Anthony, Susan B. Letter to Amy Post (1855-10-01)
Worcester, Oct. 1, 1855
Dear Friend Amy,
Your letter
informing me of your
decision to have a course
of genuine Anti Slavery
lectures was duly received,
also William Hallowells letter
at Boston.
I am very, very glad
that you have thus resolved
Wendell Phillips will lecture
there, but can’t fix the
time just yet - can’t give
the opening lecture though.
I saw Theodore Parker
in his study, & expressed
to him my regret that he
had engaged to lecture
for the Radical Political [Statehood].
Told him that some of the
society objected to his being
Anthony, Susan B. Letter to Amy Post (1855-10-01)
invited to speak for them
on account of his infidelity
he ejaculated with no
little warmth - “What did
they invite me for?”
Because your name
will draw a full house
& their slim purse be
thereby replenished - said I -
he seemed really
perplexed- at length said
he, “Why can’t I lecture
for you too - I have
two lectures which I
want to give in Rochester.
I of course was happy
that he should lecture
for us too - & he will
try & open the course
for us - will write
you as soon as he
can fix upon the
time - Remond & Garrison
will speak in Rochester.Anthony, Susan B. Letter to Amy Post (1855-10-01)
Lucy Stone will let
you know her decision
very soon - I hope you
will ask Antoinette too.
John Mercer Langston
would do great credit to
the Cause & would I
think accept an invitation
to lecture for us - you
will recollect that he
expressed himself in entire sympathy with the
our side of the question in that McCune Smith
attack - he is a
scholar too and proves much
for the capacity of a
man of 1/16 African blood.
Will you invite Samuel
J. May of Syracuse
he, provided all accept -
would give us six lectures
which would make a
very respectable course -Anthony, Susan B. Letter to Amy Post (1855-10-01)
I spent week ago Sunday
with Charles Remonds & his
most excellent wife at their
home - she talked much
of you - said the Rochester
goods were on her table
last year - that every thing
sold off quickly - particularly
the little aprons & night
caps - could have sold
many many more if she
had had them.
I think Parker will open
the course finely - then we
shall have the advantage of
novelty, on his first speaking.
I had a delightful time
with Mr. Garrison, it seemed he
could not do enough for my enjoy-
ment - Francis Jackson also took me
about town - I must stop here a
few weeks yet - Oh I long to be at
work again - shall be happy to hear
from you & William & Mary - do please
tell me the [A.S.W.R ] news - Love to you all
From Susan B. Anthony