Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
3616 | Rochester Theological Seminary Bulletin, 69th year, no. 3 (Nov. 1918). "Rauschenbusch Number." | |
3647 | Rise, Progress and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum--Young Men's Association, 1840. | |
3649 | "Industry Moves to the College Campus; Students Erect Their Own Building." | |
3602 | An Offering to the Memory of Abigail Ann Allen by the Ladies' Literary Societies of Alfred University. | |
3612a | FORBES, GRACE MOEHLMAN. Conrad Henry Moehlman: The Man and the Message. | |
3657 | An Outline History of the University of Rochester. | |
6590 | Visions. | |
6594 | The Expanding University. | |
6600 | Educational Buildings. | |
5622 | An Historical Sketch: The Mechanics Institute, 1885- 1891; The | |
5623 | Mechanics Institute. A Thirty-One Year Record, 1885- 1916. | |
5624 | Rochester: Institute of Technology. Still Pioneering After 125 Years of Educational Service. Rochester: | |
3637 | AFRICA, PHILIP A. | Keuka College: A History. |
3601 | ALLEN, JONATHAN. | Allen of Alfred; Some of His Words to Students Which Are as Steady Candles Set in Homeward Windows, ed. E.H. Lewis. |
3610 | BAKER, OREN H., ed. | Albert William Beaven: Pastor,Educator, World Christian. |
3631a | BARTLETT, MURRAY. | "The Story of Geneva College." |
3611 | BEAVEN, ALBERT W. | "The Colgate-Rochester Divinity School." |
5613 | BIELOWICZ, NORMAN. | The Allen Steinheim Museum. |
6591 | BLAIR, HENRY ALEXANDER | A Brief History of the University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project from 1943-1968. |
6593 | BLOCK, IRA, photographer | University of Rochester. |
6612 | BOLGER, STUART | Genesee Country Museum: Scenes of Town & Country in the Nineteenth Century. |
6592 | BRADFORD, WILLIAM LESLIE | As I Remember It; A History of the Pediatric Department. |
3605 | BUTLER, M. ALENE. | A History of the Brockport Collegiate Institute, 1832-1867. |
3638 | CAUDILL ROWLETT SCOTT, architects. | Monroe Community College Campus Plan. |
3612 | COLGATE-ROCHESTER DIVINITY SCHOOL. | The Exercises of Dedication, October 20 and 21, 1932 ... |
3623 | CONGDON, LAFAYETTE. | "The History and Influence of Genesee Weleyan Seminary." |
6582 | CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., compiler. | Vassar College and the Rochester Region. |
5614 | CONNOLLY, BRUCE E. | A History of the Library of the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. |
3673 | CORNER, GEORGE W. | George Hoyt Whipple and His Friends: The Life-Story of a Nobel Prize Pathologist. |
5615 | COTTRELL, HELEN C. | "The Technical Institute, Village of Alfred, 1909." |
5616 | COTTRELL, HELEN C. | "Marriage by Microscope (Dr. Watson's Bee Study). |
3607 | DEDMAN, W. WAYNE. | Cherishing This Heritage: The Centennial History of the State University College at Brockport, New York. |
5620 | DURFEE, WALTER H., and OTTO E. SCHOEN-RENE. | William Smith College, 1908-1958: A History. |
3643 | EDUCATIONAL SURVEY COMMISSION. | Report of the Educational Survey Commission. |
3628 | FISHER, ROSALIND R. | The Stone Strength of the Past: Centennial History of the State University College of Arts and Science at Geneseo, New York. |
6601 | FORD, GEORGE H. | The Koller-Collins Graduate English Center - A History. |
3598 | FRENCH, WILLIAM M. | “How We Began to Train Teachers in New York.” |
6595 | FRIEDLY, JOHN C. | 75 Years of Chemical Engineering at the University of Rochester, 1915-1990. |
6613 | GEHRET, JEANNE. | The Strasenburgh Touch. |
3624 | GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. | Report of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Held at Lima, N.Y., June, 1880. |
3625 | GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. | A Memorial Volume of the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Opening for Academic Instruction of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. |
3599 | GILBERT, AMY M. ACUNY. | The Associated Colleges of Upper New York. |
5621 | GORDON, DANE R. | GORDON, DANE R. Rochester Institute of Technology: Industrial Development and Educational Innovation in an American City. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1982. |
6583 | GRAFFAM, ALAN EDWARD. | On the Persistence of Denominational Evangelical Higher Education: Case Studies in the History of Geneva College, Roberts Wesleyan College, Nyack College and Houghton College. |
6602 | GRINOLS, MARJORIE. | Photographic Memories. |
3650 | HAFFNEY, HUGH J. | The Beginnings of St. John Fisher College ... |
3670 | HANSON, HOWARD. | The Eastman School of Music of the University of Roch ester, Two Decades of Progress; A Tribute to the Alumni. |
3631b | HOBART COLLEGE. | General Catalogue of Officers, Graduates and Students, 1825-1897. |
3632 | HOBART COLLEGE. | The Centennial of Hobart College, 1822-1922. Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary, Tuesday, June 13, 1922. |
