Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3616 Rochester Theological Seminary Bulletin, 69th year, no. 3 (Nov. 1918). "Rauschenbusch Number."
3647 Rise, Progress and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum--Young Men's Association, 1840.
3649 "Industry Moves to the College Campus; Students Erect Their Own Building."
3602 An Offering to the Memory of Abigail Ann Allen by the Ladies' Literary Societies of Alfred University.
3612a FORBES, GRACE MOEHLMAN. Conrad Henry Moehlman: The Man and the Message.
3657 An Outline History of the University of Rochester.
6590 Visions.
6594 The Expanding University.
6600 Educational Buildings.
5622 An Historical Sketch: The Mechanics Institute, 1885- 1891; The
5623 Mechanics Institute. A Thirty-One Year Record, 1885- 1916.
5624 Rochester: Institute of Technology. Still Pioneering After 125 Years of Educational Service. Rochester:
3637 AFRICA, PHILIP A. Keuka College: A History.
3601 ALLEN, JONATHAN. Allen of Alfred; Some of His Words to Students Which Are as Steady Candles Set in Homeward Windows, ed. E.H. Lewis.
3610 BAKER, OREN H., ed. Albert William Beaven: Pastor,Educator, World Christian.
3631a BARTLETT, MURRAY. "The Story of Geneva College."
3611 BEAVEN, ALBERT W. "The Colgate-Rochester Divinity School."
5613 BIELOWICZ, NORMAN. The Allen Steinheim Museum.
6591 BLAIR, HENRY ALEXANDER A Brief History of the University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project from 1943-1968.
6593 BLOCK, IRA, photographer University of Rochester.
6612 BOLGER, STUART Genesee Country Museum: Scenes of Town & Country in the Nineteenth Century.
6592 BRADFORD, WILLIAM LESLIE As I Remember It; A History of the Pediatric Department.
3605 BUTLER, M. ALENE. A History of the Brockport Collegiate Institute, 1832-1867.
3638 CAUDILL ROWLETT SCOTT, architects. Monroe Community College Campus Plan.
3612 COLGATE-ROCHESTER DIVINITY SCHOOL. The Exercises of Dedication, October 20 and 21, 1932 ...
3623 CONGDON, LAFAYETTE. "The History and Influence of Genesee Weleyan Seminary."
6582 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., compiler. Vassar College and the Rochester Region.
5614 CONNOLLY, BRUCE E. A History of the Library of the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.
3673 CORNER, GEORGE W. George Hoyt Whipple and His Friends: The Life-Story of a Nobel Prize Pathologist.
5615 COTTRELL, HELEN C. "The Technical Institute, Village of Alfred, 1909."
5616 COTTRELL, HELEN C. "Marriage by Microscope (Dr. Watson's Bee Study).
3607 DEDMAN, W. WAYNE. Cherishing This Heritage: The Centennial History of the State University College at Brockport, New York.
5620 DURFEE, WALTER H., and OTTO E. SCHOEN-RENE. William Smith College, 1908-1958: A History.
3643 EDUCATIONAL SURVEY COMMISSION. Report of the Educational Survey Commission.
3628 FISHER, ROSALIND R. The Stone Strength of the Past: Centennial History of the State University College of Arts and Science at Geneseo, New York.
6601 FORD, GEORGE H. The Koller-Collins Graduate English Center - A History.
3598 FRENCH, WILLIAM M. “How We Began to Train Teachers in New York.”
6595 FRIEDLY, JOHN C. 75 Years of Chemical Engineering at the University of Rochester, 1915-1990.
6613 GEHRET, JEANNE. The Strasenburgh Touch.
3624 GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. Report of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Held at Lima, N.Y., June, 1880.
3625 GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. A Memorial Volume of the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Opening for Academic Instruction of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary.
3599 GILBERT, AMY M. ACUNY. The Associated Colleges of Upper New York.
5621 GORDON, DANE R. GORDON, DANE R. Rochester Institute of Technology: Industrial Development and Educational Innovation in an American City. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1982.
6583 GRAFFAM, ALAN EDWARD. On the Persistence of Denominational Evangelical Higher Education: Case Studies in the History of Geneva College, Roberts Wesleyan College, Nyack College and Houghton College.
6602 GRINOLS, MARJORIE. Photographic Memories.
3650 HAFFNEY, HUGH J. The Beginnings of St. John Fisher College ...
3670 HANSON, HOWARD. The Eastman School of Music of the University of Roch ester, Two Decades of Progress; A Tribute to the Alumni.
