Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
5030 | Our Travels, Statistical, Geographical, Minerological, Geological, Historical, Political and Quizzical Written by Myself XYZ, etc. A Knickerbocker Tour of New York State, 1822, ed. Louis L. Tucker. | |
5149 | Wayside Sketches: Narrative of a Journey in 1843 … | |
5089 | Journal of an Excursion to the United States and Canada in the Year 1834; with Hints to Emigrants; and a Fair and Impartial Exposition of the Advantages and Disadvantages Attending Emigration. By a Citizen of Edinburgh. | |
5076 | ABDY, EDWARD S. | Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States of North America, from April, 1833 to October, 1834. |
5034 | ADDINGTON, HENRY UNWIN. | Youthful America: Selections from Henry Unwin Addington's Resident in the United States of America, 1822, 23, 24, 25, ed. Bradford Perkins. |
5127 | ALLARDICE, ROBERT B. | Agricultural Tour in the United States and Upper Canada, with Miscellaneous Notices. |
4929 | ANDERSON, DAVID D. | “English Travelers to Niagara, 1785-1830.” |
5086 | ARFWEDSON, CARL DAVID. | The United States and Canada, in 1832, 1833, and 1834. |
5196 | ARNOLD, JENNIE WATERMAN. | East Jordan to York State in 1913. ed. Lewis Beeson and Thomas Farrell. |
5036 | BABCOCK, MARGARET A. | (Diary of a trip to Niagara Falls), ed. Margaret E. White. |
5186 | BAGG, LYMAN HOTCHKISS. | (pseud. KARL KRON). Ten Thousand Miles on a Bicycle. |
5113 | BAKER, CHARLES M. | "Charles Minton Baker's Journal from Vermont to Wisconsin." |
5128 | BARROWS, JOHN R. | "Journal of Trip from Brooklyn to Niagara Falls in June 1841." New York. |
5167 | BAXTER, WILLIAM E. | America and the Americans. |
5178 | BENJAMIN, ISRAEL J. | Three Years in America, 1859-1862, trans. Charles Reznikoff. |
5037 | BERNHARD, KARL HERZOG ZU SACHSEN-WEIMAR-EISENACH | Travels through North America, during the Years 1825 and 1826. |
5166 | BESTE, JOHN RICHARD DIGBY. | The Wabash: or Adventures of an English Gentleman's Family in the Interior of America. |
5169 | BISHOP, ISABELLA L. BIRD. | The Englishwoman in America. |
5032 | BLANE, WILLIAM NEWNHAM. | An Excursion through the United States and Canada during the Years 1822-23. |
5191 | BLOUET, PAUL (pseud. MAX O’REL) | A Frenchman in America; Recollections of Men and Things. |
4930 | BOARDMAN, EDWARD T. | “'The View is Grand'--So Said DeWitt Clinton.” |
5054 | BOARDMAN, JAMES. | America, and the Americans. |
5187 | BODENSTEDT, FRIEDRICH MARTIN VON. | Vom Atlantischen zum Stillen Ocean. |
5159 | BREMER, FREDRIKA. | The Homes of the New World. Impressions of America, trans. Mary Howitt. |
5122 | BREWSTER, EDWARD. | "From New York to Illinois by Water in 1840," ed. Lewis Beeson. |
5087 | BROKE, FREDERICA SOPHIA. | Diary of an American Tour, 1834. |
5017 | BROWN, JACOB. | "Gen. Brown's Inspection Tour up the Lakes in 1819." |
5129 | BROWN, WILLIAM. | America: A Four Years' Residence in the United States and Canada; Giving a Full and Fair Description of the Country, as it Really Is … |
5114 | BUCKINGHAM, JAMES S. | America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive. |
5045 | BULLOCK, WILLIAM. | Sketch of a Journey through the Western States of North America, from New Orleans, by the Mississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati and Falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827. |
5162 | BUSCH, MORITZ. | Travels between the Hudson & the Mississippi 1851-1852, trans. & ed. Norman H. Binger. Lexington; University Press of Kentucky, 1971. Trans. Of Wanderungen zwischen Hudson and Mississippi 1851 and 1852. |
