Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3155 "Life in the Armed Services, by Rochester GIs."
3732 "Attica Branch of the American Lyceum, 1832-1837."
3170 Souvenir History, 1863-1921, Company A., 108th Inf 27th Division, Field Day and Outing ... August 27th 1921.
3171 25th Annual Banquet, Commemorating the Silver Anniversary of the Rochester Cavalry, N.Y.N.G. ...
3096 “Long Road to the White House ... Lincoln Traversed New York en Route.”
3168 Historical Souvenir, First Separate Co., 4th Brigade, N.G.N.Y.
3079 "Ontario Volunteers, Capt. Asa Stanley's Company, May 30, 1805."
3080 "The Patriot War."
3081 "Regimental Pay Roll, War of 1812."
3150 Ontario in the World War.
3133 "The County Soldiers' Monument."
3123 An Account of the Unveiling of a Tablet to the Memory of Nine Soldiers Who Went Out from Cheshire, Ontario County, New York, to Serve in the Union Army during the Civil War, and Whose Burial Places are Unknown.
3140 The Dedication of the Sampson Memorial Gun on Decoration Day at Palmyra, N.Y., May 30, 1903.
3143 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. New York in the Spanish-American War, 1898. Part of the Report of the Adjutant-General of the State for 1900 ...
3086 "War of 1812 Memories."
3087 "York Volunteers in the War of 1812."
3073 "Deacon Butler's Court Martial."
3089 “Civil War Bounties Confused Early Finances.”
5585 Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Army National Guard in Geneva, New York, 1879-1979 ...
3163 The Albany Zouave Cadets to the Rochester Union Blues.
3113 ABBOTT, HORN G. "Memorial Address."
3070 AMERICAN LEGION. James R. Hickey Post, No. 120. In Commemoration of Dedication of General John Swift, Memorial Cemetery, August 18, 1923.
3731 ASH, MARTHA MONTAGUE. Emerson Lectures in Rochester.
3062 BABCOCK, LOUIS L. "The War of 1812 on the Niagara Frontier."
3132 BARBER, RAYMOND G. "Civil War Roll of Honor ..."
3131 BARBER, RAYMOND G. (Articles on 24th N.Y. Light Artillery: 5th N.Y. Cavalry; 44th N.Y. Infantry.)
3164 BINKS, G.J. "Ships and Divisions of the Rochester Naval Reserve."
3165 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Letchworth Rifles."
3139 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw Veterans of the Spanish-American War."
3172 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "History of Warsaw Veterans Memorial Association."
3144 BLACK, SYLVIA R., and HARRIETT J. NAYLOR. "Rochester and World War I."
3071 BLAKESLEE, SAMUEL. "narrative of Colonel Samuel Blakeslee, a Defender of Buffalo in the War of 1812."
3152 BLUM, WILLIAM G. Journey to a Star: An American Flier in World War II ... Together with a Sketch of His Life before, during and after the War, by Wilfred J. Rauber.
3072 BOYD, WILLIAM P. "War of 1812-14."
3088 BRUMMER, SIDNEY D. Political History of New York State during the Period of the Civil War.
3114 BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. "The University and the Civil War."
3166 CASE, WHEELER C. "Rochester's Citizen Soldiers."
3173 CASE, WHEELER G. "Military Markers in Rochester and Monroe County."
3115 CLARK, EDWARD W. "The Yazoo Pass Expedition."
3127 CLARK, LEWIS H. Military History of Wayne County, N.Y. Military Register, Wayne County in the Civil War, 1861-5.
3145 CLARK, WILLIAM F. The Charge on the Hindenburg Line and Other War Poems. A Brief History of Company B and Geneva's Honor Roll.
3116 COCHRANE, HESTER H., ed. "The 108th at Chancellorsville as Described by Samuel D. Porter, Jr., to His Family."
3090 COREY, ALBERT B. “The Civil War and Your Community.”
3091 COTTONE, CHARLES J. Livingston County, 1859-1865; Abolitionist or Union-ist.
3092 CROWELL, EARL. The Economic Conditions in Rochester and Vicinty during the Civil War.
3063 CRUIKSHANK, ERNEST. Queenston Heights.
3105 DORNBUSCH, C.E., comp. Regimental Publications & Personal Narratives of the Civil War: A checklist. Vol. 1: Northern States. Part II: New York.
