Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
1122 | Reaction to Federal Assistance Programs Informational Conference... | |
1120 | Directorio hispano. | |
1089 | SPLIBS: Sources, People, Life in Black Society: A Guide to the Black Community of Rochester, New York. | |
1080 | ACTION FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY and URBAN LEAGUE. | The Market Research Project, July-September, 1971. |
1110 | BLEGEN, THEODORE C. | Norwegian Migration to America, 1825-1860. |
1111 | BLEGEN, THEODORE C., ed. | Land of Their Choice: The Immigrants Write Home. |
1127 | BRATUSH, JAMES D. | A Historical Documentary of the Ukrainian Community or Rochester, New York, trans. Anastasia Smerychynska. |
5461 | BRIGGS, JOHN W. | An Italian Passage: Immigrants to Three American Cities, 1890-1930. |
1071 | BRONSON, WILLIAM. | "Pioneer History of Clinton County." |
1112 | CANUTESON, RICHARD. | "A Little More Light en the Kendall Colony" |
1113 | CANUTESON, RICHARD. | "The Kendall Settlement Survived." |
1083 | CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE U.S.A. | Rochester Business Opportunities Corporation Helps Ghetto Dwellers Own Businesses. |
1081 | COLES, HOWARD W. | City Directory of Negro Business and Progress, 1939-40. |
1082 | COLES, HOWARD W. | The Cradle of Freedom: A History of the Negro in Rochester, Western New York and Canada. |
1103 | CROSS, FLORENCE L. | "Living Conditions among the Italian Laborers." |
1100 | DOUGLASS, HARRY S. | "Erin's Sons in Java." |
1101 | DOWLING, KATHERINE J. | "Dublin." |
1072 | ELLIS, DAVID M. | "The Yankee Invasion of New York, 1783-1850." |
1095 | ESPENSCHEID, L. | "Seidler in Wayne County, New York aus der Rheinland." |
5462 | FINKS, P. DAVID. | Crisis in Smugtown: A Study of Conflict, Churches, and Citizen Organizations in Rochester, New York 1964-1969. |
1073 | FOX, DIXON R. | Yankees and Yorkers. |
1128 | FOX, FLORENCE. M. | "Territorial and Occupational Mobility of the Ukrainians of Rochester, N.Y." |
1074 | FULLER, GEORGE N. | Economic and Social Beginnings of Michigan: A Study of the Settlement of the Lower Peninsula during the Territorial Period., 1805-1837. |
1075 | GASTIL, RAYMOND D. | Cultural Regions of the United States. |
1067 | GRAHAM, TODD T. | Ethnic Concentrations and Socio-Political Patterns of Syracuse and Rochester, New York, 1946-1962. |
1094 | HANEY, Mrs. Ellery A. | "The Dutch in Rochester." |
1129 | HAWRYLAK, WALTER. | Free Cossacks; Anniversary Jubilee Book of the Ukrainian Civic Center, Rochester, New York. |
1084 | HAWRYLUK, ALEXANDER. | Friends of Fight: A Study of a Militant Civil Rights Organization. |
1116 | HENDRICKSON, CATHERINE HARDING. | Continuity and. Change in Two Rochester Neighborhoods, 1890-1958. |
1109 | JOHNSON, HERBERT E. | "50 Years of County Extension Service." |
1104 | KEENE, RUTH N. | Acculturation of the First and Second Generation Italians in Rochester, New York. |
1105 | LANNI, CLEMENT G. | "The History of the Italians of Rochester from 1876 to 1926." |
1085 | LESTER, CAROLINE F. | "Negro Residents of Seneca. Falls in Bygone Days." |
1117 | LYON, NORMAN T. | History of the Polish People in Rochester. |
1068 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Rochester's Ethnic Transformations. |
1102 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | The Irish in Rochester: An Historical Retrospect. |
1096 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | The Germans in Rochester: Their Traditions and Contributions. |
1106 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | The Italians of Rochester: An Historical Review. |
1086 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Lights and Shadows in Local Negro History. RH, 21, no. 4 (Oct. 1959), l-27. |
1069 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | “Rochester's Near Northeast.” |
1107 | MIKOLJI, BORIS H. | "Ethnic Groups in America: The Italians of Rochester" |
1070 | MIKOLJI, BORRIS H. | Race Nationality, and Politics in an Urban Community. |
1121 | N.Y. Division of Human Rights. | Puerto Ricans in New York State ... 1960-1969. |
1087 | N.Y. State Commission against Discrimination. | Negroes in Five New York Cities: A Study of Problems, Achievements and Trends. |
1097 | PFAFFLIN, HERMANN. | Das Deutschthum Rochester's, Historische Skizze |
1098 | PFAFFLIN, HERMANN. | Hundertjahrige Gesehichte des Deutschtums von Rochester. |
1114 | QUALEY, CARLTON C. | Norwegian Settlement in the United States. |
1099 | RAMAKER, ALBERT J. | "Contributions of the German People to the Life and Progress of Rochester." |
1088 | ROCHESTER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CORP. | Black Business Directory: Greater Metropolitan Area. |
1123 | ROCHESTER. | City School District. The Puerto Rican in the Rochester Public Schools: A Report to the Superintendent. |
1076 | ROOD, ELLIOT S. | The Genesee Country, 1788-1811; Perceptual Framework of Residents and Non-Residents. |
1115 | ROSDAIL, J. HART. | The Sloopers: Their Ancestry and Posterity; The Story of the People on the Norwegian Mayflower--The Sloop, "Restoration." |
1077 | ROSENBERRY, LOIS MATHEWS. | The Expansion of New England: The Spread of New England Settlement and Institutions to the Mississippi River, 1620-1865. |
1124 | RUIZ-TORRES, EDME V. | An Analysis of Social Disorganization among a Group of Puerto Rican Migrants to Rochester, New York. |
1108 | S----, A., of Rochester. | "My Experiences as an Immigrant," |
1125 | SAVAGE, VIRGINIA A. | Incidence of Lexical Change in a Language Community in Transition. |
1078 | SHEAR, HAZEL M. | "Settlers from Vermont." |
1079 | STEVENS, J. HAROLD. | "The Influence of New England in Michigan." |
1090 | STEWARD, AUSTIN. | Twenty-Two Years a Slave and Forty Years a Freeman ... |
1091 | STONE, DESMOND, and PETER BEHR. | Race Relations '67; Where Do We Stand? |
1126 | TRICE, FRANCIS L. | Anglicismos en el Espanol puertoriqueno de Rochester, New York. |
1092 | TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND. CDC's. | New Hope for the Inner City; Report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Community Development Corporations. |
1119 | VIERA, DAVID J. | The Portuguese of Rochester and Monroe County, New York. |
1118 | WHEATON, M. HYLAS. | "A Survey of Rochester's Polish-Town." |
1093 | WHITAKER, ARTHUR L. | "Anatomy of a Riot!" |
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