5003 | BUTTRICK, TILLY, JR. | Voyages, Travels and Discoveries. |
5093 | CAMPBELL, LOIS. | "A Pleasure Trip," |
5070 | CARR, GEORGE K. | "A Short Tour through the United States and Canadas, 1832," ed. Deoch Fulton. |
5123 | CLARK, JOHN A. | Gleanings by the Way. |
5099 | CLARK, WILLIS G. | The Literary Remains of the Late Willis Gaylord Clark…, ed. Lewis G. Clark. |
5065 | CLEVELAND, HOSES C. | "Journal of a Tour from Riverhead, Long Island, to the Falls of Niagara in June 1831," ed. N.R. Howell. |
5041 | CLINTON, GEORGE W. | Journal of a Tour from Albany to Lake Erie in 1826" .PBHS, 14 (1910), 277-305. 5042 Bereisung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, mit besonderer Hinsicht auf den Erie-Canal. Stuttgart: C.W. Loeflund, 1835. Part trans. By R.W.G. Vail as Duttenhofer's Drawing of the First Aqueduct at Rochester. Centennial History of Rochester, II (1932), 356-59. 5043 5044 Sketches of A Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians… Baltimore: Fielding Lucas, Jr., 1827. Repr. 1959 by Ross & Haines, Minneapolis. 5045 Sketch of a Journey through the Western States of North America, from New Orleans, by the Mississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati and Falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827. London: John Miller, 1827. Repr. In Early Western Travels, ed. Thwaites, Vol. 19. Cleveland: 1905. 5046 Travels in North America, in the Years 1827 and 1828. Edinburgh: Cadell and Co., 1829. 3 vols. Repr. 1974 by Arno Press, New York. 5047 The Aristocratic Journey; Being the Outspoken Letters of Mrs. Basil Hall Written during a Fourteen Months' Sojourn America, 1827-1828, ed. Una Pope-Hennessy. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1931. 5048 A Journal of Travel from New York to Indiana in 1827." |
5007 | COATES, BENJAMIN H. | Journal of a Trip to Niagara Commenced 8 Mon. 22. 1817. |
5094 | COBDEN, RICHARD. | The American Diaries of Richard Cobden, ed. Elizabeth Hoon Cawley. |
5072 | COKE, EDWARD THOMAS. | A Subaltern's Furlough: Descriptive of Scenes, in Various Parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New-Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, during the Summer and Autumn of 1832. |
5119 | COMBE, GEORGE. | Notes on the United States of North America during a Phrenological Visit in 1838-9-40. |
5095 | COX, FRANCIS A., and J. HOBY. | The Baptists in America; A Narrative of the Deputation from the Baptist Union in England, to the United States and Canada. |
5115 | CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT W. | "Travels of Robert Cunningham … as Told to His Aunt, Agnes Jeffrey." |
5019 | D’ARUSMONT, FRANCES WRIGHT | Views of Society and Manners in America; by an Englishwoman … |
5018 | DALTON, WILLIAM. | Travels in the United States of America, and Part of Upper Canada. |
5013 | DARBY, WILLIAM. | A Tour from the City of New-York, to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, Made between the 2d of May and the 22d of September, 1818. |
5106 | DAUBENY, CHARLES. | Journal of a Tour through the United States, and in Canada, Made during the Years 1837-39. |
5077 | DAVIS, STEPHEN. | Notes of a Tour in America, in 1832 and 1833. |
5008 | DEAN, THOMAS. | Journal of Thomas Dean. A Voyage to Indiana in 1817," ed. John C. Dean. |
