Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
340 Historical Sketches of the Village and Township of Gaines.
5398 90th Anniversary, 1859-1949, and Opening of New Banking Rooms, June 1949, Marine Midland Trust Company of Albion.
331 Record of the Orleans County Pioneer Association; Original Minutes, 1858 to 1905.
5931 A Souvenir Book of the Village of Albion, Orleans County, New York.
5935 The Sesquicentennial of the Town of Kendall, 1812-1962.
5936 Little Town on the Towpath; Knowlesville, New York, 1815-1990; Our 175th Anniversary, August 18-19, 1990.
337 ALLEN, HELEN E. "The Jumping Bass of Oak Orchard Creek."
339 CANUTESON, RICHARD L., ed. The Sesquicentennial of the Town of Gaines, Orleans County, State of New York, 1809-1959.
334 CARMER, CARL. "Hometown Revisited."
338 COPELAND, DAVID S. History of Clarendon from 1810 to 1888.
5396 DE FILLIPPS, MARSHA L., comp. Index of Personal Names in Landmarks of Orleans County, New York, by Isaac Signor, 1894.
342 GARDEPE, CAROL DATES, and JANICE DATES REGESTER. A History of the Town of Yates in Orleans County, New York.
5932 GIBSON, IRENE M., comp. Index to David Sturges Copeland's History of Clarendon (New York), 1810-1888.
5397 GINSON, IRENE M. Historic Sites in Orleans County, New York.
5933 ISSELHARD, ALAN J. Images of Clarendon Past.
329 LYNCH, BERNARD, ed. Orleans County History: Past to Present, Bicentennial Year, 1976.
336 MATHES, HELEN. Barre Sesquicentennial, 1818-1968.
330 McINTOSH, W.H. Historical Album of Orleans County, N.Y., with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery … and Portraits of Old Pioneers and Prominent Residents.
5927 O.C.H.A. Chronicle.
5928 PRATT, J. HOWARD. Life on the Ridge.
5929 PRATT, JOHN HOWARD. Saga of the Ridge.
5399 PRATT, JOHN H. Memories of Life on the Ridge: Western New York from the 1890's to the 1920's.
5934 ROBINSON, DELIA. Historic Gaines, 1809-1984.
341 SHELDON, NELLIE M., ed. Marriages, 1826 to 1837, Murray, Orleans County New York
332 SIGNOR, ISAAC S., ed. Landmarks of Orleans County, New York.
5930 SMITH, EVELYN RICH. Name Index to Arad Thomas' 1871 Pioneer History of Orleans County, New York.
333 THOMAS ARAD. Pioneer History of Orleans County, New York ...
335 THOMAS, ARAD. Sketches of the Village of Albion: Containing Incidents of Its History and Progress, from Its First Settlement, and a Statistical Account of Its Trade, Schools, Societies, Manufactures, etc.

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