstruction Finance Corp | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 22 | Selective Service | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 23 | Social Security Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 75: 24 | State Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 1 | Fed Communications Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 2 | Fed Security Agency | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 3 | Fed Trade Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 4 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 5 | Govt Departments: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 6 | Housing Departments | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 7 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 8 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 9 | Justice Department: Immigration & FBI | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 10 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 11 | Justice Department: Immigration & FBI | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 12 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 13 | Maritime Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 14 | Natl Labor Relations Board | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 15 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 16-17 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 18 | State Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 19 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 20-21 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 22 | War Assets Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 23 | Waa : Navy | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 76: 24 | Immigration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 1-3 | Servicemen & Veterans: S-Z | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 4 | Air Force | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 5 | Army Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 6 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 7 | Civil Defense | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 8 | Civil Service | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 9 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 10 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 11 | Control Agencies | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 12 | Defense Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 13 | Federal Security Agency | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 14 | Federal Trade | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 15 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 16 | Housing Department: Federal | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 17 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 18 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 19 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 20-21 | Justice Department: Immigration & FBI | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 22 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 23 | Government Depts: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 24 | Navy Department: Marine Corps | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 25 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 26 | Railroad Retirement | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 27 | Reconstruction Finance Corp | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 28 | Social Security Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 29 | Selective Service | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 30 | State Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 31 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 32 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 33 | War Claims Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 77: 34 | Passports | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 1 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 2 | Agriculture Leaflets | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 3 | Air Force | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 4 | Amendment Forms | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 5 | Army | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 6 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 7 | Bill Forms | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 8 | Information on Introducing Bills | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 9 | Civil Defense | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 10 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 11 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 12 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 13 | Control Agencies | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 14 | Defense Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 15 | Fed Communications Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 16 | Fed Trade Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 17 | Foreign Operations Admin | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 18 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 19 | Gen Services Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 20 | Government Depts: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 21 | Health, Education & Welfare | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 22 | Housing-General | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 23 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 24 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 25 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 26 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 27 | Justice Department: except Immigration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 28 | Labor Dept (empty) | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 29 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 30 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 31 | Passports | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 32 | Post Office Department: Gen | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 33 | Petitions & Memorials | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 34 | Post Office: Commemorative Stamps | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 78: 35 | Post Office: Rochester | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 1 | Railroad Retirement Board | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 2 | Referral Forms-Gen | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 3 | Referral Forms-Ostertag | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 4 | Social Security Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 5 | Selective Service | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 6 | Small Business Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 7 | State Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 8 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 9 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 10 | War Claims Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 11 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 12 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 13 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 14 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 15 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 16 | Interparliamentary Union: Photos | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 17 | Post Office: Gen | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 18 | Post Office: Rochester | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 19 | Railroad Retirement Board | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 20 | Selective Service | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 21 | Small Business Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 22 | Social Security Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 23 | State Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 24 | Army | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 25 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 26 | Census | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 27 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 28 | Civil Defense | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 29 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 30 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 31 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 32 | Air Force | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 33 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 34 | Defense Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 79: 35 | Health, Education & Welfare | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 1 | Farmers Home Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 2 | Fed Communications Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 3 | Fed Housing Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 4 | Foreign Claims Settlement Commis | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 5 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 6 | Gen Services Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 7 | Housing-Gen (empty) | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 8 | Housing & Home Financing Agency | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 9 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 10 | Immigration X,Y & Z | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 11 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 12 | Internal Revenue Service | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 13 | International Cooperation Admin | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 14 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 16 | Justice Department: Releases | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 17 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 18 | Labor Department: Mattaro | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 19 | Govt Departments: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 20 | US Marine Corps | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 21 | Maritime Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 22 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 23 | Passport Division | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 24 | Post Office Department: Gen | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 25 | Post Office: Rochester | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 26 | Railroad Retirement Board | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 27 | Securities & Exchange Commission | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 28 | Selective Service System | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 29 | Small Business Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 30 | Social Security Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 31 | State Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 32 | Tariff Commission-United States | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 33 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 34 | US Information Agency | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 35 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 36 | Veterans Admin: Rochester Clinic | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 80: 115 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1957 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 1 | Civil Defense | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 2 | Civil Service | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 3 | Coast Guard | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 4 | Commerce Dept | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 5 | Control Agencies-Gen | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 6 | Gen Accounting Office | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 7 | Government Departments: Gen | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 8 | Health, Education & Welfare | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 9 | Housing-Gen | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 10 | Internal Revenue | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 11 | Interior Dept | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 12 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 81: 13 | Labor Department: NLRB | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 82: 1 | Justice Dept | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 82: 2 | Selective Service | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 82: 3 | Social Security Administration | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 82: 4 | State Dept | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 82: 5 | Treasury Dept | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 82: 6 | Veterans Administration | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 82: 7 | War Claims Commission | 1953 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 1 | Agriculture Department | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 2 | Air Force-Sampson Base, NY | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 3 | Air Force | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 4 | Army Dept | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 5 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 6 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 7 | Civil Defense | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 8 | Civil Service Commission | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 9 | Coast Guard | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 10 | Commodity Credit Corporation | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 11 | Commerce Dept | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 12 | Defense Dept | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 13 | Fed Housing Administration | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 14 | Fed Communications Commission | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 15 | Foreign Claims Service Commission | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 16 | Federal Trade Commission | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 17 | Gen Accounting Office | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 18 | Gen Services Administration | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 19 | Govt Depts: Miscellaneous | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 20 | Health, Education & Welfare | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 21 | Housing-Gen | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 22 | Interior Dept | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 23 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 83: 24 | Internal Revenue | 1956 | Departmental | |
1: 84: 1-6 | Applications A-C | 1951 | Employment | |
1: 84: 7 | Applications: Census Enumerators | 1951 | Employment | |
1: 84: 8-20 | Applications D-K | 1951 | Employment | |
1: 84: 21 | Government Procurement | 1951 | Employment | |
1: 84: 22-48 | Applications K-Z | 1951 | Employment | |
1: 85: 1-3 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-C | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 4 | Rochester: Ward Map | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 5-25 | Applications A-Z | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 26 | Appointments with Keating | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 27 | Appointments with others | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 28 | Compliments | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 29-48 | Applications A-Z | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 49 | Appointments with Keating | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 50 | Appointments with others | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 51 | Personnel: Washington & Rochester | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 85: 52 | Agriculture Yearbook: Requests for | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 86: 1-2 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-B | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 86: 3 | Employment | 1955 - 1958 | Employment | |
1: 87: 1 | Housing | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 2 | Foreign Aid: Relief Packages | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 3 | Clothing Workers | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 4 | Labor | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 5 | Requests for Publications | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 6 | J.W. Wadsworth-Cases Referred | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 7 | European Trips | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 8 | Public Affairs Abstracts | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 9 | Palestine Problem | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 10 | Letters-Appointments | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 11 | Bills Introduced | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 12 | Offers of Assistance | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 87: 13 | Misc | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 1 | Advertising | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 2-4 | Agriculture | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 5 | Agriculture Department | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 6 | Air Force | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 7 | Air Force Academy-Applications | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 8 | Airport Projects | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 9 | American Enterprise Association | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 10 | Anti-Trust Committee | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 11 | Applications | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 12 | Appointments | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 88: 13 | Army Dept | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 1 | Infant Care Booklets | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 2 | Civil Defense | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 3 | Civil Rights | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 4 | Civil Service Commission | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 5 | Coast Guard | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 6 | Communism | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 7 | 80th Congress | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 8 | 81st Congress | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 9 | 83rd Congress | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 10 | Congress: Recall of | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 11 | Cookbooks | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 89: 12-14 | Crank Mail | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 1 | National Debt | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 2 | Defense Dept | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 3 | Displaced Persons | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 4 | Displaced Persons-Forms | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 5 | District of Columbia-Govt of | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 6 | Education | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 7 | Electoral College | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 8 | European Economic Coop: Committee on | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 9-11 | European Trip | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 12 | Farmers Bulletin | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 13 | Federal Judgeships | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 14 | Fed Power Commission | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 15 | Fed Employees Wage Increase | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 16 | Flood Control | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 17 | Food | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 18 | Football Tickets | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 19 | Foreign Policy | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 20 | Form Letters | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 90: 21 | Freedom Train | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 1 | Gen Services Administration: Fed Building | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 2 | Hay Buying | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 3 | Internatl Chamber of Commerce | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 4 | Internal Revenue Bureau | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 5 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 6 | Irondequoit Bay | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 7 | Israel-Literature on | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 8 | Italian Colonies | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 9 | Italian Consulate Agency: Rochester | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 10-11 | Job Applies- A-Z | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 12 | Judicial Investigating Committee | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 13 | Justice Department: Press Releases | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 91: 14-16 | Justice Department: Investigation Reports | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 1 | Lake Ontario: Water Level | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 2 | Lake Ontario: Flood Control | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 3 | Legislation: General | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 4 | Agriculture Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 5 | Appropriations Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 6 | Armed Services: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 7 | Equal Rights: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 8 | Fed Employment: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 9 | Federal Judges: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 10-11 | Postal Workers: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 12 | Reserves: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 13 | Retirement: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 14 | Social Security: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 15 | Taxation: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 16 | Veterans: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 92: 17 | Vivisection: Legislation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 1 | Little White House Project | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 2 | Literature | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 3 | Lumber | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 4 | Mailing Lists | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 5 | Marine Corps | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 6 | Maritime Academies: NYS | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 7 | Marshall Plan | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 8 | Masonic Drive | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 9 | Merchant Marine | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 10 | Military Establishment-National | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 11 | Military Service | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 12 | Monopoly: Committee on | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 13 | Building-Nails | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 14 | National Science Foundation | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 15 | Naval Academy-Applications | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 16 | Navy Dept | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 17 | New York-State & Local- A-Z | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 18 | NYS Bar-Service Letters & Circulars | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 93: 19 | Newsletters | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 1 | Patents & Copyrights | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 2 | Port Bay Improvement | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 3-4 | Post Office Dept | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 5 | Prayer Books | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 6 | Press: TV & Radio Corresp | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 7 | Press Releases | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 8 | Price Control Law | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 9 | Referrals | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 10 | Information-Reports | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 11 | Rochester Office: Activities | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 12 | Republican National Committee | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 94: 13 | Republican State Committee | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 1 | Requests | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 2 | Reserves | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 3 | Rivers & Harbors | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 4 | Russia | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 5 | Selective Service | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 6 | Selective Service Act | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 7 | Senatorial Campaign | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 8 | Slum Clearance | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 9 | Small Business | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 10 | Social Security- A-Z | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 11 | Social Security: Townsend Plan | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 12 | State Department: General | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 13 | State Department: Passport Requests | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 14 | Steel Seizures | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 15 | Submerged Lands | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 95: 16 | Sugar Consumption | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 1 | Taxes | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 2 | WHEC-TV | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 3 | Treasury Dept | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 4 | United Nations | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 5-6 | Veterans Administration | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 7 | Visitors | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 8 | War Assets Administration | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 9 | War Dept | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 10 | War Memorial | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 11-13 | Washington Office | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 14 | West Point | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 96: 15 | White House | 1945 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 97: 1-11 | Corresp A-K | 1949 - 1958 | House Business | |
1: 98: 1-14 | Correspondence L-Z | 1949 - 1958 | House Business | |
1: 99: 1 | Articles by Keating | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 2 | Atomic Energy & H-Bombs | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 3 | Budget | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 4 | Certificate of Authentication | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 5 | Communism | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 6 | Compliments | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 7 | Congressional Calenders | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 8 | Congressional Record | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 9 | Congressional Record | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 10 | Correspondence: General | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 11 | Crank Mail | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 12 | District of Columbia | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 13 | Monroe County-Federal Projects | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 14 | New York State: Fed Projects | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 15 | Wayne County-Fed Projects | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 16 | Foreign Affairs | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 17 | Football Tickets | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 18 | Form Letters | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 19 | Govt Procurement | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 20 | House: Correspondence from Members | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 21 | Comm for European Migration | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 22-25 | Irondequoit Bay | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 26 | Israel | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 99: 27 | Invitations to Others | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 1 | Interparliamentary Union | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 2 | Theodore R. Kupferman-Editor | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 3 | Library of Congress | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 4 | Maps Distributed | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 5 | NATO | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 6 | Newspapers | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 7 | NYS Politics: Keating Stunts | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 8 | New York: State & Local | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 9 | Outer Space | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 10 | Pay-Television | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 11 | Personnel: Washington & Rochester | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 12 | Press | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 13 | Publications Requested | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 14 | Publications Received | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 15 | Puerto Rico: Keating Visit | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 16 | Radio Corresp | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 17 | Recession | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 100: 18 | Referrals | 1958 - 1959 | House Business | |
1: 101: 1-3 | A-Ar | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 4 | Air Force | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 5 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 6 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 7 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 8 | American Legion | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 9 | Army Dept | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 10-24 | As-Ch | 1947 - 1948 | Indices | |
1: 101: 25 | Civil Service | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 26 | Catholic | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 27-28 | Cl-Col | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 29 | Anna Curtin | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 30 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 31 | Civil Defense Admin | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 32-41 | Com-Ek | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 42 | Eastman Kodak Co. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 43-50 | El-Fz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 51 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 52-59 | Ga-Sth | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 60 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 61-65 | Sti-U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 66 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 67 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 68 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 69 | Wa-Wd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 70 | War Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 71 | War Assets Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 101: 72-78 | We-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 1-26 | Ba-Bro | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 27 | Thomas E. Broderick | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 28-36 | Bru-Cn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 37 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 38 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 39 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 40 | Coa-Con | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 41 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 42 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 43-44 | Coo-Ct | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 45 | Curtin, Anna | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 46-49 | Cu-Da | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 50 | Democrat & Chronicle Newspaper | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 51-54 | Di-Ez | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 55 | Eastman Kodak Co. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 56 | Economic Cooperation Admin (ECA) | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 57-63 | Fa-Gh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 64 | Gannett Newspapers: Frank Gannett | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 65 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 66-73 | Gi-Hh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 74 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 75 | Hi-Hn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 76 | Hickey Freeman Co. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 77-79 | Ho-I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 80 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 81 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 82 | ICC | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 83-89 | J-Kh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 90 | Kalbfleisch Travel Agency | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 91 | Ke | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 92 | Keating, Kenneth B. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 93-96 | Ki-Lh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 97 | Library of Congress: Leg Reference | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 98-115 | Li-Nn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 116 | New York | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 117 | National | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 118 | Navy & Defense Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 102: 119-127 | Ne-Ph | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 1 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 2-4 | Pr-Rh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 5 | Republican National Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 6 | Republican County Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 7 | Record Clerk | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 8 | Rochester Institute of Technology | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 9-20 | Ri-Ss | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 21 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 22-27 | Sta-Tn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 28 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 29-32 | To-Tz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 33 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 34-35 | U-V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 36 | Veterans Information Bureau | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 37 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 38 | War Assets Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 39 | Wa-Wd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 40 | War Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 41-42 | We-Wh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 43 | White House | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 44-48 | Wia-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 49 | Agriculture | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 50 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 51 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 52 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 53 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 54 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 55 | Andrushin, William | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 56 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 57-62 | Aa-Bd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 63 | Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 64-68 | Be-Bt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 69 | Thomas E. Broderick | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 70-72 | Bu-Cd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 73 | Catholic | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 74 | Ce-Ci | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 75 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 76-77 | Cj-Col | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 78 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 79 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 80 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 81 | Com-Con | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 82 | Anna Curtin | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 103: 83-85 | Coo-Cz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 1 | Agriculture | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 2 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 3-5 | Aa-Am | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 6 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 7 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 8 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 9 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 10 | An-Ar | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 11 | Andrushin, William | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 12 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 13-16 | As-Bd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 17 | Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 18-26 | Be-Bz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 27 | Campaign: Thank Yous | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 28-29 | Caa-Cd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 30 | Catholic | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 31-32 | Ce-Cn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 33 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 34-35 | Coa-Coo | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 36 | Congratulatory Letters-Gen | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 37 | Condolence-Korean Casualties | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 38 | Coast Guard | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 39 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 40-42 | Cop-Cz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 43 | Anna Curtin | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 44-64 | Da-E | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 65 | Economic Cooperation Admin (ECA) | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 66 | EOES (empty) | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 67-70 | F | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 71 | Eastman Kodak Co. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 72 | Gannett Newspapers: Frank Gannett | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 73-74 | Ga-Gh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 75 | Gen Accounting Office | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 76 | Gen Services Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 77-84 | Gi-Haq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 85 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 86-93 | Har-I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 94 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 95 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 96 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 104: 97 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 1-2 | Ja-Jz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 3 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 4 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 5-6 | Ka-Kh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 7 | Kalbfleisch Travel Agency | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 8 | Keating, Kenneth B. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 9-14 | Ki-Laq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 15 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 16-29 | Lar-Mx | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 30 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 31-34 | My-Nz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 35 | National | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 36 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 37 | New York | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 38-40 | Oa-Pd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 41 | Fred I. Parrish | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 42-44 | Pe-Pq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 45 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 46-50 | Pr-Rh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 51 | Republican County Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 52 | Ri-Rn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 53 | Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 54 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 55 | Record Clerk | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 56 | Republican National Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 57-64 | Roa-Sd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 65 | Secretary of Defense | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 66-72 | Se-Ss | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 73 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 74-79 | Sta-Tz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 80 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 81 | U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 82 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 83 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 84 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 85 | Veterans Service Bureau | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 86 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 87 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 88 | Waa-Wal | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 89 | Ways & Means Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 90-92 | Wam-Wh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 93 | White House | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 94-100 | Wia-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 105: 101 | Legislative References | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 1 | Aa-Ak | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 2 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 3 | Al-Am | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 4 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 5 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 6 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 7 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 8 | An-Ar | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 9 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 10-43 | As-Gd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 44 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 45-50 | Ge-Har | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 51 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 52-59 | Has-I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 60 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 61 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 106: 62-74 | Ja-Lz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 1 | Maa-Mao | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 2 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 3-10 | Map-Mt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 11 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 12-14 | Mu-Nn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 15 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 16 | National Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 17 | New York State Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 18-21 | No-Oz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 22 | Parrish, Fred I. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 23-26 | Pa-Pq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 27 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 28-32 | Pr-Rh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 33 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E,etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 34 | Radio & TV Stations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 35 | Republican Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 36 | Ri-Rn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 37 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 38-41 | Rod-Sb | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 42 | Saint (St.) | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 43-53 | Sca-Ss | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 54 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 55 | Sta-Sth | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 56 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 57-62 | Sti-Tq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 63 | Sue Todd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 64-66 | Tr-U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 67 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 68 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 69 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 70 | Van | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 71 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 72 | Veterans Information Service | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 73-83 | Waa-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 107: 84 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 1-4 | A | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 5 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 6 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 7 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 8 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 9 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 10 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 11-30 | B-Cz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 31 | Congressional Record | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 32-39 | D-E | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 40 | Joseph Favasuhi | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 41-49 | Fa-Gz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 50 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 51-59 | H | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 60 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 61 | I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 62 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 63 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 64 | Ja-Jn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 65 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 66 | Jo-Jz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 67 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 68 | Ka-Kd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 69 | Keating, Kenneth B. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 108: 70-89 | Ke-Mz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 1 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 2 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 3-6 | Na-Nz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 7 | National Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 8 | Navy Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 9 | New York State Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 10-17 | Oa-Pz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 18 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 19-21 | Q-Rh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 22 | Republican Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 23 | Ri-Rn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 24 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E, etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 25-27 | Roa-R | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 28 | Radio & TV Stations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 29 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 30 | Saint (St.) | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 31-43 | Sa-Sz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 44 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 45 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 46-47 | Ta-Tq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 48 | Sue Todd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 49-50 | Tr-U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 51 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 52 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 53 | Veterans Information Service | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 54 | Waa-Wal | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 55 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 56 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 57-66 | W-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 109: 67-71 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-C | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 1-4 | A | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 5 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 6 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 7 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 8 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 9 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 10 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 11-30 | Baa-Cz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 31 | Congressional Record | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 32-43 | Da-Fz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 44 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 45-52 | Ga-Hd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 53 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 54-60 | Hea-I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 61 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 62-63 | J | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 64 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 65-84 | Ka-Mt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 85 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 86 | Mu-Mz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 110: 87 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 1-2 | Ni-Nz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 3 | Navy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 4 | New York State Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 5-11 | O-P | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 12 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 13-16 | Q-Rn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 17 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E,etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 18-21 | Roa-Sb | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 22 | Radio & TV Stations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 23 | Republican Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 24-35 | Sca-Sz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 36 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 37 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 38-42 | Ta-V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 43 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 44 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 45 | Veterans Service and Information | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 46-55 | Waa-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 56-57 | Aa-Am | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 58 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 59 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 60 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 61 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 62 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 63 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 64-105 | An-Hd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 106 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 107 | Oa-Ok | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 108 | Na-Nh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 109 | Suzanne Todd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 110 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 111 | Congressional Record | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 111: 112 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 1-7 | Hea-I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 8 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 9 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 10-11 | J | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 12 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 13-20 | Ka-Lem | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 21 | Lake Ontario: Norman Atterby | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 22 | Len-Lh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 23 | League of Women Voters | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 24-27 | Li-Mb | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 28 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 29-36 | McA-Mt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 37 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 38-39 | Na-Nt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 40 | Navy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 41 | National Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 42 | New York State Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 43-46 | Nu-Pd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 47 | Parrish, Fred I. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 48-51 | Pe-Pt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 52 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 53-55 | Pu-Rd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 56 | Radio & TV Stations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 57 | Republican Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 58-59 | Re-Rn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 60 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E, etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 61-71 | Roa-Smz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 72 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 73-79 | Sn-Tg | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 80 | Sue Todd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 81 | U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 82 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 83 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 84 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 85 | Veterans Service and Information | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 86-96 | V-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 97 | Aa-Ak | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 98 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 99 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 100 | Al-Am | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 101 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 102 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 103 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 104 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 105-135 | An-Fh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 136 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 112: 137 | Library of Congress | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 1 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 2-3 | Aa-Am | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 4 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 5 | American Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 6 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 7 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 8 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 9 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 10 | An-Ar | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 11 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 12-22 | As-Bt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 23 | Budget: Bureau of | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 24-27 | Bu-Ch | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 28 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 29 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 30-32 | Ci-Coo | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 33 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 34-38 | Cop-Dh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 39 | Defense | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 40-46 | Di-Fh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 47 | Farmers Home Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 48-51 | Fi-Gd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 52 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 53 | General Services Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 54-60 | Ge-Hd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 61 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 62-66 | Hea-Ht | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 67 | House of Representatives | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 68-69 | Hu-I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 70 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 71 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 72-73 | J | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 74 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 75 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 76 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 77-80 | Ka-Kt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 81 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Personal | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 82-83 | Ku-Laq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 84 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 85 | Lake Ontario: Norman Atterby | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 86-88 | Lar-Lh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 89 | League of Women Voters | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 90 | Li-Ln | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 91 | Library of Congress | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 92-94 | Lo-Mb | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 95 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 96-102 | McA-Mt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 103 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 104-105 | Mu-Nh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 106 | Navy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 107 | Newspapers & Magazines | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 108 | National Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 109 | New York State | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 110-114 | Ni-Pd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 115 | Parrish, Fred I. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 116 | George Parsons | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 117-120 | Pe-Pt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 121 | Post Office Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 122 | Pu-Pz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 123 | Public Roads-Bureau of | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 113: 124 | Q | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 1-3 | Fi-Fz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 4 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 5-12 | Ga-Hd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 13 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 14-18 | Hea-Ht | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 19 | House of Representatives | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 20-21 | Hu-I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 22 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 23 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 24-25 | J | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 26 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 27-33 | Ka-Ld | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 34 | Lake Ontario: Norman Atterby | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 35-37 | Lea-Ln | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 38 | League of Woman Voters | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 39 | Library of Congress | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 40-42 | Lo-Mb | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 43 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 44-50 | McA-Mt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 51 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 52-53 | Mu-Nh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 54 | National Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 55 | Navy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 56 | New York State Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 57-61 | Ni-Pd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 62 | Parrish, Fred I. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 63-66 | Pe-Pt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 67 | Post Office Dept & Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 68-70 | Pu-Rd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 71 | Radio & TV Stations: Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 72 | Republican Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 73-75 | Re-Rof | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 76 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E,etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 77-88 | Rog-Ss | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 89 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 90 | Sta-Sth | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 91 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 92-94 | Sti-Tg | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 95 | Honorable Mildred F. Taylor | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 96 | Th-Tg | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 97 | Sue Todd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 98-100 | Tr-U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 101 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 102 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 103 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 104 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 105 | Veterans Services and Information | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 114: 106-115 | Waa-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 1 | Radio Corresp | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 2-3 | Ra-Rh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 4 | Republican Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 5-6 | Ri-Rof | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 7 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E,etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 8-19 | Rog-Ss | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 20 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 21-22 | Sta-Stz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 23 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 24 | Su-Sz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 25 | WROW-TV : Albany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 26 | WNBF-TV : Binghamton | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 27 | WROC-TV : Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 28 | WKTV-TV : Utica | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 29 | WCNY-TV : Watertown | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 30 | WSYR-TV : Syracuse | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 31 | TV Stations: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 32-34 | Ta-Tz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 35 | Sue Todd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 36 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 37 | U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 38 | US Information Agency | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 39 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 40 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 41 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 42 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 43 | Veterans Services & Information | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 44-45 | Waa-Wd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 46 | Ways & Means Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 47-48 | We-Wh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 49 | White House | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 50-55 | Wia-Z | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 56 | Agriculture Department | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 57 | Air Force | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 58-59 | Aa-Am | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 60 | Army | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 61 | American: General | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 62 | American Legion | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 63 | American Consul: Germany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 64 | American Consul: Italy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 65 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 66-68 | An-Bag | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 69 | Bar Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 70-79 | Bar-Bz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 80 | Budget: Bureau of | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 81-84 | Ca-Cu | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 85 | Civil Rights Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 86 | Civil Service Commission | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 87 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 88-90 | Coa-Cq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 91 | Commerce Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 92-93 | Cr-Dd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 94 | Defense Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 95-103 | De-Fn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 115: 104 | Da-Dd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 1 | Farmers Home Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 2 | Joseph C. Finley | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 3-5 | Fo-Gd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 6 | Gannett Newspapers | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 7 | Ge-Gh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 8 | General Services Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 9-20 | Gi-Hz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 21 | House of Representatives | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 22 | I | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 23 | Harris,Beach,KBK,Wilcox & Dale | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 24 | Immigration & Naturalization Ser | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 25 | Internal Revenue | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 26 | Interior Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 27 | Ja-Jn | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 28 | Justice Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 29 | Judiciary Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 30 | Jo-Jz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 31 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Personal | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 32-40 | Ka-Lh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 41 | League of Women Voters | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 42 | Library of Congress | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 43 | Labor Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 44 | Lake Ontario: Norman Atterby | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 45-49 | Li-McC | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 50 | Marine Corps | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 51-56 | McD-Mt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 57 | Monroe County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 58 | Mu-Mz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 59 | National Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 60 | Ni-Nt | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 61 | New York State Associations | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 62 | Navy | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 63 | Newspaper Corresp | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 64-67 | Nu-Pd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 68 | Parrish, Fred I. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 69 | George Parsons | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 70-72 | Pe-Pq | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 73 | Post Office Dept & Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 74-75 | Pr-Pz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 76 | Public Roads-Bureau of | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 77-79 | Q-Rh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 80 | Republican Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 81-85 | Ri-Sb | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 86 | Rochester: RIT, RG&E, etc. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 87 | Radio Corresp. | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 88-95 | Sca-So | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 96 | Space Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 97 | Sp-Ss | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 98 | Social Security | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 99-101 | Sta-Sz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 102 | State Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 103-105 | Ta-Tz | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 116: 106 | Na-Nh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 1 | Treasury Dept | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 2 | Sue Todd | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 3 | WCNY-TV : Watertown | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 4 | WKTV-TV : Utica | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 5 | WNBF-TV : Binghamton | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 6 | WROC-TV : Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 7 | WROW-TV : Albany | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 8 | WSYR-TV : Syracuse | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 9 | TV Stations: Miscellaneous | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 10 | U | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 11 | University of Rochester | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 12 | V | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 13 | Veterans Administration | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 14 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 15 | Veterans Services & Information | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 16-18 | Wa-Wag | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 19 | Wayne County | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 20 | US Information Agency | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 21 | Wh | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 22 | White House | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 23-28 | Wia-Wik | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 29 | Ways & Means Committee | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 117: 30 | WOR-TV: New York City | 1947 - 1958 | Indices | |
1: 118: 1 | Ag | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 118: 2 | Agriculture | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 118: 3-6 | Ah-Am | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 118: 7 | American Consul: Germany & Italy | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 118: 8 | American Consul: Other Nations | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 118: 9 | American Legion | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 118: 10-15 | An-Az | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 118: 16-35 | Immigration A-S | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 119: 1-6 | Immigration T-Z | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 119: 7 | Immigration: Displaced Persons | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 119: 8-20 | Immigration A-M | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 120: 1-10 | Immigration N-W | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 120: 11-12 | Immigration A-B | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 120: 13 | Immigration: Miscellaneous | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 120: 14-24 | Immigration C-M | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 121: 1-11 | Immigration N-Z | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 121: 12-23 | Immigration A-L | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 122: 1 | Immigration M | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 122: 2 | Immigration: Miscellaneous | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 122: 3-12 | Immigration N-W | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 122: 13-27 | Immigration A-O | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 122: 28 | Immigration: Miscellaneous | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 122: 29-36 | Immigration P-Z | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 122: 37-43 | Immigration A-G | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 123: 1-16 | Immigration H-Z | 1948 - 1958 | Immigration | |
1: 124: 1 | General Information | 1952 - 1957 | Immigration | |
1: 124: 2 | General | 1952 - 1957 | Immigration | |
1: 124: 3-13 | Immigration A-K | 1952 - 1957 | Immigration | |
1: 125: 1-12 | Immigration L-Z | 1952 - 1957 | Immigration | |
1: 126: 1 | NYS: Advantages Offered to Business | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 126: 2 | Agriculture Census | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 126: 3 | Airports: Miscellaneous | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 126: 4 | Allegheny Reservoir (Kinzua Dam) | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 126: 5 | Appropriations: Federal | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 126: 6 | Armories | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 126: 7 | Arthur Kill Waterway and Bridge | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 1 | Bainbridge Flood Control | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 2 | Barge Canal | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 3 | Bell Aircraft | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 4 | Black River Bay | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 5 | Black Rock Channel | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 6 | Bridges | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 7 | Buffalo Harbor | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 8 | Camp Drum | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 9 | Canaswacta Creek Dam | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 10 | City Center of Music & Drama, Inc. | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 11 | Copes Corners Dam | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 12 | Davenport Dam-Charlotte River | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 127: 13 | Discovery of Lake Champlain | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 1 | Ellis Island-Disposition of | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 2 | Elmira TV Case | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 3 | Equalization of Freight Rates | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 4 | Federal Aid to Education | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 5 | Federal Highway Program & NYS | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 6 | Federal Power Commis & NYS | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 7 | Flood Control: Miscellaneous | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 8 | Flood & Hurricane Damage | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 128: 9 | Fort Ticonderoga | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 129: 1 | Geneganslet Dam | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 129: 2 | Gen Aniline & Film Corp: Correspondence | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 129: 3 | Gen Aniline & Film Corp | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 129: 4 | Great Lakes Water Diversion | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 129: 5 | Great Lakes Connecting Channels | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 1 | Hospital Survey & Planning Commis | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 2 | Housing & Home Finance Loans | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 3 | Hudson & Manhattan Railroad Co. | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 4 | Hudson River Channel | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 5 | Irondequoit Bay | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 6 | Lake Champlain Waterway | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 7 | Lake Chautauqua & Chadakoin River | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 8 | Lake Ontario: Beach Erosion | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 9 | Lake Ontario: Water Levels | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 10 | Long Island-Beach Erosion | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 11 | Long Island Railroad | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 130: 12 | Lloyd's Neck-Long Island | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 1 | MacArthur Field Runway Extension | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 2 | Maritime College: Ft. Schuyler | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 3 | Merchant Marine Academy-Kings Pt. | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 4 | Military Construction: NYS | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 5 | Mitchell Airforce Base | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 6 | Mohawk Airlines | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 7 | Montauk Harbor | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 8 | Mt. Morris Dam | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 9 | Narrows Bridge & Road Approaches | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 10 | National Plumbing Code | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 11 | Navy Clothing Factory Closing | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 12 | NY Central RR Co.-Ferry Abandonment | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 13 | Food Distribution Center | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 14 | NY Good Roads Association | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 131: 15 | NY Harbor | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 132: 1 | NY : NJ Channel | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 132: 2 | NY Naval Shipyard | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 132: 3 | NY, Ontario & Western Railroad | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 132: 4 | Quartermaster Purchasing Agency | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 1 | New York State: Dept of Health | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 2 | NYS Flood Control Commission | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 3 | NYS Projects: Miscellaneous | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 4 | Niagara Falls Airport | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 5 | Niagara Mohawk | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 6 | Niagara Power Project | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 7 | Army Repair Depot: North Bellmore | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 8 | Susquehanna River-North Branch | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 133: 9 | North Queens Assn of Yacht Clubs | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 1 | Ogdensburg Harbor | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 2 | Oswego Harbor | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 3 | Plattsburg Air Base | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 4 | Pollution of Waterways in NYS | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 5 | Port of NY-Freight Equalization | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 6 | Public Housing | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 7 | Reduction in Force | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 8 | Republic Aviation Corp | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 9 | Rochester Harbor Improvements | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 10 | Staten Island VA Office | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 11 | St Lawrence: Lake Champlain Waterway | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 12 | St. Lawrence Power Project | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 134: 13 | Salamanca Flood Control | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 1 | Sampson Air Force Base | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 2 | Scotia Naval Supply Depot | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 3 | Shipbuilding | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 4 | Slum Clearance & Urban Development | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 5 | Small Business Activities | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 6 | Smokes Creek | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 7 | Soil Conservation | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 8 | Staten Is. Shipyard-Bethlehem Steel | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 9 | Susquehanna River-Flood Control | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 10 | Veterans Administration: Syracuse | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 135: 11 | Television Problems | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 1 | Undilla Valley Dam: Correspondence | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 2 | Undilla Valley Dam: Miscellaneous | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 3 | Susquehanna River-Upper | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 4 | Veterans Administration: Hospitals & Centers | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 5 | Watkins Glen-Flood Control | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 6 | Walervliet Arsenal | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 7 | WBEN TV Tower: Buffalo | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 8 | Wellsville & Caledonia-Flood Ctrl | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 9 | Westchester Airport | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 10 | West Point-Board of Visitors | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 136: 11 | Wool Traffic Problem | 1950 - 1957 | NYS Projects | |
1: 137: 1 | Background Information | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 137: 2 | Misc Information | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 137: 3 | Background Material: NATO | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 137: 4 | Madrid Trip: KBK Visit-Photographs | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 137: 5 | Madrid: Keating Visit | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 137: 6 | Madrid Trip: Senate Document Account | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 137: 7 | Madrid Trip-Press Summary | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 137: 8 | Austria-General Information | 1951 | Counl of Europe | |
1: 138: 1 | Testimony-Vol 1 & 4 | 1952 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 138: 2 | Press Release | 1952 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 138: 3 | Testimony-Vol 2 | 1952 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 138: 4 | Testimony-Vol 3 | 1952 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 139: 1-29 | Testimony-Vol 3-25, C6-C25 | 1952 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 1 | Air Force | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 2 | Agriculture Department | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 3 | Army Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 4 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 5 | Civil Service | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 6 | Coast Guard | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 7 | Commerce Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 8 | Control Agencies | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 9 | Defense Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 10 | Economic Cooperation Admin (ECA) | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 11 | Federal Security Agency | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 12 | Federal Trade | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 13 | General Accounting Office | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 14 | Government Depts: Miscellaneous | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 15 | Housing Department: Federal | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 16 | Interior Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 17 | Internal Revenue | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 18 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 19 | Justice Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 20 | Labor Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 21 | Maritime Commission | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 22 | National Labor Relations Board | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 23 | Navy Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 140: 24 | Passports | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 1 | Survey: Justice Dept by the FBI | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 2 | Absentee Voters | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 3-5 | Annapolis | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 6 | Annapolis-Incomplete | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 7 | Allen, Bernard-Newspapers & Sources | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 8 | Bosone,(Reva Beck) M.C. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 9 | Brownell | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 10 | Caudle Case-Mitchell & Cohen | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 11 | Caulk School of Photography-Mo. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 12 | Diamond Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 13 | Dollar Steamship Co. (McGrath) | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 14 | US vs Fashion Hosieries Inc. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 15 | FHA Activities in Michigan | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 16 | Garden City Development | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 17 | Finnegan Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 18 | Antoine Gasda-Justice Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 19 | Hellenic Bank Trust of NY | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 20 | Gooch, James T.: Little Rock, Ark. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 21 | Lewis Hart Cases | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 22 | Hingeco Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 23 | Scandal from FBI files (1942-1952) | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 24 | House of Representatives | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 25 | Investigation-Internal Revenue | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 26 | Irondequoit Bay | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 27 | Irondequoit Bay | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 28 | Transcript of Hearings | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 29 | Tom Clark, Justice | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 30-31 | Justice Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 32 | Justice Department: Corresp | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 33 | Report to Eisenhower's Staff | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 34 | Cases Requested from Justice Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 35-36 | Kansas City Vote Fraud | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 37 | King Committee | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 141: 38 | Kouloucounidis, Emanuel | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 1-2 | Landrum-Griffin Bill | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 3 | Lane Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 4 | Lincoln Downs Race Track (McGrath) | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 5 | Lustrow-Home Equipment Corp | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 6 | Marks-Littel Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 7 | Masonic Trust-McGrath | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 8 | James P. McGranery | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 9 | McGrath-Background, Education, etc. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 10 | McGrath's Providence Office | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 11 | McGrath-Textron | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 12 | Miller Case-Failure to Prosecute | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 13 | War Frauds: Norman Miller Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 14 | Newbold Morris | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 15 | James Mullally | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 16 | Narragansett Race Track Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 17 | Natl Distillers: Anti-Trust | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 18 | Suppressing Invest-Charles O'Gara | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 19 | Olof A. Olson | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 20 | Pabst Brewery | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 21 | Paramount-ABC Merger | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 22 | Passports | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 23 | Post Office Department: 4th Class | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 24 | Post Office Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 25 | Railroad Retirement Board | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 26 | Reconstruction Finance Corp | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 27 | Rogers | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 28 | RFC | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 29 | St. John's River Shipyard Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 30 | Exposes-Internal Revenue Dept | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 31 | Scandals in Government | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 32 | Scandal Stories by Paul Martin | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 33 | Schering Corp | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 34 | Silver Mine Deal | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 35 | Small Business Administration | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 36 | Speech Corresp | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 37 | Stone & Others (McGrath) | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 38 | Teague Comm Report: Analysis | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 39 | Tolin Donovan Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 40 | US vs Swiss Radium ... Co. Inc. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 41 | Vanech, A. D. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 42 | Teague Comm Report: Analysis | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 42 | Zenith Corp Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 142: 43 | Newark Post Office Site Case | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 1 | Administrative: Reporting Service | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 2 | Administrative: Resolution | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 3 | Budget Material | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 4 | Clark, Tom C. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 5 | Committee Photos | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 6 | Committee Report | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 7 | Correspondence: Anonymous | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 8 | Correspondence: Unlabeled | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 9 | General Administrative Matter | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 10 | Information-Contempt Proceedings | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 11 | Last Committee Report under KBK | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 143: 12 | KBK Notes Made on Comm Hearings | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 144: 1 | Personnel | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 144: 2 | Press Releases | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 144: 3 | Proxies | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 144: 4 | Radio & TV Excerpts | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 144: 5 | Space | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 144: 6 | Speeches, Newspaper Articles, etc. | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 144: 7 | Subpoenas | 1951 - 1953 | Justice Subcomm | |
1: 145: 1-8 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-H | 1952 - 1957 | Veterans | |
1: 145: 9 | Servicemen & Veterans: Hanley | 1952 - 1957 | Veterans | |
1: 145: 10-11 | Servicemen & Veterans: I-J | 1952 - 1957 | Veterans | |
1: 146: 1-12 | Servicemen & Veterans: K-Z | 1952 - 1957 | Veterans | |
1: 147: 1-2 | Servicemen & Veterans: V | 1953 - 1956 | Veterans | |
1: 147: 3-5 | Servicemen & Veterans: W | 1953 - 1956 | Veterans | |
1: 147: 6-8 | Servicemen & Veterans: X-Z | 1953 - 1956 | Veterans | |
1: 148: 1-31 | Servicemen & Veterans- A-L | 1953 - 1956 | Veterans | |
1: 149: 1-29 | Servicemen & Veterans: M-V | 1953 - 1956 | Veterans | |
1: 150: 1 | Public Defender | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 150: 2 | HR 11: Anti: Trust | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 150: 3 | Misc | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 150: 4 | Trade Missions | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 150: 5-6 | Subcommittee #1: Immigration | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 151: 1-2 | Subcommittee #2: Patents & Claims | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 151: 3 | Subcommittee #4 | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 151: 4 | Subcommittee #5: General | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 151: 5 | Special Subcomm on Supreme Court | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 151: 6 | Subcommittee #4: WWI Charter Leg | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 151: 7 | Subcommittee #5: Agenda | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 1 | ICEM | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 2 | Misc | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 3 | Special Subcomm on Supreme Court | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 4 | New York Bar Assn | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 5 | Subcommittee #2: Claims | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 6 | US Marshals | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 7 | Prisoners Relief Society | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 8 | Packers & Stockyards Act | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 9 | Meat Packers | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 152: 10 | Space & Patent Subcommittees | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 1 | HJ Res 232-Repeal of Income Tax | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 2 | New York Bar Assn | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 3 | Subcommittee #3: Patents | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 4 | Patent Board of Appeals & Review | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 5 | Special Subcomm on Supreme Court | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 6 | Sons of Union Veterans of Civil War | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 7 | Pending Committee Business: Agenda | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 8 | Personnel | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 9 | American Bar Association | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 10 | Proxies | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 153: 11 | Submerged Land: Legislation | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 154: 1 | Subcommittee #5: Meatpackers | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 154: 2 | Subcommittee #4: HR 2171 | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 154: 3 | Subcommittee #5: Functional Discount | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 155: 1 | Subcommittee #4: General | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 155: 2 | Proposed Legislation: Apportionment | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 155: 3 | Special Subcomm on Admin Procedure | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 155: 4 | Proxies | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 155: 5 | Subcommittee #5: Legal Defender | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 155: 6-7 | Subcommittee #1: Immigration | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 1 | HR 3391: Judges Retire at 70 | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 2 | HR 273: Civil Ser Disability Fund | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 3 | HR 1151: Civil Rights Commission | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 4 | HR 9669: Interstate Commerce | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 5 | HR 8341: Secret Government Files | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 6 | HR 6876: Fair Deal for Sports Act | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 7 | HR 264: Amend Clayton Act | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 8 | HR 262: Grand Jury | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 9 | HR 263: Amend US Code: Appeals | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 10 | HR 248: Postal Employees: Overtime | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 11 | HR 257: Former Govt Employees | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 12 | HR 285: Enforce Court Orders | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 13 | HR 287: Copyright | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 14 | HR 278: US Civilian Employees | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 15 | HR 279: Veterans & Salaries | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 16 | HR 270: Appellate Review | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 17 | HR 271: Wheat Producers Liability | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 18 | HR 5267: Fed Employee Protection | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 19 | HR 277: Statute of Limitations | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 20 | HR 4205: Amend Imm & Nat Act | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 21 | HR 282: Statements Under Oath | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 22 | HR 265: Gambling Materials | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 23 | HR 266: GI Educational Benefits | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 24 | HR 267: 4th Class Mail | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 25 | HR 268: Payment of Office Expenses | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 26 | HR 250: Surplus Food Distribution | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 27 | HR 251: Individual Pension Plans | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 28 | HR 253: Amend Labor: Management Act | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 29 | HR 254: Postal Employees Seniority | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 30 | HR 11261: Scholarship Loan Fund | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 31 | HR 9666: Civil Rights | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 32 | HR 9667: National Guard | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 33 | HR 9668: Joint Comm on Outer Space | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 34 | HR 13668: Espionage Bill | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 35 | HR 11888: Space Exploration | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 36 | HR 9670: Gold Star Buttons | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 37 | HR 11252: Amend Agriculture Act | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 156: 38 | HR 11096: Anti: Traitor Venue | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 1 | HR 12394: Wiretapping | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 2 | HR 13318: Passports | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 3 | HR 8034: Sons of Union Veterans | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 4 | HR 9623: Individual Pension Plans | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 5 | HR 10082: Individual Pension Plans | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 6 | Civil Rights: Jury Trial | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 7 | Congressional Record | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 8 | H Con Res 254: "Visit USA Year" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 9-11 | H Con Res 19-21-Ontario Water Level | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 12 | HR 249: Register "Five-Percenters" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 13 | Supreme Court | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 14 | H Con Res 2#5: Outer Space | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 15 | H Con Res 283-Neighborhood Houses | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 16 | HJ Res 49-Dedication Day | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 17 | HJ Res 53-Redefine Treason | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 18 | Proposed Legislation | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 19 | Bills Proposed: 84th Congress | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 20 | HR 13073: Testimony, Grand Jury Case | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 21 | HR 43: Hurricane & Flood Comm | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 22 | HJ Res 50-Memorial Day | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 23 | HJ Res 54-Columbus Memorial | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 24 | HR 291: Televising Hearings | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 25 | HR 478: Comm on Outer Space | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 26 | H Con Res 52-UN Investigation | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 27 | Bills Introduced: 84th Congress | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 28 | Bills Introduced: 85th Congress | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 29 | HR 286: Tax Credit for Health Plans | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 30 | Benefits for Dependent Parents | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 31 | Congressional Record Remarks | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 157: 32 | Congressional Record | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 1 | S 1644: Fed Construction Contract | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 2 | Subcommittee #5: TV Industry | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 3 | Anti-Trust: Monopoly Investigations | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 4 | Subcommittee #5: WOCS | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 5 | Subcommittee #5: Judges | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 6 | Subcommittee #5: Airline Hearings | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 7 | Subcommittee #5: Auto Franchise Dealers | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 8 | Subcommittee #4: Bankruptcy | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 9 | Immigration Legislation | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 10 | Subcommittee #3: Patents, Copyright | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 11 | Subcommittee #2: Claims | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 12 | Subcommittee #1: Immigration Material | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 13 | Misc Legislation | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 14 | Proxies | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 15 | Presidential Inability | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 16 | Wiretapping | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 17 | Subcommittee #5: HR 11 | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 18 | Subcomm #5- Anti-Trust: Premerger | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 158: 19 | Civil Rights | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 159: 1-11 | Transcripts of Hearings, 11 total | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 1 | Judiciary Committee: Agenda | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 2 | Subcommittee #1: "Amendments": Kefauver | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 3 | Subcommittee #4: "Judicial Machinery" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 4 | Subcommittee #6: "Patents,Trademarks,etc" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 5 | Subcommittee #5: "Natl Penitentiaries" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 6 | Subcommittee #8: "Anti-Trust & Monopoly" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 7 | Subcommittee #9: "Constitutional Rights" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 8 | Subcommittee #3: "Imm & Naturalization" | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 9 | Private Immigration: Favorable | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 10 | Private Immigration: Postponement | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 11 | Immigration: Judicial Review | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 160: 12 | Judiciary Committee: Misc | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 161: 1-3 | Presidential Inability | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 161: 4 | Subcommittee #1: Standing Rules of Senate | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 162: 1 | Judiciary Committee | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 162: 2 | HR 2485: Flexos & Robos | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 162: 3 | HR 11793: Criminal Penalties | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 162: 4 | HR 310: Special Committee | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 163: 1 | Committee Files | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 163: 2 | Contempt of Congress File | 1957 - 1961 | Judiciary Comm | |
1: 164: 1 | Communist China | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 2 | TV Script-Labor, Economy, Defense | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 3-5 | Misc Corresp | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 6 | Bombings in the South | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 7-8 | Biographies- A-B | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 9 | Sports Legislation | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 10 | Owego Bar Association | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 11-12 | Press Releases | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 13 | County Chairman & Vice Chairman | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 14 | Schedule-Oct 31 | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 15 | Misc Subjects | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 16 | Economic Policy | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 17 | Small Business | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 18 | News Releases | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 19 | Misc | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 164: 20 | Campaign Files | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 1-2 | Misc Subjects | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 3-4 | Labor | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 5-6 | Misc Subjects | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 7 | Photographs | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 8 | Misc Subjects | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 9 | Radio Transcript-WRCA | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 10 | Press Release: Gut Dams Claims | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 11 | Schedule | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 12 | Press Release: Campaign Picture | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 13 | Kings County Rally | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 14 | Schedule | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 15 | TV Transcript-WRCA | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 16 | Commack-Tammany Bossism | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 17 | Produce Exchange | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 18 | Third A.D. Club | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 19 | Press Release: Admiral Rickover | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 20 | Immigration Legislation: Rye | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 21 | Press Release: Distressed Labor Area | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 22 | What They're Saying | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 23 | General Files | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 24 | Borough Hall | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 25 | Press Release: United Nations Day | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 26-32 | Schedule | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 165: 33-36 | Schedule-Oct 24-30 | 1957 - 1958 | Research Files | |
1: 166: 1 | Committee for Keating | 1958 | Press-Clippings | |
1: 166: 2 | Editorial Clippings | 1958 | Press-Clippings | |
1: 166: 3-6 | Campaign Clippings in envelopes | 1958 | Press-Clippings | |
1: 167: 1 | Review of Rep Party-Sen. Ferguson | 1958 | Press-Clippings | |
1: 167: 2-5 | Campaign: Clippings | 1958 | Press-Clippings | |
1: 168: 1-8 | Campaign: Clippings | 1958 | Press-Clippings | |
1: 169: 1-12 | Campaign Clippings | 1958 | Press-Clippings | |
1: 170: 1 | Astronautics & Space Admin | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 2 | B'nai B'rith: Auburn | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 3 | Civil Rights Award | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 4 | Civil Rights Legislation | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 5 | Columbian League, Rochester | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 6 | Congressional Committee | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 7 | Keating Record & COPE | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 8 | Court Congestion | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 9 | Court Decision Reporting | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 10 | Criminal Code-Mallore Decision | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 11 | Eavesdropping Bill | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 12 | Espionage Laws | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 13 | Ethical Standards Legislation | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 14 | Ethics: Code of | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 15 | Explosives-Transport of | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 16 | Federal Judgeships | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 17 | Gangsterism-International | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 18 | Bernard Goldfine-Snafu | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 19 | Passport Legislation | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 20 | Rockland County-Young Republicans | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 21 | Russian Anti-Semitism | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 22 | Smith Bill | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 23 | Social Security | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 24 | Space Exploration | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 25 | Tieken, Robert | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 26 | Veto Power-Presidential | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 27 | US vs Yates | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 28 | Past Invitations | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 170: 29 | Misc | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 171: 1 | Campaign: Press Releases, Misc | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
1: 172: 1 | Campaign: Press Releases, Misc | 1958 | Press-Releases | |
2: 1: 1 | Outside Releases | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 2 | Correspondence | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 3 | Mailing Lists | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 4 | Magazines | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 5 | Form Letter of Photos Sent | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 6 | Billing Records | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 7 | Speech Requests-Form Letters | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 8 | Morrow-Pending Material | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 9 | Student Awards | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 10 | Questionnaire Returns | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 11 | Campaign Material | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 12 | Connecticut Speech Material | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 13 | Quotes & Jokes to Use in Speeches | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 14 | Missile Launching Site-Malone, NY | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 15 | Space Affairs: Missiles-Polaris | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 16 | Space Affairs-Missiles- Dyna-Soar | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 17 | Space Affairs: Missiles-West Electr | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 18 | Space Affairs: Missiles-Cowan Publ. | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 19 | Space Affairs: Lunar Construction | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 1: 20 | Space Affairs: Boron Fuels | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 2: 1-2 | 1959 | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 2: 3 | Administration Farm Bill (Con) | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 2: 4 | Picketing on Construction Industry | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 2: 5 | Farm Programs | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 2: 6 | Economy | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 2: 7-8 | Government Spending | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 3: 1-2 | Government and the Economy | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 3: 3 | Charles Bernstein | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 3: 4-5 | NY Waterfront Compact | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 3: 6 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 4: 1 | Comm on Rules and Administration | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 4: 2 | Rules Committee: Agenda | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 4: 3 | Rules Committee: Subcommittee #2: Elections | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 4: 4 | Rules Committee: Subcommittee #4: Library | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 4: 5 | Rules Committee: Subcommittee #6: Restaurant | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 5: 1 | Rules Committee: Appropriations | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 5: 2 | Rules Committee: Fed Election Legislation | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 5: 3 | Rules Committee: Senate Resolutions | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 5: 4 | Rules Committee: Senate Joint Resolutions | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 5: 5 | Rules Committee: Senate Bills | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 5: 6 | Rules Committee: House Resolutions | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 5: 7-8 | Rules Committee | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 1 | Misc | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 2-4 | Hawaii | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 5 | S 114: State-Owned Electric Plants | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 6 | S 957: Military Dependents: Education | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 7 | S 958: Desegregating Public Schools | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 8 | S 957: Federal Election Records | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 9 | Misc | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 10 | Alaska | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 6: 11 | S 3516: Ogdensburg Bridge Authority | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 7: 1 | HR 13801: Racial Bombings in South | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 7: 2 | Anti-Bombing Legislation | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 7: 3 | 85th Congress | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 7: 4 | S 716: Anti-Trust: Investigations | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 7: 5 | S 721 & 726: Anti-Trust: Clayton Act | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 8: 1 | Anti-Trust: Robert Tiekow | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 8: 2-4 | Anti-Trust: Consent Decrees | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 9: 1 | Aviation | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 9: 2 | S 2575: Fed Civil Employees: Health | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 9: 3 | Agriculture | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 9: 4 | Misc | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 9: 5 | Urbahn, Brayton & Burrows Project | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 9: 6 | Electoral Reforms-WVET-TV Survey | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 10: 1 | Misc Bills | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 10: 2 | Pamphlets and Copies of Bills | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 10: 3 | Yugoslavia Claim | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 10: 4 | Communism | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 10: 5 | Cuba | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 10: 6 | HR 252: Gambling Devices: Transport | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 10: 7 | HR 259: Compelling Testimony | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 11: 1 | HR 274: Entry of Religious Articles | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 11: 2 | HR 276: Admin Agencies & Attorneys | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 11: 3 | HR 281: Deductions for Disabled Vets | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 11: 4-6 | Space: Bills, Reports, Hearings | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 11: 7 | Boxing | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 11: 8 | Corresp on Passing Bills | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 12: 1 | Housing | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 12: 2 | Civil Service | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 12: 3 | Federal Communications: Daytime | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 12: 4 | Shipbuilding-Maritime | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 12: 5 | Transportation: General | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 12: 6 | Clear Channels | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 12: 7 | Constant Charge | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 1 | S 3649: Merchant Marine Act of 1936 | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 2 | Commerce Committee: Communications Subcom | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 3 | Sisk Amendments | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 4 | S 1047: US Maritime Service | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 5 | Binghamton TV | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 6 | Labeling | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 7 | Expanding Exports | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 8 | Utilities: FPC | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 9 | Fair Trade | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 10 | S 2560: Trucking ICC | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 13: 11 | Export Control Act: Legal Cases | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 1 | S 2573: McClellan Bill | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 2 | NYS Labor Relations Act: Section 715 | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 3 | Narcotics | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 4-5 | Rockefeller's Narcotics Hospital | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 6 | Canal Through Rockaway Peninsula | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 7 | Navy Shipyard | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 8 | Private Shipyards in Defense Budget | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 9 | Welfare Operations: State & Local | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 10 | Unemployment Checks | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 11 | Public Works | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 12 | Vaccinations (Con) | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 13 | German Deportation (Pro) | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 14: 14 | James Meredith & U of Mississippi | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 1 | Cuba & Berlin: Correspondence | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 2-3 | Early Morning Broadcasting | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 4 | HR 9847: Firefighters: Retirement | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 5 | Reservists | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 6 | Early Release for Reservists | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 7 | Multiple Letters: Miscellaneous | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 8-9 | Mimeos | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 10 | Misc | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 15: 11 | S 2618: German Reparations | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 16: 1 | Private Schools (Pro) | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 16: 2 | Railroad Mergers | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 16: 3-5 | FCC & General Electric Company | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 16: 6 | Foreign Impact Trade Study | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 16: 7 | National Capital Sesquicentennial | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 16: 8 | Industrial Peace (1937-1942) | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 17: 1 | Congressional Quarterly Log | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 17: 2 | Congressional Quarterly Almanac | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 17: 3 | Educational Exchange for Africa | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 18: 1 | Congressional Quarterly Almanac | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 18: 2 | Socialism-Speech Quips | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 18: 3-4 | Foreign Relations Committee: Hearings | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 1 | Senate Payrolls-Pending Leg | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 2 | National Guard | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 3 | Truth Squad | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 4 | Agriculture: Conservation Facility | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 5-6 | General Service Administration | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 7 | Women's Relief Corps Home-Oxford NY | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 8 | Internatl Health Research Institute | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 9 | Defense Department | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 10 | National Labor Relations Board | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 11 | Federal Housing Administration | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 12 | State Department | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 13 | New York State Taxes | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 19: 14 | Social Security | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 1 | HR 10: Gore Amendment (Con) | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 2-3 | HR 10650: Mutual Insurance | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 4 | Agriculture | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 5 | Consumer's Agricultural Program | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 6 | Dairy | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 7 | Nathan Memo-Warren Ranney Farm Info | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 8 | Nominations | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 9 | Misc | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 10 | Gioa, Alfonso & Sons Inc. | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 11 | S 2573: McClellan Bill | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 12 | Hand Service Tool Industry | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 13 | Watch the Agenda-HJ Res 443 | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 14 | Watch the Agenda-Theodore Zissu | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 15 | Watch the Agenda-HR 4839 | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 16 | Veterans: Polish Legion of America | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 17 | Highways: Automobiles Safety Belts | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 20: 18 | Education: KBK Statements | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 21: 1 | Misc Pamphlets on Washington DC | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 21: 2 | State Department: Misc | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 21: 3 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: Miscellaneous | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 21: 4 | Morning Hour | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 21: 5 | Staff: Miscellaneous | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 21: 6 | Senate Resolutions: Miscellaneous | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 21: 7 | Steve May: Personal | 1957 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 22: 1-6 | Legislation A-F | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 23: 1-7 | Legislation G-M | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 24: 1-12 | Legislation Mc-Z | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 25: 1-4 | A-B | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 26: 1-5 | C-E | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 27: 1-5 | F-H | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 28: 1-4 | I-L | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 29: 1-4 | M-Mc | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 30: 1-4 | N-R | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 31: 1-5 | S-W | 1959 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 1-2 | Chron File: Dec-Jan | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 3 | HR 9385: Robinson Public Bill | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 4 | HR 5750: Civil Ser Retirement Act | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 5 | S 2290: Judiciary Subcomm #2: Vets | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 6 | S 2326: Interpleader Compact | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 7 | Niagra Falls Bridge Commission | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 8 | Disabled Veterans of WWI | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 9 | Natl District Attorney's Assn | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 10 | HR 5896: Re-Uniting of Families | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 11 | HR 7165: Harry Levenstein | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 12 | HR 3254: Screven Family | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 13 | HR 406: Spiro Franovich | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 14 | HR 4894: Georgia Kaolin Company | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 15 | Dr. Alexander Sevanik | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 16 | George Steven Morgan | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 17 | Mr. Hung-Peng Lee | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 18 | Mrs. Carolina Rozza | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 19 | Mrs. Jose (JoAnn) Santiago | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 20 | HR 4790: Paul Dayton | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 21 | Anthony Douglas Smith | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 22 | Amend Smith Act | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 23 | HR 6118: Wladyslaw Jedrasiak | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 24 | HR 4242: Church of the East | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 25 | National Air Defense Program | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 26 | National Defense Underwater Storage | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 27 | Joe Gannon: Personal | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 32: 28 | Office Equipment | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 33: 1 | Immigration: World Refugee Year | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 33: 2 | HR 10419: Alien-Orphan Adoption | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 33: 3 | Medical Insurance | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 33: 4 | Blue Files: Keating Responses | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 33: 5 | Committee Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 33: 6-8 | Chron File: Feb-April | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 34: 1-2 | Various Topics | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 34: 3 | Press Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 34: 4 | Various Topics | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 34: 5 | Out of State Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 1 | Tariff Agreements Act | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 2 | Textile Industry Problems | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 3 | Tariffs: Equalizing Competition | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 4 | Tariffs: Typewriter Industry | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 5 | Tariffs: American Industries | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 6 | Tariffs: Clothing Industry | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 7 | Bill of Rights Day | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 8-9 | Press Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 35: 10 | Cuba-Imm of Batista Followers | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 36: 1 | General Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 36: 2 | Government Departments | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 36: 3 | Edna File: Correspondence | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 36: 4 | Academies | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 36: 5 | General Subject Files | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 36: 6 | Pending-General | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 37: 1-3 | Misc Corresp & Ephemeral Material | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 38: 1 | Building & Construction Trades Dept | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 38: 2 | Report: State of the Nations Capital | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 38: 3 | Investigation of TV Quiz Shows | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 38: 4 | Khrushchev's Visit | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 38: 5 | Space Program & Report on Space | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 38: 6 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous Subjects | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 39: 1-4 | Constituents Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 1 | Tax Problems: E.C. Brown Company | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 2 | KBK Letter to Congress-Responses | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 3 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 4 | Agriculture: Diamond Distributors | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 5 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 6 | Khrushchev's Visit to US & Castro | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 7 | Crank Letters | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 8 | Pamphlet on Oil Industry | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 9 | NY Times Magazine | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 40: 10 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 41: 1-6 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 42: 1-3 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 43: 1 | Limiting Power of Supreme Court | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 43: 2-4 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 44: 1-2 | Out of State | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 44: 3 | Internal Security: J. Birch Society | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 44: 4 | Unanswered Correspondence: New York State | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 45: 1-25 | FYI Files- A-Z | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 45: 26 | FYI Files: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 46: 1-4 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 47: 1 | Thank You File | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 47: 2 | Yearbook List | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 47: 3 | Yearbook Information | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 47: 4 | Misc | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 47: 5-6 | A-B | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 47: 7-8 | Keating-Requests for Photographs | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 48: 1-2 | Out of State Correspondence: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 48: 3 | Constant Writers (empty) | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 48: 4 | Constituent Letters | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 48: 5 | Constituent Letters-Cranks | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 48: 6 | Constituent Letters | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 49: 1 | NYS: No Address | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 49: 2-4 | Corresp with Insufficient Address | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 49: 5 | Crank Letters | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 49: 6-7 | Constituent Letters | 1959 - 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 1 | Constituent Correspondence: Unfiled | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 2 | International Soccer League | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 3 | Unfiled Housing Corresp | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 4 | Nominations: Unfiled-Rabinovitz | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 5 | HR 517 & HR 10547: Internal Revenue | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 6 | Agriculture: Peanut Butter | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 7 | Communications: Unfiled-WHAM Radio | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 7 | Unfiled Correspondence: Pending | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 8 | Legislature | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 10 | Appointments: New York City | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 11 | Politics Unfiled | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 12 | Jos Timfield | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 50: 13 | Pageships | 1960 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 51: 1-6 | Thank Yous & Correspondence: New York | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 52: 1-5 | Unanswered Correspondence: New York | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 53: 1-10 | Miscellaneous Correspondence: New York | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 1-7 | HR 447: Pillion Amendment | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 8 | Surplus Property | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 9-10 | Health: Cancer | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 11 | S 14: Uncle Sam Tomb: Troy, NY | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 12-13 | Situs Picketing | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 14 | Migrant Farm Labor | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 15 | New York Harbor Strike | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 16 | Railroads-Pig-a-Back-Teamsters | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 17 | Social Security: NY Petition | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 54: 18 | Social Security Benefits | 1961 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 1 | Reporting Requirements-Interest | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 2 | Tax Bill: Credit Union (Con) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 3 | Tax Bill: Section 3 (Pro) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 4 | Gore Amendment (Con) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 5 | Credit Unions: Tax on (Con) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 6-7 | HR 10: Limit Deductions for Pensions | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 8 | Mutual Companies: Tax Status (Pro) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 9 | Tax Bill: Mutual Savings (Con) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 10-13 | Gore Amendment (Con) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 14 | HR 10650: Retain Section 3 | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 15 | HR 10: Limit Deductions for Pensions | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 16 | HR 10650: Retain Section 3 | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 17 | Tax Bill: Credit Unions (Con) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 55: 18-23 | HR 10: Gore Amendment (Con) | 1962 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 56: 1 | Corresp Pro KBK | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 56: 2 | KBK on Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 56: 3 | Letters to the Editor | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 56: 4 | Desecration of the Flag | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 56: 5 | Columbus Day or Leif Erickson Day | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 56: 6-15 | A-J | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 57: 1-14 | K-Z | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 57: 15-17 | Misc Requests | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 58: 1-11 | Misc Corresp | 1964 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
2: 59: 1-2 | Republican | 1958 - 1960 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 59: 3-15 | L-Z | 1958 - 1960 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 60: 1-18 | A-K | 1958 - 1960 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 61: 1 | Pending File-Misc A-Z | 1961 - 1962 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 62: 1 | Fed Airport Act: LaGuardia Airport | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 62: 2 | Misc Letters | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 62: 3-5 | KBK Thank Yous- A-N Countries | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 63: 1-19 | KBK Thank Yous- A-Z | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 63: 20-22 | KBK Thank You Notes: O-Y Counties | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 63: 23 | Thank You Lists | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 64: 1-10 | Letters on Losing the Election A-J | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 65: 1-11 | Letters on Losing the Election K-T | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 66: 1-4 | Letters on Losing the Election: V-Z | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 66: 5 | Regrets for Loss of Senate Election | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 1 | Keating-General | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 2 | KBK: New York Office | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 3 | KBK: Awards | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 4 | KBK: Biographies | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 5 | KBK: Condolences | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 6 | KBK: Criticisms | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 7 | KBK: Employment | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 8 | KBK: Recommendations | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 9 | KBK: Tributes | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 10 | KBK: Patronage | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 11 | KBK: Photographs | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 12 | KBK: Voting Record | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 67: 13-16 | A-D | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 68: 1-11 | E-Mc | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 68: 12 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Personal File | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 69: 1-10 | O-Z | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 69: 11 | KBK Replies A-Z-Copies | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 69: 12 | Congratulations | 1964 | Correspondence: General | |
2: 75: 1-4 | Constituent Letters | 1959 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 76: 1-2 | Constituent Letters | 1959 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 77: 1-4 | NYS Corresp | 1961 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 78: 1-4 | NYS Corresp | 1961 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 79: 1-4 | NYS Corresp | 1961 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 80: 1-3 | NYS Corresp | 1961 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 1 | Thank Yous & Misc | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 2 | Pages | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 3-4 | Lawrence & Robert Bailey | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 5 | William Bouton Bird | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 6 | Paul R. Bloom | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 7 | James Thomas Breidster | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 8 | Richard F. Brown | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 9 | Edwin Buckley | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 10 | Richard Carnevale | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 11 | Stephen Davis | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 12 | Arthur Devenport III | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 13 | Robert Campbell Fanch | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 14 | David Fischler | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 15 | Gerald Freitag | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 16 | Tom Frommer | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 17 | Douglas Gabrielle III | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 18 | Joseph R. Gassert | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 19 | Benjamin M. Glassner | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 20 | Edward Goldberg | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 21 | George Gould | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 22 | Michael Grabman | 1961 - 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 23 | Bruce J. Grossman | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 24 | Phillip Jenks | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 25 | Arthur Karp | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 26 | Stephen D. Kay | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 27 | Andrew L. Kosseff | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 28 | Richard H. Longshore | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 29 | Mitchell L. Moss | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 30 | Robert M. Narrigan | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 31 | Neil A. Perkins | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 32 | Arthur Sundstrom | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 33 | Robert F. Van Benschoten | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 34 | John Van Deusen | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 35 | Timothy Reed Vaughan | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 36 | Ronald Lee Washburn | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 37 | Elliot Weinreb | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 38 | Ronald Wimmer | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 81: 39-43 | Misc Letters | 1964 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 82: 1-9 | NYS Unanswered | 1962 | Correspondence: NYS | |
2: 83: 1-2 | Misc Corresp | 1960 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 83: 3 | Out of State Corresp | 1960 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 83: 4 | World Court Corresp | 1960 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 84: 1-5 | Requests for Information | 1959 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 85: 1 | Strikes | 1959 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 85: 2-5 | Corresp Misc | 1959 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 86: 1-10 | Out of State: Unanswered | 1962 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 89: 1-12 | Out of State: Unanswered | 1962 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 90: 1-12 | Out of State: Unanswered | 1962 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 91: 1-13 | Out of State Corresp | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 92: 1-9 | Out of State Corresp | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 93: 1-9 | Out of State Corresp | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 94: 1-10 | Out of State Corresp | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 95: 1-12 | Out of State: Unanswered | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 96: 1 | Out of State: General Corresp | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 96: 2 | Thank Yous: Unanswered | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 96: 3-4 | Out of State: General | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 97: 1-4 | Out of State Correspondence: General | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 97: 5-7 | Monroe Doctrine Petitions (Pro) | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 98: 1-4 | Out of State: Unanswered | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 99: 1-2 | United Nations & Cuba | 1963 - 1964 | Correspondence: O of S | |
2: 100: 1 | Corresp on Misc Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 2 | Thank Yous: Senators on KBK TV Show | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 3 | Telephone Service: Fed Excise Tax | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 4 | Corresp on Misc Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 5 | Recognition of Red China | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 6 | Corresp on Misc Topics | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 7 | Senate Filibuster Rule | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 8-9 | Alcoholic Beverages on Airplanes | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 100: 10-11 | Federal Tax on Gasoline | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 101: 1-5 | Federal Budget: Balancing | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 101: 6 | Gasoline-Federal Tax on | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 101: 7 | Federal Budget: Balancing | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 102: 1-2 | Federal Budget: Balancing | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 102: 3 | Federal Tax on Gasoline | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 102: 4 | Letter to Visitors to DC Office | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 102: 6-7 | S 19: Veterans Pensions for WWI | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 102: 8 | Nepotism | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 102: 9 | S 19: Veterans Pensions for WWI | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 1 | Alien Orphan Adoption Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 2 | S 3: Acts of Congress & State Law | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 3-4 | Civil War Battle Field Parks | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 5-6 | Fed Excise Tax: Dividends, 4% credit | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 7 | Railroad Freight Rates | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 8 | Repeal of 10% Fed Transport Tax | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 9 | S 1993: Dental Care in Armed Forces | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 10 | S 1036: Adjust 4th Class Mail | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 11-12 | Defense: Use of Atomic Energy | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 103: 13 | State Tax on Multistate Business | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 1 | State Tax on Multistate Business | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 2 | Labor Reform Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 3 | Communications Act: Amend Sec 315 | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 4-5 | Inflation and Balanced Budget | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 6 | HR 7656: Advisory Council on Arts | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 7 | Fed-State Economic Relations: Comm | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 8 | SJ Res 127-Teachers for the Deaf | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 9 | Juvenile Delinquency & Misc | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 104: 10 | Labor Reform Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 1 | Khrushchev's Visit to US | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 2 | Letters to KBK for Supporting Leg | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 3-4 | Misc Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 5 | Recommendations Written to Keating | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 6 | S 1046: Amend the Fair Labor Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 7 | Atomic Energy for Mutual Defense | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 8-10 | Khruschchev's Visit to US | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 11 | HR 10: Deductions for Self-employed | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 105: 12 | State Taxation-Interstate Commerce | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 1 | Recommendation To KBK for Academies | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 2 | Fed Employee Health Insurance Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 3 | S 96: Nuclear Testing | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 4 | Federal Tax on Dividend Income | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 5 | Lewis L Strauss-Rejection by Senate | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 6 | Misc Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 7 | S 1083: Fair Trade Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 106: 8 | Recommendation to KBK for Academies | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 107: 1-2 | Kennedy-Ervin Labor Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 107: 3 | HR 10: Keough Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 107: 4 | Excise Tax on Telephone Service | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 107: 5 | S 1299: 1304: Sen. Eastland's Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 107: 6 | S 1299: Courts vs States Rights | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 107: 7-8 | S 1649: Bankruptcy & Concealed Asset | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 108: 1 | Kennedy-Ervin Labor Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 109: 1 | Labor Reform: Correspondence File | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 109: 2 | Kennedy-Ervin Labor Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 109: 3-5 | Farm Program | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 109: 6-7 | S 215: Anti-Inflation Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 109: 8 | S 226: Amend Railroad Retirement Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 109: 9 | Unemployment | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 109: 10-13 | S 200: Anti-Trust Against DuPont | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 110: 1 | S 200: Anti-Trust Against DuPont | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 110: 2 | Amend Kennedy-Ervin Bill: McClellan | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 110: 3-4 | Labor Reform: Kennedy-Ervin Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 110: 5-6 | Naval Reserve Officer Training Corp | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 110: 7-9 | S 1046: Amend Labor Standards Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 1 | S 1046: Amend Labor Standards Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 2 | S 19: Create Senate Veterans Comm | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 3-4 | S 1046: Amend Labor Standards Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 5-6 | S 19: Create Senate Veterans Comm | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 7 | S 215: Anti-Inflation Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 8-9 | Percent Depletion in Oil Industry | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 10 | Smith Act: Petitions to Strengthen | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 11 | S 96: Nuclear Test Negotiations | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 111: 12 | S 215: Anti-Inflation Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 1-2 | S 11: Amend Robinson: Patman Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 3-5 | Amend Kennedy-Ervin Bill: McClellan | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 6-7 | S 94: Fed Employees Health Insurance | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 8-9 | Funds for Highway Trust Fund | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 10 | Fed Civil Service Employees-Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 11 | Opposition to Fair Trade Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 12-13 | S 1046: Letters of Opposition | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 112: 14 | Congrats to Constituent Awards | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 1-3 | Education Exchange Awards-Congrats | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 4-5 | Forand Bill: Social Security Benefit | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 6 | Lewis Strauss for Sec of Commerce | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 7-8 | Douglas-Cellar Civil Rights Leg | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 9-10 | S 19: Create Senate Veterans Comm | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 11-12 | Appropriation to Build Supercarrier | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 13 | KBK Congrats for Educational Awards | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 14 | Constituent Corresp on Pending Leg | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 113: 15 | Veterans: Various Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 114: 1 | Veterans: Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 114: 2-4 | Postal Bills: Various | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 114: 5 | S 200: Anti-Trust Against DuPont | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 114: 6 | Payments to School Districts | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 114: 7-8 | S 1046: Amend Labor Standards Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 115: 1 | Fair Trade Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 115: 2 | Nuclear Arms-Info to Other Nations | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 115: 3 | S 94 & 1083: Fair Trade Bills | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 1 | Statehood for Hawaii | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 2 | S 19: Create Senate Veterans Comm | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 3 | Draft Law | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 4 | Turbine Contract to British Firm | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 5 | Spending and the Housing Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 6 | Shoe Labeling Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 7-8 | HR 4245: Life Insurance Tax Laws | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 9 | Turbine Contract to British Firm | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 10 | Nuclear Testing | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 116: 11 | Federal Aid to Depressed Areas | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 1 | Development Loan Fund | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 2 | HR 10: Deductions for Self-employed | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 3 | Armed Services: Officers Pensions | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 4 | Natl Science Awards-Congrats | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 5 | Ban Alcohol on Aircraft | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 6-7 | Deductions for the Self-employed | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 8-9 | Ban Alcohol on Aircraft | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 10-11 | S 11: Amend Robinson: Patman Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 117: 12 | Nuclear Testing | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 118: 1 | Postal Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 118: 2-3 | S 948: Revise Tariff Laws (Art Work) | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 118: 4-5 | S 96: Nuclear Test Negotiations | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 118: 6 | Corresp Pro Mutual Security Program | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 118: 7-9 | Leg to Reduce Oil Depletion Rate | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 1 | Federal Aid to Education | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 2 | Life Insurance Co. Tax Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 3 | Beacon-Newburgh Bridge: Aid for | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 4-5 | Lewis Strauss for Sec of Commerce | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 6 | Stamp to Honor Ignace Paderewski | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 7 | Social Security | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 8 | Agriculture: Superior Service Awards | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 9 | Natl Defense Education Act: Funds | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 10 | Court Decisions on O of S Business | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 11 | Quota on Glove Imports & Min Wage | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 12-13 | Red China Expelled from Olympics | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 14 | Columbus Day-a Friendship Day | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 15 | Balanced Budget | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 16 | S 105: Vets Children Scholarships | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 17 | TVA Bond Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 18 | American Natl Art Exhibit to Moscow | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 19 | S 160: Amend Alien Adoption Law | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 20 | St. Ann's Cemetery as Historic Site | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 119: 21 | HR 8305: Amend Fed Credit Union Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 1 | Mutual Security Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 2 | S 1138: GI Education Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 3 | Postmastership at New York City | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 4 | Tax Deduction for Commuting Costs | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 5 | Admin of Aid Program in Vietnam | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 6 | Refugee Immigration Legislation | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 7 | Castle Point Vet Admin Hospital | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 8 | HR 8305: Amend Fed Credit Union Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 9 | HR 2411: Importing of Wood Molding | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 10 | S 73: Comm on National Fuel Policy | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 11 | S 57: Opposition to Veto: Housing | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 12 | Public Works Bill: Support of Veto | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 13 | Atlantic Convention Res-Support of | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 14 | S 2663: Relief for American Industry | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 15 | Foreign Aid: Information to Congress | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 16 | Interstate Commerce: State Tax of | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 17 | Senators to Hawaii for 50th State | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 18 | Thank You's to Others at Congress | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 19 | Draper Comm on Population Growth | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 20 | Corresp on Misc Economic Issues | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 21 | Steel Strike | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 22 | Deductions for Self-Employed | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 23 | More Govt Control Over Strikes | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 24 | Steel Strike | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 25 | Merger of Erie Railroad | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 26 | KBK Congrats on Good Citizen. Award | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 27 | Misc | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 28 | Arab Republic into Internatl Bank | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 29 | SJ Res 127-Teachers of the Deaf | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 30 | Slaughter of Albatross-Sand Island | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 120: 31 | S 37: Omnibus Housing Bill | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 1 | Health Insurance for Civil Servants | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 2-3 | Federal Highway Program | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 4 | S 1046: Kennedy Bill: Labor Standards | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 5 | S 1331 & S 1450: Railroad Problems | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 6 | HR 10: Self-employed: Retirement Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 7 | S 1551: Aircarrier Rates | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 8 | Health Insurance for Civil Servants | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 121: 9-10 | S 2167: Protection of Wild Horses | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 122: 1 | HR 7650: Veterans Pension Act | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 122: 2 | Aircraft Noise Problem in NYC | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 122: 3 | Letters of Appreciation to KBK | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 122: 4 | Misc | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 122: 5 | Appreciation of KBK & Labor Reform | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 122: 6-10 | Misc | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 123: 1 | Recommendations for Academies | 1959 | S Resolutions | |