3644 | HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. | "History of the Rochester Athen aeum and Mechanics Institute." |
3645 | HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. | Blazing New Trails: The Biography of a Pioneer in Education. |
5617 | HRITZ, ELAINE B. | The First Sixty Years: A History of the State University Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred, 1909-1969. |
3626 | HUMPHREY, INGRAHAM. | The History of Lima Seminary. |
3651 | HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. | Rochester: A Good Town to Live In. |
3613 | KAISER, LAURIE ALLAN. | Response to a Secular Society: A Liberal Seminary Looks at Its Role. |
6614 | KARP, WALTER. | A Fascination with the Commonplace. |
5626 | KELLY, MARIO A. | A Study of Race Relations at University of Rochester. |
3666 | KENDRICK, ASAHEL C. | Martin B. Anderson, L.L.D.: A Biography. |
5627 | KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. | The Institute of Optics: The First Fifty Years, 1929-1979. |
6596 | KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. | The Institute of Optics, 1929-1987. |
6603 | LANE, DAVID M. | Warsaw Public Library. |
6588 | LAWSON, ALEXANDER S. | The School of Printing, Rochester Institute of Technology: The First Half-Century, 1937-1987. |
5628 | LENTI, VINCENT A. | For the Enrichment of Community Life: The Opening of the Eastman Theatre in 1922. |
5629 | LENTI, VINCENT A. | Historical Origins of the Eastman School of Music. |
6615 | LEON, WARREN. | The Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum: A Review. |
6616 | LYONS, CHUCK. | Go to Jail. |
6617 | LYONS, CHUCK. | Handsome Homestead. |
6618 | LYONS, CHUCK. | Shelves Stocked with Memories. |
6589 | LYONS, CHUCK. | Playing with Feeling. |
6604 | MANN, ALFRED, ed. | Modern Music Librarianship; Essays in Honor of Ruth Watanabe. |
3653 | MAY, ARTHUR. J. | "Rochester Plans a College--1844." |
3654 | MAY, ARTHUR. J. | "A University Dream that Failed." |
3655 | MAY, ARTHUR. J. | "Oak Hill Becomes the River Campus." |
3656 | MAY, ARTHUR. J. | A History of the University of Rochester, 1850-1962, ed. Lawrence E. Klein. |
6598 | MCCLURE, LUCRETIA. | History of Medicine Museum, a Tribute to Dr. Whipple. |
3652 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Professors Make Good Citizens. |
6584 | MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. | Ecumenism and the Rochester Center for Theological Studies. |
3633 | MKUNI, FESTUS BANDA. | "Some Letters of Festus Mkuni, an African Student at Hobart College, 1961-1964." |
6609 | MOAG, IMOGENE. | Covington Historical Society's 25th Anniversary. |
5618 | MOORE, LEROY, JR. | "The Rise of American Religious Liberalism at the Rochester: Theological Seminary, 1872-1928." |
6605 | MUELLER, DONNA. | Inside a Musical Treasure Chest. |
6610 | MURPHY, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard. | Attica Historical Society. |
3608 | N.Y. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. BROCKPORT. | Semicentennial. Brockport: 1917. 123 pp. Supplement, 1917-1922. |
3604 | NORWOOD, JOHN N. | Fiat Lux: The Story of Alfred University with Its Constituent and Affiliated Schools. |
3603 | NORWOOD, JOHN N. | 50 Years of Ceramic Education: New York State College of Ceramics, A Unit of the State University of New York at Alfred University. |
3646 | O'REILLY, HENRY. | A Brief Report on the Rise, Progress, and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum-Young Men's Association. |
3667 | PARKMAN, AUBREY. | "President Hill and the Sectarian Challenge at the U. of R." |
3668 | PARKMAN, AUBREY. | David Jayne Hill and the Problem of World Peace. |
6606 | PECK, RUSSELL. | The Robbins Library. |
3658 | PERKINS, DEXTER. | "The University of Rochester: Its Place in the Civic Century." |
3659 | PERKINS, DEXTER. | Yield of the Years: An Autobiography. |
3622 | PETERS, DAVID E. | The Founding of Genesee Community College. |
6619 | PETERSON, SUSAN. | The House that George Built. |
6587 | PFOUTS, NEIL EDWARD. | A History of Roberts Wesleyan College. |
6597 | POLKINGHORNE, J. C. | Rochester Roundabout: The Story of High Energy Physics. |
3614 | RAMAKER, ALBERT J. | "The Story of the German Department." |
6620 | RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. | Celebrating a Decade of Success. |
3615 | RAUSCHENBUSCH, AUGUST. | Leben and Wirken von August Rauschenbusch, Pro-fessor am theologischen Seminar zu Rochester in Nordamerka .. ..., ed. Walter Rauschenbusch. |
3627 | REEVES, FLOYD W., and others. | Report of a Survey of Gensee Wesleyan Seminary and Fifteen Other Secondary Schools Affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. |
3671 | RIKER, CHARLES C. | The Eastman School of Music: Its First Quarter Century, 1921-1946. |
6611 | ROBINSON, DELIA. | To Preserve and Educate: The First Twenty-five Years of the Cobblestone Society and Museum. |
3648 | ROCHESTER ATHENAEUM & MECHANICS INSTITUTE. | Forty-One Years, 1885-1926: An Historical Resume of the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute. |