5118 | DEARBORN, HENRY A.S. | "Journals of Henry A.S. Dearborn. A Record of Councils with the Seneca and Tuscarora Indians at Buffalo and Cattaraugus in the Years 1838 and 1839." |
5012 | DELAFIELD, JOSEPH. | The Unfortified Boundary: A Diary of the First Survey of the Canadian Boundary Line from St. Regis to the Lake of the Woods, ed. Robert McElroy & Thomas Riggs. |
4931 | DOW, CHARLES MASON. | Anthology and Bibliography of Niagara Falls. |
5198 | DREISER, THEORDORE. | A Hoosier Holiday. |
5170 | DUCK, GEORGE, JR. | "A Wedding Trip of 1854," ed. Neil F. Morrison. |
5014 | DUNCAN, JOHN MORISON. | Traveling through Part of the United States and Canada in 1818 and 1819. |
5042 | DUTTENHOFER, A. | Bereisung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, mit besonderer Hinsicht auf den Erie-Canal. |
5116 | ELLSWORTH, RICHARD C. | "From Canton to Rochester." |
5015 | EVANS, ESTWICK. | A Pedestrian’s Tour of Four Thousand Miles, through the Western States and Territories, during the Winter and Spring of 1818 … |
5168 | EVEREST, ROBERT. | A Journey through the United States and Part of Canada. |
5171 | FERGUSON, WILLIAM. | America by River and Rail; or, Notes by the Way On the New World and Its People. |
5066 | FERGUSSON, ADAM. | Practical Notes Made during a Tour in Canada, and a Portion of the United States, in MDCCCXXXI. |
5057 | FERRALL, SIMON A. | O’ A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America. |
5073 | FIDLER, ISAAC. | Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners, and Emigration, In the United States and Canada, Made during a Residence there in 1832. |
5153 | FISHER, SIDNEY G. | A Philadelphia Perspective; The Diary of Sidney George Fisher Covering the Years 1834-1871. |
4932 | FLETCHER, ROBERT S., ed. | “Going West to College in the Thirties.” |
5051 | FLINT, TIMOTHY | A Tour. |
5059 | FOWLER, JOHN. | Journal of A Tour in the State of New York, in the Year 1830 …. |
5107 | FRANCIS, JAMES-HANMER. | "Diary of the Rev. James-Hanmer Francis, 1837-1838," ed. Winifred Lovering Holman. |
5199 | FRENSSEN) GUSTAV. | Briefe aus Amerika. |
5189 | GARDINI, CARLO. | Gli Stati Uniti: Ricordi. |
5182 | GERITY, WILLIAM S. | "Camping on Keuka Lake, 1870," ed. Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr. |
5108 | GERSTAECKER, FRIEDRICH WILHELM CHRISTIAN. | Wild Sports in the Far West. |
5100 | GILMAN, CAROLINE. | The Poetry of Travelling in the United States … |
5184 | GLAZIER, WILLARD. | Ocean to Ocean on Horseback; Being the Story of a Tour in the Saddle from the Atlantic to the Pacific … |
5101 | GORDON, JOHN M. | "The Michigan Land Rush in 1836," ed. Douglas H. Gordon and George S. May. |
5043 | GOSSELMAN, KARL AUGUST. | Resa I Norra Amerika. |
5180 | GOTTSCHALK, LOUIS MOREAU. | Notes of a Pianist: Louis Moreau Gottschalk, ed. Jeanne Behrend. |
5177 | GREELEY, HORACE. | An Overland Journey, from New York to San Francisco in the Summer of 1859. |
5120 | GURNEY, JOSEPH J. | A Journey in North America, Described in Familiar Letters to Amelia Opie. |
5046 | HALL, BASIL. | Travels in North America, in the Years 1827 and 1828. |
5004 | HALL, FRANCIS. | Travels in Canada, and the United States, in 1816 and 1817. |
5047 | HALL, MARGARET HUNTER. | The Aristocratic Journey; Being the Outspoken Letters of Mrs. Basil Hall Written during a Fourteen Months' Sojourn America, 1827-1828, ed. Una Pope-Hennessy. |
5071 | HAMBERLAIN, EBENEZER M. | C"Journal of Ebenezer Mattoon Chamberlain 1832-5," ed. Louise Fogle. |
5060 | HAMILTON, THOMAS. | Men and Manners in America. |