2: 123: 2 | Misc | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 123: 3 | Wilderness Bill | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 123: 4-5 | Non-Committee Legislation | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 124: 1-2 | Steel Strike | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 124: 3-5 | World Bank Loan for Suez Canal | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 124: 6 | Steel Strike | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 124: 7 | Taft-Hartley & Landrum-Griffin Bill | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 124: 8 | Anti-Semitism | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 124: 9 | Arab Boycott of Israel-Suez Canal | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 124: 10-12 | Fed Aid to Education: Connally Bill | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 1 | Social Security for Fed Employees | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 2 | Sec of State Able to Deny Passports | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 3-5 | Civil Rights | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 6-7 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 8 | Equal Rights and Social Security | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 9 | Equal Pay for Retired Servicemen | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 10 | Ban Alcohol Aboard Aircraft | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 11 | Federal Aid to Education | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 12 | Civil Rights | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 13-14 | Taxation of Cooperatives | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 15 | Veterans Administration: Castle Point Hospital | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 16 | Aid for the Blind | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 125: 17 | Petitions for WWI Veteran Pensions | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 126: 1 | Taxes: Individual Retirement Funds | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 126: 2-3 | Grave of Samuel Wilson: National Shrine | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 126: 4 | Honor Uncle Sam Wilson | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 126: 5 | Federal Aid to Medical Students | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 126: 6 | Increase Social Security Benefits | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 126: 7-8 | Increase Minimum Wage | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 1 | Scholarship Recipients-Loyalty Oath | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 2 | Social Security & Health Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 3 | Budget: State of the Economy | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 4 | Cancer Research-Crash Program | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 5 | Assorted Issues | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 6 | Invitation to film "On the Beach" | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 7-8 | Minimum Wage | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 9 | Misc | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 10 | St. Ann's Cemetery as Historic Site | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 127: 11 | Taxes: Individual Retirement Funds | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 128: 1 | Steel Strike | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 128: 2 | Taxation: 20% Cabaret Tax | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 128: 3 | Social Security: Single Retirees | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 128: 4-6 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 128: 7 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 128: 8 | Loyalty Oath-Scholarship Recipients | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 129: 1-3 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 129: 4 | Misc | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 129: 5-6 | Industry & Labor-Low Cost Imports | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 129: 7 | Social Security | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 129: 8 | Natl Wilderness Preservation Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 130: 1 | Arms Control & Disarmament | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 130: 2 | Budget: State of the Economy | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 130: 3-5 | S 105: Vets Children Scholarship Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 130: 6 | Wilderness Bill | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 130: 7 | Federal Aid to Education | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 1 | Federal Aid to Education | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 2 | Natl Defense Education Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 3 | Cuba-Relations with US | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 4 | Connally Amendment | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 5 | S 94: Repeal Connally Amendment | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 6 | Federal Aid to Education | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 7 | Federal Aid-Highways | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 8-9 | Fed Aid to Education: Private School | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 10 | Natl Defense Educations Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 11 | S Con Res 83: Renew UN Charter | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 131: 12 | Guides Distribution System | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 132: 1 | Taxation: Deducting Leg Expenses | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 132: 2 | HR 132: Social Security Legislation | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 132: 3 | Internatl Claims Settlement Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 132: 4 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 132: 5 | Social Security for Physicians | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 132: 6-7 | Mutual Security: Appropriations Bill | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 132: 8 | Senior Citizens-Medical Aid | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 1-2 | Natl Ser Life Insurance: Eligibility | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 3 | Aged-Health Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 4 | Commemorative Stamp: Dr Jesse Torrey | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 5 | FAA-Complaints (KBK Responses) | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 6 | Tariff: No Further Reductions | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 7 | Senate Veterans Affairs Committee | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 8 | Defense: Budget | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 9 | Misc | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 10 | Internal Security: Dr. Linus Pauling | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 11 | Protocol of Signature-Executive N | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 133: 12 | Minimum Wage | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 134: 1-2 | Labor: On-Site Picketing | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 134: 3 | Humane Slaughter of Animals | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 134: 4-7 | Railroads: Legislation | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 135: 1 | Repeal of Connally Amendment | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 135: 2 | Fair Trade: Legislation | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 135: 3-5 | Fair Labor Standards Act: Min Wage | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 135: 6-7 | Defense and Space Status | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 135: 8 | Labor & Management-McClellan Comm | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 135: 9 | Labor: Newspaper Strike-Portland Or. | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 1 | Taxes: National Reforms | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 2 | Reserve Officers Personnel Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 3 | Pornographic Material: Curbs on | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 4-5 | Mutual Security: Freedom of the Seas | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 6 | Agriculture: American Farm Bureau | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 7 | Agriculture: Wheat | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 8 | Defense: U-2 Incident | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 9 | Taxes: Transportation Excise Tax | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 10 | Comm of One Million (Con Red China) | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 136: 11 | Social Security: Increase Benefits | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 1-3 | Health Insurance for Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 4-6 | Post Office & Civil Service: Salary | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 7 | Trade "Offer" List | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 8 | Republican Convention | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 9 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 10 | Post Office: 1st Class Mail by Plane | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 11 | Relief for Brush Industry | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 12 | HR 11207: Small Business Admin | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 13 | Health Insurance for Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 14 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 15 | Health Insurance for Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 16 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 17 | PL 78-Mexican Farm Labor Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 18 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 19 | Internal Security Committee: Communism | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 20 | Candidates for Re-Election | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 21 | Dedication Day: Gettysburg Address | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 22 | Service Roads on Private Property | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 23 | Labor: Pennsylvania Railroad Strike | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 24 | Fair Labor Standards Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 137: 25 | Education: Classroom Teacher's Medal | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 1 | Religious Broadcasting-WABC | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 2 | Thank You to Senate Staff | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 3 | United Nation-Khrushchev's Visit | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 4 | March of Dimes Scholarship | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 5-6 | Internal Security: Dr. Linus Pauling | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 7 | Electoral College | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 8 | Internal Security: Dr. Linus Pauling | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 9 | Agriculture: Milk Prices | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 10 | Conference on Automation: NY | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 138: 11 | Tariff & Trade: Relief for Industry | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 1 | State Department: Panamanian Canal Zone | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 2 | Congrats NY State Bar Exam | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 3-4 | Thank You-for Personal Appearances | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 5 | Communication-Pay TV | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 6 | Service Roads on Private Property | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 7 | Social Security: Tips as Income | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 8 | Crashes of Lockheed Electras | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 9 | Election: Endorsement in 1964 | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 10 | Election: Republican Ticket (Nixon-Lodge) | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 11 | Armed Services: Dependents Overseas | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 12 | Armed Services: Mitchell Air Force Base | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 13 | Elections: Fraud Precautions | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 14 | Civil & Defense Mobilization | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 15 | Employment: Navy Shipyard, Brooklyn | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 16 | House Unamerican Activities Comm | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 17 | Inflation-State of the Economy | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 18 | Humane Trapping Bill | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 19 | US Military Academy-Applications | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 139: 20 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 140: 1 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 140: 2 | Social Security | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 140: 3-5 | Postal Workers-Benefits | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 140: 6 | Taxes: 20% Cabaret Tax | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 140: 7 | Defense: Testing of Nuclear Weapons | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 141: 1 | S 105: Vet Children Scholarship Bill | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 141: 2-3 | Fed Pollution Control Act: Sewage | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 141: 4 | Military Spending | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 141: 5 | United World Federalists | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 141: 6-8 | Connally Amendment | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 142: 1-2 | Connally Amendment | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 142: 3 | Taxes: Fed Telephone Exise Tax | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 142: 4-5 | Postal Employee Raise | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 142: 6-7 | Passenger Train Service Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 143: 1-2 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 144: 1 | Connally Amendment | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 144: 2 | SJ Res 174-Lower the Deficit | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 144: 3 | Post Office: 3rd Class Mail Rates | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 144: 4 | State Department: Economic Aid to Congo | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 144: 5 | Social Security Legislation | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 144: 6 | HR 10: Taxing Retirement Funds | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 144: 7-9 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 145: 1 | Misc Subjects | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 145: 2 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 145: 3-4 | SJ Res 174-Budget Amendment | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 145: 5-6 | Educational Exchange Grant-Congrats | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 1 | Educational Exchange Act: Congrats | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 2 | NYS Teenage Republicans: Salute | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 3 | Public Works: Irondequoit Bay | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 4 | National Defense Education Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 5 | Defense: NY Navy Shipyard-Labor | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 6 | National Defense Education Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 7 | Public Works: Irondequoit Bay | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 8 | Defense: Stewart Air Force Base | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 9 | Federal Credit Union | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 10 | Civil War Battle Field Parks | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 11 | Veterans: Castle Point VA Hospital | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 12 | General Motors Scholarship-Congrats | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 13 | Internal Security: Legislation | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 14 | Labor: Non-profit Institutions | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 15 | Defense: Non-Military Hardware | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 16 | Civil Service: Retirement Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 17 | Resignation of Ambassador C.B. Luce | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 18 | Health: Fluoridation of Water | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 19 | Health Inspector Warrant Exemption | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 20 | Vets Childrens Scholarship Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 21 | S 57: Housing Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 146: 22-23 | Federal Aid to Education | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 1 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 2 | Trade & Tariff: Playing Cards | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 3 | Post Office: Parcel Post Limitations | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 4 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 5 | Civil Service: Pay Increase | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 6 | HR 7242: Amend Bankruptcy Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 7 | Labor: On-Site Picketing | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 8-9 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 10 | HR 10213: Emergency Homeowners Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 11 | U-2 Incident | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 12 | Mutual Security: Freedom of the Seas | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 13 | Anti-Trust: Sports-KeFauver Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 147: 14 | National Service Life Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 148: 1 | House Unamerican Activities Comm | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 148: 2 | National Service Life Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 148: 3-6 | Humane Treatment of Animals | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 148: 7 | Railroads: Freight Car Supply | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 148: 8 | Owner-Management Pension Funds | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 148: 9-10 | Labor: Norris-LaGuardia Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 1 | Anti-Trust: Sports-KeFauver Act | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 2 | Civil Service: Pay Increases | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 3 | Freedom Shrine Construction in DC | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 4 | Veterans: Benefits | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 5 | Post Office: Pay Increases | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 6 | Corporate Dividend Tax Credit | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 7 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 149: 8-14 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 1-2 | Deduction for Internatl Students | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 3 | Civil Rights | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 4-5 | Government Employees-Pay Raises | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 6 | Trade: Marking of Foreign Goods | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 7 | Training Teachers for the Deaf | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 8 | Bishop James Walsh-Red China | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 9 | U-2 Incident | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 10-11 | Labor: On-Site Picketing | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 12 | Veterans: Medical Services | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 150: 13 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1960 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 1 | Corps of Engineers: To Detroit | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 2 | Alan Shepard: Ticker-Tape Parade | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 3 | Naval Property: Long Island | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 4 | Combat Russian Gains in Space | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 5 | Fed Aid to Depressed Areas | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 6-7 | Fed Aid to Private Schools (Con) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 8-10 | Education: Aid to Cuban Refugees | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 151: 11 | Misc Subjects | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 1 | Federal Aid to Education | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 2-5 | S 993: Feed Grain Bill | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 6 | Agriculture: Admin Farm Bill | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 7 | Farm Bill & Social Security | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 8 | Anti-Trust: Natural Gas Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 9-10 | Civil Rights | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 11 | Civil Ser & Post Office: Retirement | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 12 | Congratulations: Science Talent Search | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 13 | Congrats: National Science Foundation | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 14 | Congratulations: NATO Fellowship in Science | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 15 | Congratulations: Senior Visiting Fellowship | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 16 | Congratulations: 4 Year Merit Scholarship | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 17 | Defense: Closing NY Naval Shipyard | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 152: 18 | S 721: Funds for Private Shipyards | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 153: 1-2 | Correspondence: Generaleral Topics | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 153: 3-4 | KBK Standard Answers | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 153: 5 | Service Academy Recommendations | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 153: 6-8 | Access to Berlin | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 153: 9-13 | Congratulations: Educational Exchange Grant | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 153: 14 | S 2429: Amend Lanham Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 153: 15 | Opposition to Farm Program | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 1 | Defense | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 2 | Internal Security Subcommittee | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 3-4 | Misc Subjects | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 5 | Adolph Heusinger-Nazi to NATO Post | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 6 | Fed Government-Size and Scope | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 7 | HR 3314: Annuities for Govt Workers | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 8 | Civil Service Employees | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 9 | S 188: Fed Employees Retirement | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 10-11 | FCC: Television Expansion (UHF) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 12 | Internal Security Subcommittee | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 13 | Filibuster Rule | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 154: 14 | Foreign Policy | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 155: 1-6 | Misc Subjects | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 156: 1-3 | Foreign Aid: JF Kennedy Proposal-Pro | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 156: 4 | Foreign Aid: JF Kennedy Proposal-Con | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 156: 5 | Foreign Aid: JF Kennedy Proposal | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 156: 6-7 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 157: 1-8 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 157: 9 | Krebiozen Cure for Cancer | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 158: 1-5 | Humane Treatment of Animals | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 158: 6 | Water Pollution Control | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 158: 7 | S 1071: Community Health Service Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 158: 8 | S 686: Immigration & Naturalization | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 158: 9 | SJ Res 29-A. Hamilton Natl Monument | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 158: 10 | Natl Wilderness Preservation Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 1-3 | Connally Amendment: World Court | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 4 | Electoral College | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 5 | Mitchell Air Force Base | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 6 | Congratulations: Chairmanship of Comm | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 7 | Congratulations: English Achievement Award | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 8 | Defense: Number of Dependents Abroad | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 9 | Federal Aid for Private Schools | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 10-11 | Rules Committee: Fillibuster Rule XXII | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 12 | Arab/Israeli Hostilities | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 159: 13 | Increase Allowances for Diplomats | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 160: 1 | Economic Coop & Development-OECD | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 160: 2-3 | Government Operations: JFK Program | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 160: 4-6 | Government Operations: Size & Scope | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 160: 7 | Federal Aid to Private Schools | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 160: 8 | JFK Program-Fed Aid for Education | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 160: 9-10 | Federal Aid for Education | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 1-2 | Federal Aid for Education | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 3 | Fed Aid to Segregated Schools | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 3 | Trade with Communist Nations | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 4 | S 1021: Fed Aid for Education | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 5-8 | Education: Aid to Private Schools | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 9 | Misc Subjects | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 10 | Schools for Cuban Refugees (Con) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 161: 11 | Federal Aid to Education | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 1-2 | Welfare Regulations-Newburgh, NY | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 3 | Strategic Materials to Soviet Bloc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 4 | HR 879: Increase Vets Compensation | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 5-6 | S 1722: Competitive Practices Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 7-8 | Health Insurance For the Aged | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 9 | Air Force Reserve-Unit Salaries | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 10 | Proposed Dept of Urban Affairs | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 11 | S 105: Protection for Golden Eagle | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 12 | Export of Rockets to UAR (KBK Con) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 13 | Judge Diamond-US Court of Appeals | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 14 | Congrats: NY State Bar Exam | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 15 | Proposed Disarmament Agency | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 162: 16 | HR 259-A: KBK Bill | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 1-3 | Proposed Disarmament Agency | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 4-5 | Currency: Remove "In God We Trust" | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 6 | Labor Legislation | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 7-9 | Freight Forwarding Industry | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 10-11 | Red China-Recognition of | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 12 | Aircraft Noise near New York City | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 13-14 | Food Shipments to Communist Nations | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 15 | Recognition of Outer Mongolia | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 163: 16 | JFK Proposed Reorganization of NLRB | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 1-2 | Recognition of Outer Mongolia | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 3 | Berlin Crisis: JFK Special Message | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 4 | Cuba-Hijackings | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 5 | Jamaica Bay Seawall | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 6-7 | HR 10: Deduction for Self-employed | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 8 | S 134: Comm on Veteran's Affairs | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 9 | Anti-Trust -Drug Industry | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 10 | Berlin Crisis: JFK Toward Soviets | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 11-13 | Foreign Aid Lending Program | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 14 | HR 3745 & HR 4611: Pensions: WWI Vets | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 15 | Federal Employees-Hazard Pay | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 16 | Balanced Budget: Domestic Programs | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 17 | Cuba-JFK Omission in Message | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 164: 18 | S 174: Wilderness Preservation Bill | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 1 | S 174: Wilderness Preservation Bill | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 2-6 | Internal Security Comm & HUAC | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 7-8 | Shipment of Ballbearings to Russia | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 9 | HR 2302: Outlaw Communist Party | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 10-12 | Internal Security: John Birch Soc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 13 | Internal Security: Anti-Communist | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 14 | HUAC-Film "Operation Abolition" | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 15 | Pillion's War on Communism | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 16 | Labor: NY Harbor Dispute | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 17 | JFK Cabinet Invited to KBK TV Show | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 165: 18 | Labor: NY Harbor Dispute | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 1 | Labor: Union Abuses of Power | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 2-6 | Labor: Increase Minimum Wage | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 7-8 | Labor: Common Situs Picketing | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 9 | Labor: Minimum Wage Increases | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 10 | Fair Labor Standards Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 11 | Labor: Union Practices | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 12 | Labor: Minimum Wage Legislation | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 166: 13 | Labor: Strikes, Space Projects | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 1-2 | 87th Congress: Miscellaneous Legislation | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 3 | New York State Matters | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 4 | New York State: Public Works | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 5-6 | Nominations | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 7 | Nuclear Testing Resumption | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 8 | Applications: Senate Intern, Summer | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 9 | Post Office & Civil Ser Comm Leg | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 10-15 | S 188: Postal Employees Retirement | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 16 | House Rules Committee | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 167: 17 | Social Security: Buildings | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 1 | Migrant Farmers | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 2 | Federal Communications Act: Sec 315 | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 3-6 | Tax Legislation: Savings Banks | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 7 | UN in the Congo (Katanga Province) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 8 | Proposed Disarmament Agency | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 9 | Foreign Aid Bill: Byrd Amendment | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 10 | Berlin Crisis | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 11 | Mitchell Air Force Base | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 12 | Communist Education in Military | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 13-14 | Anti-Trust : DuPont-Gen Motors Case | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 15 | S 2452: Taxes & Mining Companies | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 16-17 | Anti-Trust : DuPont-Gen Motors Case | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 18 | Communist Education in Military | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 19 | Alien Orphan Adoption Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 20 | Exports to Soviet Bloc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 21 | NY Central Railroad-Freight Service | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 168: 22 | Radio Program: "The Voice of Hope" | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 1 | Anti-Trust : DuPont-Gen Motors Case | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 2 | Aircraft Noise-Near New York City | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 3 | Foreign Aid | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 4 | Internal Security: Hunter Testimony | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 5 | Seneca Indians | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 6 | Foreign Aid to Communist Supporters | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 7 | Nuclear Testing-Resumption | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 8 | HR 856: Vets Insurance & Disability | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 9 | Proposed Dept of Urban Affairs | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 10-11 | First Class Mail-Rate Increase | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 12 | World Government | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 13 | Exports to Soviet Bloc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 14-15 | Taxes: Savings & Loan Associations | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 16 | Railroads: Depreciation Allowances | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 17 | Communist Education in Military | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 18 | Hostilities in the Congo | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 169: 19 | Foreign Policy: OECD | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 1 | Connally Amendment | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 2-3 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 4-5 | S 109: Foreign Policy: Ireland | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 6 | Foreign Policy: Cuban Prisoners | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 7 | Foreign Policy: West Berlin | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 8-9 | Education: Federal Aid | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 10 | Natl Defense Education Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 170: 11 | Education: Federal Aid | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 171: 1 | Education: Federal Aid | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 171: 2 | Grants for Sectarian Colleges | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 171: 3 | Education: Fed Aid to Private School | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 171: 4 | Natl Defense Education Act (Con) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 171: 5 | Federal Government-Financing | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 171: 6 | Foreign Aid: JFK Proposals (Pro) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 172: 1 | S 792: Deduction of Educational Fees | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 172: 2 | Taxes: Corporate Dividends | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 172: 3 | Taxes: Overall Tax Reform | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 172: 4 | Taxes: JFK Statement | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 172: 5-8 | Taxes on Real Estate: JFK Proposal | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 1 | Taxes: Corporate Dividend & Interest | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 2 | Taxes: Limit on Business Expenses | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 3 | Taxes: ACOPOLL Ballot No. 61 | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 4 | S 1478: Administration Housing Bill | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 5-6 | Veterans: National Service Life Insurance | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 7 | S 62: Vets Childrens Scholarship Act | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 8 | Veterans: National Service Life Insurance | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 9 | Transportation: NYS Route 87 | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 173: 10 | Transportation: Highway Financing | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 1-2 | Transportation: Gasoline Tax (Con) | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 3 | Transportation: Railroads | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 4 | Transportation: Outdoor Advertising | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 5 | Truckers-Rate Discrimination by ICC | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 6-7 | Taxes: Corporate Dividend & Interest | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 8 | HR 2490: Income Tax Exemptions | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 9-10 | Trade: Tourists & Duty-Free Goods | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 174: 11 | Trade: Textiles-Imports | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 175: 1 | HR 879: Vets Disability Compensation | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 175: 2-7 | Taxes: Corporate Dividend & Interest | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 176: 1-4 | Misc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 176: 5-7 | Health Care for the Aged | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 176: 8 | Tariffs: Carpet Industry | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 176: 9-10 | Health Care for the Aged | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 176: 11 | Congo-Katanga Province | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 176: 12 | Humane Treatment for Lab Animals | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 176: 13-15 | Misc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 177: 1-6 | Misc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 178: 1-3 | Misc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 178: 4-5 | Communist Threat | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 178: 6 | Berlin Crisis | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 178: 7 | Congratulations: Woodrow Wilson Fellowship | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 178: 8 | Connally Amendment: World Court | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 178: 9 | Taxes: Corporate Dividend & Interest | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 178: 10 | HR 347: Eastern Orthodox Church | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 1 | Brooklyn Army Terminal | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 2 | Postcards-Praise for KBK's Work | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 3 | Sale of Jets to Yugoslavia | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 4-6 | Drug Industry | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 7 | Trade with Soviet Bloc Countries | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 8 | Military Reservists: Extended Duty | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 9 | Stamp for Garden Club of America | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 10 | Communist Threat | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 11 | Request for Return of Tapes & Films | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 12 | Wiretapping Legislation | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 13 | Foreign Aid: Communist Ally Nations | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 14 | Nuclear Testing | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 179: 15 | State Department: Employees-Fired | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 1-3 | Foreign Aid | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 4 | NYC Milk Distributors Strike | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 5 | KBK Thank Yous: Grand Cross of Malta | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 6 | US Currency in Foreign Lands | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 7-8 | Nuclear Testing | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 9-11 | Military Reservists: Extended Duty | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 12-13 | Taxes: Corporate Dividend & Interest | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 14-15 | American Nazi Party | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 16 | KBK Congratulations: Local Election Winners | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 17-18 | Military: Air Crash in Virginia | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 19 | Veterans Administration: Office Closing | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 180: 20-21 | Military Reservists: Extended Duty | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 1 | Military Reservists: Extended Duty | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 2-5 | Misc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 6-7 | Military Reservists: Extended Duty | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 8-10 | US/USSR Relations: Peace Disarmament | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 11 | Misc | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 12-13 | Congo-Katanga Province | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 14 | India-Aggression in Goa | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 181: 15 | Genocide Convention | 1961 | S Resolutions | |
2: 182: 1 | Abelard Reynolds School #42 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 2 | Additional Judges for Fed Court | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 3 | Adopted Orphans | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 4 | Admin Assistant to Members of House | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 5 | Intergovernmental Relations: Comm | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 6 | Agriculture: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 7 | Agriculture: Price Supports | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 8 | Trade Development & Assistance Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 9 | Airlines Anti-Trust Immunity | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 10-11 | Alcoholic Beverages Aboard Aircraft | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 12 | Allow 18 Year-olds to Vote | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 13 | American Shipping | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 14 | Animals Used in Special Activities | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 15 | S 2325: Amend Annual Sick Leave Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 16 | Anti-Bugging Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 17 | Anti-Inflation Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 18 | Anti-Trust in Auto Finance | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 19 | Anti-Trust Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 20 | Apprenticeship Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 21 | Appropriations: Miscellaneous Subjects | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 22 | Appropriations: Back Door Financing | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 23 | Civil War Battlefields | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 24 | Civil War Centennial Comm | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 25 | Appropriations: Research Grants | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 26 | New Senate Office Building | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 27 | Appropriations: Coast Guard | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 28 | Architect: Capital Appointment | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 29 | Area Redevelopment Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 30 | Armed Services: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 31 | Armed Services Procurement Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 32 | Army & Air Force: Dental Care | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 33 | Army Reserve Legislation: Misc | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 34 | Army/Navy Gen Hospital: Transfer | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 35 | Atlantic Convention Resolution | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 36 | Atomic Energy for Mutual Defense | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 37 | Automobiles in Interstate Commerce | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 38 | Automobiles: Dealers | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 39 | Automobiles: Financing | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 40 | Automobiles: Safety | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 41 | Awards-Army Chaplains | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 42 | Back Door Spending | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 43 | Banking Structure Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 44 | Bank Mergers: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 45 | Self-Expression for the Blind | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 46 | Bombing | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 47 | Bretton Woods Agreement Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 48 | Budget: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 49 | Cancer: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 50 | Capital Punishment | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 51 | Captive Nations Week Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 52 | Casein-Imports on | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 53 | Chiropractors | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 54 | Chiropractic Treatment for Veterans | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 55-56 | Civil Rights Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 57 | Civil Service Employees Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 58 | Civil Service: Professional Rank | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 59 | Civil War Centennial Medals | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 60 | Claim Settlement Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 61 | Coal Research & Development Comm | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 62 | Code of Ethics | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 63 | Color Additive Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 64 | Columbus Day-Legal Holiday | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 65 | Communism: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 66 | Communist Controlled Countries | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 67 | Communism Taught in Schools | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 68 | Communicable Diseases in Livestock | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 69 | Communications Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 70 | Community Antenna Systems | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 71 | Conflicting Interest Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 72 | Constitutional Amendment | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 73 | Construction at Military Posts | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 74 | Contracts for Custodial Services | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 75 | Consumers Act of 1959 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 76 | Atlantic Convention of Democracies | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 77 | Cooperatives | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 78 | Cotton Textile Industry | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 79 | Crew Leader | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 80 | Curtis Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 81 | Customs Officers-Claims | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 82 | Customs Court Employees | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 83 | Customs: Enforcement Division | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 84 | Davis Bacon Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 85 | Day Care Assistance | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 86 | Dedication Day | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 87 | Defense Production Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 88 | Consumers: Department of | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 89 | Military: Dental Care | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 90 | Military Dependents-Dental Care | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 91 | Deterrent Power | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 92 | Dinosaur National Park | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 93 | Representation for Washington DC | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 94 | Washington DC Transit System | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 95 | Washington DC-Home Rule | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 96 | Draft Law | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 97 | DuPont Case-Government Proposal | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 98 | Dye Used in Coloring Oranges | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 99 | Bank Mergers: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 182: 100 | Bankruptcy Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 1 | Education Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 2 | Federal Aid to Education | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 3 | Fed Aid to Higher Education | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 4 | Education: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 4 | Education: School Bills | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 5 | Education: Nursing Grants | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 6 | Natl Defense Education Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 7 | Teachers: Salaries | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 8 | Teachers of the Deaf | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 9 | Educational TV Facilities | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 10 | Federal Aid to Universities | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 11 | Election Day-Change to Sunday | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 12 | Electoral College | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 13 | Electors | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 14 | Election Reforms: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 15 | Employment Security Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 16 | Statue of Taras Shevchero | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 17 | Fair Bidding Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 18 | Farm Labor Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 19 | Federal Aid to Depressed Areas | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 20 | Farm Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 21 | Federal Airport Aid Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 22 | Federal Boating Regulations | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 23 | Federal Bureau of Investigation-FBI | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 24 | Federal Communications: Equal Time | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 25 | Federal Credit Union Bills | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 26 | FDIC Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 27 | Federal Economic Policy | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 28 | Fed Employees-Motor Vehicle Suits | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 29 | Fed Employees-Attny General-Suits | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 30 | Fed Employees-Removals, Suspensions | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 31 | Federal Fair Trade Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 32 | Federal Lottery | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 33 | Federal Property & Admin Act: Amend | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 34 | Federal Relations Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 35 | Federal Ship Mortgage Insurance | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 36 | Fed/State Economic Relations | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 37 | Federal Reserve Act: Amend | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 38 | Federal Voter Registration Comm | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 39 | Federal Welfare Pension Plan Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 40 | 5th Amendment: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 41 | Filibuster: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 42 | Firefighters: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 43 | Foreign Aid: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 44 | Fluorspar Production Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 45 | Developmental Loan Fund | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 46 | Foreign Service Academy | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 47 | Franchise Dealer Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 48 | Franked Airmail for Congress | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 49 | S 1789: Freight Car Rate Increase | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 50 | S 1129: Gambling Information | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 51 | General Aniline Corp | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 52 | General Services Admin: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 53 | Gold Star Lapel Buttons | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 54 | Government Employees | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 55 | Government Insurance Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 56-57 | Government Spending | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 58 | Great Lakes Vessels on the Ocean | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 59 | Great Lake Vessel Pilots | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 60 | Great White Fleet | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 61 | Habeas Corpus Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 62 | Great Lakes: Lake Mich. Water to Il | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 63 | Hatch Act: Hawaii | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 64 | Health Insurance | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 65 | Highways: National Systems | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 66 | Hiss Law: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 67 | Holidays Celebrated on Fri or Mon | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 68 | Home Rule in Washington DC | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 183: 69 | Federal Aid to Hospitals | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 1 | HR 5096: Fed Tax on Housing Bonds | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 2 | HR 8181: 8192: Housing Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 3 | House Un-American Activities Comm | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 4 | Humane Slaughter: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 5 | Humane Trapping Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 6 | Import Duties on Lead & Zinc | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 7 | Immigration | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 8 | HR 5132: Incentive Payments Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 9 | Independent Tire Dealers | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 10 | Indiana Sand Dunes | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 184: 11-12 | Industrial Security Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 1 | Inflation: "War on Inflation" | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 2 | Inflation & Govt Spending | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 3 | Interfaith Day Resolution | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 4 | Internal Revenue Code-Sec 1572 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 5 | Internal Revenue Code-Sec 4242 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 6 | IRS Increase Enforcement Personnel | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 7 | S 2652: Internal Security | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 8 | Internal Security Subcomm | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 9 | International Air Transportation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 10 | International Claims Settlement Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 11 | S 1711: Internatl Food Peace Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 12 | International Medical Research | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 13 | S 1094: International Monetary Fund | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 14 | S 600: Interstate Commerce Commis | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 15 | S 106: Ireland: Unification of | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 16 | S 811: Iron Mine Safety Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 17 | Italian-American War Veterans | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 18 | Item Veto | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 19 | Jencks Case | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 20 | Jenkins-Keogh Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 21 | HR 5921: Juke Boxes: Copyright Law | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 22 | Juvenile Court Bill: Washington DC | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 23 | Juvenile Delinquency: Misc | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 24 | HR 5778: Label Hardwood Products | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 25 | S 1978: Labeling Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 26 | Labor Legislation: Misc | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 27 | Labor | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 28 | Child Labor Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 29 | Labor: Closed Shop | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 30 | Labor: Unionize NYC Police Force | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 31 | Fair Labor Standards Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 185: 32 | Labor: Featherbedding Practices | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 186: 1 | Labor: Minimum Wage Rate | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 186: 2 | Labor: Management Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 186: 3-4 | Labor Reform Legislation: Vol 1 & 2 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 1 | Labor Relations Problems | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 2 | Labor: Secondary Boycott | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 3 | Labor: Secret Ballot | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 4 | Labor: Arbitration Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 5 | Labor: Taft-Hartley Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 6 | S 1617: Jurisdiction Over Land | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 7 | Libraries: Miscellaneous Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 187: 8 | Long Island to Become 51st State | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 1 | S 122: Violent Actions from Mail | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 2 | Mallory Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 3 | Mandatory Functional Discounts | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 4 | HR 8388: Maritime Subsidies | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 5 | S 1065: Merchant Marine Vets | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 6 | Merchant Marine-Registry of Vessels | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 7 | S 1047: Merchant Marine Academy | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 8 | Federal Agencies-Attorneys Practice | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 9 | Middle East: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 10 | Mergers-Communications Misc | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 11 | HR 88: Military Discharges | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 12 | S 269: Military Pay Act of 1958 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 13 | Military Reserves Service Time | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 14 | Missile & Space Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 15 | Model Aviation Week | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 16 | Fed Motor Vehicle Saftey Standards | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 17-18 | Mutual Security Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 19 | S 89: National Allergy Month | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 20 | National Defense Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 21 | National Defense Education Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 22 | National Flower of the US | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 23 | National Park Service Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 24 | National Sanitation Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 25 | National Shut-In's Day | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 26 | National Transportation Week | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 27 | S 2168: Navy: Oleo vs Butter Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 28 | Navy-Change Pay Days | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 29 | NY-NJ Transportation Agency Compact | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 30 | New York State Arts Council | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 31 | NY State Grange Leg Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 32 | Reporters & Clergymen Info Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 33 | Nuclear Arms Info to Other Nations | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 188: 34 | Nuclear Testing Ban | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 1 | Obscene Literature | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 2 | Office of Federal Admin Practice | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 3 | Oil Depletion Allowances | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 4 | Omnibus Authorization Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 5 | Oregon Sand Dunes | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 6 | Organized Crime: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 7 | Outdoor Advertising | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 8 | Overseas Citizenship Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 9 | Oyster Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 10 | Panama Canal Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 11 | Panama Construction Annuity Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 12 | S 854: Park Police Pay Scales | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 13 | Patent Fees | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 14 | Patriotic Education Week | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 15 | Peace Officers Memorial Day | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 16 | Peacetime Conscription | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 17 | Peanut Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 18 | Pensions: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 19 | Physical Therapists Practice Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 20 | Plastic Garment Bags | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 21 | S J Res 121: Poll Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 22 | Port of New York: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 23 | Postal Employees: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 24 | Postal Legislation: Misc | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 25 | Postal Rates: Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 26 | Postal Savings System | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 27 | S 17: Potato Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 28 | S 442: Pre: Merger Notification Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 29 | Presidential Term | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 30 | S J Res 40: Presidential Inability | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 31 | Price Controls: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 32 | Prisoners of War Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 33 | Privilege Information Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 34 | Death of Last Civil War Veteran | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 35 | Procurement for Armed Services | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 36 | Proposed Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 37 | HR 2725: Protect Wild Horses | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 38 | HR 5401: Expenses of Congressmen | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 189: 39 | Public Defender Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 1 | Statehood for Puerto Rico | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 2 | Radiation Saftey Control | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 3 | Railroad Retirement | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 4 | Railroad Commuter Problems | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 5 | Railroad Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 6 | Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 7 | Recognition of Red China | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 8 | HR 7086: Renegotiation Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 9 | Rehabilitation Act of 1959 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 10 | Rent Control: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 11 | Prisoners of War in 19#5: 1947 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 12 | Reserve Officers: Personnel Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 13 | Reserve Officers: Incentive Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 14 | Reserve Officers: Chaplains | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 15 | Armed Services: Disability & Retirement | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 16 | S 269: Armed Forces Retired Members | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 17 | Retired Officers in Industry | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 18 | S 1502: Foreign Ser Officer: Pensions | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 19 | Retirement-Annuities GovernmentEmployees | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 20 | Retirement-Criminals & Benefits | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 21 | Retirement: DC Police & Firemen | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 22 | Retirement of Judges | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 23 | Retirement of Teachers | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 24 | S 806: Right to Travel | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 25 | Robinson-Patman Act Amendment | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 26 | HR 115: FD Roosevelt Memorial | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 27 | S 128: T. Roosevelt Centennial Comm | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 28 | S 21: Rural Electrification Loans | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 190: 29 | Right to Vote-18 years | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 1 | HR 7244: Savings & Loan Co. | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 2 | S 2460: Save Our Shoreline Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 3 | S 2010: Shore Areas for Recreation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 5 | Secrecy of the Confessional | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 6 | Senate Liberals | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 7 | S J Res 75: Senior Citizens Month | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 8 | S 492: Export Declaration Forms | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 9 | Shoe Labeling Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 10 | Small Business Act of 1958 | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 11 | Smith Act: Misc Corresp | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 12 | St. Ann's Cemetery as Historic Site | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 191: 13 | Social Security Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 1 | Social Security for Civil Employees | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 2 | S 704: Social Security for Students | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 3 | Soil Bank Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 4 | Sports: Anti-Trust Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 5 | Standard Sizes for Food Containers | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 6 | S 125: Solicitation of Funds by Mail | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 7 | Statehood for Hawaii | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 8 | Subscription Television | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 9 | Subsidies: Government | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 10 | Sugar Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 11 | Supreme Court Bills | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 12-13 | S 489: Surplus Food Distribution | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 14 | Surplus Property Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 15 | Tariff Act of 1930-Amendment | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 16 | HR 2411: Tariff on Wood Molding | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 17 | S 948: Tariff on Works of Art | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 18 | Taxes: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 19 | Cabaret Tax: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 192: 20 | Tax: Capital Gains | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 1 | Commutation Fares Deductible | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 2 | S 1169: Tax Credit: Health Insurance | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 3 | Dividend Credit Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 4 | Excise Taxes: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 5 | Tax Exemptions: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 6 | Tax Exemption for Legal Adoption | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 7 | Tax Exemption of Fed Power Projects | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 8 | Tax Exempt Religious Congregations | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 9 | Tax Exemption on US Savings Bonds | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 10 | Federal Estate Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 11 | Federal Tax Liens | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 12 | Taxation of Financial Institutions | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 13 | Foreign Investment Incentive Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 14 | Tax on Gasoline | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 15-16 | Income Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 17 | Income from Interstate Commerce: Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 18 | Income of Non-Residents of NYS: Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 19 | Taxability of Advertising Allowance | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 20 | HR 4245: Tax on Life Insurance Co. | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 21 | Taxation on Municipal Bonds | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 22 | HR 147: Tax on Certain Oils | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 23 | S 910: Payment in Lieu of Taxes | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 24 | Tax on Pensions | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 25 | Tax Problems of "Head of Household" | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 193: 26 | HR 6563: Real Estate Exemption | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 1 | Tax Reduction for Married Students | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 2 | Tax Reduction: Parents of Student | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 3 | Tax Relief to Brewers & Distillers | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 4 | Tax Relief: Physically Handicapped | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 5 | Tax Relief: Railroad Industry | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 6 | Tax Relief: Self-Employed Persons | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 7 | Tax Relief for Small Business | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 8 | Repeal of Fed Transportation Tax | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 9 | Tax on Safe Deposit Rentals | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 10 | Small Business Tax Adjustment Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 11 | Tax on Telegrams | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 12 | Tax on Telephone Service | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 13 | S 1958: Withholding Tax of US Seamen | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 14 | S 96: Teachers in Overseas Schools | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 15 | Term of Office in House | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 16 | HR 4821: Texas City Disaster Relief | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 17 | HR 5674: Title Insurance Industry | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 18 | S 1901: Tobacco Bill: Misc | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 19 | Tolls: New York State Thruway | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 20 | Tolls-St. Lawrence Seaway | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 21 | Tombstone Promotions | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 194: 22 | HR 4000: Townsend Plan Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 1 | S 1103: Trading with the Enemy Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 2-3 | Transportation Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 4 | Treasury Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 5 | HR 9035: Treasury Bonds Legislation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 6 | S 443: Regulate Importation of Tuna | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 7 | Turkey-Sale of Vessels for Trade | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 8-9 | Tennessee Valley Authority: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 10 | Unamerican Activities Committee | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 11 | S J Res 31: "Uncle Sam" Wilson | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 12 | Unemployment Compensation | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 13 | US Coast Guard | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 14 | S 15: US Foreign Service Academy | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 15 | US Participation in OTC | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 16 | University of Vermont Trust Fund | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 17 | Universal Military Training & Ser | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 18 | S 2397: Dept of Urbiculture | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 19 | Vatican City-Diplomatic Rep | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 20 | Veterans: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 21 | Veterans Benefits | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 22 | HR 267: Vets Multiple Sclerosis Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 23 | S 2290: Paralyzed Vets of America | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 24 | Veterans Pensions | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 195: 25 | Veterans: Post Korean GI Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 1 | GI Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 2 | Veterans Pensions: World War I | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 3 | GI Mortgages | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 4 | Veterans Committee | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 5 | Veterans Children Scholarships Act | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 6 | Veterans: National Ser Life Insurance | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 7 | Disabled Veterans | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 8 | Vivisection: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 9 | War Claims Act Amendments | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 10 | War Claims of Japanese Nationals | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 11 | Water Hyacinth & Seeds-Transport of | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 12 | S 48: Water Resources | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 13 | Welfare & Pension Plans Disclosure | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 14 | Wheat: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 15 | Wheat Acreage Allotment Program | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 16 | White Fleet of Aid & Mercy | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 17 | James B. Wilbur Trust Fund | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 18 | S 1132: Wilderness Bill | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 19 | Wildlife Preserve in Alaska | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 20 | Wiretapping & Eavesdropping | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 21 | Witness Refusal to Testify | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 22 | HR 3321: Women's Army Auxiliary Corp | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 23 | S 1743: World Development Corp | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 24 | World Government | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 196: 25 | Youth Conservation Corp | 1959 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 1-2 | Agriculture: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 3 | Agriculture: Apples | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 4 | Agriculture: Canadian Bread | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 5-6 | Agriculture: Beet Sugar | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 7 | Commission on Food Marketing | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 8-10 | Agriculture: Dairy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 11 | Agriculture: Congressional Farm Bill | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 12 | Agriculture: Feed Grain | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 13 | Agriculture: Hay Drought | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 14 | Agriculture: Meat | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 15 | Agriculture: Potatoes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 16 | Agriculture: Tobacco | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 17 | Agriculture: Wheat | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 18 | Agriculture: Conservation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 19 | Agriculture: Farmers Home Admin | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 20 | Agriculture: Food for Peace | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 21 | Agriculture: Rural Electrification | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 22 | Agriculture: Poultry | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 23 | Agriculture: Quarantine 1937 | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 24 | Agriculture: School Lunch Program | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 25 | Agriculture: Soil | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 26 | Agriculture: Sugar | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 197: 27 | Agriculture: Surplus Food to Needy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 1 | Public Works: Albany, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 2 | Public Works: Allegany, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 3 | Public Works: Broome, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 4 | Public Works: Bronx, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 5 | Public Works: Cattaraugus, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 6 | Public Works: Cayuga, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 7 | Public Works: Chautauqua, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 8 | Public Works: Chemung, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 9 | Public Works: Chenango, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 10 | Public Works: Clinton, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 11 | Public Works: Columbia, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 12 | Public Works: Cortland, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 13 | Public Works: Delaware, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 14 | Public Works: Dutchess, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 15 | Public Works: Erie, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 16 | Public Works: Essex, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 17 | Public Works: Franklin, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 18 | Public Works: Fulton, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 19 | Public Works: Genesee, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 20 | Public Works: Greene, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 21 | Public Works: Herkimer, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 22 | Public Works: Jefferson, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 23 | Public Works: Kings, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 24 | Public Works: Lewis, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 25 | Public Works: Livingston, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 26 | Public Works: Madison, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 27 | Public Works: Monroe, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 28 | Public Works: Montgomery, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 29 | Public Works: Nassau, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 30 | Public Works: New York, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 31 | Public Works: Niagara, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 32 | Public Works: Oneida, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 33 | Public Works: Onondaga, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 34 | Public Works: Ontario, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 35 | Public Works: Orange, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 36 | Public Works: Orleans, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 37 | Public Works: Oswego, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 38 | Public Works: Otsego, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 39 | Public Works: Putman, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 40 | Public Works: Queens, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 41 | Public Works: Rensselaer, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 42 | Public Works: Richmond, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 43 | Public Works: Rockland, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 44 | Public Works: St. Lawrence, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 45 | Public Works: Saratoga, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 46 | Public Works: Schenectady, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 47 | Public Works: Schoharie, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 48 | Public Works: Schuyler, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 49 | Public Works: Seneca, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 50 | Public Works: Steuben, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 51 | Public Works: Suffolk, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 52 | Public Works: Sullivan, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 53 | Public Works: Tioga, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 54 | Public Works: Tompkins, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 55 | Public Works: Ulster, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 56 | Public Works: Warren, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 57 | Public Works: Washington, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 58 | Public Works: Wayne, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 59 | Public Works: Westchester, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 60 | Public Works: Wyoming, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 61 | Public Works: Yates, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 198: 62 | Anti-Trust | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 199: 1 | Anti-Trust: Blood Banks | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 199: 2 | Anti-Trust: Drug Industry | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 199: 3 | Anti-Trust: Fair Trade Commission | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 199: 4 | Anti-Trust: Funeral Industry | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 199: 5-6 | Anti-Trust: Quality Stabilization | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 199: 7 | Anti-Trust: Sports | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 199: 8-12 | S 387: Anti-Trust | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 1 | S 387: Anti-Trust | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 2-3 | Anti-Trust: Wood Labeling | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 4 | Appropriations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 5 | Armed Services: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 6 | Armed Services: Air Force | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 7 | Armed Services: Army | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 8 | Armed Services: Coast Guard | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 9-12 | Armed Services: Draft | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 13 | Armed Services: Marines | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 14 | Armed Services: Merchant Marine | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 15 | Armed Services: National Guard | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 16 | Armed Services: Navy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 200: 17 | Armed Services: Reserves | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 1 | Armed Services: Retired Personnel | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 2 | Armed Services: ROTC | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 3-5 | Armed Services: Pay & Allowances | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 6-8 | Aviation: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 9 | Aviation: Flight Service Stations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 10-11 | Aviation: Airports | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 12 | Aviation: Civil Aeronautics Board | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 13 | Aviation: Domestic Airlines | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 14 | Aviation: Foreign Airlines | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 15 | Aviation: Federal Aviation Agency | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 201: 16 | Aviation: Noise Abatement | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 1 | Aviation: Rochester Radar Station | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 2 | Aviation: Safety Rules & Regulation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 3 | Aviation: Super Sonic Transport | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 4 | Aviation: Trans Atlantic Fairs | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 5 | Budget: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 6 | Budget: Federal | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 7 | Census: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 8 | Civil Rights: Church | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 202: 9-18 | Civil Rights: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 1-8 | Civil Rights: Pro | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 9 | Civil Rights II | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 10-11 | Civil Rights: Con | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 12 | Civil Rights: Armed Services | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 13 | Civil Rights: Atheist | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 14 | Civil Rights: Birmingham | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 15 | Civil Rights: Black Muslims | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 16 | Civil Rights: Busing of Children | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 17 | Civil Rights: Cases | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 18 | Civil Rights: Civil Rights Commision | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 19 | Civil Rights: Employment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 20 | Civil Rights: Filibuster | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 203: 21 | Civil Rights: Freedom Riders | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 1 | Civil Rights: Housing | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 2 | Civil Rights: Jury Trial Amendments | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 3 | Civil Rights: March on Washington | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 4-5 | Civil Rights: Mississippi | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 6 | Civil Rights: NAACP | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 7 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 8 | Civil Rights: Public Accommodations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 9 | Civil Rights: Riots | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 10 | Civil Rights: Schools | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 11 | Civil Rights: Voting | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 12 | Civil Rights: Worlds Fair | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 13 | Civil Rights: Con No Reply | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 14 | Civil Service: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 15 | Civil Service: Salary Increase | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 16 | Civil Service: Retired | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 17 | Committees: Commerce | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 18-19 | Committees: Judiciary | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 20 | Conflict of Interest & Ethics | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 21 | Courts: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 22 | Courts: Supreme-School Prayer | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 204: 23 | Courts: Public Defender | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 1 | Courts: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 2 | S 1851: Newsmen's Privilege in Court | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 3 | Courts: Reapportionment Decision | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 4 | Courts: Supreme | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 5 | Crime: Pornography | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 6 | Crime: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 7 | Crime: Capital Punishment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 8 | Crime: Assassination | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 9 | Crime: FBI | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 10 | Crime: Interstate Adoptions | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 11 | Crime: Mallory Bill | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 12 | Crime: Organized Crime | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 13 | Crime: Prisons | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 14 | Communications: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 15 | Communications: Commercials | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 16 | Equal Time for Candidates | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 17 | Communications: Fairness Doctrine | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 18 | Communications: Rev. Carl McIntire | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 19 | Communications: FCC | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 20 | Communications: Martin Karig (WIZR) | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 21 | Communications: Radio | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 22 | Communications: Religious Broadcasts | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 205: 23 | Crime: Gambling | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 1 | Communications: TV | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 2 | FCC: WBAI | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 3 | Congress: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 4-6 | Congress: Congressional Salary | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 7-13 | Congress: General Legislation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 14 | Congress: Filibuster | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 15 | Congress: 88th Junkets | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 16 | Congress: Kennedy Program | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 17 | Congress: Reforms | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 18 | Constitutional Amendments-Gen | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 19 | Constitutional Amendments: DC Vote | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 20 | Constitutional Amendments: Anti-Gun | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 21 | Constitutional Amendment: Liberty | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 206: 22 | Constitutional Amendments-Under God | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 1 | Defense: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 2 | Defense: Civil Defense | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 3 | Defense: Defense Department | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 4 | Defense: Atomic Energy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 5 | Defense: Atomic Energy Commission | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 6-8 | Defense: Disarmament | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 9 | Defense: Exercise Water Moccasin | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 10 | Defense: Nuclear Testing | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 11-12 | Defense: Test Ban Treaty | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 13 | Defense: TFX | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 14 | Defense: Fallout Shelters | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 207: 15 | District of Columbia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 1-2 | Economy: Domestic | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 3 | Economy: Domestic: Savings & Loans | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 4 | Economy: Long Island Commission | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 5 | Economy: Coin Shortage | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 6 | Economy: Domestic: Fed Reserve Board | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 7 | Economy: Domestic: Inflation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 8 | S 2274: Economy: Domestic: McGovern | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 9 | Economy: Domestic: National Lottery | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 10 | Economy: Securities & Exchange Comm | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 11 | Economy: Domestic: Stock Market | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 12 | Economy-Domestic: Truth-In-Lending | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 13 | Economy: Balance of Payments | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 14 | Economy-International: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 15 | Economy: International: Gold | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 16 | Economy: International: Silver | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 208: 17-20 | Education: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 1-2 | Education: Colleges & Universities | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 3 | Education: Grants | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 4 | Education: Libraries | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 5 | Education: Medical & Dental Schools | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 6 | Education: NDEA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 7 | Education: National Science Foundation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 8 | Education: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 9 | Education: Nursing | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 10 | Education: Primary-Secondary Schools | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 11 | Education: Research | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 12 | Education: Scholarships | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 13 | Education: Teachers | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 14 | Education: Teachers for the Deaf | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 15 | Education: Vocational | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 16-17 | Education: Aid to Private Schools | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 18-19 | Education-Federal Aid: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 20-21 | Education: Aid to Public Schools | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 22 | Education: Federal Grants | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 209: 23 | Education: PL 874 & 815 | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 1 | Elections: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 2 | Elections: Electoral College | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 3 | Elections: Residency Requirement | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 4 | Elections: Eighteen Year Old Vote | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 5 | Elections: Reforms | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 6-10 | Foreign Aid: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 11 | Foreign Aid: Africa | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 12 | Foreign Aid: Asia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 13 | Foreign Aid: Birth Control | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 14 | Foreign Aid: Cadastral Survey | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 15 | Foreign Aid: Communist Nations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 210: 16 | Foreign Aid: Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 1 | Foreign Aid: Expropriation-Venezuela | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 2 | Foreign Aid: Europe | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 3 | Foreign Aid: Trade with Poland | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 4 | Foreign Aid: Latin America | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 5 | Foreign Aid: Peace Corps | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 6 | Foreign Aid: Private | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 7 | Foreign Aid: South America | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 8 | Foreign Aid: War Claims | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 9-12 | Foreign Policy: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 211: 13 | Foreign Policy: Captive Nations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 1-2 | Foreign Policy: Exchange Programs | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 3 | Foreign Policy: Genocide | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 4 | Foreign Policy: Genocide Convention | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 5 | Foreign Policy: NATO | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 6 | Foreign Policy: Operation Americas | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 7 | Foreign Policy: Relig. Persecution | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 8 | Foreign Policy: Treaties | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 9 | Foreign Policy: United Nations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 10 | Foreign Policy: UNESCO | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 11-12 | Foreign Policy: World Court | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 13-14 | Shaughnessy Amendment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 212: 15-16 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 213: 1-10 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 213: 11-17 | Congress: General Legislation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 1-5 | Congress: General Legislation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 6 | Foreign Policy: Trouble Spot-Gen | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 7 | Foreign Policy: Africa | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 8 | Foreign Policy: Algeria | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 9 | Foreign Policy: Argentina | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 10 | Foreign Policy: Asia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 11-12 | Foreign Policy: Berlin | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 13 | Foreign Policy: British Guiana | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 14 | Foreign Policy: Canada | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 15 | Foreign Policy: Congo | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 16 | Foreign Policy-Cuba-Special Comm | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 17-21 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 214: 22 | Foreign Policy: Embargo on Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 1-2 | Foreign Policy: Cyprus | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 3 | Foreign Policy: Czechoslovakia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 4 | Foreign Policy: Egypt | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 5 | Foreign Policy: England | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 6 | Foreign Policy: France | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 7 | Foreign Policy: Germany | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 8 | Foreign Policy: Hungary | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 9 | Foreign Policy: India | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 10 | Foreign Policy: Indonesia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 11 | Foreign Policy: Ireland | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 12 | Foreign Policy: Israel | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 13 | Foreign Policy: Korea | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 14 | Foreign Policy: Laos | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 15 | Foreign Policy: Latin America | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 16 | Foreign Policy: Mexico | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 17 | Foreign Policy: Middle East | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 18 | Foreign Policy: Nationalist China | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 19 | Foreign Policy: Panama | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 20 | Foreign Policy: Italy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 215: 21 | Foreign Policy: Middle East | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 1 | Foreign Policy: Philippines | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 2 | Foreign Policy: Poland | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 3 | Foreign Policy: Red China | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 4 | Foreign Policy: Russia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 5 | Foreign Policy: South America | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 6 | Foreign Policy: Spain | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 7-10 | Foreign Policy: Vietnam | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 11 | Foreign Policy: Overthrow of Diem | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 12 | Foreign Policy: Yugoslavia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 13 | General Services: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 14 | General Services-GSA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 216: 15 | GSA-Stockpiling | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 1-2 | Government Operations: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 3 | Government Operations: Consumers | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 4-5 | Government Operations: Surplus Property | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 6 | Government Operations: Women in Government | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 7 | Highways: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 8 | Highways: Billboards | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 9 | Highways: Bridges | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 10 | Highways: Federal | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 11 | Highways: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 12 | Highways: New York State Thruway | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 13-14 | Highways: Route 87 | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 15 | Housing-General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 16 | Housing-Cooperatives | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 17 | Housing-FHA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 18 | Fed Housing Act: KBK Amendment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 19 | Housing-HHFA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 20 | Housing-New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 21 | Housing-Public | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 217: 22 | Housing-Urban Renewal | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 1-2 | Health: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 3 | Health: Adopt by Mail Plan | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 4 | Health: Aged Citizens | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 5 | Health: Air Pollution | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 6 | Health: Birth Control | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 7 | Health: Child Care | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 8 | Health: Day Care Center | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 9 | Health: Diseases: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 10 | Health: Diseases-Alcoholism | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 11 | Health: Diseases-Blindness | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 12 | Health: Diseases-Cancer | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 13 | Health: Dental Diseases-Fluoridation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 14 | Health: Diseases-Deafness | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 15 | Health: Diseases-Heart | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 16 | Health: Diseases-Kidney | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 218: 17 | Health: Diseases-Mental Health | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 1 | Health: Diseases-Narcotics Addiction | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 2 | Health: NIH | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 3 | Health: Drugs | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 4 | Health: Doctors | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 5 | Health: Food & Drug Administration | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 6 | Health: Grants | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 7 | Health: Hospitals (except Veterans) | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 8 | Health: Medicare: Keating Position | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 9 | Health: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 10 | Health: Pesticides | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 11 | Health: Public | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 12 | Health: Quality Control Program | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 13 | Health: Research | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 14 | Health: Tobacco | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 15 | Health: "Tooth Corps" | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 16 | Health: Water Supply & Sewage System | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 17 | Health: Vivisection | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 18 | Health: War on Poverty | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 19 | Health: Water Pollution | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 20 | Health: Vocational Rehabilitation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 219: 21 | Health Insurance: Private | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 1-2 | Health Insurance: Social Security | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 3 | Medicare: $1200 Earnings Limit | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 4 | Health Insurance: Voluntary Programs | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 5 | Health: Water Pollution | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 6-9 | Immigration: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 10 | Immigration: Richard Burton | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 11 | Immigration: Legislation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 220: 12 | Immigration: Deportation-Maxala Case | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 1-4 | Interior: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 5 | Interior: Admiralty Island | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 6 | Interior: California Redwoods | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 7 | Interior: Cape Vincent Fish Hatchery | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 8-9 | Interior: Conservation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 10 | Interior: Cortland Fish Hatchery | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 11 | Interior: Fuels | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 12 | Interior: Fish & Wildlife | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 13 | Interior: Forests | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 14 | Interior: Golden Eagle | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 15 | Interior: Historic Sites | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 16 | Interior: NYS Historic Sites | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 17 | NYS Historic Site-Adams Plant | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 18 | Interior: Indians | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 19 | Interior: Minerals | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 20 | Interior: Mines | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 21 | Interior: Parks | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 21 | Interior: Wilderness | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 22 | Interior: Status of Puerto Rico | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 23 | Interior: Sandy Hook Marine Lab | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 24 | Interior: Soil | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 25 | Interior: Territories | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 221: 26 | Interior: Wilderness | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 1-3 | Internal Security: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 4-5 | Internal Security-Communism A-Z | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 6 | Internal Security: CIA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 7 | Internal Security: Freedom Commis | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 8 | Internal Security: Hootenanny | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 9 | Internal Security: HUAC | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 10 | Investigations of Organizations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 11 | Internal Security: J. Birch Society | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 12 | Internal Security: Nazism | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 13 | Internal Security: Otepka Case | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 14 | Internal Security: Pacifica Found | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 15 | Internal Security: SISS | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 16 | Trading with the Enemy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 17 | HR 4897: Internal Security | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 18 | International Law: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 19 | Judgeships: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 20 | Justice Department: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 222: 21 | Juvenile Delinquency | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 1-3 | Labor: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 4-6 | Labor: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 7 | Labor: Peace Corps-Domestic | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 8 | Labor: Double Time for Overtime | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 9 | Labor: Equal Pay for Women | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 10 | Labor: Labor Department | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 11 | Labor: Migrant Farm | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 12 | Labor: Mining | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 13 | Labor: Minimum Wage | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 14 | Labor: Natl Labor Relations Board | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 15 | Labor: Racketeering | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 16 | Labor: Safety | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 17 | Labor: Strikes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 18 | Labor: Dock Strikes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 19 | Labor: Maritime Strikes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 223: 20 | Labor: Newspaper Strike (New York) | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 1 | Labor: Railroad Strikes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 2-4 | Labor Unions: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 5 | Labor: US Employment Service | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 6 | Labor: Unemployment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 7 | Labor: Youth Conservation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 8 | Labor: 35 Hour Work Week | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 9 | HR 9824: Labor | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 10 | S 1556: Labor | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 11 | HR 6041: Labor | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 12 | Law & Lawyers | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 13 | Library of Congress | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 224: 14 | Mass Transportation: Urban | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 1 | Minorities: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 2-3 | New York State: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 4-7 | New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 8 | New York State: Con Edison | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 9 | NYS: Daylight Savings Time | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 10 | NYS: Easy Appliance Division | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 11 | New York State: 18 Year Drinking Age | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 12 | New York State: Fire Island | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 13 | New York State: Ellis Island | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 14 | New York State: Mitchel Field | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 15 | New York State: Port Authority | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 16 | New York State: "Stamina" Conference | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 225: 17-18 | New York State: Worlds Fair | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 1-3 | New York State: Worlds Fair | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 4 | Nominations: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 5 | Nominations: F. D. Roosevelt, Jr. | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 6 | Nominations: Kowalski, Frank | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 7 | Nominations: Nitze, Paul H. | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 8-11 | Patents & Copyrights: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 12 | Politics: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 13 | Politics: Democrat-Johnson | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 14 | Politics: Democrat-Kennedy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 15 | Politics: Democrat: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 16 | Politics: Liberal Party | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 226: 17 | Politics: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 227: 1-3 | Politics: Republican: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 227: 4-9 | Politics: Republican: Keating | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 227: 10 | Politics: Republican-Goldwater | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 227: 11 | Politics: Pro Keating at Convention | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 227: 12 | Politics: Republican Lodge | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 227: 13 | Politics: Republican-Rockefeller | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 227: 14 | Politics: Republican-Scranton | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 1 | Politics: Republican: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 2 | Politics: Republican-National Comm | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 3 | Politics: KBK Convention Invitations | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 4 | Politics: KBK Walkout at Convention | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 5 | Post Office: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 6 | Post Office: Commemorative Stamps | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 7 | Post Office: Postal Rates | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 8 | President: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 9 | President: Assassination | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 10 | President: Presidential Inability | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 11 | President: Two Vice Presidents | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 12 | President: Kennedy's Leg Program | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 13 | President: Succession | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 14 | President: Tributes to Kennedy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 15 | President: Mrs. Tippet | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 16 | Benefits to Jacqueline Kennedy-Con | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 17 | President: Requests for Kennedy Coin | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 18 | President Kennedy: Death of | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 19 | President: Warren Commission | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 20-21 | Public Works: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 22 | Public Works: Aid for Alaska | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 23 | Area Redevelopment Administration | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 24 | Area Redevelopment Program | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 228: 25 | Public Works: Bonneville Power Co. | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 1 | Public Works: Pork Barrel | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 2 | Public Works: Champlain Seaway | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 3 | Public Works: NYS Barge Canal | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 4 | Public Works: St. Lawrence Seaway | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 5 | Public Works: ARA Trade Winds | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 6-7 | Public Works: Acceleration Act | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 8 | Public Works: ARA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 9 | Public Works: Adams APW | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 10 | Public Works: Addison, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 11 | Public Works: Akron, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 12 | Public Works: Amsterdam, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 13 | Public Works: Auburn, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 14 | Public Works: Avon, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 15 | Public Works: Barge Canal, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 16 | Public Works: Beacon, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 17 | Public Works: Blasdell, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 18 | Public Works: Brewster, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 19 | Public Works: Brockport, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 20 | Public Works: Buffalo, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 21 | Public Works: Burke, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 22 | Public Works: Cambridge, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 23 | Public Works: Canandaigua, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 24 | Public Works: Canton, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 25 | Public Works: Carmel, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 26 | Public Works: Carthage, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 27 | Public Works: Chautaugua, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 28 | Public Works: Clinton, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 29 | Public Works: Colonie, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 30 | Public Works: Coxsackie, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 31 | Public Works: East Auburn, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 32 | Public Works: Dryden, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 33 | Public Works: Elba, Lake Placid, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 34 | Public Works: Elmira, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 35 | Public Works: Erie, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 36 | Public Works: Evans-Angola, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 37 | Public Works: Fleming, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 38 | Public Works: Flushing Bay, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 39 | Public Works: Fort Ann, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 40 | Public Works: Geneva, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 41 | Public Works: Glens Falls, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 42 | Public Works: Gloversville, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 43 | Public Works: Gorham, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 44 | Public Works: Goshen, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 45 | Public Works: Hamburg, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 46 | Public Works: Hartland, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 47 | Public Works: Hudson Falls, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 48 | Public Works: Jamestown, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 49 | Public Works: Jay, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 50 | Public Works: Jerusalem, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 51 | Public Works: Johnstown, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 52 | Public Works: Lancaster, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 53 | Public Works: Cobleskill, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 54 | Public Works: Wellsville, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 55 | Public Works: Lake Placid, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 56 | Public Works: Lewiston, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 57 | Public Works: Little Valley, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 58 | Public Works: Medina, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 59 | Public Works: Montgomery, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 60 | Public Works: Mountain Dale, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 61 | Public Works: Murray, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 62 | Public Works: Newark, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 63 | Public Works: Niskayona, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 64 | Public Works: Olean, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 65 | Public Works: Plattsburgh, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 66 | Public Works: Port Henry, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 67 | Public Works: Niagara Falls, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 68 | Public Works: Potsdam, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 69 | Public Works: Queensbury, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 70 | Public Works: Rochester, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 71 | Public Works: Rotterdam, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 72 | Public Works: Rushville, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 73 | Public Works: Schenectady, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 74 | Public Works: Seneca, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 75 | Public Works: Seneca Falls, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 76 | Public Works: Shortsville, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 77 | Public Works: Sloan Village, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 78 | Public Works: Stockholm, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 79 | Public Works: Sodus, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 80 | Public Works: Survey Funds | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 81 | Public Works: Troy, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 82 | Public Works: Walden, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 83 | Public Works: Watertown, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 84 | Public Works: Westfield, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 85 | Public Works: Westport, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 86 | Public Works: West Seneca, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 87 | Public Works: Yates & Somerset, NY | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 88 | Public Works: Youngsville, PA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 89 | Railroads: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 90 | Railroads: Merger | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 229: 91 | Railroads: Retirement | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 1 | Religion | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 2 | Shipping-General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 3 | Shipping-Ships | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 4 | S 1006: Shipping: Fishing Vessels | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 5 | Small Business: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 6 | Small Business: Contracts | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 7 | Small Business Administration | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 8 | Small Business: Loans | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 9 | S 30: Small Business | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 10 | Space: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 11 | Space: Astronauts | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 12 | Space: Communications Satellite | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 13 | Space: Lunar Program | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 14 | Space: Moon | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 15 | Space: NASA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 16 | Sports: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 17 | Sports: Off Track Betting | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 18-19 | Sports: Bribery | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 20 | Sports: Boxing | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 230: 21 | Sports: Olympics | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 1 | State: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 2 | State: International Development | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 3 | State: American Travelers Abroad | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 4 | State: Diplomatic Immunity | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 5 | State: Foreign Service | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 6 | State: Foreign Visitors | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 7 | State Department: Investigate | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 8 | State: USIA | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 9 | Social Security: Administration | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 10 | Social Security: Age Requirements | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 11 | Social Security: Amish People | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 12 | Social Security: Benefits | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 13 | Social Security: Child Care | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 14 | Social Security: Coverage | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 15 | Social Security: Coverage for Aged | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 16 | Social Security: Day Care Centers | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 17 | Social Security: Disability | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 18 | Social Security: Earnings Limit | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 19 | Social Security: Federal Employees | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 20 | Social Security: Increase Benefits | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 21 | Social Security: System Inequities | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 231: 22 | Social Security: NYS: Welfare | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 1 | Social Security: Physicians | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 2-3 | Social Security: Retirement | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 4 | S 1883: KBK Social Security Tips | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 5 | Staff | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 6 | Thank You's | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 7 | Taxes: Bankruptcy | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 8 | Taxes: Bank Loan Insurance | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 9 | Taxes: Business Expenses | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 10 | S 316: Taxes: Capital Gains | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 11 | Taxes: Cases | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 12 | Taxes: Charities | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 13 | Taxes: Child Care | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 14 | Taxes: Co-operatives | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 15 | Taxes: Education | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 16 | Taxes: Entertainment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 232: 17 | Taxes: Excise | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 1 | Taxes: Raise Exemptions | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 2 | Taxes: Foreign Securities | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 3 | Taxes: Gore Amendment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 4 | Taxes: Group Insurance | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 5 | Taxes: Handicapped | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 6-8 | Taxes: Income | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 9 | Taxes: Internal Revenue Service | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 10 | Taxes: New York State | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 11 | Taxes: Oil Companies | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 12 | Taxes: Reduction | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 13 | Taxes: Retired Persons | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 14-17 | Taxes: Treasury Department | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 18 | Taxes: Sell Homes Tax Free | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 19 | Taxes: Teachers | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 20 | Taxes: IRS Move to Boston | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 21 | Taxes: Buffalo-Syracuse Merger | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 22 | Taxes: Unattached Head of Household | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 23 | Taxes: Veterans Insurance Policies | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 24 | Taxes: Withholding | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 25 | Taxes: JFK Program (Con) | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 26 | Taxes: Tax Cut (Pro) | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 233: 27 | Tax List | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 1-6 | Taxes: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 7-10 | Taxes: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 11-12 | Taxes: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 13 | Taxes: Automobiles | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 14 | Taxes: Club Dues | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 15 | Taxes: Corporate | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 16 | Taxes: Growing Fed Payrolls (Con) | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 17-18 | HR 8363: Taxes: Long Amendment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 19 | Taxes: Millionaires | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 20 | Taxes: Loopholes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 21 | Taxes: Middle Income | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 234: 22 | HR 8000: International Equalization | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 1 | Taxes: Moving Expenses | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 2 | Taxes: Minimum Deposit Insurance | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 3 | Taxes: Oil Depletion | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 4 | Taxes: Depletion Allowance | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 5 | Taxes: Repeal-Deduct Sales Tax | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 6 | Taxes: Sick Pay | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 7-8 | HR 8363: Tax Credit | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 9 | HR 8363: Taxes: Multiple Provisions | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 10 | Taxes: Home Owners | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 11 | HR 8363: Taxes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 12 | Taxes: Relief for Dependents | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 13 | Taxes: Tighten Govt Spending | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 14 | Taxes: Fed Tax Lien Amendment | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 15 | Taxes: Exemptions Over 65 | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 16 | Taxes: Lower Income | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 17 | Taxes: Multiple Births | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 18 | Taxes: Interest from Savings Account | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 19 | Taxes: Tax Rate Schedule | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 20 | Taxes: Social Security Numbers | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 21 | Taxes: Miscellaneous Corresp for 1962 | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 22 | Trade & Tariffs: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 23 | Trade & Tariffs: Exports to Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 24 | Trade & Tariffs: Common Market | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 25 | Trade & Tariffs: East-West Trade | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 26 | Trade & Tariffs: Export-Import Bank | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 27 | Trade & Tariffs: Soviet Oil | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 28 | Trade & Tariffs: Marking Bill | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 29 | Trade & Tariffs: Tariff Reductions | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 30 | Trade & Tariffs: Tourism | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 31 | Trade & Tariffs: Welcome Corps | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 32 | Trade & Tariffs: Trade Expansion Act | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 33 | Trade & Tariffs: Residual Oil (Con) | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 34 | Trade & Tariffs: Exports to Cuba | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 35 | Trade & Tariffs: Exports | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 36 | Trade & Tariffs: Exports-Philippines | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 235: 37 | Trade & Tariffs: Technical Data | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 1 | Trade & Tariffs: Wheat to Russia | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 2-4 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 5-6 | Trade: Imports-Foreign Competition | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 7 | Trade: Imports-Baseball Gloves | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 8 | Trade: Imports-Brass & Copper | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 9 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Buttons | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 10 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Bread | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 11 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Cellophane | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 12 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Cement | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 13 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Chemicals | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 14 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Chrome | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 15 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Clocks | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 16 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Coffee | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 17 | Trade & Tariffs: Cotton | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 18 | Trade: Imports-Ferromanganese | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 19 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Food Stuffs | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 20 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Sulfa Drugs | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 236: 21 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Fruit | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 1 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Glass | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 2 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Gloves | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 3 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Liquor | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 4 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Lumber | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 5 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Meats | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 6 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Mushrooms | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 7 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Rubber | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 8 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Salt | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 9 | Trade & Tariffs: Shoes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 10 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Steel | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 11 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Textiles | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 12-13 | Trade: Imports-Virgin Islands | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 14 | Trade: Imports-Wild Animals | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 15 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Wool | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 16-18 | Transportation: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 19 | S 1161: Transportation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 20 | S 684: Transportation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 21 | Transportation: Interstate Commerce | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 22 | S 1061: Transportation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 23 | S 622: Transportation: Alaska RR Bill | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 24 | HR 9903: Transportation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 25 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 26 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Metals | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 27 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Sugar | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 237: 28 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Sweaters | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 1 | Tributes | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 2-3 | Veterans: General | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 4-5 | Veterans: Annuities, Pensions etc. | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 6-7 | Veterans: Hospitals | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 8 | Veterans: NSLI | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 9 | Veterans: Gold Star Mothers | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 10 | Veterans: Jewish & Catholic | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 11 | Veterans: NSLI | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 12 | Veterans: Polish | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 13 | Veterans: Senate Committee | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 14 | Veterans Administration | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 15 | White House | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 16-17 | Wiretapping-Legislation | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 18 | Thank You Letters | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 19 | Thank You-Prayer Books | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 20 | Thank Yous: Special | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 238: 21 | Veterans: Education | 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 239: 1 | Visitors Corresp | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 239: 2-5 | Visitors Correspondence: Jan-April | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 240: 1-8 | Visitors Correspondence: May-Dec | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 240: 9-10 | Visitors Correspondence: Jan-Feb | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 241: 1-6 | Visitors Correspondence: Mar-Oct | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 242: 1 | Visitors Correspondence: Tours & Passes | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 242: 2-3 | Visitors Correspondence: Autographs | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 243: 1 | Visitors Correspondence: Gallery Passes | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 243: 2 | Visitors Correspondence: Framing | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 243: 3 | Visitors Correspondence: Special Projects | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 243: 4 | Visitors Correspondence: Thank You's | 1962 - 1964 | Correspondence: Subject | |
2: 244: 1-2 | Aa-Ak | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 3 | Agricultural Programs: Essex County | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 4 | Aircraft Noise Problems | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 5 | Air Force Training Program | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 6 | Al-Alk | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 7-8 | Veterans Office Closing-Albany | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 9 | Dr. Dale Alford-Seating | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 10 | All-Alw | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 11 | American | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 12 | Am-Anderson | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 13 | Americans of Italian Descent | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 14 | American Medical Society of Vienna | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 15 | American Soldiers Overseas | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 16 | An-Ap | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 17 | Announcements: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 18 | Antarctica-Misc Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 19 | Apple Industry | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 20 | Appointments: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 21 | Appointments: Charles E. Bohlen | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 22 | Appointments: Clare Booth Luce | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 23 | Appointments: Ogden R. Reid | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 24 | Appointments: Lewis L. Strauss | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 25 | Ar | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 26 | Arab Republic: Bank Loan for Canal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 244: 27 | Arab Situation: Boycott, etc. | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 1 | As-At | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 2 | Autographs: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 3-8 | Au-Bas | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 9 | Senate Chamber: Barring Flowers | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 10 | Baseball: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 11-15 | Bat-Ber | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 16 | Berlin/German Situation | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 17-23 | Bes-Bov | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 24 | Boston-Main Railroad Yard | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 25-29 | Bow-Brown | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 30 | Dr. William Paul Brown: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 31 | Bro | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 32 | Brooklyn Army Terminal-RIF | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 245: 33-38 | Bru-Cal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 1 | Cam-Can | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 2 | Cancer | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 3 | Camp Drum-Use on a Year-Round Basis | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 4 | Canadian Imports | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 5 | Cap-Carp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 6 | Capitol-Remodeling Capitol Pillars | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 7-8 | Carr-Ce | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 9 | Castle Point Veterans Hospital | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 10-11 | Cha-Chl | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 12 | John S. Chesna-Misc Subjects | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 13 | Chicago Sanitary Canal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 14 | Chief Justice to Address Congress | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 15 | Cho-Ci | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 16 | Sir Winston Churchill | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 17 | Civil Defense: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 18 | Civil Defense: Fallout Protection | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 19-21 | Clark-Cod | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 22 | Coal Industry: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 23 | Coast Guard Academy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 24-25 | Coe-Col | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 26 | Shirley A. Colin (Mrs. Robert) | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 246: 27 | Com-Conr | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 1 | Commendation Letters | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 2 | Commending Others | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 3 | Committee Assignments | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 4 | Committees: Senate Judiciary | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 5 | Australia-Commonwealth Assn | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 6 | Red China-Admission to UN | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 7 | Communism | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 8 | Communist China-Newspapermen | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 9 | Congratulations: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 10 | Congratulations: Awards | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 11 | Congratulating Others | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 12 | Congratulations: Burkham Competition | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 13 | Congratulations: NYS Corn Growing | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 14 | Congratulations: US Exhibition in Moscow | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 247: 15 | Congratulations: Educational Exchange Grant | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 1 | Congressional Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 2 | Congressional Record Inserts | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 3 | Cons-Coo | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 4 | Lt. Hector Constantine | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 5 | Contributions: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 6-7 | Cop-Coy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 8 | Council Against Communist Agression | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 9-10 | Cra-Cry | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 11 | Crime Problem | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 12 | Criticisms: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 13 | Cua-Cur | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 14 | Cuba | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 15 | Curtiss' Flight: New York to Albany | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 16 | Cus-Cy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 17 | Cyprus-Island of | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 18 | Daa-Dam | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 19 | Dairy Farmers | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 20 | Dan-Dau | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 21 | Davis | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 22-23 | Dav-Dek | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 24 | Dixie Love Dean-World Passport Show | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 25 | Del-Dem | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 26 | Delaware RR & Erie RR-Merger | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 27 | Dr. Ernesto de la Fe | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 28-30 | Den-Dim | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 31 | Disarmament Proposals | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 248: 32 | District of Columbia | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 1-10 | Doa-Em | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 11 | Employment: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 12-13 | Employment: Pageships | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 14 | En-Er | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 15 | Es-Ey | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 16 | Exports | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 17 | Faa-Far | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 18 | Farm Policies | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 19 | Fas-Fei | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 20 | Federal Building in Brooklyn | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 21 | Fed Housing Projects-Announcements | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 22 | Fellowships: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 23-24 | Fi-Fiz | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 249: 25 | Dr. Paul Erdos | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 1 | Fl | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 2 | Flags: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 3 | Fluoridation | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 4 | Foa-For | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 5 | Foreign Affairs | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 6 | Foreign Service: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 7 | Foreign Situation in Tibet | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 8 | Foreign Trade | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 9-11 | Fos-Fre | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 12 | Freight Forwarding & Brokerage | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 13 | Freight Handling Charges | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 14-19 | Fri-Gid | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 20 | Germany-Nazi Activities | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 21 | Germany-Nazi Atrocities vs Jews | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 22-28 | Gie-Gree | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 29 | Great Lakes Commission | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 250: 30-32 | Gref-Gy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 1-8 | Ha-Haz | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 9 | John R. Hauf: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 10 | Hawaii: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 11-16 | Hea-Hilk | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 17 | Highways: Misc | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 18 | Highways: New York State Thruway | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 19-23 | Hill-Hop | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 24 | Home Heating Oils | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 25-27 | Hor-Hug | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 28 | Hudson-Champlain Celebration Commis | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 29 | Huh-Hup | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 30 | Hungarian Youths-Execution of | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 31 | Hungary: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 32-33 | Hur-In | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 34 | Indonesia-Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 35-36 | International Olympic Committee | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 37 | Interviews: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 38 | International Cooperation Admin | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 251: 39-40 | Invitations: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 1 | Io-Iz | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 2 | Israel: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 3-8 | J | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 9 | Justice: Anti-Trust Activities | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 10-11 | Ka | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 12 | Bernard Katzon: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 13-16 | Ke | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 17 | Simon Kesselman | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 18-26 | Ki-Lar | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 27 | Laos-Conflict in | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 28-30 | Las-Lei | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 31 | Lehigh Valley Railroad | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 32 | Library of Congress: Leg Reference | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 33-35 | Lel-Lie | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 36 | Library of Congress | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 37 | Library of Congress: Leg Reference | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 38 | Lif-Lin | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 39 | Lincoln's Birthday | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 40 | Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 41-44 | Lio-Lue | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 45 | Loyalty Day | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 46 | Luf-Ly | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 47 | MacArthur Airport | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 48-49 | Maa-Mal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 50 | Mailing List | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 252: 51-52 | Man-Marr | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 1-9 | Mars-Meh | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 10 | Medical Research | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 11-12 | Mei-Met | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 13 | Messages | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 14-15 | Mev-Milk | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 16 | Milk | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 17 | Military Household Goods-Moving of | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 18 | Anastas Mikoyan-Deputy Premier USSR | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 19-21 | Mill-Miz | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 22 | Minority Leader | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 23-27 | Mo | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 28 | Moscow Exhibition-American Exhibit | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 29-32 | Mu-Nd | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 33 | Natl Aeronautics & Space Administration: NASA | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 34 | Natl Aeronautics & Space Act | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 35 | Naval Air Station at Niagara Falls | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 36 | National Forests: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 37 | National Radio Month | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 38 | Natl Service for Peace Program | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 39 | Naval Reserve Ship at Rochester | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 40 | Navy Purchasing Office: Transfer | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 41 | Nea-Nev | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 253: 42 | Nepotism: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 1 | New | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 2 | NYS Comm on Industry & Labor | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 3 | New York Central Railroad | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 4 | NY International Airport-Low Planes | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 5 | NY-NJ Federal Marketing Order 27 | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 6 | NY-NJ Metropolitan Area-Census | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 7 | New York State Legislation | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 8 | New York State Racing Commission | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 9 | NY Central Railroad | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 10 | New York Naval Shipyard: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 11 | New York Shipyards at Camden NJ | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 12 | NYS Appointments | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 13 | NYS Congressional Delegation | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 14-15 | New York State Economic Situation | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 16 | NYS Power Authority | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 17 | NYS Tax Increase | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 18 | New York Telephone Co. | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 19 | NY University: Law Review-Article | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 20-21 | Newa-Noo | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 22-25 | Nor-Ol | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 26 | Oil Imports | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 254: 27 | Office Supplies | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 1 | Om-Or | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 2 | Onions: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 3 | Senate: Opening Prayer | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 4 | Os-Oz | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 5 | Outer Space: Correspondence | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 6 | Pa-Pap | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 7 | Paper & Pulp Industry-Wages | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 8-9 | Par-Pay | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 10 | Passes-White House Tours etc. | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 11 | Pea-Pem | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 12 | Peace: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 13 | Pen-Per | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 14 | Keating-Personal Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 15-16 | Keating Awards: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 17 | Badges & Passes: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 18 | Keating-Biographical Data-Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 19 | Keating-Condolence Letters-Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 20 | Keating-Commendation Letters | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 21 | Keating Congratulations: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 22 | Keating-Gifts-Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 23 | Keating-Greetings-Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 24 | Thomas J. Jennings: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 25 | Keating-Personal Messages | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 26 | Hawaii: Keating Visit: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 27 | Milton Eisenberg-Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 28 | Hugh Morrow: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 29 | Stephen May: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 30 | Nelson Rockefeller: Personal | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 31-32 | Pes-Ph | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 33 | Philippines-Trade with | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 34 | Photograph Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 35-36 | Pi-Pok | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 37 | Pledge of Allegiance | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 255: 38 | Edward H. Pollaci: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 1 | Pol-Por | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 2-3 | Political: Miscellaneous Material | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 4 | Political: News Coverage | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 5 | Political: NY Young Republican Club | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 6 | Political: Nelson A. Rockefeller | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 7 | Campaign Congratulations | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 8 | Campaign Contributions | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 9 | Campaign Expenditures | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 10 | Campaign Lists: Volunteers | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 11 | Candidate for Vice President | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 12 | Pos-Pow | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 13 | Poultry Industry | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 14 | Postmaster's Assistant & Misc | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 15 | Potatoes: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 16 | Press: Comments for Publications | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 17 | Press Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 18 | Press File: Miscellaneous Material | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 19 | Press: Radio & TV | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 20 | Press Secretary Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 21 | Press: Space Law & the 4th Dimension | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 22 | Radio Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 23 | TV Series on Activities of Congress | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 24 | TV: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 25 | TV: "Celebrity Parade" | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 26 | TV: College Press Conference | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 27 | TV: "Face the Nation" | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 28 | Prisoners: Communists | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 28 | Prisoners of War | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 30 | Pra-Pri | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 31 | Presidents Council on Youth Fitness | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 32 | Private Bills: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 33 | Private Bills: Highland Falls | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 256: 34 | Pro-Py | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 1 | Publications Received | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 2 | Publications Requested | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 3 | Q-R | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 4 | Public Libraries-Queens & Brooklyn | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 5 | Questionnaires | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 6-7 | Ran-Ree | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 8 | Dan Reed Memorial Committee | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 9 | Ref-Rei | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 10 | Rel-Rh | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 11 | NYS: Floods-Red Cross Activities | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 12 | Air Force-Removal of Unit 3121 | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 13 | Republican National Convention | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 14 | Republican Policy Committee | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 15 | Requests for Articles: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 16 | Requests for Autographs | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 257: 17 | Requests for Information | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 1 | Request for Publications | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 2-7 | Ria-Rop | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 8 | Italy: Keating Visit: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 9-12 | Rosa-Ry | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 13 | Russia-Misc Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 14 | Communist Attack on US Aircraft | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 15 | Russia-Khrushchev Visit to US | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 16 | Russia-Trade with | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 17 | Russia-Vice President Nixon's Trip | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 18 | Saa-Sai | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 19 | St. Lawrence Seaway: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 20 | Saints Names Used in Army Units | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 21-29 | Sak-Scu | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 30 | Scotia Naval Depot | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 31-32 | Sea-Sey | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 33 | Senate: Committee on Small Business | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 34 | Sergeant at Arms | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 35 | Service Department: JT Chambers | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 36 | Sha | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 37 | Victor Sharrow | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 38 | She | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 258: 39 | Shi-Shy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 1-3 | Sia-Sl | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 4-5 | Smith- A-Z | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 6-7 | Sm-So | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 8 | Spa-Spe | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 9 | Space Age Problems | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 10 | Speeches: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 11 | Speeches: Requests for | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 12 | Speeches by Others | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 13 | Speeches: Womens Clubs on Washington | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 14 | Speeches: Congressional Dinner | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 15 | Speeches: Correspondents Dinner | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 16 | Speeches: Women's Press Club | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 17 | Speech-Potato Chip Institute | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 18 | Speeches: Victory Dinner | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 19 | Speeches: By Others | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 20 | Spittoons: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 21 | Spi-Sq | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 22 | Sports | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 23-29 | Sta-Str | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 30 | Strikes: Misc | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 31 | Mollie Strum: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 32-33 | Stu-Su | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 34 | Submarine Position Markers | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 35 | Summit Conference | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 36 | Superintendents Office | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 37 | Supreme Court Decisions | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 38 | Sw-Sy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 39 | Syracuse Airport | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 259: 40 | Soviet Scientific Equipment | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 1 | Ta-Td | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 2 | Tariff: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 3 | Tariff: Glove Industry | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 4 | Glove & Knit Glove Industry | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 5 | Te-Thi | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 6 | TV: Federal Regulation | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 7 | TV Quiz Shows: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 8 | Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Comm | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 9-33 | Thank You's- A-Z | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 34-36 | Tho-Tq | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 37 | Sue Todd: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 38 | Tourist: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 39-40 | Tr-Tz | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 41 | Jerzy Twardokens | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 42 | U | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 43 | Union United | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 44 | The Ugly American-Foreign Service | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 45 | Unanswered | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 46 | Unemployment Problems: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 47-48 | United Nations | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 49 | US Army Reserve-Reorganization | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 50 | US Exhibition in Moscow | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 51 | US Military Academy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 260: 52 | United States Senate | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 1 | Senate Committees | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 2 | Judiciary Committee | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 3 | Rules & Administration | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 4 | US Dept's Attorney General | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 5 | Agriculture Department | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 6 | Air Force Dept | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 7 | Commerce Dept | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 8 | Defense Dept | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 9 | Health, Education & Welfare Dept | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 10 | NASA | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 11 | Navy Dept | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 12 | Post Offices: Miscellaneous Offices | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 13-14 | Post Office Department: Stamps | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 15 | Post Office: Rural Mail Carrier | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 16 | Secretary of State: Miscellaneous | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 17 | Veterans Administration | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 18 | Va-Vd | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 19 | Veterans Mortgage Loans | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 20 | Ve-Vn | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 21 | Vice President: Invitations | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 22 | Vo-Vy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 23 | Voice of America | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 24-28 | Wa | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 29 | Washington Report | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 30-35 | We-Why | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 36 | White House Corresp | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 37 | White House Committee: Children & Youth | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 38-46 | Wi-Wy | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 47 | S 94: World Court: Justices | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 48 | World Refugee Year | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 49 | World Trade: Miscellaneous Sea Transport | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 50 | World Trade Week | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 51 | X-Y | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 52 | Youth Program | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 53 | Youth March for Integrated Schools | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 261: 54 | Z | 1959 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 1 | Agriculture: Crop Pest Control | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 2 | Agriculture: Farm Home Admin | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 3 | Agriculture Department | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 4 | Agriculture: Foods: Contamination | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 5 | Agriculture: Foods: Surplus | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 6 | Agriculture: Lamb Grading | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 7 | Agriculture: Meat Inspection | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 8 | Agriculture: Grain for Alcohol | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 9 | Aviation: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 10 | Aviation Magazines | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 11 | Aeronautical Law Committee | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 12 | Transport of Non-Military Personnel | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 13 | Airline Pilots Association | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 14 | Air Show | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 15 | Air Transport Association | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 16 | Civil Air Regulations | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 17 | Allegheny Airlines | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 18 | American Airlines | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 19 | Bendix Aviation Corporation | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 20 | S 1546: Amend Fed Aviation Act | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 21 | Buffalo-Toronto Route Case | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 22 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 23 | Trans-Atlantic Flight-Regulation | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 262: 24 | Capital Airlines | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 1 | Civil Air Patrol | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 2 | Consolidated Airborne Systems, Inc. | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 3 | Curtiss-Wright | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 4 | Eastern NY Orthopedic Hospital | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 5 | Mental Hospital-Huntington, Il. | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 6 | Manhattan Beach TB Hospital | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 7 | Rochester Eye Bank & Research Soc | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 8 | Rochester General Hospital | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 9 | Spears Chiropractic Hospital: Denver | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 10 | Tuxedo Memorial Hospital | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 11 | Westchester County Health Center | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 12 | Maritime: Carter Hotels Operating | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 13 | Maritime: SS Carl D. Bradley | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 14 | Registry & Disposition of Vessels | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 15 | Maritime: State Marine SS Company | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 16 | Maritime: Shipbuilding | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 17 | Maritime-Shipping-Subsidies | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 18 | Maritime-Truckloading-NY Piers | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 19 | Memorials: Historical Sites | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 20 | Memorials: Armed Forces Day | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 21 | Memorials: Commemorative Coins | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 22 | Army-Dog Fight on Okinawa | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 23 | Naval Industrial Reserve Plant | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 24 | US Naval Training Device Supply Co. | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 25 | US Naval Weapons Plant: Washington | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 26 | Aircraft Equipment & Parts Industry | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 27 | Scotia Naval Supply Depot | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 28 | Air Procurement Office: Johnson City | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 29 | Calverton Naval Plant-Aircraft | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 263: 30 | US Military Assistance Program | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 1 | Military: Construction | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 2 | Air Force Academy | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 3 | Military Installations | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 4 | Military: Pay & Allowances | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 5 | Military: National Guard | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 6-7 | Military: Reserve Programs | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 8 | Military: Camp Drum | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 9 | Military: Ft. Monmouth | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 10 | Military: Ft. Tilden | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 11 | Military: Forbes Air Force Base | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 12 | Military: Air Transport Service | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 13 | Military: Sea Transport Service | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 14 | Military: Naval Air Station | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 15-16 | Military: SAGE | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 17 | Military: Plattsburgh Air Force Base | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 264: 18 | Military: Sampson Air Force Base | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 1-2 | Military: Sampson Air Force Base | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 3 | Military: Stewart Air Force Base | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 4 | Military: Suffolk Air Force Base | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 5 | Japan-Ashiya Air Base | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 6 | Buffalo Air Reserve Facilities | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 7 | Separation/Discharge/Release Policy | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 8 | Surplus Property | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 9 | Air Force-Stratcom | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 10 | Army Headquarters: Governors Is., NY | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 11 | National Park Service | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 12 | New York State Parks | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 13 | Selkirk Shores State Park | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 14 | NYS Projects | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 15 | Cloverleaf Highway-Amityville | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 16 | Snowshoe Island Highway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 17 | Expressway-Aurora | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 18 | Beacon-Newburgh Bridge | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 19 | Belt Parkway-Parallel Highway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 20 | Route 13-Cayuga Heights | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 21 | Clearview Expressway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 22-23 | Flushing Creek & Whitestone Bridges | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 24 | Roads: General Corresp | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 25 | Roads-Genesee Park Blvd Assn | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 26 | Glover-Archbold Parkway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 27 | Roads-Harlem River Bridge | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 28 | Honeoye Highway Project | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 29 | Landscaping Adjacent to Highways | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 30 | Mid-Hudson Bridge Arterial Highway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 31 | Narrows Bridge-Save Bay Ridge Comm | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 32 | New York State Thruway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 265: 33 | Interstate & Defense Highway Act | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 1 | NYS Thruway & Lake Ontario | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 2 | Northway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 3 | Ohio Street Bridge: Buffalo, NY | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 4 | Rochester: Outer Loop Expressway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 5 | Park Ave Viaduct | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 6 | Penn-Can Highway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 7 | Route 44 | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 8 | Route 206 | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 9 | Roads-Scajaquada Creek Expressway | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 10 | Rochester: Scottsville-Chili Road | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 11 | Shinnecock Canal Bridge | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 12 | Theodore Roosevelt Bridge | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 13 | Washington Street Bridge-Jamestown | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 14 | Western Thruway Feeder to Rochester | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 15 | Whitestone Parkway: Flushing | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 16 | Taxes: Amsterdam IRS | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 17 | Taxes: Fire Companies | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 18 | Taxes: Howard Henig | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 19 | Taxes: State Income Taxes | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 20 | Taxes: Institutions | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 21 | Taxes: Life Insurance Tax Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 22 | Taxes: Refunds | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 23 | Taxes: Statutes | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 24 | Taxes: Municipal | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 25 | Trade: Cotton Textile Imports | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 26 | Trade: Davis-Howland Oil Company | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 27 | Trade: Fiber Identification Act | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 28 | Trade: United Arab Republic | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 29 | Trade: Unfair Pricing & Advertising | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 30 | Lewis Transport Limited | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 31 | Transit: Washington, DC | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 32 | Transportation Plan: Washington DC | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 33 | Walter Motor Truck Company | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 34 | ICC-Permits | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 35 | Utilities: Transportation, Trucks | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 36 | Utilities: Telephones | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 37 | ICC Permit & H. Struve Hensel | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 38 | Iroquois Gas Corp | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 39 | NYS Public Utilities | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 40 | Tennessee Gas Transmission Co. | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 41 | Utilities: NYS Transit Authorities | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 266: 42 | Mobile Registration | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 267: 1 | Television: General | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 267: 2 | TV for Rural Areas | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 267: 3 | Railroads: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 267: 4 | Boston & Maine Railroads | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 267: 5 | Delaware Co. & Erie Co. Merger | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 267: 6 | NY Central Railroad Co. | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 267: 7 | Lehigh Valley Railroad | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 1 | Eastern Airlines-Complaints Against | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 2 | Fed Aviation Agency-Gen. Quezada | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 3 | Federal Airport Act | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 4 | Domestic Air Mail Transport-Maps | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 5 | Great Lakes: Local Service Case | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 6 | Great Lakes Basin Compact | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 7 | Helicopters into Nassau, NY | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 8 | Royal Dutch Airlines | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 9 | MacArthur Airport | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 10 | Mohawk Airlines-Strike | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 11 | S 2774: Air Cargo & Govt Loans | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 12 | National Airlines-Complaints | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 13 | NY Airways-Certificate Renewal | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 268: 14 | Non-Stop Cross Country Routes | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 1 | Pan American Airlines-Complaints | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 2 | Pacific-Northwest/Hawaii Renewal | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 3 | Airlines Employees-Passes | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 4 | Private Planes & Custom Authorities | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 5 | Purchase & Use of Jet Fighters | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 6 | Republic Aviation: Govt Contracts | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 7 | Robbins Aviation, Inc-Patent Rights | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 8 | Rochester Airport-Expansion | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 9 | Rochester: Washington DC Air Service | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 10 | Routes-Air (Pan Am) | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 11 | Seaboard & Western Airlines | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 12 | Aviation: Safety | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 13 | Schenectady Airport | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 14 | Staten Island Airport | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 15 | Airlines-Subsidies | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 16 | Supplemental Air Carrier Conference | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 17 | Transportation: Proposed Bills | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 18 | United Airlines-Complaints Against | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 19 | Civil Service: William Chase | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 20 | Civil Service: Employment Requests | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 21 | Civil Service: Border Patrol | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 22 | Civil Service: Reduction in Force | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 23 | Civil Service: Salaries | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 24 | Civil Service: Working Conditions | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 25 | Health, Education & Welfare-HEW | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 26 | HEW: New York State | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 27 | HEW: Drugs-Pricing & Patents | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 28 | HEW: Drug Trade News | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 29 | HEW: The Health Guild-Violations | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 269: 30 | HEW: Vivisection | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 1 | HEW: Experimental Use of Rabbits | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 2 | HEW: Hospital Grants | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 3 | HEW: Incinerating Plants | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 4 | HEW: Sewage & Its Disposal | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 5 | HEW: Water Pollution Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 6 | HEW: Water Systems | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 7 | Education: Audio-Visual | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 8 | Education: Teachers Overseas | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 9 | Educational Exchange Program | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 10 | Education: Financial Aid for Schools | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 11 | Education: Humphrey School District | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 12 | Education: Leads Foundation, Inc. | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 13 | Marine Corps Language School | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 14 | Education: Mentally Retarded | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 15 | National Defense Education Act | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 16 | Education: Syracuse Central Schools | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 17 | Personnel Guidance Programs | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 18-19 | Education: Program Activity Report | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 20-22 | Education: School Construction | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 23 | Education: Subsidized | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 24 | Education: Syracuse University | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 25 | Federal Government: Surplus Property | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 26 | Federal Government: Surplus Jeeps & Trucks | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 270: 27-29 | Federal Government: Surplus Property | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 1 | Federal Government: Census Bureau-Letters | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 2 | Federal Government: Army Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 3 | Federal Government: Navy Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 4 | Federal Government: HEW Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 5 | Federal Govt: Justice Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 6 | Federal Government: Labor Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 7 | Federal Government: Interior Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 8 | Federal Government: State Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 9 | Federal Government: Treasury Dept | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 10 | Federal Government: Fed Trade Commission | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 11 | Federal Government: FCC | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 12 | Federal Government: Fed Power Commission | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 13 | FTC-Grand Union Stores Case | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 14 | Federal Government: Govt Liaison Officers | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 15 | Federal Govt: General Services Admin | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 16 | Federal Government: US Information Agency | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 17 | Interstate Commerce Commission | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 18-19 | Federal Government: NLRB | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 20 | Federal Government: Securities & Exchange | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 21 | Federal Government: Small Business Admin | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 22 | Housing-College Housing Loans | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 23 | Housing-Urban Renewal Admin | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 271: 24 | Housing-Urban Renewal-Fed Grants | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 1 | Housing-Pamphlets & Booklets | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 2 | Housing-Urban Planning Assistance | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 3 | Housing-Urban Renewal-Corresp | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 4 | Housing-Financing, Religious Organ | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 5 | Housing-Ticonderoga | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 6 | Housing-Troy, NY | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 7 | Housing-Wherry Housing Act | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 8 | Housing-Binghamton | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 9 | Housing-Buffalo | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 10 | Housing-FHA-Rochester Office | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 11 | Housing-Bellport, NY | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 12 | Housing & Home Finance Agency | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 13 | Housing Act of 1949-Title I | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 14 | Housing-Columbia Plaza, DC | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 15 | Housing-Cooper Square, NYC | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 16 | Fed Housing Act: Amended | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 17 | Housing-Rev. Henry W. Gair Case | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 18 | Housing-Purchase of Loft Building | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 19 | Housing-Middletown | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 20 | Housing-North Park Urban Renewal | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 21 | Housing-Rental Housing Market | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 22 | Housing-Riverside-Amsterdam Project | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 23 | Housing-South Saratoga Cohoes, NY | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 272: 24 | Housing-Pennstation South, NYC | 1959 - 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 1-2 | Anti-Trust | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 3 | S 839: Anti-Trust: Auto Purchases | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 4 | Anti-Trust: Bank Mergers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 5-6 | Anti-Trust: Drug Industry | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 7 | Anti-Trust: Fair Trade | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 8 | Anti-Trust: Meat Packing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 9 | S 2104: Anti-Trust: Contractors | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 10 | HR 264: Anti: Trust & Pre: Mergers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 11 | S 215: Anti-Trust & Prices | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 12 | Anti-Trust: Price Fixing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 273: 13 | Defense Appropriations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 274: 1 | Appropriations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 274: 2 | KBK Votes on Appropriations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 274: 3 | Defense Appropriations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 274: 4 | Appropriations: Senate | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 1-2 | Appropriations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 3 | Appropriations for HEW | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 4 | Census | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 5 | Commerce Committee: Background | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 6 | Commerce Committee: KBK Statements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 7 | HR 9665: Federal Employees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 8 | S 1461: Civil Service Annuities | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 9 | S 1530: Civil Service: Register | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 10 | Civil Service: Employee Discharge | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 275: 11-12 | Civil Service: Retired | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 1 | S 2109: UHF & VHF TV | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 2 | Communications: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 3-4 | Media-Equal Time | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 5 | Media-Libel Ruling | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 6 | Media-Quiz Shows | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 7 | Media-Judiciary,TV & Radio Hearings | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 8-9 | Media | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 10 | S 2653: FCC & Community Antennas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 11 | FCC: Reorganization Plan | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 12 | FCC: Pay TV | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 13 | FCC: WROC-TV Channel 8 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 276: 14-15 | Federal Communications Commission | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 1 | Congress: Code of Fair Procedures | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 2 | S 2161: 87th Congress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 3 | Congress: 86th | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 4 | Congress 86th | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 5 | Congress: 87th Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 6 | Kennedy Program-87th Congress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 6 | Senate Statements-Prayer in Schools | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 7-8 | Congress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 9-10 | Supreme Court Decisions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 11 | S 334: Associate Supreme Ct Justice | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 277: 12 | Judiciary Committee: Proceedings | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 278: 1-3 | Supreme Court Decisions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 278: 4 | Prayer in Schools | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 278: 5 | House Statements-Prayer in Schools | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 278: 7 | Prayer in Schools | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 278: 8 | Supreme Court Decision-Prayer Issue | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 278: 9 | School Prayer: Correspondence (Con) | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 1 | HR 1960: Jurisdiction of US Courts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 2 | S 1351: Jurisdiction of US Courts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 3 | Courts: 86th Congress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 4 | Fair Play Code Investment Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 5 | Courts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 6 | Double Jeopardy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 7-8 | Courts: Congestion | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 9 | Federal Court Candidates | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 10 | Supreme Court | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 279: 11 | Crime: Keating Statements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 1 | S 562: National Commission on Crime | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 2 | Crime: Background Material | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 3 | S 1665: Obstruction of Justice | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 4 | S 447: Crime: Business Practices | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 6 | Criminal Code | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 6 | S 1655: Immunity | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 7 | S 1130: Gambling Devices: Transport | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 8 | S 1131: Gambling Materials | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 9 | S 1654: Fugitive Felons | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 10 | S 1721: Amendment to Appeals by US | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 11 | S 655: Crime | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 12 | S 1658: Transport of Gambling Device | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 13 | NYS Racing Commission-Report | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 280: 14 | HR 258: Interstate Commerce & Crime | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 1 | S 1516: Perjury | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 2 | Pornography | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 3 | SJ Res 160-Pornography | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 4 | Pornography | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 5 | Capital Punishment: Washington, DC | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 6 | S 1132: Use of Commerce in Crime | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 7 | S 1661: Parole Boards | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 8 | S 1653: Interstate Crime | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 9 | House-Mallory Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 281: 10 | Crime: Insanity | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 282: 1-2 | Defense | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 282: 3 | Defense: Appropriations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 282: 4 | Armed Services | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 282: 5 | Armed Services: Reserve Personnel | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 282: 6 | Armed Services: Procurement | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 282: 7 | S 1383: Armed Services Contracts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 282: 8 | Defense Procurement | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 1 | S 1178: Defense Procurement | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 2 | Defense: Selective Services | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 3 | Public Works: Corps of Engineers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 4 | Armed Services: Retired Personnel | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 5 | Disarmament Agencies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 6-7 | Military Pay Raise | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 8 | Defense | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 9 | Defense: Guerilla Warfare | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 10 | Defense: Anti-Missile Missile | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 11 | Defense: B-70 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 12 | S 2787: Status Liability: Natl Guard | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 13 | Reserves | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 283: 14 | Reserves-Air Force Recovery Units | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 1-2 | Defense: National Guard | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 3 | S 269: Pay to Retired Military | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 4 | Defense: Draft | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 5 | Armed Services: Dependents | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 6 | S 253: Americans Overseas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 7-8 | Economy: International | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 9 | Economy: International: Heller Mission | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 10 | Economy: International: Gold | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 11 | Economy: Overseas Investments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 12 | Economy: Silver | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 13 | Economy: International: Silver | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 14 | Economic Growth-Nixon's Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 15 | Economy: Domestic | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 284: 16-17 | Economy: Domestic: Fed Reserve Board | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 285: 1 | Economy: Domestic | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 285: 2 | Steel | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 285: 3 | Speech Material File | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 285: 4 | Steel-Con the Presidents Position | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 1-2 | Domestic Economy: Banks | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 3 | FRL-Bank Service Corps (Con) | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 4-5 | Domestic Economy: Inflation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 6-7 | Domestic Economy: Cost of Living | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 8-9 | Domestic Economy: Interest Rates | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 10 | Domestic Economy: OECD | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 11 | Domestic Economy: Jnt Economic Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 12 | S 70: Federal & State Economic Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 13 | S 2080: National Economic Council | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 14 | Economy: Women | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 15 | Electoral Reforms: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 16 | Electoral Reform: KBK | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 286: 17 | Reapportionment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 287: 1-2 | Electoral Reform: Campaign Expenses | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 287: 3 | Electoral Reform: Residency | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 287: 4-5 | Electoral Reform: Equal Time | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 287: 6-7 | S 1749: Multiple Voting Days | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 288: 1-2 | Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 288: 3-4 | Foreign Aid: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 288: 5 | Foreign Aid: Aid to Neutrals | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 288: 6-7 | Foreign Aid: Freedom of the Seas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 288: 8-9 | Foreign Aid: Mutual Security Program | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 288: 10 | Foreign Aid Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 1 | Caroline M. Piscitello | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 2-3 | HR 11970: Trade Bill Amendments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 4 | Thank You Letters for Personal File | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 5 | Foreign Aid: Cuba | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 6 | HR 10743: Non: Service Disability | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 7 | Shelter Program | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 8 | Foreign Aid: Communist Nations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 9 | Trade Expansion Plan | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 10 | Trade Legislation (Pro) | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 11-12 | Correspondence | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 289: 13 | S 1451: Mutual Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 1 | Foreign Aid: Mutual Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 2 | International Development Agency | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 3 | Foreign Aid: Development Loan Fund | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 4 | Foreign Aid: Birth Control | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 5 | Foreign Aid: Private | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 6 | S 1215: Foreign Aid: Battle Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 7 | Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 8 | Foreign Aid: Aid to Neutrals | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 9 | Foreign Aid: Neutrals & Communists | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 10 | Foreign Aid: Alliance for Progress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 290: 11 | Foreign Aid: Peace Corps | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 291: 1 | Foreign Aid: Peace Corps | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 291: 2-3 | Foreign Policy: KBK General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 291: 4-5 | Foreign Policy: Anti-Semitism | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 1 | Foreign Policy: Captive Nations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 2 | Captive Nations-Baltic | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 3 | Captive Nations-Ukraine | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 4 | Captive Nations-Joint Committee | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 5 | Captive Nations: KBK Statements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 6 | Captive Nations Week: Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 7 | CIA | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 8 | Foreign Policy: Comm of One Million | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 9 | Foreign Policy: Connally Amendment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 292: 10 | Council on Foreign Relations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 1 | Council for Freedom & Democracy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 2 | Foreign Policy: KBK Exchange Program | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 3 | S 3385: Culture & Tech. Interchange | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 4 | Foreign Policy: Genocide Convention | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 5 | S 3058: Mutual Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 6 | S 28: People to People Program | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 7 | State Dept | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 8 | State Department: Foreign Service | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 9 | State Dept- Korda-Hung Newspaper | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 10 | State Department: Olmstead/McKone Case | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 11 | State Department: Secretary of State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 12 | State Department: Shaughnessy Plan | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 13 | State Department: Voice of America | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 293: 14 | State Department: G. Phillies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 1 | Foreign Policy: Republican Leaders | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 2 | Foreign Policy: Treaties | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 3 | Foreign Policy: Welcome Corps | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 4 | Foreign Policy: Visitors | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 5 | S 324: White Fleet of Aid & Mercy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 6 | Foreign Policy: Peace Organizations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 7 | International Parliamentary Union | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 8 | Foreign Policy: NATO | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 9 | Foreign Policy: SEATO | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 10 | Foreign Policy: Summit Conference | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 294: 11-12 | Foreign Policy: United Nations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 295: 1 | Recognition of Red China | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 295: 2 | Foreign Policy: World Court | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 295: 3 | Foreign Policy: Africa | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 295: 4 | Foreign Policy: Arab Boycott | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 295: 5 | Foreign Policy: Belgium | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 295: 6 | Foreign Policy: Berlin Conference | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 295: 7 | Foreign Policy: Berlin-Volume I | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 296: 1 | Foreign Policy: Berlin-Volume II | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 296: 2 | Foreign Policy: Canada | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 296: 3 | Foreign Policy: Congo-Volume I | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 296: 4 | Foreign Policy: Congo-Volume II | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 296: 5 | Foreign Policy: Struelens Case-Congo | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 296: 6 | Foreign Policy: Egypt | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 296: 7 | Foreign Policy: England | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 1 | Foreign Policy: Far East | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 2 | Foreign Policy: France | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 3 | Foreign Policy: Germany | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 4 | Foreign Policy: Greece | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 5 | Foreign Policy: Hungary | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 6 | Foreign Policy: India | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 7-8 | Foreign Policy: Israel | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 297: 9 | Foreign Policy: Israel-Erchman Case | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 1 | Foreign Policy: Japan | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 2 | Foreign Policy: Korea | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 3 | Foreign Policy: Laos | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 4-5 | Foreign Policy: Latin America | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 6 | Latin America-Vision Letter | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 7 | Foreign Policy: Mexico | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 8 | Foreign Policy: Middle East: KBK | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 298: 9 | S 134: Middle East: Javits | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 1 | Foreign Policy: Middle East | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 2 | Foreign Policy: Near East Reports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 3 | Foreign Policy: Poland | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 4 | Foreign Policy: Portugal | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 5 | Foreign Policy: Puerto Rico | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 6 | Foreign Policy: Quemoy & Matsu | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 7 | Foreign Policy: Red China | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 8 | Foreign Policy-Red China-Refugees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 299: 9 | Foreign Policy: Russia | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 1 | Foreign Policy: Russia | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 2 | Foreign Policy: Spain | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 3 | Foreign Policy: Tibet | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 4 | Foreign Policy: Turkey | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 5 | Foreign Policy: Yugoslavia | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 6-7 | Government Operations: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 8 | Government Operations: Consumers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 9 | S 2189: Government Operations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 10 | Government Operations: Washington DC | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 11 | Senate Investigations Committee: B Girls | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 300: 12 | Government Operations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 301: 1-2 | Government Operations: Surplus Property | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 301: 3 | Government Operations: Costs of Research | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 301: 4-9 | Government Operations: Surplus Property | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 301: 10 | "Know Your Government Office" | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 302: 1 | Government Operations: Executive Branch | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 302: 2 | Government Operations: Fed/State Relations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 302: 3 | Government Operations: Freedom of Info | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 302: 4 | Government Operations: Dept of Science | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 302: 5 | Government Operations: Women in Government | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 302: 6 | Govt Operations: NY Steering Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 302: 7 | Government Operations: Stockpiling | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 1-2 | Health | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 3 | Health: Alcoholism | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 4-6 | Health: Air Pollution | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 7 | Health: Blindness | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 8 | Health: Diseases | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 9 | Health: Diseases-Cancer | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 10 | Health: Deafness | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 11 | Health: Doctors | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 12 | S 2659: Interstate Commerce Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 303: 13 | S 115: Hospital Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 1-2 | Health: Food & Drug Administration | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 3 | Health: Drugs-Tetracycline | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 4-5 | Health: Hospitals-Excluding VA | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 6 | Health: Private Insurance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 7-8 | Medicare: Keating Remarks | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 9-10 | Health: Mental Health | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 11 | Mental Illness & Rights | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 12-13 | Health: Water Pollution | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 14 | Health: Public Health | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 15 | S 3197: Funds for Medical Research | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 304: 16 | Health: Sanitation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 1 | Health: Vivisection | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 2 | Health: Water | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 3 | SJ Res 41-Internatl Med Research | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 4 | Health for Peace Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 5 | Javits Health Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 6 | Health Care for the Aged: Tax Credit | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 7 | Social Security: Aged | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 8-12 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 13 | Social Security: Forand Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 14 | S 85: Health Insurance for the Aged | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 15 | Health: Aged | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 305: 16 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 306: 1 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 306: 2 | Health: Narcotics: Miscellaneous Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 306: 3 | Narcotics: Corresp | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 306: 4 | Narcotics: Background | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 307: 1 | Narcotics: KBK Statements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 307: 2 | Narcotics: Cuban Smuggling | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 307: 3 | Highway Safety-Automobiles | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 307: 4 | Industry | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 307: 5 | Industry: Endicott-Johnson | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 307: 6 | Industry-Oil | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 1 | Interior Dept | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 2-3 | Interior: Civil War Centennials | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 4 | Interior: General Conservation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 5 | Interior: Conservation Corps | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 6 | Interior: Forest | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 7-8 | Interior: Fuels | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 9 | Interior: Hamilton Monument | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 308: 10 | S 4: National Fuels Study Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 1 | Interior: Indian Hearings | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 2-3 | Interior: Fish & Wildlife | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 4 | Indian Affairs: Tuscarora Indians | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 5 | SJ Res 199-American Indian Day | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 6 | Interior: Minerals | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 7 | Interior: Fort Stanwix | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 8 | SJ Res 171-Hamilton Grange Memorial | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 9 | S 2944: Mt. Rushmore Memorial | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 10 | HJ Res 168-St. Ann's Churchyard | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 11 | S 3717: Arlington Natl Cemetery | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 12 | Interior: Saline Water | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 13 | S 433: New York City Land for Parks | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 14 | S 657: Manhattan Beach Air Base | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 309: 15 | Interior: Shore Protection | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 1-3 | Tennessee Valley Authority | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 4 | Interior: Conservation of Wetlands | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 5 | Weather | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 6 | Interior: Wilderness Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 7 | Interior: Public Power | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 8-9 | Interior: Parks | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 10 | Interior: Recreation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 11 | Interior: Water | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 310: 12 | S 294: Communism in Cuba | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 311: 1-2 | Internal Security: Passports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 311: 3 | HR 973: Internal Security: Passports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 311: 4 | S 2652: Strengthen Internal Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 311: 5 | Internal Security: Special Subcomm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 311: 6 | HR 3: Internal Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 312: 1 | HR 3 & S 3: Internal Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 312: 2 | Internal Sec-Employee Discharge | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 312: 3-5 | Internal Security: Communism | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 312: 6 | Internal Security: Barenbalat-Uphaus | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 313: 1 | John Birch Society | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 313: 2-3 | Internal Security: Trade with Russia | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 313: 4 | Industrial Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 313: 5 | S 2416: Industrial Security Program | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 313: 6 | Internal Security: Freedom Communism | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 313: 7-9 | S 1689: Freedom Commission | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 313: 10 | Internal Security: Freedom Academy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 1 | S 2416: Industrial Security Program | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 2 | Internal Security: Greene Decision | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 3 | Internal Sec-Defense Contractors | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 4-6 | Internal Security: Jencks Case | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 7 | Internal Security: M. Sobell Case | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 8-9 | Internal Security: Nazism | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 10 | Internal Security: Nelson | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 11 | Trade with Communist Nations: USSR | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 12-13 | Unamerican Activities Comm | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 314: 14-15 | Internal Security: Yates | 1959 - 1964 | Subject Files | |
2: 315: 1 | Subversive Activities Control Board | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 315: 2 | Internal Security: Senate Subcomm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 315: 3 | Anti-Subversive Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 315: 4 | S 527: Internal Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 315: 5 | SJ Res 31-Uncle Sam | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 315: 6 | S 14: Federal Charters: Uncle Sam | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 316: 1 | Judiciary | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 316: 2 | Uncle Sam: KBK Photos | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 316: 3 | HR 6690: Improve Judicial Machinery | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 316: 4 | Judiciary: American Bar Association | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 316: 5 | Judiciary: Copyrights | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 316: 6 | Judiciary: Adoption | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 1 | Judiciary Committee | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 2 | Trials | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 3 | S 1764: Fed Tort Liability Leg | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 4 | S 965: Newsmen's Privilege Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 5 | Improve Judicial Machinery-Subcomm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 6 | Judiciary: Special Subcomm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 7 | Judiciary: Special SubCommittee: Refugees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 8 | Judiciary: Juvenile Delinquency | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 9 | General Bills: 86th Congress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 10 | Patents | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 11 | Judiciary Committee: Judicial Selection | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 12 | S 2900: Judiciary: Criminal Cases | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 13 | Judiciary Committee: Misc | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 14 | Judiciary Committee: Frank O'Neill Case | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 317: 15 | Judiciary Committee: Misc | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 318: 1 | Judiciary Committee: Right to Bear Arms | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 318: 2-3 | Judiciary: Comm Organization | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 318: 4 | Judiciary: Freedom of Information | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 318: 5 | S 56: Study Federal Judicial System | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 318: 6 | Functional Discounts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 318: 7 | Robinson-Pateman Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 318: 8-10 | Judiciary: Constitutional Rights | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 1 | S 2326: Interpleader Compact | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 2 | S 8852: Payment of Judgements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 3 | Judiciary: Bankruptcy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 4 | Judiciary: Fed Sentencing Procedures | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 5 | S 3530: Business Frauds Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 6 | S 3569: Area Assistance Act of 1960 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 7 | S 955: Obstruction of Court Orders | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 8 | Judiciary: Contempt of Congress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 9 | Subcom on Constitutional Amendments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 10 | HJ Res 29-Constitutional Amendment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 11 | Judiciary: Equal Rights Amendment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 12 | Judiciary: Patents & Copyrights | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 13 | Judiciary: Anti-Trust & Monopoly | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 14 | Judiciary: Administrative Practice | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 15 | Mandatory Capital Punishment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 16 | President | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 17 | Internal Security Subcomm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 319: 18 | Judiciary Committee: Capitol Punishment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 320: 1-2 | Improve Judicial Machinery | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 320: 3 | SJ Res 93: "Shut-In" Day | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 320: 4 | SJ Res 55: "Bill of Rights" Day | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 320: 5 | Justice J.V. Keogh Case | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 320: 6-9 | Judiciary: Constitutional Amendments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 320: 10-11 | SJ Res 39-Temporary Vacancies Amend | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 320: 12 | S 1446: Judgeship Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 1-4 | Judgeships | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 5 | S 716: Judgeships: New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 6-7 | A. Goldberg-Nominated Supreme Court | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 8 | HR 3392: Additional District Judges | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 9 | HR 3813: Judgeship Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 10 | Fed Appointments: Judgeships | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 11 | Fed Appointments: US Attorneys | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 12 | Paul R. Hays | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 13 | Dudley B. Bonsal | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 14 | Wilfred Feinberg | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 15 | George Rosling | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 321: 16 | Misc | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 1 | Jacob Mishler-District Judge | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 2 | Harold Tyler | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 3 | Judge Learned Hand | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 4 | Judgeships: 1959 Elections | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 5 | Judgeship Material | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 6 | Judgeship: Nominations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 7 | Judgeship: Nominations: Robert Bicks | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 8 | Judgeship: Nominations: McLean | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 9 | S 3721: Judgeship Retirement: KBK | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 10 | HR 191 & HR 469: Judgeships | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 11 | Judgeships: Newspaper Clippings | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 322: 12 | S 1446: Judges for Court of Appeals | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 323: 1 | Judgeships: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 323: 2-4 | Nominations: Thurgood Marshall | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 323: 5 | Cooper: Clippings | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 323: 6 | Judgeship: Irving B. Cooper | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 324: 1 | Judicial Business: Circuit Courts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 324: 2-4 | Kenneth B. Keating | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 324: 5-6 | Kenneth B. Keating-Biographies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 324: 7 | Keating-Complimentary Letters | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 325: 1 | Keating-Pageships | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 325: 2 | Keating-Photographs | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 325: 3 | Keating-Press Releases | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 325: 4 | Keating-Recommendations & Appts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 325: 5 | Keating-Thank You's | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 325: 6 | Legislative Research | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 325: 7 | Press Releases & Announcements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 1-2 | Press | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 3-4 | Press: Radio Show | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 5 | Press: Report from Washington | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 6-7 | Press: TV Appearances | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 8 | S 7: American Dental Assn: Centennial | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 9 | S 95: Robert Frost's Birthday | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 10 | S 84: Death of Daniel Reed | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 11-12 | Tributes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 13 | Cooper-Tributes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 14 | SJ Res 47-Tributes (Eddie Cantor) | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 326: 15 | Ireland-Tributes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 327: 1 | SJ Res 88-Tributes: Bob Hope | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 327: 2 | Tributes: Special Days,People,Groups | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 327: 3 | Mother's Day | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 327: 4-6 | University of Rochester: Trustees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 328: 1-4 | University of Rochester: Trustees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 328: 5 | Misc | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 1 | Education: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 2 | Education: PL 874 & 875 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 3-4 | S 1021: Goldwater Amendment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 5-6 | S 1241: KBK, Prouty, & Ervin Amend | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 7 | S 792: Tax Deduction for Tuition | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 8 | S 2912: College Dorm Funds: Limits | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 9-10 | Education: NDEA, Misc | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 329: 11 | S 2304: Natl Defense Education Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 1 | Education: Federal Aid (Pro) | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 2 | Education: Fed Aid-Cuban Refugees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 3 | Education: Statistics | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 4 | Education: Teaching Committee | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 5-6 | Education: Teachers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 7 | Education: Teachers Overseas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 8 | Education: Aid to Private Schools | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 330: 9 | Education: New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 1 | Education: Higher Education | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 2 | Education: Negro Issues | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 3 | Education-NDEA-Soviet Equipment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 4 | Education: Libraries | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 5 | Education: Federal Research | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 6 | Aid to Education: Tax Proposal | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 7 | National League for Nursing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 8 | Education: Fellowships | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 9 | Education: Colleges & Universities | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 331: 10 | Education: Science Program | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 1-2 | S 3326 & 3330: Amend NDEA | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 3 | Education: NDEA Fellowships | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 4 | Education-NDEA-Loan Program | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 5 | Education-NDEA-Loyalty Oath | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 6 | S 2345: Education: NDEA | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 7 | Education: Veterans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 8 | Education: TV | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 9 | Educational TV: Rochester: Channel 13 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 10 | TV: Keating and Kennedy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 11 | Education: Prayers & Religion | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 12 | S 8: Education | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 332: 13 | Education: Federal Aid | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 333: 1 | S 1021: Education: KBK Amendment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 333: 2-3 | Education: Culture, Art, etc. | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 333: 4 | Labor: Mailing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 333: 5-6 | Labor: Minimum Wage | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 333: 7 | Labor: Equal Pay | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 333: 8 | Labor: Leisure Time | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 333: 9 | S 2882: Fair Labor Standards Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 1 | Fair Labor Standards Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 2 | Labor: Minimum Wage | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 3-4 | Labor: NLRB | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 5 | Labor: Racketeering | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 6 | Labor: Situs Picketing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 7-8 | Labor: Strikes: Airline Engineers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 9-10 | Labor: Strikes: NY Harbor Strike | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 11 | Labor: Strikes: Railroad | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 12-14 | Labor: Strikes: Steel | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 15 | Labor: Migrant Workers-Mexican | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 334: 16 | Labor Cases | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 1 | Labor: Migrant: KBK Comments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 2 | S 1126: KBK Bill: Migrant Labor | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 3 | Labor: Migrant: New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 4 | PL 78-Mexican Farm Labor | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 5 | Taft-Hartley Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 6 | Labor Reform Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 7 | Keating-Labor Reform | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 8 | Labor: Retraining Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 9 | Labor: Manpower Retraining Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 335: 10 | Keating-Unemployment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 1 | Labor: Unemployment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 2 | S 499: Unemployment Compensation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 3 | HR 5640: Unemployment Compensation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 4 | S 3594: Fed Unemployment Tax Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 5 | Labor: Unemployment Training | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 6 | Unemployment: Schenectady | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 7 | Labor: NYS Unemployment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 8 | S 1631: Commission on Unemployment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 9 | Labor: Welfare & Pension Plans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 10 | Labor Unions: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 336: 11 | Labor: Teamsters | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 1 | Labor Reform Bill: Reports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 2 | Labor Unions & Anti-Trust Laws | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 3-4 | Minorities | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 5 | Minorities: Armenian | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 6 | Minorities: Byelorussian | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 7 | Hungarian Independence Day | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 8-9 | Minorities: Greek | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 10 | Minorities: Lithuanians | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 11 | Minorities: Polish | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 12 | Minorities: Rumanians | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 13 | Minorities: Thailand | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 14 | Minorities: Ukrainians | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 337: 15 | Projects: Ellis Island | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 1-2 | New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 3 | New York State: Port Authority | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 4 | New York State: Contracts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 5-6 | New York State: Commerce | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 7 | New York State Budget Message | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 8 | New York State: Commerce Review | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 9 | New York State: Health | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 10 | Crime: Newburgh, NY | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 11 | New York State: Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 12 | SJ Res 131-Worlds Fair: Invitations | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 13 | HJ Res 123-US in Worlds Fair | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 14 | HR 74: Reimburse NYC | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 338: 15 | NYS: Immigration Office in Rochester | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 339: 1 | New York State: Liberal Party | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 339: 2 | New York State: Rochester | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 339: 3 | New York State: Transportation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 339: 4 | New York City: Mayor Wagner | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 339: 5 | New York State: NAR Press Releases | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 1 | New York State: Unemployment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 2 | New York State: World Trade Center | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 3-4 | Nominations: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 5 | Nominations: Robert Kennedy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 6 | Nominations: Lewis Strauss | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 7 | Nominations: Harold Doyle | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 8 | Nominations: Oscar Davis | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 340: 9 | Nominations: Byron R. White | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 341: 1 | Nuclear Policy: Atomic Energy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 341: 2 | Nuclear Policy: Defense & Testing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 341: 3 | Nuclear Policy: Disarmament | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 341: 4-5 | Nuclear Policy: Civil Defense | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 341: 6 | Nuclear Policy: Civil Defense | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 341: 7 | Nuclear Policy: Disarmament | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 341: 8 | Nuclear Testing-Fall Out | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 342: 1 | Civil Defense | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 342: 2-3 | Atomic Energy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 342: 4 | Senate Rules & Changes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 1 | Post Office: Postal Rates | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 2 | Postal Rate Bill: Cunningham Amend | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 3 | S 2943: Suspend Certain Postal Rates | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 4 | S 125: Mail Fraud | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 5 | Post Office: Commemorative Stamps | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 6 | S 1287: 125th Anniversary of RPI | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 7-9 | Guides Distribution System | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 10 | Post Office: Parcel Post | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 11 | S 1306: Parcel Post Size & Weight | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 12 | Post Office: Postmasters | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 13 | Rules of Senate | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 14-15 | Rules Committee: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 16 | Rules Committee: Senate Rules Changes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 343: 17 | Rules Committee: House Rules Committee | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 1 | Rules Committee: House Rules Committee | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 2 | S 33: Printing of Documentation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 3 | S 44: Labor: Improper Activities: Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 4 | S 81: Amend to Appropriations Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 5 | S 91: Study of Fed Judicial System | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 6 | S 115: Studies of Govt Policy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 7 | S 13: Joint Economic Committee Study | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 8 | S 77: Legislative Reorganization Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 9 | HJ Res 46-Chief Justice to Speak | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 10 | SJ Res 80-Chief Justice-Invitation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 11 | SJ Res 152-Woodrow Wilson Memorial | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 12 | HR 519: Depository Libraries | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 13 | Science & Technology | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 344: 14 | Small Business | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 1 | Small Business: Ballots | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 2 | Small Business: Dislocated | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 3 | Weekly Staff Report to Senate | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 4-5 | Small Business Administration | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 6 | Social Security: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 7 | Social Security: Public Assistance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 8 | Social Security: Aid to Children | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 9 | Social Security: Earnings Limit | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 345: 10 | Social Security: Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 1 | Social Security: Public Assistance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 2 | S 2897: Age Limit on Disability | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 3-4 | Social Security: Earnings Limit | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 5 | S 1393: Taxes on Persons Over 65 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 6 | Public Assistance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 7 | Public Assistance-Newburgh | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 8 | Social Security: Day Care | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 346: 9 | Welfare | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 1-2 | Sports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 3 | Sports: Boxing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 4 | Sports: Football | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 5 | S 1477: Natl Boxing Commissioner | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 6 | Team Sports: KBK Statements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 7-8 | Sports: Baseball | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 9 | Chess Tournament (Ficher): Brooklyn | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 347: 10-11 | Taxes: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 1 | Tax Cuts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 2 | HR 10: Self-Employed: Pension Plans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 3 | Taxes: General Comments JFK | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 4 | Taxes: Entertainment Tax | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 5-6 | Taxes: American Investments Overseas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 7 | Taxes: Dividend Income | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 8 | Taxes: Non-Residents of NYS | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 9 | Taxes: Stock Options | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 10 | Taxes: Withholding | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 348: 11 | Taxes: Excise Taxes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 1 | Taxes: Income Taxes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 2 | Taxes: Estate Tax Credit Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 3 | Taxes: Real Estate | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 4 | Taxes: Savings & Loan | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 5 | Expense Account Provisions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 6 | Taxes: Charitable Contributions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 7 | Taxes-Tax Relief-Self-employed | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 8 | S 2666: Tax Gross Income of Elderly | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 9 | HR 10: Credit for Investments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 10 | Mutual Banks & Insurance Companies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 11 | Foreign Taxation Provision | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 12 | Investment Credit | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 13 | Oil Depletion Allowance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 14 | Dividend Credit & Exemption | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 15 | Withholding | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 16 | Taxes: General & Misc | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 17 | Dirksen Amendments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 18 | Taxes: Business Expenses | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 19-20 | Taxes: Cases | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 349: 21 | Taxation of Interstate Commerce | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 1-2 | Taxes: Corporate | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 3-4 | Taxes: Depreciation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 5-6 | Taxes: Excise | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 7 | Taxes: Exemptions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 8-9 | Taxes: Federal Liens | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 10 | HR 256: States Taxing Fed Property | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 11 | S 910: Payment for Fed Real Property | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 12 | Taxes: Farm Trucks | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 13 | S 1193: Fed Tax Liens & Levies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 14 | Taxes: Federal | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 15 | Taxes: Foreign Tax Credit Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 16 | Life Insurance Tax | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 17-18 | S 2624: Collect Tax on Cigarettes | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 350: 19 | State Income Tax from Fed Employees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 1 | HR 12381: Telephone Tax | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 2-3 | Taxes: Gas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 4-5 | Taxes: Income | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 6 | Taxes: Telephone & Oil Depletion | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 7 | HR 10: Self-employed: Pension Plans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 8 | S 2666: Internal Revenue: Taxation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 9 | Taxes: Insurance Companies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 10 | S 2213: Taxes: Interstate Commerce | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 11-12 | Taxes: New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 13 | Taxes: New York City | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 14-15 | Taxes: Non-Resident | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 16 | SJ Res 46: Taxes Non-Resident | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 17 | SJ Res 29 & 67: Taxes Non-Resident | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 351: 18 | Taxes: Charitable Contributions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 1-2 | S 868: Charitable Contributions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 3-4 | Tax Reforms | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 5 | Tax on Property of Foreign Govts | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 6 | Taxes: Social Security Tips | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 7 | SJ Res 173-Losses in Disaster Areas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 8 | Pension Plan for Common Laborer | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 9 | Trade: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 10 | Trade: Balance of Payments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 11 | Trade: Common Market | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 12 | S 514: Goods Allowed by US Visitors | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 352: 13-14 | Trade & Tariffs: Textiles | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 353: 1-2 | Trade & Tariffs: Foreign Competition | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 353: 3 | S 3389: Trade & Tariff: Exports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 353: 4 | Foreign Commerce | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 353: 5 | Trade & Tariffs: Exports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 353: 6 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 353: 7 | Trade & Tariffs: Statistical Reports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 354: 1 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 354: 2-3 | Trade: Carpets | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 354: 4 | Foreign Trade: Clothing Industry | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 355: 1 | Trade: Glove Industry | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 355: 2 | Trade: GATT Tariff | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 355: 3 | Trade & Tariffs: Imports-Gloves | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 355: 4 | Trade: Imported Mink Quota | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 1 | Trade: Bill Barnet Material: Textiles | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 2 | Trade Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 3 | Trade Proposal | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 4 | Trade & Tariffs: Export/Import Bank | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 5 | Trade & Tariffs: Tariff Commission | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 6 | Trade: Lettuce Growers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 7 | Trade: Sears Oil Company | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 8 | Trade: Smith Johnson, Esq. | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 9 | Trade: Oneida, Ltd.-Flatwear | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 10 | Trade Relations Council | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 11 | WTIS-Statistic Reports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 12 | Anchor Carpet & Linoleum Co. | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 13 | Tourism | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 14 | Tourism-International Travel | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 15 | Trade: Export Credit Guarantees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 16 | S 48: Natural Water Resources: Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 17 | Trade: Export of Technical Data | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 18 | Foreign Trade: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 356: 19 | Congressional Veto-Trade | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 357: 1 | S 1705: Religious Imports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 357: 2 | Imports-Surplus Military Rifles | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 357: 3 | Trade & Tariffs: Tariff Commission | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 357: 4 | Tariff Agreement | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 357: 5 | Trade Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 357: 6 | Transportation: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 357: 7 | Transportation: Tri-State Trans Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 1 | Transportation: KBK | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 2-4 | Highways: General | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 5 | Highways: Drivers Records | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 6 | Highways: Relocation Reimbursement | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 7 | Highways: NYS: Long Island Expressway | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 8 | Highways: NYS: Route 7 | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 9 | Highways: Federal | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 10 | Transportation: Department of | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 358: 11-12 | Railroads: General | 1969 - 1972 | Subject Files | |
2: 359: 1-2 | Railroads | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 359: 3 | Railroads: Mergers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 359: 4 | Railroads: Subsidies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 359: 5 | S 658: Amend Internal Revenue Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 359: 6 | Railroads: New York, New Haven etc. | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 359: 7 | Railroads: NY Central/Pennsylvania | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 359: 8 | SJ Res 158-National Committee on Railroads | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 360: 1 | S 1197: Piggybacking | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 360: 2 | Coal Slurry-Pipe Line Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 360: 3 | Shipping-General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 360: 4 | Shipping-Freight Forwarders | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 360: 5 | Shipping-Oil Screw Tugs | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 360: 6 | Shipping-Ports & Harbors | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 360: 7 | Shipping-Great Lakes Pilots | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 361: 1 | Shipping-Rates | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 361: 2 | Mass Transit-Commuters | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 361: 3 | Mass Transit: NY-NJ Trans Agency | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 361: 4 | S 3278: Mass Transit Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 361: 5 | S 1331: Mass Transit: Urban Areas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 362: 1-2 | Urbiculture & Urban Affairs | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 362: 3-5 | Urban Affairs | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 1 | Dept of Urban Affairs | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 2 | S 289: Urbiculture | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 3 | Housing Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 4 | Robert C. Weaver-Research Housing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 5 | Housing Research | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 6 | S 2912: Amend Housing Act of 1950 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 7 | S 655: Housing & Home Finance Agency | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 8 | S 858: Housing More Park Space | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 9 | S 2912: Housing: Fed College Funds | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 10 | Housing-FHA | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 11 | Housing-Trade FNMA & Treasury Bonds | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 12-13 | Housing-Nomination of R. Weaver | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 363: 14 | Urban Affairs: C. Hoffman File | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 1 | S 3670: Housing Act of 1960: Reports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 2 | Housing Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 3 | Military Housing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 4 | Housing-New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 5 | S 517: Housing in New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 6 | Public Housing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 7-9 | Housing-Urban Renewal | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 10 | Housing-Lindsay Park-Brooklyn | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 364: 11 | Housing-Community Facilities | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 1 | Veterans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 2-5 | Veterans & Servicemen | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 6 | HR 4306: Children of Dying Veterans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 7-8 | Veterans: Annuities, Pensions etc. | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 9 | S 3289: National Life Insurance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 10 | S 2675: Veteran & Life Insurance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 11 | S 19: Veterans Affairs Comm | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 12 | HR 10743: Disability Compensation | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 13 | Proposed Bill: Commuters Deductions | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 14 | S 1462: Veterans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 15 | Veterans: NY Headquarters | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 16 | Veterans: Education | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 17 | Veterans: Hospitals | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 365: 18 | Veterans: Insurance | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 1 | S 1113: Amend Title 38, US Code | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 2 | S 3701: Cold War Victims Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 3 | S 1531: Italian-American Veterans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 4 | S 1489: Review of Fired Employees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 5 | S 1490: Review of Fired Employees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 6 | S 349: Veterans Readjustment Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 7 | Wiretapping-Background | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 366: 8 | Wiretapping | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 367: 1 | Wiretapping-President | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 367: 2 | Wiretapping-Statements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 367: 3 | Wiretapping-Bills & Reports | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 367: 4 | Wiretapping-Hearing | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 1 | HR 12393 & 12394: Wiretapping | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 2 | Wiretapping-KBK-Chronological | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 3 | S 526: Amend IRS Code of 1954 | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 4 | S 1129: Suppress Illegal Gambling | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 5 | S 126: Qualifications of Electors | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 6-8 | Depressed Areas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 9 | S 9: Depressed Areas | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 10 | Niagara Falls-Unemployment | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 368: 11 | Depressed Areas in New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 369: 1 | Left-Wing Material | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 369: 2-4 | United Nations Bonds | 1959 - 1962 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 1 | Agriculture | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 2 | Agricultural Appropriations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 3 | Agriculture Department Cases: Misc | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 4 | Agricultural Legislation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 5 | Agriculture: Block Voting of Co-ops | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 6 | Agriculture: Cattle Grazing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 7 | Agriculture: Coffee Industry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 8 | Agriculture: Cornell: NYS College | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 9 | Agriculture: Cotton: Miscellaneous Correspondence | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 10 | Agriculture: Milk Industry: Misc | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 11 | Dairy Products to Boys Club Camps | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 12 | Agriculture: Eggs: Miscellaneous Correspondence | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 13 | Agriculture: Farm Cooperatives | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 14 | Agriculture: Farm Disaster Areas | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 15 | Agriculture Department: Farm Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 16 | Agriculture: Farm Surplus | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 17 | Agriculture: Farm Subsidies | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 18 | Farmer/Retailer Marketing Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 19 | Agriculture: Grading of Lamb | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 20 | Agriculture Department: Grain Storage | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 21 | Agriculture: Marketing of Honey | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 22 | Inspection of Animal Products | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 23 | Agriculture: Meat Reporting | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 370: 24 | Agriculture: Migrant Farm Laborers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 1 | Migrant Farm Workers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 2 | Agriculture: Milk Vending Machines | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 3 | Agriculture: National Forests | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 4 | Agriculture: Poultry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 5 | Agriculture: Reclamation Bureau | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 6 | Agriculture: Import Restrictions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 7 | Agricultures: Grain to India | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 8 | Agriculture: Soil Bank: Conservation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 9 | Agriculture Department: Sugar Situation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 10 | Agriculture: Butter to Summer Camps | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 11-12 | Agriculture: Surplus Commodities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 13 | Agriculture: Wheat: Miscellaneous Correspondence | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 14 | Agriculture: Yates Amendment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 15 | Bureau of the Budget: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 16 | Budget: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 17 | Budget: Congressional Spending | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 18 | Budget: Appropriations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 19 | Budget: Customs | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 20 | Budget: Independent Offices Appro | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 21 | Budget: Internal Revenue | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 22 | Bureau of the Budget: Item Veto | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 371: 23 | Budget: Social Research Appro | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 1 | CIA-New Building | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 2 | Civil Aeronautics Board | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 3 | CAB-Bombs on Airplanes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 4 | Civil Service Commission: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 5 | Civil Service: Career Service Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 6 | Civil Service: Fed Pay Raise: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 7 | Civil Service: Govt Classification | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 8 | Civil Service Commis-Health Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 9 | Civil Service: Hatch Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 10 | S 91: Civil Service: Hiss Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 11 | Civil Service: Promotional Board | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 12 | Civil Service: Retirement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 13 | Civil Service: Subsistence Rate | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 372: 14 | Civil Service Comm Cases: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 1 | Commerce: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 2 | Commerce: Airline Insurance | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 3 | Commerce: American Export Credit | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 4 | Commerce: Automobile Safety | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 5 | Commerce: Automobile Dealers Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 6 | Commerce: Bureau of Foreign Commerce | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 7 | Commerce: Bureau of Standards-Metric | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 8 | Commerce-Census Bureau: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 9 | Commerce: Dealer Franchise Agreement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 10 | Commerce-Duty Free Imports: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 11 | Commerce: Export Expansion | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 12 | Commerce: Export Trade | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 13 | Commerce: Fair Trade | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 14 | Commerce: Fed Aid to Depressed Areas | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 15 | Commerce: Fed Export Credit | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 16 | Fed Transportation Policy & Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 17 | Commerce: Foreign | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 18 | Commerce: Foreign Competition: Glass | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 19 | Commerce: Foreign Competition: Drugs | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 20 | Commerce: Foreign Competition: Metals | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 21 | Commerce: Foreign Competition: Carpet | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 22 | Commerce: Foreign Competition: Shoes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 373: 23 | Foreign Competition: Textiles | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 374: 1 | Foreign Competition: Typewriters | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 374: 2 | Commerce: Foreign Compact: Wool | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 374: 3 | Foreign Competition: Miscellaneous Industries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 374: 4 | Commerce-Foreign Competition: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 374: 5 | S 2882: Commerce: Foreign Competition | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 1 | Commerce: Foreign Freight Forwarders | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 2 | Commerce: Foreign Trade Industry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 3 | Commerce: Highways & Public Roads | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 4 | HR 5280: Commerce: Labeling Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 5 | Commerce-Labeling Bill: Shoes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 6 | Labeling of Imitation Hardwood | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 7 | Commerce: Labeling of Mahogany | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 8 | Commerce: Labeling of Imports | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 9 | Commerce: Merchant Marine Academy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 10 | Commerce: Merchant Marine | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 11 | Commerce-Maritime Administration: Oil Imports | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 12 | Commerce: National Fuels Policy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 13 | S 3550: Commerce: Patents | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 14 | Commerce: Public Works | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 15 | Commerce: Russian Trade | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 16 | Commerce: Traffic Safety | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 17 | Commerce Department: Transportation Report | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 18 | Commerce: Importing Excess Property | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 19 | Commerce: US Junior Chamber of, | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 20 | Rules & Admin Committee | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 375: 21 | Consumers Dept | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 1 | Defense: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 2 | Defense: Active Duty in Armed Forces | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 3 | Defense: Air Force-Dependent Care | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 4 | Defense: Air Force School in London | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 5 | Defense: Air Force-UFO's | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 6 | Defense: Alaska Bases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 7 | Defense: Appropriations Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 8 | Defense: Armed Services: Discharges | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 9 | Defense: Family Separation Allowance | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 10 | Defense: Army Reserve Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 11 | Defense: Army Transportation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 12 | Defense: Atomic Energy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 13 | Defense Budget | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 14 | Defense Department: Cargo Airlift System | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 15 | Defense: Communications | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 16 | Defense: Dept of the Army | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 17 | Armed Forces: Equalize Pensions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 18 | Defense: Nuclear Fallout Protection | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 19 | Defense: Griffiss Air Force Base | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 20 | Defense: Housing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 21 | Defense: Lawyers in the Armed Forces | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 22 | Defense: Missile Situation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 23 | Defense: National Aeronautics & Space | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 24 | Defense: Nuclear Submarines | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 25 | Defense: Operation Understanding | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 26 | Defense: Overseas Allowances Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 27 | Defense: Military Dependents-Travel | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 28 | Defense: Point Four Youth Corps | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 29 | Defense: Polaris-Minuteman ICBM | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 30 | Defense Procurement Bills | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 31 | Defense: Promotions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 32 | Defense: Reserve Forces Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 33 | Reserve Officers Personnel Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 34 | Retired Officers in Industry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 35 | Defense: SAC Bases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 376: 36 | Small Business Role in Defense | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 1 | Defense: Space & Outer Space | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 2 | Defense: Stockpiling of Materials | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 3 | Defense: Submarines | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 4 | Defense: Surplus Equipment Disposal | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 5 | Defense: Triton | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 6 | Defense: Enlisted Men as Servants | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 7 | Employment: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 8 | Employment: William R. Martin | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 9 | Employment: Pageships | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 10 | Miscellaneous: American History Month | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 11 | Miscellaneous: Holidays-Celebrations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 12 | Miscellaneous: American Indian Day | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 13 | Miscellaneous: GW Carver Centennial | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 14 | Miscellaneous: Dedication Day | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 15 | Miscellaneous: Hungarian Independence Day | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 16 | Miscellaneous: Interfaith Day | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 17 | Miscellaneous: Loyalty Day | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 18 | Miscellaneous: Natl Forests Products Week | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 19 | Miscellaneous: Western Hemisphere Day | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 20 | Miscellaneous: Youth Appreciation Week | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 21 | Miscellaneous: Memorials | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 22 | Miscellaneous: Freedom Shrine | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 23 | Miscellaneous: Hall of Fame | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 24 | Miscellaneous: Alexander Hamilton Monument | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 25 | Miscellaneous: James Madison Memorial | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 26 | Miscellaneous: National Cultural Center | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 27 | Miscellaneous: The March of Dimes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 28 | Miscellaneous: New York Historical Site | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 29 | Miscellaneous: Pershing Library at West Point | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 30 | Miscellaneous: Theodore Roosevelt | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 377: 31 | Miscellaneous: Statue of Taras Shevchenko | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 1 | FAA-Misc Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 2 | FAA-Air Carrier Industry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 3 | FAA-Air Fares | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 4 | FAA-Alcoholic Beverages on Planes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 5 | FAA-NY City Airlines Collision | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 6 | FCC: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 7 | FCC: Community Antenna Systems | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 8 | FCC-Khrushchev: "Open End" Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 9 | FCC: Mergers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 10 | FCC: Martin Luther TV Showing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 11 | FCC: Religious Broadcasts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 12-13 | FCC: Television | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 14 | Presidential Campaign Broadcast Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 15 | FDIC: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 16 | Fed Home Loan Bank Board | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 17 | FHA-Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 18 | FHA-Emergency Homeowners Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 19 | FHA-"Fannymay" | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 20 | FHA-Capehart Housing Project | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 21 | Housing & Home Finance Agency: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 22 | FHA-Misc Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 23 | FHA-Housing for Members of Congress | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 24 | Housing Program for Single Persons | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 25 | FHA-Mortgages-Misc Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 26 | FHA-Public Housing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 27 | Business Displaced by Urban Renewal | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 378: 28 | FHA-Urban Renewal | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 1 | Fed Power Commission: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 2 | Fed Power Commission-Nominations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 3 | Fed Reserve Board: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 4 | Federal Trade: Advertising | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 5 | Federal Trade Commission: Correspondence | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 6 | General Services Admin: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 7 | Gen Ser Administration: Art in Fed Buildings | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 8-9 | HEW: Misc | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 10 | HEW: Air Pollution | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 11 | HEW: Appropriations: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 12 | HEW: Appropriations for Schools | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 13 | HEW: Legislation for the Blind | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 14 | HEW: Cancer | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 15 | HEW: Childrens Bureau: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 16 | HEW: College Housing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 17 | HEW: Health Insurance Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 18 | HEW: Cranberries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 19 | HEW: Depository Libraries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 20 | HEW: Natl Defense Education Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 21 | HEW: Education for the Deaf | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 22 | HEW: Education-Practical Nursing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 23 | HEW: Education: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 379: 24 | HEW: Aid to Dependent Children | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 1 | HEW: Fed Aid to Education | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 2 | HEW: Fed Pollution Control Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 3 | HEW: Fed Recreation Service | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 4 | HEW: Fluoridation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 5 | HEW: Food & Drug Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 6 | Food & Drug-Color Additive Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 7 | Food & Drug-Lab Building in Buffalo | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 8 | HEW: Health Educational Facilities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 9 | HEW: Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 10 | HEW: Heart Trouble | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 11 | HEW: Hospitals | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 380: 12 | HEW: Humane Slaughter | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 1-2 | HEW: Juvenile Delinquency | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 3 | HEW: Libraries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 4 | HEW: Library Services Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 5 | HEW: Loans to Students | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 6 | HEW: Medical Research | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 7 | HEW: Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 8 | HEW: Medical Research Costs | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 9 | HEW: Med Students-Fed Scholarships | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 10 | HEW: Mentally Ill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 11 | Education: Migrant Children | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 12 | HEW: Narcotic Addiction Clinics | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 13-14 | HEW: Natl Defense Education Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 15 | National Institute of Health-Grants | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 16 | HEW-Nursing-Misc Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 17 | HEW: Soviet Scientific Equipment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 381: 18 | HEW: Public Health Service | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 1 | HEW: Social Sec Benefits until 21 | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 2 | HEW: Rehabilitation Facilities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 3 | Government Surplus Goods: Reimportation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 4 | HEW: Research Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 5 | HEW: Retired Teachers-Washington DC | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 6 | HEW: Rip Van Winkle Clinic | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 7 | HEW: Salt Water Conversion | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 8 | HEW: School Lunch Program-Milk | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 9 | HEW: Science Scholarship | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 10-12 | HEW: Social Security: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 13 | HEW: Social Security Administration: Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 14 | HEW: Legislation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 15 | HEW: Social Security: Govt Employees | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 16 | HEW: Social Security: Children | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 17-18 | HEW: Social Security: Disability | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 19 | Social Security: Disabled Persons | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 382: 20 | HEW: Social Security: Foran Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 1 | HEW: Social Security: Foran Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 2 | Social Security: Increase Benefits | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 3 | Social Security: Retirement at 62 | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 4 | Social Security: Increase Physicians | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 5 | HEW: Social Security: Medical Care | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 6 | HEW: Social Security: Single People | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 7 | HEW: Special Ed & Rehabilitation Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 8 | HEW: Stilbestrol Treated Poultry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 9 | HEW: Surplus Property for Recreation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 10 | HEW: Teachers Overseas-Salaries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 11 | HEW: Teaching Communism in Schools | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 12 | HEW: Vivisection | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 13 | HEW: "A Week in Washington" Project | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 14 | HEW: Welfare | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 15 | HEW: Fed Pollution Control Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 16 | Request for Information | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 17 | US Advisory Comm in Information | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 18 | US Dept of Information | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 19 | Interior Dept | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 20 | Interior-Alaska-Misc Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 21 | Interior: Coal Industry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 22 | Military Reservations-Conservation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 23 | Interior: Dinosaur National Park | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 24 | Interior: Fishing Stamp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 25 | Interior: Fluorspar Industry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 26-27 | Interior: Gettysburg Natl Park | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 28 | Interior: Humane Trapping Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 29 | Interior: Indian Affairs | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 30 | Interior: Natl Fuels Policy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 383: 31 | Interior: National Parks | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 1 | Interior: NY State Waterfowl Assn | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 2 | Interior: Oil Imports | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 3 | Rainbow Bridge Natl Monument | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 4 | Interior: St Ann's Churchyard | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 5 | Interior: Sale of Govt Lands | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 6 | Interior: Subsidies for Lead & Zinc | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 7 | Interior: Forestry & Logging | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 8 | Interior: Wilderness Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 9 | Internatl Coop Administration: UK & France | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 10 | Internatl Coop Administration: Nepotism | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 11 | Interstate Commerce: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 12 | S 3228: Interstate Commerce | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 13 | Interstate Commerce: Auto Producers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 14-15 | Interstate Commerce: Commuters | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 16 | Interstate Commerce: Train & Ferries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 17 | Interstate Commerce: Trans in DC | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 18 | Interstate Commerce: Railroads | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 19 | Interstate Commerce: Freight Cars | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 20 | Interstate Commerce: RR Retirement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 21 | Interstate Commerce: Ships | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 384: 22 | Interstate Commerce: Transportation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 1 | Justice Department: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 2 | Justice: Miscellaneous Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 3 | Justice: Administrative Law | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 4 | Justice: Alien Property | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 5 | Alien Property: Foreign Claims Comm | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 6 | Justice: Vet Children Scholarship | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 7 | Alien Property: War Claims Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 8 | Justice: Alien Refugees | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 9 | Justice: Gen Aniline & Film Corp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 10 | Justice Dept: Anti-Trust Laws | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 385: 11 | Justice- Anti-Trust: Dupont Case | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 1 | Justice- Anti-Trust: Sports | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 2 | Justice- Anti-Trust: Parachuting | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 3-4 | Justice: Bankruptcy Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 5 | Treasury: Bankruptcy & Tax Priority | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 6 | Justice: Bill of Rights | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 7 | Justice: Capital Punishment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 8 | Justice: Civil Procedure | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 9 | Civil Rights: Crank Letters | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 386: 10-11 | Justice: Civil Rights | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 1 | Justice: Civil Rights-Anti-Bombing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 2 | Justice: Civil Rights-Anti-Catholic | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 3 | Justice: Civil Rights Conference | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 4 | Justice: Civil Rights-Filibuster | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 5 | Justice: Italian American Citizens | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 6 | Justice: Civil Rights-Literacy Test | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 7 | Justice: Civil Rights | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 8-9 | Civil Rights: Out-of-State | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 10 | Justice: Civil Rights-Voting | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 11 | Justice: Communism | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 12 | Justice: Conflict of Interest | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 13 | Justice: Constitution: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 387: 14 | Justice: Constitutional Amendments | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 1 | Justice: Copyrights | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 2 | Justice: Court Congestion | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 3 | Justice: Crime | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 4 | Justice: Right to Vote-Washington DC | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 5 | Govt Communications Facilities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 6 | Justice: Drug Industry Investigation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 7 | Justice: Election Laws | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 8 | Justice: Equal Rights | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 9 | Justice: FBI | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 10 | Fed Info on Racketeers & Swindlers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 11 | Justice: FBI National Academy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 12 | S 3128: "Fed Slug Law": Currency | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 13 | Justice: Fed Voting Assistance Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 14 | Justice: 5th Amendment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 15 | Justice: Firearms | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 16 | Justice: Gambling | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 17 | Justice: Gun Legislation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 18 | Justice: Habeas Corpus | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 19 | House Unamerican Activities Comm | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 20 | Justice: Alien Adoption Law | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 21 | Justice: Imm & Naturalization Ser | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 22 | Justice: Immigration-McCarran Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 23 | Internatl Commercial Arbitration | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 24 | Justice: Industrial Security | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 25 | Justice: Judicial Councils | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 26 | Justice: Mafia | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 27 | Justice: Mallory Case | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 28 | Justice: Members of the Bar | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 29 | Justice: Monopoly | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 30 | Justice: Narcotic Laws | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 31 | Justice: Nazism | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 32 | Justice: Nominations: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 33 | Justice: Norris-LaGuardia Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 34 | Justice: Parole Board: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 35 | Justice: Poll Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 36 | Justice: NY Port Authority | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 37 | Justice: Presidential Succession Law | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 38 | Justice: Price Controls | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 39 | Justice: Sports Internatl Exchange | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 40 | Justice: Spying & Espionage | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 41 | Justice: Supreme Court: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 42 | Justice: Supreme Court Chambers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 43 | Justice: Supreme Court Justices | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 44-45 | Justice: Trademarks | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 46 | Justice: Unamerican Activities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 47 | Justice: 18 Year Olds to Vote | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 388: 48 | Justice: Multiple Voting | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 1 | Justice: Wiretapping | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 2 | Justice: Worlds Fair Officials | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 3 | Labor Department: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 4 | Labor: Apprentice Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 5 | Labor Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 6 | Labor Legislation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 7 | Labor: Automation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 8 | Bureau of Employment Compensation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 9 | Fair Labor Standards Act: Wages | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 10 | Labor: Featherbedding Practices | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 11 | Labor: Fed Coal Mine Safety Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 12 | Labor: Consumer Price Index | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 13 | Senate Comm on Improper Activities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 14 | Labor: Holland Amendment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 15 | Labor: Landrum-Griffin Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 16 | Labor: McClellan Committee | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 17 | Labor: Migrant Workers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 389: 18 | Labor: Minimum Wage | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 1-2 | Labor: Minimum Wage-Petitions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 3 | Labor | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 4 | Labor: Laundries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 5 | Labor: Retailers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 6 | Labor: Car Dealers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 7 | Labor: Hotels | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 8 | Labor: Restaurants | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 9 | Labor: Retail | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 10 | Labor: Service & Retail | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 390: 11 | Labor: Movie Theaters | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 1 | Labor: Natl Labor Relations Board | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 2 | Labor: Racketeering | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 3 | Labor: Railroads | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 4 | Labor: Reporting & Disclosure Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 5 | Labor: Right to Work | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 6 | Labor: Situs Picketing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 7 | Labor: Strikes & Disputes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 8 | Labor: Teamsters: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 9 | Labor: Unemployment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 10 | Labor: Unemployment Compensation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 11 | Labor: Unemployment Insurance | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 12 | Labor: Unions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 391: 13 | Labor: Wage-Price Freeze | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 1-2 | Legislation: Misc | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 3 | Comm on Intergovernmental Relations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 4 | Legislation: Co-sponsorship | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 5 | Legislation: Dept of Consumers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 6 | Legislation: Dr. Thomas Dooley | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 7 | Legislation: National Flower-Rose | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 8 | Legislation: US Sweepstakes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 9 | Commerce: US Travel Office | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 10 | Library of Congress | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 11 | Legislative Reference Service | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 392: 12-13 | Miscellaneous Subjects | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 1 | Miscellaneous Subjects | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 2 | Miscellaneous: Americanism vs Statism | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 3 | Miscellaneous: Announcements | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 4 | Miscellaneous: Appointments & Nominations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 5 | Miscellaneous: Appreciation Letters | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 6 | Miscellaneous: Committee Assignments | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 7 | Miscellaneous: Complaints | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 8 | Miscellaneous: Congratulations to Others | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 9 | Miscellaneous: Congressional Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 10 | Miscellaneous: Congressional Record Inserts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 393: 11 | Miscellaneous: Washington DC Transit System | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 1 | Miscellaneous: 86th Congress | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 2 | Miscellaneous: Flag | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 3 | Miscellaneous: Football Game Tickets | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 4 | Miscellaneous: Billy Graham Crusade | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 5 | Miscellaneous: International Museum | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 6 | Miscellaneous: Interviews & Appointments | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 7 | Miscellaneous: "Know Your Government Office" | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 8 | Miscellaneous: Invitations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 9 | Miscellaneous: Legislative Expense Accounts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 10 | Miscellaneous: Metric System | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 11 | Miscellaneous: Mrs. Wilson Mohlinan | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 12 | Miscellaneous: Opening Prayer in the Senate | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 13 | Miscellaneous: Passes & Tours | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 14 | Miscellaneous: Patriotic Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 15 | Miscellaneous: People to People Health Found | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 16 | Miscellaneous: Joint Comm on Printing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 17-18 | Miscellaneous: Publications | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 19 | Miscellaneous: Questionnaires | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 20-21 | Miscellaneous: Requests for Publications | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 22 | Miscellaneous: Research Institutes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 23 | Miscellaneous: Nelson Rockefeller | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 24 | Miscellaneous: Scholarships | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 25 | Miscellaneous: Senate Gallery | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 26 | Miscellaneous: Senate Restaurant | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 27 | Miscellaneous: Speakers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 28 | Miscellaneous: Suggestions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 29 | Miscellaneous: US Travel | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 30 | Miscellaneous: University of Rochester | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 31 | Miscellaneous: Voting Record | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 394: 32 | Miscellaneous: Youth for Freedom | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 1 | Navy Department: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 2 | Navy Department: Fire Aboard Carrier | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 3 | Navy Department: ROTC | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 4 | Navy Department: Oleo | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 5 | Navy Department: Slaughter of Albatross | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 6 | NYS: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 7 | NYS: Legislation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 8 | NYS: Cherry Blossom Queen | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 9 | NYS: Civil War Centennial Comm | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 10 | NYS: Conservation Dept | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 11 | NYS: Research & Development Council | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 12 | NYS: Releases & Statements | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 13 | NYS: The US & World Affairs | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 14 | NYS: Worlds Fair of 1964 | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 395: 15 | NYS: World Trade Center | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 1-2 | Political: Presidential Candidates | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 3 | Political: Henry Cabot Lodge | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 4 | Political: Nixon | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 5 | Keating Election Day Statement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 6 | Political: Religious Issue | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 7 | Political: Republican Convention | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 8 | Republican Convention: Employment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 9-10 | Political: Republican National Committee | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 11 | Political: Republican Platform | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 12 | Political: Nelson Rockefeller | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 13 | Natl Republican Senatorial Comm | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 14 | KBK Assistance in Campaign | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 15 | Political: TV | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 16 | Political: Television Debates | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 17 | Political: Truth Squad | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 18-19 | Political: Vice Presidents | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 20 | Political: Voting Information | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 21 | Political Material | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 22 | Political: Judy Weis' Campaign | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 23 | Post Office: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 24 | Post Office: Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 25 | Post Office: Air Mail | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 26 | Post Office: Commemorative Stamps | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 396: 27 | Govt Employees Pay Raise Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 1 | Post Office: Employee Benefits | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 2 | Post Office: Congressional Franking | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 3 | Post Office: Guides System | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 4 | Post Office: Junk Mail | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 5 | Post Office: Legislation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 6 | Post Office: Parcel Post Packages | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 7 | Post Office: Mail Transportation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 8 | Post Office: Pornographic Material | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 9 | Post Office: Postal Rates | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 10 | Post Office: Retirement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 11 | Post Office: Survey of Postal Rates | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 397: 12 | Private Bills: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 1 | Sciences: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 2 | Science & Technology | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 3 | Security & Exchange Committee: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 4 | Sergeant at Arms | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 5 | Small Business Admin | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 6 | Small Business: Contracts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 7 | Small Business: Loans | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 8 | Small Business Administration: Research Grant | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 9 | Press: Miscellaneous Material | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 10 | Press: Comments on Appearances | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 11 | Speeches & Misc Articles | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 12 | Speeches: Humorous Stories | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 13 | Speech Index | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 14 | State Department: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 15 | State Department: Miscellaneous Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 16 | State Department: Africa | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 17 | State Department: Algeria | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 18 | State Department: American Ambassadors | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 19 | State Department: Antarctic Treaty | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 20 | State Dept: Anti-Semitism | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 21 | State Department: Arms Control | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 398: 22-23 | Arab Blockade of the Suez Canal | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 1 | State Department: Arab World Bank Loan | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 2 | State Department: Atlantic Congress | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 3 | State Department: Smuggling of Atomic Bomb | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 4 | State Department: Atomic Weapons Sharing | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 5 | Austrian Assets Agreement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 6 | State Department: Premier Ben-Gurion Visit | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 7 | State Department: Bermuda Agreement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 8 | Air Agreement with Netherlands | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 9 | Biological & Chemical War Materials | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 10 | State Department: Captive Nations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 11 | State Department: Chessman Case | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 12 | State Department: Chile | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 13 | State Department: China | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 14 | Colgate Foreign Policy Conference | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 15 | State Department: Congo | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 16 | State Department: Congressional Relations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 17 | State Department: Cuba | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 18 | State Department: Cuban Sugar Quota | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 19 | State Department: Trade with Cuba | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 20 | State Department: Cultural Exchange | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 21 | State Department: Cyrus Eaton Activities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 22 | State Department: deGaulle Visit to US | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 399: 23 | State Department: Development Loan Fund | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 1 | State Department: Nuclear Tests | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 2 | Dominican Republic-Sugar Import | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 3 | Dominican Republic-Relations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 4-5 | State Department: Embassies Abroad | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 6 | State Department: Fed Export Credit | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 7 | State Department: Florence Agreement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 8 | State Department: Foreign Affairs | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 9 | Foreign Aid: Birth Control | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 10 | State Department: Foreign Policy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 11 | State Department: Foreign Relations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 12 | State Department: Foreign Service | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 400: 13 | State Department: Foreign Service Academy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 1 | State Department: Film: "The Ugly American" | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 2 | State Department: Foreign Students | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 3 | State Department: Foreign Trade | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 4 | State Department: Foreign Trade: Glass | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 5 | State Department: Franco to Visit US | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 6 | S 1698: State Dept: Freedom Academy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 7 | State Department: Geneva Conference | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 8 | State Department: Genocide | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 9 | State Department: Germany | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 10 | State Department: German Bases in Spain | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 11 | State Department: Berlin Air Corridor | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 12 | State Department: Germany-Soviet Zone | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 13 | State Department: Grants & Congratulations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 14 | State Department: Great White Fleet | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 15 | State Department: Haifa Clause | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 16 | State Dept: Humphrey-Morgan Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 17 | State Department: Hungarian Situation | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 18 | Hungarian Youths-Execution of | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 19 | State Department: Indonesia | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 20 | State Department: International Claims | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 21 | International Development Assn | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 22 | Internatl Museum of Anthropology | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 23 | State Department: Ireland | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 24 | State Department: Israel | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 25 | State Department: Japan | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 26 | State Department: Khrushchev Visit | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 401: 27 | State Department: Korea | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 1 | State Department: Latin America | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 2 | Italy-Masonic Property Confiscated | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 3 | State Department: Mexico | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 4 | US Mexican Broadcast Agreement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 5 | State Department: Middle East Problem | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 6 | State Department: Military Prisoners | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 7 | State Department: Minorities | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 8 | State Department: Miscellaneous Countries | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 9 | State Department: Mutual Security Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 10 | Mutual Security: Foreign Aid | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 11 | Mutual Security: Freedom of the Seas | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 12 | State Department: Mutual Security Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 13 | State Department: Nasser | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 14 | State Department: Natl Goals Commission | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 15 | State Department: NATO Air Bases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 16 | State Department: NATO Bases in Greece | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 17 | State Department: Citizens Commis on NATO | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 18 | State Department: Nazi War Criminals | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 19 | Regional Broadcast Agreement | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 20 | State Department: Nuclear Weapon & Allies | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 21 | State Department: Oil Pollution of the Sea | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 22 | State Department: Film: "On the Beach" | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 402: 23 | State Department: Panama | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 1 | State Department: Passports | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 2 | State Department: People to People Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 3 | State Department: Philippine Sugar | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 4 | State Department: Point Four Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 5 | State Department: Poland | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 6 | State Department: Aid to Poland | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 7 | State Department: Puerto Rico | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 8 | State Department: Race Discrimination | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 9 | State Department: Red China | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 10 | State Dept-Red China-Bishop Walsh | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 11 | State Department: Prisoners of War | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 12 | State Department: Russian Festival of Arts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 13 | State Department: Russian Imports | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 14 | State Department: Russia | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 15 | State Department: Russian Propaganda | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 16 | State Department: South Africa | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 17 | State Department: Sports Exchange Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 18 | State Department: State Visitors | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 19 | State Department: Student Exchange Program | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 20 | State Department: Summit Conference | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 21 | State Department: Tourists | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 22 | State Department: Tourists Exemptions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 23 | State Department: Treaties | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 24 | State Department: Ukrainians | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 25 | State Department: UNESCO-Nile Treasures | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 403: 26 | State Department: United Arab Republic | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 1 | State Department: United Nations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 2 | State Department: United Nations Charter | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 3 | United Nations: "Food for Peace" | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 4 | United Nations Police Force | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 5 | State Department: US Information Agency | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 6 | State Department: Clothing to Algeria | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 7 | State Dept: U-2 Plane Incident | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 8 | State Department: Visas | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 9 | State Department: Voice of America | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 10 | State Department: World Affairs Today | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 11 | State Department: World Court | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 12 | State Department: World Government | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 13 | State Department: World Peace | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 404: 14 | Superintendent: Senate Office | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 1 | Tariff: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 2 | Tariff: Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 3 | Tariff: Agricultural Adjustment Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 4 | Tariff: Customs Duties-Casein | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 5 | Tariff: GATT | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 6 | Tariff: GATT-Carpets | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 7 | Tariff on Imports | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 8 | Tariff: Shrimp Industry | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 9 | Tariff Committee: Typewriters | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 10 | Tariff: Water-proof Cotton Cloth | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 11 | Tariff: Wool | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 12 | Tariff: Goods in Transit to the USA | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 13 | Transportation Dept | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 14 | Treasury: Currency Adjustment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 15 | Treasury: Customs Bureau | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 16 | Treasury: Finance Charges | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 17 | Treasury: Economy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 18 | Treasury: Payments to Local Govts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 19 | Treasury: Charter for Mutual Savings | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 20 | Treasury: Federal Reserve | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 21 | Treasury: Financing Companies | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 22 | Treasury: Foreign Propaganda | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 23 | Treasury: Gold Policy | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 24 | Treasury: Government Loans | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 25 | Interest Rate Ceiling on Govt Bonds | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 26 | Treasury: Interest Rates | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 405: 27-28 | Internal Revenue-Aid to Students | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 1 | Treasury: Lobbying Expenditures | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 2 | Treasury: Internal Revenue-Bicycles | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 3 | Treasury: Entertainment Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 4 | Treasury: Capital Gains Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 5 | Treasury: Tax on Cooperatives | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 6 | Treasury: Corporate Income Tax Law | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 7 | Treasury: Dividend Income-Tax Credit | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 8 | Treasury: Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 9 | Treasury: Taxes on Education | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 10 | Treasury: Tax on Light Bulbs | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 11 | Treasury: Excise Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 12 | Treasury: Federal Tax Liens | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 13 | Treasury: Foreign Tax Credit | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 14 | Treasury: Gasoline Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 406: 15 | Treasury: Income Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 1 | Treasury: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 2 | Treasury: Luxury Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 3 | Treasury: Non-Profit Hospitals | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 4 | Treasury: Non-Profit Organizations | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 5 | Tax Deductions for Self-employed | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 6 | Treasury: Tax on Railroad Traffic | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 7 | Treasury: Payments in Lieu of Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 8 | Treasury: Private Clubs: Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 9 | Treasury: Property Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 10 | Treasury: Tax on Railroads | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 11 | Treasury: Real Estate Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 12 | Treasury: Small Business: Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 13 | Treasury: Telephone Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 14 | Treasury: UN Representatives: Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 15 | Treasury: Volunteer Fire Companies | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 16 | Treasury: Withholding Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 17 | Treasury: Deduct Business Expenses | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 18 | Treasury: Charitable Deductions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 19 | Treasury: Contribution for Education | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 20 | Treasury: Employment Agency-Fees | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 21 | Deductions: Foreign Students in Home | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 22 | Treasury: Insurance Premiums | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 23 | Treasury: Legislative Expenses | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 24 | Deductions: Parents of Students | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 25 | Treasury: Tax Exemptions: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 26 | Treasury: Tax Exemption-Commuters | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 27 | Treasury: Tax Exemption-Gifts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 28 | Treasury: Assn of University Women | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 29 | Treasury: Mint | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 30 | Treasury: Commemorative Coins | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 407: 31 | Treasury: National Debt | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 1 | Treasury: Oil Depletion | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 2 | Treasury: Govt Business: Limited | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 3 | Treasury: Savings Bonds | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 4 | Treasury: Tax Money from Races | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 5 | Treasury: National Lottery: Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 6 | Treasury: Non-Resident: Taxes | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 7 | Treasury: Foreign Investment Tax Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 8 | Tax Reforms: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 9 | Treasury: Sergeant York | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 10 | Treasury: Transportation Tax | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 11 | Veterans: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 12 | Veterans: Cases | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 13 | Veterans: Benefits | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 14 | Veterans: Benefits-Canada | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 15 | Veterans: Bonus | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 16 | S 3705: Cold War Vet Benefits Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 17 | Veterans: Congressional Medal of Honor | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 18 | Veterans: Flags Used at Funerals | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 19 | Veterans: GI Bill | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 20 | Veterans: Home Loans | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 21 | Veterans: Maritime Service Assn | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 22 | Vets: Italian-American War Veterans | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 23 | Veterans: Military Personnel Employment | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 24 | Veterans: National Ser Life Insurance | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 25 | Veterans: Medal of Honor-Pensions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 26 | Veterans: WWI Pensions | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 27 | Veterans Administration: Senate Veterans Comm | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 28 | Veterans: Ser Connected Disability | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 29 | Veterans: Non-Service Disability | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 30 | Veterans: Veterans Preference Act | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 31 | White House: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 32 | White House-Conference on Aging | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 33 | White House-Conference on Youth | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 34 | White House: Committee on Govt Contracts | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 35 | White House: Committee on Traffic Safety | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 408: 36 | Youth Fitness-Recreational Centers | 1960 | Subject Files | |
2: 409: 1-10 | A-J | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 409: 11 | Krystyna Jurkiewicz | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 409: 12-15 | K-Mc | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 410: 1-11 | N-Z | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 411: 1-2 | A-B | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 411: 3 | Book Telegrams | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 411: 4 | C | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 411: 5 | Indexes-Walter V. Chopyk | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 412: 1-2 | D-E | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 412: 3 | Dwight D. Eisenhower-US President | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 412: 4-5 | F-G | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 412: 6 | NYS Governors Office: Albany | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 412: 7-8 | H-I | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 413: 1-5 | J-Mc | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 413: 6 | Indexes-Hugh Morrow | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 413: 7 | Memorandum | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 414: 1-4 | N-Q | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 414: 5 | Indexes-Nelson A. Rockefeller | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 414: 6 | R | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 415: 1-5 | S-W | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 415: 6 | Worlds Fair of 1964 | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 415: 7 | White House: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 415: 8 | X-Z | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 416: 1-4 | Aa-Alw | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 416: 5 | American | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 416: 6-26 | Am-Boo | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 416: 27 | Book Telegrams | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 416: 28-32 | Bor-Bri | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 416: 33 | Brown | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 416: 34-41 | Bro-Can | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 417: 1-6 | Cap-Ci | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 417: 7 | Clark-Clarke | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 417: 8-22 | Cla-Dau | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 417: 23 | Davis | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 417: 24-41 | Dav-Far | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 418: 1-49 | Fas-Hy | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 419: 1-42 | I-May | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 420: 1-40 | Mc-Pi | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 421: 1-38 | Pl-Sl | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 421: 39-40 | Smith- A-Z | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 422: 1-14 | Sm-Sy | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 423: 1-8 | T-U | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 423: 9 | Union: United | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 423: 10-33 | V-Y | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 423: 34 | Z | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 424: 1-20 | Copies- A-C | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 425: 1-15 | Copies: D-G | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 426: 1-4 | Copies: H-Hey | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 426: 5 | Copies-C. Spad-Governors Office | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 426: 6-22 | Copies: Hi-Maq | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 427: 1-19 | Copies: Mar-Rn | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 427: 20 | Copies-Gov. Nelson Rockefeller | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 427: 21 | Copies: Ros-Rz | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 428: 1-23 | Copies: S-Z | 1959 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 429: 1 | Administrative Conference | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 2 | S 2189: Fed Admin Practice Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 3 | Administrative Law & Agencies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 4 | S 318: Administrative Agencies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 5 | S 1446: Attorney before Fed Agencies | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 6 | Agency Reorganization Plans | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 7 | S 1663: Amend Admin Procedures Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 8 | S 1664: Administrative Conference | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 9 | Admin Agency-Administrative Law | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 10 | S 529: Administrative Law | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 11-13 | S 593: Office of Fed Admin Practices | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 14 | Admin Procedure Act: Amendments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 15 | Anti-Trust: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 16 | Anti-Trust: Drugs | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 17 | Anti-Trust: Quality Stabilization | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 18 | Anti-Trust: Fed Trade Commission | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 19 | Anti-Trust & Monopoly: General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 20 | Anti-Trust & Monopoly-Steel | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 21 | S 2391: Anti-Trust: Hart Sports Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 22 | S 1875 & 1935: Amend Clayton Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 429: 23 | Anti-Trust: Small Business | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 1 | Anti-Trust: Sports-Baseball | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 2 | Olympic Games: Lake Placid | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 3 | Sports: Olympic | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 4 | Sports: Off-Track Betting | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 5 | Judiciary: Budget | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 6 | Judiciary Committee: Fed Holidays | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 7 | Judiciary Committee: Imm & Naturalization | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 8 | Judiciary Committee: Natl Penitentiaries | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 9 | Judiciary Committee: Patents & Copyrights | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 10 | Judiciary: Revision & Codification | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 11 | Judiciary: Anti-Trust & Monopoly | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 12 | Judiciary: Constitutional Rights | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 13 | Judiciary: Administrative Procedure | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 14 | Judiciary Committee: Internal Security | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 15 | Judiciary Committee: Refugees & Escapees | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 16 | Judiciary: Trading with the Enemy | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 17 | Judiciary Committee: Juvenile Delinquency | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 18 | S 6: Urban Mass Transit Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 19 | HR 98: Amend Internal Revenue Code | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 20 | SJ Res 198-Elect or Appoint Senator | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 21 | SJ Res 200-Qualifications-Congress | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 22 | S 1642: Securities Act Amendments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 23 | S 1932: Imm & Naturalization | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 24 | S 2560: Amend Anti-Trust Laws | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 25 | S 2806: Amend Internal Revenue Act | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 26 | S 3228: Admit Alien Skilled Laborers | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 27 | HR 8000: Interest Equalization Tax | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 28 | Appointments | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 29 | General | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 30 | Speech to NY Hospital Association | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 31 | Constitutional Rights: KBK Statement | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 32 | Constitutional Rights: Official Docs | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 33 | Constitutional Rights: Research | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 34 | Constitutional Rights: Statements | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 35 | Constitutional Rights: Newsletters | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 430: 36 | Constitutional Rights: Dirksen Amend | 1959 - 1962 | Subject-General | |
2: 431: 1-9 | A-Bn | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 431: 10 | Book Telegram | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 431: 11-14 | Bo-Bz | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 432: 1-13 | C-El | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 433: 1-9 | Em-G | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 434: 1-4 | H-Hey | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 434: 5 | Governor's Office: NY State | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 434: 6-12 | Hi-J | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 434: 13 | Book Telegrams-Press Dept | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 434: 14-16 | K-Km | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 435: 1 | Kn-Kz | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 435: 2 | Misc Copies: K-M | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 435: 3 | S 1168: HEW: Social Security | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 435: 4-9 | L-Maq | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 435: 10 | Misc Copies: K-M | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 435: 11-12 | Mar-McF | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 436: 1-14 | McG-P | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 437: 1-5 | Q-R | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 437: 6 | Governor Nelson Rockefeller | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 437: 7-14 | Sa-Sth | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 438: 1-15 | Sti-Z | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 439: 1-4 | Aa-Al | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 439: 5 | American | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 439: 6-23 | Am-Blh | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 440: 1-3 | Bli-Boq | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 440: 4 | Book Telegram Indexes | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 440: 5-9 | Bor-Brn | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 440: 10 | Brown | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 440: 11-24 | Bro-Ck | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 440: 25 | Clark-Clarke | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 440: 26-30 | Cl-Conr | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 441: 1-9 | Cons-Dau | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 441: 10 | Davis | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 441: 11-28 | Dav-E | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 442: 1-22 | F-Gra | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 443: 1 | Governors Office: NY State | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 443: 2-32 | Gre-Jad | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 444: 1-32 | Jae-L | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 445: 1-26 | Ma-Mul | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 446: 1-20 | Mum-Ph | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 447: 1-16 | Pi-Rof | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 447: 17 | Governor Nelson Rockefeller | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 447: 18-23 | Roa-Rz | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 448: 1-18 | Sa-Sl | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 448: 19-20 | Smith A-Z | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 448: 21-33 | Sm-Su | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 449: 1-9 | Sw-U | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 449: 10 | Union: United | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 449: 11-23 | Va-White | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 450: 1-12 | Whi-Z | 1960 | Subject Correspondence | |
2: 451: 1-5 | Farm Legislation: Farm Bill | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 451: 6-8 | Agriculture: Dairy Legislation | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 452: 1 | Education: International University | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 452: 2-4 | Government Operations: Public Buildings | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 452: 5-6 | Government Operations: Surplus Property | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 1-2 | Appointments: Washington | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 3 | Appointments: New York State | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 4 | Appointments: Rochester, NY | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 5 | Appointments: New York City, NY | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 6 | Appointments: Washington | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 7 | Campaign Contributions | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 8 | Campaign Expenses | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 9 | Campaign | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 10 | Campaign: Gadgets & Literature | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 453: 11 | Kenneth B. Keating Campaign Fund | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 454: 1-5 | Employment A-G | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 454: 6 | Employment: Festa, Eleanor | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 455: 1-3 | Petitions Against Red China | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 456: 1 | Foreign Policy: Printed Material | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 456: 2 | Foreign Policy: UNESCO | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 457: 1-2 | Labor: Landrum-Griffin Bill | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 1 | Stamina Conference: Chambers of Commerce | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 2 | Stamina Conference: Speakers & Workshops | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 3-4 | Stamina Conference: Village Mayors | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 5-6 | Stamina Conference: Labor | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 7-8 | Stamina Conference: Town Supervisors | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 9-10 | Stamina Conference: University Presidents | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 11 | Stamina Conference: ARA | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 12 | Stamina Conference: City Managers | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 13-14 | Stamina Conference: City Mayors | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 15 | Stamina Conference: Indians | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 16 | Stamina Conference: State Officials | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 17 | Stamina Conference: County Boards | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 18 | Stamina Conference: Miscellaneous | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 19 | Stamina Conference: Expenses | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 20 | Stamina Conference: Press | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 21 | Stamina Conference: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 22 | Stamina Conference: Organization of | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 23-24 | Stamina Conference: Thank Yous | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 458: 25 | Post Stamina Conference Follow Up | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 459: 1-6 | Residual Oil | 1960 | Subject-General | |
2: 460: 1 | Latin America | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 2 | Israel-Arab Relations | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 3 | Defense: Missiles | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 4 | Communism | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 5 | Cuba | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 6 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 7 | Korea Repatriation | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 8 | Politics | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 9 | Panama | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 10 | Nuclear Tests | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 11 | Mutual Security | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 12 | Asia | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 13 | Birth Control | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 14 | Joe Jennings: Personal | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 15 | Agriculture | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 16-17 | Captive Nations | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 18 | Foreign Affairs | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 19 | New York State | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 460: 20 | Speeches: Duplicates | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 1 | Public Relations: Anonymous | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 2 | Advance Fee Racket-Private Bill | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 3 | Appropriations: Army Special Service | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 4 | Appropriations: Employment Bureau | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 5 | Associations & Committees | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 6 | Automation | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 7 | Barry, Robert R.-Congressman | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 8 | Benedict Case | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 9 | Dependents of the Disabled-Benefits | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 10 | Bingeman, Melissa E. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 11 | Black River Paper Co.: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 12 | Burnham Chemical Co.-Nevada | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 13 | Canandaigua National Bank-Finance | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 14 | Natl Bank of Delaware County | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 15 | Caldwell Singers | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 16 | Cargill Inc. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 17 | Carr, Willard S.-Selective Service | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 18 | Chesna, J.S-Infrared Electro-Opt Co | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 19 | Chessman Case | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 20 | Civil Rights | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 21 | Community Welfare League | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 22 | Conners, Edward J. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 23 | Connolly, Edward L. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 24 | Costello, Cooney & Fearon | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 25 | Crockett, James W. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 26 | Bordon & Foremost Dairies | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 27 | Dairy | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 28 | Village of Dansville | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 29 | Development Loan Fund | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 30 | Dykema, Jack | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 31 | Thomas A. Edison Industries | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 32 | Fed Reserve Board Regulations | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 33 | Fish & Wildlife Service | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 34 | Fleming, Arthur | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 35 | Foreign Visitors-Warm Welcome for | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 36 | Kermit Frazier Projects | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 37 | Functional Discount Bill | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 38 | Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 39 | Honeoye Falls-Sewage Disposal | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 40 | Highway Legislation | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 41 | Highway Traffic Safety | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 42 | Hill-Burton Act, Extension of | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 43 | Hudson Photographic Industries | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 44 | Independent Food Merchants Assn | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 45 | Insurance & Retirement-Railroad | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 46 | de Fina, Madeline | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 47 | Labor: Legislation | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 48 | Labor: Strikes | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 49 | Labor: United Auto Workers | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 50 | Labor: United Electrical Workers | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 51 | Legislation: General | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 52 | Library of Congress | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 53 | Lincoln Penny | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 461: 54 | Livingston, M.E., Esq. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 1 | Manhattan-Garage Construction | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 2 | McCarthy Censure Recession | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 3 | Mental Hospital Patients | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 4 | William H. Miller | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 5 | Minimum Wage Law | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 6 | National Debt-Finance | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 7 | New York State: Department of Commerce | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 8 | NY Congressional Delegation | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 9 | NYS: One Year Relief Residency Law | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 10 | Olympic Games | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 11 | Oberammergau Passion Play | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 12 | Walter Page | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 13 | Park, H. Holsted Jr. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 14 | Patents Project | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 15 | Peace for Religion | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 16 | Pittsford, NY | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 17 | Polgar, Andreas | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 18 | Pornography | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 19 | Public Relations: Endorsements | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 20-21 | Public Relations: Requests | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 22 | Robbins, Frank E. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 23 | Rockefeller, Nelson A. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 24 | State Govt: Rochester Public Market | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 25 | Agriculture Department: Julian G. Rogers | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 26 | Rev. John K. Sefcik | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 27 | Flowers in the Senate Chambers | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 28 | Lewisburg Penitentiary-A. Silverman | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 29 | SISTO-Catherine Sinclair | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 30 | Slugs Composition Company | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 31 | Social Security | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 32 | Social Security: War Time Personnel | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 33 | Social Security: Legislation Propsal | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 34 | Stenoyevitch, Velizar | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 35 | Government Guaranteed Store Leases | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 36 | State Government: Complaints | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 37 | Sullivan, Edward L., Jr. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 38 | Sutherland, Miss Minnie Sarah | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 39 | Unamerican Activities-Nazi Party | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 40 | Unamerican Act: Air Force Manual | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 462: 41 | Subversive Organizations | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 1 | Weather | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 2 | Williams, Leaford C. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 3 | Wollensak Optical Co. | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 4 | Gen Projects-Slum Clearance | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 5 | Education & Labor | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 6 | S 3705: Finance: Cold War Benefits | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 7 | Foreign Relations | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 8 | Govt Operations | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 9 | Interstate & Foreign Commerce | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 10 | Judiciary | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 11 | Labor & Public Welfare | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 12 | Post Office & Civil Service | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 463: 13 | KBK: Legislation Resume | 1959 - 1963 | Subject: Miscellaneous | |
