Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
6196 Directory Published by the Negro Business League of Rochester, N.Y. 1926.
6201 FIGHT in the Seventies.
6191 AUTEN, B. Seneca County, New York, Black Residents.
6192 BARRINGTON, EUGENE New Beginnings: The Story of Five Black Entrepreneurs Who Migrated from Sanford, Florida to Rochester, New York.
6193 CASTLE, MUSETTE S. A Survey of the History of African Americans in Rochester, New York; 1800-1860.
6195 CHIERICI, ROSE MARIE. Making it to the Center: Migration and Adaptation Among Haitian Boat People.
6194 CHIERICI, ROSE-MARIE CASSAGNOL. Demele: "Making it", Migration and Adaptation Among Haitian Boat People in the United States.
6197 DUPREE, ADOLPH. Footnotes to History - Rochester Roots/Routes.
6198 DUPREE, ADOLPH. Rochester Roots/Routes.
6199 EICHHOLZ, ALICE, and JAMES M. ROSE. Free Black Heads of Households in the New York State Federal Census, 1790-1830.
6200 FARLEY, ENA L. The African American Presence in the History of Western New York.
6202 FINKS, P. DAVID. The Radical Vision of Saul Alinsky.
6203 FORDHAM, MONROE, ed. The African American Presence in New York State History: Four Regional History Surveys.
6204 GROVER, KATHRYN. Make a Way Somehow; African-Americans in Geneva, New York, 1790-1965.
6205 HORWITT, SANFORD D. Let Them Call Me Rebel: Saul Alinsky, His Life and Legacy.
6206 LANCOURT, JOAN E. Confront or Concede; the Alinsky Citizen-Action Organizations.
6207 MABEE, CARLETON. Sojourner Truth Fights Dependence on Government: Moves Freed Slaves Off Welfare in Washington to Jobs in Upstate New York.
6208 MCKIVIGAN, JOHN R., and JASON H. SILVERMAN. Monarchial Liberty and Republican Slavery: West Indies Emancipation Celebrations in Upstate New York and Canada West.
6209 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. The Heritage of `Afro-Rochester.'
6210 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Slaves Upon the Purchase.
6211 SANDERS, JOE L., compiler. Rochester Black History, 1795-1990.
6212 SWARTZ, JOEL, compiler. For Your Reading Pleasure.
6213 WILLIAMS, ANDREW J. Man With a Mission: Howard W. Coles.

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