5158 | HAMMOND, SAMUEL H., and L.W. MANSFIELD. | Country Margins and Rambles of a Journalist. |
5001 | HAMTON, AARON | "Aaron Hamton's Diary," ed. Edna L. Jacobsen |
4933 | HANDY, MYRTLE M., and BLAKE MCKELVEY. | British Travelers to the Genesee Country. |
5074 | HARVEY, B.J. | "The Midwest in 1832. Being the Journal of B.J. Harvey of Farmington, N.Y., while Enroute to Astabula, Cleveland, Sandusky, Vistula (Toledo), Blissfield, Adrian, Tecumseh, Ypsilanti and Detroit." |
5022 | HAWLEY, ZERAH | A Journal of a Tour through Connecticut, Massachusetts, New-York, the North Part of Pennsylvania, and Ohio, Including a Year's Residence in that Part of the State of Ohio, Styled New Connecticut, or Western Reserve… |
5088 | HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. | Sketches from Memory: Rochester, The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Vol. 11, PP. 301-3047. |
5800 | HAYDON, ROGER, ed. | Upstate Travels: British Views of Nineteenth-Century New York. |
5078 | HAYNES, HARVEY. | "A Trip from Rome to Mackinaw in Territorial Days, with Powder and Clothing for Soldiers at the Fort." |
5016 | HECKE, J. VALENTIN | Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1818 und 1819 … |
5061 | HERR, BENJAMIN. | "Benj. Herr's Journal, 1830." |
5117 | HINMAN, JOHN F. | "My First Journey to Michigan, with Other Reminiscences." |
5023 | HODGSON, ADAM. | Letter from North America, Written during a Tour in the United States and Canada. |
5194 | HOLE, SAMUEL R. | A Little Tour in America. |
5156 | HOUSTON, MATILDA FRASER. | Hesperos: or, Travels in the West. |
5024 | HOWISON, JOHN | Sketches of Upper Canada, and Some Recollections of the United States. |
5020 | HOWITT, EMUEL. | Selections from Letters Written during a Tour through the United States, in the Summer and Autumn of 1819 … |
4934 | HUBACH, ROBERT R. | Early Midwestern Travel Narratives: An Annotated Bibliography, 1634-1850. |
5055 | JENKS, MICHAEL HUTCHINSON. | Notes on a Tour through the Western Part of the State of New York. The Ariel, |
5079 | JOHNSON, GEORGE W. | "A Journey across New York State in 1833, as Recounted in His Manuscript Journal by George Washington Johnson," ed. Julia Hull Winner. |
5157 | JOHNSTON, JAMES F.W. | Notes on North America, Agricultural, Economical, and Social. |
5048 | JUDAH, SAMUEL BERNARD. | A Journal of Travel from New York to Indiana in 1827. |
5049 | KEENEY, SALMON. | Salmon Keeney's Visit to Michigan in 1827. ed. Helen Everett. |
5080 | KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNE. | Journal. |
5181 | KIST, LEOPOLD. | Amerikanisches Reisenbeschreibung. |
5195 | KLEIN, FELIX. | In the Land of the Strenuous Life. |
5179 | KOHL, JOHAN GEORG. | |
5038 | LAFAYETTE, MARIE JEAN PAUL YVES ROCH GILBERT DU MOTIER, MARQUIS DE. | Auguste Levasseur, Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825; or, Journal of a Voyage to the United States, trans. J.D. Godman. |
5009 | LANGSLOW, RICHARD. | A Niagara Falls Tourist of the Year 1817. Being the Journal of Captain Richard Langslow of the Honorable East India Service. |
5085 | LIEBER, FRANZ. | The Stranger in America; or, letters to a Gentleman in Germany. |
5160 | LIHOLIHO, ALEXANDER. | The Journal of Prince Alexander Liholiho; The Voyages Made to the United States) England and France in 1849-1850, ed. Jacob Adler. |
5102 | LOGAN, JAMES. | Notes of a Journey through Canada, the United States of America, and the West Indies. |
5062 | LOOMIS, ELISHA. | "Rochester to Buffalo by Canal, 1830, ed. Philip P. Mason. |
