Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
6061 A List of Warsaw Residents.
6059 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Warsaw's Places of Public Accommodation.
6057 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Once Stood Chace's Mill....
6058 BISHOP, LEWIS H. `Ringing Through the Valley'; Tower Clocks and Bells of Warsaw.
6055 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Elbert Eli Farman.
6056 BISHOP, LEWIS H., and ANITA RIPSTEIN The Frank Family of Warsaw.
6060 CAHILL, EMMETT. The Shipmans of Warsaw.
6062 MILLAR, MELVILLE B. Liberty Street.
6063 SPENCER, NORMA C. The Hamlet of Oatka, History of Settlement and Oatka Baptist Church.
6064 VOGEL, MARGE. Warsaw's Dangerous Hill.
6065 YOUNGERS, LILLIAN. The Village of Warsaw...As I Remember.

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