2: 464: 1 | Tariff on Sweet Cherries | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 2 | General Federal Charters | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 3-4 | Fed Charters & Holidays | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 5 | Ringing of Bells on July 4th | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 6 | National Transportation Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 7 | SJ Res #5: Ruth Gage Colby | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 8 | Watch the Agenda-Heart Month | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 9 | SJ Res 118-Rose as the Natl Flower | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 10 | SJ Res 113-Vision Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 11 | SJ Res 119-John Barry Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 12 | Watch the Agenda-National Flag Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 13 | SJ Res 156-Negro History Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 14 | SJ Res 156-Childrens Music Festival | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 15 | S 173: Reverend Peter Powers | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 16 | Lincoln's Inauguration-Centennial | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 464: 17 | Watch the Agenda-National Art Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 1 | Natl Guild of Variety Artists Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 2 | Artists & Dramatists-Recognition | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 3-5 | Federal Charters & Holidays: General | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 6 | Law Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 7 | George Washington Carver Commission | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 8 | S 2239: Sons of the Revolution | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 9 | Medal to Honor Danny Kaye | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 10 | SJ Res 158-Space Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 11 | SJ Res 217-Constitution Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 12 | S 314: Merchant Marine War Veterans | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 13-14 | S 261: Radiation Protection | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 15 | HJ Res 927-Practical Nurse Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 16 | SJ Res 1033-Honor President Kennedy | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 17 | HR 8590: National Aviation Hall | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 18 | HR 11711: Science Service Inc. | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 19 | S 1991: Tropical Botanical Gardens | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 20 | HR 8790: Italian American Veterans | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 21 | Bellamy Resolution-Fed Celebration | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 22 | Thanksgiving Centennial | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 23 | Natl Charter-Junior Achievement Inc | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 24 | New York State: Susan B. Anthony Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 25 | S 2603: John F. Kennedy Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 465: 26 | Battle of Lake Erie Commission | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 1 | Hudson-Champlain Celebration Comm | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 2 | SJ Res 59-Hudson Celebration | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 3 | SJ Res 50-Dedication Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 4 | Natl Transportation Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 5 | SJ Res 54-Taras Shevechenko-Statue | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 6 | SJ Res 87-Memorial Day Prayer | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 7 | SJ Res 98-Model Aviation Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 8 | S 2561: Theodore Roosevelt Memorial | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 9 | Inauguration Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 10 | SJ Res 35: National Transportation Week | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 11 | HR 198: Presidents Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 12 | S 1677: Natl Womans Relief Corps | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 13 | HJ Res 554-Good Friday | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 14 | SJ Res 132-Pony Express Year | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 15 | Federal Hall National Memorial | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 16 | HR 5722: Army & Navy Union | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 17 | Hynes, Robert | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 18 | HR 10138: Warrant Officers Assn | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 19 | SJ Res 186-National Voters Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 20 | American Standards Association | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 21 | National Holidays | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 22 | SJ Res #5: Amerigo Vespucci Day | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 466: 23 | Inflation-Government Spending | 1958 - 1962 | Fed Charters | |
2: 467: 1 | Anti-Trust in Funeral Practices | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 2 | S 387: Truth in Packaging Bill | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 3 | Drugs in Columbia Problem | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 4 | S 387: Misc Reports | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 5 | Sales Study-Alfred Politz Research | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 6 | Anti-Trust & Foreign Trade | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 7 | Drug Company Subpoenas | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 8 | Proceedings: Drugs in Columbia | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 467: 9 | Anti-Trust: Blood Bank Bill | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 1 | Hearing Aid Prices | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 2 | Doctor-Owned Pharmacies: Hearings | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 3 | Insurance Industry-Report on | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 4-5 | Insurance Problems | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 6 | Lloyds of London-Hearing | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 7 | Pan-Am & Business Aviation | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 8 | State Department: Anti-Trust | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 9 | S 942: Railroad Merger Moratorium | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 10 | S 1138: Railroad Merger Moratorium | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 11 | S 1255: Anti-Trust Laws: Revision | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 12 | S 1447: Attorney General Records | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 13 | S 1705: Alien Insurance Companies | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 14 | Consumers: Select Committee | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 468: 15 | Administered Prices: Hearings | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 1 | Common Market | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 2 | Electric Companies-Profit | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 3 | Dual Distribution | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 4 | Anti-Trust in the Common Market | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 5 | Film & Camera Manufacture-Limits on | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 6 | Trade: Quality Stabilization Bill | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 7 | S 774: Quality Stabilization Act | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 8 | Judiciary: Steel Company Hearings | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 9 | Amendments on Elections: Hearings | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 10 | Agriculture: Clippings | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 11 | Farm Bureau News-Newsletter | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 12 | National Farmers Union: Newsletter | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 13 | KBK Agriculture | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 14 | "The Family Farm" by O. Freeman | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 15 | Agriculture: Politics | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 16 | Agriculture: Conservation | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 17 | Agriculture: Corn | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 18 | Agriculture: Cotton | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 19 | HR 4997: Feed Grain Act | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 469: 20 | Fruit & Vegetables | 1958 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 1 | Meat Imports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 2 | Agriculture: Livestock | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 3 | Dairy Legislation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 4 | Milk-Bulk Tank Amendments | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 5 | Agriculture: Nursery Stock | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 6 | Public Works Appropriations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 7-10 | Interpreter Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 11 | Cuba-Visa Waivers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 12 | Civil Rights: Anti-Bombing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 13-14 | Civil Rights: Elections | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 15 | Civil Rights Commission | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 16 | Civil Rights: Literacy Tests | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 470: 17 | HR 7152: Voting Rights Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 1 | Civil Rights: Voting | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 2 | Civil Rights-Elections: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 3 | Civil Rights: Anti-Poll Tax | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 4 | Civil Rights: Anti-Bombing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 5 | Civil Rights: KBK Civil Rights Comm | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 6 | Civil Rights: KBK News Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 7 | Civil Rights: Equal Rights for Women | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 8 | S 1117: Extend Civil Rights Commis | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 9 | S 1209: Desegregation of Schools | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 10 | S 1210: Discrimination in Employment | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 11 | S 1211: Equal Employment Opportunity | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 12 | S 1212: Discrimination in Employment | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 13 | S 1214: Voting Rights Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 14 | S 1215: Protect Civil Rights | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 15 | S 1217: Discrimination in Commerce | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 16 | S 1218: Discrimination in Hospitals | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 17 | S 1219: Permanent Civil Rights Comm | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 18 | S 1731: Civil Rights & Fed Programs | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 19 | S 1818: Crime: Perjury & US Codes | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 20 | Crime: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 21 | Crime: Mallory Rule | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 22 | S 1383: Fugitive Felon Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 23 | S 1384: Amend US Code | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 24-25 | S 1385 & S 1386: Amend US Code | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 26-29 | Crime: Organized-Bills | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 471: 30 | Crime: Juvenile Delinquency | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 1-3 | Thank You Letters- A-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 4-5 | Congratulations A-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 6 | Volunteers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 7 | Contributions | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 8 | Rep Samuel Stratton: KBK Opponent | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 9-25 | Yellow Copies of Letters- A-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 26 | HR 10041: Public Health | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 27 | S 2642: War on Poverty | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 28 | Health: Aged Citizens | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 29 | Health: Cancer | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 30 | Health: Narcotics | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 31 | Health: War on Poverty | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 32 | Interior: National Parkway | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 33 | S 859: Land & Water Conservation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 34 | S 523: Agricultural Child Labor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 35 | S 2398: Labor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 36 | Patronage Appointments | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 37 | Senate Regulations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 38 | Summer Employment Requests | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 39 | Taxes: Customs | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 472: 40 | NYS Republican Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 1 | Trading with Enemy Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 2 | War Claims: Binder | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 3 | War Claims: General Committee Report | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 4 | War Claims: Legislation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 5-6 | S 1103 & S 2618: War Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 7 | War Claims: Material for KBK Office | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 8 | General Aniline & Film Corp | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 473: 9-10 | War Claims: Press Releases & Misc | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 1 | S 2618: KBK Amendments | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 2 | HR 7283: War Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 3 | S 956: War Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 4 | War Claims: Confiscated Property | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 5 | S 987: War Claims & Pamphlets | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 6 | War Claims: Philippines | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 7 | War Claims: Halbach | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 8 | War Claims: GAF | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 9-10 | War Claims: Heirless Property Bill | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 11 | HR 7283: War Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 12 | Anniversary of WWII | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 13 | Foreign Affairs: Alien Property | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 14 | S 706: Internatl Claims Settlement | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 15 | War Claims: Later Nationals | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 16 | West German Fed Compensation Law | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 17 | S 3008: Alien Property | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 18 | S 62: Scholarships for Vets Children | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 19 | War Claims: Ship Reinsurance | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 20 | S 708: Amend Trade With Enemy Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 21 | War Claims: Hungarian-Background | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 22 | War Claims: Jewish Restitution Claim | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 23 | War Claims: Japan & Yugoslavia | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 24 | War Claims: Payment | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 25 | War Claims: Foreign Settlement Comm | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 26 | S 947: Polish Claims Amendments | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 27 | War Claims: Bulgaria | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 28 | S 947: Italian War Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 29 | S 987: Late Nationals | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 30 | War Claims: Yugoslavia | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 31 | Private Claims: Israel Wald | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 32 | S 987: Amend War Claims Act of 1948 | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 33 | Private Claims: M. P. Kosalapoff | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 474: 34 | War Claims: FSCS Report | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 1 | Presidential Succession: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 2 | SJ Res 139: Keating Sponsored | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 3 | President: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 4 | Keating-JFK Tributes | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 5 | Two Vice-Presidents | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 6-8 | Presidential Inability | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 9 | Presidential Succession | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 10 | President: Warren Commission | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 11 | Presidential Inability | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 12 | Presidential Succession | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 13 | SJ Res #5: Presidential Inability | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 475: 14 | President's Messages | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 1-3 | S 1815 & 1935: Amend Clayton Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 4 | Judiciary Comm Agenda | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 5 | Anti-Trust: Columbia Broadcasting | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 6 | "A Primer on Money" | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 7 | "Price Discrimination Legislation" | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 8 | Anti-Trust in the Common Market | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 9 | Violations of Robinson-Patman Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 10 | "Concentration of Economic Power" | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 11 | Anti-Trust & Monopoly Activities | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 12 | Packaging and Labeling Practices | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 13 | Anti-Trust: Professional Boxing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 14 | Anti-Trust: Pro Sports Bill | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 15 | Anti-Trust & Sports: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 16-17 | S 1856: Anti-Trust in Baseball | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 18 | Anti-Trust Laws: Organized Sports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 19 | HR 8757: TV Contracts & Pro Sports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 20 | S 2427: TV Contracts & Pro Sports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 21 | TV Rights & Pro Organized Sports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 22 | S 2182: Prevent Bribery in Sports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 476: 23 | Subversive Influence in Education | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 477: 1 | S 1182: Establish Natl Boxing Commis | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 477: 2 | Anti-Trust in Baseball | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 477: 3 | Anti-Trust in Pro Sports: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 477: 4-5 | Pro Sports: Bill & Reports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 477: 6-9 | S 616: Anti-Trust in Sports: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 1 | Internal Security: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 2 | Internal Security: Communism | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 3 | Fair Play for Cuba-Hearings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 4 | Internal Security: Freedom Commis | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 5 | Internal Security: Cuba | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 6 | Internal Security: Buffalo HUAC | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 7 | Internl Sec-Temple of Understanding | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 8 | Internal Security: Hate Literature | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 9 | Communism in Music | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 10 | Mine-Mill & Smelter Case | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 11 | Internal Security: Nazism | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 12 | Southern Conference Education Fund | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 13 | Internal Security: Senate Subcomm | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 14 | Internal Security: State Dept | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 15 | Internal Security: W. Wieland Case | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 478: 16 | Trading with the Enemy Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 1 | Trade With Communist Block: KBK | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 2 | Trade With Communist Block: Research | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 3 | Trade With Communist Block: Comm | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 4 | Trade With Communist Block: Security | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 5 | Trade With Communist Block: Reports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 6 | Trade With Communist Block: Exports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 7 | Trade With Communist Block: Exports | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 8 | S 3: Acts of Congress on State Law | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 9 | Internal Security: Dismissal Power | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 10 | S 295: Amend Law on Espionage | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 11 | Anti-Subversive Legislation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 12 | Internal Security: HUAC Publications | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 13 | Internal Security: FBI | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 14 | Internal Security: Otepka | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 15 | Internal Security: Stashynsky | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 16 | Internal Security: Carlos Todd Case | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 17 | Victor Norris Hamilton | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 18 | Harry A. Towers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 19 | HR 950: Internal Security | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 20 | Internal Security: Otepka | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 21 | Internal Security: J. Reilly | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 22 | Internal Security: Joe Gwyer | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 23 | Dodd Proposals for Staff | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 24 | Internal Security: Gus Hall | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 25 | Internal Security: Pacifica Hearing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 26 | Profumo Vice Case | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 27 | Subversive Organizations List | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 28 | Internal Security: A. Schwartz | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 29 | Rooke, Alexander | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 479: 30 | Castro-Propaganda | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 1 | S 221: Agriculture: Talmadge | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 2 | S 608: Agriculture: Sparkman | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 3 | KBK: Anti-Trust | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 4-5 | S 1304 & 1305: Appropriations to UN | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 6 | Armed Services: Draft | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 7 | HR 2664: Armed Services | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 8 | S 1857: Armed Services | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 9 | S 2432: Armed Services | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 10 | Aviation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 11 | Budget | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 12 | Crime | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 13 | S 2380: Defense | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 14 | HR 10939: Defense | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 15 | S 298: Defense | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 16-17 | S 331: Defense: Shipyards | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 18 | Defense: Congressional Record | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 19 | Defense: Disarmament | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 20 | Defense: Cut-backs | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 21 | Defense Contracts: Schenectady Army | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 22 | Defense Contracts: Naval Yard, NYC | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 23 | Defense Contracts: ROAMA | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 24 | Defense: Brooklyn Army Terminal | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 25 | Defense Projects | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 26 | Griffiss Air Force Base: KBK Remarks | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 27 | S 2268: Economy: Procurement | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 28 | S 2441: Economy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 30 | District of Columbia | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 31 | Education | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 32 | Education: Colleges | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 33 | S 2590: Education: Student Loans | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 34 | Education: Amend NDEA Act of 1958 | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 35 | Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 36 | S 2658: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 37 | S 2659: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 38 | S 2660: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 39 | S 2661: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 40 | S 2662: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 41 | S 2663: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 42 | S 2664: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 43 | S 2665: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 44 | S 2666: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 45 | S 34: Foreign Aid | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 46 | S 2422: International Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 47 | S 2405: Foreign Affairs: Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 48 | Foreign Policy: Warsaw Ghetto | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 49 | Foreign Policy: Treaty of Ghent | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 50 | Foreign Policy: Vietnam Resolution | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 51 | Foreign Policy: Soviet Anti-Semitism | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 52 | Foreign Policy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 53 | Foreign Policy: Anti-Semitism | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 54 | Foreign Policy: Captive Nations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 55 | Foreign Policy: Genocide | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 56 | Foreign Policy: NATO | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 57 | Foreign Policy: News Management | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 58 | Foreign Policy: United Nations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 59 | Foreign Policy: Africa | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 60 | Foreign Policy: Congo | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 61 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 62 | Foreign Policy: Cyprus | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 63 | Foreign Policy: Germany | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 64 | Foreign Policy: Greeks in Turkey | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 65 | Foreign Policy: Greece | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 66 | Foreign Policy: Israel | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 67 | Foreign Policy: Middle East | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 68 | Foreign Policy: Poland | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 69 | Foreign Policy: Russia | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 70 | Foreign Policy: Vietnam | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 71-72 | Government Operations: Surplus Property | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 73 | Govt Operations: Committee on Consumers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 74 | S 2431: Health: Medicare | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 75 | Highways | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 76 | S 1213: Highways | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 77 | S 1252: Highways | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 78 | Housing & Community Development Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 79 | S 1887: Immigration & Naturalization | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 80 | S 1823: Immigration | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 81 | Immigration & Naturalization | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 82 | Interior: Indians | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 83 | Interior: Historic Sites | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 84 | Interior: Territories | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 85 | Internal Security | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 86 | Internal Security: Communism | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 87 | Internal Security: Freedom Academy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 88 | Judiciary: Two Vice Presidents | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 89 | Juvenile Delinquency: TV Violence | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 90 | Labor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 91 | Labor: NYS | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 92 | Labor: Unemployment | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 93 | S 1216: Law & Lawyers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 94 | Mass Transportation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 480: 95 | HR 7885: Foreign Aid: Czech Claims | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 481: 1-21 | SJ Res 159-Quality Stabilization | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 1 | Conservative Party | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 2 | Crank Letter File-Brainwashing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 3 | Civil Rights: Senate Vote | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 4 | Civil Rights: Busing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 5 | Civil Rights: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 6 | Captive Nations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 7 | Cuba & Latin America | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 8 | Republican Materials on Labor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 9 | Material to be Filed | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 10 | Miscellaneous Campaign Material: Memos | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 11 | Richard Aldrich: Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 12 | Miscellaneous Senate Business: B | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 13 | Congressional Reform | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 14 | Civil Service | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 15 | Labor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 16 | KBK Republican Platform | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 17 | Joe Boyd's Expenses | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 18 | Rent Control: Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 19 | Misc Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 20 | Requests for Campaign Material | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 21 | Louis Kaplan-Tammany Hall | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 22 | Rating Kennedy's Problems | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 23-24 | KBK: Tribute Dinner | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 25 | KBK: Cocktail Party | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 26 | KBK: Liberal Causes | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 27 | KBK: Lincoln Day Tour | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 28 | Keating for Vice President | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 482: 29 | Campaign Material | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 1 | Misc | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 2 | S 1033: Uniform Time System in US | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 3 | S 165: US National Arts Foundation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 4 | New York State | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 5 | Politics: Republican | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 6 | Post Office | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 7 | Presidential Inability & Succession | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 8 | President: Two Vice Presidents | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 9 | Presidential Inability: Amendments | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 10-11 | President: Re-Elections | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 12 | S 30: Small Business Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 13 | Social Security: Min Age for Benefit | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 14 | Social Security: Tips as Wages | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 15 | Social Security: Increase Benefits | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 16 | Sports: Boxing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 17 | Sports: US Winter Olympics | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 18 | State Department: USIA | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 19 | Taxes | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 20 | Taxes: Education Deductions | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 21 | Taxes: IRS | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 22 | Taxes: Reductions for Teachers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 23 | Taxes: Medical Expenses | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 24 | Taxes: Overseas | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 25 | Taxes: US Mint in New York | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 26 | Taxes: Tuition Deduction | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 27 | Taxes: Exempt Musical Instruments | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 28 | S 2068: Taxes | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 29 | S 1719: Taxes | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 30 | HR 8363: Amend Higher Education | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 31 | Taxes: Teachers Expense Deduction | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 32 | Taxes: Domestic Building & Loan Assn | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 33 | Taxes: Exempt School Buses | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 34 | Trade & Tariffs | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 35 | S 1006: Transportation: Fishing Boats | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 36 | Tributes | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 37 | SJ Res 136-Tributes JFK Memorial | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 38-39 | Tributes: Touro Synagogue | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 40 | Tributes: Medals for 3 Shrines in NY | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 41 | Tributes: Gold Medal to Eddie Cantor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 42 | Tributes: National Actors Equity Week | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 43 | Tributes: Save Your Vision Week | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 44 | Tributes: Danny Kaye Medal | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 45 | Tributes: American Indian Day | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 46 | Tributes: America's Founding Month | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 47 | S 2396: Tributes: Mac Arthur | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 48 | Voting Information | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 49 | Voting Records | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 50-52 | War Claims: Amend Claims Act | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 53 | Wiretapping Legislation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 54 | Wiretapping-KBK | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 55 | Wiretapping-Al Chambers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 56 | S 1308 & S 3340: Wiretapping | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 483: 57 | Social Security | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 1 | "Work in Progress": Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 2 | NYS Democratic Convention | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 3 | Defense, Nuclear Policy, & Space | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 4 | Taxation: KBK Statement | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 5-6 | Wiretapping | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 7 | Armed Services Committee: Budget | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 8 | Foreign Countries and UN Material | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 9 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 10 | Cyprus: Self-determination | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 11-35 | Corresp Acknowledging KBK- A-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 484: 36-37 | S 1221 & 1086: Wiretapping | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 1 | Kenneth Keating Republican League | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 2 | Campaign File: Civil Rights: Photos | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 3 | KBK: McCaffrey-Rosenberg Letter | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 4 | Limitations on Political Expenses | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 5 | Stamina Conference | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 6 | TV Idea for Political Campaigns | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 7 | Frederick Conklin | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 8 | Conservation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 9 | Testimonial Dinner for Congressmen | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 10 | E. Costikyan-Bar Association | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 11 | Joseph F. Carlino | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 12 | Communications Act: Equal Time | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 13 | Cyprus | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 14 | John Deardourff | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 15 | Long Island State Park Committee: Duryea | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 16 | Democratic Platform | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 17 | Democrats | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 18 | Ralph Edsel-replace Rep Becker | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 19 | Education | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 20 | Erie GOP Races | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 21 | Electoral College Reform | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 22 | FAA & Flight Service Stations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 23 | Labor: Hob Firstin | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 24 | FD Roosevelt Jr.: Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 25 | Law Day | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 26 | International Development-Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 27 | Clare Booth Luce | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 28 | Labor: Dubinsky | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 29 | Labor: The Machinist-Voting Records | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 30 | Labor: Voting Records-AFL-CIO | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 31 | KBK: Thanks for Your Effort | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 32 | Joe Gwyer: KBK vs Communists | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 33 | KBK Tribute Dinner | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 34 | KBK: New York City Office | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 35-36 | KBK Tribute Dinner | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 37 | NY Gambling-Paul A. Fino | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 38 | Barry Goldwater | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 39 | Robert G. Fichenberg | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 40 | Lt. Governor Joseph C. Finely | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 41 | James A. Farley | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 42 | GOP Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 43 | Frank Gaultieri | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 44 | Grumman Aircraft Engineering Co. | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 45 | James Hoffa | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 46 | Harlem Youth Opportunity Unlimited | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 47 | Frank Horton | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 48 | H. L. Hunt | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 49 | Harriman | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 485: 50 | Humphrey | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 1 | General Aniline and Film | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 2 | William Miller | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 3 | Robert McMillan | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 4 | John Moss | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 5 | Judson Moorhouse | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 6 | Conference of Mayors: New York City | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 7 | Martinis Case | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 8 | Gen Political Candidate-Morgenthau | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 9 | Mailing-Addressigraph System | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 10 | Walter J. Mahoney | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 11 | Joseph M. Mitchell-Resigns | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 12 | Glick Associates-Mitchell & Lama | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 13 | Union of Mine, Mill & Smelters | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 14 | Mailing Lists and Mail Count | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 15 | Liberal Party: NYC | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 16 | Sylvan Lawrence | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 17 | Arthur Levitt: NYC | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 18 | League of Women Voters | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 19 | KBK Fund Raising-Walter Thayer | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 20 | KBK: Confidential Acceptance Speech | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 21 | Mike Kramer | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 22 | Rep John Lindsay for Mayor: NYC | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 23 | Herbert Lehman | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 24 | Draft Dodge Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 25 | Lucius D. Clay-For President | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 26 | Louis J. Lefkowitz: New York City | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 27 | Lincoln Week | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 28 | NYS Republican Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 29 | Rep Congressional Comm Newsletter | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 30 | Senate Republican Memos | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 31 | House Rep Committee: Minority Staffing | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 32 | Rep Comm of One Hundred | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 33 | Natl Republican Congressional Comm | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 34 | Republican Newsletter: BattleLine | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 35-51 | Rockefeller: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 52 | Rockefeller: Civil Rights | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 486: 53 | Rockefeller: New York City | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 1 | Rockefeller Foundation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 2 | Rockefeller: Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 3 | Rockefeller: Anti | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 4 | Rockefeller: General | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 5 | Rockefeller: Current File | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 6 | Rockefeller: Campaign Express | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 7 | Rockefeller: Appointments | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 8 | Rockefeller for President | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 9 | Roosevelt-Hope for Appalachia | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 10 | NYS: Democrats | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 11 | NYS: Politics | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 12 | NYS Charter Revision | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 13 | NYS Public Utilities | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 14 | NYS Supervisors-List of | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 15 | NYS Young Republicans | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 16 | Robert Kennedy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 17 | Kennedy-Labor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 18 | Thomas Kuchel | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 19 | Kennedy-Research | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 20 | Kennedy-Foreign Affairs | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 21 | Joseph P. Kennedy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 22 | Robert Kennedy & Marilyn Monroe | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 23 | Johnson: Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 24 | Johnson-Civil Rights | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 25 | Johnson-Voting Record | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 26 | Johnson-Economy Drive | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 27 | Javits | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 28 | Third Parties & Independents | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 29 | Jewish Campaign | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 30 | Jewish Revisionists | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 31 | Justice Department | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 32 | Keating-Kennedy Issues | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 33 | KBK: Factsheets | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 34 | KBK on Goldwater | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 35 | KBK Germans | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 36 | KBK Drafts | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 37 | KBK: Campaign Materials | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 38 | Times Ad | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 39 | KBK Israel | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 40 | KBK Songs | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 41 | KBK: Biographical Data | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 42 | Conservatives-The Spindle | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 43 | Young Americans for Freedom | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 44 | KBK Favorable Editorials | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 45 | KBK: NYC Campaign Advertising | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 46 | KBK Campaign Position Papers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 47 | Rockefeller: California | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 48 | Rockefeller: Mid-West | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 487: 49 | Rockefeller: New Hampshire | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 1 | Milton-Goldwater | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 2 | Immigration & Naturalization | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 3 | KBK: Italians | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 4-5 | KBK on Labor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 6 | KBK: Polling | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 7 | Indonesia | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 8 | Campaign Issues | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 9 | Republican: NYS | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 10 | Richard Nixon | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 11 | NAACP | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 12 | NYC Finance | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 13 | KBK Questionnaires | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 14 | KBK Campaign: Gene Rossides | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 15 | KBK Campaign Slogans | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 16 | File-No Reply | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 17 | Politics | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 18 | KBK: Voting Record | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 19 | Thurmond Conversion | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 20 | KBK: Thank Yous to Constituents | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 21 | Thank You Letters to KBK | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 22 | New York State | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 23 | Misc Corresp | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 24 | KBK Statements on Organizations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 25 | General Aniline Controversy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 26 | Foreign Policy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 27 | Defense Cutbacks | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 28 | Correspondence KBK Re-Election to Senate | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 29 | KBK Congratulatory Letters | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 30 | Civil Rights | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 31 | NY Times Questionnaire | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 32 | Memorandum | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 488: 33 | Misc Corresp typed by Pat Connell | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 1 | Space Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 2 | Constituents Proposal for Campaign | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 3 | Tributes, Awards & Citations | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 4 | Foreign Policy: Mid-East | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 5 | Cuba | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 6 | Cuba-Russia | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 7 | Economy | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 8 | RFK-Sabbatino | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 9-10 | RFK | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 11 | KBK: Conservation | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 12 | Letters to the Editor | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 13 | Newspaper Battle Pages | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 14 | KBK: Goldwater | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 15 | KBK: Speech Ideas | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 16 | New York Naval Yard | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 17-18 | Position Papers | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 489: 19 | Schedules | 1959 - 1964 | Political Files | |
2: 490: 1-6 | Labor: Letters to KBK-form reply | 1958 - 1959 | Robos | |
2: 491: 1-6 | Labor: Letters to KBK-form reply | 1958 - 1959 | Robos | |
2: 492: 1-7 | Labor: Letters to KBK | 1958 - 1959 | Robos | |
2: 493: 1-5 | Labor: Letters to KBK | 1958 - 1959 | Robos | |
2: 494: 1 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 494: 2-6 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 494: 7-13 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 495: 1-6 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 495: 7-10 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 495: 11-13 | Misc Corresp & Reports | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 495: 14 | Subcomm on Labor Report | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 496: 1-2 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 496: 3-4 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 496: 5 | Constituent Corresp | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 496: 6 | Constituent Correspondence: Filibuster Rule | 1959 | Offset Mail | |
2: 497: 1-14 | Robo Indices- A-McA | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 498: 1-11 | Robo Indices: N-Z | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 498: 12 | Indexes | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 498: 13-14 | NY Delegation: Correspondence | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 498: 15-17 | Postal Pay Raise | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 498: 18-19 | Forand Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 498: 20 | Loyalty Oath | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 1 | Loyalty Oath | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 2 | Loyalty Oath (Con) | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 3-4 | Postal Pay Raise | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 5 | Forand Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 6 | Federal Aid to Education | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 7 | Murry vs Metcalf | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 8-12 | Postal Pay Raise | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 13-17 | Forand Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 18 | Forand Bill (Con) | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 499: 19-20 | Forand Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Indices | |
2: 500: 1 | Corresp on Fair Trade Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 500: 2 | Corresp with Teamsters Union | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 500: 3-5 | Corresp on Forand Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 500: 6 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 500: 7 | Kinzua Dam | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 500: 8 | Postal Pay Raise (Con) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 500: 9 | Miscellaneous Non-Deliverable Letters | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 1 | Forand Bill (Con) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 2 | Postal Raise (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 3 | Forand Bill (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 4 | Aid to Private Schools (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 5 | Teamsters | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 6 | Student Loan Loyalty Oath: Correspondence | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 7 | Postcards on Forand Bill | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 501: 8 | Postal Pay Raise | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 1 | Minimum Wage (Con) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 2 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 3 | Forand Bill (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 4 | Loyalty Oath of QDEA | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 5 | Aid to Private Schools (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 6 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 7-8 | Postal Pay Raise (Con) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 9 | Dividend Tax Credit: Correspondence | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 10 | Forand Bill (Con) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 502: 11 | Fair Trade Bill (Pro) | 1959 - 1960 | Plastiplates | |
2: 503: 1 | A | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 504: 1-2 | B | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 505: 1 | B | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 505: 2 | Corcoran, Thomas A. | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 505: 3 | Chinese Cases-Immigration | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 506: 1-3 | C | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 507: 1-3 | D-E | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 508: 1-2 | F | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 509: 1-3 | G | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 510: 1-4 | H | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 511: 1-4 | I-K | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 512: 1 | Kinnear Case-Employment | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 512: 2 | L | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 513: 1-3 | M | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 514: 1 | Mc | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 514: 2 | P. T. Miloos-Cyprian | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 514: 3 | Drew Pearson-Columnist | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 515: 1-4 | N-Q | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 516: 1-2 | R-S | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 517: 1 | S | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 518: 1 | S | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 519: 1-3 | T-V | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 519: 4 | Clarence O. White-Vet Admin Claim | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 520: 1-3 | W-Z | 1959 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 1-3 | Ha-Hu | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 4 | Soloman Harper | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 5-7 | Hu-J | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 8 | Charles F. Johns | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 9-13 | K | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 14 | Abraham Kalmanowitz | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 15 | John R. Kelly-Clearance of Record | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 16 | Ronald Klein | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 17 | Ernest Kraftschik | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 18 | Al M. Kadragic | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 521: 19-21 | L | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 1 | Mrs. Angela Madison | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 2 | Don J. Mattaro | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 3-5 | Ma-Mi | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 6 | Clara M. Marinucci | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 7 | Walter P. Massey | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 8 | Mo | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 9 | Mark Miller | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 10 | A. B. Newsome | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 11 | New York Chicago Railway | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 12-17 | Mu-Po | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 18 | Post Office | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 19 | Samuel Brown Pierson | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 20-24 | Pr-Ro | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 522: 25 | B. P. Rosanoff | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 1 | Sa-Sc | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 2 | Arthur Schulert | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 3-6 | Se-St | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 7 | Clinton E. Stagg | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 8-11 | Su-U | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 12 | United Nations | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 13-21 | V-Z | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 22 | Philip L. Zenner | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 23 | Hungarian Refugee Program | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 523: 24 | Personal Thank You Letters | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 524: 1-10 | A-By | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 524: 11 | Francesco Bonsignore | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 524: 12 | Mitchell Bovey | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 525: 1-6 | C | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 525: 7 | Katherine Coleman | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 525: 8 | Robert Collom | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 525: 9-12 | D | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 526: 1-7 | E-Ha | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 527: 1-9 | He-MaC | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 527: 10 | John J. McCarthy | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 528: 1-3 | McD-N | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 528: 4-10 | New York State Matters- A-Z | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 529: 1-9 | Q-V | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 530: 1-5 | W-Z | 1960 - 1962 | KBK Case Files | |
2: 531: 1-12 | A-L | 1958 | Ives Case Files | |
2: 531: 13 | Military | 1958 | Ives Case Files | |
2: 531: 14-26 | M-Z | 1958 | Ives Case Files | |
2: 531: 27 | Misc Cases | 1958 | Ives Case Files | |
2: 531: 28 | S 925: Immigration Bill | 1958 | Ives Case Files | |
2: 532: 1 | Naturalized Citizens List | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 2 | S 1049: Relief of Rachel Borenstein | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 3 | S 2352: Chaim Eidlisz | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 4 | S 2238: Charles W. Hachtmann | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 5 | S 629: Mitsuo Horiguchi | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 6 | S 3120: Miss Naoko Kitazawa | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 7 | S 1291: Relief of Marko Kapan | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 8 | Sam Light | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 9 | S 2528: John Lipset | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 10 | S 524: Relief of Giovanni Malara | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 11 | S 523: Relief of Mutsuko Miyaji | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 12 | S 2529: Sultana Mosatche | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 13 | S 464: Relief Julia Mydlak | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 14 | HR 7367: Chieko Sakano | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 15 | S 3130: Anne Marie Stehlin | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 16 | S 2158: Overseas Citizenship | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 17 | HR 6121: Placid J. Pecoraro | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 532: 18 | General Claims Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 1 | HR 1481: Mr. Schlomo A. H. Murad | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 2 | Mr. Mohamed Kernane | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 3 | HR 1634: Mr. Antonio Ranalletta | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 4 | Mr. Apostolos G. Zamboukos | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 5 | S 2666: Cloe Magnoni | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 6 | Pardons-DeFrancesco | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 7 | S 883: Claims of Customs Officers | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 8 | S 2353: Col. John A. Ryan Jr. | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 9 | S 1758: Joana Krasnauskiene | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 10 | Mr. MacMillian: KBK Legislative Asst | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 11 | Jordan Stoyanoff | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 12 | Miss Irene Kemeny | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 13 | Miss Salina Kossakoska | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 14 | Dr. David Lempert | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 16 | Edward A. Martin | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 16 | Mr. Sam Martinovic | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 17 | Two Matalon Families | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 18 | Rev. Gregory Matveychuk | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 19 | Mr. Ferencz Nagy | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 20 | Miss Ljiljana Nedic | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 21 | Mrs. Myrsena Nestorides | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 22 | Louis T. Nisco | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 23 | Mr. Boris Norman | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 24 | Polish | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 25 | W. Radionow | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 26 | Mr. Miksa Reich | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 27 | Mrs. Vincenza Strano Sanfilippo | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 28 | John Santangelo | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 29 | Mrs. Teofana Simen and two girls | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 30 | M. A. Sterner | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 31 | Tailors | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 32 | Judiciary: Antal Toth-Immigration | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 533: 33 | Dr. Albert N. Towner | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 1 | S 2717: Mrs. Floriana Vardjan | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 2 | Julius Weiss | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 3 | Augustine and Linda Yao | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 4 | Moshe Zwikielski | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 5 | S 3414: Evangelina Callas | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 6 | S 925: Relatives of Immigrants | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 7 | S 3413: Mrs. Aizer | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 8 | S 445: Andrea Basile | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 9 | HR 505: Admission to US for Aliens | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 10 | HR 11167: Immigration & Nationality | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 11 | Edward V. Sittler | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 12 | Miss Mercedes Figueroa | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 13 | Immigration Legislation: General | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 14 | Imm and Naturalization Service | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 15 | Misc Information | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 16 | Congressional Record Inserts by KBK | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 17 | KBK's Statements-Remarks | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 18 | Keatings Private Immigration Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 19 | J. M. Swing-Imm & Natural Ser | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 20 | Mrs. Rosilde Porta Aghib | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 21 | Henry M. Allen | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 22 | Margot Godinez de Azoy | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 23 | Morris and Eva Bloom | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 24 | Bond Stores, Inc. | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 25 | Mrs. Anna Bores | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 26 | S 2154: Relief of Ante Grgas Pivac | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 534: 27 | Mr. Yui Man Leung | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 1 | Michael P. Kosolapoff | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 2 | HR 3932: Rabbi Chaim Fink | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 3 | Miss Elke Frank | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 4 | HR 1369: Reisz Zsuzsanna | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 5 | HR 4423: F. H. Hillel Company | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 6 | Kim Jin Moon | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 7 | S 630: Naturalization Applicants | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 8 | S 1048: Paroled Beneficiaries | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 9 | S 686: Varela and Alba | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 10 | HR 6471: Amend Fed Trade Commis Act | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 11 | S 3119: Giuseppa Ieraci | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 12 | Private Immigration (Pro) | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 13 | Private Immigration (Con) | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 14 | S 463: Stanislaus Napora | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 15 | S 1584: Thomas Lee Orzehowski | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 16 | S 1890: Relief of Najla Malti, et al | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 17 | S 445: Andrea Basile | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 18 | S 3413: Daisy Aizer | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 19 | HR 4236: Mah Quock | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 20 | S 3382: Navy Bandsmen | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 21 | Mr. Donato Covatta | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 22 | Miss Luci Derekus | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 23 | US Citizenship Grantees | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 24 | Toni de Felice | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 25 | Miss Marguerite Elfassy | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 26 | Fifth Amendment | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 27 | Dr. Frank G. Flacco | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 28 | Vincent Franic | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 29 | George H. Gardiner | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 535: 30 | Mr. Felizmino Gomes | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 1 | Greek | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 2 | Benjamin Hajdu | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 3 | Konrad Chang Hsu | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 4 | Peter Ivanov | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 5 | HR 9197: Dr. Cassim Mohammed Jadwat | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 6 | Dr. Hilliard Jason | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 7 | Salama Family | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 8 | Sasson Family | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 9 | Rabbi Abraham Kalmanowitz | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 10 | Araxy Kechejian-The Kechejian Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 11 | Ogden R. Reid | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 12-14 | Alien Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 15 | Puerto Rico | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 16 | Citizenship Cases | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 536: 17 | S 2427: Amend Imm & Natural Act | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 1 | Ben Blumenthal-Hungarian Claim | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 2 | S 628: Rochester Iron & Metal Co. | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 3 | S 549: Eber Bros. Wine & Liquor Corp | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 4 | Private Claims Postponed | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 5 | Status of KBK's Private Claim Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 6 | Bernard Elmers | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 7 | Lester H. Kroll | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 8-9 | William S. Scott | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 10 | Private Claims: Under $5000 | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 11 | Private Claims: For Reconsideration | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 12 | Private Claims: Postponed | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 13 | Private Claims: Over $5000 | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 14 | Private Claims: SubcommitteePostponed | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 15 | General-from Staff | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 16 | KBK Private Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 17 | General-from Subcomm | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 18 | S 204: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Ruff | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 19 | S 478: Mr. John A. Lynn | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 20 | S 552: Mrs. Edith O. Maske | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 21 | S 2221: Estate of Saladino and Other | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 22 | S 2777: G Williams & Wm Johnson | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 23 | S 2872: Ennis Craft McLaren | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 24 | HR 1457: Mrs. Sue Pyle | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 25 | HR 2009: James V. Williams | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 26 | HR 4964: Mrs. Betty L. Fonk | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 537: 27 | S 1247: Donald O. Olin | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 1 | HR 6023: William J. Kaiser | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 2 | HR 6400: Mrs. Clara Young | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 3 | HR 7854: Fund of Switchboard | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 4 | HR 8671: Joseph Price | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 5 | HR 8868: Albertson NY: Water District | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 6 | Watch for on the Agenda-Lists | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 7 | Cannella Family | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 8 | S 1535: Dr. Leslie L. Nemes | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 9 | HR 1517: Oerlikon Machine Tool Works | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 10 | Claims: Excluding Immigration | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 538: 11 | Private Claims | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 1 | Polish Immigration Material | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 2-3 | S 1154: Ed & Cultural Exchange Bill | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 4-5 | Imm & Naturalization-Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 6 | S 1766: Sen Neuberger: Alien Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 7 | HR 6300 & S 1809: Alien Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 8 | S 583: Imm & Naturalization: Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 9-10 | S 1610 & 2168: Alien Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 539: 11 | Korean/American Adoption & Entry | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 540: 1-23 | KBK Immigration Files- A-Z | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 1 | MacKay-Mackie | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 2 | HR 8574: Mrs. Varsen Jafarjian | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 3 | S 2106: Miss Emiko Nagamine | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 4 | S 2405: Meher Wiley & Kersasp Kanga | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 5 | S 2512: Paul Erdos | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 6 | S 2743: Dr. Josef Enzinger | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 7 | S 2776: Senator Dirksen | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 8 | S 3032: Samuel Pisar | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 9 | HR 1695: Col. Francis E. Resta | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 10 | HR 3253: Miss Ida Magyar Pillion | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 11 | HR 3530: Miss Berta Grinberg | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 12 | HR 4780: Mr. Shao: Yuen Chang | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 13 | HR 4970: Haralambos Groutas | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 14 | HR 5530: Peter & Hans Grauert | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 15 | HR 7551: Hubert O. Beckles | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 16 | HR 8486: John Capetanakis | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 17 | HR 9535: Hideo Iwasaki | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 18 | HR 9610: Sister Frances Cabrini | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 19 | HR 9654: Remedios C. Montalban | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 20 | HJ Res 407-Giovanni Budano | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 21 | HJ Res 638-Congressman Robison | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 22 | HJ Res 722-Enevold | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 23 | S 108: Gunnar Hanson | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 24 | S 2238: Relief of Kenzo Hachtmann | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 25 | HR 10659: Assunta Ristagno | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 26 | HR 7738: Relief of New York State | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 27 | HR 7746: Relief of Elmer Conrad | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 28 | HR 8044: Relief of R & E Interlice | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 29 | HR 8499: Relief of George Olichwer | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 30 | HR 9945: Relief of Amando Martelino | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 31 | HR 11974: Relief of M & N Trabona | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 541: 32 | HR 13791: Pei Ching Li | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 542: 1-3 | Misc Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 542: 4 | Jay N. Long-Deportation Cases | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 542: 5 | Private Bills: Forms & Gen Info | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 542: 6 | Dr. Tung Hui Lin | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 542: 7 | HR 5838: Miss Maria Guidi | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 543: 1 | Committee on Judiciary | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 543: 2 | Committee Agenda | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 543: 3 | Attempt to Liberalize Immigration | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 543: 4 | S 671: Amend Procedure Act | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 543: 5 | Guild of Variety Artists | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 543: 6 | SJ Res 148-Medal for Dr. T. Dooley | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 543: 7 | W. Zachariasiewicz | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 1 | Judiciary Comm Memorandums | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 2 | House Judiciary Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 3 | District Court Judges-Puerto Rico | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 4 | Woodmar Realty | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 5 | Proposed Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 6 | S 257: Water Hyacinths: Transport | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 7 | S 1637: Immigration Bills: General | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 8 | KBK Immigration Bills: Gen | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 9 | S 3722: Relief of Ja Han Hong | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 10 | S 2555: Fong Yee Hin | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 11 | Tome Lazarovski | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 12 | S 1990: ECC | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 13 | Society of Brothers-Thomas Potts | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 14 | Dr. Younis Kass | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 15 | Salvatore Pitti | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 16 | David Ebeoglu | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 17 | Ole Dich | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 544: 18 | Visa Petitions-Mr & Mrs Bouskila | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 545: 1-4 | Immigration Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 1 | Salavatore Fresta | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 2 | HR 9199: Watch the Agenda | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 3 | HR 9459: Watch the Agenda | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 4-7 | Imm & Naturalization Refugees | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 8-9 | American Children Born Overseas | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 10 | Deportation & Exclusion Orders | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 11 | Passports & Visas | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 12 | Accelerating Issuance of Visas | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 13 | Visitors to the US-Procedures | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 14 | Immigration Statistics | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 15 | Research Material on Cuban Refugees | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 16 | Refugees | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 546: 17 | Citizenship Cases | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 547: 1-2 | Immigration & Naturalization | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 547: 3 | SJ Res 110-Refugees | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 547: 4 | Immigration Speech | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 1 | S 108: Legislation | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 2 | Immigration: Alien Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 3 | Natural. Privileges To Korean Vets | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 4 | S 3225: Immigration | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 5 | S 1919: Amend Imm & Naturalization | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 6 | Judiciary Committee: Watch the Agenda | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 7 | Private Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 548: 8 | Visas | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 1 | Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 2 | S 2237: Entry to Alien Orphans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 3 | Alien Orphan Adoption-E. Ruestow | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 4 | HR 3005: Sister Mary Aurelia | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 5 | HR 7638: Kim Hyung in Comstock | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 6 | HR 7873: Maria Gonzales Fernandez | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 7 | HR 8038: Other Currency Acts | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 8 | S 176: Robert Roberts | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 9 | Vito Mione | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 10 | Frank B. Ellis | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 11 | Dr. Linda A. Dumlao | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 12 | Appointment of James R. Berry | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 13 | HR 11866: Kim Chung Shin | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 14 | HR 10605: Joan Rosa Orr | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 15 | HR 10242: Sgt. Placid J. Pecoraro | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 16 | HR 9578: Annie Yasuko Bower | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 17 | HR 9669: Rep. Burke (Ky): Molly Kwauk | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 18 | HR 9990: Benjamin Schonfeld | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 19 | HR 9285: Mrs. Richard D. Stephenson | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 20 | HR 3696: Gertrude M. Kaplan | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 21 | Claims: Relief of M. A. Sterner | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 549: 22 | Bills: Private Claims | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 1 | Claims Case: General | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 2 | Unsuccessful Private Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 3 | HR 6025: George Edward Barnhart | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 4 | S 177: Hadji Benlevi | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 5 | S 619: Srecko Kustera | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 6 | Lewis Invisible Machine Stitch Co. | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 7 | S 1448: Pietro Pirri | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 8 | Private Bill: Zsusanna Reisz | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 9 | S 178: Michael J. Collins | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 10 | S 1578: Edward Yin Liang | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 11 | S 418: William J. Vincent | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 12 | S 2862: Mai Har Tung | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 13 | S 2525: Ruth Philip | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 14 | S 2496: Hiram Joseph Swisha | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 15 | S 2418: Elaine R. Recanati | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 16 | S 2388: Antonio Petrucelli | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 17 | S 2203: Jozef Budny | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 18 | S 2167: Aniela Wojtowicz | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 19 | S 1546: Relief of Fotios Vardaros | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 550: 20 | S 776: Salomon Harari & Family | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 1 | S 343: Dr. Elias M. Kaimakliotis | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 2 | Claims Cases-Not Current | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 3 | War Claims: Cases-Albert G. Avery | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 4 | S 760: War Claims General Aniline | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 5 | S 674: Roman Dackow | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 6 | S 505: Claims: Seymour Robertson | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 7 | S 506: Wilbur Dameron: Claims | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 8 | HR 1663: Dr. Hans J. Tiedemann | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 9 | S 2371: Admittance Oil Screw Tugs | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 10 | J. Gazdowicz-Extradition Proceeding | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 11 | S 1727: Relief of Rocco Cacciaglia | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 12 | S 2953: Local Union #435: Tax Exempt | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 13 | Sixty-eight Chinese Nationals | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 14 | Captain Ledee-Claim Against Brazil | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 15 | Angelo A. Rizzuto-Claim in Colorado | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 16 | Private Immigration Bills: O of S | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 17 | S 2887: Vito Magistrale | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 551: 18 | Immigration Cases: General | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 1 | HR 7582: Dario Tacquechel | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 2 | S 928: Charles Bernstein | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 3 | HR 2978: Rosa & Rita Quattrocchi | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 4 | Counterfeiting of State Obligations | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 5 | HR 2836: C. Edwin Alley | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 6 | S 2912: Claims of Pecoraro Family | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 7 | HR 2833: Franziska A. Fuchs | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 8 | HR 2823: Betty Sandra Fagann | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 9 | S 2722: Livia Cucciatti | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 10 | HR 2346: Maria & Ferraro Cascarino | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 11 | HR 2158: Sister Marie Bernard | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 12 | HR 2111: Benjamin Schoenfeld | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 13 | HR 2086: Relief of Earl H. Spero | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 14 | S 1884: Design Protection | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 15 | HR 1687: Relief of World Games, Inc. | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 16 | HR 1610: Moses Glikowsky | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 17 | HR 1581: Marie Falato Colacicco | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 18 | HR 1582: Renee Whang Shin Sook | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 19 | Relief of Evangelos J. Marthakis | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 20 | HR 1533: Lee Kyong Ja | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 21 | HR 1478: Relief of Marie E. Mark | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 22 | S 1464: Wolfgang Stresemann: Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 23 | HR 1372: Rocco Cambrea | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 24 | HR 1333: AN Deringer, Inc.: Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 25 | HR 1303: Kurjian, Mrs. Fortune | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 26 | HR 1297: Maude A. Provoost | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 27 | S 1190: Marcelita L. Mortensen | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 28 | HR 7707: Relief of Andrew Kostanecki | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 29 | HR 6122: Maria Luisa Loys | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 30 | HR 6082: Relief of Vartanus Uzar | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 31 | HR 5193: Claims Helena M. Grover | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 32 | HR 4917: Albany County, NY: Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 33 | HR 4640: Charles H. Biederman | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 34 | HR 4206: Melvin & Frances Baker | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 35 | HR 3101: Lt. Col. David Riley | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 36 | Bills | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 552: 37 | Immigration Subcommittee Hearings-Gen | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 1 | Judiciary: Claims | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 2 | S 2418: Ippolita Davi | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 3 | S 199: Dr. Carlos G. Delgado | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 4 | S 2440: Bataan, Abraham, Mira, et al | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 5 | S 2518: Phyllis Mayers | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 6 | S 930: William Miller | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 7 | S 3056: Suzanna Nadasy | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 8 | HR 3142: Richard Pang | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 9 | S 1579: Ioannis Papageorgiou | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 10 | Relief of Humbert A. Lie | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 11 | S 3153: Philippine Nurses | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 12 | S 545: Sister Laura Saraniti: Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 13 | S 2242: Livia Sernini | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 14 | S 2804: Sheu Chwan Shaiou | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 15 | S 210: Graciela D'Hoedt | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 16 | Olinda Di Carlo-Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 17 | Claim-Lillian K. Cooley | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 18 | Claims: Helen Papoulias | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 19 | S 2070: Relief of Giuseppa C. Vasile | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 553: 20 | S 3214: Hing Fun Wong | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 1 | S 3700: Avelino G. Fernandez: Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 2 | S 2841: Wing Law & Family | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 3 | S 2071: Nina Maria Fiore | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 4 | S 3151: Casimiro Giurici | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 5 | S 2980: Catalanatto Family | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 6 | S 2150: Dr. & Mrs. Tolete: Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 7 | S 3213: Alvin & Audrey Chin | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 8 | S 424: Venson Chu | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 9 | S 214: Biagio Forgione | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 10 | S 712: Dilys Evans | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 11 | S 209: William M. Lee | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 12 | S 1645: Shirley Lehnert | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 13 | S 2323: Relief of Amelita R. Lorenzo | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 14 | S 201: Mrs. Martha Nemes | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 15 | S 2713: Anthony Peranich | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 16 | S 2476: Private Bill: Various Claims | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 17 | S 2343: Josefina B. Sepagan | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 18 | Private Immigration: Not by KBK | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 19 | Private Immigration Bills: General | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 20 | S 204: Hamburg Tang | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 21 | S 1694: Jocelyne G. Rieu | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 22 | S 2353: Gabriella Quattrochi: Relief | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 23 | S 211: Lisette Chomali | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 24 | S 212: Yoo Sei Chum | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 554: 25 | S 2872: Dr. Wen Tang | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 555: 1-4 | Immigration Cases- A-D | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 555: 5 | Chinese Cases | 1959 - 1962 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 1 | Immigration: Against Liberalization | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 2 | HR 1473: Richardson Corp: Relief | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 3 | HR 1474: Relief of Jennie Maurello | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 4 | HR 1475: Relief of Robert E. Warren | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 5 | HR 1476: Mrs. John Wagenblass | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 6 | HR 2679: Relief of Romans Malitis | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 7 | HR 3443: Relief of Edward H. Turri | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 8 | HR 3904: Mrs. Nunik Firjanian | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 9 | HR 5974: Marilyn M. McGough | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 10 | HR 6226: Relief of Maria Kostek | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 556: 11 | Status of KBK's Bills: 86th Congress | 1959 - 1960 | Immigration | |
2: 557: 1 | Postcards | 1959 | Inflation | |
2: 557: 2-13 | Correspondence | 1959 | Inflation | |
2: 557: 14 | Mass Write-Ins | 1959 | Inflation | |
2: 558: 1 | "Ask Ken Keating": Reference | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 2 | Press Corresp | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 3 | Articles for Publication | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 4 | Federal Grants, Loans, etc. | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 5 | Mailing Lists | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 6 | National Radio Month | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 7 | Press: Unclassified | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 8 | Radio Appearances & Messages | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 9 | Radio & TV Master Lists | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 10 | Radio Tape Mailing Record | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 11 | Radio: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 558: 12 | Robo Letters | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 1 | Senate Recording Studio: Statements | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 2 | Speeches: Supporting Material | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 3 | TV Appearances | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 4 | TV & Radio Guest | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 5 | Tidbits for Newsmen | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 6 | TV & Misc | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 7 | Speech File-Jr. | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 559: 8 | Senate Recording Studio Broadcasts | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 560: 1 | Newspaper Weekly | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 560: 2 | Articles for Publication | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 560: 3 | Cover Sheets for Stencils | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 560: 4 | Luce Press Clipping Service | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 560: 5 | Mailing List | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 560: 6 | Press: Unclassified | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 560: 7 | "New Republican Offensive" | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 1 | Radio: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 2 | Senate Recording Studio Statements | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 3 | Robo Letters | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 4 | TV Appearances | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 5 | Radio Appearances and Messages | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 6 | Speeches | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 7 | TV & Radio Guests | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 8 | TV Shows: "Lets" & "Ask" | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 9 | Newsletters | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 561: 10 | TV: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 1 | Account Book-Mailings to Stations | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 2 | Standby Program | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 3 | WHEC: Rochester | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 4 | WNEW: New York City, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 5 | WKBW: Buffalo, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 6 | WLIB: New York City, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 7 | WTEN: Albany, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 8 | WNBF-Binghamton, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 9 | WBEN: Buffalo, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 10 | WROC: Rochester, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 11 | WOKR: Rochester, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 562: 12 | WOR: New York City, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 1 | WRGB-Schenectady, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 2 | WSYR: Syracuse, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 3 | WKTV-Utica, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 4 | WCNY-Watertown, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 5 | WPIX: New York City, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 6 | WBJA-Binghamton, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 7 | WVET: Rochester, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 8 | WPTZ-Plattsburg, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 9 | WKBW: Buffalo, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 10 | WCAX: Burlington, Vt | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 11 | WINR-Binghamton, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 12 | Channel 13: Rochester | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 13 | WGR: Buffalo | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 14 | CBS | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 15 | WCBS: Mrs. Joseph Dembo | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 16 | WTTG-Washington DC | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 17 | Radio Pulsebeat News | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 18 | World Radio News-Houston, Tx | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 19 | Central Square School-Central, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 20 | Storer Broadcasting Co. | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 21 | NBC | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 22 | ABC | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 23 | Republic News International: DC | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 24 | Radio Free Europe: New York City | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 25 | Radio Press International | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 26 | UPI Audio: Washington DC | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 27 | WCSS-Amsterdam, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 28 | WAUB-Auburn, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 29 | WBTA-Batavia, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 30 | WBAB: Babylon, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 31 | WBNR: Beacon-Newburgh, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 32 | WHCL-Clinton, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 33 | WCLI-Corning, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 34 | WEHH-Elmira Heights, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 35 | WIGS-Gouverneur, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 36 | WRCU-Hamilton, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 37 | WWHG-Hornell, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 38 | WGSM-Huntington, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 39 | WVBR-Ithaca, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 40 | WJTN-Jamestown, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 41 | WVOS-Liberty, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 563: 42 | WVIP-Mt. Kisco, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 1 | WGNY-Newburgh, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 2 | WJRZ-Newark, NJ | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 3 | WVNJ-Newark, NJ | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 4 | WHN: New York City | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 5 | WINS: New York City | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 6 | WHDL-Olean,NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 7 | WMCR-Oneida, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 8 | WEBO-Owego, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 9 | WEAV-Plattsburg, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 10 | WBBF: Rochester, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 11 | WHAM: Rochester, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 12 | WGGO-Salamanca, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 13 | WGY-Schenectady, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 14 | WTRY-Troy, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 15 | WOTT-Watertown, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 16 | WWDC: Washington DC | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 17 | WENE-Endicott, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 18 | WVOX-New Rochelle, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 19 | WKIP-Poughkeepsie, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 20 | WIPS-Ticonderoga, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 21 | WWNY-Watertown, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 22 | WCSS-Amsterdam, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 23 | WMBO-Auburn, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 24 | WBTA-Batavia, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 25 | WBNR: Beacon, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 27 | WNBF-Binghamton, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 27 | WBRV: Boonville, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 28 | WKBW: Buffalo, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 29 | WCBA-Corning, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 30 | WDOE-Dunkirk, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 31 | WENE-Endicott, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 32 | WGBB-Freeport, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 33 | WENT-Gloversville, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 34 | WLEA-Hornell, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 35 | WGSM-Huntington, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 36 | WTKO-Ithaca, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 37 | WVBR-Ithaca, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 38 | WJTN-Jamestown, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 39 | WVOS-Liberty, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 40 | WLFH-Little Falls, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 41 | WICY-Malone, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 42 | WMSA-Massena, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 43 | WALL-Middletown, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 44 | WVIP-Mt. Kisco, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 45 | WACK-Newark, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 46 | WGNY-Newburgh, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 47 | WVOX-New Rochelle, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 48 | WCHN-Norwich, Ct | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 49 | WSLB-Ogdensburg, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 50 | WHDL-Olean, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 51 | WMCR-Oneida, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 52 | WDOS-Oneonta, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 53 | WALK-Patchogue-Long Island, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 54 | WLNA-Peekskill, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 55 | WEAV-Plattsburg, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 56 | WDLC-Port Jervis, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 57 | WKIP-Poughkeepsie, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 58 | WNBZ-Saranac, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 59 | WRSA-Saratoga Springs, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 60 | WSYR: Syracuse, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 61 | WIPS-Ticonderoga, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 62 | WTRY-Troy, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 63 | WDLA-Walton, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 64 | WWNY-Watertown, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 65 | Radio Free Europe: New York City | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 66 | Northeast Radio Network | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 67 | WGY-Schenectady, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 68 | WWHG-Hornell, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 69 | WCLI-Corning, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 70 | WROW: Albany, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 71 | WKNY-Kingston, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 72 | WINS: New York City, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 73 | WBBF: Rochester, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 74 | WENY-Elmira, NY | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 75 | Radio Stations Taking Simulcast | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 564: 76 | Weeklies | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 1 | Articles for Publication | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 2 | Cover Sheets for Stencils | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 3 | Foreign Policy: Editors Conference | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 4 | Major News Articles on KBK | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 5 | Mailing List | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 6 | Press Conferences | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 7 | Press: Unclassified | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 8 | The Quorum | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 9 | Robo Letters | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 10 | Radio: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 11 | Radio Tapes | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 12 | Radio Appearances & Messages | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 13 | TV and Radio Guests | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 14 | Possible TV Guests | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 15 | TV Show: "Senator Keating Reports.." | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 16 | TV Appearances | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 565: 17 | Senate Recording Studio: Statements | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 1 | Radio & TV Schedules | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 2 | TV & Radio Guests | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 3 | Articles for Publication | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 4 | Cover Sheets for Stencils | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 5 | Letters to Editors | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 6 | Mailing Lists | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 7 | Press Conferences | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 8 | Press: Unclassified | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 9 | Possible TV Guests | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 10 | Radio Appearances-Messages | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 11 | Radio: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 12 | Radio Tapes | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 13 | Robo Letters | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 14 | TV Shows: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 15 | Congrats & Letters to the Editor | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 16 | Senate Recording Studio: Statements | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 17 | TV Appearances | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 18 | Weekly Column | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 19 | New York Times | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 566: 20 | Press Phones & Addresses | 1959 - 1964 | Press: Correspondence | |
2: 567: 1-17 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 568: 1-5 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 568: 6 | Cuba | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 568: 7 | Import Problems | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 569: 1-8 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 570: 1-13 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 570: 14 | Soviet Union | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 571: 1-12 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 572: 1-13 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 573: 1-11 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 574: 1-12 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 575: 1-10 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 576: 1-10 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 577: 1-9 | Keating Speech File: Press Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 1 | Syracuse Press Club: Care for Aged | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 2 | Jewish Natl Fund Assembly-Speech | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 3 | Senate Report: Tax Cut | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 4 | KBK Educational Tax Relief Bill | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 5 | Rights of the Mentally Ill | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 6 | Republican Rally: Pennsylvania | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 7 | Program to Combat Narcotic Usage | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 8 | Filibuster Proposals-Floor Speech | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 9 | Poll Tax: Filibuster | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 10 | Dairy Farmers Face Guillotine | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 11 | Communication Satellites-Ownership | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 12 | Report from Washington: Item Veto | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 13 | Report from Washington: Aviation | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 14 | Civil Rights Commission | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 15 | Report from Washington | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 16 | Let's Look at Congress: M. Mansfield | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 17 | Remarks before Holton Arms Alumnae | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 18 | Report from Washington | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 578: 19 | Presidential Election Reforms | 1960 - 1962 | Press-Releases | |
2: 579: 1-15 | Jan-May | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 579: 16-18 | Duplicates of Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 580: 1-16 | June-November | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 581: 1 | Speaking Engagements | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 581: 2 | Grants, Loans & Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 581: 3 | KBK Shows | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 581: 4-8 | November-December | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 581: 9 | KBK Clippings: Scrapbook Appendix | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 582: 1-35 | January-December | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 582: 36 | KBK Washington Reports-Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 582: 37 | Duplicate Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 582: 38 | December 21-31 | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 583: 1 | Defense | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 583: 2 | NY Political Scene-Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 583: 3 | Speaking Engagements & Appearances | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 583: 4 | Grants, Loans & Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 583: 5 | New York State: Miscellaneous Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 583: 6 | New York State & National | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 584: 1-3 | Civil Rights: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 584: 4 | Constitutional Rights & Reforms | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 584: 5 | Cuba | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 585: 1-7 | Duplicate Clippings: Upstate Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 586: 1-6 | Duplicate Clippings: Upstate Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 587: 1-5 | Duplicate Clippings: Upstate Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 588: 1-5 | Duplicate Clippings: Upstate Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 589: 1-27 | January-September | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 589: 28 | Duplicate Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 590: 1 | Duplicate Clippings: NYS | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 590: 2-3 | Duplicate Clippings: Albany Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 590: 4 | Duplicate Clippings: Upstate Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 590: 5 | Clippings from Syracuse Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 590: 6 | Clippings from Albany Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 591: 1-2 | Keating Clippings: Campaign | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 591: 3 | Kennedy News Reporting | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 591: 4-6 | Keating Clippings: Campaign | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 592: 1-5 | Capital News Bureau | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 593: 1-4 | Campaign Clippings: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 594: 1 | KBK Voting Record-1947-1957 | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 594: 2 | Keating Senate Campaign | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 594: 3 | Duplicate Clippings: Upstate Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 594: 4 | November-December | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 594: 5 | Duplicate Clippings: Upstate Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 594: 6 | Campaign Clippings: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 595: 1-5 | UPI Coverage | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 1 | Academies | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 2 | Agriculture | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 3 | Air | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 4-5 | Awards & Tributes | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 6 | Civil Rights | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 7 | Communism | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 8 | Communications | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 9 | Conservation | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 10 | Constitutional Amendments & Reforms | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 11 | Crime | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 12 | Cuba | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 13 | Culture | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 14 | Defense | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 15 | Draft | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 16 | Editorials | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 17-18 | Economy | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 19 | Stamina Conference | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 596: 20 | Consumer | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 1 | Education | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 2 | Foreign Policy | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 3 | Freedom of Speech | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 4 | Grants, Loans & Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 5 | Health | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 6 | Immigration | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 7 | Health & Welfare: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 8 | Juvenile Delinquency | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 9 | Labor | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 10 | Legislation: Misc | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 597: 11-13 | New York Political Scene | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 598: 1 | New York Political Scene | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 598: 2 | Campaign Against Robert Kennedy | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 598: 3-4 | Opposition in 1964 | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 598: 5 | Wagner: May-November | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 598: 6 | Stratton | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 1 | Opposition | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 2 | Pike, Otis: D-Riverhead | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 3 | Nuclear Testing | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 4 | Personal | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 5 | Duplicates of Personal Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 6 | Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 7 | Public Works | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 8 | Puerto Rico | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 9 | Racial & Religious Issues | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 10 | Racial & Religious Issues-Duplicate | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 11 | Rockefeller | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 12 | Wagner | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 13-15 | Natl Republican Party: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 599: 16 | GOP Convention: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 1 | KBK Shows-Listings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 2 | KBK Shows-Listings-Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 3 | Social Security | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 4 | Space | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 5 | Space: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 6 | Speaking Engagements | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 7 | Sports | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 8 | Taxes | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 9 | Taxes: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 10 | Trade | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 11 | Trade: Duplicates | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 12 | Transportation | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 13 | Urban Renewal | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 14 | Veterans | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 15 | Voting | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 16 | KBK Voting Record | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 17 | Welfare | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 18 | Wiretapping | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 19 | Worlds Fair | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 600: 20 | KBK Washington Reports | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 601: 1-4 | Duplicate Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 602: 1-4 | Misc Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 603: 1-6 | Misc Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 604: 1-3 | Misc Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 604: 4 | KBK Small Mentions | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 604: 5-28 | Misc Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 604: 29 | KBK Shows | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 604: 30 | Speaking Engagements | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 604: 31 | Grants, Loans & Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 605: 1-9 | Duplicate Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 606: 1-9 | Duplicate Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 607: 1-10 | Misc Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 608: 1-9 | Misc Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 1 | Favorable Editorials | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 2 | Agriculture | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 3 | Air | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 4 | KBK Awards & Tributes | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 5 | Cuba News | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 6 | Communism | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 7 | Constitutional Amendments & Reforms | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 8 | Conservation Clippings: Fire Island | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 9 | Crime | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 10 | Culture | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 11 | Defense | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 12 | Economy | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 13 | Education | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 14 | Foreign Policy | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 15 | Freedom of the Press | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 16 | Good Government | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 17 | Health & Welfare | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 18 | Immigration & Minority Groups | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 19 | Legislation: Misc | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 20-22 | NY Political Scene | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 23 | Nuclear Testing | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 24 | Civil Rights | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 25 | Appendix to Keating Scrapbook | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 609: 26 | Labor Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Press-Clippings | |
2: 610: 1-2 | Requests for House Documents- A-D | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 611: 1-4 | Requests for House Documents: E-K | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 612: 1 | Requests for House Documents: L-P | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 613: 1 | A | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 613: 2 | Air Annex Station | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 613: 3 | Airlift | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 613: 4 | Albany Contracting Procedures | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 613: 5-27 | C-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 614: 1-8 | A-H | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 615: 1-10 | I-R | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 616: 1-6 | S-W | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 617: 1-7 | A-N | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 618: 1-4 | O-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 618: 5 | Census File | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 619: 1-6 | Misc Requests | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 619: 7 | Thank Yous: Legislation | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 619: 8 | Miscellaneous: Mrs. H. P. Grooms | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 620: 1-9 | A-K | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 621: 1-8 | L-T | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 622: 1-12 | A-L | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 623: 1-13 | M-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 624: 1-14 | Misc | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 625: 1-9 | Post Election Requests: Unanswered | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 626: 1-2 | Requests for Misc Info & Pamphlets | 1959 - 1964 | Requests | |
2: 627: 1-2 | Academies | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 3 | Air Force | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 4 | Applications for Jobs | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 5 | Appointments: Rochester & Washington | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 6 | Army | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 7 | Citations | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 8 | Civil Service Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 9 | Constituents | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 10 | Federal Communications Commission | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 11 | General Services Administration | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 12 | Health, Education & Welfare | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 13 | Internal Revenue | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 14 | Navy | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 15 | New York State & Local | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 16 | Public Requests | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 17 | Rochester Office | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 18 | Service Problems | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 19 | Servicemen & Veterans | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 20 | Social Security | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 21 | State Department | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 22 | TV & Radio | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 23 | Visitors | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 627: 24 | Washington Office: General Corresp | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 1 | General | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 2 | Calendars-Capitol | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 3 | Campaign Possibilities | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 4-5 | Constituents: Correspondence | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 6 | Democrats: Johnson, L.B. | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 7 | Democrats: Kennedy, John F. | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 8 | Democrats: NYS | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 9 | Mason, Norman P.-Visit to Hartford | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 10 | New York State | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 628: 11 | Positions: KBK | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 1 | Republicans: General | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 2 | "All Republican Committee" | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 3 | Republicans: Election Congrats | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 4 | Republicans: National Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 5 | Republicans: Nixon, Richard | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 6 | Republicans: Keating, Kenneth B. | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 7 | Republicans: Programs | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 8-9 | Republicans: New York State | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 10 | Republicans: Policy Committee | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 11 | Republicans: Rockefeller, Nelson | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 629: 12 | Republicans: Young Republicans | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 630: 1 | NYC Office: Applications | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 630: 2 | NYC Office: Appointments | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 630: 3 | Foreign Press Luncheon: NYC | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 630: 4 | NYC Office: Javits, Jacob | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 630: 5 | NYC-Contacts for Future Trips | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 630: 6-13 | NYC Office-Corresp A-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 631: 1-4 | Misc Senate Business | 1959 - 1964 | Senate Business | |
2: 632: 1 | Bills and Reports | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 632: 2 | General Background Material | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 632: 3-6 | Various Material Relating to Claims | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 633: 1 | War Claims: General | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 633: 2 | General Aniline & Film Corporation | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 633: 3 | Trading with the Enemy | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 1 | HR 7283: Trading with Enemy Act | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 2 | War Claims: Later Nationals | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 3 | War Claims: Out of State | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 4 | War Claims: Flexo Forms Sent | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 5 | War Claims: Austria | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 6 | War Claims: Heirless Property | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 7 | War Claims: Sinking of Survivors | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 8 | War Claims: Belgium | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 9 | War Claims: China | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 10 | War Claims: Cuba | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 11 | War Claims: Czechoslovakia | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 12 | War Claims: France | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 13 | War Claims: Germany | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 14 | War Claims: Greece | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 15 | War Claims: Hungary | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 16 | War Claims: Italy | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 17 | War Claims: Japanese | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 18 | War Claims: Jewish Restitution | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 19 | War Claims: Luxembourg | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 20 | War Claims: Netherlands | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 21 | War Claims: Philippines | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 22 | War Claims: Poland | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 23 | War Claims: Puerto Rico | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 634: 24 | War Claims: Venezuela | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 1 | Yugoslavia/American Citizens | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 2 | War Claims: Paul H. Bensdorf | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 3 | War Claims: Ben Blumenthal | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 4 | War Claims: Carlo Capurso | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 5 | War Claims: Simon Cytron | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 6 | War Claims: Chester Eisenhuth | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 7 | War Claims: Electric Ferries, Inc. | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 8 | War Claims: Faiwel Kinel | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 9 | War Claims: Eric Guttman | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 10 | War Claims: Helmut Hertz | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 11 | David Paul Joffo | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 12 | War Claims: James Louis | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 13 | Mary Mifkovic | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 14 | War Claims: Sophie Pawloski | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 15 | War Claims: Rabbi M.Y. Rubin | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 16 | War Claims: Karl Schick | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 17 | War Claims: Stefania Wojnarowski | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 18 | Paul Braun | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 19 | War Claims: Margot Von Opel | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 20 | War Claims: W.C. Von Clemm | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 21-22 | War Claims- A-Z | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 23 | War Claims: Selected Letters | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 635: 24-26 | War Claims: Later Nationals | 1959 - 1964 | War Claims | |
2: 636: 1 | New York Naval Shipyard | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 636: 2 | Brooklyn Naval Shipyard | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 636: 3 | Griffiss Air Force Base | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 636: 4 | Defense: Project D | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 636: 5 | Missiles & Missile Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 636: 6 | Radio: TV Broadcasts-Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 1 | Proposed Legislation: Armed Services | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 2 | Defense: Contracts & Bids: General | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 3 | Defense Department: Directive 4500.26 | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 4 | Page Airways, Inc.: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 5 | William H. Byrne | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 6 | Buffalo-Niagara Frontier | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 7 | American La France: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 637: 8 | Alco Products, Inc: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 1 | Civil Defense | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 2 | Rubber-Defense Project R | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 3 | Bering Sea | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 4 | Albertson Water District | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 5 | Science Defense Schools-Project A | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 6 | Jamestown: Atomic Energy Plant | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 7-8 | Kinzua Dam: Correspondence | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 638: 9 | US Merchant Marine Academy | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 1 | Defense Contracts: Grumman | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 2 | Daniel Lanni Co.: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 3 | Ward LaFrance Truck Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 4 | Tarrant Manufacturing Co. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 5 | Pfeiffer Glass, Inc.: Contract | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 6 | Defense Projects: Liquid Oxygen | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 7 | Floyd Bennett Field | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 8 | Defense Projects: Displays | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 9 | Defense Department: Directive 4500.26 | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 639: 10 | Defense Projects: Fort Slocum | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 640: 1 | Defense Contracts: General | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 640: 2 | Engineers: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 640: 3 | Defense: Contract Awards | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 640: 4 | Defense Contracts: FAA | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 640: 5 | Defense Contracts: New York | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 640: 6 | Defense Contracts: Manpower | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 640: 7-8 | Defense Contracts: New York State | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 641: 1 | Defense Contracts: New York State | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 641: 2 | Defense Contracts: Project 60 | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 641: 3-4 | Defense Contracts: Small Business | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 642: 1 | Defense Contracts: Small Business | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 642: 2 | Defense Contracts: Prime & General | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 642: 3 | Defense Contracts: Subcontracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 643: 1 | Defense Contracts: Depressed Areas | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 643: 2 | Defense Contracts: Printing | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 643: 3 | Defense Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 644: 1 | Defense Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 644: 2 | Defense Contracts: Important Misc | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 644: 3-4 | Defense Contacts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 645: 1 | Defense Contracts: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 645: 2 | Defense Contracts: NY Press Releases | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 645: 3 | Aacon Contracting Co: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 646: 1 | Defense Contracts: Scandals | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 646: 2 | Alco Products, Inc: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 647: 1 | American Bosch Arma Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 647: 2 | American Hydrotherm Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 647: 3 | American Machine & Foundry: Contract | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 647: 4 | Angola Alloy Fabricators: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 647: 5 | Bell Aerospace Co. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 1 | Blaw-Knox Co: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 2 | Bolton Electronics Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 3 | Brooks Research Inc: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 4 | Buffalo Metal Containers Corp | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 5 | Camillus Cutlery Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 6 | Carrier Corporation | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 7 | Cayuga Machine & Fab. Co: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 8 | Chemung County: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 9 | Chemtree Corporation: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 10 | Conncor, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 11 | Consolidated Diesel Elec. Corp | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 12 | Consolidated Vacuum Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 13 | Control Methods Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 14 | Convair: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 15 | Daystrom, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 16 | Deak & Company: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 17 | Dynaloc Fasteners, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 18 | Elm Manufacturing Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 19 | Emco Porcelain Enamel Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 648: 20 | Empire Devices, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 1 | FAA Procurement of Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 2 | Fairchild-Stratos Corp.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 3 | Ford Instrument Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 4-5 | General Electric Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 6 | General Precision, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 7 | General Railway Signal Co: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 8 | Graflex, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 9 | Grumman: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 10 | Hewitt-Robins, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 11 | Houdaille: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 12 | ITE Circuitbreaker Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 649: 13 | Ingalls, Robert I., Jr.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 1 | International Dioxide Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 2 | Internatl Fermont, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 3 | Julie Research Labs: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 4 | Kollmorgen Corp.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 5 | Kollsman: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 6 | Knapp Mills: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 7 | Lansdown Steel & Iron: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 8 | Larsonaire, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 9 | LIECO, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 10 | Lily White Sales Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 11 | Madsen, Jay, Equipment Co: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 12 | Marine Transport Lines: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 13 | Memindex Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 14 | Metallurgical Resources, Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 15 | Milcom Products, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 650: 16 | Monti Marine Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 1 | Otis Elevator Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 2 | Paradynamics: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 3 | Pemberton Small Parts & Packaging | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 4 | Pfizer Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 5 | Photo Devices, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 6 | Plasticon Chemicals, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 7 | Presray Corporation: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 8 | Communications: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 9 | Raisler Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 10 | Raymond Corporation: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 11 | Raymond Industries, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 12 | Reeves Instrument Company: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 651: 13 | Republic Aviation: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 1 | RLC Electronics, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 2 | Rochester Instrument Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 3 | Scientific Safety Corp.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 4 | Sensitive Research Instrument Corp. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 5 | Servo Corp of America-Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 6 | Sicard Industries: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 7 | Sierra Research Corp.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 8 | Spencer Explosives: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 9 | Sperry-Gyroscope Corp.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 652: 10 | Suflex Corporation: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 1 | Taylor Instruments Co.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 2 | Thompson Company: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 3 | Transelco: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 4 | Tri-Wall Containers: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 5 | Twin Industries: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 6 | Union Carbide Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 7 | Viewlex, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 8 | Vitro Corp. & Allied Maintenance | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 9 | Volt Technical Corp.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 10 | Wakemann Watch Company: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 11 | Ward LaFrance Truck Corp: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 653: 12 | Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 654: 1 | Defense Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 654: 2 | Aircraft | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 654: 3-5 | Defense: Bases & Installations | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 654: 6 | Chemical & Biological Warfare | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 654: 7 | Military Construction Authorization | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 655: 1 | Defense Projects: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 655: 2 | Brooklyn Army Terminal | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 655: 3 | Information on Big Firms | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 655: 4 | Enclosures Needed to be Stapled | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 655: 5 | Defense Rider | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 656: 1 | Shipyards-Provisions | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 656: 2 | Bethlehem: Brooklyn Yard | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 656: 3-5 | Brooklyn Navy Yard & KBK Statements | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 657: 1-2 | Brooklyn Navy Yard | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 657: 3 | Navy Yards-Appropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 657: 4-5 | Brooklyn Navy Yard | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 657: 6 | Camp Drum | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 658: 1 | Shipbuilding-Other Yards | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 658: 2 | Defense Projects: Buffalo | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 658: 3 | Defense Projects: California | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 658: 4 | Fort Slocum | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 658: 5 | Fort Totten | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 658: 6-7 | Griffiss Air Force Base | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 1 | Griffiss Air Force Base: Information | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 2 | Cheathaw Annex | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 3 | Defense Projects: Missiles | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 4 | Missiles-Nike Zeus | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 5 | Missiles-Skybolt | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 6 | Mitchel Manor Housing | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 7 | Mitchell Field | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 659: 8 | Mitchell-Educational Aspects | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 660: 1 | Mitchell-Airport | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 660: 2 | Mitchell-Educational Aspects | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 1 | Mitchell Air Force Base | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 2 | Montauk Air Force Base | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 3 | "Overseas Weekly" | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 4 | Remington-Rand Cobleskill Plant | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 5 | Renegotiation Act | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 6 | Rochester, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 7 | Rochester & Troy Armories | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 8 | Sampson Air Force Base | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 9 | Scotia Depot | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 10 | Seneca Airfield | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 11 | Small Arms | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 12 | Missiles-Titan III | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 661: 13 | University of Rochester: Smoke Stack | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 1 | Unidentified Flying Objects | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 2 | Cast Iron Pipes | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 3 | Defense Procurement | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 4 | S 1182: Defense Procurement | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 5 | Armed Services: Procurement | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 6 | Appropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 7 | Defense: B-70 | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 662: 8 | Projects: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 663: 1 | Army Reserve | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 663: 2 | NY National Guard | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 663: 3 | Defense: Space Bonds | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 663: 4 | Atomic Power-Queens Nuclear Reactor | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 664: 1 | Godiva Nuclear Pulse Reactor | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 664: 2 | Aviation: Buffalo Airport | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 664: 3 | Reservists: Special File | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 664: 4 | Long Island Defense Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 665: 1 | Defense Projects: General | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 665: 2 | Defense Contracts: General | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 666: 1 | Defense Contracts: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 667: 1 | Defense Projects: General | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 667: 2 | Defense: General Corresp | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 1 | Defense: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 2 | NYS Delegation-Defense Procurement | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 3 | Defense: Contracts & Bids-Lists | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 4 | Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 5 | Allied Knitting Mills | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 6 | Bell Aircraft | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 7 | Bell Aircraft Corp-GovernmentContracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 8 | Richard Berbig-Govt Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 9 | Camarco Contractors, Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 10 | The Central Foundry Company | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 11 | Chisholm-Ryder Corp. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 12 | Clark Engines & Compressors | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 13 | James L. Clayton: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 14 | Continental Copper & Steel Co. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 15 | Davis Aircraft Products, Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 16 | Diesel Engines-Foreign Competition | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 17 | E. Wolfson-Diesel Construction Co. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 18 | Eastman Kodak Co.-Naval Ordinance | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 19 | Erdman, Anthony & Hosley | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 20 | Fairchild | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 21 | Falk Twelvetrees Johnston & Siemer | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 22 | Four Vessels: Contract | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 23 | Gen Telephone & Sylvania Electric | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 24 | General Electric & Westinghouse | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 668: 25 | General Electric Company | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 1 | Long Island Procurement | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 2 | Longines | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 3 | Malan Construction Corp.-Aviation | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 4 | Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 5 | Milcom Products, Inc-Sleeping Bags | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 6 | Odenbach Shipbuilding Plant | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 7 | Stephen M. Olko | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 8 | Panama Canal Company | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 9 | Stewart W. Pierce: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 10 | Peerless Diamond Corp | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 11 | Picker: X-Ray Corporation | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 12 | L.S. Quinn, Inc.: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 13 | Remington Arms: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 14 | Rosebank-Quarantine Station | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 15 | Skyway Clothing Corp. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 16 | Sperry Gyroscope Co-Air Force | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 17 | Standard Mirror Co., Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 18 | Toledo Scale Corp: Rochester NY | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 19 | Tradition House | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 20 | Vaughn Construction Corp. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 21 | Westinghouse Electric Corp. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 22 | Kordite Co.: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 23 | Jeta, Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 24 | Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 25 | Hoffman Machinery: Contracts & Bids | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 26 | Hexagon Laboratories, Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 27 | Hegeman-Harris Co., Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 28 | Hamco Machines, Inc.: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 29 | Grumman Aircraft-Aviation | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 30 | Gifford-Wood Company | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 669: 31 | Gerard Daniel Supply Corporation | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 670: 1 | Aviation: Fed Mediation Board | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 670: 2-4 | Mitchell Air Force: General | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 670: 5 | Defense: General Technology | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 670: 6 | Defense: Procurement | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 670: 7 | Germ Warfare-Chemical & Biological | 1960 - 1964 | Defense | |
2: 671: 1 | Payroll Schedules | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 2 | Rosenquist, Stephen Lawrence | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 3 | Frances, P. Anderson | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 4 | Personnel: Charles F. Cala, Jr. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 5 | Christenson, Richard | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 6 | Personnel: Connell, Patricia A. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 7 | Personnel: Cuningham, Ann | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 8 | Personnel: Victoria Romansky Dennis | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 9 | Dingler, Mary W. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 10 | Personnel: Donahue, Charlene | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 11 | Eifler, Millicent | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 12 | Milton Eisenberg | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 13 | Fish, Helen Marek | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 14 | Gibbons, Diane | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 15 | Giolito, Carolyn L. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 16 | Hathaway, Pauline M. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 17 | Diane Hoover | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 18 | Personnel: Hutchison, Judith I. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 19-20 | Interns | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 21 | Jenkins, Charles Anderson | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 22 | Personnel: Johnsen, Gretchen H. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 23 | Helene Ann Karpinski | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 24 | Sally Kelley (Miss) | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 25 | Personnel: Kelley, Sheilla | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 26 | Knick, Emil J. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 27 | Personnel: Abbot Leban | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 28 | Korns, Thomas H. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 29 | McCarthy, Jerry | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 30 | Personnel: Jane McFadden | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 31 | Maloney, Bonnie | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 32 | Stephen May | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 33 | Personnel: Melkonian, Marilyn | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 34 | Personnel: Nacke, Margaret | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 35 | Personnel: Nash, Paul | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 36 | Nicklaus, Patricia | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 37 | Norma Nottingham | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 38 | Piotrow, Phyllis | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 39 | Personnel: J. Duff Reed | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 40 | Reubens, Beryl | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 41 | Rice, Carole Mathilda | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 42 | Sahner, Eve C. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 43 | Shairer, Mabel E. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 44 | Personnel: Sheflett, Geraldine W. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 45 | Ann F. Snyder | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 46 | Personnel: Mary Caffrey Stephens | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 47 | Seilheimer, Charles H. (Volunteer) | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 48 | Thrift, Jennie | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 49 | Walsh, Robert | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 50 | Wehland, Charles | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 51 | Personnel: Wilkinson, Ruth | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 52 | Quarterly Expense Reports | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 53 | Keating, Kenneth B.: Personal | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 54 | Library of Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 55 | New York City District Office | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 56 | Quarterly Expense Reports | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 57 | Rochester Office Expenses | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 58 | Staff Leave & Sickness Record | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 59 | Staff Expense Vouchers | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 60 | Staff List | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 61-62 | Stationery Account | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 63 | Telegram Account | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 64-65 | Telephone | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 671: 66 | Travel Reimbursement-Staff | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 672: 1 | Summer Interns: General | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 672: 2 | Interns-Rejects | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 672: 3 | Interns-Possibilities: Rochester | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 672: 4 | Interns-Possibilities: New York City | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 672: 5 | KBK Interns | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 672: 6 | December Mail Count | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 672: 7 | Interns-Milt | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 1 | Stationery Account | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 2 | Telephone Account | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 3 | Telegram Account | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 4 | Page-Misner, Carl | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 5 | Personnel: Charles A. Betts | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 6 | Personnel: Joseph H. Boyd | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 7 | Canaday, Alyce | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 8 | Summer Interns Applicants | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 9 | Casey, Jean L. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 10 | Personnel: Chubbuck, James H. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 11 | Personnel: Cuellar,Sylvia | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 12 | Personnel: de Smitt, Alexandra | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 13 | Personnel: Dill, Polly D. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 14 | Feeley, June | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 15 | Personnel: Gaylord, Susan B. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 16 | Glaser, Vera | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 17 | Personnel: L.L.L. Golden | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 18 | Green, Adele M. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 19 | Harrison, Judy | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 20 | Thomas J. Jennings | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 21 | Personnel: Susan D. Lynch | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 22 | Judy Martin | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 23 | Personnel: Abend, Richard | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 24 | Nancy Theresa Caldeira | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 25 | Hawkes, Kirby | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 26 | McMillan, Robert R. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 27 | Moore, Mamie Eisenhower | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 28 | Merrill, Eleanor A. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 29 | Nash, Barbara A. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 30 | Richard P. Nathan | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 31 | Personnel: Passi, Adriane A. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 32 | Personnel: Brannon G. Power, Jr. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 33 | Personnel: Peter R. Stearns | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 34 | Personnel: Snyder, Carol Sue | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 35 | Linda Gaye Vargo | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 673: 36 | Welch, Martha Winslow | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 674: 1 | Personnel: Warrington, John E. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 674: 2 | Whalen, Jean | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 674: 3 | Personnel: Financial Information | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 674: 4 | Stationery Room Tickets | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 674: 5 | Stationery Account | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 674: 6 | Keating-Official Reimbursements | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 674: 7 | File Handbook & Material: A. Raynor | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 1 | Anne Raynor Records-Petty Cash | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 2 | Bailey, Susan | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 3 | Barton, Sara E. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 4 | Beaudouin, Harry | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 5 | Blumenthal, Donna | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 6 | Bockman, Sue Todd | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 7 | Booth, Ann | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 8 | Cala, Charles | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 9 | Campbell, Kenneth D. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 10 | Canfield, Elizabeth | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 11 | Mary (Diane) Charuhas | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 12 | Christler, Ann Louise | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 13 | Coursey, Dwight | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 14 | Davie, Gladys | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 15 | Carol G. Dawson | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 16 | Dean, Marina U. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 17 | Demarchi, Darvin | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 18 | William A. Dougherty | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 19 | Edna Fennessey | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 20 | Fuller, Ellen | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 21 | Gamer, Robert | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 22 | Gannon, Joe | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 23 | Gates, George | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 24 | Geneau, Marie | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 25 | Mat W. Gray | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 26 | Greenberg, Harriet | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 27 | Lynn C. Hagen | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 28 | Hannah, Martha | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 29 | Hartgen, William | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 30 | Hayden, Helen E. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 31 | Hutchins, Elizabeth | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 32 | Jacques, Robert A. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 33 | Bert Jarnagan | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 34 | Johnson, LaFrances | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 35 | Kalland, Anne | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 36 | Keller, Cassius M. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 37 | Langfitt, Gertrude | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 38 | Lawrence, Betty | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 39 | Leace, Don R. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 40 | Lohrey, Maryanne | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 41 | McCarty, Madeline | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 42 | Martha McKee | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 43 | Manning, Paul | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 44 | Hugh Morrow | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 45 | Moss, Bernard | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 46 | Nathanson, Nina | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 47 | David W.K. Peacock, Jr. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 48 | Phillips, A. Nannette | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 49 | Pierson, Samuel Brown | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 50 | Player, William | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 675: 51 | Powers, Margaret | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 1 | Anne Raynor | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 2 | Reichley, A. James | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 3 | Robinson, Donald L. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 4 | Russell, Harriet H. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 5 | Elizabeth Siegmund | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 6 | Siegmund, Susan | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 7 | Janet Simmons | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 8 | Ethel Swallow | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 9 | Sullivan, Luciann Boyd | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 10 | Anne Ryall Sylvester | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 11 | Tilson, Janice J. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 12 | Van Blois, Robert L. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 13 | Vecchi, Lydia D. | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 14 | Rosa Warner | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 15 | Webster, William | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 16 | Weinstein, Frank | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 17 | Wells, Sharon | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 18 | Wienert, Helgard | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 19 | Sue Wilson | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 20 | Marie Wilson | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 21 | Zimmerman, Leni | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 676: 22 | Secretarial Applications | 1960 - 1964 | Office Records | |
