Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
1833 | "Notes on the Early History of the Industries of Rochester: Filing Systems." | |
1829 | Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc.: Its History, Reorganization and Plans for the Future. | |
1823 | "100 Years of the S.B. Roby Company, | |
1824 | "Organization Grows from One Man, One Van." | |
1825 | "The Need Was There-Rumrill Filled It." | |
1826 | "Rochester Family Business Carries Out American Spirit of Free Enterprise." | |
1821 | "Pfaudler Permutit: 75 Years of Progress," GRC, Nov. 1959, pp. 6-7. | |
1817 | "John Luther & Sons Co., 1865-1965." | |
1819 | "Monroe Tree and Landscape--A Growing Concern." | |
1835 | "Yawman & Erbe Mark 90 Years." | |
1832 | "The Will Corporation." | |
1812 | "General Railway Signal Marks 50th Anniversary." | |
1818 | MONROE ABSTRACT & TITLE CORP. 40th Year with Monroe Abstract and Title Corporation ... | |
1813 | "The Gottry Story." | |
1814 | "Harper Method of Rochester Celebrates Diamond Anniversary." | |
1816 | "Rochester Building Firm Observes Ninetieth Birthday." | |
1807 | "Twenty-Five Years in a Vacuum." | |
1808 | "Crossman Celebrates 50th Year of Recreational Gun Leadership." | |
1809 | "3 Generations of Service: Doyle Detective." | |
1810 | "GM DuBois Celebrates 75th Anniversary." | |
1830 | GRESHAM, HENRY L. | "Ward's Natural Science Establishment: A Century of Service to Biology and Geology." |
1827 | HARRISON, EDWARD P. | "The Strasenburgh Laboratories." |
1828 | JENNINGS, FREDERICK H. | "The Pharmaceutical House that Vision Built." |
1822 | KAIDY, MITCH. | "John B. Pike & Son, Inc. Celebrates 100th Anniversary." |
1811 | KAIDY, MITCH. | "100th Anniversary, A. Friederich & Son Co." |
1820 | PFAUDLER CO. | Pfaudler Panorama. |
1815 | PORTER, PATRICK G. | "Origins of the American Tobacco Company." |
1831 | TRIMM, H. WAYNE. | "Ward's--Crossroads of Natural Sciences." |
1834 | WERNER, GEORGE H. | "From Twenty Feet to Twenty Acres." |
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