Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
6671 BARKUN, MICHAEL Crucible of the Millennium, the Burned-over District of New York in the 1840s.
6672 FOLTS, JAMES D. The Fanatic and the Prophetess: Religious Perfectionism in Western New York, 1835-1839.
6673 GRIFFIN, CHARLES JAMES GRANT. Charles Finney's Prayer, A Dramatistic Interpretation of Charles Grandison Finney's Lectures on Revivals of Religion, 1834-1835.
6674 HARDMAN, KEITH. Charles Grandison Finney, 1792-1875: Revivalist and Reformer.
6675 PRITCHARD, LINDA K. The Burned-Over District Reconsidered: A Portent of Evolving Religious Pluralism in the United States.
6676 PRITCHARD, LINDA K. Religious Change in a Developing Region: The Social Contexts of Evangelicalism in Western New York and the Upper Ohio Valley during the Mid-Nineteenth Century.
6677 VAN DUSSEN, GREGORY. The Persistence of the Puritan Vision: Conflict Among the Evangelicals in Bergen, New York.
6678 WALZER, WILLIAM CHARLES. Charles Grandison Finney and the Presbyterian Revivals of Central and Western New York.

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