2: 677: 1-4 | Postmaster Corresp- A-D | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 677: 5 | Postmaster Correspondence: Erich Dallmer | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 677: 6-10 | Postmaster Correspondence: E-K | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 678: 1-9 | Postmaster Correspondence: L-Z | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 1 | Albany, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 2 | Albion, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 3 | Allaben, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 4 | Altamont, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 5 | Altmar, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 6 | Apex, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 7 | Arkport, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 8 | Atlantic Beach, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 9 | Avon, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 10 | Babylon, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 11 | Bainbridge, NY: Chenango County | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 12 | Binghamton, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 13 | Birdsall, NY: Pending | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 14 | Brantingham, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 15 | Buffalo, NY: New PO Building | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 16 | Buffalo, NY: Parcel Post Annex | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 17 | Post Office File | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 18 | Castleton-Hudson, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 19 | Centerport, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 20 | Clemons, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 21 | Corfu, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 22 | Croton-on-Hudson, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 23 | Curry, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 24 | Denmark, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 25 | East Amherst, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 26 | East Berne, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 27 | Faust, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 28 | Flushing, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 29 | Fordham, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 30 | Garden City, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 31 | Getzville-Tonowanda, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 32 | Greenville Center, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 33 | Grindstone, NY: Pending | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 34 | Hankins, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 35 | Harvard, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 36 | Haverstraw, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 37 | Henrietta, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 38 | Hillburn, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 39 | Honeoye Falls, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 40 | Hulbertson, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 41 | Ickesburg, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 42 | Ira & Cato, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 43 | Jamaica, Long Island NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 44 | Jewell, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 45 | Johnsonburg, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 46 | Lake Grove, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 47 | Livonia Center, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 48 | Loon Lake, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 49 | McKeever & Otter Lake Districts | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 50 | Maple View, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 51 | Moreau, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 52 | Morley, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 53 | Mount McGregor, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 54 | Mount Pleasant, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 55 | Nelsonville, NY: Pending | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 56 | New Berlin, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 57 | New Lisbon & Morris, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 58 | Oaks Corners, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 679: 59 | Onondaga, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 1 | Palenville, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 2 | Pawling, NY: Mail Service | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 3 | Penfield, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 4 | Pittsford, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 5 | Plymouth, NY: Chenango County | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 6 | Rainbow Lake, NY: Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 7 | Rochester, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 8 | Rock Rift, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 9 | Rockville Center, NY: Long Island | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 10 | Rossie, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 11 | Salem Center, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 12 | Sardinia, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 13 | Schodack, NY: US Route 9 | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 14 | Schenectady, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 15 | South Schodack, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 16 | South Schroon, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 17 | Spencertown, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 18 | Sunmount, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 19 | Tupper Lake, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 20 | Waddington, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 21 | Washingtonville, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 22 | Wellsville, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 23 | Westfield, NY: Postmastership | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 24 | West Hampton, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 25 | Westport, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 26 | Whippleville, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 27 | Whiteface, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 680: 28-34 | Department Files: Chron Copies | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 1 | Private Carriage of Mail | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 2 | Misc Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 3 | Photographs | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 4 | Elimination of Guides System | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 5 | Replies from County Chairman to KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 6 | Notice of Postmaster Exams | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 7 | Congressional Record Information | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 8 | Congressman J. Ernest Wharton | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 9 | Committee: Nomination for Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 10 | Post Office Civil Service Committee | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 11 | Postmasters: Miscellaneous Information | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 12 | Alexander, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 13 | Allentown, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 14 | Alton, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 15 | Ancramdale, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 16 | Argyle, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 17 | Athol Springs, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 18 | Avon, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 19 | Barneveld, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 20 | Bloomingburg, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 21 | Callicoon Center, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 22 | Canandaigua, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 23 | Castile, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 24 | Cementon, NY: Postmasters (Wharton) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 25 | Chappaqua, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 26 | Chichester, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 27 | Cicero, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 28 | Cleveland: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 29 | Cobleskill, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 30 | Coeymans, NY: Postmastership | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 31 | Cohocton, NY: Postmastership | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 32 | Constableville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 681: 33 | Cragsmoor, NY: Postmasters (Wharton) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 1 | Deer Park, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 2 | Delmar, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 3 | Earlton, NY: Postmasters (Wharton) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 4 | East Naussau, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 5 | Ellington, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 6 | Fine, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 7 | Fleischmanns, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 8 | Flushing, NY: Postmasters-Approved | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 9 | Freeville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 10 | Glenham, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 11 | Glen Head, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 12 | Gowanda, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 13 | Great Neck, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 14 | Greenhurst, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 15 | Groton, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 16 | Hadley, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 17 | Hankins, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 18 | Hartwick, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 19 | Hermon, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 20 | Hillsdale, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 21 | Hinsdale, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 22 | Hobart, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 23 | Jamestown, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 24 | Kanona, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 25 | Kendall, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 26 | Kennedy, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 27 | Kent, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 28 | Knowlesville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 29 | Lake George, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 30 | Lake Grove, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 31 | Lily Dale, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 32 | Limestone, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 33 | Lisbon, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 34 | Lynbrook, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 35 | Malverne, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 36 | Moira, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 37 | Mountainville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 38 | Nesconset, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 39 | New Hartford, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 40 | New Paltz, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 41 | New York Mills, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 42 | Niagara University, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 43 | Niverville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 44 | Nunda, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 45 | Nyack, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 46 | Ocean Beach, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 47 | Olmstedville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 48 | Oscawana-on-Hudson, NY-Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 49 | Otego, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 50 | Owego, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 51 | Piermont, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 52 | Pinellas Park, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 53 | Plattsburgh, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 54 | Pleasantville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 55 | Port Henry, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 56 | Prattsburg, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 57 | Remsenburg, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 682: 58 | Ronkonkoma, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 1 | Saratoga Springs, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 2 | Savona, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 3 | Schenectady, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 4 | Scottsville, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 5 | Selkirk, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 6 | Seneca Castle, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 7 | Seneca Falls, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 8 | Sidney Center, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 9 | Slingerlands, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 10 | Stockton, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 11 | Suffern, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 12 | Tomkins Cove, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 13 | Trumansburg, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 14 | Union Hill, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 15 | Wading River, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 16 | Wallkill, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 17 | Westfield, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 18 | West Lebanon, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 19 | Whitney Point, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 20 | Winthrop, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 21 | Wyoming, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 22 | Alcove, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 23 | Bombay, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 24 | Clemons, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 25 | Dannemora, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 26 | East Rochester, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 27 | North Bangor, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 28 | North Brookfield, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 29 | Round Top, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 30 | Trumansburg, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 31 | Vails Gate, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 32 | Post Office File | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 33 | Postmaster General's Office: Notices | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 34 | General Information & Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 35 | B | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 36 | Big Moose Star Route | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 37 | Boston: New York Postal Service | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 38 | Bulk Mailings-Anonymous | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 39 | Cardiac | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 40 | Christmas Cards | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 41 | Civil Service Personnel | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 42 | Consolidate Excess Post Offices | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 43 | Natl Assn of Post Office Craftsmen | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 44 | Custodial Employees | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 45 | HR 5750: Post Office Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 683: 46 | Ferlaino, John C. | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 1 | Government Employees | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 2 | Grand Central Annex: PO Concession | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 3 | Guides Distribution System | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 4 | Hano Paper Co., Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 5 | Holcomb-Mail Route Extension | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 6 | Honeoye, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 7 | Letter Carriers | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 8 | Mail Service | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 9 | Postal Transport Service | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 10 | Painted Post, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 11 | Parcel Post Rates | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 12 | Paul Smiths | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 13 | Pay Checks | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 14 | Philately | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 15 | Postal Clerks Promotion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 16 | Postal Pay Raise | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 17 | Post Office Promotions | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 18 | Postal Rates | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 19 | Puerto Rico | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 20 | PO Working Conditions: Rochester, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 21 | Railroad Mail Routes | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 22 | Rural Carriers: Notice of Exams | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 23 | Rural Carrier Appointments | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 24 | Clifton Springs, NY: Rural Carrier | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 25 | Rural Carrier: William Ernest | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 26 | PO Department: Schenectady Mail Runs | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 27 | A. F. Stevens | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 28 | Commemorative Stamps | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 29 | Stamps: Ignace J. Paderewski | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 30 | Commemorative Stamp: George Marshall | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 31 | Commemorative Stamps: T. Sherchenko | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 32 | Commemorative Stamp: Vassar College | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 684: 33 | "Famous American": Andrew Carnegie | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 1 | Stamps: Robert J. Zimmer | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 2 | Post Office File | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 3 | Post Office Material: To Be Filed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 4 | New York General Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 5 | Conversions of Post Office Stations | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 6 | Aidala, Guy | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 6 | Discontinuance of PO Buildings | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 8 | Acting Postmasters: General Corresp | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 9 | Postmasters: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 685: 10 | Misc Material | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 686: 1-12 | Correspondence- A-M | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 687: 1-6 | Correspondence: N-Z | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 688: 1 | Postal Legislation: Several Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 688: 2 | S 1459: Longetivity | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 688: 3-6 | S 188: Retirement | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 689: 1-5 | S 188: Retirement | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 690: 1-2 | Override Postal Pay Raise | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 690: 3-4 | Postal Pay Raise | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 691: 1-2 | Postal Pay Raise | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 691: 3-5 | Postal Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 692: 1 | Postal Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 692: 2-3 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 693: 1-2 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 693: 3 | Postal Rate Increase (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 693: 4 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 694: 1-2 | Postal & Federal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 694: 3-4 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 695: 1 | Postal Wage Increase (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 695: 2 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 695: 3 | Postal Raise Increase (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 695: 4 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 696: 1-3 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 697: 1-2 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 697: 3 | Postal Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 698: 1-10 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 699: 1-7 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 700: 1-2 | Postal Pay Raise | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 700: 3 | Federal Pay Reform (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 700: 4 | Postal Pay Raise (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 700: 5-9 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 701: 1-2 | Postal Pay Raise | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 701: 3 | Federal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 701: 4 | Supreme Court (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 701: 5-6 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 702: 1-2 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 702: 3 | Postal Rate Increase (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 702: 4-6 | Postal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 702: 7-8 | Federal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 703: 1 | Postal & Federal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 703: 2-10 | Postmaster Nominations I-IX | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 1 | Postmasters: General | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 2 | Alexander, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 3 | Alton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 4 | Alantic Beach, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 5 | Avon, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 6 | Bainbridge, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 7 | Barryville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 8 | Bradford, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 9-10 | Brewster, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 10 | Burt, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 11 | Camillus, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 13 | Canandaigua, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 14 | Candor, NY: Bolton Confirmed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 15 | Canton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 16 | Catskill, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 17 | Cementon, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 18 | Centerport, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 19 | Central Islip, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 20 | Chappaqua, NY: Curcio Confirmed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 21 | Chemung, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 22 | Chester, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 23 | Chichester, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 24 | Cleveland, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 25 | Colden, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 26 | Conklin, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 27 | Craryville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 28 | Crown Point, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 29 | Dannemora, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 30 | Deferiet, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 31 | Earlton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 32 | East Otto, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 33 | Eldred, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 34 | Fallsburgh, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 35 | Gardiner, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 36 | Glenham, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 704: 37 | Glen Head, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 1 | Grand George, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 2 | Great Neck, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 3 | Greenwood Lake, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 4 | Harrison, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 5 | Hinsdale, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 6 | Jacksonville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 7 | Jamestown, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 8 | Jamesville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 9 | Kent, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 10 | Lacona, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 11 | La Fayette, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 12 | Laurens, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 13 | Livingston Manor, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 14 | Malverne, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 15 | Manlius, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 16 | Maple View, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 17 | Marathon, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 18 | Montour Falls, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 19 | Mottville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 20 | Mountainville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 21 | Mount Kisco, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 22 | Niagara Falls, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 23 | Niverville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 24 | Nyack, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 25 | Olmstedville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 26 | Oyster Bay, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 27 | Paul Smiths: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 28 | Pine Bush, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 29 | Port Gibson, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 30 | Prattsburg, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 31 | Red Hook, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 32 | Richfield Springs, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 33 | Rock Tavern, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 34 | St. Regis Falls, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 35 | Sardinia, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 36 | Schenectady, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 37 | Shirley, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 38 | Seneca Castle, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 39 | Sidney Center, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 40 | Slingerlands, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 41 | South Otselic, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 42 | Stella Niagara, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 43 | Tompkins Cove, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 44 | Postmaster W | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 45 | York, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 46 | Yulan, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 705: 47 | Postmasters: General | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 1 | Austerlitz, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 2 | Deferiet, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 3 | Delmar, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 4 | Dover Plains, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 5 | East Berne, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 6 | East Hampton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 7 | Falconer, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 8 | Farnham, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 9 | Fishers Island, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 10 | Freeville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 11 | Geneseo, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 12 | Goldens Bridge, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 13 | Great Lake, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 14 | Greenville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 15 | Greenwood, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 16 | Groton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 17 | Hadley, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 18 | Hammondsport, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 19-20 | Indian Lake, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 21 | Hartwick, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 22 | Henderson, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 23 | High Falls, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 24 | Hillsdale, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 25 | Holcomb, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 26 | Honeoye, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 27 | Horseheads, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 28 | Hudson Falls, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 29 | Kent, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 30 | Long Lake, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 31 | Lynbrook, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 32 | Manorville, NY: Postmaster Confirmed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 33 | Mastic Beach, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 34 | Mayfield, NY: Postmaster Confirmed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 35 | Mooers Forks, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 36 | Mottville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 37 | Mount Morris, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 38 | Mt. Vision, NY: Postmaster Confirmed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 39 | New Lebanon, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 40 | North Bangor, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 41 | North Creek NY: Postmaster Confirmed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 42 | Ocean Beach, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 43 | Pattersonville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 44 | Phelps, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 45 | Pine Hill, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 46 | Pleasantville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 47 | Rouses Point, NY: Asst Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 48 | Rush, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 706: 49 | Rushville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 1 | Saint Johnsville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 2 | Savona, NY: Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 3 | Severance, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 4 | South Otselic, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 5 | Thomson, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 6 | Ulster Park, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 7 | Unadilla, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 8 | Warsaw, NY: Reilly: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 9 | Westhampton NY: Postmaster Confirmed | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 10 | West Hurley, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 11 | West Islip, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 12 | West Lebanon, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 13 | Wilimington, NY: Mulvey: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 14 | Woodbourne, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 15 | Wyantskill, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 16 | Commemorative Stamp: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 17-18 | Commemorative Stamp | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 19 | Bardonia-Nanuet, NY-Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 20 | Charlton, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 21 | Chazy, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 22 | Conklin, NY: Post Office Building | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 23 | Depew, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 24 | East Rockaway, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 25 | Post Office: Fraser/Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 26 | Garden City, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 707: 27 | Greece, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 1 | Higgins Bay Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 2 | Howes Cave, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 3 | Ionia & Holcomb, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 4 | Otter Lake Facility-McKeever | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 5 | Middletown, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 6 | Nelliston, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 7 | New Paltz, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 8 | New Windsor, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 9 | Philmont, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 10 | Plattsburgh, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 11 | Prattsburg, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 12 | Rochester, NY: Southtown, PO | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 13 | Tonawanda, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 14 | Union Hill, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 15 | Valhalla, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 16 | Watertown, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 17 | Westbury, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 18 | White Plains, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 19 | FZC Form | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 20 | Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 21 | Civil Ser Retirement Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 708: 22 | Civil Service Legislation: Salary | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 709: 1 | Federal Pay Raise | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 709: 2 | S 1423: Work Measurements | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 709: 3 | S 255: Overtime to Postal Employees | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 709: 4 | Civil Service Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 1 | Post Office Curtailment Order | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 2 | Touro Synagogue-Medallion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 3 | Civil Service: Dislocation Pay | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 4 | Mail Privileges for Public Schools | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 5 | Veterans | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 6 | General Information | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 7 | Acting Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 8 | Post Office Appropriation Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 9 | Civil Service: Fed Election Leave | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 10 | S 433: Parcel Post Rates | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 710: 11 | Mail Privileges for Public Schools | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 1 | Allentown, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 2 | Apalachin, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 3 | Argyle, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 4 | Barrytown, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 5 | Barneveld, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 6 | Brookfield, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 7 | Brookview, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 8 | Caroga Lake, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 9 | Carthage, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 10 | Champlain, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 11 | Clarence, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 12 | Clayton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 13 | Cohocton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 14 | Collins Center, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 15 | Commack, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 16 | Congers, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 17 | Cooperstown, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 18 | Copenhagen, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 19 | Corfu, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 20 | East Hampton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 21 | East Rockaway, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 22 | Elba, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 23 | Ellenville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 24 | Elnora, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 25 | Findley Lake, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 26 | Fishkill, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 27 | Galway, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 28 | Geneva, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 29 | Glasco, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 30 | Hadley, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 31 | Haverstraw, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 32 | Herkimer, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 33 | Hicksville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 34 | Highland Falls, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 35 | Hobart, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 36 | Hughsonville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 37 | Huntington Station, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 38 | Hurley, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 39 | Indian Lake, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 40 | Interlaken, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 41 | Knox, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 42 | Lewiston, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 43 | Lisbon, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 44 | Livonia Center, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 45 | Long Island City, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 711: 46 | Lowville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 1 | Madison, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 2 | Mamaroneck, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 3 | Memphis, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 4 | Middleburg, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 5 | Middle Island, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 6 | Nelliston, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 7 | Newcomb, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 8 | New Haven, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 9 | New Lebanon, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 10 | New Suffolk, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 11 | North Lawrence, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 12 | Northville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 13 | Otego, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 14 | Palmyra, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 15 | Philmont, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 16 | Pittsford, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 17 | Pleasantville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 18 | Port Henry, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 19 | Ray Brook: Postmastership | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 20 | Rock Glen, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 21 | Round Top, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 22 | St. Johnsville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 23 | Saratoga Springs, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 24 | Scarsdale, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 25 | Scio, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 26 | Schuylerville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 27 | Selkirk, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 28 | Sharon Springs, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 29 | Smithtown, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 30 | Sparkill, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 31 | Staatsburg, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 32 | Syracuse, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 33 | Theresa, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 34 | Valatie, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 35 | Valley Cottage, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 36 | Valois, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 37 | Van Hornesville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 38 | West Falls, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 39 | West Islip, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 40 | West Sayville, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 41 | West Valley, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 42 | Weston Mills, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 712: 43-44 | Commemorative Stamps | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 1 | Commemorative Stamp: Padre J. Serra | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 2 | Commemorative Stamp | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 3 | Commemorative Stamp: Sokol Movement | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 4 | Blue Ridge, NY: Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 5 | Bronx, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 6 | Commemorative Stamp: John Burroughs | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 7 | Centerport, NY: Extension of Service | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 8 | Chauncey, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 9 | Cherry Grove, NY: Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 10 | Clarence, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 11 | Conewango, NY: Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 12 | Corbett, NY: Deactivation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 13 | Curry, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 14 | Dannemora, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 15 | Dresden Station, NY: Consolidation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 16 | Dundee & Starkey, NY: Consolidation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 17 | Fairfield, NY: Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 18 | Fairport, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 19 | Fine, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 20 | Garrison, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 21 | Groton, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 22 | Hayt Corners, NY: Consolidation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 23 | Keuka Park, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 24 | Kings Bay, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 25 | Livonia Center, NY: Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 26 | Lynbrook, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 27 | Mattituck, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 28 | Middletown, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 29 | Mineola, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 30 | New Berlin, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 31 | New Rochelle, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 32 | New Windsor, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 33 | Niagara Falls, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 34 | Niskayuna, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 35 | Old Westbury, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 36 | Oren & Delphi Falls, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 37 | Oxbow, NY: Post Office Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 38 | Pelham, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 39 | Plattsburgh, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 40 | Kinzua Dam: Post Office Innundation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 41 | Red Oaks Mill | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 713: 42 | Rego Park, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 1 | St. Bonaventure, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 2 | Saranac Inn, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 3 | Seager, NY: Post Office Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 4 | Shrub Oak, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 5 | Smiths Basin, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 6 | Sodus Center, NY: Consolidation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 7 | South Valley, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 8 | Spragueville, NY: Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 9 | Stottville, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 10 | Trout Creek, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 11 | Utica, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 12 | Valley Stream, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 13 | West Seneca, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 14 | Summer Interns | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 15 | Civil Service: Fed Campaign Plan | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 16 | Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 17 | S 1443: Seniority Rights | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 18 | S 711: Civil Service Retirement | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 19 | Cohocton, NY: Postmaster | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 714: 20 | Postmasters: General Corresp | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 1 | Red Creek, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 2 | Rose, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 3 | Savannah, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 4 | Sodus, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 5 | Sodus Center, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 6 | Sodus Point, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 7 | South Butler, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 8 | Wallington, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 9 | Walworth, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 10 | Williamson, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 11 | East Williamson, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 12 | Pultneyville, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 13 | Fairport, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 14 | East Rochester, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 15 | Macedon, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 16 | Henrietta, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 17 | Industry | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 18 | Irondequoit Branch: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 19 | Mendon, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 20 | Monroe County: Post Offices | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 21 | Honeoye Falls, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 22 | Penfield, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 23 | Point Pleasant, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 24 | Post Office: Rochester Branches | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 25 | Roselawn, NY: Branch: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 26 | Beechwood Station, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 27 | Brighton Station: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 28 | Rush, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 29 | Sea Breeze, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 30 | Union Hill, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 31 | Webster, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 32 | West Henrietta, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 33 | West Rush, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 34 | West Webster, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 35 | Wayne County: Post Offices | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 36 | Alton, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 37 | Clyde, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 38 | East Palmyra, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 39 | Lyons, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 40 | Macedon Center, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 41 | Marion, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 42 | Newark, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 43 | North Rose, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 44 | Ontario, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 45 | Ontario Center, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 46 | Palmyra, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 47 | Pittsford, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 715: 48 | Pittsford, NY: Post Office Building | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 716: 1-8 | Postal Service Pay Raise (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 1 | "No" on these Postmaster Candidates | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 2 | New York City: Pending | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 3 | Postmasters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 4 | Altmar, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 5 | Aquebogue, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 6 | Baldwin, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 7 | Bedford Hills, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 8 | Big Flats, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 9 | Bohemia, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 10 | Buffalo, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 11 | Burnt Hills, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 12 | Cayuga, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 13 | Central Bridge, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 14 | Chaumont, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 15 | Circleville, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 16 | Clark Mills, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 17 | Cottekill, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 18 | Diamond Point, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 19 | Dobbs Ferry, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 20 | East Amherst, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 21 | East Chatham, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 22 | Ellenville, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 23 | Far Rockaway, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 24 | Fort Hunter, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 25 | Fredonia, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 26 | Gainesville, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 27 | Greenfield Center, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 28 | Hague, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 29 | Hewlett, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 30 | Hunter, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 31 | Hurley, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 32 | Ilion, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 33 | Jamaica, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 34 | Lindley, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 35 | Lyons Falls, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 36 | Macedon, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 37 | Mills Neck, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 38 | Miller Place, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 39 | Millwood, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 40 | Monticello, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 41 | Mount Morris, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 42 | Newcomb, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 43 | Newport, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 44 | Northport, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 45 | Oakfield, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 46 | Oriskaney Falls, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 47 | Veterans Rehabilitation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 48 | Veterans Hospitals | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 49 | VA Office: Albany-Project A | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 50 | VA Office: Bath, NY: Project B | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 51 | Veterans Hospital: Buffalo, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 52 | VA Hospital-Castle Point-Project C | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 53 | Veteran's Hospital: Washington DC | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 54 | Mt McGregor Vet Rest Camp-Project M | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 55 | Nassau-Suffolk Vet Hosp-Project N | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 56 | VA Office: Schenectady: Project S | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 57 | VA Home: Washington, DC | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 58 | Veterans Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 59 | Veterans of Foreign Wars: Project V | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 717: 60 | VA Office: Watervliet, NY: Project W | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 1 | Porter Corners, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 2 | Portland, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 3 | Red Hook, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 4 | Rocky Point, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 5 | Romulus, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 6 | Roosevelt, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 7 | Sea Cliff, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 8 | Sidney, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 9 | Smyrna, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 10 | Tahawuss, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 11 | Victory Mills, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 12 | Warwick, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 13 | Wells, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 14 | Westport, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 15 | Williamstown, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 16 | Avoca, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 17 | Bangor, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 18 | Boston Corner, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 19 | Cossayuna, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 20 | East Meadow, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 21 | Hailesboro, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 22 | Hauppauge, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 23 | Kelsey, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 24 | Lake Clear, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 25 | Lake Ronkonkoma, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 26 | Moody, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 27 | Putnam Lake, NY: PO Conversion | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 28 | Richmondville, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 29 | Saint Hubert, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 30 | Schoharie, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 31 | Vestal, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 32 | Westkill, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 33 | Whallonsburg, NY: Post Office | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 34 | Post Office: General | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 718: 35 | Suggested Form Letters | 1960 - 1964 | Post Office | |
2: 719: 1-2 | Legislative Calenders-Pub Wks Comm | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 3 | Digest of Public General Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 4 | Legislative Calenders-Finance Comm | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 5 | Accelerated Public Works Program | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 6 | Legislative Calender | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 7 | Public Works Acceleration Act | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 8 | Army Corps of Engineers: Maps | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 9-10 | Public Works Authorization | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 719: 11 | Public Works Appropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 1 | Appropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 2 | Standby Authority | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 3 | Public Works Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 4 | Allegheny River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 5 | Military Construction | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 6 | Corps of Engineers: Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 7 | Corps of Engineers: Buffalo District | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 8 | Corps of Engineers: Personnel | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 9 | Corps of Engineers: NYS Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 720: 10 | Magazines & Publications | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 1 | New York State Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 2 | Out of State Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 3 | Public Works | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 4 | Albany, Port of | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 5 | Arverne Seawall | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 6 | Basher Kill | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 7 | Black Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 8 | Batavia Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 9 | Breezy Point | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 10 | Bridges | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 11 | Buffalo Port Authority | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 721: 12 | Buffalo Harbor-Project B | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 1 | Buffalo Harbor Port Authority | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 2 | Burns Harbor | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 3 | Canaseraga Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 4 | Canisteo River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 5 | Cattaraugus Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 6 | Cape Vincent | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 7 | Catskill Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 8 | Cayuga Creek at Lancaster, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 9 | Cayuga & Cazenovia Creeks | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 10-11 | Cayuga Inlet at Ithaca, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 12 | Chemung River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 13 | Chenango River at Binghamton, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 14 | Diversion Dam-Chautauqua County | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 15 | Lake Chautauqua & Chadokoin River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 16 | Chenango River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 17 | Chittenango Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 18 | Delaware River Basin Compact | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 19 | Ellicott Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 722: 20 | Esopus Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 723: 1 | Finger Lakes-Seneca Army Depot | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 723: 2 | Fire Island Inlet | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 723: 3 | Fishers Island | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 723: 4 | Flushing Bay | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 724: 1-5 | Fire Island | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 724: 6 | Gates Creek-Ischua Valley Watershed | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 724: 7 | HR 1: Great Lakes Diversion of Water | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 725: 1 | S 1704: Great Lakes | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 725: 2 | S 2242: Great Lakes & St. Lawrence | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 725: 3 | Great Lakes: Chicago Water Diversion | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 725: 4 | Great Lakes Basin Compact | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 725: 5 | Great South Bay: NYS Project | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 725: 6 | Gut Dam | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 1 | Hamilton Beach | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 2 | Herkimer | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 3 | Hudson River-Yonkers, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 4 | Hudson River Siltation | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 5 | Huntington Harbor & Huntington Bay | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 6 | Irondequoit Bay | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 7 | Jamaica Bay | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 8 | Little Neck Bay | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 9 | Little River & Cayuga Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 10 | Jones & E. Rockaway Inlets | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 11 | Long Island, North Shore | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 12 | Long Pond-Cranberry Pond | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 13 | Massena Chamber of Commerce | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 14 | Milton Harbor | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 15 | Mount Morris Dam | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 726: 16 | Mohawk River Basin | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 727: 1 | Monroe County Watershed | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 727: 2 | Nanicoke Watershed | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 727: 3 | Port of New York: Buttermilk Channel | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 727: 4 | NY Port Authority-Clean Up | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 727: 5 | New York: Channel Improvements | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 727: 6 | Port of New York: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 727: 7 | Port of New York | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 728: 1 | NY Port Authority-E. Celler | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 728: 2 | Niagara Frontier-Planning | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 728: 3 | Niagara Power Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 728: 4 | Niagara River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 728: 5 | Ogdensburg Bridge Authority | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 1 | Commerce: Ogdensburg Ferries | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 2 | Oliverea Valley | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 3 | Onondoga Creek | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 4 | Orient Bridge | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 5 | Owasco Outlet at Auburn, NY | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 6 | Oswego: Syracuse Canal | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 7 | Oswego River at Keuka Lake | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 8 | Port of Oswego | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 9 | Passic River Basin | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 10 | Patterson Creek | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 11 | Playland Marina at Rye Harbor | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 12 | Port Jefferson Harbor | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 13 | Pugsley Creek | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 14 | Reynolds Channel Seawall | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 729: 15 | Rikers Island Channel | 1960 - 1962 | Public Works | |
2: 730: 1 | Port of Rochester | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 730: 2 | Rochester: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 730: 3 | Rockaway | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 730: 4 | Rondout Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 730: 5 | Rosendale-Wallkill Valley | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 730: 6 | St. Lawrence Seaway | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 731: 1-2 | St. Lawrence Seaway | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 731: 3 | Salamanca | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 731: 4 | Schenectady | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 731: 5 | Schoharie Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 732: 1 | Sky-line Parkway-Kittatinny Mts. | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 732: 2 | Tocks Island | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 732: 3 | Sodus Bay | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 732: 4 | Staten Island | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 732: 5 | Susquehanna River-North Branch | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 1 | Mamaroneck Harbor | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 2 | Smokes Creek-Flood Control | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 3 | Steinway Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 4 | Tonowanda Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 5 | Trinity River Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 6 | Unadilla, NY: Martin Brook | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 7 | Upper Ohio Valley Association | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 8 | Proposed Interstate Route 87 | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 9 | Veterans Memorial Bridge | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 10 | Waddington Port | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 11 | Wappinger Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 12 | Water Resources-Reports | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 13 | PL 566-Watershed Protection | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 14 | Waterways | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 15 | West Canada Creek | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 16 | Town of West Seneca | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 17 | Whitney Point Dam | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 733: 18 | Kinzua Dam | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 734: 1 | Delaware River Basin | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 734: 2 | Colorado River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 734: 3 | S 856: Delaware River Basin Compact | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 734: 4 | SJ Res 198-Niagara Falls Bridge | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 734: 5 | Out of State Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 734: 6-7 | Public Works | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 1 | Ohio River Valley | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 2 | Colorado Curecanti Dam Project | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 3 | Capper-Cramton Stream Valley | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 4 | Burns Creek Power Project | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 5 | Buford Dam-Georgia | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 6 | Army Corps of Engineers: Regulations | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 7 | Army Corps-Olmstead Promotion | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 8-9 | Delaware River Basin | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 10 | National Waterways Conference | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 11 | National Rivers & Harbors Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 12 | Detroit, Atlantic Navigation Co. | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 13 | Great Lakes: Quarantine Protection | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 14 | Hawk Mountain Dam: Delaware River | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 15 | Keuka Outlet at Penn Yan | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 16 | Little Hell Gate-East River, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 17 | Lake Ontario: Customs-Yachts | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 18 | Lake Erie Seaweed | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 19 | Manhasset Bay | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 20 | Manhattan Beach | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 21 | Monroe County Water Authority | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 22 | Moriches Bay | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 735: 23 | Mount Sinai Harbor | 1960 - 1964 | Public Works | |
2: 736: 1 | Constituent Cards | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 736: 2-5 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 737: 1 | Constituent Cards | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 737: 2-8 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 738: 1-2 | Tax Cut & Civil Rights (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 738: 3-22 | Civil Rights (Pro) | 1960 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 739: 1-11 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 739: 12 | Arrest of Clergy-Hattiesburg, Miss. | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 739: 13-19 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 740: 1-3 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 740: 4 | Civil Rights & McGovern Bill | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 740: 5-17 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 741: 1-14 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 742: 1-22 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 743: 1-17 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 744: 1-16 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 1-5 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 6 | Students Pro Civil Rights | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 7-8 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 9 | Protection for Missing Students | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 10-13 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 14-15 | Civil Rights: Students (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 16-17 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 18 | Protect Students in Mississippi | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 19-20 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 21 | Protect Students in Mississippi | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 22 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 23 | State University at Oswego | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 24-25 | Protect Students in Mississippi | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 26 | Civil Rights: New York State (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 27 | Protect Students in Mississippi | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 28 | Civil Rights: NYS: Thank Yous (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 29 | Protect Students in Mississippi | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 745: 30 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 746: 1-10 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 747: 1-4 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 747: 5 | Gerry | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 747: 6-8 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 747: 9-17 | Civil Rights: Out of State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 747: 18-19 | Civil Rights: New York State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 748: 1-8 | Civil Rights | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 749: 1-7 | Civil Rights | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 750: 1-7 | Civil Rights | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 751: 1-7 | Civil Rights | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 752: 1-7 | Civil Rights: Out-of-State | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 753: 1-4 | Civil Rights Corresp | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 754: 1-5 | Internatl Ladies Garment Workers | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 755: 1-4 | Internatl Ladies Garment Workers | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 756: 1 | Internatl Ladies Garment Workers | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 756: 2 | Civil Rights: Miscellaneous Petitions (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 756: 3-6 | Internatl Ladies Garment Workers | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 1 | Firearm Legislation (Con) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 2 | Humane Treatment of Animals | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 3 | Work for the NY Shipyard (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 4 | Civil Rights (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 5 | Firearm Legislation (Con) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 6 | Humane Treatment of Animals (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 7 | Kreibozen-Treatment for Cancer | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 757: 8-12 | Internatl Ladies Garment Workers | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 758: 1 | Civil Rights: Miscellaneous Petitions | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 758: 2-4 | Internatl Ladies Garment Workers | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 759: 1 | Civil Rights (Con) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 759: 2-8 | Civil Rights (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 759: 9 | S 479: Civil Rights & Employment | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 760: 1-2 | Civil Rights: Post Cards | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 761: 1 | Civil Rights: Correspondence (Pro) | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 761: 2 | Firearms Control: Correspondence | 1961 - 1964 | Civil Rights | |
2: 762: 1-8 | S 2266 & HR 8190: Corresp | 1961 | Dupont Invest | |
2: 763: 1-7 | Education: Con Federal Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 763: 8 | Education: Con Public Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 763: 9-13 | Education: Con Federal Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 763: 14-15 | Education: Con Public Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 763: 16-26 | Education: Con Private Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 764: 1-4 | Education: Con Private Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 764: 5-14 | Education: Pro Private Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 764: 15-19 | Education: Pro Public/Con Private | 1961 | Education | |
2: 765: 1-3 | Education: Pro Public Schools Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 765: 4 | Education: Con Public Schools Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 765: 5 | Education: Pro Public Schools Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 765: 6-12 | Education: Pro Public/Con Private | 1961 | Education | |
2: 765: 13-18 | Education: Pro Public Schools Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 766: 1-6 | Education: Pro Public/Con Private | 1961 | Education | |
2: 766: 7-18 | Education: Con Private Schools | 1961 | Education | |
2: 767: 1-13 | Education: Pro Private Schools | 1961 | Education | |
2: 768: 1-36 | Education: Private Schools-Pro Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 769: 1-8 | Education: Private Schools-Pro Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 770: 1-12 | Education: Private Education: Pro Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 771: 1 | Education: Miscellaneous Fed Aid | 1961 | Education | |
2: 771: 2-5 | Education: Con Private Schools | 1961 | Education | |
2: 771: 6-11 | Education: Con Both Private & Public | 1961 | Education | |
2: 772: 1-2 | Lodge | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 772: 3-4 | National Committee | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 772: 5 | New York State | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 772: 6-7 | Nixon | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 1-2 | Programs (Specific) | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 3-4 | Republican Policy Committee | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 5-6 | Rockefeller | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 7 | Senate Republican Memo | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 8-10 | Federal Politics | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 11 | Committee on Programs & Progress | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 12 | Republican National Chairman | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 773: 13 | Republican Platform | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 1 | Republican Party: History of | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 2 | Republican National Committee | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 3 | Republican National Committee | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 4 | Presidential Election | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 5 | Republican Accomplishments | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 6 | Inauguration | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 7 | Cabinet Selection | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 8 | Convention | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 9 | National Ticket | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 774: 10 | Goldwater | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 775: 1-2 | Kinzua Dam-Help Indians | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 775: 3 | Seneca Indians | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 775: 4 | Kinzua Dam Project | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 775: 5 | Krebiozen-FDA Banned Cancer Drug | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 775: 6-22 | Pro Krebiozen for Cancer Treatment | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 775: 23-24 | Inhumane Treatment of Animals | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 775: 25 | Health: War on Poverty | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 776: 1-13 | Political Assistance- A-Mc | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 777: 1-12 | Political Assistance: M-Z | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 777: 13 | Political Assistance: Miscellaneous Memoranda | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 778: 1-2 | Candidate Endorsement-State | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 778: 3 | White House Appointments | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 778: 4 | Bernard Katzen-Court of Claims | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 778: 5 | Correspondence | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 778: 6 | KBK: Correspondence with State Committee | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 1 | Mechanics of the Political File | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 2-6 | Thank You Letters | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 7 | Thank Yous: for Mailings | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 8 | Thank Yous from NYS Organizations | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 9 | Thank Yous: Interviews in Washington | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 10 | Thank Yous: Amend Social Security | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 11 | People Who Want Political Careers | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 12 | NY State Republicans | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 13 | KBK Campaign | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 14 | Prominent People | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 15 | NYC-Assistance for Past Favors | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 16 | Thank Yous: Mitchell Air Force Base | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 17 | Fulton County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 18 | Nassau County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 19 | New York County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 20 | Ontario County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 21 | Otsego County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 22 | Schoharie County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 23 | Steuben County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 24 | Yates County Post Office | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 25 | Rockefeller, Nelson | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 26 | Requests for Information | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 27 | Hon. Samuel S. Stratton | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 28 | Newspaper: New York City | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 29 | Newspaper: New York State | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 30 | Federal Records Center | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 31 | Political | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 779: 32 | Sa-Sc | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 780: 1 | Labels | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 780: 2-17 | Correspondence Pro 1964 Re-election Bid | 1961 | GOP Business | |
2: 781: 1 | Agriculture-General A-Z | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 781: 2 | Agriculture: Dingell Amendment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 781: 3 | Agriculture: Apples | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 781: 4 | Agriculture: Rural Electrification | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 781: 5 | Agriculture: Corn | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 781: 6 | Agriculture: Barley Malt | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 781: 7 | Agriculture: Presidents Farm Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 1 | Agriculture: Farmer Smith | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 2 | Agriculture: Fruits & Vegetables | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 3 | Agriculture: Grapes & Wine | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 4 | Agriculture: School Lunch Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 5 | Agriculture: Soybeans | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 6 | Agriculture: Sugar | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 7 | Agriculture: Surplus Food to Needy | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 8 | Agriculture: Cherries | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 9 | Agriculture: Cranberries | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 10 | Agriculture: Potatoes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 782: 11 | Agriculture: Meat Inspection | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 783: 1 | Agriculture: Dairying | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 783: 2 | Agriculture: New York State Drought | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 783: 3 | Agriculture: Meat: Smoked Pork | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 783: 4 | Agriculture: Forestry | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 783: 5 | Agriculture: Hog Cholera | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 1 | Agriculture: Plant & Nutrition Lab | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 2 | Agriculture: Presidents Farm Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 3 | Agriculture: Presidents Farm Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 4 | Agriculture: Farm Bill: Marketing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 5 | Agriculture: Presidents Farm Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 6 | Agriculture: Food for Peace | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 7 | Agriculture: Food for Peace: China | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 8 | Agriculture: Food for Peace: Congo | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 9 | Agriculture: Fur | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 10 | Agriculture: Poultry | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 11 | Agriculture: Feed Grains | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 784: 12 | Agriculture: Wheat | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 785: 1 | Agriculture: Soil/Water Conservation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 785: 2 | New York Port-Grain Shipments | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 785: 3 | Agriculture: Farmers Home Admin | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 785: 4 | Anti-Trust | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 786: 1 | Anti-Trust: Fair Trade | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 786: 2 | Anti-Trust: Clayton Act | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 786: 3 | Anti-Trust: Drug Industry | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 787: 1 | Anti-Trust: Fed Trade Commission | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 787: 2 | Anti-Trust: Natural Gas | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 787: 3 | Anti-Trust: Electrical Companies | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 787: 4 | Appropriations: Excluding Defense | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 787: 5 | Armed Services | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 1 | Armed Services: Air Force | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 2 | Armed Services: Army | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 3 | Armed Services: Dependents | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 4 | Armed Services: Coast Guard | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 5 | Armed Services: Army | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 6 | Armed Services: Retired Personnel | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 7 | Armed Services: Pay & Allowances | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 788: 8 | Armed Services: Reserve Personnel | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 1 | Armed Services: Selective Service | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 2 | Armed Services: Marine | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 3 | Armed Services: Merchant Marine | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 4 | Armed Services: Navy | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 5 | Armed Services: National Guard | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 6 | Atomic Energy | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 7 | Atomic Energy Commission | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 8 | Atomic Energy: Fallout Research | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 9 | Atomic Energy: Hanford Project | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 10 | Atomic Energy: Peaceful Use | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 789: 11 | Aviation: Monroe County Airport | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 1 | Aviation: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 2 | Aviation-Airlines: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 3 | Aviation: Federal Aviation Admin | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 4 | Aviation: Mohawk-Eastern Airlines | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 5 | Aviation: Civil Aeronautics Board | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 6 | US/USSR Air Transport Negotiations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 7 | Aviation-Airports: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 8 | Aviation: Federal Airport Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 9 | Aviation: Buffalo Airport | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 10 | University of Rochester: Smoke Stack | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 11 | Aviation: Airline Safety | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 790: 12 | Aviation: Research-Bears in Crashes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 1 | Aviation: Foreign Airlines | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 2 | Sale of Alcohol on Aircraft | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 3 | Aviation: Airline Personnel | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 4 | Aviation: Deer Park Airport | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 5 | Aviation: Suffolk County Airport | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 6 | Trans Pacific Route Case-Pan Am | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 8-9 | Aviation: Jet Noise Complaints | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 791: 10 | Budget | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 792: 1 | Budget: Federal | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 792: 2 | Budget: Item Veto | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 792: 3 | Census | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 792: 4 | Civil Rights | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 1 | Civil Rights: Armed Ser Segregation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 2 | Civil Rights: Anti-Bombing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 3 | Civil Rights Commission | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 4 | Civil Rights: Core | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 5 | Civil Rights: Filibuster | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 6 | Civil Rights: Freedom Riders | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 7 | Civil Rights: Housing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 8-9 | Civil Rights: Employment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 10 | Civil Rights: NAACP | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 11 | Civil Rights: West Side Tennis Club | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 12 | Civil Rights: Voting | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 13 | Civil Rights: Sit-Ins | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 14 | Civil Rights: New York City | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 15 | Civil Rights: Religion | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 16 | Civil Rights: Schools | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 793: 17 | Civil Service | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 1 | Civil Service: Employee\Management | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 2 | Civil Service: Active | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 3 | Civil Service: Official Register | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 4 | Civil Service: Retired | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 5 | Civil Service: Retirement Bills | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 6 | Civil Service: Union Recognition | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 7 | Civil Service: Panama Canal Employee | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 8 | Committees: Interstate & Foreign | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 9 | Judiciary: Agendas | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 10 | S 1677: Judiciary: Labor Liens | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 11 | HR 10079: Judiciary | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 12 | HR 10058: Judiciary | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 794: 13 | Judiciary: Committee Organization | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 1 | Congress | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 2 | Congress: CIA | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 3 | Conflicts of Interest | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 4 | CR Orders | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 5 | Congressional Junketing-87th | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 6 | 86th Congress | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 7 | Congress: Miscellaneous Legislation (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 795: 8-10 | Congress: 87th | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 796: 1-5 | Congress: Miscellaneous Legislation (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 797: 1 | Congress: General Legislation (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 797: 2-7 | Congress: Miscellaneous Legislation (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 797: 8 | Congress: Filibuster Rule (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 797: 9 | Congressional Record Mailing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 797: 10 | Congress: Kennedy Program (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 797: 11 | Congress Reforms | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 798: 1-3 | Congress: Miscellaneous Legislation (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 799: 1-3 | Congress: Miscellaneous Legislation (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 800: 1 | Congress: Miscellaneous Legislation (87th) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 800: 2 | Constitutional Amendments | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 800: 3 | SJ Res 69-Equal Rights Amendment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 800: 4 | Constitutional Rights | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 800: 5 | Courts | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 801: 1 | Courts: Supreme Court | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 801: 2 | Courts: Impeach Earl Warren | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 801: 3 | Courts: Supreme-Obscenity Decision | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 801: 4 | Courts: Supreme-School Prayer | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 801: 5 | Courts: Congestion | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 801: 6 | Courts: Billie Sol Estes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 801: 7 | Crime | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 1 | Crime: Capital Punishment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 2 | Crime: Washington DC Law Enforcement | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 3 | Crime: FBI | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 4 | Crime: Gambling | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 5 | Crime: Insanity | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 6 | Crime: Mallory Bill | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 7 | Crime: Organized Crime | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 8 | Crime: Prisons | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 9 | Pornography | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 802: 10 | Defense: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 803: 1 | Defense: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 803: 2 | Defense: Contracts Awarded | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 803: 3 | Defense: Continental Conferences | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 803: 4 | Defense: Contracts-Hollow Metal Door | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 803: 5 | Defense: General Minoru Ginda | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 803: 6 | Defense-Nuclear- A-L | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 804: 1 | Defense-Nuclear: M-Z | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 804: 2-13 | Defense-Fallout Shelters- A-L | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 805: 1-11 | Defense-Fallout Shelters: M-Z | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 805: 12 | Depressed Areas | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 805: 13-14 | Depressed Areas: New York State | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 805: 15 | District of Columbia-Traffic Laws | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 806: 1-2 | Wiretapping | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 806: 3 | Economy: Domestic | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 807: 1 | Economy: Domestic | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 807: 2 | Economy: Domestic: OECD | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 807: 3 | Economy: American Currency | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 807: 4 | Economy: Domestic: Banks | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 1 | Economy: Banking & Currency | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 2 | Economy: Area Redevelopment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 3 | Economy: Domestic: Fed Reserve Board | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 4 | Economy: Domestic: Disclosure Bill | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 5 | Economy: Domestic: Cost of Living | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 6 | Economy: Domestic: National Lottery | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 7 | Economy: Domestic: Interest Rates | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 8 | Economy: Domestic: Jnt Economic Comm | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 9 | Economy: Domestic: Stock Market | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 10 | Economy: International | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 11 | Economy: International | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 808: 12 | Economy: Overseas Investments | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 809: 1 | Economy: Silver | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 809: 2 | Economy: International: Gold | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 809: 3 | Education | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 809: 4 | Education: Colleges & Universities | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 1 | S 1586: Education: Federal Aid | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 2 | S 991: Education: Federal Aid | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 3 | Education: Aid to Nursing Schools | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 4 | Education: Culture, Art, etc. | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 5 | Education: Aid to Medical Schools | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 6 | Education: Fed Aid to Public Schools | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 7 | Education: Federal Aid to Cubans | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 810: 8 | Education: Form Letters | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 811: 1 | S 1021: Education: Federal Aid | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 811: 2 | Education: Eisenhower College | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 811: 3 | Education: Aid to Private Schools | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 1 | Education-NDEA-Private Schools | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 2 | S 792: Education: Tax Deduction | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 3 | S 723: Finance a Minimum Foundation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 4 | Education: Loyalty Oath | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 5 | Education: New York State | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 6 | Education-NDEA-Physical Fitness | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 7 | Education: NDEA | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 8-9 | Education: Scholarships | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 10 | Education: Teachers | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 11 | Education: Vocations for the Blind | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 812: 12 | Education: Vocations for the Deaf | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 813: 1-3 | Federal Aid to Education | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 813: 4 | Aid to Education: Prouty Amendment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 814: 1-3 | Federal Aid to Education | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 814: 4 | Elections | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 1 | Election Reforms | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 2 | Elections: Eighteen Year Old Vote | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 3 | Elections: Multiple Voting Days | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 4 | Privileges & Elections Subcomm | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 5 | Elections: Literacy Tests | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 6 | Residency Requirements for Voting | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 7 | Election: Electoral College | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 8 | S 311: Elections | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 815: 9 | Federal Communications: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 1 | Federal Communications: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 2 | Federal Communications Commission | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 3 | HR 8031: FCC: All: Channel Bill | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 4 | FCC: Proposed TV Rules Changes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 5 | S 2361: FCC: Licenses to Amateurs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 6 | FCC: Employment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 7 | FCC: Reorganization & Operating Hrs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 8 | FCC: Binghamton | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 9 | FCC: Equal Time | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 10 | FCC: National Ambulance-Radio License | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 11 | FCC: Putnam County Radio License | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 12 | FCC: Pay TV | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 816: 13 | FCC: Religious Broadcasts | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 817: 1 | FCC: TV Programming | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 817: 2 | Foreign Aid: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 818: 1-4 | Foreign Aid: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 818: 5 | Foreign Aid: Birth Control | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 818: 6 | Foreign Aid: Entertainment Fund | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 818: 7 | Foreign Aid: Private | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 819: 1-2 | Foreign Aid: Mutual Security | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 819: 3 | Foreign Aid: Aswan Dam | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 819: 4 | Foreign Aid: India | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 819: 5 | S 1215: Foreign Aid: Battle Act | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 819: 6 | Foreign Aid: Latin America | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 1-2 | Foreign Aid: National Peace Corps | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 3 | Foreign Aid: Ethiopia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 4 | Foreign Aid: Fleet of Aid & Mercy | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 5 | Foreign Aid: Freedom of the Seas | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 6 | Foreign Aid: Mutual Security | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 7 | Foreign Aid: Mexico | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 8 | Foreign Aid: Von Clemm | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 820: 9-10 | General Service Administration | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 1 | Government Operations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 2 | Government Operations: Surplus Property | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 3 | Government Operations: Consumer Leg | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 4 | Government Operations: Fed State Relations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 5 | Government Operations: New Agencies | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 6 | Government Operations: Science Legislation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 7 | Government Operations: Surplus | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 8 | Government Operations: Women in Govt | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 9 | Govt Operations: Miscellaneous Bills | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 821: 10 | Government Operations: Fed Arts Council | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 822: 1-12 | Foreign Policy-General A-L | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 822: 13 | Foreign Policy: General-Geza Korda | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 822: 14-17 | Foreign Policy: General M-P | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 823: 1-8 | Foreign Policy: General Q-Z | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 823: 9 | Foreign Policy: Alien Orphan Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 823: 10 | Foreign Policy: Captive Nations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 823: 11-12 | Foreign Policy: Comm of One Million | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 1 | Foreign Policy: Comm of One Million | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 2 | Educational Exchange Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 3 | Educational Exchange Program | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 4 | Informational Medica Guarantee | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 5 | International Parliamentary Union | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 6 | Foreign Policy: Montevideo Conf | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 7 | Foreign Policy: NATO | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 8 | Foreign Policy: NATO-Heusinger | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 9 | Foreign Policy: "The Ugly American" | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 10 | Internatl Oil Pollution Agreement | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 11 | Foreign Policy: UN Police Force | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 12 | Professors & Technical Experts | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 13 | Religious Persecution | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 14 | Foreign Policy: SEATO | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 15 | Summit Meeting-Khrushchev & Kennedy | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 824: 16 | Foreign Policy: Tehran Conference | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 1 | Foreign Policy: Treaties | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 2 | Foreign Policy: United Nations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 3 | Foreign Policy: UN-Adlai Stevenson | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 4 | Foreign Policy: UN-Dag Hammarskjold | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 5 | Foreign Policy: UNESCO | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 6-7 | Foreign Policy: UN Bonds | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 8 | Foreign Policy: World Court | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 9 | Foreign Policy: Algeria | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 825: 10 | Foreign Policy: Africa | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 1 | Foreign Policy: Arab Boycott | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 2 | Foreign Policy: Arab/Israeli | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 3 | Foreign Policy: Argentina | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 4-5 | Foreign Policy: Berlin | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 6 | Foreign Policy: Berlin-Jack Paar | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 7 | Foreign Policy: British Guiana | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 8 | Foreign Policy: Canada | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 9-11 | Recognition of Red China | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 826: 12 | Foreign Policy: Katanga | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 827: 1 | Foreign Policy: Congo-Katanga | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 827: 2 | Recognition of Outer Mongolia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 827: 3-4 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 1 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 2 | Foreign Policy: Embargo Against Cuba | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 3 | Foreign Policy: Cuba & Latin America | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 4 | Committee for Fair Play for Cuba | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 5 | Foreign Policy: UN-Plane Hijacking | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 6 | Foreign Policy: Cuban Refugees | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 7 | Foreign Policy: Fund for Cuba | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 8 | Foreign Policy: Cuba & Laos | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 9 | Foreign Policy: Czechoslovakia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 10 | Foreign Policy: Dominican Republic | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 11 | Foreign Policy: England | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 12 | Foreign Policy: Far East | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 13 | Foreign Policy: France | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 828: 14 | Foreign Policy: Germany | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 1 | Foreign Policy: Guatemala | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 2 | Foreign Policy: Dutch New Guinea | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 3 | Foreign Policy: Haiti | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 4 | Foreign Policy: Hungary | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 5 | Foreign Policy: India | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 6 | Foreign Policy: Ireland | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 7 | Foreign Policy: Israel | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 8 | Foreign Policy: Laos | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 9 | Foreign Policy: Latin America | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 10 | Foreign Policy: Mexico | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 11 | Foreign Policy: Middle East | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 12 | Foreign Policy: Morocco | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 13 | Foreign Policy: Pakistan | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 14 | Foreign Policy: Peru | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 15 | Foreign Policy: Philippines | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 16 | Foreign Policy: Poland | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 17 | Foreign Policy: Portugal | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 829: 18-19 | Portugal-Angola Prisoners | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 1 | Foreign Policy: Tunisia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 2 | Foreign Policy: Ukraine | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 3 | Foreign Policy: Russia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 4 | Foreign Policy: United Arab Republic | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 5 | Foreign Policy: Vietnam | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 6 | Foreign Policy: Yugoslavia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 7 | Health: Aged | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 830: 8 | Health | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 1 | Health | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 2 | Health, Education & Welfare-Grants | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 3 | Health: Milk | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 4 | Health: Diseases | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 5 | Health: Alcoholism | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 6 | Health: Air Pollution | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 7 | Health: Blindness | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 8 | Health: Deafness | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 9 | Health: Doctors | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 10 | Health-FDA-Hazardous Labeling | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 831: 11 | Health: Mental Health | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 1 | Health: Research | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 2 | Health: Hospitals | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 3 | Health: Rhodes Hospital Property | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 4 | Health: Diseases-Cancer | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 5 | Health-FDA-Fish Flour | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 6 | Health: Public Health | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 7 | Health: Sanitation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 8 | Health: Water | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 9 | Health: Private Insurance | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 832: 10 | Health: Drugs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 833: 1 | Health: Narcotics | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 833: 2 | Presidents Council on Youth Fitness | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 833: 3 | Health: Water Pollution | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 833: 4 | Health: Water Fluoridation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 833: 5 | Health: Food & Drug Administration | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 834: 1 | Health: The Fellowship Research, Inc | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 834: 2 | Vivisection & Humane Slaughter | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 834: 3 | Health: Private Insurance for Aged | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 834: 4 | Health Insurance for Aged: Voluntary | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 834: 5 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 835: 1 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 835: 2 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 1 | Highway | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 2 | Highways: Government Employees | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 3 | Highways: Scandals | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 4 | Highways: Federal | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 5 | Highways: NYS: Long Island Expressway | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 6 | Highways: Fed-Outdoor Advertising | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 7 | Highways: NYS: Route 81 | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 8 | Highways: Route 23 | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 9 | Highways: Trucking | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 836: 10 | Highways: Automobile Safety | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 1 | Highways: New York State | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 2 | Housing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 3 | Housing-Home Finance Agency | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 4 | Housing-Community Facilities Admin | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 5 | Housing-HHFA | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 6 | Housing-FHA | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 7 | Housing-Military Housing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 837: 8 | Housing-Public Housing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 1 | Housing-New York State | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 2 | Housing-Urban Renewal | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 3 | Rye Housing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 4 | Monroe County Urban Renewal | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 5 | Housing-FHA-Sewers | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 6 | McMillian, Robert R.: Personal | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 7 | Industry | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 8 | Industry-Codliver Oil Union | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 838: 9 | Interior: Parks: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 1 | Interior Department: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 2 | Interior Department: Cape Cod Seashore | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 3 | Interior Department: Civil War | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 4 | Interior Department: Conservation: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 5 | Interior Department: Memorials | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 6 | Interior Department: Rainbow Bridge | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 7 | Interior Department: Golden Eagle | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 8 | Interior Department: Alexander Hamilton | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 9 | Interior Department: Indiana Dunes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 10 | Interior Department: Forests | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 11 | Interior Department: Fuels | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 839: 12 | Interior Department: District of Columbia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 1 | Interior Department: Minerals-Lead & Zinc | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 2 | Interior Department: Fish & Wildlife | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 3 | Interior Department: Indians | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 4 | Interior Department: Reclamation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 5 | Interior Department: Parks | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 6 | Interior Department: Memorials (FDR) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 7 | Interior Department: Parks-Teddy Roosevelt | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 8 | Interior Department: Predator Control | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 9 | Interior Department: Soil Conservation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 10 | Interior Department: Wetlands Preservation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 840: 11 | Interior Department: Wilderness | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 841: 1 | Interior Department: Wilderness | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 841: 2 | Interior Department: Wildlife-Long Island | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 841: 3 | Interior Department: Conservation Corps | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 841: 4 | Interior Department: Territories | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 841: 5-6 | Internal Security | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 841: 7 | Internal Security: Robert Soblen | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 842: 1-4 | Internal Security: Communism | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 843: 1-4 | Internal Security: Communism | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 843: 5 | Internal Security: Francis G. Powers | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 843: 6 | Internal Security: Consent Film | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 844: 1 | Internal Security: Freedom Commis | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 844: 2 | Internal Security: Communism | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 844: 3-4 | Internal Security: John Birch Soc | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 844: 5 | Internal Security: Individual Sec | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 844: 6 | Internal Security: Ball Bearing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 844: 7 | Unamerican Activities Committee | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 1 | House Unamerican Activities Comm | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 2 | Internal Security: Nazism | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 3 | Internal Security: Owen Lattimore | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 4 | Internal Security: Passports | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 5 | Internal Security: Pauling | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 6 | Internal Security: Senate Subcom | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 7 | Internal Security: General Walker | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 8 | Internal Security: Dr. Linus Pauling | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 9 | Internal Security: Pugwash Conf | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 10 | Internal Security: Yates | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 11 | Agriculture: Goods to Russia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 845: 12 | Internal Security: Rockets to Arabs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 846: 1 | Communism-Training Films | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 846: 2 | Internal Security: Op. Abolition | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 846: 3 | Internal Security: Foreign Policy | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 846: 4 | Internal Security: Trade with Russia | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 847: 1 | International Law | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 847: 2 | Justice Dept | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 847: 3 | Justice: Voting Laws | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 847: 4 | Judgeships | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 847: 5 | Judgeships: Goldberg | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 847: 6 | Judgeships: Cooper | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 847: 7 | Judgeships: Marshall | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 848: 1 | Judgeships: Nominations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 848: 2 | Juvenile Delinquency | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 848: 3 | Labor | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 849: 1 | Labor: Migrant | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 849: 2 | Labor: Retraining | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 849: 3 | Labor: Electricians-20 hour week | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 849: 4 | Labor: Minimum Wage | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 1-2 | Labor: Minimum Wage | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 3 | Labor: Strikes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 4 | Labor: Strikes: Maritime | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 5 | Labor: Strikes: Steel Industry | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 6 | Labor: Strikes: Missile Bases | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 7 | Labor: Strikes: New York Harbor | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 8 | Labor: Situs Picketing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 9 | Labor: Racketeering | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 10 | Amusement Parks | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 11 | Labor: Mohawk Valley Employment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 850: 12 | New York State Labor Matters | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 851: 1 | Labor: Strikes: Airline Engineers | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 851: 2 | Labor: Strikes: Railroad | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 851: 3 | Labor: NLRB | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 851: 4 | Labor: Youth Conservation Corps | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 851: 5 | Labor: Unemployment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 852: 1 | Law & Lawyers | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 852: 2 | Library of Congress | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 852: 3 | Minorities | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 852: 4 | Mass Transportation: Urban Areas | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 853: 1 | New York State | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 853: 2 | New York State: Fire Island | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 853: 3 | New York State: FHA | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 1 | New York State: Ellis Island | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 2 | New York State: Breezy Point | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 3 | NYS: New York State Police | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 4 | NYS: Port Authority | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 5 | NYS: World Trade Center | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 6 | New York State: Legislation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 7 | New York State: Commerce | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 8 | NYS: 18 Year Olds Drinking | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 9 | NYS: Naval Training Device Center | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 10 | New York State: Redistricting | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 11 | Sternfield, Robert M. | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 12 | Nominations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 854: 13 | Henry Street Settlement House | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 855: 1-2 | Nominations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 855: 3 | Nominations: Chester Bowles | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 855: 4 | Patents | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 856: 1 | Public Works: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 856: 2 | Public Works: Federal Aid-Highways | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 856: 3-4 | Public Works-Kinzua Dam A-Z | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 856: 5 | Public Works: Kinzua Dam: Miscellaneous | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 856: 6 | Public Works: Wilderness Bill | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 856: 7 | Railroads | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 857: 1-2 | Railroads | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 1 | Railroads: New York, Hartford | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 2 | Railroad-Interstate Commerce Commis | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 3 | Railroads: Commuters | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 4 | Railroads: Retirement | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 5 | Railroads: Rutland | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 6 | Religion | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 7 | Rules Committee | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 8 | Rules Committee: House Rules Committee | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 858: 9 | Shipping | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 1 | Shipping-Fed Maritime Board | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 2 | Shipping-Freight Forwarders | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 3 | Shipping-Jones Act | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 4 | Ships-Inland Waterways | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 5 | Shipping-Ports, Harbors, Shipyards | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 6 | Shipping-Ships | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 7 | Small Business Administration | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 8 | Small Business Administration: Loans | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 9 | Small Business Admin: Contracts | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 859: 10 | Small Busines-Construction Industry | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 1 | Social Security-General A-Z | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 2 | Social Security: Buildings | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 3 | Social Security Administration | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 4 | Social Security: HR 10032 Admin Bill | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 5 | Social Security: Local Admin | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 6 | Social Security: Coverage for Aged | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 7 | Social Security: Age Requirement-Men | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 8 | Social Sec-Lower Retirement Age | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 9 | Social Security: Amish People | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 10 | Social Security: Benefits | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 11 | Social Security: Welfare: NYS | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 12 | Social Security: Welfare-Newburgh NY | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 860: 13 | HR 6185: Social Security Taxes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 1 | Social Security: Federal Employees | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 2 | Social Security: Benefits Increase | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 3 | Social Security: Increase Benefits | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 4 | Benefits to Dependents in School | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 5 | Social Security: Equalize Benefits | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 6 | Social Security: Child Care Centers | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 7 | Social Security: Dependent Children | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 8 | Social Security: Childrens Bureau | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 9 | Social Security: Coverage | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 10 | Social Security: Medical Profession | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 11 | Social Security: Coverage | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 12 | Social Security: Disability | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 13-15 | Social Security: Earnings Limitation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 16 | Social Security: Admin of Funds | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 861: 17 | Social Security: Health Insurance | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 1 | Industry Retirement Plans | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 2 | Social Security: Welfare Disclosure | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 3 | Social Security: Inequities | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 4 | Social Security: Non-profit Orgs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 5 | Social Security: Nonresidents of US | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 6 | Social Security: Old Age Assistance | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 7 | Social Security: Residence Issue | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 8 | Social Security: Single People | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 9 | Social Security: Tips as Earnings | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 10 | Training of Public Asst Personnel | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 11 | Social Security: Unemployment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 12 | Social Security: Widows | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 13 | Social Security: Work Relief | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 14 | Social Security: Dependent Children | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 862: 15 | Space | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 1 | Space: Space Bonds | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 2 | Space: Outer Space: Legal Controls | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 3 | Space: NASA | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 4 | Space: Astronauts | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 5 | Space: Cooperation with Soviet Union | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 6 | Space: Satellite Communications | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 7 | Sports | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 8 | Sports: Baseball | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 9 | Sports: Boxing | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 863: 10 | Staff Memoranda | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 1 | State Department: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 2 | State Department: Irwin, Joseph D. | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 3 | State Department: Personnel | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 4 | State Department: AID | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 5 | State Department: US Travelers Abroad | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 6 | State Department: Foreign Service | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 7 | State Department: Diplomatic Immunity | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 8 | State Department: ICA & US Flag Vessels | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 9 | State Department: Mrs. Kennedy's Trip | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 10 | State Department: Foreign Tours | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 11 | US-Owned Property in Latin America | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 12 | State Department: Prisoners of War | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 864: 13 | State Department: USIA | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 865: 1 | State Department: Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 865: 2 | State Department: Press | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 865: 3 | State Department: Speakers in NYS | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 865: 4 | State Department: World Calendar | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 865: 5 | Post Office | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 865: 6 | Post Office: Postal Rates | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 1 | Postal Rates | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 2 | Post-Office: Commemorative Stamps | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 3 | Post Office: Franking Privileges | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 4 | Post Office: Guides System | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 5 | Post Office: Railway Mail Pay | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 6 | Post Office: Revising Longevity | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 7 | Post Office: Parcel Post | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 8 | Post Office: Employees | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 9 | President | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 10 | President: Inability | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 866: 11-12 | Taxes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 867: 1-4 | Taxes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 868: 1 | Taxes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 868: 2 | Taxes: Cooperatives | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 868: 3 | Taxes: Customs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 868: 4 | Taxes: Business Expenses | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 868: 5 | Taxes: Corporate Withholdings | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 868: 6 | Taxes: DuPont: General Motors | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 869: 1 | Taxes: DuPont-Thank You Letter | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 869: 2 | Taxes: Banks, Savings & Loans | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 869: 3 | Taxes: Social Security Tax File | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 869: 4 | Taxes: Depreciation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 869: 5 | Taxes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 869: 6 | Taxes: Lobbying Expenses | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 870: 1 | Taxes: Stock Option | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 870: 2 | Taxes: Non-Profit Organizations | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 870: 3 | Taxes: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 870: 4 | Taxes: Corporate | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 1 | Taxes: Income | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 2 | Taxes: Gas | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 3 | Taxes: Nonresident | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 4 | Taxes: New York State | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 5 | Taxes: President's Message | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 6 | Taxes: Small Business | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 7 | Taxes: Tax Reform | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 871: 8 | Taxes: Teachers | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 1 | Sales Tax on Interstate Commerce | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 2 | Taxes: Home Repairs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 3 | Taxes: Federal Liens | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 4 | Taxes: Silver Transfer | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 5 | Taxes: Income Retired | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 6 | Taxes: Unattached Head of Household | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 7 | Taxes: Overseas Earnings | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 8 | Taxes: Biben, J. H. | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 872: 9 | Taxes: Retired Persons | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 873: 1 | Taxes: Medical Expenses | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 873: 2 | Taxes: Excise (all) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 873: 3 | Trade & Tariff | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 873: 4 | Taxes: "Good Will" Business Expenses | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 1 | Trade & Tariff: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 2 | European Economic Cooperation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 3 | Comm for Reciprocal Information | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 4 | Trade & Tariff: Customs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 5 | Trade: Export Credit Guarantee | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Tariff Commission | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 7 | Trade: Export-Import Bank | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 8 | Trade: Reciprocal Trade Agreement | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 9 | American Tourist Duty-Free Limit | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 10 | S 610: Trade: International Travel | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 11 | Trade: Tourist Welcome Corps | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 874: 12 | Trade: Veto Power of Congress | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 1 | Trade: Soviet Oil Offensive | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 2 | HR 11970: Trade Bill (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 3 | HR 11970: Trade: Industry Statements | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 4 | Trade: Bush Amendment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 5 | Trade: Muskie Amendment | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 6 | HR 11970: Trade: Agriculture | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 7 | HR 10928: Trade: Tariff on Casein | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 8 | HR 11972: Trade: Various Amendments | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 9 | Trade & Tariff: Domestic | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 10 | Trade & Tariffs: Exports | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 875: 11 | HR 11970: Trade Bill (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 876: 1 | Trade & Tariff: Exports-Apples | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 876: 2 | Trade & Tariff: Imports | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 876: 3 | Trade: Fair Labor Standard Trade Act | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 1 | Trade: Imports-Foreign Competition | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 2 | Trade: Imports-Informal Entry | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 3 | Trade & Tariff: OECD | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 4 | Trade: Imports-Repackaging of | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 5 | Trade: Foreign Surplus of Arms | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Automobiles | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 7 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Buttons | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 8 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Cement | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 9-11 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-China | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 12 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Copper | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 13 | Foreign Policy: Russian Crabmeat | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 14 | Trade & Tariff: Furs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 15 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Glass | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 877: 16 | Trade: Imports-Leather Products | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 1 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Carpeting | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 2 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Metals | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 3 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Nuts | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 4 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Residual Oil | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 5 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Paper | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Plastics | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 7 | Trade: Imports-Religious Scenerama | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 8 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Scissors | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 9 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Screws | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 10 | Trade & Tariff: Shoes | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 11 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Shrimp | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 12 | Trade: Imports-Sporting Goods | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 878: 13 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Textiles | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 1-2 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Textiles | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 3 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Ceramics | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 4 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Tools | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 5 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Wheat | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Toys | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 7 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Wildlife | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 8 | Trade: Imports-Wines & Liquors | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 9 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Wood | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 10 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Wool | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 879: 11 | Transportation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 1 | Transportation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 2 | Transportation: Merchant Marine | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 3-4 | S 320: Transportation | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 5 | Tennessee Valley Authority | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 6 | Urbiculture & Urban Affairs | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 7 | Urban Renewal | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 8 | Urban Renewal-Troy, NY | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 9 | Urban Regional Admin Projects | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 880: 10 | S 858: Urbiculture: "Open Land" | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 881: 1 | Utilities | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 881: 2 | Veterans: Veterans Affairs Committee | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 881: 3 | Veterans: Education & Schooling | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 881: 4 | Veterans: Hospitals | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 881: 5 | Veterans: Cold War Veterans | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 882: 1 | Veterans: Annuities, Pensions, etc. | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 882: 2 | S 977: Natl Ser Life Insurance: NSLI | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 882: 3 | Voting-Acopoll | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 882: 4 | War Claims: Philippines | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 882: 5 | Weather: General | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 882: 6 | Weather-Scientific | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 882: 7 | White House | 1961 - 1962 | Legislative | |
2: 883: 1 | Corresp on Legislation (Con) | 1961 | Minimum Wage | |
2: 883: 2-3 | Corresp on Legislation (Pro) | 1961 | Minimum Wage | |
2: 883: 4 | Extend Min Wage to Car Dealers-Con | 1961 | Minimum Wage | |
2: 883: 5 | Extending Min Wage to Retail Stores | 1961 | Minimum Wage | |
2: 883: 6 | Ford Instrument Letters | 1961 | Minimum Wage | |
2: 883: 7-11 | Petitions Pro Minimum Wage Act | 1961 | Minimum Wage | |
2: 884: 1-2 | Shoe Industry | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 884: 3 | Import of Shoes (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 884: 4 | Trade Bill | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 884: 5 | HR 10: Gore Amendment | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 884: 6 | HR 10: Gore Amendment (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 884: 7 | S 3658: Anti-Dumping Act (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 884: 8-9 | United Nations Bonds (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 884: 10 | Trade Bill | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 885: 1-3 | United Nations Bond Proposal (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 885: 4 | Disarmament Proposal (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 885: 5 | HJ Res 447-Pillion's Amendment | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 885: 6 | Red China | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 885: 7 | Trade & Tariffs: OECD (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 885: 8 | Trade & Tariffs: OECD (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Trade | |
2: 886: 1-6 | General Taxes on Trucks (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 886: 7-8 | Billboard Legislation | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 1 | Pro Ending Airline Strike | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 2 | Air Carrier Legislation | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 3 | Supplemental Airline Fares | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 4-7 | Coal Pipeline (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 8 | Anti-Dumping Law | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 9 | Freight Rate Increase | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 10 | Coal Pipeline (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 11 | Min Rates to Assist Railroads (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 12 | Min Rates to Assist Railroads (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 13 | S 2573: Railroad Retirement (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 14 | Railroad & Medicine | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 15 | Railroad Labor: Anti-Trust (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 16 | Railroad Labor (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 887: 17-21 | Railroad Mergers (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 888: 1 | Railroad Legislation (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 888: 2 | Railroad Legislation (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 888: 3 | Railroad Legislation (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 888: 4-16 | Railroad Legislation (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 888: 17-18 | Railroad Legislation (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 889: 1-10 | Railroad Legislation (Con) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 889: 11 | Railroad Legislation (Pro) | 1961 - 1962 | Transportation | |
2: 890: 1 | Taxes-Con Withholding-Corp Dividend | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 890: 2 | Taxes: Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 890: 3-7 | Taxes: Con Repeal 4% & Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 891: 1-11 | Taxes: Con Repeal 4% & Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 892: 1 | Taxes-Con Withholding-Corp Dividend | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 892: 2 | Taxes: Con Repeal of 4% on $50 | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 892: 3-4 | Taxes: Con Tax: Dividends & Interest | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 892: 5 | Taxes: Con Repeal of 4% Tax Credit | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 892: 6 | Taxes: Con Kennedys Proposed Taxes | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 892: 7 | Taxes: Con Repeal 4% Credit on $50 | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 893: 1-2 | Taxes: 4% Dividends | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 893: 3 | Taxes: Con Repeal of 4% on $50 | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 893: 4 | Taxes: Con 4% Tax Credit | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 894: 1 | Taxes: Con Kennedys Tax Plan | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 894: 2-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 894: 5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 895: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 896: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 897: 1-6 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 898: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 899: 1-6 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 900: 1-7 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 901: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 902: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 903: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 904: 1-2 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 905: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 906: 1-2 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 907: 1 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 907: 2-4 | Taxes-Con Withholding-Post Cards | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 908: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 909: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 910: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 911: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 912: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 913: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 914: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 915: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 916: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 917: 1-7 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 918: 1-3 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 919: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 920: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 921: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 922: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 923: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 924: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 925: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 926: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 927: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 928: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 929: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 930: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 931: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 932: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 933: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 934: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 935: 1-5 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 936: 1-4 | Taxes: Con Withholding | 1961 - 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 937: 1-3 | Taxing of Savings & Loan (Con) | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 937: 4 | HR 8847: DuPont vs General Motors | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 938: 1 | Taxes | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 938: 2 | Taxes: Section 3, 10650 | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 938: 3 | Taxes | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 938: 4 | Taxes: Con Overseas Income Taxation | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 938: 5-6 | Taxes: Dividend Tax Credit | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 939: 1 | Taxes: Retirement Income Tax Credit | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 939: 2 | Taxes: Mills Mason Bill (Pro) | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 939: 3 | Taxes: Retirement Income Tax Credit | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 939: 4-8 | Taxes: Mills Mason Bill (Pro) | 1962 | Taxes | |
2: 940: 1-8 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 940: 9-11 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Con KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 941: 1-4 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 941: 5 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Con KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 942: 1 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 942: 2 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Con KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 942: 3 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 942: 4-9 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Con KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 943: 1-3 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 944: 1-4 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 945: 1-4 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 946: 1-7 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 946: 8 | Cuba-NYS Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 947: 1 | Cuba-Out of State Corresp-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 947: 2-3 | Cuba-Correspondence-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 947: 4-5 | Russians in Cuba (Con) | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 948: 1-5 | Cuba-Correspondence-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 949: 1-8 | Cuba-Correspondence-Pro KBK | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 1 | Clippings: Old (No KBK Mention) | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 2-3 | Clippings: Cuba | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 4 | Clippings: Cuba Problems | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 5 | Cuba-Second Stage (Time & US News) | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 6 | KBK Cuba Chronology | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 7 | Cuba-Favorable Editorials | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 8 | Clippings: Cuba | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 9 | Cuba | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 950: 10 | Cuba | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 951: 1-4 | Clippings: Cuba | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 951: 5-9 | Clippings: Cuba | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 952: 1 | Drug Bill File | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 952: 2 | Anti-Trust & Drugs | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 952: 3 | S 1552: Kefauver Bill | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 952: 4-5 | S 1552: Drug Bill | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 952: 6 | Special Drug File | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 1-5 | S 1552: Public Hearings on Drug Bill | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 6 | S 125: Food & Drug | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 7 | S 125: Food & Drug Admin (Con) | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 8 | Change Food & Drug Supplement (Con) | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 9-10 | S 125: Food & Drug (Con) | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 11 | Drug Bill: Labelling (Con) | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 12-16 | S 125: Food & Drug (Con) | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 953: 17 | Misc Corresp | 1962 | Drug Industry | |
2: 954: 1 | Medicare: KBK Voting Record | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 954: 2 | Medicare-King-Anderson Bill | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 954: 3 | Medical Care for the Aged (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 954: 4-5 | Medicare (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 955: 1-4 | Medicare (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 955: 5-7 | Medicare-King-Anderson Bill (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 955: 8-9 | Medicare (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 956: 1 | Medicare (con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 956: 2 | Medicare & Withholding (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 956: 3-4 | King-Anderson Bill (Medicare) (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 956: 5-6 | Medicare (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 956: 7 | Medicare-King-Anderson Bill (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 957: 1-4 | Medicare: Petitions-Pro | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 958: 1-4 | Medicare: Petitions-Pro | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 959: 1-9 | Medicare: Corresp (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 960: 1-4 | Medicare: Corresp (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 960: 5-9 | Medicare-King-Anderson Bill (Con) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 961: 1-4 | Medicare-King-Anderson Bill (Pro) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 962: 1-7 | Medicare-King-Anderson Bill (Pro) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 963: 1-13 | Medicare-King-Anderson Bill (Pro) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 963: 14 | Medicare (Pro) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 963: 15-16 | Medicare: Under Social Security | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 964: 1-10 | Medicare: Corresp (Pro) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 965: 1 | Medicare: Correspondence: Post Cards (Pro) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 965: 2-3 | Medicare (Pro) | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 965: 4-6 | Health Insurance Under Social Sec | 1962 | Medicare | |
2: 966: 1 | Keating Responses | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 966: 2-4 | Supreme Court Decision (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 966: 5-6 | Supreme Court Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 966: 7-13 | Court Decision-Petitions (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 966: 14-16 | Supreme Court Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 967: 1-14 | Supreme Court Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 968: 1-10 | School Prayer (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 968: 11-12 | School Prayer-Pro & Con | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 969: 1-3 | Pro School Prayer | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 969: 4 | Mass Mail-In Con Court Decision | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 969: 5 | Keating Responses | 1962 - 1964 | School Prayer | |
2: 970: 1-2 | HR 269: Wiretapping | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 970: 3 | HR 12393: Wiretapping | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 970: 4 | HR 13842: Wiretapping | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 971: 1-11 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 972: 1 | Wiretapping-Out-of-State (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 972: 2 | S 1086: Earnings Limit | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 972: 3 | Wiretapping-NYS (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 973: 1-3 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out-of-State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 973: 4 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out-of-State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 974: 1 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out-of-State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 974: 2 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Con) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 974: 3 | Wiretapping-Out-of-State (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 974: 4 | Correspondence: CR Hindle | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 975: 1-5 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 976: 1-4 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out-of-State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 977: 1-3 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 977: 4 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Postcards (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 977: 5 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out: of: State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 978: 1 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 978: 2 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out-of-State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 978: 3 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out-of-State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 979: 1-4 | Wiretapping-Out-of-State (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 980: 1 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 980: 2 | S 1086: Wiretapping: Out-of-State | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 980: 3 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 980: 4-6 | S 1086: Wiretapping (Pro) | 1962 | Wiretapping | |
2: 981: 1-31 | Employment Requests- Aa-Dem | 1963 - 1964 | Civil Service | |
2: 982: 1-33 | Employment Requests: Den-Hy | 1963 - 1964 | Civil Service | |
2: 983: 1-28 | Employment Requests- Ia-Mil | 1963 - 1964 | Civil Service | |
2: 984: 1-31 | Employment Requests: Min-Sl | 1963 - 1964 | Civil Service | |
2: 984: 6 | Cuba-Correspondence-July | 1962 - 1963 | Cuba | |
2: 985: 1-28 | Employment Requests: Sm-Z | 1963 - 1964 | Civil Service | |
2: 985: 28 | Closed Files: General & Post Office | 1963 - 1964 | Civil Service | |
