Letter from Wendell Phillips to Susan B. Anthony, June 5, 1860
June 5, 1860
Dear friend
I enclose your
draft on N. York for
$375 which with 125$
(the sum I shall pay
Yerrington on your
account) will justify
me in charging to NYks
acct in our Council
accts -- $500 more.
So that item is
2nd I’ve told Yn [Yerrington]
to print 500 copies of
your Report—[illegible]
Council need not be
asked. Their disposition
Letter from Wendell Phillips to Susan B. Anthony, June 5, 1860
being to leave us at present
to spend our funds &
wait their time—At least
so it struck me the
last time I applied—
If more than $125 is
needed to print 500 copies
(they’ll cost probably
$225 [reporting?] & all)
I’ll hand forth the balance
from our funds, if you
approve. I shall send
Yerrington’s bill to
you to approve before
paying it.
3rd I note what
you say about "marriage
and divorce" & have
read what Mrs. Stanton
says—of course it is
no right & no wish ofLetter from Wendell Phillips to Susan B. Anthony, June 5, 1860
of mine to dictate what
shall be your platform
when I get [up?] Convention
I shall have a voice
in that matter---But
please understand that
I do claim the right
to know what the platform
is to be & to regulate my
action accordingly &
whenever it is understood
that the platform will [to be]
include these questions
I shall have no thing to do
with the Convention &
wish my name wholly
disconnected therefrom.
Should I ever consent
in any circumstances
to speak before such a
meeting, it would be
only as an outsider
coming in for an hourLetter from Wendell Phillips to Susan B. Anthony, June 5, 1860
as Beecher & [Mayo?] have
returned for us, I believe,
but with no responsibility
for the gathering. If
your plan is settled go on
& carry it out. I will
find or make opportunities
as of as I with, for
telling what I have to say
on the questions of
"woman's rights"
Yours truly
Wendell Phillips
Miss SB Anthony