3631b HOBART COLLEGE. General Catalogue of Officers, Graduates and Students, 1825-1897.
3632 HOBART COLLEGE. The Centennial of Hobart College, 1822-1922. Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary, Tuesday, June 13, 1922.
3644 HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. "History of the Rochester Athen aeum and Mechanics Institute."
3645 HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. Blazing New Trails: The Biography of a Pioneer in Education.
5617 HRITZ, ELAINE B. The First Sixty Years: A History of the State University Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred, 1909-1969.
3626 HUMPHREY, INGRAHAM. The History of Lima Seminary.
3651 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Rochester: A Good Town to Live In.
3613 KAISER, LAURIE ALLAN. Response to a Secular Society: A Liberal Seminary Looks at Its Role.
6614 KARP, WALTER. A Fascination with the Commonplace.
5626 KELLY, MARIO A. A Study of Race Relations at University of Rochester.
3666 KENDRICK, ASAHEL C. Martin B. Anderson, L.L.D.: A Biography.
5627 KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. The Institute of Optics: The First Fifty Years, 1929-1979.
6596 KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. The Institute of Optics, 1929-1987.
6603 LANE, DAVID M. Warsaw Public Library.
6588 LAWSON, ALEXANDER S. The School of Printing, Rochester Institute of Technology: The First Half-Century, 1937-1987.
5628 LENTI, VINCENT A. For the Enrichment of Community Life: The Opening of the Eastman Theatre in 1922.
5629 LENTI, VINCENT A. Historical Origins of the Eastman School of Music.
6615 LEON, WARREN. The Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum: A Review.
6616 LYONS, CHUCK. Go to Jail.
6617 LYONS, CHUCK. Handsome Homestead.
6618 LYONS, CHUCK. Shelves Stocked with Memories.
6589 LYONS, CHUCK. Playing with Feeling.
6604 MANN, ALFRED, ed. Modern Music Librarianship; Essays in Honor of Ruth Watanabe.
3653 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "Rochester Plans a College--1844."
3654 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "A University Dream that Failed."
3655 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "Oak Hill Becomes the River Campus."
3656 MAY, ARTHUR. J. A History of the University of Rochester, 1850-1962, ed. Lawrence E. Klein.
6598 MCCLURE, LUCRETIA. History of Medicine Museum, a Tribute to Dr. Whipple.
3652 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Professors Make Good Citizens.
6584 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. Ecumenism and the Rochester Center for Theological Studies.
3633 MKUNI, FESTUS BANDA. "Some Letters of Festus Mkuni, an African Student at Hobart College, 1961-1964."
6609 MOAG, IMOGENE. Covington Historical Society's 25th Anniversary.
5618 MOORE, LEROY, JR. "The Rise of American Religious Liberalism at the Rochester: Theological Seminary, 1872-1928."
6605 MUELLER, DONNA. Inside a Musical Treasure Chest.
6610 MURPHY, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard. Attica Historical Society.
3608 N.Y. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. BROCKPORT. Semicentennial. Brockport: 1917. 123 pp. Supplement, 1917-1922.
3604 NORWOOD, JOHN N. Fiat Lux: The Story of Alfred University with Its Constituent and Affiliated Schools.
3603 NORWOOD, JOHN N. 50 Years of Ceramic Education: New York State College of Ceramics, A Unit of the State University of New York at Alfred University.
3646 O'REILLY, HENRY. A Brief Report on the Rise, Progress, and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum-Young Men's Association.
3667 PARKMAN, AUBREY. "President Hill and the Sectarian Challenge at the U. of R."
3668 PARKMAN, AUBREY. David Jayne Hill and the Problem of World Peace.
6606 PECK, RUSSELL. The Robbins Library.
3658 PERKINS, DEXTER. "The University of Rochester: Its Place in the Civic Century."
3659 PERKINS, DEXTER. Yield of the Years: An Autobiography.
3622 PETERS, DAVID E. The Founding of Genesee Community College.
6619 PETERSON, SUSAN. The House that George Built.
6587 PFOUTS, NEIL EDWARD. A History of Roberts Wesleyan College.
6597 POLKINGHORNE, J. C. Rochester Roundabout: The Story of High Energy Physics.
3614 RAMAKER, ALBERT J. "The Story of the German Department."
6620 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Celebrating a Decade of Success.
3615 RAUSCHENBUSCH, AUGUST. Leben and Wirken von August Rauschenbusch, Pro-fessor am theologischen Seminar zu Rochester in Nordamerka .. ..., ed. Walter Rauschenbusch.
