Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3288 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. The Membership of Farmers in New York Organizations.”
3289 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. “The Composition of Rural Households.”
3290 BARTLETT, R.W. “The Organization and Development of Cooperative Fire Insurance Companies in New York.”
3291 BOOTH, J.F. “Farmers' Cooperative Business Organizations in New York.”
3292 DORN, HAROLD F. “711e Social and Economic Areas of Yates County, New York.”
3293 ELLIOTT, CHARLES H., JR. “The Changing Farm Housing Inventory.”
3294 GARVER, JOHN B. “The Geography of Poverty in New York State; A Selective Analysis.”
3295 HARPER, F. A. “Cooperative Purchasing and Marketing Organizations in New York State.”
3296 HOFSOMMER, HAROLD C. “Relation of Cities and Larger Villages to Changes in Rural Trade and Social. Areas in Wayne County, New York.”
3297 MELVIN, BRUCE L. “Village Service Agencies, New York, 1925.”
3298 MOWERY, ELIZABETH B. The Community as a Context for the Development of Housing: A Study of Orleans County, New York.
3299 SANDERSON, DWIGHT. “Rural Social and Economic Areas in Central New York.”
3300 SPENCER, LELAND. “An Economic Study of Rural Store Credit in New York.”
3301 TAYLOR, EDWARD A. “The Relationship of the Open-Country Population of Genesee County, New York, to Villages and Cities.”
3302 THURLOW, MILDRED B. “Interests, Activities, and Problems of Rural Young Folk. I: Women 15 to 29 Years of Age.” ; “II. Men 15 to 29 Years of Age,” by W. A. Anderson and Willis Kerns.
3303 WARREN, ROLAND L. “Old Age in a Rural. Township,” pp. 155-66 in Age Is No Barrier, Report of the N.Y. State Joint Legislative Commission on Problems of Aging. (N.Y. Legislative Document no. 35, 1952)
3304 WAYNE COUNTY ACTION PROGRAM. Fifteen Thousand Challenges: A Study of the Under-Privileged in Wayne County.
3305 YOUNG, E.C. “The Movement of Farm Population.”

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