Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2259 "Opening the Navigation of Canaseraga River,"
2263 BENHAM, ALBERT H. Great Sodus Bay and Its Steamboats from 1874 to 1910.
2253 BRYAN, HIRAM. King's or Hanford's Landing.
2254 DENNIS, E. WILLARD. They Said It Couldn't Be Done, But, Port Future Looks Bright.
2255 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Shipping on the Upper Genesee River.
2256 GRANT, ROBERT. York Landing.
2264 HILTON, GEORGE W. The Great Lakes Car Ferries.
2257 HOOKER, ELON HUNTINGTON. Memories of Carthage: Traffic on Early Waterways. Historical Souvenir of the Valley of the Genesee. Address … Pre-sented at the Dinner of the Society of the Genesee, … New York City, January 23rd, 1933.
2265 INSHAW, CHARLES C. Steamboating on the Finger Lakes.
2266 KILDAY, RICHARD J. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: The Story of the Loss of the Three-Masted Lakes Schooner, St. Peter, in 1898 and Her Rediscovery Seventy-Three Years Later; An Exhibition at the Rochester Museum and Science Center … 1975.
2258 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Port of Rochester: A History of Its Lake Trade.
5547 MERRICK, LEE H. “Whistles of History--Stories of Lake Keuka's Steamboats.” "
2267 MERRICK, LEE HART. Whistles of History--Stories of Lake Keuka's Steam-boats.
2282 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. A Summary of the Survey and Plans for Port Development in Rochester and Monroe County, Made for the Joint Harbor Survey Committee by MacElwee and Crandall, Inc., Consulting Engineers.
5548 ORCUTT, JEAN. “Steamboat Navigation on Crooked Lake.”
2260 RAPP, MARVIN A. New York's Trade on the Great Lakes, 1800-1840.
2268 RATIGAN, WILLIAM. Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Survivals.
2283 REDDEN WALTER P. Rochester-Monroe County Port Survey.
2284 REDDEN WALTER P. Action Program for Port Development: A Review of Progress and a Look to the Future.
2261 ROGERS, HOSEA. Early Shipping on the Lower Genesee River: Reminiscences of Captain Hosea Rogers, ed. George H. Harris.
2262 TYLER, POLLY. Hosea Rogers, Builder of Boats,
2270 U.S. DEPT. OF WAR. A Report of a Survey of Genesee River, the South Shore of Lake Ontario, between the Genesee and Oswego Rivers, and Big Sandy Creek, in the State of New York.
2271 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Annual Report upon the Improvement of Harbors on Lake Ontario East of Oak Orchard, N.Y., and of Certain Rivers and Harbors in Northern New York.
2273 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Charlotte Harbor, N.Y.
2274 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Oak Orchard Harbor,
2275 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Pultneyville Harbor, N.Y.
2276 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Sodus Bay Harbor,
2272 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Charlotte Harbor, N.Y.
2277 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Rochester (Charlotte) Harbor,
2278 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Rochester (Charlotte) Harbor,
2279 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. "Irondequoit Bay."
2280 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Lakes Harbors Study--Interim Report on Rochester Harbor, New York.
2281 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Lakes Harbors Study--Interim Report on Great Sodus Bay, New York.
5549 VIERHILE, ROBERT J., and WILLIAM J. VIERHILE. The Canandaigua Lake Steamboat Era, 1827 to 1935.
2269 YOUNG, ANNA G. Great Lakes' Saga: The Influence of One Family on the Development of Canadian Shipping on the Great Lakes, 1816-1931.

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