2: 986: 1 | Appropriations: Indep Offices Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 986: 2 | Appropriations: Agriculture | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 986: 3 | Appropriations: Interior Dept | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 986: 4 | Appropriations: Defense | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 986: 5 | Appropriations: Labor, HEW, etc. | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 986: 6 | Appropriations: Legislative Branch | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 986: 7 | Appropriations: State, Justice, etc. | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 986: 8-10 | Appropriations: Item Veto | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 1 | Appropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 2 | Appropriations: District of Columbia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 3 | Appropriations: Interior Dept | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 4 | Appropriations: Treasury | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 5 | Appropriations-Labor Department: HEW | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 6 | Appropriations: Legislative Branch | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 7 | Appropriations: Defense Dept | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 8 | Appropriations: State Dept, etc. | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 9 | Appropriation Bill: Deficiency | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 10 | Appropriations: Agriculture Department | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 11 | Appropriation-Military Construction | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 12 | Approriations-Independent Offices A | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 13 | Armed Services: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 14 | Armed Services: Air Force | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 15 | Armed Services: Army | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 16 | Armed Services: Coast Guard | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 987: 17 | Armed Services: Draft | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 1 | Armed Services: Merchant Marine | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 2 | Armed Services: National Guard | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 3 | Armed Services: Navy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 4 | Armed Services: Pay & Allowances | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 5 | Armed Services: Reserves | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 6 | Armed Services: ROTC | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 7 | Armed Services: West Point | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 988: 8-9 | Aviation: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 1 | Aviation: CAB | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 2 | Aviation: Domestic Airlines | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 3-4 | Aviation: Federal Aviation Admin | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 5 | Aviation: Long Island | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 6 | Aviation: Mergers & Transportation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 7 | Aviation: Mitchell Field | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 8 | Aviation: Rochester Airport | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 989: 9 | Aviation: Safety Rules & Regulations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 990: 1 | Aviation: Trans-Pacific Case | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 990: 2 | Aviation: CAB Rulings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 990: 3 | Aviation: Miscellaneous Regulation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 990: 4 | Civil Aeronautics-Accidents | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 1 | Agriculture | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 2 | Agriculture: Dairy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 3 | Dairy Farmers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 4 | HR 6853: Tax Rate Extension | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 5 | Agriculture: Centralized Dairying | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 6 | Agriculture: Milk Marketing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 7-8 | Dairy: Two Price Milk Plan | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 9 | HR 6523: Dairy (Stratton) | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 991: 10 | Paul | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 1 | Agriculture: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 2 | Agriculture: Dairy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 3 | Agriculture: Imports/Exports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 4 | Agriculture: Soil | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 5 | Agriculture: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 6 | Agriculture: Appropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 7 | Food & Agriculture Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 8 | Agriculture: Feed Grains | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 9 | Agriculture: Soil/Water Conservation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 10 | Agriculture: KBK Amendment to S 3225 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 11 | Agriculture Act of 1964 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 992: 12 | Agriculture: Funds for School Milk | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 1 | Farm Bill Amendments-Segregation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 2-3 | Agriculture: Farm Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 4 | Milk & Radioactive Fallout | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 5 | Agriculture: NYS | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 6 | Agriculture: Surplus Food to Needy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 7 | S 2066: Agriculture: Apples | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 8 | Agriculture: Cooperatives | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 9 | Agriculture: Employment Segregation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 10 | Agriculture: Farmer Smith | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 11 | Agriculture: Exports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 993: 12 | Agriculture: Food for Peace | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 1 | Agriculture: Grain on Great Lakes | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 2 | Agriculture: Beans | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 3 | Agriculture: Poultry | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 4 | Agriculture: Potatoes | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 5 | Agriculture: Sugar | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 6 | Agriculture: Sugar Beet | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 7 | Agriculture: Turkeys | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 8 | Agriculture: Wheat | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 9 | Agriculture: PL 480 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 10 | S 3225: Agriculture | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 11 | Agriculture: Vegetables | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 12 | Agriculture: REA | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 13 | Agriculture: Drought | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 994: 14 | Agriculture: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 1 | Aviation: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 2 | Aviation: Fed Aid to Airports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 3 | Aviation: Regulation of Foreign Ser | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 4 | Aviation: Local Service Aircraft | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 5 | FAA Regulations for Mental Exams | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 6 | Transportation: Mohawk Airlines | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 7 | Transportation: Aid to Airports Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 8 | Transportation: Air-Facts & Figures | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 9 | Transportation: Aviation-Noise | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 10 | Transportation: Supersonic Aircraft | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 11 | Transportation: Part 45 Operators | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 995: 12 | Transportation: Transatlantic Fare | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 996: 1 | Transportation: North-East Airlines | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 996: 2 | Transportation: New York Sites | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 996: 3 | Aviation: Noise Abatement | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 996: 4-6 | S 3138: Aviation: Noise Abatement | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 997: 1 | Close Flight Service Station, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 997: 2-3 | Budget | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 1 | Civil Rights: James M. Norman | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 2 | Civil Rights: Lynching | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 3 | Civil Rights: New York State: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 4 | Civil Rights: Organizations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 5 | Civil Rights-Religion: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 6 | Civil Rights-Religion: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 7 | Civil Rights-Sit-Ins: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 8 | Civil Rights-Transportation: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 9 | Civil Rights: Individual Statements | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 998: 10 | Civil Rights: Courts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 1 | Civil Rights: Employment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 2 | Civil Rights: New York | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 3 | Civil Rights: Mississippi | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 4 | Civil Rights: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 5 | Civil Rights: Democratic Platform | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 6-7 | Civil Rights: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 8 | Civil Rights: Republican Platform | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 999: 9 | Civil Rights: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1000: 1 | Civil Rights-Housing-General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1000: 2 | Civil Rights: Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1000: 3 | Civil Rights: Committee Testimonies | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1000: 4 | Civil Rights: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1000: 5 | Civil Rights: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1000: 6 | S 1693: Civil Rights: Part III | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1001: 1 | Civil Rights: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1001: 2 | Civil Rights: KBK Bills in Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1001: 4 | Civil Rights: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1001: 5 | Civil Rights: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 1 | Civil Rights: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 2 | Civil Rights: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 3 | Civil Rights: President's Message | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 4 | Civil Rights: House Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 5 | Civil Rights: Newspaper Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 6 | Civil Rights: Military | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 7 | Black Muslims | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 8 | S 1590: Civil Rights: Schools | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 9 | Civil Rights: Freedom Riders | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 10 | S 1591: Civil Rights: Business | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 11 | S 1665: Civil Rights: Federal Funds | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 12 | S 1731: Civil Rights: Package Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1002: 13 | Federal Grant-In-Aid | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 1 | Civil Rights: Interstate Commerce | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 2 | Civil Rights: Demonstrations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 3 | Civil Rights: Housing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 4 | Civil Rights: Education | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 5 | Civil Rights: Arkansas | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 6 | Civil Rights: Alabama | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 7 | Civil Rights: Mississippi | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 8 | Civil Rights: Law | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 9 | Civil Rights: District of Columbia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 10 | SJ Res 138-Emancipation Centennial | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 11 | S 3225: Civil Rights: KBK Amendment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1003: 12 | S 45: New Freedom Declaration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1004: 1 | Civil Rights: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1004: 2 | Civil Rights: Filibuster-Background | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1004: 3-4 | Senate Filibuster Rule | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1004: 5 | S 96: Compliance with Fed Courts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1004: 6 | Civil Rights: KBK on Filibuster | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1004: 7 | Civil Rights: KBK Statements | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1005: 1 | Subcommittee Business | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1005: 2 | New York City & New York State | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1005: 3 | Civil Rights: Literacy & Elections | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1005: 4 | Civil Rights-Elections: Referee Plan | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1005: 5 | Civil Rights: Apportionment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1005: 6-7 | Civil Rights: Employment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 1 | Civil Rights-Education: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 2 | Civil Rights: Educational Proposals | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 3 | Civil Rights-Education: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 4 | Civil Rights: Filibuster | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 5 | Civil Rights: Filibuster-Background | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 6 | Civil Rights: Amendments | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 7 | Civil Rights: Lynching | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 8 | Civil Rights-Hospitals: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1006: 9 | Civil Rights: KBK-Housing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1007: 1-7 | Conflict of Interest Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1008: 1 | Conflict of Interest-Sherman Adams | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1008: 2 | Conflict of Interest: KBK Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1008: 3 | Background Info-87th Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1008: 4 | Conflict of Interest-Nepotism | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1008: 5 | Conflict of Interest: KBK Statements | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1008: 6 | Code of Ethics: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1008: 7 | Conflict of Interest: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 1 | Judiciary Committee: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 2 | Judiciary Committee: Annual Reports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 3 | Judiciary: Constitutional Amendments | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 4 | Judiciary Committee: Judicial Machinery | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 5 | Judiciary Committee: Redistricting | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 6 | Senator Keating | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 7 | Congress: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 8 | Congress: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 9-10 | Congress: 87th Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 11 | S 2074: Contempt of Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 12 | Rules Changes | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 13-14 | S 10: Rules | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 15 | Congress: Filibuster | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 16 | S 89: Rules | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 17 | S 93: Joint Comm on the Congress | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 18-19 | S 177: Congressional Reorganization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 20 | S 1: Joint Comm on Reorganization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 21 | S 177: Congressional Reorganization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 22 | Congress: Enacting a Law | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 23 | Congress: Junkets | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 24 | Congress: Junkets-Campaign Exposure | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 25 | Congress: Reforms | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 26 | S 1817: Compelling Testimony | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1009: 27 | Office of Science & Technology | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 1 | Constitutional Adts: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 2 | Item Veto-Constitutional Amendment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 3 | Anti-Gun Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 4 | Vote in Washington DC-Amendment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 5 | Liberty-Constitutional Amendments | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 6-8 | Governors to Fill House Vacancies | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 9 | SJ Res 114-Appropriations: Item Veto | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 10 | SJ Res 161-Prayer in School | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 11 | Supreme Court Prayer Decision | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 12 | Courts: Supreme | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1010: 13 | Courts: Supreme-School Prayer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 1 | Courts: Public Defender | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 2-3 | S 63: Indigent Defendants | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 4 | Courts: Freedom of Information | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 5 | S 1351: District Courts: Fed Pensions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 6 | Courts: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 7 | Courts: New York State | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 8-9 | S 1851: Courts: Newsmans Privilege | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1011: 10 | Court-Jurisdiction in Pension Cases | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 1 | Crime: Prisons | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 2 | Crime: Pornography | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 3 | S 3736: Commission on Pornography | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 4 | Keating-Mentally Ill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 5 | Crime: Capital Punishment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 6 | S 2330: Penalties for Assassination | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 7 | S 2358: JFK Assassination | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 8 | S 2900: Crime: KBK Co-Sponsor | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 9 | Crime: Grand Jury | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 10 | Crime: Bail | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 11 | S 2838: No Bail due to Lack of Funds | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 12 | Crime: Gambling | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1012: 13 | Crime-Proposed Legislation: J. Hoffa | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 1 | Commerce: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 2 | S 627: Promote Fishery R&D Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 3 | Commerce: Lumber Standards | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 4 | Commerce Department Releases | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 5 | Trade & Tariff: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 6 | S 1033: Time: Uniform Standards | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 7 | S 1195: Uniform Time Standards | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 8-9 | S 251: Communications: Equal Time | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 10 | Communications: Broadcast Editorials | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 11 | Communications: Radio Commercials | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 12 | Communications: Western Union Rates | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 13 | Communications: Radio Astronomy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 14 | Clear Channel Broadcasting | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 15 | Communications: Religious Broadcasts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 16 | Communications: Radio | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 17 | Communications: Television | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1013: 18 | Communications: FCC: Horse Racing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 1 | Defense: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 2 | Defense: Atomic Energy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 3 | Defense: Civil Defense | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 4 | Defense Department | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 5 | Defense: Disarmament | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 6 | Defense: Fallout Shelters | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 7 | Defense: Savings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 8 | Defense: Research on Atomic Testing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 9 | S 2380: Defense Installations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1014: 10 | Defense: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1015: 1-2 | District of Columbia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1015: 3 | District of Columbia-Home Rule | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1015: 4 | Washington DC-Sentencing Procedure | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1015: 5 | Washington DC-Proposed Security Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1016: 1 | Economy-Domestic: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1016: 2 | S 750: Banking: Truth in Lending | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1016: 3 | S 1347: Banking: Tax Liens & Levies | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1016: 4 | Banking-Fed Mutual Savings Banks | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1016: 5 | Banking-Savings & Loan Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1016: 6 | Banking-SEC Study | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 1 | S 1642: Banking: Securities | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 2 | HR 2556: Amend Bankruptcy Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 3 | HR 3438: Bankruptcy: Priority of Tax | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 4 | HR 6009: Economic Policy: Debt Limit | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 5 | HR 7824: Public Debt Ceiling | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 6 | Economic Policy-Balance of Payments | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 7 | Economy: Domestic: Banks | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 8 | Economy: Domestic: Fed Reserve Board | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 9 | Economy: Domestic: Inflation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 10 | Economy: Domestic: National Lottery | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 11 | Economy: Domestic: SEC | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 12 | Economy: Domestic: Stock Market | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 13 | S 750: Truth in Lending | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 14 | S 2006: Economy: Domestic | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 15 | S 2005: Economy: Domestic | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 16 | S 2301: Fed Deposit Insurance Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 17 | S 2302: Amend Federal Reserve Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 18 | S 3468: Amend US Code: KBK Sponsored | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 19 | Economy-International: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 20 | Economy: International: Balance of Payments | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 21 | Economy: International: Gold | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 22 | Economy: International: Silver | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1017: 23 | S 2671: Silver Content in Coins | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 1 | Education: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 2 | Education: University of Rochester | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 3 | Education: Colleges & Universities | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 4 | Education: Grants | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 5 | Education: NDEA | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 6 | Education: Libraries | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 7 | Education: Medical & Dental Schools | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 8 | Education: New York State | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 9 | Education: Nursing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 10 | Education: Physical Fitness | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 11 | Education: Primary & Secondary | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 12 | Education: Research | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 13 | Education: Scholarships | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 14 | Education: Teachers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 15 | Education: Teachers for the Deaf | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 16 | Education: Vocational | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 17 | Education: PL 874 & 815 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 18 | HR 6143: Education | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 19 | Education: Federal Aid | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 20 | Education: Pro Aid to Public Schools | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 21 | Education: Con Aid to Private School | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 22 | Education: Con Aid to Public Schools | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1018: 23 | Education: Pro Aid to Private School | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 1 | Education | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 2 | Education: Overseas | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 3 | Education: Parochial Schools | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 4 | S 569: Education: Canceling of Loans | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 5 | KBK School Construction Statement | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 6 | HEW: Research File | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 7 | NDEA-Education Amendments | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 8-9 | Education: Teaching Communism | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 10 | Elections: Electoral College | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1019: 11 | Electoral Reform: Electoral College | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 1 | Elections: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 2 | Elections: Electoral College | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 3 | Electoral Reform: Electoral College | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 4 | Elections: Reapportionment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 5 | Elections: Residency Requirements | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 6-7 | SJ Res 37-Residency Requirements | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 8 | Elections: Reforms | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 9 | Elections: Establish State Districts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 10 | Elections: Popular Vote-President | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 11 | SJ Res 73-Election by Popular Vote | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 12 | S 559: Clean Elections Law | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1020: 13 | Elections: KBK Statements & Releases | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1021: 1-3 | Foreign Aid: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1021: 4 | Federal Records Center-Receipts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 1 | Foreign Aid: PL 88-205 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 2 | Foreign Aid: Africa | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 3 | Foreign Aid: Alliance for Progress | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 4 | Foreign Aid: Asia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 5 | Foreign Aid: Birth Control | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 6 | Foreign Aid: Communist Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 7 | Foreign Aid: Poland & Yugoslavia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 8 | Foreign Aid: Europe | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 9 | Foreign Aid: Latin America | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 10 | Foreign Aid: Peace Corps | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 11 | Foreign Aid: Private | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 12 | Foreign Aid: South America | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1022: 13 | Foreign Aid: Appropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1023: 1 | Foreign Aid: Saltonstall Amendment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1023: 2 | S 2996: Amend Foreign Aid Bill: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1023: 3 | Foreign Aid: Expropriations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1023: 4 | Foreign Aid-Amend Act of 1961: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1023: 5 | Foreign Policy: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1023: 6 | Foreign Policy: Captive Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 1 | Foreign Policy: United Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 2 | Foreign Policy: UN Police Force | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 3 | Foreign Policy: Captive Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 4 | Foreign Policy: UN Comm of 1 Million | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 5 | Foreign Policy: UNESCO | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 6 | Foreign Affairs: Right Wing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 7 | Foreign Affairs: Left Wing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 8 | Foreign Policy: Peace Resolutions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1024: 9 | Foreign Policy: Exchange Programs | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 1 | Foreign Policy: NATO | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 2 | Foreign Policy: Genocide | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 3 | Soviet Anti-Semitism | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 4 | Religious Persecution | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 5 | Soviet Persecution of Religion | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 6 | Foreign Affairs-USIA-Jewish Issue | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 7 | Foreign Policy: SEATO | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 8 | Foreign Policy: Treaties | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 9 | Foreign Policy: World Court | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 10 | Foreign Policy: Baltic Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 11 | Foreign Policy: Trouble Spots | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 12 | Foreign Policy: Africa | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 13 | Foreign Policy: Algeria | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 14 | Foreign Policy: Argentina | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1025: 15 | Foreign Policy: Berlin | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 1 | Foreign Policy: British Guiana | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 2 | Foreign Policy: Cambodia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 3 | Foreign Policy: Canada | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 4 | Foreign Policy: Congo | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 5 | Foreign Policy: Cuba | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 6 | Foreign Policy-Cuba- U-2's | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 7 | Cuba | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 8 | Cuba-Naval Base | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 9 | Cuba-Hart Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 10 | Cuba-United Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 11 | Cuba-Return of Ships to Castro | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1026: 12 | Cuba-Stennis Report | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 1 | Cuba-Missiles | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 2 | Cuba-Editorials & Columns | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 3 | Cuba-Internal Security Comm | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 4 | Cuba-UN Bulletins | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 5 | Cuba-Terrorism | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 6 | Cuba-Administration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 7 | Cuba-Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 8 | Cuba-Berlin Interaction | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 9 | Cuba-East/West Trade | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 10 | Foreign Policy: Embargo on Cuba | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 11 | Cuba-Freedom Fighters | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 12 | Foreign Policy-Cuba-Claims | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1027: 13 | Cuba-Agency | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1028: 1 | Cuba-Legislative Activity | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1028: 2 | Cuba-Monroe Doctrine | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1028: 3 | Cuba-Newsletters | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1028: 4 | Cuba-Political Reactions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1028: 5 | Cuba-Refugees | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1028: 6 | Foreign Policy-Cuba-Republicans | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1028: 7 | Cuba-Clippings & Publications | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 1 | Cuba-Shipping & Blockade | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 2 | Foreign Policy: Czechoslovakia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 3 | Foreign Policy: Egypt | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 4 | Foreign Policy: England | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 5 | Foreign Policy: France | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 6 | S 287: Foreign Policy: Red China | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 7 | Foreign Policy: Germany | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 8 | Foreign Policy: Greece | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 9 | Foreign Policy: Haiti | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 10 | Foreign Policy: Hungary | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1029: 11 | Foreign Policy: India | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 1-2 | Foreign Policy: Indonesia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 3-4 | Foreign Policy: Ireland | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 5-6 | Foreign Policy: Israel | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 7 | S 134: Israeli Borders | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 8 | Foreign Policy: Italy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 9 | Foreign Policy: Japan | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 10 | Foreign Policy: Korea | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 11 | Foreign Policy: Laos | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 12-13 | Foreign Policy: Latin America | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 14 | Foreign Policy: Mexico | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 15-16 | Foreign Policy: Middle East | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 17 | Foreign Policy: Nationalist China | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1030: 18 | Foreign Policy: Norway | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 1 | Foreign Policy: Panama | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 2 | Foreign Policy: Poland | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 3 | Foreign Policy: Portugal | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 4 | Foreign Policy: Red China | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 5 | Foreign Policy: Russia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 6 | Foreign Policy: South America | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 7 | Foreign Policy: Spain | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 8 | Foreign Policy: Venezuela | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 9 | Foreign Policy: Vietnam | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1031: 10 | Foreign Policy: Rumania | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 1 | Foreign Policy: Vietnam | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 2 | Foreign Policy: Yugoslavia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 3 | Government Operations: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 4 | Government Operations: Consumers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 5 | Government Operations: Property | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 6 | Government Operations: Women | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 7 | S 382: Patentholders to sue Fed Govt | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 8 | S 475: UN General Assembly: Expenses | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 9 | S 537: Govt Operations: Evaluation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 10 | S 1069: Disposal of Surplus Property | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 11 | S Res 371: Research for Fed Agencies | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 12 | S 3444: Property to NYS Fire Depts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1032: 13 | Government Operations: Firemen | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 1 | Health: Birth Control | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 2 | S 654: Unlawful Adoption Practices | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 3 | Health: Diseases: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 4 | Health: Diseases-Alcoholism | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 5 | Health: Diseases-Blindness | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 6 | Health: Diseases-Deafness | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 7 | Health: Diseases-Dental-Fluoridation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 8 | Health: Heart Disease | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 9 | Health: Diseases-Kidney | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 10 | Health: Grants | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 11 | Health: Hospitals | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 12 | Health: Pesticides | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 13 | Health: Physical Fitness | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 14 | Health: Public Health | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 15 | Health: Research | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 16 | Health: Smoking | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 17 | Health: Vocational Rehabilitation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 18 | Senior Citizens: KBK Voting Record | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 19 | Health: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 20 | Health: Air Pollution | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1033: 21 | S 444: Fed Air Pollution Control | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 1 | Health: Diseases-Narcotics Addiction | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 2 | SJ Res #5: Foreign Policy: Narcotics | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 3 | S 861: Hospitals for Drug Abusers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 4 | S 862: Narcotics: Mental Illness | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 5 | S 864: Courts & Narcotic Addiction | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 6 | Health: Aged | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 7 | Health Care for the Aged: Miscellaneous Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 8 | S 849: Medicare | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1034: 9 | KBK Statements on the Aged | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1035: 1 | Medicare | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1035: 2 | Medicare: Legislative Bulletins | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1035: 3 | Comm on the Aged-Analysis | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1035: 4 | Health | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 1 | S 3098: Health: Narcotics | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 2 | S 127: Health: Narcotics | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 3 | S 1694: Health: Narcotics & Addiction | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 4 | Narcotics: Internal Security | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 5 | Narcotics: West-Coast Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 6 | Narcotics: NYC Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 7 | Narcotics: White House Conference | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 8 | Health: Doctors | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 9 | S 553: Amend Food & Drug Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 10 | Health: FDA | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 11 | Appalachia | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 12 | Health: Poverty Bill/Adopt a Child | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 13 | Health: Diseases-Cancer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 14 | S 133: Health: Cancer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 15 | S 927: Narcotics Hospital | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 16 | S 863: Fed Youth Corrections Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 17 | S 1693: Narcotics: Grants: in: Aid | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 18 | Health: War on Poverty | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1036: 19 | Health: Water Pollution | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1037: 1 | Health: Water Pollution | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1037: 2 | Healthcare-Private | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1037: 3 | Healthcare-Social Security | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1037: 4 | Healthcare-Voluntary | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1037: 5 | Press Releases: Health Care for Aged | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1037: 6 | Health: Diseases-Mental Illness | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1037: 7 | S 937: Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1038: 1 | S 3350: Health Insurance | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1038: 2 | Highways: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1039: 1-4 | Housing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1039: 5 | Housing-Urban Renewal | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1039: 6 | S 3165: Depressed Areas | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1039: 7 | S 6: Depressed Areas | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1039: 8 | S 3049: Housing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1039: 9 | Immigration: Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1039: 10 | Subcomm on Refugees & Escapees | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1040: 1 | S 116: Passports & Visas | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1040: 2 | S 552: Immigration: Passports & Visas | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1040: 3 | Immigration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1040: 4 | S 1932: Admin Immigration Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1040: 5 | S 1823: Changes in Immigration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1040: 6 | S 747: Immigration & Naturalization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 1 | S 551: Immigration & Naturalization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 2 | S 3361: Entry of Skilled Specialists | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 3 | Immigration Lists | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 4 | S 1500 & 1501: Immigration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 5 | Judiciary SubCommittee: Immigration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 6 | Restrict Latin American Quota | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 7 | S 1887: Immigration & Naturalization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 8 | S 2001: Immigration & Naturalization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 9 | S 751: Immigration & Naturalization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 10 | S 2237: Entry of Alien Orphans | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 11 | HR 7904: Refugee Relief Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 12 | S 1871: "Cooley" Trade Laws | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1041: 13 | Admitted to Citizenship | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 1 | Interior: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 2 | Interior: Golden Eagle | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 3 | SJ Res 124-Interior-Parks | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 4 | Interior: Soil | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 5 | Interior: Territories | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 6 | Interior: Wilderness | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 7 | Interior: Conservation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 8 | Interior: Fish & Wildlife | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 9 | Fisheries-Coop Unit at Cornell U. | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 10 | Interior: Forests | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 11 | Interior: Fuels | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 12 | Interior: Historic Sites | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1042: 13 | Interior: Indians | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 1 | S 1062: Indian Land in NYS | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 2 | Interior: Indian Affairs | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 3 | Indian Affairs: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 4 | Indian Affairs: Pima Indians | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 5 | Indian Affairs: Harold Wesley Bruce | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 6 | S 344: Interior: Seneca Nation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 7 | Interior: Rainbow Bridge | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 8 | Interior: NYS Historic Sites | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 9 | Interior: Parks | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 10 | Puerto Rico | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 11 | S 317: Interior: Ansley Wilcox House | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 12 | Memorials-Fed Hall Building-NYC | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 13 | Interior: Monroe Soil Conservation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1043: 14 | Interior: Cowaselon Creek Watershed | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 1 | SJ Res 106-Interior-Bowne House | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 2 | International Law | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 3 | Judgeships: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 4 | Judgeships: Nominations: Camella | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 5 | Vearle Payne | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 6 | Tenney, Charles | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 7 | S 912: Additional District Judges | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 8 | HR 6690: Judgeships | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 9 | S 979: Judgeships | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 10-11 | S 74: Rule of Law Among Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 12 | Justice Dept | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 13 | Justice Department: Press Releases | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 14 | Justice Dept | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1044: 15-16 | Juvenile Delinquency | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 1-2 | Juvenile Delinquency: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 3 | Juvenile Delinquency: Immigration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 4 | Juvenile Delinquency: TV Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 5 | Juvenile Delinquency: Gun Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 6 | Juvenile Delinquency: Presidents Comm | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 7 | Juvenile Delinquency: Narcotics Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 8 | S 656: Juvenile Delinquents | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 9 | S 802: Juvenile Deliquency | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 10 | Juvenile Delinquency: Work Camps | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1045: 11 | Juvenile Deliquency | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 1 | Kenneth B. Keating | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 2 | Originals of Speeches | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 3 | Senator Keating's Voting Record | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 4 | Business & the Consumer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 5 | Campaign Costs | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 6 | Cardinal Spelman | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 7-8 | Labor | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 9 | Illegal Aliens from Canada | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 10 | Labor: Contracts for Specialty Work | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 11 | Labor: US Employment Service | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1046: 12 | Labor: Migrant Labor | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 1 | International Labor Organization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 2-3 | Labor: New York State Matters | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 4 | HR 11677: Equal Pay for Equal Work | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 5 | Labor | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 6 | Labor Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 7 | Labor: Politics | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 8 | Labor: Strikes by Industry | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 9 | Labor Market Letter | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1047: 10 | Labor: MDTA | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 1 | S 524: Migrant Labor Force | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 2 | Labor: Minimum Wage | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 3 | Labor: Racketeering | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 4 | Labor: Domestic Peace Corps | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 5 | S 450: Labor: Amend Various Acts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 6 | Labor: 35 Hour Work Week | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 7 | Labor: Unemployment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 8 | Labor: Youth Employment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 9 | Labor: Automation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 10 | Labor: Davis Bacon Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 11 | Manpower Development Grants | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 12 | Labor: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1048: 13 | Labor: Unions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 1-3 | Law & Lawyers: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 4 | S 1409: Practice before Fed Agencies | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 5 | Railroad Strike: Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 6 | Water Pollution | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 7 | Obscenity | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 8 | Depressed Areas: Buffalo U. Project | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 9 | Air Pollution Bills | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 10 | Pesticides | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1049: 11 | British Political Campaigns | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1050: 1 | Space: NASA Authorizations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1050: 2 | Space: General Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1050: 3 | Trade: Foreign | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1050: 4 | Cancer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1050: 5 | Krebiozen Research Foundation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 1 | Miscellaneous Reports-Fed Expenditures | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 2 | Justice Department: Miscellaneous Releases | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 3 | S 1855: REA Loans: Interest Rates | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 4 | Senate Republican Memo | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 5 | Unanswered Mail | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 6 | Military Personnel: Const Rights | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 7 | Government Programs: Financial Protection | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 8 | New England G&E Association: Annual Report | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 9 | Criminal Law-Insanity | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 10 | SJ Res 169-Treaty of Ghent | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1051: 11 | Floor Statements: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 1 | Mass Transportation: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 2 | Mass Transportation: Urban | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 3 | Commerce Commission | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 4 | S 3126: Mass Transit Act of 1962 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 5 | Mass Transit: KBK Remarks | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 6 | HJ Res 402-Mass Transit: DC Area | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 7 | Mass Transit: NYS: Commuter Problems | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1052: 8 | S 6 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1053: 1 | Minorities: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1053: 2 | New York State: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1053: 3 | New York State: Con Edison | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1053: 4 | NYS: Congressional Delegation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1053: 5 | NYS: Legislation: 18 Yr Old Drinking | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1053: 6-10 | Ellis Island | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 1 | NYS: Ellis Island Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 2 | New York State: Mitchell Field | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 3 | New York State: Port Authority | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 4 | New York State: NYC Police | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 5 | New York State: Volunteer Fire Depts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 6 | S 1548: NYS: Volunteer Fire Depts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 7 | New York State: Fire Island | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1054: 8-9 | New York State: Worlds Fair | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1055: 1-2 | NYS: World's Fair | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1055: 3 | World's Fair-Official Information | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1055: 4 | World's Fair: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1055: 5 | NYS: World's Fair: Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1055: 6 | NYS: World's Fair: Information Copy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1056: 1 | NYS: World's Fair: General Information | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1056: 2 | NYS: World's Fair-List of Interested | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1056: 3 | NYS: World's Fair: Committee Minutes | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1056: 4 | NYS: World Trade Center | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1057: 1 | Nomination: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1057: 2 | Patents: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1057: 3-4 | S 1290: Patent Fed Funded Inventions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1057: 5 | S 776: Copyright Law: Design | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1057: 6 | Office Records | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1057: 7 | Parking Lot Stickers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 1 | S 382: Patents Holders & Civil Suits | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 2 | HR 7194: Patents: Jukebox Exemption | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 3 | HR 8190: Fix Fees to Patent Office | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 4 | HR 4932: Employees and Patent Rights | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 5 | Politics: Democrat: NYS | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 6 | Politics: Democrat-Stratton | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 7 | Politics: Democrat-Wagner | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 8 | Politics: Democrat-Nizer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 9 | Politics: Democrat-Harriman | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 10 | Politics: Democrat-Johnson | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 11 | Politics: Democrat-Robert F. Kennedy | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 12 | Politics: Republican: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 13 | Politics: Republican: NYS | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 14 | Politics: Republican-Goldwater | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 15 | Politics: Republican-Kenneth Keating | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 16 | Politics: Republican-Nixon | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 17 | Politics: Republican-Rockefeller | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 18 | Politics: Republican-Scranton | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 19 | Natl Alliance for Postal Employees | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 20 | S 4 & 14: Rules Committee | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 21 | SJ Res 43-87th Congress Rules Comm | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 22 | S 933: Post Office: State Holidays | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1058: 23 | S 255: Post Office: Overtime Payments | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1059: 1 | S 202: Post Office: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1059: 2 | S 2076: Post Office: Rates | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1059: 3 | Public Works: NY Barge Canals | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1059: 4 | Public Works: "All-American" Canal | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1059: 5 | Public Works: Appropriations Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1059: 6 | Public Works: Accelerated Program | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1060: 1 | Public Works: Kinzua Dam | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1060: 2 | Public Works: Kinzua Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1060: 3 | Public Works: Area Development | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1060: 4 | S 3072: Great Lakes/Hudson Waterway | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1060: 5 | Public Works: Skyline Drive | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1060: 6 | Public Works: Keating | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1060: 7 | Public Works: East Rockaway Inlet | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 1 | Railroads: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 2 | Railroads: Mergers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 3 | Railroads: Little Falls Abandonment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 4 | HR 8897: Railroads: World Bank Aid | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 5 | S 1063: National Freight Car Supply | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 6 | S 136: Railroad Financing Comm | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 7 | Railroads: Retirement | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 8 | Social Security: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 9 | Social Security: Tips | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 10 | S 2984: Social Security | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 11 | Social Security: Aid to the Blind | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 12 | S 1338: Social Sec: Children Benefits | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 13 | S 1339: Social Sec: Children Benefits | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 14 | Social Security Legislation: Welfare | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 15 | Social Security: Disability | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 16 | Social Security | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 17 | Social Security: Earnings Limit | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1061: 18 | S 1010: Social Sec: Outside Income | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 1 | Shipping-General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 2-3 | Shipping-Maritime Administration | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 4 | S 469: Shipping: Admit Vessels to USA | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 5 | Shipping-Ocean Freight Rates | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 6 | Shipping-American/Hawaiian Ship Co | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 7 | S 1172: Shipping: Adjust Subsidy Base | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 8 | S 1774: Amend Merchant Marine Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 9 | Small Business: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 10 | Small Business: Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 11 | S 30: Small Business Committee | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 12 | S 333: Small Business: Select Comm | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 13 | S 298: Small Business Investment Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 14 | S 757: Eliminate Set Aside Program | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 15 | S 1320: Cooperative Advertising | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1062: 16 | Small Business: Size Standards | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1063: 1 | Space: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1063: 2 | Space: NASA Authorization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1063: 3 | Space: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1064: 1 | Space-NASA-Critical | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1064: 2 | NASA Facilities | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1064: 3 | Space: Electronics Research Center | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1064: 4 | Space: KBK Statements | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1064: 5 | Space: Communication Satellites Inc. | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1064: 6 | Space: Committee | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1065: 1 | Space: Bonds | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1065: 2 | Space: International Programs | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1065: 3 | Space-NASA-Reprogramming | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1065: 4 | NASA-Personnel | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1065: 5-6 | Space: Law | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1065: 7 | Space: Patents | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1066: 1 | HR 11040: Communications Satellite | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1066: 2 | Space: Common Satellites | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1066: 3 | Space-NASA-Defense Contracts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1067: 1 | Space: Military | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1067: 2 | Space: Moon Probe-Apollo & Gemini | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1067: 3 | Space-NASA-Press REleases | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1067: 4 | Space: Procurement | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1068: 1 | Space: Satellites | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1068: 2 | Space-NASA-Scandals | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1068: 3 | Space-NASA-Authorization | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1068: 4 | Space-NASA-Authorization Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1068: 5 | Space: Technology | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1068: 6 | Supplies Records | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1069: 1 | Space-NASA-GAO Reports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1069: 2 | State Department: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1069: 3 | State Department: Internatl Development | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1069: 4 | State Department: USIA | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1070: 1-2 | Taxes: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1070: 3-4 | Taxes: Internal Revenue Code | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1070: 5 | Taxes: 1963 Tax Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1070: 6 | Taxes: Tax Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1070: 7 | S 316: Sale of Residence for Over 60 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1070: 8 | S 1559: Raise Personal Exemption | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 1 | S 1882: Medical Expenses Deduction | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 2 | HR 2078: Charitable Contributions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 3 | HR 7167: Income Tax Exemption | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 4 | S 2068: Taxation of Expense Accounts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 5 | Taxes: IRS-Data Processing Center | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 6 | Taxes: Lacrosse Balls & Sticks | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 7 | Taxes: Liberty Amendment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 8 | Taxes: Mutual Fund Share Liquidation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 9 | Taxes: Timber-Capital Gains From | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 10 | HR 8000: Interest Equalization Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 11 | S 2953: Rochester Hod Carriers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 12 | Taxes: 1963 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1071: 13 | S 1347: Taxes: Curtis | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 1 | S 1325: Tax Relief for Handicapped | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 2 | Removal of IRS to Boston (Con) | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 3 | IRS: Syracuse-Buffalo Merger | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 4 | Taxes: Education Deductions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 5 | S 1236: Education Tax Relief $300 | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 6 | HR 6755: Corporate Normal Tax Rate | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 7 | HR 11376: Extend Excise Taxes | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 8 | HR 3297: Savings & Loan Nontaxable | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1072: 9 | Misc Papers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1073: 1 | Trade & Tariff: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1073: 2 | Trade & Tariff: Common Market | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1073: 3 | Trade & Tariff: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1073: 4 | East-West Trade | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1074: 1-3 | East-West Trade | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 1 | Trade & Tariff: Kennedy Round | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 2 | SJ Res #5: Study US/Foreign Trade | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 3 | S 1318: Foreign Trade: Anti-Dumping | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 4 | Trade & Tariff: Package Marking Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 5 | HR 1839: KBK Amendment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Soviet Oil | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 7-8 | Soviet Oil: General Research | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 9 | Soviet Oil: Interested Persons | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1075: 10 | Soviet Oil-ENI & Italian Oil Probs | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 1 | Soviet Oil: Int Sec Hearings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 2 | Soviet Oil: National Petroleum Council | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 3 | Soviet Oil-Defense Production Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 4 | Trade & Tariffs: Residual Oil | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 5 | S 2663: Equalizing Trade Competition | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 6 | Foreign Trade: Trade Expansion Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 7 | Trade & Tariffs: UN Trade Conference | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 8 | Trade & Tariffs: Export: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 9 | Trade & Tariffs: Buses to Cuba | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 10 | S 1614: Domestic Exports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 11 | S 852: Promote Domestic Exports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 12 | S 1379: Promote Domestic Exports | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 13 | Trade: Export Control Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1076: 14-15 | S 293: Export Credit | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 1 | Readers Digest Article | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 2 | Trade: Export Credit Guarantees | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 3 | S 1103: Trading with the Enemy Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 4 | Trade & Tariff: Imports: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 5 | Trade: Imports-Foreign Competition | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Beer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 7 | Trade & Tariff: Coffee | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 8 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Chrome | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 9 | Trade & Tariff: Cotton | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 10 | Trade: Imports-Dupont Chemicals | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1077: 11 | Trade & Tariff: Ferro-Alloys | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 1 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Foodstuffs | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 2 | Trade & Tariffs: Gloves | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 3 | Trade & Tariffs: Lead & Zinc | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 4 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Lumber | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 5 | Trade & Tariff: Meat | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Mushrooms | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 7 | S 1749: Trade & Tariff: Ribbons | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 8 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Shoes | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1078: 9 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Steel | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 1 | Trade & Tariff: Sugar | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 2 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Sweaters | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 3 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Textiles | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 4 | Foreign Trade: Cotton Textiles | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 5 | Trade & Tariff: Imports-Watches | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 6 | Trade & Tariff: Wool | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 7 | Trade & Tariff: Japan | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 8 | Transportation: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 9 | Transportation: ICC | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 10 | S 2075: Transportation: Amend ICC Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 11 | S 1417: Dept of Transportation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 12 | S 1062: Transportation: Rail Roads | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1079: 13 | S 1061: Exempt Carriers: ICC Act | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 1 | Transportation: Great Lakes Pilotage | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 2 | Aviation: Mohawk Crash | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 3 | Transportation: Merchant Marine | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 4 | S 927: Ships: War Risk Insurance | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 5 | S 684: Freight Forward Acquisitions | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 6 | Tri-State Transportation Committee | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 7 | HR 9903: Transportation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 8 | Tributes: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 9 | Veterans Hospital-Bath, NY | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1080: 10 | S 2397: Corresp | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 1 | Veterans: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 2-3 | Veterans: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 4 | S 1942: Jewish War Vets of America | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 5-6 | S 1914: Catholic War Vets of America | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 7 | S 176: Comm on Veterans Affairs | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 8 | S 2371: Veterans: Allied Nations | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 9 | S 320: Amend Vets Assistance Bill | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 10 | Veterans: World War I | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 11 | S 331: Hospital Care in Philippines | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 12 | S 412: Wavier of Loans by VA | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 13 | Veterans: Jewish | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 14 | Gold Star Lapel Pins-Next of Kin | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 15 | Veterans: Catholic | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 16 | S 1857: Veterans: Sole Surviving Son | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 17 | Veterans: Annuities, Pensions, etc. | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 18 | Veterans: Hospitals | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 19 | Veterans: NSLI | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 20 | S 3289: Natl Life Insurance for Vets | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 21 | S 836: War Time Benefits for Vets | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 22 | Veterans: Cold War Vets | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 23 | S 381: Paralyzed Vets of America | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1081: 24 | Veterans: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1082: 1 | War Claims: General Aniline-Press | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1082: 2 | War Claims: General Aniline: Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1083: 1 | Brooklyn Navy Yard: Legislation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1083: 2 | Brooklyn Navy Yard: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1083: 3 | Brooklyn Navy Yard: Correspondence | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1083: 4 | Brooklyn Navy Yard-Defense Projects | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 1 | World's Fair-Jordan Mural | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 2 | Defense: Plattsburgh Air Force Base | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 3 | Defense: Schenectady Army Depot | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 4 | Military Base Closings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 5 | Electronic Surveillance Division | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 6 | Foreign Aid | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 7 | Schwartz Letter on Electoral Law | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1084: 8 | Trade & Tariff: Bread | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1085: 1 | Champlain-Richelieu Seaway | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1085: 2 | Right-to-Know: News Management | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1085: 3 | News Management | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1085: 4 | ROAMA-Rome Air Material Area | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1085: 5 | Miscellaneous Correspondence | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1086: 1 | Czech Claims | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1086: 2 | Cyprus | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1087: 1 | Subversion Control Board | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1087: 2 | Middle East-Near East Report | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1087: 3-4 | Middle East: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1087: 5 | Middle East: KBK | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1087: 6 | Middle East: Clippings | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1087: 7 | Interior: Wilcox | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 1 | S 675: Trade: Foreign Competition | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 2 | HR 2664: Gold Star Mothers | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 3 | Agriculture: General | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 4 | Agricultural Commission | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 5 | School Prayer | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 6 | S 108: Columbus Day | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 7 | Congressional Reform: Code of Ethics | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 8 | Housing | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 9 | Procedural Reform | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 10 | Conflicts-Rules Comm Resolution | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 11 | J | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1088: 12 | Bobby Baker Investigation | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1089: 1 | Supreme Court-Reapportionment Mail | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1089: 2 | Reapportionment Decision | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1089: 3 | Reapportionment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1089: 4-5 | Ethics: Conflict of Interest-Paul | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1089: 6-9 | Reapportionment | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 1 | HUAC | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 2 | Reform | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 3 | Private Claims: Frank Schwikert | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 4 | Private Claims: Seeck, Walter | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 5 | Judiciary: Great Lakes Basin Compact | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 6-7 | Subcomm on Interstate Compacts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 8 | Interstate Compacts-Susquehanna | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1090: 9 | Courts | 1960 - 1964 | Research Files | |
2: 1091: 1 | Annual Report | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1091: 2 | Internal Security: Pauling | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1091: 3 | Internal Security Subcomm Releases | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1091: 4 | Internal Security: Strulens Case | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 1 | Communist Propaganda through Mail | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 2 | Rules Changes | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 3 | Speech Material | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 4 | Protocols | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 5 | Anti-Communist Programs | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 6 | Soviet Oil | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 7 | Kowalski Hearing | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1092: 8 | Dodd-Visits by Communist Clergy | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1093: 1 | Communist Forgeries | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1093: 2 | Internal Security: Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1093: 3 | S 1515 | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1093: 4 | Internal Security: Watkins | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1093: 5 | Ambassadors Testimony on Cuba | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1093: 6 | Internal Sec-Ed Hunter Testimony | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1093: 7 | Internal Security- Bang-Jensen Case | 1959 - 1964 | Internal Sec | |
2: 1094: 1-2 | March 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1094: 3-20 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1094: 21-39 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1094: 40-48 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1094: 49-55 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1094: 56-61 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1094: 62-66 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1094: 67 | October 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1095: 1-15 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1095: 16-23 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1095: 24-31 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1095: 32-35 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1095: 36-37 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1095: 38 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1096: 1-13 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1096: 14-21 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1096: 22-33 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1096: 34-36 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1096: 37 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1096: 38-44 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1097: 1-3 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1097: 4-46 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1097: 47-68 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1097: 69-83 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1097: 84-87 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1097: 88-89 | October 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1098: 1-3 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1098: 4-31 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1098: 32-56 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1098: 57-71 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1098: 72-76 | October 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1099: 1-5 | January 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1099: 6 | April-May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1099: 7 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1099: 8-33 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1099: 34-49 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1099: 50-51 | October 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1099: 52 | August 30th 1960 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 1-8 | January 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 9-24 | February 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 25-32 | March 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 33-34 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 35-36 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 37-40 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 41-42 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 43 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1100: 44 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1101: 1-10 | January 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1101: 11-25 | February 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1101: 26-28 | March 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1101: 29-31 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1101: 32-41 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1101: 42-45 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1101: 46 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 1-5 | January 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 6-17 | February 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 18-24 | March 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 25-28 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 29-34 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 35-40 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 41-44 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 45 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 46 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1102: 47-48 | October 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 1-6 | January 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 7-23 | February 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 24-34 | March 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 35-43 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 44-47 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 48-54 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 55-61 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 62-63 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1103: 64-65 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 1-23 | February 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 24-36 | March 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 37-43 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 44-49 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 50-61 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 62-68 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 69-75 | August 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1104: 76-78 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 1-3 | February 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 4-21 | March 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 22-35 | April 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 36-45 | May 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 46-55 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 56-61 | July 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 62 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 63-69 | November 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1105: 70-74 | December 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1106: 1 | June 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1106: 2-20 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1106: 21-38 | October 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1106: 39-59 | November 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1106: 60-70 | December 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1107: 1-2 | September 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1107: 3-17 | October 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1107: 18-23 | November 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1107: 24-25 | December 1962 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1108: 1-16 | Pro KBK Political Stand | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1108: 17-20 | Pro KBK Convention Walkout | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1108: 21 | Pro KBK: Con Goldwater | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1109: 1-15 | Pro KBK | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1110: 1-3 | Con KBK | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1110: 4-5 | Democrats for Keating | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1110: 6-7 | Unite the Party | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1110: 8-11 | Pro Goldwater | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1110: 12 | Con KBK Political Stand | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 1 | Goldwater (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 2 | Goldwater (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 3 | Goldwater (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 4 | Mitchell Field | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 5 | Mitchell Manor | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 6-9 | Work for NY Naval Shipyard (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 10 | HR 2332: World War Pension Bill | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 11 | War Claims | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 12 | Water & Air Pollution | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 13 | Tax Reductions | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 14 | Taxes: Sale of House Over Age 65 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 15 | Tax Bill | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 16 | Excise Tax (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 17 | Revenue Act of 1964: Tax Cut | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1111: 18-20 | Taxes: 4% Dividend Credit | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 1-2 | HR 8363: Tax Bill | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 3 | Tax Bill: Life Insurance Dividends | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 4 | Anderson Fed Tax Lien Amendment | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 5 | Proposed Revenue Act: Sec 202 (e)(2) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 6 | Taxes: Credit Exemption | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 7 | Tax Cut (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 8-10 | Taxes: Higher Education | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 11 | Tax Cut (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 12-16 | Tax Cut (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 17 | Tax: Charitable (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 18 | Tax: Group Life Insurance (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 19 | Excise Tax (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 20-21 | Double Tax of Dividends (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 22 | Social Security: Tips | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 23 | Closing Chemung Co. Airport (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 24 | Closing of Flight Service Stations | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 25-26 | Closing of Chemung Co. Airport | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 27-28 | Monroe Doctrine | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 29-30 | Postal Fed Pay Raise (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 31-35 | Civil Service Pay Raise (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 36 | Flood Control Facilities-Wellsville | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 37-38 | Rural Electrification Act (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 39 | Russian Shooting of US Plane | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 40-43 | Reduce Tariff on Swiss Watches | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 44 | Tariffs on Imported Textiles | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 45 | National Guard Complaints | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1112: 46 | Tampering Bill of Rights (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 1 | Medicare (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 2 | Medicare (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 3 | "Under God" Constitutional Amend | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 4 | "Under God" in Pledge of Allegiance | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 5 | Civilian Employees National Guard | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 6 | Taxation on Champagne Bubbles | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 7 | Foreign Policy | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 8 | Foreign Aid (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 9 | Community Blood Banks | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 10 | Economy | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 11 | Wheat Sales-Soviet Union | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 12 | Cotton Bill | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 13 | Two Price Cotton | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 14 | Rural Electrification Act (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 15 | National Guard | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 16 | National Guard-Complaints | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 17 | "Fairness Doctrine": FCC | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 18 | Religious Broadcasts-FCC Cancelling | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 19 | Anti-Semitism in Soviet Union | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 20 | Anti-Semitism | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 21 | Federal Aid to Education | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 22 | Private Education (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 23 | Trade: Electric/Chemical Imports | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 24-25 | Firearms Legislation (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 26 | Genocide Convention | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 27-28 | Firearms Legislation (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 29-31 | Humane Treatment of Animals (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1113: 32-34 | Kinzua Dam-Repay Seneca Indians | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1114: 1 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1114: 2 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1114: 3-9 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1114: 10 | September 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1114: 11 | October 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1115: 1-2 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1115: 3-9 | September 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1115: 10-11 | October 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1115: 12 | November 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1116: 1-2 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1116: 3 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1116: 4-5 | September 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1116: 6-10 | October 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1116: 11-12 | November 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 1 | December 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 2 | January 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 3-4 | February 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 5 | March 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 6 | April 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 7 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 8-10 | September 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1117: 11-14 | October 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 1-7 | January 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 8-9 | February 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 10-11 | March 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 12-13 | April 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 14 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 15 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 16 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1118: 17 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 1-2 | January 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 3-5 | February 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 6-7 | March 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 8 | April 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 9 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 10-11 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 12 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1119: 13 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1120: 1-3 | February 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1120: 4-6 | March 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1120: 7-8 | April 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1120: 9 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1120: 10 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1120: 11 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1120: 12 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 1 | February 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 2-7 | March 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 8-10 | April 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 11-12 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 13-14 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 15 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 16 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1121: 17 | September 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1122: 1 | March 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1122: 2-6 | April 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1122: 7-10 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1122: 11-12 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1122: 13 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1122: 14 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1123: 1-4 | April 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1123: 5-9 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1123: 10-13 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1123: 14 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1123: 15 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1123: 16 | October 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1124: 1 | March 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1124: 2 | May 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1124: 3-6 | June 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1124: 7-10 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1124: 11-13 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1124: 14 | September 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1125: 1-2 | Misc Flexos | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1125: 3-8 | July 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1125: 9-11 | August 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1125: 12-13 | September 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1125: 14 | October 1964 | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 1 | Amend Social Security Act | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 2-4 | Supreme Court Prayer Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 5 | Lumber Standards Revision (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 6 | Obscene Literature (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 7-8 | Duplication of Workman's Comp (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 9-12 | Taxes | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 13 | Repeal of 4% Dividend Income Credit | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 14 | Administrations Tax Cut (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 15 | Limit on Itemized Deductions | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 16-17 | Misc Form Letters | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1126: 18-20 | Letters to be Typed | 1962 - 1964 | Flexos | |
2: 1127: 1 | September 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 2-5 | October 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 6-16 | Taxes | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 17 | Tax Cut (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 18-19 | Double Taxation of Dividends (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 20 | Tax Union Retirement Funds (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 21-22 | Civil Rights (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 23-24 | Humane Treatment of Animals (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 25 | Students Ask KBK Opinion on Cuba | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 26 | Krebiozen for Cancer (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 27 | Medicare (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 28-29 | Revise Lumber Standards (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1127: 30 | Packaging & Labelling Bill (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1128: 1-3 | November 1963-Flexos | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1128: 4-5 | December 1963-Robos | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1128: 6-8 | Postal and Federal Pay Raise (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1128: 9 | Medicare (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1129: 1 | November 1963-Flexos | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1129: 2-5 | December 1963-Robos | 1962 - 1964 | Robos & Flexos | |
2: 1130: 1-3 | January 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1130: 4-6 | February 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1130: 7 | March 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1130: 8 | April 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1130: 9 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1130: 10 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1130: 11 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1131: 1 | January 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1131: 2-3 | February 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1131: 4-5 | March 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1131: 6 | April 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1131: 7 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1131: 8 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1132: 1-2 | February 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1132: 3-6 | March 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1132: 7 | April 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1132: 8 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1132: 9 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1132: 10 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1133: 1-3 | February 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1133: 4-8 | March 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1133: 9-10 | April 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1133: 11 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1133: 12 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1133: 15 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1134: 1 | February 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1134: 2-6 | March 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1134: 7-11 | April 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1134: 12-13 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1134: 14 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1134: 15 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1134: 16 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1135: 1-5 | April 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1135: 6-9 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1135: 10-12 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1135: 13 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1135: 14 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1135: 15 | September 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1136: 1-3 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1136: 4-5 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1136: 6-8 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1136: 9 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1137: 1-2 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1137: 3-4 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1137: 5-6 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1137: 7 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1137: 8 | September 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1137: 9-10 | October 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1138: 1-2 | May 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1138: 3-4 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1138: 5 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1138: 6-7 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1138: 8-9 | September 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1138: 10 | October 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1139: 1 | June 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1139: 2-4 | July 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1139: 3-9 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1139: 10-11 | September 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1140: 1 | August 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1140: 2-5 | September 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1140: 6-8 | October 1969 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1140: 9 | November 1963 | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 1 | Civil Rights (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 2 | Packaging & Labeling Bill (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 3 | Wiretapping | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 4 | Revise Lumber Standards (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 5-6 | Close Fort Slocum (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 7-9 | Civil Rights (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 10-12 | KBK on Cuba-Out of State (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 13 | KBK on Cuba-Out of State (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 14 | Packaging & Labelling Bill (con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 15 | Quality Stabilization Bill (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 16 | Truth in Packaging Bill (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 17 | Quality Stabilization Bill (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 18-23 | Close Fort Slocum (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 24 | Natl Civil Defense Program (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 25 | Fed Aid to Education: Private (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 26 | Monroe Doctrine (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 27 | KBK on Cuba-Out of State (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 28 | Monroe Doctrine (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 29-32 | KBK on Cuba-Out of State (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1141: 33-34 | Monroe Doctrine (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Robos | |
2: 1142: 1-2 | Civil Rights (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 3-7 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 8 | Birmingham Situation-Civil Rights | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 9-26 | Preserve Monroe Doctrine | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 27-30 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 31-36 | KBK on Cuba (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 37-39 | Fed Aid to Private Schools (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 40-44 | Aid to Teachers of the Deaf (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 45 | Arab War Plans Against Israel (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 46 | Aid to Nassar (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1142: 47-48 | KBK on Cuba (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 1 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 2-6 | S 1061: Min Rate for Transport (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 7-9 | S 136: Comm to Survey Railroads | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 10-12 | Remove Min Rate for Transport | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 13 | Railroad Mergers (con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 14-19 | S 1061: Min Rate for Transport | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 20 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 21 | Railroad Mergers (con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1143: 22 | Misc Mimeos | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1144: 1-9 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1144: 10-14 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1144: 15-16 | Monroe Doctrine (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1144: 17 | Nuclear Test Ban/Civil Rights (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1144: 18-19 | Nuclear Test Ban & Goldwater | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 1-4 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 5-8 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 9 | KBK on Cuba (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 10 | Monroe Doctrine (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 11-16 | Krebiozen (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 17-33 | Humane Treatment of Animals (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 34-38 | Griffith-Moulder Bill (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1145: 39-41 | Medicare (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1146: 1-2 | Postal Service Guidelines (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1146: 3-17 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1146: 18 | Nuclear Testing (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1146: 19-20 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1146: 21 | Nulcear Testing & Goldwater | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1146: 22 | Pornography (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 1 | Postal Service Measurement System | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 2-4 | Tax Cut (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 5-6 | Tax Cut (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 7 | Tax Cut (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 8 | Double Taxation of Dividends (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 9-10 | Tax Cut (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 11 | Tax Cut (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 12 | Four Percent Dividend Credit (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 13 | Tax Cut (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 14 | Double Taxation of Dividends (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 15-18 | Excise Tax (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 19 | IRS Syracuse/Buffalo Merger (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 20 | Foreign Investments | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 21 | Excise Tax (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 22 | Taxing Foreign Investments (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 23-26 | Tax: Union Funds/Retirement Homes | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 27 | S 749: Holland Bill (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 28-39 | Tax: Union Funds/Retirement Homes | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 40 | Remove ICC Min Rate Control (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 41 | Railroad Mergers (con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 42-45 | Remove ICC Min Rate Control (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 46 | S 1061: Min Rate for Transport | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1147: 47-58 | Humane Treatment of Animals | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 1-13 | Humane Treatment of Animals (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 14-17 | Krebiozen for Cancer (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 18-19 | Co-op Housing (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 20-23 | Student Exchange Waiver Bill (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 24-25 | Revise Immigration (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 26-27 | Amend Davis-Bacon Act (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 28-29 | Engle Amendment (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 30-32 | McClellan Bill (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 33 | Expand Immigration Quotas (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1148: 34 | KBK on Immigration (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 1-2 | Engles Ammendment (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 3 | School Prayer Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 4 | Lumber Standards (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 5 | Civil Rights/ Nuclear Test Ban Pro | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 6-7 | School Prayer Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 8 | Newsmen's Privilege Bill (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 9 | Lumber Standards (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 10 | Newmen's Privilege Bill (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 11 | School Prayer Decision (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 12-13 | Co-op Housing-Legislation | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 14 | McClellan Anti-Trust Act | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 15 | Curb Big Labor Unions (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 16 | Co-op Housing-Mortgage Insurance | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 17 | Obscene Literature (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 18 | Newsmen's Privilege Bill (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 19-27 | School Prayer Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1149: 28 | Supreme Court Prayer Decision (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 1-3 | School Prayer Decision (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 4-10 | School Prayer Decision (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 11 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 12 | Fire Island National Park (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 13 | Fire Island National Park (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 14-16 | IRS Move to Boston (Con) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 17-20 | Revise Lumber Standards (Pro) | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 21 | Legislation for Co-ops | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 22-23 | Newsman's Privilege Bill | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 24 | Post Office: Thank You's | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 25 | Post Office: Bucks | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 26 | Post Office: Miscellaneous | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 27-51 | Post Office-Misc Corresp A-Z | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
2: 1150: 52 | Nuclear Test Ban Treaty | 1962 - 1964 | Mimeos | |
3: 1: 1-4 | A-B | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 2: 1-6 | C-H | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 3: 1-8 | H-M | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 4: 1-12 | N-Z | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 1 | American Arbitration Association | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 2 | American Foresight, Inc. | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 3 | American Jewish Committee | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 4 | American Museum of Electricity | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 5 | American Peace Society | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 6 | Les Amis d'Escoffier Society | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 7 | Appeal of Conscience Foundation | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 8 | Arrow, Inc. | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 9 | Applicants for Posts Under Nixon | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 10 | Asthma Research Institute | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 11 | Bar-Ilan University | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 12 | Baruch Foundation, The Belle W. | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 13 | Brotherhood in Action | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 14 | Catholic Actor's Guild | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 15 | Catholic Interracial Council of NY | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 16 | Catholic Youth Organization | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 5: 17 | Children's Asthma Research Inst | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 1 | Comeback, Inc. | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 2 | Congregation Beth Haknesses | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 3 | Congressional Directories | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 4 | CORE | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 5 | Eisenhower College Charter Comm | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 6 | Eisenhower Dinner | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 7 | Equitable Life Assurance: KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 8 | Fed Communications Commission | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 9 | Fordham University | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 10 | Fort Orange Club | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 11 | Franklin Pierce College | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 12 | Gibraltar Life Insurance Co. of NY | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 13 | Government Printing Office | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 14 | Governor's Club | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 15 | Grand-Dad Club, The Old | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 16 | Guardian Fed Savings & Loan Assn | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 17 | Hamilton College | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 18 | Interfaith Movement, Inc. | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 19 | Lane Bryant Annual Awards | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 20 | Long Island University | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 21 | Martindale-Hubbell | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 22 | Masons-Free & Accepted | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 23 | Natl Association of Broadcasters | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 24 | Natl Jewish Hospital at Denver | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 25 | Natl Selected Morticians | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 26 | New York University | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 27 | New York Young Republican Club | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 6: 28 | Office of Economic Opportunity | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 1 | Pace College | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 2 | Pan American Clipper Club | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 3 | The Pilgrims of the United States | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 4 | Presbyterian Church | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 5 | St. Francis College-Award Selection | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 6 | Senate Space Committee | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 7 | Evelyn Sharp Foundation | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 8 | Shepard's Citations | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 9 | Sky Island Club | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 10 | Society for the Family of Man | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 11 | State of Israel Bonds | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 12-13 | United Jewish Appeal | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 14 | US Military Academy-Visitors Board | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 15 | United States Trust Company | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 16 | Ward Howell Associates, Inc. | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 17 | West Publishing Co. | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 7: 18 | Yeshiva U. & Einstein College | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 8: 1 | Recommendations by KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 8: 2 | Recommendations by KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 8: 3 | Recommendations by KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: Miscellaneous | |
3: 9: 1 | Autographs and Pictures: Requests | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 2 | KBK Biography & Anecdotes | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 3 | KBK Birthday Cards Received | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 4 | Ceremonies-Wedding | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 5 | Commendation by KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 6 | Crank Letters | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 7 | Employment Applications to KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 8 | Franking and Mailing-KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 9 | Greetings to KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 10 | Israel Trip | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 11 | Limousine Service | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 12 | Messages: to Public of Groups | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 13 | Phyllis: Miscellaneous Memos | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 14 | Questionnaires | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 15 | Special-Items on Robert Kennedy | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 9: 16 | Sympathy from KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Misc Material | |
3: 10: 1-8 | A-H | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: General | |
3: 11: 1-12 | I-R | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: General | |
3: 12: 1-9 | R-Z | 1965 - 1968 | Correspondence: General | |
3: 13: 1 | Commis on Obscenity & Porn-Minutes | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 13: 2 | Commis on Obscenity & Porn: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 13: 3 | Commis on Obscenity & Pornography | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 14: 1-3 | Commis on Obscenity & Pornography | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 15: 1 | Electoral College: Run-off-2 Party | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 15: 2 | Electoral College: Nominating Proces | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 16: 1 | Electoral College Reform: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 16: 2 | Electoral College Commis-Reports | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 17: 1 | Natl Multiple Sclerosis Society: Report | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 17: 2 | Natl Multiple Sclerosis Society: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 18: 1 | Natl Multiple Sclerosis Society: Reports | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 18: 2 | Natl Multiple Sclerosis Society: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 18: 3 | Multiple Sclerosis: Correspondence & Memos | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 18: 4 | Multiple Sclerosis-Briefs & Finance | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 19: 1 | World's Fair-Opening Day-April 22 | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 19: 2 | NY Worlds Fair | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 19: 3 | Calendar of Events | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 19: 4 | Worlds Fair Passes | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 19: 5 | Invitations: Attended | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 19: 6 | Invitations: Declined | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 19: 7 | Misc Information | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 20: 1-2 | NY Worlds Fair-Board of Directors | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 20: 3 | NY Worlds Fair: "The Terrace Club" | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 21: 1-5 | UN Association of the USA-Material | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 22: 1 | University of Rochester: Information | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 22: 2 | University of Rochester: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 23: 1 | University of Rochester: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 23: 2 | University of Rochester: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 24: 1 | University of Rochester: Recom | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 24: 2 | University of Rochester: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 24: 3 | University of Rochester: Miscellaneous | 1965 - 1968 | Special Subject | |
3: 25: 1 | Law Clerk-Applicants | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 25: 2-3 | Cases | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 26: 1 | Certificates Denying Leave | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 26: 2 | Certificates Granting Leave | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 26: 3 | Misc Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 26: 4 | Misc Memos | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 27: 1 | Motions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 27: 2 | Opinions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 28: 1 | Applicants | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 28: 2-3 | Cases | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 29: 1-2 | Certificates Denying Leave | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 29: 3-4 | Certificates Granting Leave | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 29: 5 | Decisions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 30: 1 | Misc | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 30: 2-3 | Motions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 30: 4 | Opinions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 31: 1 | Applicants-January | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 31: 2 | Applicants-September | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 31: 3-4 | Cases | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 32: 1 | Certificates Denying Leave | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 32: 2 | Certificates Granting Leave | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 32: 3 | Decisions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 32: 4 | Misc Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 33: 1-2 | Motions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 33: 3 | Opinions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 34: 1 | Applicants | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 34: 2 | Cases | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 34: 3 | Certificates Denying Leave | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 34: 4 | Motions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 34: 5 | Opinions | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 1 | Albany Law School-Union University | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 2-3 | American Bar Association | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 4 | American Trial Lawyers Association | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 5 | Buffalo Law Review | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 6 | Chambers | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 7 | Cornell Law Review | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 8 | Court of Appeals-Rules Changes | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 9 | Court of Claims: Progress Report | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 35: 10 | Duquesne University Law Review | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 1 | Federal Bar Association | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 2 | Harvard Law School | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 3 | Harvard Law School-Anniversary | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 4 | Harvard Law School Fund | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 5 | Judicial Conference | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 6 | Newspapers: Appeals | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 7 | New York Law School | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 8 | NYS Association of Trial Lawyers | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 36: 9 | State Board of Law Examiners | 1965 - 1968 | Legal Material | |
3: 37: 1 | American Imm & Citizenship Conf | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 37: 2 | Immigration Research Digest-April | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 37: 3 | American Imm & Citizen Conference: Report | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 37: 4 | American Imm Conference: Membership | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 37: 5 | American Imm Conf: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 37: 6 | American Imm Conference: Leg Bulletins | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 37: 7 | American Imm Conference: Meeting Notices | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 37: 8 | Austen Riggs Center-Massachusetts | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 1-2 | City of Hope: Pilot Med Center | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 3 | Constitutional Convention: NYS | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 4 | Dissent Articles: Clippings | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 5 | Fair Campaign Practices Comm | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 6 | Family Planning & Old Age Security | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 7 | Hughes Aircraft Company | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 8 | Interstate Commerce Commis-Releases | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 9 | HR 6050: Natl Foundation on the Arts | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 10 | HR 6675: Legislation | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 11 | Bank Holding Company Act | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 12 | S 1006: Mr. McClellan: Copyrights | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 13 | S 1509: Indemnification of Citizens | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 14 | Committees | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 15 | Polar Bear Legislation | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 16 | S 1704: Hull Insurance Syndicate | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 17 | HR 2580: The Immigration Bill | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 18 | State of New York | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 19 | S 306: Ellis Island Legislation | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 20 | Senate & House Judiciary Comm | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 21 | PL 89-110-Voting Rights Act | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 38: 22 | Legislation: Wiretapping KBK | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 1 | Library of Presidential Papers | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 2 | Lindsey, John V.-Campaign | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 3 | Lobbying-General | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 4 | Los Angeles Times | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 5 | NYC Mayoralty Race: Clippings | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 6-7 | NYS Voting Returns | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 8 | Referrals-Javits | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 9 | Referrals-Various | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 10 | Javits-Releases | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 11 | Republican National Committee | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 12 | Repub Task Force For Human Rights | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 13 | Republicans for Progress: Correspondence | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 39: 14 | Republicans for Progress: General | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 40: 1 | Politics: Letters, Reports | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 40: 2 | Population Crisis Committee | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 40: 3 | Veterans Hospital: Senate Hearing | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 40: 4 | Conference on International Coop | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 1 | New York State Bar Association | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 2 | Miscellaneous | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 3 | Pilgrims of the United States | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 4 | Pipes | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 5 | Republican State Committee | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 6 | Resignations | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 7 | Rochester Assn for the UN | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 8 | Evelyn Sharp Foundation | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 9 | Sky Club | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 10 | 3500 Elmwood Avenue | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
3: 41: 11 | Photographs | 1965 - 1968 | Smaller Topics | |
4: 1: 1-3 | Mc-Ml | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 4 | Mm-Mz | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 5-7 | N-Pf | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 8-9 | Pg-Pz | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 10 | Q | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 11-16 | Ra-Sl | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 17-22 | Sm-Tz | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 23-29 | U-Y | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 1: 30 | Z | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 1-2 | Invitations: Nov-Dec | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 3-4 | Invitations: Jan-Feb | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 5 | Invitations: Mar | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 6-7 | Invitations: April-May | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 8 | Invitations: Dec | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 9-19 | A-K | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 20 | L | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 21 | Visas | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 22 | Scholarships for Aid for US Study | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 2: 23 | Jobs | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 1-4 | A-D | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 5-6 | F-G | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 7-8 | L-M | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 9 | American Firms in India | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 10 | Foreigners in India | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 11 | Austin Riggs Center, Inc | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 12-15 | A-Z | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 16 | Adams, Dorothy & Ken | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 17 | American Bar Association | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 18 | American Imm & Citizenship Conf | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 19 | Appeal of the Conscience Foundation | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 20 | ACSA | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 3: 21 | Ambassadorship | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 4: 1 | Airline Schedules | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 2 | Allocations-Status of | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 3 | American College of Cardiology | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 4 | American Foreign Service Assn | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 5 | American Women's Club of Delhi | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 6 | Apollo XI | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 7 | Art-in-Embassies | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 8 | Apollo XII | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 9 | Apollo XIII | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 10 | Autographs-Including photos | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 11 | B-24 Aircraft Requests from Museums | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 12 | Bodyguards | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 13 | Bon Mots | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 15 | Council for Internatl Understanding | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 16 | Cigars | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 17 | Chhatera | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 18 | City of Hope | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 19 | Churches in Delhi | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 20 | Commendations | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 21 | Commemorative Stamps | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 22 | Coffee | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 23 | Colgate Manufacturing Corp | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 24 | Columbia University: KBK Memoir | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 25 | Comm on Obscenity and Pornography | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 26 | Comm for Reelection of President | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 4: 27 | C | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Corresp | |
4: 5: 1 | Misc Corresp | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 2 | Cuba | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 3 | Damascus Temple | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 4 | Delhi Music Society | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 5 | Contributions | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 6 | DePuy, Charles T | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 7-11 | Daily Diary | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 12 | Eisenhower | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 13 | Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships,Inc | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 14 | Encyclopedia Britannica | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 15 | Far East-American Council | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 16 | Folger, Nolan, Flemming & Co. | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 17 | Former Members of Congress, Inc. | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 18 | Gates, Dr. Rosalie | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 19 | Harvard Law School | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 20 | Health Unit Instructions | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 21 | Hennelly, Ed | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 22 | Herrera Trust | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 23 | Howe: KBK Daughter's family | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 24 | Gifts | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 25 | Film Festival | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 26 | Fossils-University of Punjab & Yale | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 27 | Husain, President: Funeral | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 28 | Husain, President: Memorial Service | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 29 | Indian Art in Roosevelt House | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 30 | Indian Investment Centre | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 31 | Inquires-India from Americans | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 32 | Kennedy Library, John F. | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 33 | Krishna Consciousness | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 34 | Letters-Preparation of | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 35 | Longworth, Mrs. Alice Roosevelt | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 5: 36 | Invitations | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 1 | Magsaysay Award | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 2 | Political | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 3 | ORE Expenditures | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 4 | Nehru (Jawaharlal) Award | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 5 | NEFA | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 6 | National Day | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 7 | Morgan Guarnty Internatl Banking | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 8 | Messages | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 9 | World Education Inc. | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 10-11 | Nixon Visit to New Delhi | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 12 | Recommendations | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 13 | Representational Expenditures | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 14 | Roosevelt House | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 15 | Servants | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 16 | Servants' Tip Fund | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 17 | Sympathy | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 18 | Thank Yous: Dinner | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 19 | Thank Yous: Luncheons | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 20-21 | Thank Yous: Various Functions | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 22 | Travel Orders: Precedents of US | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 23 | United States Comm for Refugees | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 24 | Vivekananda Vedanta Soc of Chicago | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 25 | Wildlife Sanctuaries of Rajasthan | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 26 | Wilson Interntl Center for Scholars | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 27 | Population Crisis Committee | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 28 | Population Problem | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 6: 29-33 | Invitations: June-Oct | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 7: 1 | Press Conferences | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 7: 2-12 | Misc Correspondence: M-Y | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 8: 1-7 | Invitations: June-Dec | 1969 - 1972 | Invitations | |
4: 8: 8-15 | Invitations: Jan-Sept | 1969 - 1972 | Invitations | |
4: 8: 16-23 | Invitations: Jan-Aug | 1969 - 1972 | Invitations | |
4: 8: 24-57 | Guest Lists, Menus & Seating Plans | 1969 - 1972 | Invitations | |
4: 8: 58 | Referral Cards | 1969 - 1972 | Invitations | |
4: 9: 1 | Center for Study of the Presidency | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 2 | Assn of the Bar of New York City | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 3-4 | Awards: Personal | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 5 | Biographies | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 6 | Birthday Messages | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 7 | Childrens Asthma Research Institute | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 8 | Chambers | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 9 | The Chowder & Marching Club | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 10 | Brugler-Medical Care for Geneseo | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 11 | Brook | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 12 | Breakfast Menus | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Files | |
4: 9: 13 | Embassy Guest Register: New Delhi | 1969 - 1972 | Invitations | |
4: 10: 1-4 | Pocket Schedule | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 5 | Pan Am World Airways | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 6 | Portrait Painters | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 7 | Serum | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 8 | Presidential Gift | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 9 | Republican National Committee | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 10 | John Slee-Unfinished Interview | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 11 | Speech Material | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 12 | Union Church of New Delhi | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 13 | Scrap Book: New Delhi & Nixon | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 14 | Kushwant Singh-Profile of Keating | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 15-19 | Invitations | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 20 | La Maison du Decor Inc. | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 21 | Lincoln's Inn Society | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 22 | Monroe County Chairman's Club | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 23 | Nasson College | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 24 | New York County Lawyer's Assn | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 10: 25 | Speech Before Bar Assn & Corresp | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 1 | India A-Z | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 2 | University of Rochester: Library | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 3 | University of Rochester: Minutes | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 4 | University of Rochester: President's Society | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 5 | University of Rochester: Reports | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 6 | University of Rochester: Visiting Committee | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 7 | University of Rochester: Permission to use KBK Papers | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 8 | University of Rochester Associates | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 9 | University of Rochester: Board of Trustees | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 10 | University of Rochester: Correspondence | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
4: 11: 11 | United Nations Association: USA | 1969 - 1972 | Misc Subjects | |
5: 1: 1-2 | Campaign Speeches | 1972 - 1973 | Speech Material | |
5: 1: 3-4 | Speech Material | 1972 - 1973 | Speech Material | |
5: 1: 5 | Speech Material | 1972 - 1973 | Speech Material | |
5: 2: 1-3 | Correspondence: US & Foreign: A-C | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 2: 4 | Leo Cherne | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 2: 5-11 | Correspondence: US & Foreign: D-K | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 3: 1-6 | Correspondence: US & Foreign: L-R | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 3: 7 | Population Crisis Committee | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 3: 8-11 | Correspondence: US & Foreign: S-W | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 3: 12 | UN Association: Make Indispensable Posible | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 3: 13-19 | Correspondence: India & Israel: A-Z | 1973 - 1975 | Misc Files | |
5: 4: 1 | Administrative Briefing Book | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 4: 2 | Ambassadorship-Early Materials | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 4: 3 | State Department: Employment | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 4: 4 | KBK Diplomatic Notes-Arrival | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 4: 5-8 | Congratulations on Ambassadorship | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 4: 9-29 | Correspondence: Israel: A-Z | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 4: 30-33 | Invitations-Israel- A-Z | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 1-3 | Speeches in Israel | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 4 | Speeches: New York State Bar | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 5 | Visits to Universities | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 6 | Haifa Trip-November 7 | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 7 | Athens Trip-April, 1-3 | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 8 | Greek Islands Trip-July 6-15 | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 9 | Prime Minister Rabin Visit to DC | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 10 | Golda Meir's Visit to UofR | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 11 | NYS Bar Association Award | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 12 | Washington DC Trip | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 13-16 | Visitors- A-Z | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 17 | Scrapbook Material: Israel | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 18-19 | Invitations | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 5: 20-22 | Invitations: US | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 1 | US Senators-Notes & Greetings | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 2 | US Congressmen-Notes & Greetings | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 3-4 | Thank Yous: various | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 5 | Sympathy | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 6 | Welfare/Citizenship: Correspondence | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 7 | Recommendations | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 8 | Visas: Correspondence | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 9 | Diplomatic Corps: Correspondence | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 10 | Autographs & Photos from KBK | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 11 | Misc Corresp | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 12 | Miscellaneous Photos-Israel | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 13 | Scrapbook Material | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 6: 14-32 | Misc Corresp- A-El | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
5: 7: 1-16 | Newspaper Clippings | 1973 - 1975 | Tel Aviv | |
6: 1: 1 | Campaign Corresp | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 1: 2-46 | Invitations: Declined | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 1-2 | Invitations: Declined | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 3 | Press Releases & Corresp | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 4-7 | Invitations: Declined | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 8 | Plane Travel & Time | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 9 | Private Meetings: KBK | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 10 | Message: Current Week | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 11 | Statements & Press Releases: Miscellaneous | 1959 - 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 2: 12 | Past Due Wires | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 1 | Campaign Correspondence: Albany | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 2 | Campaign Correspondence: Allegany | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 3 | Campaign Correspondence: Broome | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 4 | Campaign Correspondence: Cattaraugus | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 5 | Campaign Correspondence: Cayuga | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 6 | Campaign Correspondence: Chautauqua | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 7 | Campaign Correspondence: Chemung | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 8 | Campaign Correspondence: Chenango | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 9 | Campaign Correspondence: Clinton | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 10 | Campaign Correspondence: Columbia | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 11 | Campaign Correspondence: Cortland | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 12 | Campaign Correspondence: Delaware | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 13 | Campaign Correspondence: Erie | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 14 | Campaign Correspondence: Essex | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 15 | Campaign Correspondence: Franklin | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 16 | Campaign Correspondence: Fulton | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 17 | Campaign Correspondence: Genesee | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 18 | Campaign Correspondence: Greene | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 19 | Campaign Correspondence: Hamilton | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 20 | Campaign Correspondence: Herkimer | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 21 | Campaign Correspondence: Jefferson | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 22 | Campaign Correspondence: Lewis | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 23 | Campaign Correspondence: Livingston | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 24 | Campaign Correspondence: Madison | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 25-26 | Campaign Correspondence: Monroe | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 27 | Campaign Correspondence: Montgomery | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 28 | Campaign Correspondence: Niagara | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 29 | Campaign Correspondence: Onondaga | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 30 | Campaign Correspondence: Oneida | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 31 | Campaign Correspondence: Ontario | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 32 | Campaign Correspondence: Orleans | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 33 | Campaign Correspondence: Oswego | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 34 | Campaign Correspondence: Otsego | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 35 | Campaign Correspondence: Rensselaer | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 36 | Campaign Correspondence: Saratoga | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 37 | Campaign Correspondence: Schenectady | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 38 | Campaign Correspondence: Schoharie | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 39 | Campaign Correspondence: Schuyler | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 40 | Campaign Correspondence: Seneca | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 41 | Campaign Correspondence: Steuben | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 42 | Campaign Correspondence: St. Lawrence | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 43 | Campaign Correspondence: Tioga | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 44 | Campaign Correspondence: Tompkins | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 45 | Campaign Correspondence: Warren | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 46 | Campaign Correspondence: Washington | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 47 | Campaign Correspondence: Wayne | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 48 | Campaign Correspondence: Wyoming | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 49 | Campaign Correspondence: Yates | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 50 | Lists of County Coordinators | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 51 | NYS Campaigns & Misc Material | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 3: 52 | Finances & Background Material | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 4: 1-49 | Invitations & Corresp- A-G | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 5: 1-46 | Invitations & Correspondence: H-M | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 5: 47 | Special File: NYS World's Fair | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 5: 48-52 | Invitations & Correspondence: N-O | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 5: 53 | Invitation Forms | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 6: 1-55 | Invitations & Correspondence: P-Z | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 7: 1-10 | Corresp Unfiled | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 8: 1-11 | Corresp Unfiled | 1964 | Misc Corresp | |
6: 9: 1 | Campaign Material | 1954 - 1959 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 9: 2 | Rochester Files for KBK Campaign | 1954 - 1959 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 9: 3 | Campaign Material | 1954 - 1959 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 9: 4 | Senate Race | 1954 - 1959 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 9: 5 | Campaign | 1954 - 1959 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 9: 6 | Campaign | 1954 - 1959 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 10: 1 | Campaign Expenditures | 1946 - 1948 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 10: 2 | Statement of Campaign Expenses | 1946 - 1948 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 10: 3-4 | Speech Material | 1946 - 1948 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 10: 5 | Campaign Meetings | 1946 - 1948 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 10: 6 | Campaign Questionnaires | 1946 - 1948 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 10: 7 | Misc Material | 1946 - 1948 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 10: 8 | Publicity | 1946 - 1948 | Misc Campaign | |
6: 11: 1 | Assistance Offered | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 11: 2 | Compliments | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 11: 3-5 | Speeches & Press Releases | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 11: 6 | News Releases | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 11: 7 | Publicity | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 11: 8 | Campaign Statements | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 11: 9 | Voting Record | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 11: 10 | Contributions | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 12: 1 | Certificate of Election | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 12: 2-3 | Letters of Congratulations- A-L | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 12: 4 | Letters of Congratulations: M-Z | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 12: 5 | Letters about Re-Election | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 12: 6 | Thank You Letters to Workers | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 12: 7 | Campaign Material: Misc | 1950 | House Campaign | |
6: 13: 1 | General-Temporary File | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 13: 2-5 | General | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 1 | Publicity | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 2 | Assistance & Endorsements | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 3 | Contributions | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 4 | Committeemen-Wayne & Monroe County | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 5 | Kruppenbacher-38th District | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 6 | KBK Voting Record-82nd Congress | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 7 | Campaign Documents | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 8 | Speeches | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 9 | Press Releases | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 10 | Clippings by Subject | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 14: 11 | Clippings | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 1-2 | Compliments | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 3 | Post-Election: General | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 4 | Chowder & Marching Results | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 5 | Thanks to Assistors | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 6 | Letters to Losers | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 7-8 | Letters of Congratulations- A-Z | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 9 | Letters of Congratulations | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 15: 10 | Statements | 1952 | House Campaign | |
6: 16: 1-6 | Campaign Material: Misc | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 16: 7 | Campaign Literature | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 17: 1-5 | General Files | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 17: 6-7 | Campaign Material | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 17: 8-9 | Misc Files | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 1 | Downstate Headquarters Directory | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 2-3 | B. Katzen-Misc A-Z | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 4 | B. Katzen: Invitations | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 5 | B. Katzen: Memos | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 6 | B. Katzen to KBK: Memos | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 7 | Headquarters Newsletters | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 8 | Jewish Division | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 9 | Israel | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 10 | Lists-County Chairmen & Candidates | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 11 | Lists of Republican Candidates | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 12 | Projects & Suggestions | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 13 | Editorial Comments on KBK | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 14 | Brochures | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 15 | Radio: TV | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 16 | Speeches | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 17 | Press | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 18 | Photos | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 19 | Clippings: Pre-September | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 18: 20 | Pending | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 19: 1-3 | Letters of Congratulations | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 19: 4 | Thank Yous | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 20: 1 | Campaign Poster | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 20: 2 | Schedules & Appointments | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 20: 3 | KBK Fact Sheets | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 20: 4 | Projects | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 20: 5 | Photos, Flyers & Misc Material | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 1 | Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 2 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 3 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 4 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 5 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 6 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 7 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 8 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 9 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 10 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 11 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 12 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 13 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 14 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 15 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 16 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 17 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 18 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 19 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 20 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 21 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 22 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 23 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 24 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 26 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 27 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 28 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 21: 29 | Daily Schedules | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 22: 1 | Corresp by Mail or Phone | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 22: 2 | General | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 22: 3-4 | Campaign Corresp | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 22: 5 | Pending | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 22: 6 | Corresp to KBK | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 22: 7 | Corresp to Constituents | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 22: 8 | Telegrams & Inter-Office Memos | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 1 | Agriculture | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 2 | Alien Property | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 3 | Anti-Trust | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 4 | Civil Rights | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 5 | Defense | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 6 | Foreign Affairs | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 7 | Memos from KBK's Office | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 8 | Clippings | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 23: 9 | Miscellaneous | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 1 | Area Issues | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 2 | Adams, Sherman Case | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 3 | Assistance Offers | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 4 | Awards | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 5 | Bandwagon | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 6 | Civil Rights | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 7 | Cocktail Party | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 8 | Communism | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 9 | Congress | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 10 | Congressmen | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 11 | DeSapio, Carmin | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 12 | Jim Donovan | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 13 | Election Day | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 14 | Expenses | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 15 | Factual Information | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 16 | Form Letters | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 17 | Forms | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 18 | Harriman, Averill | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 19 | Hellenes for Keating | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 20 | Hogan, Frank | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 21 | House of Representatives | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 22 | Declines House Seat Nomination | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 23 | Ives, George: Correspondence | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 24: 24 | Javits, Jacob | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 1-2 | Material from the Judiciary Comm | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 3-4 | Letter & Writing Campaign | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 5 | Material Sent on Request | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 6 | Personnel | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 7 | KBK Positions | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 8 | Press Releases | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 9 | Primary Election Changes | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 10 | Rochester Office | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 11 | Rockefeller, Nelson | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 12 | Speeches: Correspondence | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 13 | TV | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 14 | Clippings | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 25: 15 | University of Rochester Committee | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 26: 1-2 | Democratic Administration | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 26: 3 | Positions on Issues | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 26: 4-7 | Democratic Administration | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 27: 1-8 | General Corresp- A-H | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 28: 1-17 | General Correspondence: I-Z | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 1 | New York State Chairmen | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 2 | Press Releases | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 3 | Campaign | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 4 | Newspaper Clippings: Copies | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 5 | KBK Position-Prior to Candidacy | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 6 | Split Vote | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 7 | KBK: Political-Group Support | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 8 | Union Endorsements | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 9 | KBK and Labor | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 10 | Valachi | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 11 | General Aniline | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 12 | KBK Book-Government by the People | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 13 | KBK as Baseball Commissioner | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 14 | Robert Kennedy-Editorials | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 15 | Letters to the Editor-Pro KBK | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 16 | Letters to the Editor-Pro Kennedy | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 29: 17 | KBK: Editorials & Cartoons | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 1 | Souvenir of the 1958 Repub Campaign | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 2 | "Your Senator's 16 Hour Day" | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 3 | Campaign Materials: KBK Issues | 1958 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 4 | Democratic Comments-1958 Campaign | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 5 | Jack Bell & Fred Hoffman-Cuba | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 6 | "This Mercurial Man...": TV Article | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 7 | Campaign Folder | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 8 | Campaign Strategy: Gene Rossides | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 9 | Profile Material | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 10 | KBK: Profile Pamphlet | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 11 | Democratic Praises-Editorials | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 12 | Bi-partisanship | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 13 | Campaign Strategy | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 14 | General Tributes: Praise for KBK | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 15 | Agriculture | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 16 | Civil Rights | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 17 | Congressional Reform | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 18 | Communism & Internal Security | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 19 | Communism & Trade Block | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 20 | Crime | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 21 | Cuba | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 22 | Defense | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 23 | Economy: New York State & National | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 24 | Education | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 25 | Foreign Policy & Foreign Aid | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 26 | Freedom of Information-Press | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 27 | Good Government | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 28 | Health | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 29 | Immigration: Minority Groups | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 30 | Labor | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 31 | New York Political | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 32 | Nuclear Testing | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 33 | Opposition | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 34 | Public Works: Urban Renewal | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 35 | Racial & Religious Issues | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 36 | Republican Party: National | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 37 | Reapportionment | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 38 | Sports | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 39 | Taxes | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 40 | Trade | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 41 | Transportation | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 42 | Voting Record | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 43 | War Claims | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 44 | Welfare & Social Security | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 30: 45 | Wiretapping | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 31: 1-25 | Campaign Contributions >$100- A-Z | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 31: 26 | Citizens for Keating | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 31: 27 | Friends of Keating Committee | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 31: 28 | KBK: Campaign Account | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 31: 29 | Senatorial Campaign Account | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 31: 30 | Volunteers Fund | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 31: 31 | Misc Unfiled Responses | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 1 | Invitations | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 2 | Invitations: Accepted | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 3 | Invitations: Refused | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 4 | Invitations: Refused | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 5 | Invitations: Accepted | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 6 | Invitations: Refused | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 7 | Invitations: Accepted | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 8 | Invitations: Accepted | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 9 | Invitations: Refused | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 10 | Invitations: Accepted | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 11 | Invitations: Refused | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 12 | Invitations: Refused | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 13-14 | Invitations: Accepted | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 15 | Correspondence: Queens | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 16 | Correspondence: Albany | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 17 | Correspondence: Allegany | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 18 | Correspondence: Bronx | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 19 | Correspondence: Broome | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 20 | Correspondence: Cattaraugus | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 21 | Correspondence: Cayuga | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 22 | Correspondence: Chautauqua | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 23 | Correspondence: Chenango | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 24 | Correspondence: Chemung | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 25 | Correspondence: Clinton | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 26 | Correspondence: Columbia | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 27 | Correspondence: Cortland | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 28 | Correspondence: Delaware | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 29 | Correspondence: Dutchess | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 30 | Correspondence: Erie | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 31 | Correspondence: Essex | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 32 | Correspondence: Franklin | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 33 | Correspondence: Fulton | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 34 | Correspondence: Generalesee | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 35 | Correspondence: Greene | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 36 | Correspondence: Hamilton | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 37 | Correspondence: Herkimer | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 38 | Correspondence: Jefferson | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 39 | Correspondence: Kings | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 40 | Correspondence: Lewis | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 41 | Correspondence: Livingston | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 42 | Correspondence: Madison | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 43 | Correspondence: Monroe | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 44 | Correspondence: Montgomery | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 45 | Correspondence: Nassau | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 46 | Correspondence: New York | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 47 | Correspondence: Niagara | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 48 | Correspondence: Oneida | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 49 | Correspondence: Onondaga | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 50 | Correspondence: Ontario | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 51 | Correspondence: Orange | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 52 | Correspondence: Orleans | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 53 | Correspondence: Oswego | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 54 | Correspondence: Otsego | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 55 | Correspondence: Putnam | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 56 | Correspondence: Rensselear | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 57 | Correspondence: Richmond | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 58 | Correspondence: Rockland | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 59 | Correspondence: St. Lawrence | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 60 | Correspondence: Saratoga | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 61 | Correspondence: Schoharie | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 62 | Correspondence: Schenectady | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 63 | Correspondence: Schyler | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 64 | Correspondence: Seneca | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 65 | Correspondence: Steuben | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 66 | Correspondence: Suffolk | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 67 | Correspondence: Sullivan | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 68 | Correspondence: Tioga | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 69 | Correspondence: Tompkins | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 70 | Correspondence: Ulster | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 71 | Correspondence: Warren | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 72 | Correspondence: Washington | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 73 | Correspondence: Wayne | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 74 | Correspondence: Westchester | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 75 | Correspondence: Wyoming | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 76 | Correspondence: Yates | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 32: 77 | Radio & TV Appearances | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 1-2 | Campaign Material | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 3 | Campaign Material | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 4 | Post-Campaign Press: News Stories | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 5-8 | Post-Campaign: Favorable Press | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 9 | Campaign Press: No Dates | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 10-12 | Campaign Press | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 13-39 | Post-Campaign Press | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 33: 40-71 | Campaign Press | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 34: 1-10 | Campaign Releases & Fact Sheets | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 34: 11 | Fact Sheets on Cuba | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 34: 12 | KBK Proposals-GOP Platform | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 1 | Newspaper Clippings | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 2-24 | Corresp from Supporters- A-Z | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 25 | Correspondence: Out of State Supporters | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 26 | Releases, Memos & Forms: Miscellaneous | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 27 | Americans for Constitution Action | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 28 | KBK Senatorial Staff Lists | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 29 | State Corresp | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 30 | Anne Marlowe Straus | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 31 | Sponsors-Single One Occasion | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 32 | Judgeship Photos | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 33 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1968 - 1969 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 34 | "Quick" Magazine Article Corresp | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 35: 35 | 1964 Vote Statistics | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 1 | Opposition before Kennedy Ran | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 2 | Personal | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 3 | Postal | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 4 | Public Works: Urban Renewal | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 5 | Racial & Religious Groups | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 6 | Natl Republican Party: Post Election | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 7-9 | GOP-National | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 10 | GOP: Middle-of-the-Road Editorials | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 11 | KBK TV and Radio Shows | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 12 | Space: NASA | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 13 | Speaking Engagements | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 14 | Sports | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 15 | Taxes | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 16 | Trade: Import/Export | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 17 | Transportation | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 18 | Veterans | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 19 | Voting Record | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 20 | War Claims | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 36: 21 | World's Fair | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 1-30 | Clippings | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 31 | Clippings | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 32 | Clippings | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 33 | Clippings | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 34 | Post-Announcement | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 35 | Upstate Campaign Appearances | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 36 | Campaign Post: Announcement | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 37 | Clippings: Anti KBK | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 37: 38 | Extra Tabs & Rings for Scrapbook | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 38: 1-3 | Contribution Receipts | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 38: 4 | Dinner List | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
6: 39: 1-9 | Returned Mailing | 1964 | Senate Campaign | |
7: 1: 1-9 | Personal Corresp- A-E | 1940 - 1949 | Misc Corresp | |
7: 2: 1-9 | Personal Correspondence: F-K | 1940 - 1949 | Misc Corresp | |
7: 3: 1-7 | Personal Correspondence: L-N | 1940 - 1949 | Misc Corresp | |
7: 4: 1-6 | Personal Correspondence: O-R | 1940 - 1949 | Misc Corresp | |
7: 5: 1-5 | Personal Correspondence: S-T | 1940 - 1949 | Misc Corresp | |
7: 6: 1-8 | Personal Correspondence: U-Z | 1940 - 1949 | Misc Corresp | |
7: 7: 1 | Abokreke, Morris | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 2 | Ader, William | 1968 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 3 | Benton, The Honorable William | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 4 | Bogner, Arthur, Dr. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 5 | Brimberg, Mrs. Samuel (Florence) | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 6 | Brook, Evsey | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 7 | Buhler, Nelson | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 8 | Burcham, Lester A (Larry) | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 9 | Byfield, Ernest L. Jr. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 10 | Copeland, Lammot Dup. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 11 | Curtis, Laura | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 12 | Desmond, Charles S. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 13 | Draper, William H., Jr. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 14 | Eisenberg, Milton | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 15 | Elephant, Dr. Emerich | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 16 | Englard, Rubin | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 17 | Epstein, Richard L. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 18 | Feldman, George J. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 19 | Fix, Brian | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 20 | Folger, J. Clifford | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 21 | Fougner, Robert S. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 22 | Fuller, M. Wayne | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 23 | Gilbert, Ruth Dr. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 24 | Greene, Bobbie | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 25 | Gross, Laura | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 26 | Hoxie, Dr. R. Gordon | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 27 | Javits, Jacob K.-The Honorable | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 28 | Jennings, Thomas J. (Joe) | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 7: 29 | Krongard | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 1 | Leban, Abbott | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 2 | Leeds, William B. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 3 | Liebman, Mrs. Florence | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 4 | Litman, Georges-France | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 5 | McMillan, Robert R. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 6 | Masone, Joseph R. Jr. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 7 | Martin, Paul | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 8 | Matas, Alexander-Greek Ambassador | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 9 | May, Steve | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 10 | Nathan, Richard P. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 11 | Noto, Mario | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 12 | Piotrow, Phyllis | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 13 | Rice, James M. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 14 | Robinson, Jackie | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 15 | Sloane, Ira | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 16 | Stevens, Wayne | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 17 | Walker, Jack | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 18 | Wallen, Charles, Jr. | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 8: 19 | Williams, Emory | 1964 - 1969 | Personal | |
