Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
6237 Agriculture in Wyoming County Since World War II.
6243 Steam Rigs of the Early 1900's.
6234 The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Orleans County, New York.
6235 First Directory of the Village of Williamson, New York; Issued by the Town Improvement Committee of the Board of Trade.
6236 BURDICK, CAROL. Where the Wild Winds Blow.
6238 GROVER, NICKY. Farming in the 1860's-1890's.
6239 LYONS, CHUCK. Sowing Seeds of Change."
6240 NEWMAN, JAMES JACOB. To plow the same five times: Estate Management and Agricultural Change in the Genesee Valley of New York State, 1810-1865.
6241 OKADA, YASUO. The Economic World of a Seneca County Farmer, 1830-1880.
6242 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Hard Times - Good Times.
6244 WILSON, JOHN G. Agriculture in Wyoming County.

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