Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
4210 Lutheran Concordia Church, 1877-1952.
4211 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Peace, Rochester, N.Y., 1890-1940.
4217 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1868-1968.
4207 Fiftieth Anniversary, Christ Lutheran Church ...
4208 The Lutheran Concordia Church, Rochester, New York. Fiftieth Anniversary ... 1927.
4205 75th Anniversary, 1874-1949, St. John's Lutheran Church, Hamlin, N.Y.
4206 Ninetieth Anniversary, 1874-1964, St. John's Lutheran Church, Hamlin, New York,
4213 75th Anniversary, Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation, Rochester, N.Y., 1868-1943.
4214 Golden Anniversary, 1898-1948, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rochester, N.Y.
4209 The Lutheran Concordia Church, Rochester, N.Y., 1877-1937. The Sixtieth Anniversary and Rededication ...
4204 St. Paul's United Lutheran Church, 1809-1959,
5697 History and Golden Jubilee Services, Zion Lutheran Church ... Geneva, New York.
5698 The Sixtieth Anniversary of Zion Lutheran Church. Geneva, New York, 1899-1959.
4215 FINK, J. RUSSELL. A History of Zion Lutheran Church, Rochester, New York, 1836-1961.
4198 KOSBAB, CHARLES W., comp. The Rochester Lutheran Conference of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and New England the United Lutheran Church of America, 1809-1962.
4199 KREIDER, HENRY J. History of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and New England, Vol. I: 1786-1860.
4216 KRUMWIEDE, WALTER. Zion Lutheran Church Centennial, 1836-1936.
4203 NICUM, J. Geschichte des evangelisch-lutherischen Ministeriums vom Staate New York und angrenzenden Staaten und Landern.
4218 St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Congregation. 1958.
4212 STACKEL, RUTH E. The Story of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation.
4200 STROBEL, P.A., comp. Memorial Volume to Commemorate the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Hartwick Lutheran Synod, of the State of New York. Containing the Historical Address, Written by Rev. P.A. Strobel ..., A List of All the Ministers Who Have Belonged to the Synod, Sketches of Many of the Churches, Brief Biographies of Some of the Pastors, and a Sketch of Hartwick Seminary.
4201 TREXLER, SAMUEL. Crusaders of the Twentieth Century: A Lutheran Story in the Empire State.
4202 WIEDERAENDERS, ROBERT C., and WALTER G. TILLMANNS. The Synods of American Lutheranism.

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