5146 | LUMSDEN JAMES. | American Memoranda, by a Mercantile Man, during a Short Tour in the Summer of 1843. |
5130 | . LYELL, CHARLES. | Travels in North America, in the Years 1841-2; with Geological Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. |
5151 | MACKAY, ALEXANDER. | The Western World; or, Travels in the United States in 1846-47 … |
5174 | MACKAY, CHARLES. | Life and Liberty in America: or, Sketches of a Tour in the United States and Canada in 1857-8. |
5056 | MACKENZIE, WILLIAM LYON. | Sketches of Canada and the United States. |
5163 | MARJORIBANKS, ALEXANDER. | Travels in South and North America. |
5002 | MARSDEN, JOSHUA. | The Narrative of a Mission to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Somers Islands; with a Tour to Lake Ontario … Reprint Corp., New York. |
5090 | MARTINEAU, HARRIET. | Retrospect of Western Travel. |
5029 | MATHEWS -------. | A Summer Month; or, Recollections of a Visit to the Falls of Niagara, and the Lakes, |
5121 | MATHEWS, OLIVER. | "A Jaunt to Niagara Falls in August 1839. The Diary of Oliver Mathews," ed. Joseph C. Griffen. |
5091 | MAXIMILIAN ALEXANDER PHILIP, PRINZ VON WIED-NEUWIED. | Travels in the Interior of North America, trans. H. Evans Lloyd. |
5124 | MAXWELL, ARCHIBALD M. | A Run through the United States, during the Autumn of 1840. |
5145 | MCGRATH, GEORGE J. | Taverns of Western New York in 1843. |
5005 | MCINTYRE, ABIGAIL. | "Diary of Abigail McIntyre," ed. Edith Flower Wheeler. |
5044 | MCKENNEY, THOMAS L. | Sketches of A Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians… |
5010 | MONTULE, EDOUARD DE. | (Notes the advanced state of agriculture in the Genesee Country, stops at Batavia, Avon, Honeoye, Canandaigua, Geneva; 1951 ed., pp. 169-72.) |
5161 | MOONEY, THOMAS. | Nine Years in America. |
5152 | MORRELL, PRUDENCE. | Prudence Morrell's Account of a Journey to the West in the Year 1847, ed. Theodore Johnson. |
5172 | MORSE, ABNER. | Abner Morse’s Diary of Emigrant Travel, 1855-56. ed. Bayrd Still and William Herrmann. |
5103 | MURRAY, CHARLES AUGUSTUS. | Travels in North America during the Years 1834, 1835, & 1836 … |
5154 | MYERS, J. C. | Sketches of a Tour through the Northern and Eastern States, the Canadas & Nova Scotia. |
5109 | NATTESTAD, OLE KNUDSEN. | "Description of a Journey to North America," trans. Rasmus B. Anderson. |
5110 | NICHOLS, THOMAS LOW. | Forty Years of American Life. |
5052 | O’BRIEN, MARY. | The Journals Of Mary O'Brien, 1828-1838, ed. Audrey S. Miller. |
5173 | O'DONOVAN, JEREMIAH. | A Brief Account of the Author's Interview with His Countrymen, and of the Parts of the Emerald Isle whence They Emigrated. Together with a Direct Reference to Their Present Location in the Land of Their Adoption, during His Travels through Various States of the Union in 1854 and 1855. |
5175 | PECKHAM, E.L. | My Journey Out West: Account of a Journey from Providence, Rhode Island, to Iowa City, Iowa, and Back Again." |
5075 | PHELPS, ALMIRA (HART) LINCOLN. | Caroline Westerley: or the Young Traveler from Ohio. Containing the Letters of a Young Lady of Seventeen, Written to Her Sister. |
5039 | PICKERING, JOSEPH. | Inquiries of an Emigrant: Being the Narrative of an English Farmer from the Year 1824 to 1830. |
5147 | POTTER, LYDIA VAN HOUSEN. | A Trip to Chicago in 1843. |
5081 | POWER, TYRONE. | Impressions of America; during the Years, 1831, 1834, and 1835. |