3106 DORNBUSCH, C.E., comp. The Communities of New York and the Civil War; The Re cruiting Areas of the New York Civil War Regiments.
3093 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “A New Birth of Freedom.”
3174 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. "Caledonia in the Nation's Wars."
3107 ECKERT, EDWARD K. "'The Unluck Eighty-Fifth.'"
3117 ELY, ALFRED. Journal of Alfred Ely, a Prisoner of War in Richmond, ed. Charles Lanman.
3167 FEASEL, LAURENCE W. 98th Division Iroquois: 50 Years of Service,
3141 FISLER, PATRICIA E. "Rochester and the Spanish-American War."
3125 FOLEY, JASENA RAPPLEYE. "A Soldier's Scythe."
3146 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. World War Service Record of Rochester and Monroe County, New York. Vol. I: Those Who Died for Us. Vol. II: Those Who Went Forth to Serve. Vol. III: Those Who Supported the Service.
3074 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Military Affairs in Pike."
3094 FROST, JAMES A. “The Home Front in New York during the Civil War.”
3075 GALLOWAY, ARCHER. "Firing the First Shot, as Told by the Man Who Fired It. Reminiscences of Archer Alloway."
3128 GARDNER, HENRY R. "A Yankee in Louisiana: Selections from the Diary and Correspondence of Henry R. Gardner, 1862-1866," ed. K.E. Shewmaker & A.K. Prinz.
5586 GERO, ANTHONY, and PHILIP G. MAPLES. “Fusileering in Western N.Y., 1830 to 1840.” "
3153 GOLD STAR MOTHERS CLUB OF GENESEE COUNTY. Genesee County, World War II. Gold Star Memorial Book.
3129 GRAHAM, ROBERT H. Yates County's Boys in Blue," 1861-1865; Who They Were--What They Did.
3118 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dept. of New York. Identification and Marking of the Graves of the Soldier Dead in the Cemeteries of Monroe County, New York State, by Flower Committee of the Grand Army of the Republic.
3076 HALL, AMOS. "Militia Service of 1813-1814, as Shown by the Correspondence and General Orders of Major General Amos Hall."
3175 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. Rush in the Early Wars. Rush: 1962. 39 pp.
3065 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. Notes on the Visits of American and British Naval Vessels to the Genesee River, 1809-1814.
3064 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. "The Genesee Valley in the Navy."
3119 HARD, JAMES A. "My Boyhood 100 Years Ago."
5587 HARRISON, E.D., comp. Yates County in the World War, 1917-1918.
3154 HARTZELL, KARL D. The Empire State at War, World War II.
3112 HERRICK, JOHN P. Allegany County's Century-Old Republican Voter, John A. Jones...
3066 HITSMAN, J. MACKAY. "Alarum on Lake Ontario, Winter 1812-1813."
3134 JOHNSON, JOHN W. "A Sheldon Soldier in the Civil War."
3147 KINCAID, J. LESLIE, comp. Roll of Honor; Citizens of the State of New York Who Died While in the Service of the U.S. during the World War.
5588 KUTOLOWSKI, JOHN F., and KATHLEEN SMITH KUTOLOWSKI. “Commissions and Canvasses: The Militia and Politics in Western New York, 1800-1845.”
3120 LAKE, THOMAS H., comp. Directory, Grand Army of the Republic, Monroe County Patriots. G.A.R. Posts, U.V.U. Commands, Women's Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans Ladies' Aids.
3148 LYNN, JOHN D. "The United States Marshal's Office in the World War."
3142 MANS, MARY A. "Cuba as Reflected in the Rochester Press--1895 to 1898."
3067 MARSH, RUTH, and DOROTHY S. TRUESDALE. "War on Lake Ontario: 1812-1815."
3098 MARSH, RUTH. “A History of Rochester's Part in the Civil War.”
3156a MAZUZAN, GEORGE T., and NANCY WALKER. "Restricted Areas: German Prisonerof-War-Camps In Western New York, 1944-1946."