3627 REEVES, FLOYD W., and others. Report of a Survey of Gensee Wesleyan Seminary and Fifteen Other Secondary Schools Affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church.
3671 RIKER, CHARLES C. The Eastman School of Music: Its First Quarter Century, 1921-1946.
6611 ROBINSON, DELIA. To Preserve and Educate: The First Twenty-five Years of the Cobblestone Society and Museum.
3648 ROCHESTER ATHENAEUM & MECHANICS INSTITUTE. Forty-One Years, 1885-1926: An Historical Resume of the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute.
3639 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report Providing Background Information on the Question of a Community College for Monroe County.
3640 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Community College for Monroe County: Review of Suggested Plans.
3641 ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. A Catalog Commemorating the 70th Anni-versary of the Founding of Rochester Business Institute & School of Business Administration.
3642 ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. One Hundredth Anniversary, R.B.I.: The Proof of One Century, the Vision of Another, 1863-1963.
3617 ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Das theologische Seminar der deutschen Baptisten (The German Department of Rochester Theological Seminary),
3630 ROHRBACH, JOHN. "History of the Geneseo State Normal School."
3674 ROMANO, JOHN, ed. To Each His Farthest Star: A Book of Essays Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University of Rochester Medical Center, 1925-1975.
6621 ROSE, RICHARD. The Morgan Collection at the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
3660 ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. Rochester and Colgate: Historical Backgrounds of the Two Universities.
3661 ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. Rochester: The Making of a University.
6607 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. The Role of the Library - Public Service.
3618 SAVAGE, DORIS M. "The Rochester Theological Seminary in, the Old United States Hotel."
3619 SHARPE, DORES ROBINSON. Walter Rauschenbusch.
3669 SLATER, JOHN R. Rhees of Rochester.
3662 SLATER, JOHN R. "The First Hundred Years of the University of Rochester."
3634 SMITH, F. WILSON. "Benjamin Hale--Educator of Geneva College."
3600 SMITH, HARRY P. The Emergency Collegiate Centers of Central New York.
3635 SMITH, WARREN H. Hobart and William Smith: The History of Two Colleges.
3620 SPIELMANN, RICHARD M. Bexley Hall: 150 Years, a Brief History,
3621 STRONG, ALVAH. Autobiography of Alvah Strong, July 18, 1809-April 20, 1885.
5619 STRONG, AUGUSTUS H. Historical Discourse Delivered as a Part of the Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the
6607a STUHLMAN, RACHEL. It Isn't Sanity, but It Sure Is Fun.
5625 TAYLOR, GLADYS M., comp. A Bibliography of Institute History, Rochester: Institute of Technology.
3629 The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary. Geneseo: 1921. 116 pp. (School yearbook.) The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary.
3636 TURK, MILTON H. Hobart: The Story of a Hundred Years, 1822-1922.
3672 UNIVERSITY CF ROCHESTER. Eastman School of Music. The Golden 20's Gala in Honor of George Eastman and the 50th Anniversary of the Eastman Theatre and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra.
3675 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. The First Decade: The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1926-1936.
3676 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. The Quarter Century: A Review of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1925-1950. School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal Hospital.
3677 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, Department of Psychiatry., 1946 1971.
3663 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. General Catalogue of the University of Rochester, 1850-1928.
3664 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. The University of Rochester: The First Hundred Years: Centennial Issue of the Alumni-Alumnae Review Commemorating the University's One Hundredth Anniversary.
3665 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Alumni Director, 125th Anniversary Edition, 1975.
6599 WAGNER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN COLLEGE. The Wagnerian, Published Under the Auspices of the Class of Nineteen Eighteen of Wagner Memorial Lutheran College, Rochester, New York.
3631 WARD, FERDINAND DE W. Geneseo Academy: Historical Sketch ...
6608 WATANABE, RUTH T. The Sibley Music Library: A World Collection.
3678 WHIPPLE, GEORGE H. Planning and Construction Period of the School and Hospitals, 1921-1925; School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal. Hospital.
6585 WHITE, CHRISTOPHER. Our Classroom Is the Whole Outdoors.
3609 WILBUR, STEPHEN D. "Random Data on the Cost of Education in a New York Normal School in 1869; Selected from the Diary of Stephen D. Wilbur."
6586 WING, RICHARD LEWIS. Ingham University, 1857-1892; An Exploration of the Life and Death of an Early Institution of Higher Education for Women.

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