Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3245 "35th Anniversary--Junior League of Rochester."
3241 "My Work in Rochester, by a Factory Girl."
3234 BACON, JESSIE. Centennial Review of the Rochester Female Charitable Society, 1822-1922.
3235 BARTOSHESKY. FLORENCE, and BARBARA BLOOMER. Alternative Occupation for Women: Prostitution in Rochester, New York, 1860-1875.
3237 DUANE, ROSALIND G. "A Study of Attitudes in Church and School-Sponsored Girl Scout Troops toward Four Minority Groups."
3238 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "The Rochester Female Charitable Society."
3239 LINN, EDITH WILLIS. "Wrong Girls and Wronged."
3240 MOORE, Mrs. George H. "Rochester's 3,500 Rooming Girls."
3242 NIENBURG, BERTHA M. The Woman Home-Maker in the City: A Study of Sta-tistics Relating to Married Women in the City of Rochester, N.Y. at the Census of 1920.
3243 RUMBALL, EDWIN A., and CATHERINE. "The Working Girls and Women of Rochester."
3244 RUMBALL, EDWIN A., and CATHERINE. "What to Do with Sex Slavery in the Community."
3246 WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL & INDUSTRIAL UNION. Program and Information, 1907-1908.
3247 WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL & INDUSTRIAL UNION. The Woman's Educational and Industrial Union of Rochester, New York, Seventy-fifth Anniversary.

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