7: 9: 1 | NY County Republican Dinner: Feb 12 | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 2 | Richmond County Republican Dinner: Feb 19 | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 3 | NYS Soc Dinner Brazilian Chancery | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 4 | NYU School of Education Banquet | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 5 | Soc of the Sons of St. Patrick | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 6 | Gridiron Club: March 20 | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 7 | KBK: Press Conference: NYC Sky Club | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 8 | West Side Republican Club Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 9 | Natl Press Club DC-Lee Warren | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 10 | Women's National Press Club Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 11 | NY World's Fair Opening Day | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 12 | Luncheon with Cardinal Spellman | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 13 | The Saltonstall Dinner for McCones | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 14 | Glasser Testimonial Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 15 | First Assembly Repub Club Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 16 | Robert Keith Gray-Reception | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 17 | Judicial Conf Dinner: Rosenman's | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 18 | Greek Ind Day Parade-Hon. Marshall | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 19 | Dinner With Mr. Eric Weinmann | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 20 | Dodds Loyalty Farm Dinner: Kluges | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 21 | Dinner with General & Mrs. Haislip | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 22 | Multiple Sclerosis: National Meeting | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 23 | Dinner at the Greek Embassy | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 24 | Secretary of State's Reception | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 25 | Dance at the Sulgrave Club | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 26 | Alfalfa Club Luncheon-Senator Byrd | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 27 | Dinner with Charles Sullivan | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 28 | Cocktails at the F Street Club | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 29 | Republican State Comm Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 30 | Buffet & Cocktail Party-June 12 | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 31 | Informal Dinner at Time-Life | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 32 | Population Crisis Comm Meeting | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 33 | St. Francis College Comm Meetings | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 34 | Luncheon with Drs Jacobs & Lenworth | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 35 | NY Repub Comm Meeting | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 36 | Natl Multiple Sclerosis Luncheon | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 37 | Dais Guest at Alfred Smith Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 38 | Banquet Guest at Waldorf-Astoria | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 39 | JFK Peace Award Dinner: Dias | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 40 | University of Rochester Dinner: NYC | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 41 | University of Rochester Dinner: DC | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 42 | Einstein College of Medicine-Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 43 | Chairman Louie Armstrong Dinner | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 9: 44 | Society for Public Administration | 1965 - 1966 | Engagements | |
7: 10: 1 | Dumont's Minstrel Joke Book | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 2 | Mental Portraits Book: KBK Mother's | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 3 | KBK's UofR Biology Notebook | 1914 - 1915 | Personal Files | |
7: 10: 4 | "The Record of My College Days": KBK | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 5 | KBK's Diary | 1913 | Personal Files | |
7: 10: 6 | 7th Grade Report Card-Lima School | 1908 - 1909 | Personal Files | |
7: 10: 7 | "Lincoln Inn Society" | 1921 - 1922 | Personal Files | |
7: 10: 8 | "Capital Office Diary for 1944" | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 9 | "The Comrade" | 1911 | Personal Files | |
7: 10: 10 | "Baby's Red Letter Days": KBK's | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 11 | Mr. Barnard's Lecture at UofV | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 12 | Mr. Barnard's Speech on July 4th | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 13 | Diary of War Years-Dates Uncertain | 1905 - 1920 | Personal Files | |
7: 10: 14 | Anti-Rent Movement in NY-By Barnard | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 15 | Address before the American Inst | Personal Files | ||
7: 10: 16 | KBK's Biology Notebook | 1915 | Personal Files | |
7: 11: 1 | Married Life Letters: Miscellaneous | Personal Files | ||
7: 11: 2 | Married Life Letters-Chinese Trip | Personal Files | ||
7: 11: 3-8 | Married Life Letters | Personal Files | ||
7: 11: 9 | From KBK & Judy to Louise Barnard | Personal Files | ||
7: 11: 10 | Letters from KBK to Louise Barnard | Personal Files | ||
7: 11: 11 | From KBK & Judy to Louise Barnard | Personal Files | ||
7: 12: 1-5 | Letters from KBK to Louise Barnard | Personal Files | ||
7: 12: 6 | Clippings, KBK Letters, & Misc | Personal Files | ||
7: 12: 7 | Letters from KBK to Louise Barnard | Personal Files | ||
7: 13: 1 | Misc Letters Regarding Judy Keating | Personal Files | ||
7: 13: 2 | Diary | 1944 | Personal Files | |
7: 13: 3 | Diary | 1945 | Personal Files | |
7: 14: 1-14 | Photographs: Miscellaneous | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 1 | Scrapbook: Clippings April-June | 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 15: 2 | Republican League of Rochester: Album | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 3 | "His Service Award" | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 4 | "Newsmakers": KBK Appearance | 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 15: 5 | "Ken Keating Day": November 19 | 1948 | Personal Files | |
7: 15: 6 | KBK Grand Cross of Malta-Album | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 7 | Photo Album | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 8 | KBK for Senator-Patches & Button | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 9 | Congratulations on KBK's Wedding | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 10-11 | World War II: Miscellaneous Papers & Photos | Personal Files | ||
7: 15: 12 | KBK Made Honorary British Officer | 1946 | Personal Files | |
7: 15: 13 | Mrs. Thomas M Keating-Estate Papers | Personal Files | ||
7: 16: 1 | Personal: Autographs from Notables | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 2 | Personal: Awards | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 3 | Personal: B | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 4 | Personal: Bank Account | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 5 | Personal: Brick Presbyterian Church | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 6 | Personal: British Award | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 7 | Personal: C | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 8 | Personal: Chowder and Marching Club | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 9 | Personal: Congratulations | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 10 | Personal: Condolences | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 11 | Personal: Contributions | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 12 | Personal: Degrees | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 13 | Personal: D | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 14 | Personal: E | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 15-16 | Personal: European Trip | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 17 | Personal: F | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 18 | Personal: Flowers | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 19 | Personal: G | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 20 | Personal: Law Firm-Harris, Beach... | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 21 | Personal: H | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 22 | Personal: Insurance | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 23 | Personal: Investments-Stocks & Bonds | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 24 | Personal: Income Tax | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 25 | Personal: Invitations-December | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 26 | Personal: I | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 16: 27 | Personal: J | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 1 | Union Trust Company of Rochester | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 2 | Personal: U | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 3 | Personal: V | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 4 | Personal: W | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 5 | Personal: Washington Residence | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 6 | Personal: X-Z | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 7 | Personal Files | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 8 | Receipts & Bank Statements | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 9 | Official Canvas of Monroe County | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 10 | Interparlimentary Union: Bangkok | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 11 | Haloid Company | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 12 | Taiwan | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 13 | Material on Japan-IPU | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 14 | Personal: Q | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 15 | Personal: R | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 16 | Personal: Receipts | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 17 | Personal: Reservations | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 18 | Personal: Accounts Paid | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 19 | Personal: Racetrack | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 20 | Personal: Notes on Speeches | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 21 | Personal: S | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 22 | Personal: Supreme Court | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 23-25 | Personal: Trips Abroad | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 26 | Personal: T | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 27 | Personal: Thank Yous | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 28 | Personal: N | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 29 | Personal: New York State Bar | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 30 | Personal: O | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 31 | Personal: Political | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 32 | Personal: P | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 33 | Personal: Testimonial Dinner for KBK | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 34 | Personal: Parties | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 35 | Personal: Prescriptions | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 36 | Personal: Dues | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 37 | Personal: Subscriptions | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 38 | Personal: Accounts Paid | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 39 | Personal: A | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 40 | Personal: Automobile | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 17: 41 | Personal: Requests for KBK Autograph | 1948 - 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 1 | Interparlimentary Union Conference | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 2 | Foreign Trips: Europe | 1958 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 3 | European Trip-Info & Material | 1958 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 4 | Memberships: Declined | 1958 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 5 | Invitations: Overseas | 1958 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 6 | Foreign Trips | 1958 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 7 | Nigeria | 1958 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 18: 8 | Foreign Trips: Africa | 1958 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 1 | Foreign Trips: General | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 2 | Foreign Trips: Austria | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 3 | Foreign Trips: Australia | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 4 | Foreign Trips: France | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 5 | Foreign Trips: Germany | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 6 | Foreign Trips: Greece | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 7 | Foreign Trips: Israel | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 8 | Foreign Trips: Italy | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 9 | Foreign Trips: Switzerland | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 10 | Foreign Trips: Hotel Stationary | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 19: 11 | Foreign Trips: Counterpart Funds | 1959 | Personal Files | |
7: 20: 1 | Interparlimentary Union Conference: Poland | 1959 - 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 20: 2 | Personal Messages: Jan-March | 1959 - 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 20: 3 | Personal Messages: April | 1959 - 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 20: 4 | Personal Messages: May | 1959 - 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 21: 1 | Personal Messages: June-July | 1959 - 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 21: 2 | Personal Messages: August-September | 1959 - 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 21: 3 | Personal Messages: October-December | 1959 - 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 1 | Personal: KBK | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 2 | Personal: KBK Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 3 | KBK Asthma Research Institute | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 4 | KBK: Badges, Passes & Awards | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 6 | KBK: Campaign Letters & Replies | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 7 | KBK: Gifts & Greetings | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 8 | KBK: Campaign Thank You Letters | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 9 | KBK: Commendations | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 10 | Senator Keating Condolence Letters | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 11 | Personal: Milton Eisenberg | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 12 | Personal: Stephen May | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 13 | KBK Congratulations to Others | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 14 | KBK Invitations to Others | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 15 | KBK Major Efforts in 86th Congress | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 16 | KBK: Photos, Autographs & Biography | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 17 | Kennedy's Cabinet Appointments | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 18 | Political: KBK Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 19 | Personal: Political | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 20 | KBK: Newsweek Rating | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 21 | KBK: Political Info (FYI)-Personal | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 22-23 | Political: Miscellaneous Corresp | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 24 | Political: Miscellaneous Material | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 25 | Political: Campaign Material | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 26 | Political: Campaign Workers | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 27 | Platform of the Comm of One Million | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 28 | Political: Clean Election Bill | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 29 | Political: Congratulations to Others | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 30 | Political: Electoral System | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 31 | Political: Election Recount | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 32 | Political: Franking of Material | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 33 | Political: Funds | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 34 | Political: Meetings | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 35 | Political: Polls & Predictions | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 22: 36 | Political: Mock Conventions | 1960 - 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 1 | Dinner for Mr & Mrs Georges Litman | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 2 | KBK Personal | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 3 | KBK Monetary | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 4-5 | Personal: Memberships | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 6 | Current Info-Reimbursement | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 7 | Personal: Contributions | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 8 | Speaking Engagements: Itineraries | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 9 | Personal | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 10 | Foreign Trips: Europe | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 11 | Foreign Trips: France | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 12 | Foreign Trips: Mexico | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 13 | Political Warfare of Soviets-Conf | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 14 | Foreign Trips: Paris-UNESCO | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 15 | Foreign Trips: Persons to Contact | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 23: 16 | Interparlimentary Union: Information | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 1 | Interparlimentary Union Conference: Geneva | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 2 | Interfaith Award Dinner | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 3 | Interparlimentary Union Conf | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 4 | Mexican Independence Celebration | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 5 | UNESCO Conference: Paris | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 6 | Expenditures Reported by UNESCO | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 7 | Dag Hammarskjold Funeral-Stockholm | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 8-9 | Personal: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 24: 10 | KBK: Personal | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 1 | Personal: Miscellaneous | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 2 | Contributions Declined | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 3 | Contributions Accepted | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 4 | Space Committee | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 5 | Pictures: Personal | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 6 | Contributions Requests Declined | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 7 | Contribution Requests Accepted | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 8 | Order of Malta Dinner | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 9 | Interfaith Dinner | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 10 | Luncheon for Gen. Sarnoff | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 25: 11-13 | Personal: Memberships | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 1 | Memberships: Declined | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 2 | Speaking Engagements: Itineraries | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 3 | Itineraries | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 4-5 | Memberships: Accepted | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 6 | KBK: Bobich, Gica | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 7 | Campaign: Itinerary | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 8 | Speaking Engagement-Itinerary | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 9 | Contributions: Declined | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 26: 10 | Contributions: Accepted | 1960 - 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 1 | Personal: Thank You Notes | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 2 | KBK Christmas Greetings | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 3 | Gen. Sarnoff-55th Anniversary | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 4 | NY Stock Exchange Fact Book | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 5 | Harvard University: President's Rpt | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 6 | Harvard Law School Bulletin | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 7 | Hamilton College-Alumni Review | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 8 | Pace College-Inauguration | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 27: 9 | National Multiple Sclerosis Society | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 28: 1 | Natl Multiple Sclerosis Society | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 28: 2 | Proposed Program for UN Conference | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 28: 3 | Messages: June | Personal Files | ||
7: 29: 1 | Messages: October | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 29: 2 | Keating-Corresp-Misc Senatorial | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 30: 1 | Congratulations from KBK | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 31: 1 | Messages: Jan-March | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 31: 2 | Keating-Birthday Greetings | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 32: 1 | Senators Birthdays | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 32: 2 | Republican Senators Birthdays | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 32: 3 | Thank You for Books | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 32: 4 | Thank Yous: for Holiday Greetings | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 33: 1 | Thank Yous to KBK from Constituents | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 33: 2-3 | Thank You-Letters in Political File | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 33: 4 | Contributions: Requests for | 1961 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 1 | KBK: Anecdotes, Cartoons | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 2 | KBK: Announcements | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 3 | KBK: Appointments | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 4 | KBK: Awards to | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 5 | KBK: Biographies | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 6 | KBK: Capitol Hill Jobs | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 7 | KBK: Complimentary to | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 8 | KBK: Congratulations: Congressional Election | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 9 | KBK: Congratulations: Mother's Day | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 10 | KBK: Congratulations: Peace Corp Appoints | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 11 | KBK: Congrats-State Elections | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 12 | KBK: Condolences | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 13 | KBK: Criticisms of | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 14 | KBK: Employment | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 15 | Employment form Jean's File | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 16 | Hanley, William R.-VA Claim Case | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 17 | KBK: Invitations | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 18 | Jobs-Not on Capitol Hill | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 19 | KBK: Pageships | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 20 | KBK: Patronage | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 21 | KBK: Photographs | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 22 | KBK: Thank Yous to Plattsburgh | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 23 | KBK: Recommendations & Appointments | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 24 | KBK: Thank Yous for European Trip | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 25 | KBK: Tributes | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 26 | KBK: Supreme Court Admission | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 34: 27-28 | KBK: General Files- A-B | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 35: 1-23 | KBK: General Files- C-Z | 1962 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 1-2 | Press Releases on Population Crisis | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 3 | Cards on Population with Speeches | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 4 | Announcements | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 5 | Congressional Record: May 3 | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 6 | Speaking Engagements-ASILOMAR | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 7 | World Affairs Council-ASILOMAR | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 8 | Fund Raising Dinner: May 25 | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 9 | Phi Delta Epsilon Auxiliary | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 10 | KBK Testimony-Gruening Subcomm | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 11 | United Nations Luncheon | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 36: 12-13 | Wilson Lecture-Johns Hopkins | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 1 | Chamber of Commerce: Philadelphia | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 2 | Henning Memorial Lecture-St. Louis | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 3 | Alcoholism | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 4 | KBK Anti-Semitism | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 5 | Biographies-Law Firm Announcements | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 6 | KBK Congress | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 7 | KBK Crime | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 8 | KBK Cuba | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 9 | KBK Domestic | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 10 | KBK Education | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 11 | KBK Extremism | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 12 | KBK Foreign Policy | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 13 | KBK Germany | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 14 | KBK Immigration | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 15 | KBK Javits | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 16 | KBK Jokes | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 17 | KBK Mid-East | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 18 | KBK Miscellaneous | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 19 | KBK Misc Correspondence | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 20 | KBK Republican | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 21 | KBK Schedule | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 22 | KBK Senate Misc | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 23 | KBK United Nations | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 24 | KBK Speech Ideas | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 25 | KBK Staff | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 26 | Yeshiva University: Detroit | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 27 | KBK Vietman | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 28 | KBK Jewish National Fund | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 29 | KBK State of Israel Bonds | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 37: 30 | KBK United Jewish Appeal | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 1 | Yale Express System, Inc. | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 2 | KBK Publications & Articles | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 3 | Freight & Transport Publications | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 4 | Legal Briefs: Yale Express System | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 5 | Yale Express: Clippings, Corresp. | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 6 | Yale Express: Correspondence | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 7 | Yale Express: Extra Copies & Drafts | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 38: 8 | Yale Express: Financial Statements | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 39: 1 | Yale Express System: Miscellaneous | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 39: 2 | Yale Express System-Records | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 39: 3 | Yale Express System-Specifications | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 40: 1 | Honorary Degree-Iona College | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 40: 2 | Honorary Degree-Yeshiva College | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 40: 3 | Honorary Degree-Clarkson College | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 40: 4 | NYC Interfaith Award | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 40: 5-6 | Academic Robes | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 40: 7 | Desk Pen Holder from Poli Sci Assn | 1965 | Personal Files | |
7: 40: 8 | Two Pens | Personal Files | ||
7: 41: 1 | KBK in Senate Chamber-Color Photo | Personal Files | ||
7: 41: 2 | KBK & Others-Photo | Personal Files | ||
7: 41: 3 | United States Senate License Plate | 1963 | Personal Files | |
7: 41: 4 | "Let's Look At The Record" by Smith | Personal Files | ||
7: 41: 5 | Bound Transcript from "Newsmakers" | 1963 | Personal Files | |
7: 41: 6 | Various Citations of Merit | Personal Files | ||
7: 41: 7 | Various Honorary Degrees | 1959 - 1963 | Personal Files | |
7: 41: 8 | Album from Elmira Commencement | 1964 | Personal Files | |
7: 42: 1-11 | Personal Corresp- A-K | 1965 - 1968 | Personal Files | |
7: 43: 1-14 | Personal Correspondence: L-Z | 1965 - 1968 | Personal Files | |
7: 44: 1-2 | Congratulations on Judgeship- A-Z | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 44: 3 | Congrats on Royall,Koejal & Ryers | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 44: 4 | Biographies for Bar Association | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 44: 5-10 | Judgeship Campaign Corresp-A-Z | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 44: 11 | Bar Association | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 1 | Bicks Project | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 2 | Biographies | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 3 | County Chairperson | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 4 | Endorsements-Judgeship | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 5 | Form Letters | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 6 | Invitations | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 7 | Inter-Office Memos | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 8 | Lawyers Committee | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 9 | Letters to the Editor | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 10 | Messages | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 11 | Middendorf | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 12 | Posters | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 13 | Photographs | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 14 | Press: Lists and Releases | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 15 | Requests for Campaign Literature | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 16 | Schedules | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 17 | Speech Material | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 18 | Statements by KBK | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 45: 19 | TV Spots | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 1 | Biographical Material: Senate File | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 2 | Brighton Repub Town & County Comm | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 3 | Campaign Bills: Senatorial | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 4 | City Club of Rochester | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 5 | Conscience: The Right to Break Laws | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 6-7 | Contributions | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 8 | KBK Personal Corresp with Family | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 9 | Cuba | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 10 | District of Columbia-Bar Assn | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 11 | Harper's Magazine | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 12 | Honorary Committees | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 13 | Honorary Citations | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 14 | KBK Itinerary | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 15 | Marriages-Performed by KBK | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 16 | Member Sponsor | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 17 | Memorials: Mrs. Keating | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 18 | Mrs. Keating | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 19 | NY Republican County Comm | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 20 | NYS Republican Committee | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 21 | NYS Court of Appeals: Correspondence | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 22 | New York Times: Article by KBK on TV | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 23 | Newsweek | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 24 | KBK Personal | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 25-27 | Pocket Schedules | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 46: 28 | Campaign: Judgeship | 1965 - 1969 | Personal Files | |
7: 47: 1 | Honorary Degree-Dowling College | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 47: 2 | Appointment Books-Tel Aviv | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 47: 3 | Contemporary American Art in India | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 47: 4 | Guest Books-Tel Aviv | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 47: 5 | Ad Hoc House Comm on Book Publisher | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 47: 6 | Announcements-RKR/KBK | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 1 | GOP Campaign Book | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 2 | Indian Resignation: Miscellaneous | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 3 | Republican National Convention | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 4 | Vietnam Vets Program, Inc. | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 5-7 | State Handbook- A-W | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 8 | State Handbook: New York | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 9 | Telephone Numbers | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 10 | Ukrainian Studies Concert Program | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 11 | United Nations Association: USA | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 12 | Personal Corresp | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 13 | Public Relations | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 14-16 | Press Releases: Campaign | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 17 | Radio/TV Campaign | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 18 | Roberts Wesleyan College | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 19 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 20 | Senator's Trips-Campaign | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 21 | Seating Lists | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 22 | Cuba-Location of Important Papers | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 23 | Personal: Clark MacGregor | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 24 | NY Court of Appeals-Election | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 48: 25 | Chowder & Marching Club | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 1 | Book:The Presidency of the 1970's | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 2 | Center for Study of the Presidency | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 3 | Campaign: Misc Corresp | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 4 | Backgrounder:Campaign Facts | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 5 | Bahamian Government Affairs | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 6 | International Rescue Comm, Inc. | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 7 | Invitations | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 8 | Kiwanis Club: Award to KBK | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 9 | Maritime Fruit Carriers Company | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 10 | Campaign: Democrats | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 11 | KBK: Summary of Book | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 12 | KBK Photos | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 13 | KBK Photos-Fixer Stains | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 14 | Pamphlets | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 15 | KBK: Various Nameplates | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 49: 16 | Photoplate of KBK | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 50: 1 | NYS Court of Appeals Decisions | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 50: 2 | Various Photos-Court of Appeals | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 50: 3 | Pictures, Photos, Citations, etc. | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 50: 4-5 | KBK: Court of Appeals Scrapbooks | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 50: 6 | KBK Early Law Cases: Rochester, NY | 1969 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 51: 1-16 | Misc Correspondence: E-L | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 51: 17 | Mrs. F. Adams & Family: KBK's Sister | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 51: 18 | American Foreign Service Assn | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 1 | Austen Riggs Center | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 2 | American Bar Associations | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 3 | Biographic Data on KBK | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 4 | Birthday Messages | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 5 | Center for the Study of Presidency | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 6 | Chowder & Marching Society | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 7 | Contributions | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 8 | Mrs. Wendell Davis & Family | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 9 | Death of Ambassador Keating | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 10 | Former Members of Congress, Inc. | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 11 | Harvard Law School | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 12 | Home Family-Mr. & Mrs. James E | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 13 | Stone, Hennelly Herrera Trust | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 14 | Keating Forest | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 15 | Pilgrims of the United States, The | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 16-17 | Pocket Schedules | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 18 | Pocket Schedules | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 19 | Portraits | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 20 | Roberts Wesleyan College | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 21 | Schedules-Daily | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 52: 22-36 | Congratulations-Ambassadorship- A-Z | 1972 - 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 53: 1 | Legal Notes | Personal Files | ||
7: 53: 2 | Military Citations | Personal Files | ||
7: 53: 3 | Carl Moore Jr.-MA Thesis on KBK | Personal Files | ||
7: 53: 4 | Biographical Sketches & Articles | Personal Files | ||
7: 53: 5 | KBK Interview-Oral History Project | 1968 | Personal Files | |
7: 53: 6 | Biographical Data on KBK | 1958 | Personal Files | |
7: 53: 7 | Office Copy of KBK Press Coverage | Personal Files | ||
7: 54: 1-5 | KBK Corresp with Hattie Harris | 1948 - 1973 | Personal Files | |
7: 54: 6 | Newspaper Article on H. Harris | 1979 | Personal Files | |
7: 55: 1 | Messages Received in Hospital | 1975 | Personal Files | |
7: 55: 2 | Letters of Condolence: Miscellaneous | Personal Files | ||
7: 55: 3 | Letters of Condolence-Dignitaries | Personal Files | ||
7: 55: 4 | Condolences From Friends & Family | Personal Files | ||
7: 55: 5 | Letters of Condolence from Israel | Personal Files | ||
7: 55: 6 | Condolences-Friends of Mrs. Keating | Personal Files | ||
7: 55: 7 | Clippings and Misc Information | 1975 | Personal Files | |
8: 1: 1-6 | Invitations | 1940 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 2: 1-7 | Invitations | 1940 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 3: 1-8 | Invitations | 1940 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 4: 1-6 | Invitations | 1940 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 5: 1-7 | Invitations | 1940 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 6: 1 | Invitations | 1951 | Invitations | |
8: 6: 2-3 | Invitations | 1951 | Invitations | |
8: 6: 4 | Invitations: New York State & Local | 1951 | Invitations | |
8: 6: 5 | Invitations: On Behalf of Others | 1951 | Invitations | |
8: 7: 1 | Addressograph Plates | 1955 - 1956 | Invitations | |
8: 7: 2-9 | Invitations: June-December | 1955 - 1956 | Invitations | |
8: 7: 10 | Football Tickets | 1955 - 1956 | Invitations | |
8: 7: 11 | Invitations: Indefinite | 1955 - 1956 | Invitations | |
8: 7: 12 | Invitations: To Others | 1955 - 1956 | Invitations | |
8: 7: 13-24 | Invitations | 1955 - 1956 | Invitations | |
8: 8: 1 | Invitations: Indefinite | 1957 | Invitations | |
8: 8: 2 | Invitations: To Others | 1957 | Invitations | |
8: 8: 3-11 | Invitations | 1957 | Invitations | |
8: 9: 1-42 | Invitations- A-Ge | 1959 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 10: 1-58 | Invitations: Ge-O | 1959 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 11: 1-56 | Invitations: P-Z | 1959 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 12: 1-4 | Invitations: A | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 13: 1-5 | Invitations: An-B | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 14: 1-3 | Invitations- Ca-Co | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 15: 1-4 | Invitations: Co-D | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 16: 1-5 | Invitations: E-G | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 17: 1-4 | Invitations: H-I | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 18: 1-3 | Invitations: J-Lo | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 19: 1-3 | Invitations: Lo-M | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 20: 1-4 | Invitations: N-O | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 21: 1-4 | Invitations: P-Q | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 22: 1-4 | Invitations: R-So | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 23: 1-3 | Invitations: So-U | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 24: 1-4 | Invitations: V-Z | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 25: 1-4 | Invitations: Republican | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 26: 1-4 | Invitations: Republican | 1960 - 1962 | Invitations | |
8: 27: 1-4 | Invitations- A-Bn | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 28: 1-4 | Invitations: Bn-C | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 29: 1 | Clothing Manufacturers Luncheon | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 29: 2 | Chamber of Commerce Invitations | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 29: 3-7 | Invitations: D-F | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 30: 1-4 | Invitations- G-I | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 31: 1-5 | Invitations: J-L | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 32: 1-5 | Invitations- Mc-N | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 33: 1-6 | Invitations: P-R | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 34: 1-5 | Invitations: S-U | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 34: 6 | University of Rochester: Invitations | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 35: 1-3 | Invitations: V-Z | 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 36: 1-5 | Invitations: Declined | 1964 - 1965 | Invitations | |
8: 36: 6 | Social Invitations: Accepted | 1964 - 1965 | Invitations | |
8: 36: 8 | Social Invitations: Declined | 1964 - 1965 | Invitations | |
8: 36: 9 | Social Invitations: Declined | 1964 - 1965 | Invitations | |
8: 37: 1 | Social Invitations: Declined | 1964 - 1965 | Invitations | |
8: 37: 2 | Unconfirmed Invitations | 1964 - 1965 | Invitations | |
8: 37: 3 | Invitations: Accepted | 1964 - 1965 | Invitations | |
8: 38: 1-2 | Invitations: Declined | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 39: 1 | Invitations: Accepted | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 39: 2-3 | Invitations: Declined | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 40: 1 | Invitations: Accepted | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 40: 2 | Invitations: Declined | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 40: 3 | Invitations: Accepted | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 40: 4 | Invitations: Declined | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 41: 1-6 | Invitations-Misc Correspondence: N-T | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 41: 7 | Invitations: Tunney Prizes | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 41: 8-11 | Invitations-Misc Correspondence: U-Z | 1966 - 1969 | Invitations | |
8: 42: 1-24 | Invitations- A-Z | 1972 - 1973 | Invitations | |
8: 42: 25-48 | Invitations- A-Z | 1972 - 1973 | Invitations | |
8: 42: 49-71 | Invitations- A-Z | 1972 - 1973 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 1 | Invitations: October | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 2 | Distinguished Salesman of the Year | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 3 | Veterans of Foreign Wars: NYC | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 4 | Silver Tea | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 5 | Tonawanda Republicans | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 6 | Invitations: November | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 7 | Lane Bryant Annual Awards: NYC | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 8 | Barnard College | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 9 | NY World's Fair Corp | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 10 | Invitations: May | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 11 | St. George Association | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 12 | NYS Association of Letter Carriers | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 13 | Invitations: University of Rochester | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 14 | American Jewish Committee | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 15 | Veterans of Foreign Wars | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 16 | Actor's Equity Association | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 17 | Advance Magazine Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 18 | Polish Legion of American Veterans | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 19 | Frank L. Sims Lodge #990 | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 20 | Leon Lowenstein Party | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 21 | Williamsburg Settlement | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 22 | AGVA | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 23 | Nassau Committee College | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 24 | US Merchant Marine Academy | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 25 | Natl Conf of Christians and Jews | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 26 | Invitations: June | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 27 | Long Island Arts Center | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 28 | Oneida County Republican Comm | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 29 | Ogdensburg-Seaway Festival | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 30 | Hogansburg Bridge Dedication | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 31 | Invitations: August | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 32 | Jewish War Veterans | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 33 | Baseball Presented to Philip Bellen | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 34 | Town of Mendon Sesquicentennial | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 35 | Holy Name International Parade | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 37 | Commissioner's & Governor's Conf | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 38 | Battery Park | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 39 | Invitations: October | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 40 | Pulaski Day Parade | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 41 | Dedication at St. John Fisher | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 42 | Signor Antonio Segni Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 43 | Twenty-Four Karat Club | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 44 | Invitations: January | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 45 | Night in Venice Ball | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 46 | Invitations: January | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 47 | Traveler's World Fair Info Center | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 48 | Women's Natl Republicans Club | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 49 | American Academy of Dramatic Arts | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 50 | Invitations: January | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 51 | American Israel Cultural Foundation | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 43: 52 | League of B'nai B'rith | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 1 | Huntington Young Republican Club | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 2 | March of Dimes "Man of the Year" | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 3 | Fourth Annual Legislative Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 4 | "RAID" Award | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 5 | Foreign Language Press Luncheon | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 6 | Long Island St Patrick's Day Parade | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 7 | American Society of Travel Agents | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 8 | Boys Town of Italy | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 9 | Hecht Co Preview of NY World's Fair | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 10 | Letter Carriers of Rochester | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 11 | Press Photographers Assn of NY | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 12 | Invitations: April | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 13 | Natl Conf of Christians & Jews | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 14 | Republican Women's Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 15-16 | Invitations: April | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 17 | Gridiron Club Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 18 | Inner Circle | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 19 | GE Exhibit: NY World's Fair | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 20-21 | Invitations: May | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 22 | Breakfast-Waldorf Astoria | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 23 | Republican Ball for KBK: 9th District | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 24 | Rochester Day at NY World's Fair | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 25 | Greek Independence Day Parade | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 26 | Testimonial Dinner to Joey Bishop | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 27 | NYS Bankers Association | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 28 | People to People Sports Committee | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 29 | American Legion: Queen's County | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 30-31 | Invitations: May | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 32 | Judea Center | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 33 | Museum of Modern Art | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 34 | The Lambs Club | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 35 | Reception for Beryl Reubens | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 36 | Eisenhower Republican Club, Inc. | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 37 | Richmond County Committee: Annual Ball | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 38 | Luncheon for President deValera | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 39 | Manhattan Soccer Club | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 40 | Steuben County Dairy Festival | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 41 | Supervisors Assn of NYS, Inc. | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 42 | Fr. John La Farge Memorial Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 43 | Mohawk Airlines Building Dedication | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 44 | Radio: Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 45 | Boat Regatta | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 46 | Ukrainian National Field Day | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 47 | Catskill Weekend | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 48 | Old Westburg Golf & CC Dedication | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 49 | Fire Island Inspection Trip | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 44: 50 | "Blues for Mr. Charlie" | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 1 | United Nations Trot | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 2 | Kodak Pavilion Tour: NY World's Fair | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 3 | Bell System Pavillion-World's Fair | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 4 | Latvian Folk Festival | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 5 | Better Living Pavilion-World's Fair | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 6 | Council of European Women in Exile | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 7 | Orange County Fair | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 8 | Young Men's Republican Club | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 9 | Buffalo Union Meeting | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 10 | Breakfast with County Leaders | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 11 | Internatl Longshoremens Association: AFLCIO | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 12 | Invitations: September | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 13 | Time Life Editorial Boards | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 14 | Pulaski Day Parade | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 15 | Operation Blue Turkey-USAF Office | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 16 | Democrats for KBK Headquarters | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 17 | Temple Beth-el Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 18 | Pulaski Day Parade | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 19 | Alfred Smith Memorial Found Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 20 | Stuben County Republican Luncheon | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 21 | CBS Breakfast | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 22 | NY Hotel/Motel Trades Council | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 23 | Steinway's "Dollar Day Sale" | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 24 | Walking Tour | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 25 | Press Conference: October 24th | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 26 | Flatbush & Nostrand Ave Shopping | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 27 | Gertrude Cavanaugh Cocktail Party | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 28 | Watertown Airport & Shopping Center | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 29 | Albany County Republican Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 30 | Rensselaer County Republican Dinner | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 31 | Gotham Recording Studios | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 32 | NBC Office | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 33 | Walking Tour-Kings County | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 34 | Staats-Zeitung & Herold | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 35 | St. Stanislaus Rectory | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 36 | Buffalo Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 37 | Syracuse Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 38 | Ogdensburg Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 39 | Plattsburgh Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 40 | Albany County Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 41 | Glens Falls Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 42 | Olean County Press Conference | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 43 | Jamestown Press Confrence | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 44 | "Look" Magazine Article on Cuba | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 45 | Invitations: November | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 46 | Invitations: Miscellaneous | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
8: 45: 47 | Anti: KBK Cartoon on Cuba | 1961 - 1964 | Invitations | |
9: 1: 1 | Speech Index | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 2 | Speeches in Congressional Record | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 3 | Public Bills Introduced by KBK | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 4 | Speech Index | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 5 | Indices | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 6 | Indices | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 7 | Indices | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 8 | Indices | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 9 | Information Manual-Folder 1 | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 1: 10 | Information Manual-Folder 2 | 1947 - 1963 | Speech Indices | |
9: 2: 1 | Speeches: Draft and Reading Copy | 1959 - 1963 | Senate Speeches | |
9: 2: 2 | Speeches: Draft and Reading Copy | 1959 - 1963 | Senate Speeches | |
9: 2: 3 | Speeches: Draft and Reading Copy | 1959 - 1963 | Senate Speeches | |
9: 2: 4 | Speeches: Draft and Reading Copy | 1959 - 1963 | Senate Speeches | |
9: 2: 5 | Speeches: Draft and Reading Copy | 1959 - 1963 | Senate Speeches | |
9: 2: 6 | Speeches: Draft and Reading Copy | 1959 - 1963 | Senate Speeches | |
9: 3: 1 | Webster Republican Club | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 2 | Monroe Co Women's Republican Club | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 3 | Mendon Republican Club | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 4 | Pittsford Republican Club | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 5 | 14th Ward Republican Women's Club | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 6 | Pulaski Day Celebration | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 7 | US House Remarks on Spending | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 8 | Ladies Auxiliary of VFW | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 9 | Catholic War Veterans | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 10 | United Nations | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 11 | American Legion | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 12 | Gold Star Mothers | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 13 | 80th Congress | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 14 | Bankers Talk | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 15 | Columbus Day | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 16 | Pulaski Day | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 17 | Brighton Reformed Church | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 18 | The American Way of Doing Business | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 19 | Edison Tech High School | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 20 | Armistice Day | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 21 | Williamsville Dedication | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 22 | In Memory of Raymond S. Springer | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 23 | Anti-Lynching & Anti-Mob Violence | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 24 | When Will...German Imm?: House | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 25 | Excessive Excise Taxes: House | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 26 | League of Repub Women of DC | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 27 | Association of the Bar/NYC | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 28 | Hilton Institute on World Affairs | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 29 | New York DAR | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 30 | Remarks on Gen. D. MacArthur | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 31 | Letter Carriers Speech on Cold War | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 32 | Italian Peace Treaty | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 33 | Independence Day | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 34 | Campaign Speech | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 35 | Lions International: Rochester, NY | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 36 | Our Republican Duty & Obligation | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 37 | Campaign Speech | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 38 | US Chamber of Commerce | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 39 | GOP Unity | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 40 | American Lithuanian Day | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 41 | Campaign Speech | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 42 | GOP Rally | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 43 | GOP Rallies | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 44 | Rochester Engineering Society | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 45 | Temple B'rith Kodesh: Rochester | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 46 | Lincoln Day Speech | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 47 | American Trade Association | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 48 | Brighton Town Hall Dedication | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 49 | Congressional Investigations | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 50 | Congressional Investigations | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 51 | American Bar Association: Boston | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 52 | Medical Society of Monroe County | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 53 | Ukrainian Anti-Communist Rally | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 54 | New York State Bar Association | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 55 | Yale Political Union | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 56 | Inter-Parliamentary Union Conf | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 57 | Andrew Townson School #39 PTA | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 58 | Armistice Night Dinner: Elmira, NY | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 59 | Purchasing Agents Assn: Rochester | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 60 | NYS Young Republican Clubs | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 61 | Congressional Investigations | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 62 | The Fashion Group, Inc.: NY | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 63 | Notre Dame Law School | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 64 | Brighton Womens Republican Club | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 3: 65 | HR 2556: Extradition: House | 1946 - 1953 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 1 | An Economy Proposal: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 2 | Another Weapon...Anti-Crime Arsenal | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 3 | American Jewish Congress | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 4 | HJ Res #5: Treason: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 5 | Federal Club Washington | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 6 | Curb Illegal Gambling-House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 7 | UN & Atomic Power: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 8 | Lincoln Day Dinner Address | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 9 | Churchmen's Washington Seminar | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 10 | Tribute to Gen. R.A. Wheeler: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 11 | Victory for Reason: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 12 | Average Unemployment...WWII: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 13 | Congressional Investigations | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 14 | International Gambling-House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 15 | Item Veto: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 16 | HR 483: Lobbyists: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 17 | Board of Vets-Appeals Decisions | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 18 | Housing-House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 19 | HR 8649: Wiretapping Bill: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 20 | HR 8649: Wiretapping Bill: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 21 | Cape May County Republican Banquet-NJ | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 22 | HR 8649: Wiretapping Bill: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 23 | Poland: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 24 | St. Lawrence Seaway & Lake Ontario | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 25 | Interstate Transport of Fireworks | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 26 | Legislative Reference Service | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 27 | Social Security: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 28 | Pledge of Allegiance: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 29 | HR 6899: Immunity for Witnesses | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 30 | HR 7975: Lottery Act: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 31 | HR 7118: Fed Conspiracy Law | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 32 | American Jewish Congress, NY | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 33 | Onondaga Co Republican Womens Org | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 34 | Price Supports for Peanuts: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 35 | Sabotage and Espionage: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 36 | American Legion of Webster: NY | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 37 | Recovery of Taxes in District Court | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 38 | HR 8515: Board of Veterans Appeals | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 39 | Bail Jumping-House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 40 | Loss of Nationality Due to Crime | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 41 | Atomic Energy Act of 1946: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 42 | Mutual Security Act: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 43 | Patents: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 44 | Railroad Retirement: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 45 | Fed Employees Insurance: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 46 | Trading with the Enemy: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 47 | Rep. Wesley A. D'Ewart: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 48 | Trout: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 49 | Attorney's Fees: House | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 50 | Interparlimentary Union Conference | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 51 | NYS Magistrates Association | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 52 | Dinner For Steven B. Derounian | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 53 | Introduction of Irving M. Ives | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 54 | Susan B. Anthony Repub Club | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 55 | Albany County Republican Rally | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 56 | Brighton & Penfield PTAs: Rochester | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 57 | Conf of Student Councils | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 58 | Asbury First Methodist Church | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 59 | Nazareth College | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 4: 60 | Constitutional Crisis:Desegregation | 1954 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 1 | President's Security Program | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 2 | Civil Service Employees Association | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 3 | Veterans: House Vets Affairs Comm | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 4 | Ukrainian Independence Day: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 5 | GI Bill: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 6 | Republicanism Post 1954 Election | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 7 | Votes at $20 Each (Taxes): House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 8 | Conviction of Communist...Lightfoot | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 9 | Extension of the Draft: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 10 | Lithuania-House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 11 | Internal Security | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 12 | The Law & Civil Rights | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 13 | Fair Play Code: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 14 | Public Power: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 15 | Anniversary-Thomas G. Masaryk | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 16 | Slovak Independence Day: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 17 | Vice President Make Friends: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 18 | New Wiretap Law is Needed: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 19 | HR 151: Codes for Investigation | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 20 | Lake Ontario: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 21 | Relief for Industrial Areas: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 22 | Wiretapping and Communists: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 23 | Clayton Anti-Trust Act: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 24 | Temple B'rith Kodesh: Rochester | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 25 | Farm Price Supports | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 26 | Anti-Trust Problems: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 27 | Watertown, New York | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 28 | Armenian Independence Day | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 29 | Rabbinical Council of America | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 30 | Interparlimentary Union: Helsinki | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 31 | Community UN Comm for Niagara Falls | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 32 | St. Marys Hospital Clinic Rochester | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 33 | White House Conference on Education | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 34 | What's Happening in Washington | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 35 | NY Horticultural Society | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 36 | Immigration: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 37 | Lincoln Day Dinner | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 38 | Natural Gas Bill Veto | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 39 | Monopolies in Regulated Industries | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 40 | 80th Birthday of Pope Pius XII | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 41 | HR 4733: World War I Veterans | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 42 | French Mystere-4 Jets to Israel | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 43 | Segregation: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 44 | Equality Under the Law | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 45 | Need For Political Maturity | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 46 | HR 9424: Clayton Act : House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 47 | Albany Republican Club | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 48 | Govt Advisory Group | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 49 | HR 7500: Judicial Procedure: House | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 5: 50 | Hofstra College-Hempstead, NY | 1955 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 1 | Immigration & Naturalization | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 2 | Irondequoit Bay Project: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 3 | Rochester Community War Memorial | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 4 | Disabled American Vets: Rochester | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 5 | Jewish War Veterans | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 6 | Tompkins Co GOP Picnic | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 7 | Civil Rights Act of 1956 | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 8 | American Legion | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 9 | 18th Ward Republican Club: Rochester | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 10 | Pittsford Men's GOP Club | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 11 | GOP Strategy-Middletown, NY | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 12 | GOP Strategy-Sullivan County | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 13 | GOP Strategy-East Henrietta | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 14 | 18th Ward Women's Republican Club | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 15 | Interparlimentary Union Report | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 16 | GOP Strategy | 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 17 | Union League Hall | 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 18 | Monroe Co Repub Women's Conference | 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 19 | GOP Strategy | 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 20 | Disarmament | 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 21 | Rochester Chamber of Commerce | 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 22 | Hungary: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 23 | Pope Pius' Christmas Message | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 24 | Mr. Tito: Stay Home-House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 25 | Congestion in Federal Courts | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 26 | HR 1151: Civil Rights Legislation | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 27 | Erie Co Republican Committee: Erie, Pa | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 28 | Civil Rights: House Judiciary Comm | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 29 | She Cooked the Best Cherry Pie | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 30 | American Immigration Conference: NY | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 31 | NYS Young Republican Clubs | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 32 | HR 263: Criminal Prosecution | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 33 | International Photo Exposition | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 34 | Rotary Club: Rochester | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 35 | Civil Rights Bill: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 36 | Civil Rights Bill: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 37 | Sports & Anti-Trust Legislation | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 38 | Judiciary Resolutions on Item Veto | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 39 | Civil Rights: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 40 | Civil Rights: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 41 | American War Mothers: Rochester | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 42 | Baltic Freedom Comm Convocation: NY | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 43 | Professional Team Sports: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 44 | Jencks Case Decision | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 45 | HR 271: Wheat Producers: House | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 46 | Supreme Court & Interntl Security | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 6: 47 | Order AHEPA-Syracuse | 1956 - 1957 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 1 | Professional Team Sports | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 2 | HR 8600: Mallory Decision | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 3 | HR 6127: Civil Rights Bill: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 4 | HR 9715: Jenks vs. United States | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 5 | Immigration Legislation: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 6 | Firearms Regulations-Commerce Dept | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 7 | Interparliamentary Union: London | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 8 | Oneida Co Republican Committee: Utica | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 9 | Fed Taxes & Small Businesses: Senate | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 10 | Court Congestion | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 11 | Consent Decree Program-Judiciary | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 12 | Putnam Co Republican Committee: Mahopac | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 13 | NYS Teachers Association: Rochester | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 14 | Rochester Rotary Club | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 15 | Bar Associations of Western NY | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 16 | NYS Farm Bureau: Syracuse | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 17 | Lewis Street Center: Rochester | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 18 | Chamber of Commerce: Capitalist Club | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 19 | Utica Kiwanis Club: Utica | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 20 | Political Speech on Year's Events | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 21 | Mallory Decision Legislation: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 22 | United Ukrainian Congress: Rochester | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 23 | Association of University Women | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 24 | Fed Handling of Insane Defendants | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 25 | Albany Law School Alumni Assn | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 26 | NYS Bar Association, NY | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 27 | Mallory Decision Developments | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 28 | House Outer Space Committee | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 29 | B'nai B'rith: Washington | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 30 | Young Republicans of Ithaca | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 31 | Lithuanian American Council, Inc. | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 32 | Bar Assn of Washington, DC | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 33 | Catholic University: Washington | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 34-35 | Co-op Milk Producer's Agency | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 36 | Anti-Defamation League-B'nai B'rith | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 37 | HR 5267: Federal Employees: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 38 | Let's Not Undermine Sports: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 39 | NY Republicans: Skidmore College | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 40 | J. Edgar Hoover: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 41 | S 497: Rivers & Harbors Bill: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 42 | G. Washington University: Law School | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 43 | Consent Decree Program: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 44 | Education: House Education Comm | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 45 | Industrial College of Armed Forces | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 46 | Real Estate Board: Rochester | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 47 | Arab Students: House | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 7: 48 | Challenge of Outer Space | 1957 - 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 1 | 20th Century Constitutional Crisis | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 2 | American Assn of University Women | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 3 | NYS Zionist Region-S. Fallsburg NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 4 | American Legion Home: Honeoye Falls | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 5 | Bank Auditors & Comptrollers | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 6 | Peaceful Exploration of Space | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 7 | National Canners Association: Washington | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 8 | National Republican Club: NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 9 | Civil Rights: Capital Press Club | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 10 | Veterans Administration Center: Bath, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 11 | NASA-House | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 12 | Peaceful Exploration of Space | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 13 | Young Repub Club of Rockland County | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 14 | Mr. Robert Tieken: Anti-Trust | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 15 | Court Congestion: House | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 16 | Fulton County Women's Repub Club | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 17 | Ukrainian Congress Comm | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 18 | Rose Festival | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 19 | Interstate Transportation of TNT | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 20 | Sports Legislation: House | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 21 | Civil Rights Legislation: House | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 22 | B'nai B'rith Auburn Lodge 2108 | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 23 | More federal Judgeships: House | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 24 | Mallory Bill: House | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 25 | Social Security: House Ways & Means | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 26 | HR 3: Fed/State Relationship | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 27 | Mallory Decision: Senate Judiciary | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 28 | Yates vs. the United States | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 29 | Sports & Anti-Trust Legislation | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 30 | Procedures of Congressional Comm | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 31 | Interparlimentary Union Conference | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 32 | Polish Cultural Clubs Convention | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 33 | Passport Legislation | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 34 | 18th Ward Republican Picnic | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 35 | NYS Columbian Republican League | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 36 | War Memorial Auditorium: Rochester | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 37 | Internatl Astronautical Federation | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 38 | Campaign Speech: Syracuse,NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 39 | Election in Maine | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 40 | Republican Campaign: Queen's Co | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 41 | Genesee Co Women's Repub Club | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 42 | Wyoming Co Republican Committee | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 43 | Richmond Co Republican Committee | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 44 | Supreme Court Decision-Little Rock | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 45 | 6th Judicial Dist Bar Federation | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 46 | Republican Rally: Endicott, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 47 | Polish Union of the United States | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 48 | Republican Business Women, Inc. | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 49 | Jim Farley & Red China-Haverstraw | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 50 | Labor Unions: Rome, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 51 | Oneida County Republican Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 52 | St. Lawrence Seaway-Fulton, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 53 | Grand Prix Races: Watkins Glen, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 54 | Education: Ithaca, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 55 | Veterans of Foreign Wars-Cortland, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 56 | People-to-People Sports Comm | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 57 | Labor Reform-Plattsburg, N.Y. | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 8: 58 | Elizabethtown, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 1 | Labor Racketeering-Malone, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 2 | Economy: Potsdam, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 3 | Railroads/Unemployment in Watertown | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 4 | Economy: Ogdensburg, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 5 | Reciprocal Trade: Gloversville, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 6 | Reciprocal Trade: Amsterdam, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 7 | Fed of Republican Woman's Clubs | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 8 | St. Lawrence Seaway: Buffalo | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 9 | Inter-Faith Day Celebration, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 10 | 9th Assembly District Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 11 | 2nd Assembly District Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 12 | 1st Assembly District Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 13 | Metropolitan Political Club, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 14 | Citizens for Rockefeller: Keating | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 15 | Peace: Rye, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 16 | Westchester Co School of Politics | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 17 | Republican Rally: Eastchester, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 18 | Mamaroneck Junior High School | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 19 | United Ukrainian-American Org, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 20 | Union Baptist Church, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 21 | Pulaski Day Parade, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 22 | Geneseo State Teachers College | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 23 | Wayne County Republican Committee | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 24 | Ontario Women's Republican Club: Geneva | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 25 | Frank Hogan: Rochester | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 26 | Labor: Schenectady, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 27 | Frank Hogan-Rensselaer, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 28 | Hadassah-Temple Sinai-Roslyn, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 29 | Italo-Americans of Port Washington | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 30 | Farm Problems-Chenango, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 31 | Binghamton Civic Club: Binghamton,NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 32 | The Economy: Elmira, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 33 | Frank Hogan & Tammany Hall-Corning | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 34 | Garment District Rally: NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 35 | Suffolk County Republican Women | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 36 | Town Hall Dedication-Babylon, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 37 | Mt. Olivet Baptist Church: NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 38 | 92nd Street YMCA & YWCA-NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 39 | American-Hungarian Societies: NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 40 | Foreign Affairs: Flushing, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 41 | Orleans County Republican Dinner: Albion | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 42 | Niagara County Republicans | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 43 | Memorial Auditorium Rally: Buffalo | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 44 | Opponent's Lack of Experience | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 45 | Foreign Language Press Reception | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 46 | United Nations Day | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 47 | Hate Mongers, Hate Mail: Brooklyn NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 48 | Shipping-Port of New York-NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 49 | 3rd Assembly District Clubhouse | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 50 | Suffolk County Republican Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 51 | Kings Co Republican Rally: Brooklyn | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 52 | Political Council-Barnard College | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 53 | Overseas Press Club: NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 54 | Bronx County Republican Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 55 | Queens County Republican Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 56 | Nassau County Republican Rally | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 57 | New York Young Republican Club: NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 58 | Fordham University, NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 59 | Theodore Roosevelt High School: NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 60 | Zion Baptist Church: Brooklyn NY | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 61 | Tribute to Julius Loewenthal | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 62 | Uniformed Firemen's Association: NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 63 | Captive European Nations-Assembly | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 64 | National Student Association: Schenectady | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 65 | Brooklyn Jewish Hospital: NYC | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 66 | Young Repub Club of Georgetown U. | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 9: 67 | Harlem Rally: New York City | 1958 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 1 | Women's National Press Club | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 2 | Natl Fed Women's Club: Washington | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 3 | Brick Presbyterian Church: NYC | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 4 | NY Congressional Delegation | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 5 | Yavne Hebrew Theological Seminary | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 6 | NY Republican State Committee: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 7 | NYS Bar Association | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 8 | Intl Potato Chip Inst: Washington | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 9 | Towns of the State of New York: NYC | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 10 | Broome County Young Repub Club | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 11 | American Legion: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 12 | NY Police Department: Brooklyn, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 13 | Schoharie County Repub Committee | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 14 | Fulton County Repub Committee | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 15 | Lithuanian-American Council: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 16 | Lithuanian Independence-US Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 17 | Trading with the Enemy Act: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 18 | International Police Force: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 19 | Interfaith Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 20 | Lincoln Day Dinner: Cumberland, Md | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 21 | American Newspaper Guild | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 22 | Richmond County Repub Committee | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 23 | Sons of the Revolution: NYS Chapter | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 24 | Insurance Premiums: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 25 | Ulster County Women's Repub Club | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 26 | 1st Assembly District Repub Club | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 27 | Charles H. Silver Address: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 28 | Annual Brotherhood Award: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 29 | Outer Space: House Science Comm | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 30 | Eavesdropping Legislation: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 31 | Citizenship-Puerto Rico: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 32 | Masonic Breakfast | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 33 | Howard University Alumni Club of NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 34 | Commuter Problem: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 35 | Enslavement of Rumania-Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 36 | Importation of Religious Articles | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 37 | Law in Space:Call for Action-Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 38 | American Associations for the UN | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 39 | Welfare Agencies: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 40 | Hawaiian Statehood: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 41 | Radio Liberation of Soviet Union | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 42 | Procurement of Property by the Army | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 43 | MacArthur Airport: Washington | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 44 | Social Security Taxes: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 45 | Italian Civic Assn of Mt. Vernon | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 46 | Hungarian Independence Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 47 | Pan American Union: Washington | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 48 | Supreme Court-Duty of Congress | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 49 | Postal Service: Seniority: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 50 | Hoover Medal for 1958: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 51 | St. Patrick's Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 52 | Discrimination Against Civil Ser | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 53 | Civil Rights: Senate Judiciary Comm | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 54 | Summit Conference with Soviets | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 55 | Judicial Review of Discharge Cases | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 56-57 | Area Redevelopment Bill: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 58 | Chief Justice & Congress: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 59 | Eighteen Year Old to Vote: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 60 | Congressional Investigations | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 61 | New York Egg Month: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 62 | Address by Agricultural Sec. Benson | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 63 | Consumers: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 64 | Eligibility of Attorneys: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 65 | Presidential Inability: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 66 | Republican Fund-Raising Dinner: Hawaii | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 10: 67 | US vs. Communism-Kauai, Hawaii | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 1 | Republican Philosophy-Maui, Hawaii | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 2 | Democratic Delay in Civil Rights | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 3 | United Republican Finance Committee: San Mateo | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 4 | Memorial Day Prayer for Peace | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 5 | Great Neck Republican Club: Great Neck,NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 6 | Perjury & Contradictory Statements | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 7 | Puerto Rican Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 8 | Play Ball: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 9 | 17th Anniversary of Bataan Day | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 10 | Boy's Club Week: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 11 | Calvin Bullock Forum: Rochester, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 12 | NYS YMCA Convention: Rochester | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 13 | Eastridge High School Dedication | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 14 | Internatl Good Will Through Sports | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 15 | Republican Women of NYS: Washington | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 16 | Secretary of State Dulles: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 17 | Pan American Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 18 | Address by Archbishop James: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 19 | Nonresident Taxation: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 20 | SJ Res 29: Taxation | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 21 | Bill: The Right to Appeal: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 22 | Clare Booth Luce: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 23 | Verrazano Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 24 | Initiative in Rochester: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 25 | John Foster Dulles: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 26 | Anti-Subversive Legislation: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 27 | Wheat Surpluses: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 28 | Congress & the Court-Harvard Law | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 29 | Shut-Ins Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 30 | Clare Booth Luce: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 31 | Americans Going Abroad: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 32 | Unions and Strikes: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 33 | St. Lawrence Seaway: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 34 | Soviet School Equipment: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 35 | Empire State Chamber of Commerce | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 36 | Law Day, 1959: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 37 | Law Day: Monroe County Bar Assn | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 38 | Rochester Anti-Trust Symposium | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 39 | Polish Constitution Celebration: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 40 | Potter Stewart Nomination: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 41 | Cardinal Spellman's 70th Birthday | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 42 | Polish Constitution: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 43 | Rumanian Independence Day: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 44 | Congressional Review: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 45 | Tribute to the FBI: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 46 | NYS Society of CPA's: NYC | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 47 | Dr. Howard A. Rusk-Epilepsy: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 48 | American Comm on Italian Migration | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 49 | Immigration: Senate Judiciary Comm | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 50 | American Nationality Groups: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 51 | NYS Young Republicans: Highview, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 52 | Jewish Youth Center: Flushing, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 11: 53 | St. John Fisher College: Rochester | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 1 | Remarks on Budget: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 2 | Capital Punishment: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 3 | Elections in Sicily: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 4 | Hadassah-Queen's Region, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 5 | Nomination of Ogden R. Reid: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 6 | New York & the Federal System | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 7 | Interstate Commerce Act: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 8 | Geneva Foreign Ministers Conference | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 9 | Unemployment: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 10 | State of the Nations Economy: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 11 | Overseas Citizenship Legislation | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 12 | State Teachers University: Buffalo | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 13 | Trading with the Enemy Act: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 14 | Nomination of Lewis Strauss: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 15 | Civil Rights Legislation: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 16 | Jewish War Veterans: Monticello, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 17 | Defense Procurement Policies | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 18 | Communications Act: Section 315 | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 19 | NYS Convention of AHEPA-Troy, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 20 | Colgate Foreign Policy Conference | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 21 | American Legion: Lyons, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 22 | Testimony of Major Diaz: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 23 | Steel Strike: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 24 | Defense Procurement Legislation | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 25 | Department of Urbiculture: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 26 | Eisenhower & School Desegregation | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 27 | Professional Team Sports: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 28 | American Comm on Italian Imm | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 29 | State Taxing of Interstate Trade | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 30 | S 2397: Dept of Urbiculture | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 31 | Soviet Anti-Semitism: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 32 | S 616: Professional Team Sports | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 33 | Surplus Property & Indian Tribes | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 34 | S 2391: Civil Rights Bill: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 35 | Captive Nations Week: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 36 | Crime Rate & Civil Rights: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 37 | Foreign Aid: Senate Appropriations | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 38 | S 2436: Federal Election Laws: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 39 | Anti-Poll Tax: Senate Judiciary Comm | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 40 | Sports Legislation: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 41 | Civil Rights Legislation: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 42 | Third Major Baseball League: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 43 | Inter-Faith Celebration-Schenectady | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 44 | S 1778: Migratory Crew Leaders | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 45 | Foreign Competition & Effects | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 46 | Peanuts: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 47 | Laos, Kruschev: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 12: 48 | Racial Discrimination in Vet Orgs | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 1 | President's Interest Rate Proposal | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 2 | Captive Nations Week: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 3 | Ghosts in the Constituency: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 4 | International Ceramic Show: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 5 | Diversion from Lake Michigan: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 6 | Rabbi Alexander Ziussu-Portugal | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 7 | Juvenile Delinquency: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 8 | Situation in Laos: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 9 | US Comm on Civil Rights: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 10 | Young Man with a Purpose: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 11 | Equal Job Opportunity: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 12 | Threat of Foreign Competition | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 13 | Cracking Down on Obscene Mail | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 14 | SJ Res 138: Washington DC to Vote | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 15 | Zionist Organization of America | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 16 | American Political Science Award | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 17 | Civil Rights Commission: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 18 | American Site for World's Fair | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 19 | Proposal on Obscene Material: Senate | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 20 | Rally: Rochester & Monroe County | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 21 | Republican Campaign: Ontario County | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 22 | Western Conn Republican Dinner: Danbury | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 23 | Interfaith Day Rally: NYC | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 24 | Interfaith Dinner: NYC | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 25 | Union Co Fund Raising Dinner | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 26 | Oneida County Republican Comm | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 27 | Schenectady County Repub Comm | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 28 | Hungarian Revolution-Anniversary | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 29 | Press Conference on World's Fair | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 30 | Hobart & William Smith Colleges | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 31 | MacArthur Exposition of Aviation | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 32 | Czechoslovak Natl Council of US | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 33 | Suffolk Co Republican Rally | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 34 | Mills College of Education: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 35 | Richmond County Republican Rally | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 36 | New York Produce Exchange | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 37 | Rochester City Club | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 38 | D'Youville College: Buffalo, NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 39 | American Friends: Anti-Bolshevik | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 40 | New York University School of Law | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 41 | Cleveland Bar Association | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 42 | Union League Club: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 43 | Yeshiva University: NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 44 | Mount Holyoke College-Mass | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 45 | GE's "Elfun Society": NY | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 46 | Assn of Gen Contractors of America | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 13: 47 | Temple Beth-El: Rochester | 1959 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 1 | Abyssinian Baptist Church: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 2 | Manhattan College Alumni Dinner | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 3 | Schenectady Hearings: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 4 | National Retail Merchants Assn | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 5 | Great Lakes: St. Lawrence Assn | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 6 | Revision of Connally Amendment | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 7 | Temple Beth Emeth: Albany | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 8 | Voting Legislation: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 9 | Jurisdiction over Americans Abroad | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 10 | Civil Aeronautics Board: Washington | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 11 | Social Security Bill | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 12 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 13 | Fair Labor Standards Trade Act | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 14 | Cuba-Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 15 | Mock Nominating Convention: Alfalfa | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 16 | Mt. Sinai Jewish Center: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 17 | Defense Debate: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 18 | Connally Amendment: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 19 | "Salute to Eisenhower" Dinner | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 20 | Elks of the World: Washington | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 21 | Economic Thinking-Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 22 | Voting Referee Plan: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 23 | World Academy in Jerusalem: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 24 | FDR & DDE on Mt. Rushmore: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 25 | District of Columbia to Vote: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 26 | Registrar-Referee Voting Rights | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 27 | Manhattan College Alumni Society | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 28 | Size, Scope of Federal Govt: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 29 | A Look at the 86th Congress: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 30 | Republican Lincoln Day Dinner: Akron Ohio | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 31 | Lincoln Speech-Akron, Ohio | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 32 | Republican Lincoln Day-Louisville, Ky. | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 33 | Anti-Lynching Legislation: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 34 | Civil Rights Legislation: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 35 | Stop Selling America Short: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 36 | Eisenhower Backs Theodore Roosevelt | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 37 | HR 106: Uncle Sam Resolution: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 38 | Capitol Hill Debate Tournament | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 39 | S 2083: Capital Punishment: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 40 | Civil Rights Legislation: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 41 | Howard U. Alumni-Civil Rights | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 42 | Soc of Friendly Sons of St. Patrick | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 43 | Ancient Order of Hibernians | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 44 | Long Island University: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 14: 45 | Youth Appreciation Week: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 1 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 2 | Syracuse University: Syracuse, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 3 | Rochester School of Politics | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 4 | Scottish Rite-SPRS: Rochester | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 5 | S 3008: Internl Claims Settlement | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 6 | Wiretapping-Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 7 | Hamline University: St. Paul, Minn. | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 8 | Northwestern University: Illinois | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 9 | Masons of NYS: Millbrook, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 10 | Repub Comm for Washington DC | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 11 | Situation in Korea-Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 12 | Cornell Law School: Ithaca, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 13 | Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 14 | Jewish War Veterans: Brooklyn | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 15 | Mortgage Bankers of America-NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 16 | NJ Fed of Republican Women-Newark | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 17 | Natl Assn of Wool Manufacturers: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 18 | African Methodist..Zion Churches: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 19 | Cleveland City Club Forum-Cleveland | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 20 | WRUL Broadcasts to Cuba-Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 21 | Summit Conference: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 22 | Americans for a Competitive System | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 23 | Jewish War Veterans: Oceanside, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 24 | Repub Womens Clubs of New Hampshire | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 25 | Fed Bar Association: Washington | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 26 | Natl Council of Negro Women | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 27 | Stuben Society of America-NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 28 | St. George Association: Garden City | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 15: 29 | Russian Rocket-Rattling-Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 1 | Passaic Co Republican Organization-NJ | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 2 | Nikita Khrushchev: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 3 | United Young Republican Club: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 4 | Rockland County Republican Committee: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 5 | Hamilton College Commencement: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 6 | Albany Law School Commencement: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 7 | Oyster Bay Town Republican Committee: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 8 | Tennessee Bar Association: Tenn | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 9 | Natl Soc of Professional Engineers | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 10 | Pace College Commencement: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 11 | Mutual Security Appropriation: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 12 | Italian War Veterans | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 13 | Receiving Key to Freedomland: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 14 | Federal Phone Tax Amendment: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 15 | Families of Cold War Victims: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 16 | NYS Conference of Mayors | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 17 | S 1571: Dept of Consumers: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 18 | Nassau County American Legion: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 19 | Social Security Act: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 20 | Soviet Citizen's Bill of Rights | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 21 | S 3483: Professional Team Sports | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 22 | Nomination of Harold R. Tyler, Jr. | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 23 | Captive European Nations Assembly | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 24 | Republican Platform Committee: Immigration | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 25 | Republican Platform Committee: Urban-Chicago | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 26 | Republican Platform Committee: Labor-Chicago | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 27 | Republican Platform Committee: Foreign Policy | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 28 | Republican Platform Committee: Veterans | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 29 | Liberty Baptist Church-Chicago | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 30 | Special Session: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 31 | Further...Soviet Duplicity: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 32 | Natl District Attorney's Assn | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 33 | Health Insurance for the Aged | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 34 | Immigration Proposals: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 35 | Bernard Baruch: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 36 | Presidents Legislative Proposals | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 37 | Harriman's Message..Khrushchev | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 38 | NY Port Authority Dispute: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 39 | Cultural Exchange...Russia-Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 40 | Senator Kennedy's Absence: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 41 | August Session of Congress: Senate | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 42 | Militia Assn of NY-Kimesha Lake, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 43 | Presidential Campaign: Fredonia, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 44 | Chautauqua County Republican Rally | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 45 | Democratic Nominees-Fredonia, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 46 | Greek Orthodox Congress | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 47 | Suffolk County Republican Committee: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 48 | Riverside High School: Buffalo, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 49 | Interfaith Day Dinner: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 50 | Surplus in Federal Budget: Syracuse | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 16: 51 | Warwasing Repub & Ulster Co Commis | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 1 | Essex County Fairgrounds: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 2 | Church Sermon: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 3 | Grant County Republican Rally: Indiana | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 4 | Huntington Co Republican Rally: Indiana | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 5 | Republican Rally: Chicago | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 6 | Ravenna Republican Rally: Willoughby Ohio | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 7 | Fordham University: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 8 | Downtown Young Republican Club: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 9 | Zionist Organization of America-NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 10 | Republican Dinner-Rally: Cortland, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 11 | Rotary-Gloversville, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 12 | Republican Rally: Blairstown, NJ | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 13 | Saratoga County Republican Dinner: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 14 | Republican Rally: Huntingdon, Pa | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 15 | Schuyler County Republican Rally: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 16 | Brockport State Teachers College: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 17 | Alfred University: Alfred, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 18 | Republican Rally: Olcott, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 19 | Lord Baltimore Hotel-Baltimore, Md. | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 20 | State Chamber of Commerce: Wisconsin | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 21 | Republican Rally: Milwaukee, WI. | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 22 | American World Stature-South Dakota | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 23 | Westchester Co Republican Womens Club: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 24 | Rockland County Repub Dinner | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 25 | Home Building Industry: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 26 | Kiamesha Lake Republican Rally | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 27 | Delhi Agr & Technical School: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 28 | Chemung County Republican Women: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 29 | Barnard College: NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 30 | Republican Rally: Watertown, NY | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 31 | Review of Advise & Consent | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 32 | Expand Export Credit Guarantees | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 17: 33 | Confer on Established Majority Rule | 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 1 | Filibuster: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 2 | Olmstead & McKone: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 3 | Imports from Low Wage Areas: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 4 | Crime: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 5 | General Aniline & Film Corp: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 6 | Office of Interntl Travel: DC | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 7 | New York Women's Press Club: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 8 | Anti-Business Frauds Bill: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 9 | Deductions of Educational Expenses | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 10 | Robert C. Weaver-Nomination: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 11 | NYS Publishers Assn: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 12 | Young Republicans: Lackawanna Co. | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 13 | Rochester Distinguished Salesman | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 14 | Tabers Disappearance from US: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 15 | World War II Claims Bill: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 16 | United Presbyterian Men: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 17 | Pawley Allegations: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 18 | Congo: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 19 | Thomas Hennings-Memorial Tribute | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 20 | Cuba-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 21 | Jewish National Fund Assembly: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 22 | Wiretap Bill: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 23 | Defense Contracts: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 24 | International Flower Show: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 25 | Conference of Republican Women: DC | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 26 | Unemployment: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 27 | Eavesdropping-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 28 | Hungary, Tibet on UN Agenda-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 29 | New Narcotics Approach: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 30 | National Housing Conference: DC | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 31 | Lockheed Subcontracting-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 32 | Chamber of Commerce Committee: Rome, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 33 | First Presbyterian Church-Utica, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 34 | Crime: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 35 | UN Force to Laos: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 36 | Puerto Rican Day: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 37 | Natl Civil Liberties Clearing House | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 38 | UN Force in Laos: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 39 | UN Debate-Hungary and Tibet: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 40 | Recession Stretching Harmful: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 41 | Mentally Ill: Senate Judiciary Comm | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 42 | Leland J. Haworth: Senate Comm | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 43 | Welcome Corps: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 44 | New Export Controls: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 45 | Consultation on Immigration Policy | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 46 | Kennedy-Regulatory Agencies: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 47 | Defense Contracts for NY: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 48 | Defense Work: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 49 | The Truth About Cuba-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 50 | Free & Accepted Masons-Philadelphia | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 51 | Olean Chamber of Commerce: Olean, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 52 | Temple Israel-Binghamton, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 53 | Vanderbilt University: Tennessee | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 54 | Federal Aid to Church and Schools | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 55 | Bill for Two Election Days: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 56 | Consistory of Scottish Rite Masons | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 57 | Long Island Zionist Region: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 18: 58 | Congregation B'bai Jacob: Brooklyn | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 1 | Law Day Celebration: Washington | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 2 | Mentally Ill in Criminal Cases | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 3 | First 100 Days-Civil Rights: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 4 | American Women's Radio & TV Lunch | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 5 | Ticker-Tape Parade for Shepard | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 6 | Wiretapping & Eavesdropping-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 7 | Electoral Reforms: Senate Rules Comm | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 8 | NYS Bar Association: Washington | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 9 | Free & Accepted Masons-Newark, NJ | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 10 | Residency Requirement: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 11 | S 1380: Capital Punishment: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 12 | NYC Police-UN Duty: House Comm | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 13 | Personal Diplomacy: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 14 | Residency Requirements-Voting | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 15 | Federal Aid Education: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 16 | Atty General's Action in Alabama | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 17 | Electoral Reforms: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 18 | Space Bonds: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 19 | Just a Minute, Mr. President: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 20 | Fees for Government Experts: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 21 | Brown Memorial Baptist Church | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 22 | Item Veto Proposal: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 23 | B'nai Zion Convention: Monticello,NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 24 | Organized Crime: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 25 | Geneseo State Teachers College | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 26 | Agriculture: Senate Agriculture Comm | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 27 | Congressional Contempt Procedure | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 28 | Mitchell Air Force Base | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 29 | Knights Templar of NYS: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 30 | Strawberry Festival-Brant, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 31 | Federal Judgeships: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 32 | Dept of Community Affairs: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 33 | Circus Saints & Sinners Club, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 34 | Act for International Development | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 35 | Will Rogers Memorial Hospital, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 36 | Alien Orphans Act: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 37 | Social Security: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 38 | Polish Defector: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 39 | Rigging of Sports Contests: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 40 | Flow of Communist Propaganda-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 41 | Alien Orphan Adoption Law: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 42 | Rensselaer Co Republican Dinner | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 43 | Uncle Sam Resolution: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 44 | Inflation in the 1960's: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 45 | World Refugees: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 46 | Lemma-Whyman Army Reserve Center | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 47 | American Legion: Geneva, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 48 | Resolutions Opposing HEW: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 49 | S 2212: Immigration: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 50 | Outer Mongolia into-UN: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 51 | International Piracy on Airlines | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 19: 52 | White House Consumer Counsel: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 1 | Governor Meynor on TV Controversy | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 2 | Foreign Aid Commitments: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 3 | Farm Policies: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 4 | German Day Festival: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 5 | Civil Rights Filibuster: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 6 | Presidential Inability Gap: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 7 | National Assn of County Officials | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 8 | Civil Rights Commission: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 9 | Presidential Inability Commission | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 10 | Civil Rights Commission: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 11 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 12 | Negotiations with Cuba-Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 13 | Anti-Poll Tax Legislation: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 14 | Endicott's Municipal Center: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 15 | NY World's Fair Bill: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 16 | American Indian: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 17 | National Milk Sanitation: House | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 18 | Filibuster Amendment: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 19 | Communist Forgeries: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 20 | Catholic Publications Conference | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 21 | Filibuster Rule: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 22 | Foreign Aid: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 23 | Dag Hammarskjold's Death: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 24 | New York World's Fair: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 25 | Constitutionality of Rule XXII | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 26 | Trade with the Soviet-Bloc: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 27 | Military: Anti-Communist Programs | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 28 | Arab Boycott Threat to US Firms | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 29 | American Park Executives: Convention | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 30 | Free Elections in Berlin: Senate | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 31 | Mid-Atlantic Public Relations Conf | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 32 | Radio: TV News Directors Assn: DC | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 33 | St. George Association: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 34 | American Management Assn: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 35 | Franklin Co Republican Rally: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 36 | Savings Banks Assn of NYS: Quebec | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 37 | Temple Beth Israel-Plattsburgh, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 38 | VFW & American-Korean Foundation: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 39 | American Chamber Comm of Executives | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 40 | Natl Assn of Bank Women: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 41 | American Jewish Committee: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 20: 42 | Community Chest Drive Dinner: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 1 | Republican Chicken Barbecue-Lima | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 2 | Genesee Valley Club | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 3 | Zionist Organization of America-NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 4 | Greater Buffalo Advertising Club | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 5 | Chemung Co Republican Committee: Elmira | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 6 | American Jewish Congress-Pa | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 7 | Zionist Organization of America-NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 8 | Ken Keating Republican League: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 9 | Congregation Khal Chasidim: Brooklyn | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 10 | Trade with Soviet-Bloc Nations | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 11 | Republican Good Government Dinner | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 12 | Hofstra College-Hempstead, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 13 | Herkimer Co Republican Dinner: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 14 | NYS Bankers Association: Syracuse | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 15 | Roberts Wesleyan College: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 16 | Mizrachi Women's Org of America | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 17 | Harvard Young Republicans Rally | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 18 | National Paint & Varnish Assn: DC | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 19 | Jewish Nazi Victims Organization | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 21: 20 | Republican Club of the 9th A.D.: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 1 | Brooklyn Army Terminal: Brooklyn | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 2 | New York City Bar Association: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 3 | Chicago Executives Club: Chicago | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 4 | Holton Arms Alumnae Association: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 5 | Alumni Assn of Columbia University | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 6 | St. John's University: Jamaica, NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 7 | Protestant Council of Brooklyn | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 8 | Columbia University | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 9 | St. Francis College Assembly: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 10 | Mt. Neboh Sisterhood: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 11 | Jefferson Co Women Repub-Denver | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 12 | Anti-Defamation League-Denver | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 13 | Genesee Valley Club: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 14 | Rochester Teachers Association | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 15 | State Motorbus Assn: Rochester | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 16 | Syracuse Press Club: Syracuse | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 17 | LeMoyne College: Syracuse | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 18 | Rotary Club: Buffalo | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 19 | Motion Picture Pioneers: NY | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 22: 20 | Kansas Republican Centennial-Topeka | 1961 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 1 | Congressional Veto on Tariff: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 2 | Judicial Selection Plan: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 3 | Handling Narcotics Addicts: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 4 | Westchester Co Republican Dinner | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 5 | NYS Bar Association: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 6 | Temple Israel-New Rochelle, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 7 | Residual Oil: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 8 | Wiretapping-Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 9 | University Club: Rochester | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 10 | Temple Brith Kodesh: Rochester | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 11 | American Bankers Association: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 12 | Death of Walter J. Lyon: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 13 | Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 14 | Town of Islip Republican Victory: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 15 | Albany Co Republican Committee | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 16 | Lincoln Day Speech | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 17 | Dairy Controls: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 18 | Stueben Co Republican Lincoln | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 19 | Iona College Alumni Association: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 20 | Segregation in National Guard | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 21 | Space Day: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 22 | Utah Lincoln: Washington Banquet | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 23 | American Jewish Congress: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 24 | Women's Press Club of New York: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 23: 25 | Israel-B'nai B'rith | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 1 | Common Market-Trade Veto: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 2 | Republic Aviation Corp: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 3 | Boeing 707 Air Crash: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 4 | Fordham Law Alumni Association: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 5 | Long Island Disaster: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 6 | Jewish Community Center-Newburgh NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 7 | US Aid to Egypt: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 8 | Cuba-Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 9 | Anti-Semitism in Russia-Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 10 | Trade Veto: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 11 | Soviet Brinkmanship: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 12 | Abolition of Poll Taxes: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 13 | French-Algerian Cease Fire: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 14 | Tax Credits for Tips: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 15 | Poll Tax Filibuster: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 16 | Mid-East Outbreak: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 17 | Dairy Farmers: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 18 | Tennessee Apportionment Case Ruling | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 19 | South Vietnan: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 20 | UN Bonds: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 21 | Civil Rights Legislation: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 22 | School Integration: House Comm | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 23 | Niagara Falls Industrial Management | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 24 | American Immigration Committee: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 25 | Long Island Fed of Womens Clubs | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 26 | Young Republican Natl Federation-NJ | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 27 | Rabbi Arthur Schneier Dinner: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 28 | Religious Persecution in Russia | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 29 | Federal Narcotics Legislation | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 30 | National Council of Young Israel: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 31 | Lee Waterman | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 32 | Congressional Trade Veto: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 33 | Mitchel Field: House Armed Ser Comm | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 34 | Narcotics From the Communist Bloc | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 35 | Consistory "Shrine Night": Buffalo | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 36 | Amen Corner-Pittsburgh | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 37 | World's Fair Appropriation: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 38 | John Herbert Hollomon: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 39 | Grant-in-Aid Program Discrimination | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 40 | Sale of General Aniline: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 41 | Warsaw Ghetto Day: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 42 | Aid to Egypt: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 24: 43 | Literacy Test Debate: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 1 | Nomination of Thurgood Marshall | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 2 | Berlin: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 3 | Literacy Bill is Constitutional | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 4 | Congregation B'nai Jeshrun | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 5 | St. George Association: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 6 | Space and Missile Procurement | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 7 | State Elections: Literacy Bill | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 8 | Cloture Rule: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 9 | Greater NY Hospital Association: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 10 | Literacy Bill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 11 | Soviet Oil Offensive: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 12 | Israel Independence Celebration | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 13 | Gag Rule on Senate Majority: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 14 | National Jewish Hospital-Denver | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 15 | Natl Conference Christians & Jews | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 16 | Oswego County Republican Committee: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 17 | Natl Comm Furtherence of Jewish Ed. | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 18 | Farm Bill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 19 | Farm Bill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 20 | Golden Jubilee Luncheon: Washington | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 21 | Boulevard Jewish Center: Brooklyn | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 22 | St. George Association: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 23 | Refugees from Communist China | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 24 | Soviet Trade Skulduggery: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 25 | Memorial Day Services-Chatham, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 26 | NYS Music Teachers Assn: Buffalo | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 27 | Bar Association of Erie County | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 25: 28 | Narcotics and Teen Drug Addiction | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 1 | American War Claims: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 2 | Polish Veterans of NYS: Utica, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 3 | Foreign Aid Amendment: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 4 | Iona College Commencement: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 5 | Rockland County Republican Dinner | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 6 | Brith Shalom-Concord, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 7 | Eastern Seaboard Apprenticeship | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 8 | Yeshiva University: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 9 | Aid-Principle, Not Expediency | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 10 | Export Control Act: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 11 | Israel Bond Dinner: Michigan | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 12 | Lobbying by Defense Department | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 13 | Aircraft Noise: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 14 | Export Controls: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 15 | Conflict of Interest Legislation | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 16 | Export Control Act: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 17 | NYS Convention of AHEPA-NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 18 | Rights of the Mentally Ill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 19 | School Prayers: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 20 | Educational Tax Deductions: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 21 | Export Control Act: Cold War: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 22 | Conference on Export Control Act | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 23 | Export Control Act: Report: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 24 | Soviet Oil Offensive: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 25 | Medicare: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 26 | Edward C. McClean | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 27 | Space Monopoly: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 28 | Free Enterprise & Health Care | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 29 | Health Care: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 30 | Holding Back Soviet Oil Data-Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 31 | Segregation-Federal Grant Schools | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 32 | Oil-US Ties Own Hands: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 33 | Soviet Anti-Semitism: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 34 | World War II Claimants: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 35 | NY School Prayer Decision: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 36 | Aircraft Noise: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 37 | Harold R. Tyler, Jr. | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 38 | Marshall Nomination: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 39 | Federal Research Grants: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 40 | HR 10: Self-employed: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 41 | Farm Bill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 42 | Republican Support for Cloture | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 43 | Satellite Bill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 44 | Civil Rights-Farm Bill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 45 | Aid to Education: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 46 | Telephone Speech: Syracuse | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 47 | Dinner for Clarence E. Kilburn: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 48 | Communist Privileges in US Zone | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 49 | Nomination of Judge Irving Cooper | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 50 | Cuba-Based Soviet-Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 26: 51 | Soviet Troops In Cuba-Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 1 | Cuban Missiles: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 2 | Cuban Missile Build-up: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 3 | Thurgood Marshall | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 4 | Sale of General Aniline: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 5 | Sports Bribery Bill: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 6 | Mizrachi Women's Organization Award | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 7 | US Policy Toward Cuba | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 8 | NYS Republican Convention: Buffalo | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 9 | Natl Assn of Retail Druggists | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 10 | Cuba Resolution: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 11 | American Eagle Republican Dinner: Bronx | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 12 | Narcotics Addiction in NY: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 13 | Unfair Tactics by Texas Contractor | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 14 | Rally for Frank Horton: Rochester | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 15 | Reimbursement of NY Police: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 16 | State Department: Cuba Resolution: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 17 | Ellis Island: Senate Operations Comm | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 18 | Women's Natl Press Club Luncheon | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 19 | Dinner Honoring Leonard Hall: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 20 | White House Conf on Narcotics Abuse | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 21 | Republican Club Picnic-New Paltz | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 22 | Order of Elks: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 23 | Fund: Raising Dinner for Dirksen | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 24 | Larchmont Public Affairs Luncheon | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 25 | Killough vs United States: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 26 | New York Careerists: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 27 | Bernadotte Evang. Lutheran Church | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 28 | Reception for Paul Peter Meouchi: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 29 | Order of the Eastern Star of NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 30 | Cuba-Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 31 | Intermediate Missiles in Cuba | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 32 | Schenectady County Republican Comm | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 33 | Berlin Policy: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 34 | Striped Pants Diplomacy Will Not Do | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 35 | Queens College: Flushing, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 36 | Veterans of Foreign Wars: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 37 | North Tonawanda High School: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 38 | Temple Beth El-Niagara Falls, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 27: 39 | Camillus Women's Republican Club | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 1 | United Cerebral Palsy: Syracuse | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 2 | Seneca County Dinner: Seneca Falls | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 3 | Republican Luncheon Meeting-NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 4 | Reception-Canandaigua, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 5 | Peekskill Republican Committee: Bear Mt, NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 6 | United Nations Dinner: Rochester | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 7 | Oneida County Republican Committee: Utica | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 8 | Mohawk Airlines | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 9 | Assembly of Captive Nations: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 10 | Retired Teachers of New York City | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 11 | Tonawanda Republican Committee: Buffalo | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 12 | Audit Bureau of Circulations: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 13 | Scranton-Van Zandt Dinner: Pa | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 14 | Communist Procurement Tactic: Senate | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 15 | Polish American Immigration Committee: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 16 | Lewis County Republican Dinner | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 17 | Remarks on 87th Congress | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 18 | Remarks on Politics | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 19 | Remarks on NY Civil Rights Record | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 20 | Rensselaer County Rallies | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 21 | New York Republican Dinner | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 22 | Wayne County Republican Dinner | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 23 | Commonwealth Parliamentary Assn | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 24 | Insurance Federation of New York | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 25 | Natl Assn of Professional Baseball | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 26 | Association of ICC Practitioners: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 27-28 | American Council on Germany-Berlin | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 29 | Everyman's Bible Class of S.I.: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 30 | Seward Testimonial Dinner: Rochester | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 31 | Rotary Club: Rochester | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 32 | Monroe County Bar Association | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 33 | US Inter-American Council: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 34 | Bankers Trust Advisory Committee: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 28: 35 | Jewish National Fund: NY | 1962 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 1 | Chamber of Commerce: Rochester | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 2 | Photo Caravan USA Reception | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 3 | Anti-Filibuster Amendment: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 4 | Baseball Writers Assn of America-NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 5 | NY Defense Procurement Offices | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 6 | Soviet Arms Shipment to Cuba-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 7 | Greek Letter Week: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 8 | Cuba-Washington | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 9 | Defense Dept & Cuba-Washington | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 10 | East Rockaway Republican Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 11 | Queens County Lincoln Day Dinner: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 12 | Brick Presbyterian Church: Rochester | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 13 | First Presbyterian Church-Rome, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 14 | Junior Chamber of Commerce: Syracuse | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 15 | Hall of Education: NY World's Fair | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 16 | Bronx Chamber of Commerce: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 17 | Smithtown Republican Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 18 | United Jewish Appeal: Miami Beach | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 19 | Soviet Chrome War: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 20 | Narcotics Legislation: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 21 | Yeshiva University: Palm Beach, Fla | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 22 | Westchester Scottish Rite Bodies: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 23 | Cuba-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 24 | NY Young Republican Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 25 | Talmud Torah Sholom R. M. Kevelson | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 26 | Cuba-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 27 | General Aniline Case: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 28 | Natl Conference Christian & Jews: DC | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 29 | American University Young Repub | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 30 | IUE-AFL-CIO Rally: Syracuse | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 31 | United Hias Service: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 32 | Men's Club-Central Synagogue: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 33 | District of Columbia-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 29: 34 | Fordham Law Forum: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 1 | Gen Aniline and Film: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 2 | Union League-Philadelphia | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 3 | Elfun Society-Schenectady | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 4 | Temple Beth David: Buffalo | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 5 | Mitchell Field: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 6 | Greek Independence: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 7 | Republican Lawyers Club: Buffalo | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 8 | University of Buffalo | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 9 | Holy Angels Academy: Buffalo | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 10 | Salvation Army Assn: Buffalo | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 11 | House of Good Taste: Washington | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 12 | Phi Beta Kappa-New York | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 13 | Inst of Dry Cleaning-Washington | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 14 | Winter Olympics and Lake Placid | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 15 | Fuel Oil Quota System: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 16 | St. John's Law School: Brooklyn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 17 | Veterans Allied Council-Rockaway | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 18 | St. John's Law School: Brooklyn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 19 | B'nai B'rith Women: Washington | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 20 | Cuba Policy | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 21 | Tax Relief for Education: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 22 | Israel Men's Club: Lawrence, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 23 | Highway Fund Inequity: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 24 | Tobacco Industries: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 25 | Cuba | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 26 | Syracuse University | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 27 | NYC Police UN Work: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 30: 28 | A.A. Scottish Rite-Freeport, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 1 | NAM Conference | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 2 | Association of the US Army: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 3 | Executive Order per Segregation | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 4 | American Soc of Newspaper Editors | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 5 | Central Supply Association: Chicago | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 6 | Annual DC Press Guild Awards | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 7 | Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 8 | Synagogue-Shaari Israel: Brooklyn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 9 | Temple B'rith Kodesh: Rochester | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 10 | Manhattan Region Zionist Org-NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 11 | Back Pay & Pension Suits: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 12 | New York IRS Office: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 13 | North End Republican Club Dinner: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 14 | Niagara Falls Chamber of Commerce | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 15 | Republican Club of Lockport: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 16 | Natl Fed of Jewish Men's Clubs: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 17 | National Football Foundation: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 18 | Sons of the Revolution: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 19 | Law Day Hearing-Senate Judiciary | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 20 | Conference on Cancer: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 21 | S 414: Freedom Academy: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 22 | Women's American ORT Luncheon | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 23 | Death of Jessica McCullough Weis | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 24 | Fraudulent Business Practices | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 25 | NYS Reserve Officers Association: West Pt. | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 26 | Central NY Teachers Conference: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 27 | Harvard College Young Republicans | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 28 | Polish American Congress: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 29 | St. George Society | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 30 | Women's League of Tranquility | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 31 | Liquified Petroleum Gas Association | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 32 | Kazimiera Karpinska in Rochester | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 33 | Middle East Defense Agreement | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 34 | Civil Rights Legislation | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 35 | National Stationery Association: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 36 | Putnam County Republican Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 37 | Middletown Young Republican Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 38 | Crisis in Birmingham: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 31: 39 | Dutch Treat Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 1 | Feed Grain Bill: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 2 | Constitution: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 3 | Congressional Ball: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 4 | NYS Federation of Women's Clubs | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 5 | B'nai B'rith of Nassau: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 6 | Rockland County Builders Assn: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 7 | Repeal of Silver Purchase Acts | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 8 | New York Rail Rate Case: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 9 | Civil Rights Commission: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 10 | Town of Lancaster-1965 Census | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 11 | Yonkers Republican City Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 12 | Olympic Games: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 13 | League of Women Voters-Valhalla, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 14 | Bronx High School of Science: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 15 | Jamaica Jewish Center: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 16 | Church Tour in Brooklyn: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 17 | Death of Orvil E. Dryfoos: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 18 | Ban on Atmospheric Tests: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 19 | Textile Mergers: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 20 | Public Debt Ceiling-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 21 | NAACP Apportionment Suit: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 22 | Ogdensburg Bridge Authority: House | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 23 | Korean War Memorial Plaque: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 24 | IRS Field Offices: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 25 | Cuba-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 26 | Misc Remarks | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 27 | Rochester Institute of Technology | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 28 | World Affairs Council: Albany | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 29 | Delaware County Lincoln Dinner: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 30 | Polish Veterans Ceremony | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 31 | Electoral College: Senate Judiciary | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 32 | Public Debt Ceiling-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 33 | NY Medical College Commencement: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 32: 34 | Woodhaven Republican Club: Glendale | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 1 | NY Republican State Committee | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 2 | Federal Funds: Senate Subcommittee | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 3 | Steuben County Republican Committee | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 4 | United Lubavitcher Yeshivoth: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 5 | Lakeland Fire Dept Memorial: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 6 | City of Hope Dinner: Goldman, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 7 | Huntington Women's Republican Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 8 | Williamsburg Settlement | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 9 | Committee on Italian Immigration | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 10 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 11 | Presidential Inability: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 12 | United Jewish Appeal: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 13 | Anti-Defamation League: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 14 | Nassau Community College: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 15 | Jewish War Veterans of Mass. | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 16 | Free Sons of Israel-Monticello, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 17 | Advertising Club Luncheon: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 18 | Rensselaer Co Republican Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 19 | Back Our Brothers Dinner: King, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 20 | Natl Conference Christians & Jews | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 21 | Foreign Assistance Act: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 22 | Port Clean-Up: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 23 | Order of AHEPA-Garden City, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 24 | American Legion: Coney Island, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 25 | Three Houses of Worship: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 26 | Tax Rate Extension Act of 1963 | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 27 | American Jewish Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 28 | Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish T. | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 29 | Congressional Reform: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 30 | Congressional Investigatory: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 31 | Rural Letter Carriers: Lake Placid | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 33: 32 | Cayuga Co Republican Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 1 | NY/HQ/USA-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 2 | People vs Jet Noise: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 3 | Public Accommodation Legislation | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 4 | Field Day-Madison, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 5 | Community Council-Western Onondaga | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 6 | University of Florida-Gainsville | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 7 | Medical Expenses Deduction: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 8 | Allied Printing Trades: Rochester | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 9 | Whitesboro Sesquicentennial: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 10 | S 571: Natl Defense Act: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 11 | ITT Top Management: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 12 | Civil Rights Legislation: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 13 | Medical Tax Reductions: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 14 | Assembly of Captive Nations: DC | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 15 | Baptist Assn of Brooklyn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 16 | Civil Rights Filibuster: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 17 | Maryland American Legion: Baltimore | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 18 | Cherry Valley Day Celebration: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 19 | Public Accommodations Bill: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 20 | Remarks Before Interns | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 21 | Oswego Co Field Day-Volney, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 22 | Oswego County Fair-Sandy Creek, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 23 | Cole & Caldwell Memorial Bridge: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 24 | NYS Federation of Fed Employees: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 25 | Norwood Republican Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 26 | St. Lawrence County Republican Comm | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 27 | Bowne House: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 28 | Urban Planning Assistance Grants | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 29 | Tax Revision Proposals: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 30 | Northern "Skyline Drive": Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 31 | NYS American Legion Convention | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 32 | Henrietta Remarks | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 33 | Pioneer Country Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 34-35 | NAACP Legislative Conference: DC | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 36 | NASA Contract Awards: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 37 | Mandatory Non-Discrimination: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 38 | East End Synagogue of Long Beach | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 39 | Schenectady Army Department: Schenectady | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 40 | Amity Morning Star Baptist Churches | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 41 | Grossinger Lecture Series: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 42 | 52 Association of NY-Ossining, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 43 | Monroe County Fair: Rochester, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 44 | Charles F. Noyes: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 45 | Defense Work in Depressed Areas | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 46 | Federal Airport Act: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 47 | Middle East: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 48 | Office of Science & Technology | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 49 | Cuba- US-Made Cuban Equipment | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 50 | United Federation of Postal Clerks | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 51 | Catholic War Veterans: Miami Beach | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 52 | NYS Association of Letter Carriers | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 53 | Item Veto: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 34: 54 | S 1938: Great Lakes: Hudson River | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 1 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 2 | MacArthur Airport-Islip, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 3 | American Legion: Miami Beach, Fla | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 4 | Civil Rights Commission: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 5 | Foreign Aid Bill: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 6 | Patsy Massaro Dinner: Elmsford, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 7 | Suffolk County Republican Picnic | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 8 | NYS Assn of Tobacco Distributors: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 9 | Petroleum Fuel Merchants Assn: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 10 | New York County Republican Meeting | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 11 | Nassau County Republican Committee | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 12 | Lawlessness in Birmingham: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 13 | South Viet Nam: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 14 | Economic Issues with Canada-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 15 | Test Ban Treaty: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 16 | 1962 Cuba Resolution: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 17 | Schuyler County Republican Comm | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 18 | Mt. Vernon Republican Org Outing | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 19 | Springvale Inn-Crugers, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 20 | Natl Furniture Manufacturing Assn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 21 | Mine Enemy, the Folk Singer: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 22 | Methodist Human Rights Rally: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 23 | Fire Island National Park: House | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 24 | Civil Rights Commission: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 35: 25 | Adelphi University: Garden City, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 1 | Civil Rights Commission: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 2 | Shubert Alley, NY: 50th Anniversary | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 3 | New York Railroad Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 4 | Harvard Law School ReUnion: Mass | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 5 | Dutchess County Republican Dinner | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 6 | NYS Pulsed Nuclear Reactor: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 7 | Order of Eastern Star: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 8 | World Trade Club of NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 9 | Foreign Aid: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 10 | Dairy Legislation: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 11 | Canadian Duty Exemption: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 12 | Brooklyn-Kings County VFS | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 13 | Veterans of Foreign Wars-Mohawk Valley | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 14 | Pulaski Day Celebration-Pulaski, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 15 | Central Queens Branch YMCA-NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 16 | Dedication Israeli Pavillion | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 17 | Better Business Bureau Lunch: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 36: 18 | Mt. Vernon Senior High School: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 1 | Wheat Sale to Russia | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 2 | Kingston Radio Station-WGHQ: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 3 | Justice Dept Supports Castro: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 4 | Circus Saints & Sinners Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 5 | Ukraine-Forced Famine Anniversary | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 6 | UN Food for Peace Dinner: Rochester | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 7 | Education Deduction on Tax Bill | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 8 | United Slate, Tile Workers Assn: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 9 | Cortland County Republican Committee: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 10 | Madison County Republican Dinner: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 11 | Liberty Republican Club: Syracuse | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 12 | Lions & Rotarians Luncheon: Syracuse | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 13 | Greene Co Republican Dinner: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 14 | Orange Co Repub Candidates Lunch | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 15 | Better Brooklyn Committee: Brooklyn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 16 | Jewish War Veterans: Brooklyn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 17 | Congregation Kneseth Israel: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 18 | Bronx GOP Committee | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 19 | Columbia Assn in Civil Service | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 20 | Orleans Co Republican Dinner: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 21 | National Goals | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 22 | Civil Rights: Senate Action: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 23 | Presbyterian & Episcopal Churches | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 24 | S 1666: Freedom of Information | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 25 | Imagination in Our Export Program | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 26 | American Imm & Citizenship Conf: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 27 | Harmonie Club of New York | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 28 | National Young Zionists Convention | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 29 | Hebrew Institute of Rockland Co: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 30 | American Flag Shipping-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 31 | Czech Claims Settlement: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 32 | Aid to Israel: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 33 | Monroe County American Legion Day | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 34 | Greater Buffalo Adv. Club: Buffalo | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 35 | NYS Farm Bureau-Utica | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 37: 36 | Jewish Community Center Forum: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 1 | Niagara Co Community College: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 2 | Brotherhood of Temple Emanuel-Mass | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 3 | Downtown Laymen's Luncheon Club: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 4 | Wall Street Investment Bankers: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 5 | Metropolitan Coop Milk: Syracuse | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 6 | Sports Anti-Bribery Legislation | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 7 | Income Tax: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 8 | Opposition to Wheat Credit: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 9 | French & British Activity in Cuba | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 10 | Stock Options for GAF Employees | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 11 | American Trade Union: Rochester | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 12 | NY Chapter of Hadassah: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 13 | Hospital & Medical Benefits: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 14 | Life Managers Assn of Greater NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 15 | Agricultural Stabilization Service | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 16 | NY Fall to 4th Place: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 17 | Illinois Manufacturing Association: Chicago | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 18 | Defense Closings in Depressed Areas | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 19 | Temple Emanu-el Dinner: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 20 | Defense Installation Closing-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 21 | Congregation B'nai Israel: Brooklyn | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 22 | Temple Beth-El-Long Beach, NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 23 | NY Philanthropic League: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 24 | Defense Installation Closing-Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 25 | USIA Policies: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 26 | Federal Projects in Depressed Areas | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 27 | OAS Board-Subversion: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 28 | Foreign Claims Settlements: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 29 | Two Vice Presidents: Senate | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 30 | Calvin Bullock Forum | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 38: 31 | Farband Labor Zionist Order: NY | 1963 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 1 | Trade with Cuba-Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 2 | Panamanian Riots: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 3 | University Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 4 | Boxing Writers Association: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 5 | S 747: Immigration: Senate Judiciary | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 6 | Arab Summit-Hate Summit: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 7 | Yugoslav Refugee Relief: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 8 | Subversion Control Board in LA | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 9 | Bill to Study Draft Laws: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 10 | Rockaways Chamber of Commerce: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 11 | Jewelry Securities Alliance: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 12 | Palham Parkway Republican Club: Bronx, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 13 | International Order of Oddfellows | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 14 | Presidential Succession: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 15 | NYS Horticultural Society: Rochester | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 16 | Young Republican National Leadership: DC | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 17 | Federation of Women's Repub Clubs | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 18 | NY Civil Liberties Union: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 19 | Yeshiva University: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 20 | Jewish War Veterans: Jamaica, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 21 | Brooklyn Downtown Association: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 22 | Senate Youth Forum: Washington, DC | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 23 | Erie County Dental Society: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 24 | Foreign Student Service Council: DC | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 25 | GOP Dinner | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 26 | New Evidence of Castro Subversion | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 27 | Overseas Press Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 39: 28 | Institute of Puerto Rico: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 1 | Jamaica Post Jewish War Veterans | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 2 | Brooklyn Retail Pharmacists: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 3 | Bobover Yeshiva B'nai Zion: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 4 | Death of Susan Wagner: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 5 | Ninth Assembly District Repub Club | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 6 | Amalgamated Clothing Workers: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 7 | Education Tax Credit: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 8 | Israel Histadrut Campaign: Baltimore | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 9 | Lincoln Society of Peekskill: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 10 | Albany County Committee: Albany | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 11 | Roama Rally: Oneida County Committee: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 12 | Westbury Republican Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 13 | Towns of the State of New York | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 14 | Order of Lafayette: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 15 | Kings County Republican Dinner: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 16 | New York County Republican Dinner | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 17 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 18 | Rotary Club Luncheon-Utica, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 19 | Colgate University: Hamilton, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 20 | NY Press Association: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 21 | Women's Clubs-Federation: Rochester | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 40: 22 | Chopin Singing Society: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 1 | New Canaan Baptist Churches: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 2 | Richmond County Republican Committee: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 3 | NYS Retail Hardware Assn: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 4 | Carborundum Company Tour: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 5 | Canisius College: Buffalo, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 6 | B'nai B'rith Brooklyn Heights Lodge | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 7 | St. John's Parish House: Washington | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 8 | Association of Private Camps: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 9 | Seneca Indians & Kinzua Dam: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 10 | Sons of the Revolution: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 11 | Washington Heights-Commerce: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 12 | Suffolk County Committee: Huntington | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 13 | NYU School of Education: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 14 | Anti-Semitism in the Soviet Union | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 15 | Death Sentence for Knitting-Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 16 | Trade with Cuba-Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 17 | NY Young Republican Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 18 | Federal Club Dinner: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 19 | Religious Zionists of America-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 20 | HR 1794: Seneca Indians: House Comm | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 21 | US Checks Lard Deal: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 22 | Oil Quota-Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 23 | NAACP Youth Council Leadership: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 24 | Brooklyn Navy Yard Union Lunch: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 25 | Nassau County Republican Council: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 26 | Rockaway Veterans Allied Coord Comm | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 27 | March of Dimes | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 41: 28 | South Vietnam: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 1 | Zionist Organization of America-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 2 | Cyprus Situation: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 3 | Marymount College-Tarrytown, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 4 | Church-Irvington-on-Hudson, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 5 | African Methodist Episcopal Church | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 6 | Hate Mail-Civil Rights: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 7 | Bureau for Jewish Life, Inc.: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 8 | Matzoh Situation in USSR: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 9 | Order of AHEPA-Washington, DC | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 10 | Winter Olympics: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 11 | Death of George Skouras: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 12 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 13 | Wheat Certificates: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 14 | Matzoh Situation in USSR: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 15 | Catholic Institute of the Press: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 16 | American Society of Travel Agents | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 17 | Boys Towns of Italy | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 18 | Clay-Liston Fights: Senate Judiciary | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 19 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 20 | Greek Independence Day: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 21 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 22 | Chamber of Commerce: Rochester, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 23-24 | Boxing-Senate Judiciary Committee | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 25 | Civil Rights Bill: Old Myths: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 26 | Airforce Decision-Making-Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 27 | Sports Breakfast of Champions: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 28 | Brighton Town Board Mtg-Rochester | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 29 | States Rights or States Wrongs | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 30 | Death of General Douglas MacArthur | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 31 | Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Ceremony: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 32 | A Tax is a Tax: Wheat: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 33 | Park Avenue Synagogue: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 34 | Help Addicts-End Narcotics Fund: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 35 | Farmingdale High School: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 36 | Frontiers International Club of NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 37 | Aerospace Industrial Forum: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 38 | Civil Rights & Civil Wrongs: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 39 | Long Island Historical Society: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 40 | Zionist Organization of America-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 42: 41 | Navy Yard's Boy's Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 1 | American Imm & Citizenship Conf | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 2 | Nassau County Republican Committee: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 3 | American Bar Association: Washington | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 4 | Mock Republican Convention: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 5 | Mock Republican Convention: Queens | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 6 | New York Claim Association: World's Fair | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 7 | American League for Russian Jews: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 8 | Forged Civil Rights Petition: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 9 | Mid-East: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 10 | Columbia College: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 11 | Negro American Labor Council: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 12 | NYS Society of CPAs: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 13 | Civil Rights Bill: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 14-15 | Stamina Conference: Washington | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 16 | Indonesian Army: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 17 | Baruch School of Business: NYC | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 18 | Francis Cardinal Spellman: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 19 | Anti-Semitism in the USSR: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 20 | Wagner College-Staten Island | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 21 | Veterans of Foreign Wars: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 22 | Polish Constitution-173rd Anniv: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 23 | Natl Lithuanian Society of America | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 24 | Furtherance of Jewish Education: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 25 | Gannett Pulitzer Prize: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 26 | Tax Deductions for Teachers: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 27 | New York State Republican Committee | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 28 | Republican Breakfast | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 29 | Brooklyn Metal Trades Council: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 30 | Urban League of Westchester County | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 31 | World Affairs Council: Albany | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 43: 32 | Civil Rights Bill Amendments: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 1 | Wayne County Republican Committee: Macedon, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 2 | Inactive Defense Facilities: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 3 | Clarkson College Convocation: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 4 | Navy Yard Efficiency: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 5 | Supreme Court Nationality Ruling | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 6 | DeWitt Clinton H.S. Alumni Assn: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 7 | American Society of Travel Agents | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 8 | MacKriendler Dinner | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 9 | Noise Abatement Research | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 10 | Assn of NY Young Republican Clubs | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 11 | NY Association of Brain Injured: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 12 | Judea Center Mortgage Burning | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 13 | Israeli Pavilion: NY World's Fair | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 14 | Czestokowa Roman Catholic Church: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 15 | Armenian Independence Day-NJ | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 16 | Zionist Organization of America-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 17 | Museum of Modern Art: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 18 | Bobby Baker Case: Senate Rules Comm | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 19 | Natl Conference Christians & Jews | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 20 | Middle East: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 21 | The Lambs | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 22 | Brooklyn Metal Trade Council: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 23 | Richmond County Annual Ball | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 24 | American Legion Post-Queens, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 25 | Memorial Day Ceremonies: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 26 | Columbia Assn in Civil Service | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 27 | Guild of Prescription Opticians: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 28 | Port Jefferson Harbor Projects | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 29 | Civil Rights Mail: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 30 | Yeshiva University-Med School: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 31 | Rose as a National Flower: House | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 32 | Interntl Order of Odd Fellows | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 33 | Republican County Comm of the Bronx | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 34 | Elmira College Commencement | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 35 | Assn of Mayors of the Commonwealth | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 44: 36 | East 55th Street Jewish Center: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 1 | Iona College Alumni Assn: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 2 | Citizens Organize-Crime in NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 3 | Montgomery County Republican Comm | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 4 | Old Fort Niagara Flag Day: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 5 | Brighton Repub Town & Country Comm | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 6 | German Uprising-11th Anniversary-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 7 | Labor Management-Long Island: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 8 | Civil Rights: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 9 | Central NY Citizen's Council: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 10 | DeWitt Rotary Club: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 11 | Westhill Central School District | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 12 | Pavilion of Fine Arts-World's Fair | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 13 | Protest Soviet Discrimination: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 14 | Eras Mus Hall H.S. Commencement: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 15 | Brooklyn Navy Yard Caravan: DC | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 16 | Middle East: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 17 | City of Hope-Murray Cohen Fur: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 18 | Judicial Conference of NYS: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 19 | Romanian Day Celebration-World Fair | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 20 | Scranton for President: Headquarters | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 21 | Immigration: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 22 | Nomination of Edmond Port | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 23 | Queens College: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 24 | Order of AHEPA-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 25 | Sons of the American Revolution: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 26 | Bell Telephone Hook-up | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 27 | Anti-Trust: Funeral Industry-Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 28 | US Policy toward Poland | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 29 | Republican Platform Committee: Mid-East | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 30 | Republican Platform Committee: Cyprus | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 31 | Republican Platform Committee: Imm | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 32 | Republican Platform Committee: Taxes | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 33 | Nomination of Rockefeller: Natl Conv | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 34 | Captive Nations-Central Park | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 35 | Anti-Trust & Foreign Trade: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 36 | Broome County Fair-Binghamton, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 37 | Dinner for Arthur Bramwell: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 38 | TV Violence & Young People: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 39 | Overseas Press Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 45: 40 | Republican Platform-Leadership | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 1 | Hugenot Street Monument-New Paltz | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 2 | American Legion: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 3 | United German-American Singing Soc | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 4 | Chatauqua Institute-Chatauqua, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 5 | Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions-Jamestown | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 6 | Bail Legislation: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 7 | Newhouse Center: Syracuse University | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 8 | Port of Ogdensburg | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 9 | Government Procurement Conference | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 10 | Vietnam Resolution: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 11 | Ribicoff & Anti-Semitism: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 12 | Anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprise | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 13 | S 108: Columbus Day: Senate Jud Comm | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 14 | Erie County Economic Planning Board | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 15 | Polish Soldiers' Day: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 16 | Overseas Press Club Conference: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 17 | HR 1927: Vets Pensions: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 18 | Yugoslavia Day: NY World's Fair: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 19 | Ontario County Indian Day: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 20 | Annual Republican Festival: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 21 | Lithuanian Day: NY World's Fair | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 22 | Erie & Wyoming County Fairs | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 23 | United Jewish Appeal: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 24 | Brooklyn Navy Yard: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 25 | Olympic Swimming Trials: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 46: 26 | Accepting Nomination as NY Senator | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 1 | NYS AFL-CIO Convention: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 2 | Tariff Reduction-Industries: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 3 | FAA Flight Station-Watertown: Senate | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 4 | Pan Icarian Brotherhood: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 5 | 4-H Club Luncheon: NYS Expo: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 6 | GOP Gatherings-Glens Falls, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 7 | Rotary Club: Watertown, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 8 | GOP Activities: Albany & Richmond Co | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 9 | Temple Israel: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 10 | NYS Newspaper Publishers | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 11 | Hotel Restaurant & Bartenders Union | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 12 | D'Youville College: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 13 | Buffalo Plant Tours: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 14 | Rosary Hill College: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 15 | Rally for Barber Conable: Batavia NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 16 | Buffalo Consistory of Masons | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 17 | Chemung County Jr CC Air Show | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 18 | Mt. Vernon Republican Organization | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 19 | Citizens for KBK Rally: Rochester | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 20 | Eastern Region Conference: Newark | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 21 | Kiwanis International: Rochester | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 22 | Keating Headquarters: Rochester | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 23 | Agriculture & Tech Inst: Delhi | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 24 | State Mutual Insurance Agents Assn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 25 | New City Republican Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 47: 26 | County Officers Assn of New York: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 1 | Campaign Speech: Rallies | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 2 | Natl Fed of Catholic Students: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 3 | Massapequa International All Stars | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 4 | Zionists of America-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 5 | Tri-County Republican Rally | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 6 | Griffis Air Force Base-Rome, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 7 | NY Puerto Rican Leaders: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 8 | NY Young Men's Republican Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 9 | Long Island Rally for Soviet Jewry | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 10 | Comm for Forward Looking Repub: DC | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 11 | Long Island University: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 12 | Railway Patrolmen's Internatl Union | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 13 | New York University: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 14 | Westchester First Assembly District | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 15 | Citizens for Keating Headquarters | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 16 | Nassau Democrats for Keating-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 17 | Sky Island Club: Garden City, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 18 | Hofstra College-Hempstead, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 19 | Nassau County Dinner for Burns: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 20 | Western Electric Plant Tour: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 21 | SUNY at Buffalo: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 22 | Salute to Women Luncheon: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 23 | NAACP NY Conference: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 24 | Jewish Center: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 25 | International Inter-Faith Day Rally | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 48: 26 | Brooklyn Navy Yards Employees: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 1 | Kollsman Instrument Company-Queens | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 2 | Queens College: Flushing, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 3 | Forest Hills Jewish Center: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 4 | Convention of Mizrachi Women: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 5 | Human Relations Award Program: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 6 | Suffolk Community College-Seldon | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 7 | Suffolk County Women's Repub Clubs | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 8 | Patchogue Junior High School: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 9 | Temple Beth-El | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 10 | NY School for the Deaf-Elmsford, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 11 | Westchester County Republican Women | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 12 | Reader's Digest Cafeteria-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 13 | Briarcliff College-Briarcliff Manor | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 14 | Marymount College-Tarrytown, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 15 | George Cornell Dinner: Tarrytown, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 16 | Garment Industry Rally: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 17 | Columbia University Law School: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 18 | Harlem's Square Deal Republican Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 19 | Hellenic Cultural Circle: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 20 | Harlem-Bedford Lawyers Assn: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 21 | Odd Fellows Home for the Aged-Bronx | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 22 | Boccie Courts-Pelham Bay Park, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 23 | Parkchester Housing Development: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 24 | Maritime Port Council Dinner: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 25 | Bronx Shore Community Assn Dinner | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 26 | Italo-American United Civic League | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 27 | Throgs Neck Little League Banquet | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 28 | Jewish Leaders Breakfast: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 29 | St. Andrew's Holy Name Society: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 30 | Plewacki Post Legion Hall: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 49: 31 | Campaign Speech: Dobbs Ferry | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 1 | NY Board of Rabbis: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 2 | Baptist Ministers Conference | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 3-4 | Order of the Eastern Star: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 5 | Jewish Center: Flushing, Queens: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 6 | Arma Plant Tour: Westbury, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 7 | Joint Service Club Luncheon: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 8 | Adelphi University: Garden City, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 9 | Catholic Diocese of Rockville: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 10 | Milton Stettner Reception: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 11 | Yeshiva University-Med School: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 12 | Citizens for Keating-Burns Rally-NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 13 | Meeting with Orthodox Rabbis: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 14 | Richmond County Luncheon: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 15 | Operation Doorbell-Staten Island NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 16 | Mt. St. Vincent-on-Hudson-Bronx, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 17 | Railroad Labor Executive Assn: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 18 | Rochdale Village Tour: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 19 | Filtron Plant: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 20 | Keating Headquarters: Flushing, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 21 | Allied Civic Assn Dinner: Queens, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 22 | Rocky Hill Association: Candidates Night | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 23 | Marathon Jewish Center: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 24 | Gen Electric Co. Tour-Schenectady | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 25 | ALCO Plant Tour-Schenectady | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 26 | Mayfair Shopping Center-Glenville | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 27 | Union & Skidmore Colleges Rally | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 28 | Columbia County Republican Women-Hudson | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 29 | Greenville County Republicans: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 30 | Internatl Assn of Machinist: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 31 | NYS Council of Machinists: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 32 | Dutchess County Committee: Poughkeepsie | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 33 | Hudson Plaza-Poughkeepsie, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 34 | Trade Labor Union: Poughkeepsie, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 35 | Poughkeepsie Voters League: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 36 | Putnam County Campaign Dinner: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 50: 37 | Puerto Rican Association | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 1 | Maimonides Institute-Mental Health | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 2 | Long Island Friends of Keating | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 3 | Puerto Rican Crippled Children Fund | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 4 | Rally for Soviet Jewry: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 5 | Keating Rally: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 5 | The Daughters of Jacob-Bronx, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 6 | Cornell University: Ithaca, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 6 | Civil Rights Memorial: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 7 | Republican Headquarters-Rome, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 7 | Rally in Centerway Square-Corning | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 8 | Rally: Watertown, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 8 | Elmira College-Elmira, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 9 | Rally: Herkimer, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 9 | Elmira Neighborhood House-Elmira | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 10 | Broome County Repub Headquarters | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 10 | Natl Council of Jewish Women: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 11 | Yeshiva High School of Flatbush: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 11 | Republican Candidates-Ithaca, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 12 | Rally: Westchester, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 12 | Vestal Republican Headquarters: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 13 | GOP Rally: Endicott, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 13 | Anti-Semitism Rally: Hunter College | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 14 | Columbia University: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 14 | Republican Citizens Committee: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 15 | Italo-American Grocers Assn: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 15 | Police Building Dedication: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 16 | Oswego County Luncheon-Fulton, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 16 | Emerald Society of Transit Police | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 17 | Oswego State Teachers College | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 17 | NY Salutes Keating-Rally | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 18 | Syracuse Press Club: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 18 | Brooklyn Jewish Center: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 19 | Senior Citizens Rally: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 19 | Cuban Bar Association | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 20 | Syracuse University: Syracuse, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 20 | Niagara Frontier Service Award | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 21 | Ken Keating League: Syracuse, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 21 | Captive Nations Award: Buffalo, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 22 | Brotherhood of Locomotive: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 22 | Berkey Residence-Scarsdale, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 23 | Pine Mill Plaza-Niagara Falls, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 23 | Beach Shopping Center-Peekskill, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 24 | Retirement Village Apartments: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 24 | Press Conference: Buffalo | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 25 | War Memorial Building-Rochester, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 25 | Reuben Donnelley Plant-Mt. Vernon | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 26 | Mamaroneck Plant Tour-Mamaroneck | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 26 | Dinner Honoring Al Kelly: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 27 | Pioneer Food Merchants Assn: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 27 | Free Synagogue of Westchester: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 28 | Empire State Baptist Convention | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 28 | Plattsburgh Municipal Airport: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 29 | University Heights College of NYU | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 29 | Ogdensburg Municipal Airport: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 30 | Jewish Women's Organizations | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 30 | Clarence E. Hancock Field: Syracuse | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 31 | Greater Buffalo Internatl Airport | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 31 | Fordam University: Bronx, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 32 | Overseas Press Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 32 | Jamestown Municipal Airport: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 33 | Broome County Airport-Binghamton | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 33 | New Era Club: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 34 | Unnamed Speech | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 34 | Boulevard Jewish Center: Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 35 | New Yorkers for Keating Headqtrs: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 36 | Dubrows Cafeteria-Brooklyn | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 51: 37 | Columbia Assn & Civic Service: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 1 | Anshe Scholom Synagogue: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 1 | Law Day | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 2 | Margolin Residence-Yonkers, NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 2 | Brandeis University | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 3 | Law Day: Kansas City | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 3 | Umpires Alliance League Football: NY | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 4 | Friends of Keating Meeting-Bronx | 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 4 | Guild of Catholic Lawyers | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 5 | Kent State Commencement | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 6 | New York Trial Lawyers Assn | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 52: 7 | Nassau County Bar Association | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 1 | United Jewish Appeal: Boston, Mass | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 2 | United Jewish Appeal: Ohio | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 3 | Womens National Republican Club | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 4 | Rotary Club: Rochester | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 5 | American...Preservation Society: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 6 | University of Oregon | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 7 | Harvard Law School | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 8 | Zionist Organization of America | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 9 | Natl Conf of Christians and Jews | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 10 | Federal Club Dinner: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 11 | B'nai B'rith Lodge-Merrick, NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 12 | NY Young Republican Club | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 13 | GOP Dinner: Rochester | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 14 | Jewish Community Federation | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 15 | United Jewish Appeal: Wisconsin | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 16 | United Jewish Appeal: California | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 17 | United Jewish Appeal: Pennsylvania | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 54: 18 | State of Israel Bond Dinner: Ohio | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 1 | Zionist Organization of America | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 2 | Fisk University: Nashville | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 3 | Financial General Corp-Nassau | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 4 | B'nai B'rith New York Lodge: NYC | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 5 | Cornell Law School: Ithaca | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 6 | Reform Jewish Appeal Dinner: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 7 | United Jewish Appeal: Texas | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 8 | Committee of 100-Miami Beach | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 9 | United Jewish Appeal: Ohio | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 10 | Excerpts from KBK Speeches | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 11 | United Jewish Appeal: Ohio | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 12 | NYC Mission Society Cadet Corps | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 13 | Greek Line Reception-Pier 97 | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 14 | United Jewish Appeal: Illinois | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 15 | Women's League for Israel: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 16 | Global Outlook-Oklahoma State U | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 17 | Oklahoma State University | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 18 | De Molay Award: Rochester | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 19 | Republican Dinner: Michigan | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 20 | Republican Speech-Michigan | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 21 | United Jewish Appeal: Kansas City | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 55: 22 | 20th Century Fox 50th Anniversary | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 1 | Law Day | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 2 | Law Day: Suffolk Air Force Base | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 3 | Law Day | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 4 | YM-YWCA Dedication | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 6 | Einstein College of Medicine | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 7 | Anti-Defamation League Speech | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 8 | B'nai B'rith Anti-defamation | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 9 | Master-B'nai B'rith | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 10 | United Jewish Appeal: Baltimore | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 11 | Population Crisis | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 12 | United Jewish Appeal: Illinois | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 13 | United Jewish Appeal: Los Angeles | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 14 | Leukemia Society-Garden City, NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 15 | Bowdain College-Brunswick, Maine | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 16 | Two Party System-Bowdain College | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 17 | Erasmas Hall High School: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 18 | State of Israel Bonds: Mass | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 19 | Jewish National Fund: Illinois | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 20 | Jewish National Fund: Chicago | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 21 | Jewish National Fund: Canada | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 22 | Friends of Yeshiva U-Detroit | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 23 | Friends of Yeshiva-Detroit | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 24 | John Fischer-Harpers-Brook: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 25 | Rhode Island College Commencement | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 26 | United Jewish Appeal: Chicago | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 27 | United Jewish Appeal: Master Speech | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 28 | First National City Bank | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 56: 29 | First National City Bank: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 1 | State of Israel Bonds: Chicago | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 2 | Brighton High-Graduation: Rochester | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 3 | State of Israel Bonds: Harrisburg | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 4 | City of Hope: Los Angeles | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 5 | Essex County Republican Fund Dinner | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 6 | City of Hope | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 7 | New York City: Brunch | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 8 | United Jewish Appeal: Dinner | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 9 | Johns Hopkins University | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 10 | Interfaith Brotherhood | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 57: 11 | University of Rochester | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 1 | Taft Institute-C.W. Post College | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 2 | United Nations Day: Phoenix | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 3 | United Nations-Master Speech | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 4 | State of Israel Bonds: Ft. Worth | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 5 | State of Israel Bonds: Philadelphia | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 6 | Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 7 | State of Israel Bonds: Denver | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 8 | Pope John XVIII Award Dinner | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 9 | State of Israel Bonds: Philadelphia | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 10 | Lecture: Washington University, Mo. | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 11 | State of Israel Bond Speaker: Tulsa | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 12 | State of Israel Bonds: Master Speech | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 13 | State of Israel Bonds: NY | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 14 | Albany County Bar Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 15 | Brandeis U-Judge Proskaver | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 16 | United Jewish Appeal: Newark, NJ | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 17 | Bennett College-Milbrook, NJ | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 18 | Planned Parenthood Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 19 | Manhattan Club | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 20 | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 58: 21 | Southern Florida Planned Parenthood | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 1 | Speech with Vincent Haywood on WNAC | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 2 | Struggle for Legislative Survival | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 3 | University of Dayton-Ohio | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 4 | United Jewish Appeal: Teaneck, NJ | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 5 | United Jewish Appeal: Allentown, Pa | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 6 | Indiana U of Penn-Indiana, Pa | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 7 | Washington & Jefferson College-Pa | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 8 | Reform Jewish Appeal | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 9 | Federal Bar Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 10 | Illinois Institute of Technology | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 11 | Case Western Reserve U-Cleveland | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 12 | Far Rockaway Jewish Community | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 13 | Beth Israel Medical Center: NY | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 14 | Richmond County Bar Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 59: 15 | St. Francis Charter Award Dinner | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 1 | American Arbitration Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 2 | Nassau County Bar Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 3 | Assn of Supreme Court Justices | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 4 | Peekskill Military Academy | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 5 | Kent State University | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 6 | City of Hope: Man of the Year Dinner | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 7 | Postgrad Center for Mental Health | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 8 | New Lawyers Second Department | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 60: 9 | Monroe County Bar Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 1 | US Court of Appeals-Conference | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 2 | Washington County Lawyers Assn | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 3 | Long Island Press | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 4 | Rockland County Bar Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 5 | Theodore Herzl Institute | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 6 | Law Courts Service | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 7 | St. John's University Moot Court | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 8 | Saint Cloud State College | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 9 | Syracuse-Queens Internl Moot Court | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 10 | Dean's Day NYU Slumni | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 11 | State of Israel Bonds | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 12 | Cornell U Moot Court Competition | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 61: 13 | New York Lawyers Association | 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 1 | Louis B. Heller Induction | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 2 | United Nations Associations | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 3 | SUNY at Buffalo Athletic Club | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 4 | Masons of Erie | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 5 | United Jewish Appeal of Greater NY | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 6 | Cornell Law Quarterly-Banquet | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 7 | San Diego Bar Association | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 8 | St. Francis College of Regents | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 9 | Cornell University | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 10 | Sword Society-Temple University | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 11 | Practising Law Institute | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 12 | United Jewish Appeal of Greater NY | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 13 | Eloy Alfara International Award | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 14 | East Central Ohio Teachers Assn | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 15 | UNA-USA Biennial Banquet | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 62: 16 | The Protestant Council-Bronx | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 1 | American Foresight, Inc. | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 2 | NY State Bar Association | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 3 | NY State Bar | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 4 | Human Dignity Award | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 5 | Fordham University | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 6 | Brandeis University | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 7 | Duke University | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 8 | SUNY at Buffalo | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 9 | Brooklyn Law School | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 10 | Franklin Pierce College | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 63: 11 | Kansas Bar Association | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 1 | Jewish Nazi Victims Organization | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 2 | Grand Lodge of Masons of NY | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 3 | New Jersey Bar Association | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 4 | Kent State Commencement | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 5 | Jewish National Fund Foundation | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 6 | Guild of Catholic Lawyers | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 7 | Bar Association of Nassau County | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 8 | St. George Association, Inc. | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 9 | Albany Law School | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 64: 10 | Jewish National Fund | 1968 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 65: 1 | City Club of Rochester, Inc. | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 65: 2 | Beth Sarah School for Girls | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 65: 3 | Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Dinner | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 65: 4 | NY Trial Lawyers Association | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 65: 5 | St Francis College-Regents Council | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 65: 6 | Appeal of Conscience Foundation | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 1 | Presentations of Credentials-India | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 2 | Indian & American Employees | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 3 | Fourth of July Celebration-India | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 4 | Family Planning Vehicles Ceremony | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 5 | Apollo-Man on the Moon Exhibit | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 6 | Meeting of Advisors: New Delhi | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 7 | Indian Students Leaving for USA | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 8 | Inauguration of Madras Refineries | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 9 | Public Address-Ethirai College | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 10 | Indo-American Chamber of Commerce | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 11 | Robert Dowling College | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 12 | Astronauts in Bombay | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 13 | PAO Regional Conference: Delhi | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 14 | Opening of USIS Library: New Delhi | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 15 | American Women's Club: New Delhi | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 16 | Marine Corps Ball: New Delhi | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 17 | Educational Resource Center Group | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 18 | Press Club of India-New Delhi | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 19 | American Affiliated Companies | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 20 | Defense Services Staff College | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 21 | Mysore Chamber of Commerce | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 22 | Guru Nanak 500th Birthday Ceremony | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 23 | Thanksgiving Day Proclamation | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 24 | Indo-American Society: Ahmedabad | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 25 | Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 26 | Moon Rock Exhibit: New Delhi | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 27 | Thumba Equatorial Launching Station | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 28 | Andhra Pradesh Tourist Week | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 29 | Joint Chamber of Commerce: Hyderabad | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 30 | Public Meeting-Osmania University | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 31 | Delhi Central Citizens Committee | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 32 | Christian Medical College-Ludhiana | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 33 | Institute of Public Affairs: Bhopal | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 34 | Rabindra Mandap-Bhubaneswar | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 35 | Inauguration of Lube India-Bombay | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 36 | Rotary Club: Bangalore | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 37 | Isabella Thoburn College-Lucknow | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 38 | Engineering Assn of India-New Delhi | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 39 | Miraj Medical Center-Bombay | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 40 | Indian Chambers of Commerce: Federal | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 41 | Indo-American Chamber of Commerce | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 42 | Ten Young Artists Exhibit: New Delhi | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 43 | National Defense College: New Delhi | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 44 | United Nations Clubs & UNESCO | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 45 | Kala Mandir-Patna | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 46 | Delhi Study Group: New Delhi | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 47 | Rotary Club: Bombay | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 48 | Indo-American Society: Bombay | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 66: 49 | Indian Society of Advertisers | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 1 | Consular Law School: NY | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 2 | Brooklyn Law School: NY | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 3 | Export/Import Bank: Washington DC | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 4 | Apollo Moon Landing-Anniversary | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 5 | Student Orientation Program-India | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 6 | Voice of America-New Delhi | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 7 | Marriage of Isola and Jack Edwards | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 8 | Childrens Theater-Madras | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 9 | Opening of Softball Season-Delhi | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 10 | Lisie Hospital-Cochin | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 11 | Experiment in International Living | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 12 | Film: "It Couldn't be Done": Kanpur | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 13 | Indian Institute of Technology | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 14 | American Women's Club Bazaar | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 15 | Marine Corps Ball: New Delhi | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 16 | Birla Academy of Art & Culture | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 17 | Indo-American Society: Calcutta | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 18 | Thanksgiving Day Proclamation | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 19 | Progressive Group-Bombay | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 20 | Indo-American Chamber of Commerce | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 21 | Recording-Abraham Lincoln at USIS | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 22 | Rotary District 3#5: Hyderabad | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 23 | Economic/Commercial Officers Conf | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 24 | AID Loan Signing Ceremony: New Delhi | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 25 | 450 Mysore Farmers: New Delhi | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 26 | National Defense College | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 27 | Rotary Club: Calcutta | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 28 | AID Loan Signing Ceremony: New Delhi | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 29 | Panda Presentation-Delhi Zoo | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 30 | Handing Over a Moon Sample | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 31 | Monroe County Sesquicentennial: NY | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 32 | AID Loan Signing Ceremony: New Delhi | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 33 | Bear Cubs Presentation-Delhi Zoo | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 34 | Thanksgiving Day Proclamation | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 35 | Grant Signing Ceremony: New Delhi | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 36 | Funds for Rural Electrification | 1972 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 37 | Celebration of St. Thomas-Madras | 1972 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 38 | National Defense College: New Delhi | 1972 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 39 | Material for Speeches | 1972 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 40 | Speech Requests | 1969 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 41 | Speech Requests | 1970 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 42 | Speech Requests | 1971 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 67: 43 | Speech Requests | 1972 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 68: 1 | Zionist Organization of America | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 68: 2 | Reading Copies of Misc Speeches | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 68: 3 | Nature of Responsible Dissent | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 68: 4 | State of Israel Bonds | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 68: 5 | Speaking Correspondence | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 68: 6 | Speech Excerpts on Cards | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 69: 1 | Newspaper Articles: Lincoln | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 69: 2 | Misc Speech Material | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 69: 3 | Misc Speech Material | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 69: 4 | Speaking Engagements Turned Down | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 69: 5 | Speaking Engagements Accepted | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 69: 6 | Speaking Engagements Declined | 1965 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 69: 7 | Speaking Engagements Declined | 1966 - 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 69: 8 | Speaking Engagements Declined | 1967 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 69: 9 | Miscellaneous Speech Articles-Bar Assn | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 70: 1 | Joke File | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 70: 2 | Speech Material: Israel Bond Program | 1965 - 1966 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 70: 3 | United Jewish Appeal, Inc. | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 70: 4 | United Jewish Appeal Press Releases | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 70: 5 | Foreign Policy | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 70: 6 | Monroe County Sermon | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 70: 7 | Future Republican Party | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 71: 1 | Campaign and Post-Campaign Speeches | 1946 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 2 | Speeches and Remarks in the House | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 3 | Speech Material and Releases | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 4 | Articles by KBK and Correspondence | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 5 | Speech Material I | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 6 | Speech Material II | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 7 | Speech Material III | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 8 | Speech Material IV | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 9 | Press Releases | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 10-21 | Speech Releases and Material | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 22-30 | Speech Releases and Material | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 31 | Indexed Copies: Speeches & Releases | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 32-43 | Indexed Copies: Speeches & Releases | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 44 | Communism | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 45 | Congressional Investigative Policy | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 46 | Corruption | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 47 | Crime Legislation | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 48 | District of Columbia | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 49 | Education: White House Conference on | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 50 | Farm Program | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 51 | Federal Employees | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 52 | Foreign Policy | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 53 | Foreign Trade | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 54 | Internal Security | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 55 | Israel | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 56 | Item Veto | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 57 | Judicial Branch | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 58 | Juvenile Delinquency | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 59 | Lake Ontario | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 60 | Miscellaneous Subjects | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 61 | National Defense | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 62 | Political Material | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 63 | Problems: 84th Congress and Admin | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 64 | Special Groups | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 65 | Statements-President's Messages | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 66 | Tariff | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 67 | Taxes | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 68 | Veterans | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 69 | Wiretapping | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 70 | Congressional Record | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 71 | Civil Rights | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 72 | Farm Program | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 73 | Foreign Trade | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 74 | Israel | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 75 | Judicial | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 76 | Miscellaneous | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 77 | Political Material | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 78 | Statements on Presidential Speeches | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 79 | Tributes | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 80 | Veterans | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 71: 81 | Congressional Record | 1949 - 1956 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 72: 1 | Pamphlets, Articles & Clippings | 1959 - 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 72: 2 | Republican National Committee | 1959 - 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 72: 3-9 | Unindexed and Unidentified Speeches | 1959 - 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 72: 10 | Speeches & Releases by Others | 1959 - 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 72: 11 | Speeches by Others | 1959 - 1964 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 73: 1-3 | Speeches Unidentifiable | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 73: 4 | Speeches Undated | KBK Speeches | ||
9: 73: 5 | Speech Index | 1959 - 1960 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 74: 1 | Campaign Speeches | 1946 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 74: 2 | Campaign Speeches | 1947 - 1947 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 74: 3 | Campaign Speeches | 1947 - 1947 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 74: 4 | Misc Speeches | 1947 - 1947 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 74: 5 | Misc Speeches | 1947 - 1947 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 74: 6 | Misc Speeches | 1948 - 1948 | KBK Speeches | |
9: 74: 7 | Misc Speeches | 1948 - 1948 | KBK Speeches | |
10: 1: 1 | Let's Look at Congress: Interview with John Taber | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 2 | Keating Interview by Bert Andrews | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 3 | LLAC: Edmund R. Radwan | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 4 | Peoples Platform: Keating Interview | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 5 | Radio: TV Show | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 6 | Interview with Leslie Arends | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 7 | HR 3441: Congressional Ethics | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 8 | Corruption-Ethics in Government | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 9 | Congress Speaks | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 10 | On Trial-Panel Discussion on Ethics | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 11 | Public Ser Program for Red Cross | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 12 | Congress Speaks | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 13 | Daniel Bolich's Indictment | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 14 | Indices | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 15 | Let's Look at Congress: Joseph W. Martin | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 16 | Let's Look at Congress: John W. McCormack | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 17 | LLAC: Daniel A. Reed | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 18 | Let's Look at Congress: Robert A. Taft | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 19 | Let's Look at Congress: Lyndon B. Johnson | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 20 | Let's Look at Congress: Sterling Cole | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 21 | Let's Look at Congress: Herbert Bronwell, Jr. | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 22 | Let's Look at Congress: Marion B. Folsom | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 23 | Let's Look at Congress: Roger M. Kyes | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 24 | Let's Look at Congress: Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 25 | Let's Look at Congress: Harold E. Stassen | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 26 | Let's Look at Congress: Richard M. Nixon | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 27 | LLAC: Charles A. Halleck | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 28 | Let's Look at Congress: Sherman Adams | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 29 | Let's Look at Congress: Thurston B. Morton | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 30 | Let's Look at Congress: Irving M. Ives | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 31 | Let's Look at Congress: John F. Kennedy | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 32 | Let's Look at Congress: Oveta Culp Hobby | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 33 | Let's Look at Congress: Herbert Brownell, Jr. | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 34 | Let's Look at Congress: James P. Mitchell | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 35 | Let's Look at Congress: William F. Knowland | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 36 | Let's Look at Congress: Robert B. Anderson | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 37 | Let's Look at Congress: George M. Humphrey | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 38 | Let's Look at Congress: Thomas E. Dewey | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 39 | Let's Look at Congress: Richard M. Nixon | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 40 | Let's Look at Congress: W. Sterling Cole | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 41 | Let's Look at Congress: Homer Ferguson | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 42 | LLAC: Bernard M. Shanley | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 43 | Let's Look at Congress: John W. McCormack | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 44 | Let's Look at Congress: William F. Knowland | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 45 | Let's Look at Congress: Robert B. Anderson | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 46 | Let's Look at Congress: Lewis L. Strauss | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 47 | Let's Look at Congress: Herbert Brownell, Jr. | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 48 | Prayer Room Film | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 49 | Let's Look at Congress: Sinclair Weeks | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 50 | Let's Look at Congress: James P. Mitchell | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 51 | Let's Look at Congress: Irving M. Ives | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 52 | LLAC: Ezra Taft Benson | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 53 | LLAC: Estes Kefauver | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 54 | Let's Look at Congress: Sir Roger Makins | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 55 | LLAC: Edward F. Howrey | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 56 | Let's Look at Congress: Paul M. Bulter | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 57 | Let's Look at Congress: Leonard W. Hall | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 58 | LLAC: Allen W. Dulles | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 59 | Let's Look at Congress: Maurice Couve de Murville | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 60 | LLAC: Abba Eban | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 61 | Let's Look at Congress: Marion B. Folsom | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 62 | Let's Look at Congress: Reuben B. Robertson | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 63 | Let's Look at Congress: Manilo Brosio | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 64 | Let's Look at Congress: Heinz L. Krekeler | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 65 | Let's Look at Congress: V. K. Willington Koo | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 66 | LLAC: Douglas McKay | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 67 | LLAC: Douglas McKay | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 68 | LLAC: Arthur E. Summerfield | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 69 | Let's Look at Congress: Harold E. Stassen | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 70 | Let's Look at Congress: Patrick J. Ryan | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 1: 71 | Let's Look at Congress: John Taber | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 1 | Let's Look at Congress: John D. Lodge | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 2 | Let's Look at Congress: Joseph W. Martin, Jr. | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 3 | Let's Look at Congress: John W. McCormack | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 4 | Let's Look at Congress: William F. Knowland | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 5 | Let's Look at Congress: John F. Kennedy | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 6 | Let's Look at Congress: Herbert Brownell, Jr. | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 7 | Let's Look at Congress: George M. Humphrey | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 8 | Let's Look at Congress: Sherman Adams | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 9 | Let's Look at Congress: John J. Sparkman | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 10 | Let's Look at Congress: Henry Cabot Lodge | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 11 | Let's Look at Congress: James C. Hagerty | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 12 | Let's Look at Congress: John Foster Dulles | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 13 | Let's Look at Congress: Wilber M. Brucker | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 14 | Let's Look at Congress: Marion B. Folsom | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 15 | Let's Look at Congress: Fred A Seaton | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 16 | Let's Look at Congress: J. Edgar Hoover | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 17 | LLAC: Estes Kefauver | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 18 | Let's Look at Congress: James P. Mitchell | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 19 | Kermitt Hill TV: KBK on Election | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 20 | Let's Look at Congress: Richard M. Nixon | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 21 | Let's Look at Congress: Jacob K. Javits | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 22 | Let's Look at Congress: John W. McCormack | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 23 | Let's Look at Congress: Joseph W. Martin, Jr. | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 24 | Let's Look at Congress: Sinclair Weeks | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 25 | Let's Look at Congress: Gabriel Hauge | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 26 | Let's Look at Congress: Hubert Humphrey | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 27 | Let's Look at Congress: Styles Bridges | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 28 | Let's Look at Congress: Sherman Adams | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 29 | LLAC: Abba Eban | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 30 | Let's Look at Congress: Scott McLeod | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 31 | LLAC: Christian A. Herter | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 32 | Let's Look at Congress: John F. Kennedy | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 33 | Let's Look at Congress: Herbert Brownell, Jr. | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 34 | Let's Look at Congress: Richard M. Nixon | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 35 | CBS-TV News: KBK on Civil Rights | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 36 | Congress Speaks: KBK on Civil Rights | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 37 | Let's Look at Congress: Irving M. Ives | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 38 | Let's Look at Congress: William F. Knowland | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 39 | Let's Look at Congress: Joseph W. Martin, Jr. | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 40 | LLAC: Estes Kefauver | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 41 | Congress Speaks: KBK on Gambling | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 42 | Let's Look at Congress: William P. Rogers | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 43 | Let's Look at Congress: Robert B. Anderson | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 44 | Let's Look at Congress: James R. Killian | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 45 | Congress Speaks: KBK on Supreme Ct | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 46 | Let's Look at Congress: Mike Mansfield | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 47 | Let's Look at Congress: James P. Mitchell | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 48 | Let's Look at Congress: Sinclair Weeks | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 49 | Congress Speaks: KBK on Crime | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 50 | Let's Look at Congress: John F. Kennedy | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 51 | Let's Look at Congress: J. Edgar Hoover | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 52 | Let's Look at Congress: James C. Hagerty | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 53 | Let's Look at Congress: John Foster Dulles | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 54 | Let's Look at Congress: Richard M. Nixon | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 55 | Let's Look at Congress: John W. McCormack | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 56 | Congress Speaks: KBK on Rules | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 57 | Let's Look at Congress: Jacob K. Javits | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 58 | Congress Speaks: KBK-85th Congress | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 59 | Between the Lines: KBK on Senate | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 60 | Keating on the Issues | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 61 | WCBS-TV: Eisenhower, Javits & KBK | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 62 | WRCA-TV-Campaign Broadcast by KBK | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 63 | Press Conference with KBK | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 64 | WCBS-TV: Press Conference with KBK | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 2: 65 | Campaign Broadcast with KBK | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 1 | LLAC: Everett M. Dirksen | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 2 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 3 | Let's Look at Congress: John W. McCormack | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 4 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 5 | LLAC: Ezra Taft Benson | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 6 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 7 | Let's Look at Congress: Lewis L. Strauss | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 8 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 9 | J. William Fullbright | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 10 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 11 | LLAC: Arthur S. Flemming | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 12 | TV Program with Terence P. Finnegan | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 13 | Let's Look at Congress: James P. Mitchell | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 14 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 15 | Let's Look at Congress: Thruston B. Morton | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 16 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 17 | Let's Look at Congress: Hubert H. Humphrey | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 18 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 19 | Let's Look at Congress: William P. Rogers | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 20 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 21 | Let's Look at Congress: John F. Kennedy | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 22 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 23 | Let's Look at Congress: Hugh Scott | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 24 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 25 | Let's Look at Congress: Stuart Symington | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 26 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 27 | LLAC: Clifford P. Case | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 28 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 29 | Let's Look at Congress: Neil H. McElroy | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 30 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 31 | WHEC-TV-Special Program-Paul Martin | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 32 | Let's Look at Congress: Mike Mansfield | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 33 | Let's Look at Congress: Richard M. Nixon | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 34 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 35 | Let's Look at Congress: John Sherman Cooper | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 36 | Ask Ken Keating-Hiram L. Fong | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 37 | TV: Jason Clark, Hugh Scott & KBK | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 38 | Let's Look at Congress: George A. Smathers | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 39 | Ask Ken Keating | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 40 | LLAC: Everett M. Dirksen | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 41 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 42 | Let's Look at Congress: Mike Mansfield | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 43 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 44 | Let's Look at Congress: Fredrick H. Mueller | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 45 | Let's Look at Congress: James P. Mitchell | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 46 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 47 | Let's Look at Congress: Hubert Humphrey | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 48 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 49 | Let's Look at Congress: John F. Kennedy | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 3: 50 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 1 | Let's Look at Congress: T. Keith Glennan | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 2 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 3 | LLAC: Arthur S. Flemming | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 4 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 5 | Let's Look at Congress: Thurston B. Morton | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 6 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 7 | Let's Look at Congress: Stuart Symington | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 8 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 9 | Let's Look at Congress: Hugh Scott | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 10 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 11 | Let's Look at Congress: Lyndon B. Johnson | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 12 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 13 | LLAC: Douglas Dillon | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 14 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 15 | Let's Look at Congress: Thomas S. Gates, Jr. | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 16 | WCNY-TV: KBK on Pres. Election | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 17 | Let's Look at Congress: Hubert Humphrey | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 18 | Ask Ken Keating | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 19 | LLAC: Everett M. Dirksen | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 20 | Ask Ken Keating | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 21 | Let's Look at Congress: Mike Masefield | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 22 | Ask Ken Keating-Jacques Piccard | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 23 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 24 | Let's Look at Congress: Thurston B. Morton | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 25 | Ask Ken Keating-Don D. Flickinger | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 26 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 27 | Let's Look at Congress: John W. McCormack | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 28 | Ask Ken Keating-R. Sargent Shriver | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 29 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 30 | Let's Look at Congress: Robert F. Kennedy | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 31 | Ask Ken Keating-Lawrence J. Lincoln | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 32 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 33 | LLAC: Averell Harriman | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 34 | Ask Ken Keating-George McGovern | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 35 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 36 | LLAC: Abraham A. Ribicoff | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 37 | Ask Ken Keating-Norman Manley | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 38 | CBS-TV-Washington Conversation: KBK | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 39 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 40 | Let's Look at Congress: John Sherman Cooper | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 41 | WCBS-TV: Face New York | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 42 | Ask Ken Keating-Edward R. Annis | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 43 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 44 | Let's Look at Congress: Frank J. Lausche & Wayne Morse | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 45 | Ask Ken Keating-James E. Webb | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 46 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 47 | Let's Look at Congress: Nelson A. Rockefeller | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 48 | Ask Ken Keating-William E. Miller | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 49 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 50 | LLAC: Edward R. Murrow | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 51 | Ask Ken Keating | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 52 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 53 | Let's Look at Congress: Newton Minnow & Leroy Collins | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 54 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 55 | Let's Look at Congress: Hugh Scott | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 56 | Ask Ken Keating-Hyman G. Rickover | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 57 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 58 | Let's Look at Congress: J. William Fulbright | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 59 | Ask Ken Keating-A. Gore & G. Aiken | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 60 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 61 | LLAC: Arthur J. Goldberg | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 62 | Ask Ken Keating-Richard B. Russell | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 63 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 64 | Let's Look at Congress: Luther H. Hodges | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 65 | Ask Ken Keating-Arthur H. Dean | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 66 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 67 | LLAC: Clifford P. Chase | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 68 | Ask Ken Keating-P. Bush & W. Grewe | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 69 | LLAC: Douglas Dillon | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 70 | Ask Ken Keating | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 71 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 72 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 73 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 74 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 75 | TV Show Honoring Retired Teachers | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 76 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 77 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 78 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 79 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 4: 80 | Senate Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 1 | Let's Look at Congress: Mike Mansfield | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 2 | Ask Ken Keating-Stanley S. Surrey | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 3 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 4 | Let's Look at Congress: Thomas H. Kuchel | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 5 | Ask Ken Keating-Carlos P. Romulo | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 6 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 7 | Let's Look at Congress: John Stennis | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 8 | Ask Ken Keating-Robert C. Weaver | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 9 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 10 | LLAC: Everett Dirksen | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 11 | Ask Ken Keating-James E. Webb | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 12 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 13 | Let's Look at Congress: Robert S. McNamara | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 14 | Ask Ken Keating-Teodoro Moscaso | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 15 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 16 | Let's Look at Congress: George Romney | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 17 | KBK on Trade with Cuba & Canada | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 18 | Ask Ken Keating-Margaret C. Smith | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 19 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 20 | LLAC: Adlai E. Stevenson | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 21 | Keating on Leisure Time | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 22 | Ask Ken Keating-Louis J. Liefkowitz | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 23 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 24 | Let's Look at Congress: Nelson A. Rockefeller | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 25 | Ask Ken Keating-Paul Rand Dixon | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 26 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 27 | LLAC: Averell Harriman | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 28 | Ask Ken Keating-Glenn Seaborg | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 29 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 30 | Let's Look at Congress: Hubert H. Humphrey | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 31 | WTTG-TV-Javits-KBK Birthday Salute | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 32 | Arts & Letters | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 33 | Ask Ken Keating-G. Mennon Williams | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 34 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 35 | Let's Look at Congress: John McClellan | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 36 | Ask Ken Keating-Karl Mundt | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 37 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 38 | LLAC: Dean Rusk | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 39 | Ask Ken Keating-Najeeb Halaby | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 40 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 41 | Let's Look at Congress: John Sherman Cooper | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 42 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 43 | Ask Ken Keating-Auraham Harman | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 44 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 45 | LLAC: Arthur Goldberg | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 46 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 47 | Ask Ken Keating-G. Keith Funston | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 48 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 49 | Let's Look at Congress: Paul H. Douglas | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 50 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 51 | Ask Ken Keating-George Meany | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 52 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 53 | LLAC: Edward R. Murrow | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 54 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 55 | Ask Ken Keating-William C. Foster | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 56 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 57 | Let's Look at Congress: John J. Williams | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 58 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 59 | Ask Ken Keating-Robert S. Kerr | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 60 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 61 | Let's Look at Congress: George D. Aiken | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 62 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 63 | Ask Ken Keating-F. Berckemeyer | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 64 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 65 | Let's Look at Congress: Lucius Clay | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 66 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 67 | Ask Ken Keating-Morarji Desai | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 68 | Senate Report | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 69 | WCBS-TV: Newsmakers: Keating on Cuba | 1962 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 70 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 71 | Senator Keating Reports: Thomas Kuchel | 1963 | TV & Radio Show | |
10: 5: 72 | Senator Keating Reports: Hubert Humphrey | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 73 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 74 | Senator Keating Reports: William Foster | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 75 | Senator Keating Reports: John C. Stennis | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 76 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 77 | Senator Keating Reports: N. Rockefeller | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 78 | Senator Keating Reports: George Agree | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 79 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 80 | Miami Press Conference | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 81 | Senator Keating Reports: F. Berckemeyer | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 82 | Senator Keating Reports: Paul Douglas | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 83 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 84 | ABC-TV: Alumni Fun | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 85 | Congressional Report: KBK on Cuba | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 86 | Senator Keating Reports: Estes Kefauver | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 87 | Senator Keating Reports: Mortimer Caplin | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 88 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 89 | Senator Keating Reports: Henry L. Giordano | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 5: 90 | Senator Keating Reports: Thruston Morton | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 1 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 2 | Senator Keating Reports: Lucius D. Clay | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 3 | Senator Keating Reports: Averell Harriman | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 4 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 5 | Senator Keating Reports: Margaret C. Smith | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 6 | Senator Keating Reports: Thomas J. Dodd | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 7 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 8 | Senator Keating Reports: Lauris Norstad | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 9 | Senator Keating Reports: John S. Cooper | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 10 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 11 | NBC-TV-Meet the Press | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 12 | Senator Keating Reports: Chester Bowles | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 13 | Wheat Referendum | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 14 | Senator Keating Reports: George D. Aiken | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 15 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 16 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 17 | Senator Keating Reports: Roy Wilkens | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 18 | Senator Keating Reports: P. Papaligouras | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 19 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 20 | Senator Keating Reports: Clifford P. Case | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 21 | Senator Keating Reports: Henry M. Jackson | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 22 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 23 | Senator Keating Reports: F.D Roosevelt, Jr | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 24 | Senator Keating Reports: Warren Magnuson | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 25 | Senator Keating Reports: James L. Farmer | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 26 | Senator Keating Reports: John J. Williams | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 27 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 28 | Senator Keating Reports: Wayne Morse | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 29 | Senator Keating Reports: Henry Cabot Lodge | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 30 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 31 | Senator Keating Reports: Albert Gore | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 32 | Senator Keating Reports: L. Saltonstall | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 33 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 34 | Senator Keating Reports: William Proxmire | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 35 | Senator Keating Reports: Russell B. Long | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 36 | Senator Keating Reports: William Anderson | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 37 | Senator Keating Reports: Stuart Symington | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 38 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 39 | Senator Keating Reports: David E. Bell | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 40 | Senator Keating Reports: Gerhard Schroeder | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 41 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 42 | Senator Keating Reports: Tran Van Chuong | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 43 | WCBS-TV: Newsmakers | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 44 | Senator Keating Reports: James E. Webb | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 45 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 46 | Senator Keating Reports | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 47 | Senator Keating Reports: B.B. Hickenlooper | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 48 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 49 | Senator Keating Reports: Auraham Harman | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 50 | Senator Keating Reports: Frank J. Lausche | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 51 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 52 | Senator Keating Reports: Abraham Ribicoff | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 53 | Senator Keating Reports: Everrett Dirksen | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 54 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 55 | Senator Keating Reports | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 56 | Senator Keating Reports: Sargent Shriver | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 57 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 58 | Senator Keating Reports: Mike Mansfield | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 6: 59 | Senate Report | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 1 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 2 | Senator Keating Reports: Everett Dirksen | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 3 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 4 | Senator Keating Reports: Hubert Humphrey | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 5 | Senator Keating Reports: Luther L. Terry | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 6 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 7 | Senator Keating Reports: John J. Williams | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 8 | Senator Keating Reports: Joe Foss | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 9 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 10 | Senator Keating Reports: John A. Hannah | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 11 | Senator Keating Reports: Joseph S. Farland | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 12 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 13 | Senator Keating Reports: Morris B. Abram | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 14 | Senator Keating Reports: Hugh Scott | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 15 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 16 | Senator Keating Reports: Philip A. Hart | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 17 | Senator Keating Reports: Gonzalo J. Facio | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 18 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 19 | Senator Keating Reports: Burke Marshall | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 20 | Senator Keating Reports: Herve Alphand | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 21 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 22 | Senator Keating Reports: Joseph Clark | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 23 | Senator Keating Reports: Margaret C. Smith | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 24 | WNBC-TV-Search Light: KBK Interview | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 25 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 26 | Senator Keating Reports: Marietta Tree | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 27 | Senator Keating Reports: Francisco R. Lima | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 28 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 29 | Senator Keating Reports: Alexander Matsas | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 30 | WBEN-TV: KBK on Canadian Commuters | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 31 | Senator Keating Reports: William McCulloch | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 32 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 33 | KBK on Presidential Inability | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 34 | Senator Keating Reports: Clifford P. Chase | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 35 | Senator Keating Reports: George D. Aiken | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 36 | Senator Keating Reports: Christian Herter | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 37 | Senator Keating Reports: Thomas H. Kuchel | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 38 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 39 | Walt Whitman Rostow | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 40 | Senator Keating Reports: Thruston Morton | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 41 | Senate Report | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 42 | Senator Keating Reports: Carl T. Rowan | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 43 | Senator Keating Reports: Mike Mansfield | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 44 | WCBS-TV: Newsmakers: KBK Interview | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 45 | Senator Keating Reports: Leo D. Welch | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 46 | Senator Keating Reports: William Proxmire | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 47 | Senator Keating Reports: Wayne Morse | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 48 | Senator Keating Reports: Richard M. Nixon | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 49 | WNEW-TV-Opinion in the Capital: KBK | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 50 | Senator Keating Reports: Abraham Ribicoff | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 51 | Senator Keating Reports: Enrique Tejera | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 52 | WOR-TV-Taping with Mario Biaggi | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 53 | WOR-TV-Ladies of the Press: KBK | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 54 | WABC-TV: NY: New York: The Candidates | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 55 | WNBC-TV-Searchlight: KBK Interview | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 56 | WNBC-TV-League of Women Voters | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 57 | WABC-TV-Page One: KBK Interview | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 7: 58 | Miscellaneous TV Speeches | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 1 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1947 - 1947 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 2 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1947 - 1947 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 3 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1947 - 1947 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 4 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1947 - 1947 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 5 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1947 - 1947 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 6 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1947 - 1947 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 7 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 8 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 9 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 10 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 11 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 12 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 13 | American Forum-Civil Rights | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 14 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 15 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 16 | Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 17 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 18 | Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 19 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 20 | Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 21 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 22 | Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 23 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 24 | Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 25 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 26 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 27 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 28 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 29 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 30 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 31 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 32 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 33 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 34 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 35 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 36 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 37 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 38 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 39 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 40 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 41 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 42 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 43 | Show with Charles Halleck | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 44 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 45 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 46 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 47 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 48 | Weekly Radio Bulletin | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 49 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 50 | Mutual Opinionnaire Program | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 51 | Recruiting Coast Guard Candidates | 1948 - 1948 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 52 | Mutual Broadcasting System | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 53 | Weekly Radio Platter | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 54 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 55 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 56 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 57 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 58 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 59 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 60 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 61 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 62 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 63 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 64 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 65 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 66 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 67 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 68 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 8: 69 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 1 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 2 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 3 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 4 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 5 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 6 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 7 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 8 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 9 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 10 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 11 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 12 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 13 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 14 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 15 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 16 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 17 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1949 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 18 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 19 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 20 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 21 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 22 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 23 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 24 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 25 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 26 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 27 | WHAM-Is Uncle Sam Spending Too Much | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 28 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 29 | Weekly Radio News Items | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 30 | Capital Memo: Keating & Wadsworth | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 31 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 32 | Mutual News Reel of the Air | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 33 | Remarks on Taxes & Expenditures | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 34 | The Administration & Communism | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 35 | WHAM-The Republican Advance | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 36 | Mutual News Reel of the Air | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 37 | Our Past Foreign Policy & Korea | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 38 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 39 | Remarks on Surplus Food | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 40 | Pittsford Republican Club | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 41 | 81st Congress Success or Failure? | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 42 | Misc Remarks on WHAM Radio | 1950 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 43 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 44 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 45 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 46 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 47 | WHAM-Radio: Special Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 48 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 49 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 50 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 51 | Congress Speaks: KBK Interview | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 52 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 53 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 54 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 55 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 56 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 57 | Congress Speaks: KBK Interview | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 58 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 59 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 60 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 61 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 62 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 63 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 64 | Congress Speaks: KBK Interview | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 65 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 66 | KBK Interview with Joseph W. Martin | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 67 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 68 | Mutual Newsreel of the Air | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 69 | Broadcast on Congressional Ethics | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 70 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 71 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 72 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 73 | Congress Speaks: KBK Interview | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 9: 74 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 1 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 2 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 3 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 4 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 5 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 6 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 7 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 8 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 9 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 10 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 11 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 12 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 13 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 14 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 15 | Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 16 | Voice of America-KBK Interview | 1951 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 17 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 18 | Voice of America-Van Houtte Prop | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 19 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 20 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 21 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 22 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 23 | Interview with Harold C. Ostertag | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 24 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 25 | Capital Memo: KBK Interview | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 26 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 27 | ABC-Radio: Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 28 | Capital Memo | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 29 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 30 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 31 | Interview with William Miller | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 32 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 33 | KBK Interview with Jack Steele | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 34 | Statement on Attorney: General | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 35 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 36 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 37 | Radio Interview of Keating | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 38 | WHAM-Radio: Script | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 39 | Mutual Newsreel of the Air | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 40 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 41 | Seizure of Steel Plants | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 42 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 43 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 44 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 45 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 46 | WHAM-Radio: Red Cross Blood Center | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 47 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 48 | Justice Department Investigation | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 49 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 50 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 51 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 52 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 53 | WHAM-Radio: "Get Out the Vote" Drive | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 54 | Mutual Radio Network: Justice Dept | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 55 | Justice Department Investigation | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 56 | Mutual Radio News: Justice Dept | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 57 | Voice of America-Secretary of Labor | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 10: 58 | Mutual Radio News: Justice Dept | 1952 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 1 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 2 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 3 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 4 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 5 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 6 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 7 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 8 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 9 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 10 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 11 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 12 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 13 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 14 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 15 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 16 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 17 | WHEC-Radio: Radio Script | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 18 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 19 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 20 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 21 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 22 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 23 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 24 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 25 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 26 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 27 | WHAM-Radio: Interview with Keating | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 28 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 29 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 30 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 31 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1953 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 32 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 33 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 34 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 35 | Voice of America-Cardl. Mindszenty | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 36 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 37 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 38 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 39 | Congress Speaks: Keating Interviewed | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 40 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 41 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 42 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 43 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 44 | Facts Forum: Keating Interviewed | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 45 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 46 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 47 | CBS: Radio-The Leading Question | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 48 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 49 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 50 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 51 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 52 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 53 | Voice of America-Segregation | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 54 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 55 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 11: 56 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 1 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 2 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 3 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 4 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 5 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 6 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 7 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 8 | NBC-Radio: Can Republicans...House? | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 9 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 10 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 11 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 12 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 13 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 14 | Voice of America-Report on Economy | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 15 | Interview with KBK on the Election | 1954 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 16 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 17 | Congress Speaks: Keating Interviewed | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 18 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 19 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 20 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 21 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 22 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 23 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 24 | Congress Speaks: KBK Interviewed | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 25 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 26 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 27 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 28 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 29 | The Leading Question-Wiretapping | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 30 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 31 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 32 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 33 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 34 | Congress Speaks: Keating Interviewed | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 35 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 36 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 37 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 38 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 39 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 40 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 41 | Congress Speaks: Keating Interviewed | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 42 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 43 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 44 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 45 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 46 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 47 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 48 | Broadcast on Constituents | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 49 | Short Spots on Patriotic Subjects | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 50 | WWDC-Radio: KBK on Crime & Espionage | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 51 | American Forum of the Air | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 12: 52 | Suggested Question-Kefauver | 1955 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 1 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 2 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 3 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 4 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 5 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 6 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 7 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 8 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 9 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 10 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 11 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 12 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 13 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 14 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 15 | The Leading Question: KBK | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 16 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 17 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 18 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 19 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 20 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 21 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 22 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 23 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 24 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 25 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 26 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 27 | Congress Speaks | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 28 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 29 | Broadcast to Shut-Ins | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 30 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 31 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 32 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 33 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 34 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 35 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 36 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 37 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 38 | Mel Allen Show: KBK on Baseball | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 39 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 40 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 41 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 42 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 43 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 44 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 45 | Report From DC: KBK on Civil Rights | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 13: 46 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1956 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 1 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 2 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 3 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 4 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 5 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 6 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 7 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 8 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 9 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 10 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 11 | May: Keating Interview | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 12 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 13 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 14 | WHAM-Radio: Congress Speaks: KBK | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 15 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 16 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 17 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 18 | KBK Comment on Conflict of Interest | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 19 | HR 8643: Niagara Project: KBK Remarks | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 20 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 21 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 22 | Congress Speaks: KBK Interviewed | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 23 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 24 | WBBF-Radio: Opinion Program | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 25 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 26 | WBBF-Radio: Juvenile Delinquency | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 27 | WTOP-Radio: Anti-Trust in Sports | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 28 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 29 | Patti Cavin Show on Schools | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 30 | WSAY-Radio: Harry L. Rosenthal | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 31 | WBBFvThirty Days After Sputnik | 1957 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 32 | A Flicker and a Flame | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 33 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 34 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 35 | Congress Speaks: Keating Interviewed | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 36 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 37 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 38 | WBBF-Radio: Echoes of "Explorer" | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 39 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 40 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 41 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 42 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 43 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 44 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 45 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 46 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 47 | Remarks on the Space Program | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 48 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 49 | Dan Peterson's Show: The Space Age | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 50 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 52 | Congress Speaks-Organized Crime | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 53 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 54 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 14: 55 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 1 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 2 | Congress Speaks-Supreme Court | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 3 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 4 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 5 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 6 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 7 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 8 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 9 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 10 | Congress Speaks: Keating Interviewed | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 11 | Congress Speaks: Keating Interviewed | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 12 | WRCA-Javits-Why I Support KBK | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 13 | WRCA-Radio-Merchants of Hate | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 14 | WMCA-Radio-Barry Gray Show-KBK | 1958 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 15 | Voice of America-Anastas Mikoyan | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 16 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 17 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 18 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 19 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 20 | WLIB-Radio: KBK on Civil Rights | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 21 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 22 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 23 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 24 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1959 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 25 | Ask Ken Keating | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 26 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 27 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 28 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 29 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1960 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 30 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 31 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 32 | Monthly Radio Show | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 33 | WLIB-Radio: Program | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 34 | WLIB-Radio: Program | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 35 | Senate Radio Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 36 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 37 | WLIB-Radio: Program | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 38 | WLIB-Radio: Program | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 39 | WLIB-Radio: Program | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 40 | Radio Program | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 41 | WLIB-Radio: Biweekly Report | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 42 | Upstate Monthly Show | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 43 | WLIB-Radio: Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 44 | WLIB-Radio: Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 45 | Upstate Radio Show | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 46 | WABC-Radio: Presidential Inability | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 47 | KBK Remarks | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 48 | Bi-Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 49 | WLIB-Radio: Biweekly Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 50 | WLIB-Radio: Biweekly Broadcast | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 51 | WNEW-Radio: World's Fair | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 52 | WKCR-Columbia Press Conference | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 53 | Adenaver Visit | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 54 | WNEW-Radio: European Trip | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 55 | Capital Closeup | 1961 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 56 | WHEC-Radio: Weekly Radio Broadcast | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 57 | Remarks | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 58 | Upstate Radio Show | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 59 | Washington Reports to the People | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 60 | Upstate Radio Show | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 61 | Mutual Radio News-Poll Tax | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 62 | NBC-Radio: A Moment with KBK | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 63 | Washington Viewpoint | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 64 | Monthly Radio Show | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 65 | Monthly Radio Show | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 15: 66 | Monthly Radio Show | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 1 | Monthly Radio Show | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 2 | Washington Reports-Migrant Workers | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 3 | Monthly Radio Show | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 4 | Radio Script | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 5 | Mohawk Airlines Station | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 6 | Tape on the Rose as National Flower | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 7 | Lane Bryant Awards | 1962 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 8 | WBBF-Radio: Congo | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 9 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 10 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 11 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 12 | WHN-Radio: Florida Straits | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 13 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 14 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 15 | Barry Gray Show | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 16 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 17 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 18 | Remarks on Cuba | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 19 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 20 | ABC-Radio: Remarks on Cuba | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 21 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 22 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 23 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 24 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 25 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 26 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 27 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 28 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 29 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 30 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 31 | "Six O'Clock Close Up" | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 32 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 33 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 34 | Broadcast | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 35 | Broadcast | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 36 | "A Moment With Senator Keating" | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 37 | Radio Program | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 38 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 39 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 40 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 41 | WPTR-Radio: Test Ban Treaty | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 42 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 43 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 44 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 45 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 46 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 47 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 48 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 49 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 50 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 51 | Keating News Capsule | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 52 | Keating News Capsule: South Vietnam | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 53 | Keating News Capsule: US vs Soviet | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 54 | Keating News Capsule: Civil Rights | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 55 | Keating News Capsule: Czech Land | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 56 | Keating News Capsule: Draft Laws | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 57 | Keating News Capsule: NY Congressmen | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 58 | Keating News Capsule: JFK Tribute | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 59 | Keating News Capsule: Succession | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 60 | Keating News Capsule: Defense Dept | 1963 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 61 | Keating News Capsule: Civil Rights | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 62 | Keating New Capsule-Trade with Cuba | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 63 | Keating News Capsule: Draft Laws | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 64 | Keating News Capsule: State Dept | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 65 | Keating News Capsule: Consumers | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 66 | Keating News Capsule: Disarmament | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 67 | Keating News Capsule: Inability | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 68 | Keating News Capsule: South Vietnam | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 69 | Keating News Capsule: Cuba | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 70 | Keating News Capsule: Free Press | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 71 | Keating News Capsule: Pro Boxing | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 72 | Keating News Capsule: NY Economy | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 73 | Keating News Capsule: Indonesia | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 74 | Keating News Capsule: War on Poverty | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 75 | Keating News Capsule: Cuba | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 76 | Keating News Capsule: Vietnam | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 77 | Keating News Capsule: OAS & Castro | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 78 | WHVW-Radio: Open Line: KBK Interview | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 79 | WLIB-Radio: The Editors Speak | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 80 | WINS-Radio: News Conference | 1964 | TV & Radio Speeches | |
10: 16: 81 | Opinionnaire-Confidential Files | TV & Radio Speeches | ||
11: 1: 1 | World War II | 1945 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 2 | Anglo-Russian Demarcation Line | 1948 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 3 | European Trip | 1948 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 4 | European Trip | 1949 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 5 | Congressional Career | 1953 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 6 | Congressional Career | 1953 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 7 | Congressional Career | 1956 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 8 | Senate Campaign | 1958 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 9 | Senate Campaign | 1958 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 10 | Senate Campaign | 1958 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 11 | Senate Campaign | 1958 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 12 | Senate Campaign | 1958 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 13 | Senatorial Career | 1958 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 14 | Senatorial Career | 1959 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 15 | Senatorial Career | 1959 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 16 | Senatorial Career | 1959 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 17 | Senatorial Career | 1960 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 18 | Senatorial Career | 1960 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 19 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 20 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 21 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 22 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 23 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 24 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 25 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 26 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 27 | Senatorial Career | 1961 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 28 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 29 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 30 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 31 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 32 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 33 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 34 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 35 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 36 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 37 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 38 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 39 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 40 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 41 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 42 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 43 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 44 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 45 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 46 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 47 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 48 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 49 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 50 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 51 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 52 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 53 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 54 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 55 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 56-57 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 58 | Senatorial Career | 1962 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 59 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 60 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 61 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 62 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 63 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 64 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 65 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 66 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 67 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 68 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 69 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 70 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 71 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 72 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 73 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 74 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 75 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 76 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 77 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 1: 78 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 1 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 2 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 3 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 4 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 5 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 6 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 7 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 8 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 9 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 10 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 11 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 12 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 13 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 14 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 15 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 16 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 17 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 18 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 19 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 20 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 21 | JF Kennedy Funeral | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 22 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 23 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 24 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 25 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 26 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 27 | Senatorial Career | 1963 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 28 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 29 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 30 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 31 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 32 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 33 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 34 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 35 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 36 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 37 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 38 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 39 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 40 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 41 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 42 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 43 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 2: 44 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 1 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 2 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 3 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 4 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 5 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 6 | Stamina Conference | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 7 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 8 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 9 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 10 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 11 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 12 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 13-14 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 15 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 16 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 17 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 18 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 19 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 20 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 21 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 22 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 23 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 24 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 25 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 26 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 27 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 28 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 29 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 30 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 31 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 32 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 33 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 34 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 35 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 36 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 37 | Senatorial Career | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 3: 38 | Campaign Photos | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 4: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 5: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1969 - 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 3 | Ambassadorship to India-Rotary Conf | Photographs | ||
11: 6: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 10 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 11 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 12 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 6: 13 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 10 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 11 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 12 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 7: 13 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | Photographs | ||
11: 8: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 10 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 11 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 8: 12 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1970 - 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 9: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 10 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 10: 11 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1971 - 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 10 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 11 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 12 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 11: 13 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 1 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 2 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 3 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 4 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 5 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 6 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 7 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 8 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 9 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 10 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 11 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 12: 12 | Ambassadorship to India | 1972 | Photographs | |
11: 13: 1 | Signed Photos of Congressmen | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 2 | Legislators & Political Events | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 3 | KBK Abroad-Europe, India, Israel | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 4 | KBK and US Presidents | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 5 | KBK with Religious Leaders | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 6 | KBK and Civil Rights | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 7 | KBK: Speaking Engagements | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 8 | KBK: Clubs and Organizations | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 9 | KBK with Family and Friends | Photographs | ||
11: 13: 10 | Misc Photos | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 1 | Abram, Morris B. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 2 | Aiken, George D. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 3 | Alphand, Herve | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 4 | Ashmore, Robert T. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 5 | Case, Clifford P. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 6 | Clark, Joseph S. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 7 | Cooper, John Sherman | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 8 | Dirksen, Everett M. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 9 | Dixon. Paul Rand | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 10 | Dodd, Thomas J. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 11 | Douglas, Paul H. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 12 | Dulles, John Foster | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 13 | Eisenhower, Dwight D. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 14 | Facio, Ganzalo J. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 15 | Farmer, James | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 16 | Finnegan, Terrance P. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 17 | Flemming, Arthur S. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 18 | Fonda, Henry | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 19 | Fulbright, William | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 20 | Funston, Keith | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 21 | Glennon, Dr. T. Keith | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 22 | Goldwater, Barry | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 23 | Gore, Albert Sr. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 24 | Hagerty, James C. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 25 | Halaby, Najeeb E. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 26 | Hart, Phillip | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 27 | Hoover, J. Edgar | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 28 | Hruska, Roman | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 29 | Humphrey, Hubert | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 30 | Javits, Jacob | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 31 | Johnson, Lyndon B. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 32 | Kennedy, John F. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 33 | Killian, James R. Jr. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 34 | Knowland, William F. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 35 | Kuchel, Thomas H. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 36 | Lima, Francisco R. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 37 | McCormack, John W. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 38 | McCulloch, William M. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 39 | McElroy, Neil H. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 40 | McElroy, Gen. Stephen | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 41 | McGovern, George | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 42 | Manley, Norman | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 43 | Mansfield, Mike | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 44 | Marshall, Burke | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 45 | Martin, Paul | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 46 | Matsas, Alexander M. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 47 | Meany, George | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 48 | Miller, William A. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 49 | Mitchell, Jas. P. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 50 | Morton, Thurston B. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 51 | Morse, Wayne | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 52 | Mudler, Frederick H. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 53 | Murrow, Edward R. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 54 | Nixon, Richard | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 55 | Preminger, Otto | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 56 | Proxmire, William | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 57 | Ribicoff, Abraham A. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 58 | Roddick-Roberts, Miss Eileen | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 59 | Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Jackie | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 60 | Rockefeller, Nelson A. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 61 | Rogers, William P. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 62 | Roosevelt, Franklin D. Jr. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 63 | Ross, Thomas | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 64 | Rostow, Walt Whitman | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 65 | Rowan, Carl | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 66 | Scott, Hugh | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 67 | Seaborg, Glenn T. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 68 | Shriver, Sargent | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 69 | Smathers, George | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 70 | Smith, Margaret Chase | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 71 | Stevenson, Adlai | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 72 | Strauss, Lewis L. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 73 | Symington, Stuart | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 74 | Tegera-Paris, Enrique | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 75 | Tree, Marietta P. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 76 | Weaver, Robert C. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 77 | Welch, Leo D. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 78 | Wilkinson, Bud | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 79 | Williams, G. Mennen | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 80 | Williams, John J. | Photographs | ||
11: 14: 81 | Let's Look at Congress: KBK Photos | Photographs | ||
11: 15: 1-8 | Senatorial Career | Photographs | ||
11: 16: 1-4 | Photos-Duplicates | Photographs | ||
11: 16: 5 | Stamina Conference | 1964 | Photographs | |
11: 16: 6 | Photos-Duplicates | Photographs | ||
12: 1: 1 | Acknowledgement-War Claims | Form Letters | ||
12: 2: 1-5 | Press Releases | 1959 | Press Releases | |
12: 2: 6 | Press Releases and Form Letters | 1959 | Press Releases | |
12: 2: 7 | Speeches and Background Material | 1961 | Press Releases | |
12: 2: 8 | Background Material | 1963 | Press Releases | |
12: 3: 1 | Upstate Duplicates | 1962 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 2 | Upstate Duplicates | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 3 | Washington Reports-Upstate Press | 1959 - 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 4 | Scrapbook Duplicates-Upstate | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 5 | Scrapbook Duplicates-Upstate | 1960 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 6 | Undated Scrapbook-Upstate | 1959 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 7 | Clippings | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 8 | Dedications and Tributes | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 9 | Grants, Loans and Contracts | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 10-14 | Clippings | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 15 | Clippings | 1960 - 1962 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 16 | Clippings | 1958 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 17 | Clippings | 1959 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 18-20 | Clippings | 1960 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 21-22 | Clippings | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 23 | Clippings | 1961 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 24 | Clippings | 1962 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 25 | Clippings | 1960 - 1962 | Clippings | |
12: 3: 26 | Clippings | 1962 | Clippings | |
12: 4: 1 | Photocopied Clippings | 1969 | India-Clippings | |
12: 4: 2-6 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1969 | India-Clippings | |
12: 4: 7 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1969 - 1970 | India-Clippings | |
12: 4: 8 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1969 - 1970 | India-Clippings | |
12: 4: 9-13 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1970 | India-Clippings | |
12: 5: 1-4 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1970 | India-Clippings | |
12: 5: 5-6 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1970 - 1971 | India-Clippings | |
12: 5: 7-9 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1971 | India-Clippings | |
12: 5: 10 | Ambassadorship to India-Clippings | 1971 - 1972 | India-Clippings | |
12: 6: 1 | Legislative Manual | 1956 | Misc Material | |
12: 6: 2 | Procedure Manual for the House | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 3 | Lincoln Dinner Scrapbook-Akron, Oh | 1960 | Misc Material | |
12: 6: 4 | Fordham Law Alumni Association: Scrapbook | 1962 | Misc Material | |
12: 6: 5 | Pace Campus Groundbreaking-Scrapbk | 1966 | Misc Material | |
12: 6: 6 | Keating Photographs | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 7 | NYS Republican Meeting-Transcript | 1964 | Misc Material | |
12: 6: 8 | Master List-Names and Addresses | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 9 | A 20th Century Congress-KeFauver | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 10 | Nuclear Research Project: Buffalo | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 11 | Conference of Strassbourg-Debates | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 12 | NYS Republican Committee: Yearbook | 1957 | Misc Material | |
12: 6: 13 | Memo to Finance Committee | 1964 | Misc Material | |
12: 6: 14 | Keating for Senator Finance Comm | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 15 | KBK Interview Questions and Answers | Misc Material | ||
12: 6: 16 | Pamphlets from Israel-In Hebrew | Misc Material | ||
12: 7: 1 | Remarks, Addresses and Indices | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 2 | Remarks and Addresses | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 3 | Remarks, Addresses and Indices | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 4 | Remarks and Addresses | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 5 | Remarks and Addresses | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 6 | Remarks, Addresses and Indices | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 7-8 | Remarks and Addresses | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 9 | Remarks, Addresses and Indices | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 10 | Remarks and Addresses | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 11-13 | Remarks and Addresses | 1960 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 14 | Remarks, Addresses and Indices | 1961 | Transcripts | |
12: 7: 15 | Remarks, Addresses and Indices | 1961 | Transcripts | |
12: 8: 1-4 | Remarks, Addresses and Indices | 1961 | Transcripts | |
13: : 0 | FBI files on KB Keating | FBI | ||
20: 1: 1-2 | FBI files on Keating | FBI | ||
20: 1: 3 | Material on KBK from Kennedy staff | Material on KBK from Kennedy staff | ||
Browse Papers