5096 | PROUDFOOT, WILLIAM. | "From Upper Canada to New York in 1835: Extracts from the Diary of the Rev. William Proudfoot," ed. M.A. Garland. |
5148 | PYNE, PERCY R. | The 'Grand Tour' to Niagara in 1843. |
5150 | RAUMER, FRIEDRICH VON. | America: and the American People, trans. William W. Turner. |
5011 | RIDDLE, ALMON. | Reminiscences of Almon Riddle: Everyday Life of Pioneer Settlers from Massachusetts to Ohio. |
5082 | ROLPH, THOMAS. | A Brief Account, together with Observations, Made during a Visit in the West Indies, and a Tour through the United States of America, in Parts of the Years 1832-3 together with a Statistical Account of Upper Canada. |
5050 | ROYALL, ANNE NEWPORT. | The Black Book; or, A Continuation of Travels in the United States. |
5801 | RYAN. PAT M., ed. | "Rochester Recollected: A Miscellany of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Descriptions." Rochester History, 41, nos. 1-2 |
5035 | S---- VON N ------. | Mein Besuch Amerika's im Sommer 1824, Ein Flug durch die Vereinstaaten Maryland, Pensylvanien, New-York, zum Niagarafall, und durch die Staaten Ohio, Indiana, Kentuky, und Virginien zueruck. |
5097 | SAGRA, DON RAMON DE LA. | Cinco Meses en los Estados-Unidos de la America del Norte, desde el 20 de abril al 23 de septiembre de 1835. Diario de Viaje. Paris: P. Renouard, 1836. French trans., 1837. Part trans. By Watt Stewart, "A Spanish Traveler Visits Rochester." |
5202 | SALISBURY, HARRISON. | Travels around America. |
5802 | SAUNDERS, WILLIAM C. | "'Travel, Behold, and Wonder': Fashionable Images of the Wilderness in Upstate New York, 1800-1850." |
5025 | SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY ROWE. | Narrative Journal of Travels through the Northwestern Regions of the United States Extending from Detroit through the Great Chain of American Lakes, to the Sources of the Mississippi River … |
5026 | SEDGWICK, CATHERINE | Lt. Life and Letters of Catherine M. Sedgwick, ed. Mary E. Dewey. |
4935 | SHEPARD, FREDERICK J. | A Mirror of Early Buffalo: Being a Digest of the Comments of Some Visitors from the Beginning Down to the Civil War Period. |
5031 | SHERMAN, ALPHEUS. | By Horse and Wagon: The Diary of Alpheus Sherman. ed. Peter B. Schroeder. |
5083 | SHIRREFF, PATRICK. | Tour through North America; together with a Comprehensive View of the Canadas and United States as Adapted for Agricultural Emigration, |
5185 | SIENKIEWICZ, HENRYK. | Portrait of America: Letters of Henry Sienkiewiez, ed. And trans. Charles Morley. |
5176 | SMITH, CHARLES H. | "A Boy's Visit to Rochester in 1857." |
5111 | SMITH, JOSHUA TOULMIN. | Journal In America, 18317-1838, ed. Floyd Benjamin Streeter. |
5193 | SMITH, WILLIAM. | A Yorkshireman’s Trip to the United States and Canada. |
5104 | SPARHAWK, LUCIA. | "By Road, Rail, Canal and Lake--From Massachusetts to Michigan in 1836." |
5098 | SPENCER, CAROLINE. | "A Trip to Niagara in 1835." |
5144 | SPOFFORD, PAUL N. | Journal of Paul Nelson Spofford (1842, 1848), ed. Samuel T. Moore. |
5027 | STANSBURY, PHILIP. | A Pedestrian Tour of Two Thousand Three Hundred Miles, in North America. To the Lakes, the Canadas, and the New-England States. Performed in the Autumn of 1821. |
5203 | STARBIRD, ETHELA. | New York's Land of Dreamers and Doers. |
5125 | STARIN, FREDERICK J. | Diary of a Journey to Wisconsin in 1840." |
5000 | STEBBINS, C.B. | "Father Winter and His Family." |
5112 | STEBBINS, SALMON | "Journal of Salmon Stebbins, 1837-1838." |
5126 | STEELE, ELIZA R. | A Summer Journey in the West. |