3639 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | Report Providing Background Information on the Question of a Community College for Monroe County. |
3640 | ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. | A Community College for Monroe County: Review of Suggested Plans. |
3641 | ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. | A Catalog Commemorating the 70th Anni-versary of the Founding of Rochester Business Institute & School of Business Administration. |
3642 | ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. | One Hundredth Anniversary, R.B.I.: The Proof of One Century, the Vision of Another, 1863-1963. |
3617 | ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. | Das theologische Seminar der deutschen Baptisten (The German Department of Rochester Theological Seminary), |
3630 | ROHRBACH, JOHN. | "History of the Geneseo State Normal School." |
3674 | ROMANO, JOHN, ed. | To Each His Farthest Star: A Book of Essays Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University of Rochester Medical Center, 1925-1975. |
6621 | ROSE, RICHARD. | The Morgan Collection at the Rochester Museum and Science Center. |
3660 | ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. | Rochester and Colgate: Historical Backgrounds of the Two Universities. |
3661 | ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. | Rochester: The Making of a University. |
6607 | ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. | The Role of the Library - Public Service. |
3618 | SAVAGE, DORIS M. | "The Rochester Theological Seminary in, the Old United States Hotel." |
3619 | SHARPE, DORES ROBINSON. | Walter Rauschenbusch. |
3669 | SLATER, JOHN R. | Rhees of Rochester. |
3662 | SLATER, JOHN R. | "The First Hundred Years of the University of Rochester." |
3634 | SMITH, F. WILSON. | "Benjamin Hale--Educator of Geneva College." |
3600 | SMITH, HARRY P. | The Emergency Collegiate Centers of Central New York. |
3635 | SMITH, WARREN H. | Hobart and William Smith: The History of Two Colleges. |
3620 | SPIELMANN, RICHARD M. | Bexley Hall: 150 Years, a Brief History, |
3621 | STRONG, ALVAH. | Autobiography of Alvah Strong, July 18, 1809-April 20, 1885. |
5619 | STRONG, AUGUSTUS H. | Historical Discourse Delivered as a Part of the Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the |
6607a | STUHLMAN, RACHEL. | It Isn't Sanity, but It Sure Is Fun. |
5625 | TAYLOR, GLADYS M., comp. | A Bibliography of Institute History, Rochester: Institute of Technology. |
3629 | The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary. Geneseo: 1921. 116 pp. (School yearbook.) | The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary. |
3636 | TURK, MILTON H. | Hobart: The Story of a Hundred Years, 1822-1922. |
3672 | UNIVERSITY CF ROCHESTER. Eastman School of Music. | The Golden 20's Gala in Honor of George Eastman and the 50th Anniversary of the Eastman Theatre and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. |
3675 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. | The First Decade: The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1926-1936. |
3676 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. | The Quarter Century: A Review of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1925-1950. School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal Hospital. |
3677 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. | Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, Department of Psychiatry., 1946 1971. |
3663 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | General Catalogue of the University of Rochester, 1850-1928. |
3664 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | The University of Rochester: The First Hundred Years: Centennial Issue of the Alumni-Alumnae Review Commemorating the University's One Hundredth Anniversary. |
3665 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | Alumni Director, 125th Anniversary Edition, 1975. |
6599 | WAGNER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN COLLEGE. | The Wagnerian, Published Under the Auspices of the Class of Nineteen Eighteen of Wagner Memorial Lutheran College, Rochester, New York. |
3631 | WARD, FERDINAND DE W. | Geneseo Academy: Historical Sketch ... |
6608 | WATANABE, RUTH T. | The Sibley Music Library: A World Collection. |
3678 | WHIPPLE, GEORGE H. | Planning and Construction Period of the School and Hospitals, 1921-1925; School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal. Hospital. |
6585 | WHITE, CHRISTOPHER. | Our Classroom Is the Whole Outdoors. |
3609 | WILBUR, STEPHEN D. | "Random Data on the Cost of Education in a New York Normal School in 1869; Selected from the Diary of Stephen D. Wilbur." |
6586 | WING, RICHARD LEWIS. | Ingham University, 1857-1892; An Exploration of the Life and Death of an Early Institution of Higher Education for Women. |
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