3176 McCANNE, LEE. "Sampson Trainees Are Rochester's Good Neighbors."
3135 McGUIRE, GORDON. "Wyoming County's Last Civil War Veteran."
3097 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Part in the Civil War.
3156 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's First Year in the War for Survival.
3077 McLEAN, A.H. "Caledonia."
3121 MERRELL, WILLIAM H. Five Months in Rebeldom; or, Notes from the Diary of a Bull Run Prisoner, at Richmond.
3136 MILLER, CHARLES F. "With the 6th New York Cavalry in the Civil War."
3158 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Civilian Protection. .. Emergency Medical Service …
3157 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Civilian Protection. General Plan for Operation of Monroe County Welfare Services during Emergency.
3099 MURDOCK, EUGENE C. Patriotism Limited 1862-1865: The Civil War Draft and the Bounty System.
3108 MURPHY, GEORGE E., and others. "The Eighth New York Heavy Artillery."
3109 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. A Record of the Commissioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Privates, of the Regiments Which Were Organized in the State of New York and Called into the Service of the United States to Assist in Suppressing the Rebellion. ... as Taken from the Muster-in-Rolls on File ...
3068 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. Index of Awards on Claims of the Soldiers of the War of 1812.
3100 N.Y. Board of Managers of the Soldiers' Depot. Report of the Board of Managers of the New York State Soldiers' Depot, and the Fund for the Relief of the Sick, Wounded, Furloughed and Discharged Soldiers ...
3101 N.Y. Bureau of Military Statisitcs. Fifth Annual Report ... (N.Y. Assembly Document no. 148, 1868)
3078 N.Y. Council of Appointment. Military Minutes of the Council of Appoint= ment of the State of New York, 1783-1821.
3149 NEW YORK AMERICAN. Rochester's Part in the World War, 1918.
3124 ONTARIO COUNTY SOLDIERS' MONUMENT ASSOC. Address to the Electors of Ontario County, by the Ontario County Monument Association.
3110 PHISTERER, FREDERICK. New York in the War of the Rebellion. 1861 to 1865.
3102 PIERSON, WELLINGTON K. “Wyoming County during the Civil War.”
3103 RAYBACK, ROBERT J. “New York State in the Civil War.”
3111 READ, GEORGE C., comp. Directory, Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of Veterans; and Posts, Camps and Commands in Monroe, Wayne, Livingston and Orleans Counties, State of New York, 1892.
3159 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. A Tribute to Some of Rochester's Contri-butions to the Winning of the War.
3160 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Veteran and the Rochester Public Schools.
3137 SALISBURY, F.C. "Warsaw's Memorial Day, 1887."
3169 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. The Union Blues: A Brief History of the Corps and Its Life.
3082 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "A Boyhood Adventure."
3069 SEVERANCE, FRANK H. "War Losses on the Niagara Frontier."
3138 SKIFF, ALBERT O. "The Last Charge at Appomattox."
3083 SMITH, P.E. "Seneca County in the War of 1812."
3084 TOWLE, EDWARD L. "The Militia Myth: Letters from Lt. William B. Rochester on the Niagara Frontier, 1813."
3122 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Congressman Ely's Captivity."
3161 U.S. Adjutant General's Office. World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing, State of New York. War Department, June, 1946.
3162 U.S. Navy Dept. Office of Public Information. State Summary of War Casualties (New York).
3085 WADSWORTH, JAMES. "James Wadsworth's Call to Arms," ed. Jack Guildroy.
3126 WATERLOO MEMORIAL DAY CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. The History and Origin of Memorial Day in Waterloo, New York.
3104 WILLARD, KENNETH R. “A Civil War Problem for Livingston County: Choosing a Site for Training Camp Creates a Hassle.”
3130 WOLCOTT, WALTER. The Military History of Yates County, N.Y., Comprising a Record of the Services Rendered by Citizens of This County in the Army and Navy, from the Foundation of the Government to the Present Time.
3151 WYOMING COUNTY. Board of Supervisors. List of Names of the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of Wyoming County, N.Y.

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