5058 | STONE, WILLIAM L. | "A Trip from New York to Niagara in 1829: Unpublished Diary of Colonel William L. Stone," |
5200 | STRACHAN, JAMES. E. | New Zealand Observer: A Schoolmaster Looks at America. |
5197 | STREET, JULIAN. | Abroad at Home: American Ramblings, Observations, and Adventures. |
5053 | STUART, JAMES. | Three Years in North America. |
5131 | SWAN, LANSING B. | Journal of a Trip to Michigan in 1841. |
5033 | TALBOT, EDWARD ALLEN. | Five Years’ Residence in the Canadas: Including a Tour through Part of the United States of America, in the Year 1823. |
5063 | TATUM, SIBYL. | Account of Journey of Sibyl Tatum with Her Parents from N. Jersey to Ohio in 1830. |
5190 | THE TIMES (London) | A Visit to the States. A Reprint of Letters from the Special Correspondent of the Times. |
5006 | THOMAS, DAVID. | Travels through the Western Country in the Summer of 1816 … |
5067 | TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS DE. | Journey to America 'trans. George Lawrence, ed. J.P. Mayer. |
4936 | TODD, C. LAFAYETTE. | Some Nineteenth Century European Travellers in New York State. New York History, 43 (1962), 336-70. |
5040 | TORY, JOSEPH. | Slife and Letters of Joseph Story, ed. William W. Story. |
5068 | TROLLOPE, FRANCES. | Domestic Manners of the Americans, ed. Donald Smalley. |
5028 | TROWBRIDGE, SILAS V. R | Reminiscences of an Early Michigan Settler. |
4937 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | Travelers from the European Continent. |
4938 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. | “American Travel Accounts of Early Rochester.” |
5069 | TUDOR, HENRY. | Narrative of a Tour in North America; Comprising Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, the United States, and the British Colonies … |
5132 | UNONIUS, GUSTAF. | A Pioneer in Northwest American, 1841-1858: The Memoirs of Gustaf Unonius, trans. Jonas O. Backlund, ed. Nils W. Olsson. |
5201 | WALKER, HARRISON HOWELL. | Fruitful Shores of the Finger Lakes. |
5164 | WARNER, ABRAHAM J. | The Private Journal of Abraham Joseph Warner; Extracts from Volumes I, III, and IV. (4 November 1838 to 25 December 1864), ed. Herbert B. Enderton. |
5183 | WATKINS, NELSON J. ed. | The Pine and the Palm Greeting; or, The Trip of the Northern Editors to the South in 1871, and the Return Visit of the Southern Editors in 1872. |
5192 | WAYLAND, J. WORTH. | (Letter dated Quincy, Ill., June 5, 1890.). |
5133 | WAYLEN, EDWARD. | Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States. |
5084 | WESTON, RICHARD. | A Visit to the United States and Canada in 1833; with the View of Settling in America … |
5064 | WHARTON, THOMAS K. | "From England to Ohio, 1830-1832; The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton," ed. James H. Rodabaugh. |
5188 | WILDE, OSCAR. | loyd Lewis and Henry J. Smith, Oscar Wilde Discovers America (1882). |
5092 | WILKIE, DAVID. | Sketches of a Summer Trip to New York and the Canadas. |
5155 | WILLIAM, C. FOSTER. | (Account of visit to Rochester.) |
5021 | WILSON, CHARLES H. | The Wanderer in America, or Truth at Home; Comprising a Statement of Observations" and Pacts, Relative to the United States- & Canada, North America … |
5105 | WOODCOCK, THOMAS S. | "New York to Niagara, 1836: The Journal of Thomas S. Woodcock," ed. Denoch Fulton. |
5165 | WURTS, GEORGE. | "Journal of a Tour to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Lake Champlain, &c." |
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