Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3701d Special Libraries In and Around Rochester.
3705 U.S. Bureau of Education. Public Libraries in the United State of American: Their History, Condition, and Management.
3706 "Warsaw Library, 1823."
3703 SOUTHERN TIER LIBRARY SYSTEM. A History of the Public Libraries Served of the Southern Tier Library System.
3694 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Libraries of Warsaw."
3695 COLE, GEORGE W. "Early Library Development in New York State (1800 1900."
3696 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D. Acorn to Oak: The Story of the Dansville Library.
3697 DAGHLIAN, PHILIP B. "'The Farmers' Library."
3698 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Attica's Stevens Memorial Library."
3699 GRIDLEY, SAMUEL H. "Historical Sketch of the Waterloo Library and Historical Society," pp. 7-29 in the Centennial Celebration of General Sullivan's Campaign against the Iroquois, in 1779 ...
3700 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. "What Farmers Read in Western New York, 1800-1850."
3701b McKELVEY, BLAKE. Charles Hastings Wiltsie Memorial Building, 1937; The New Home of the Pittsford Community Library.
3701 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Early Library Developments In and Around Rochester.
3701a McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Ambrose Swasey Library."
3701c MOEHLMAN, CONRAD H. "The Historical Society Library."
3701e PITTSFORD. Community Library. A Pioneer Library.
3702 ROSBROOK, FREDE. "The Law Library."
3704 SUTTON, ALICE T. "Private Libraries in Rochester:"
3707 ZACHERT, ADELINE B. "What Rochester Children Read and Why."
3708 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK,J. "St. Bernard's Seminary Library."

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